4 THE OSHAWA TIMPS, Sefurday, December 14, 1963 REVIEW OF WEEK'S NEWS Death, Despair, Hope Themes In Headlines Be JiM PEACOCK Canadian Press Staff Writer Sinatra ransom $240,000 Kenya now independent Land swallows up four 4 kidnapping. independence another African nation, a and movement that swai owed four in Quebec, Arab- Israeli differences, a bombing incident in Aden and the de cision of a U.S. auto maker to move operations to Canada news headlines this for caught week Frank Sinatra. Jt old son of the famed and wealthy crooner-actor Frank Sr was kidnapped at gun point from his mote! room on California-Nevada border he was to 20 Tahoe 19-year before at_ a Lake inday mght y-four hours spread search in late fter ov nour n al 4 Where was pidneapped and an anx wait by his 46 the young Si released near the mother in Be geles suburb ia eacold jathel naira home of his a plush Los Ar His father, handling negot auions himself by phone wit the gang of kidnappers, had arranged a ransom payoff of $240.000. in bills of denomina tions ranging from $5 to $100 was The young Sinatra said later he was scared but treated we throughout his ordeal. Then he and family, at FBI request, refused further com menf. The FBI worked in secret throughout the week seeking the kidnappers. su at large. with the money Fr das KENYA INDEPENDENT 250,000 cheer Britain's the docu the ent up 1 Nairob Prince 4 crowd of a tremendous Thursday as Philip handed over ments of Kenyan. independ ence to Premier Jomi Ker vatta in a ceremony in the new. Independence Stadium Kenyatta, one leader of the Mau Mau fight against British in the African natior accepted the documents end ing 68 vears of British colonia and said This is Kenya's and the happiest in m the rule greatest day fe FOUR SWALLOWED About supper time Wednes day: the tiny fishing commu nity of St. Joachim de Tou elle. 275 miles northeast Quebec City, was shocked and shaken by a sudden landslide that opened a great hole in the earth Four Therrien brothers Johnny, 82, Raymond, 28, Ber oit, 22. and Onesime, 20--died when their truck crashed into the muddy slimy Three houses disappeared into the pit. Four others arried along Tourelle Creek into the St. Lawrence River and two more were lost in the hole 12 hours later when. an other land movement ot curred A 50-foot highwas bridge was away and authorities said 52. persons were homeless $150,000 of pit were swept Damage to falled ! to The ARAB DIFFICULTIES An Arab boycott of Israe spilled into Britain with harsh results, the British govern ment télling Arab ambassa dorsiit strongly disapproves of pressure from any source on British firms to discriminate between British subjects for any reason The United Kingdom protest came as a result of the resig njtion--under Arab pressure -of Lord Mancroft, a Jewis! peer, from his post with a big British insurance company The company offered Tuesday reinstate Lord Mancroft but he rejected the offer BOMB BLAST A state of emerg South Arabia. Federation sulted Wednesday from a bombing at Aden. Airport which a woman was. killed and 39 persons were injured bomber's tdrget appa was Sir. Kennedy Tre askis sritish high, commis sioner and' other officials about to leave. for London for talks on next 'year's elections STUDEBAKER MOVES Studebaker Corporation an nounced Monday that its au tomotive production lines at South Bend. Ind, would be closed and its entire auto pro duction would be 'shifted to its facilities, at Hamilton, Ont Executives of the compan) said $40.000,000 had been los since 1959 on U.S. automotive production. Gordon E Grundy, 51, president of Stu debaker of Canada Limited was named head of the auto motive division, He said the Canadian plant had been pro ducing about 11,000 cars a ear but had a capcity for 30,000 About h Studebaker would be built from. U.S. components and some of the 8.000 South Bend employees would be moved to Hamilton. The company. in tended to ship cars from Ham nto the U.S. market n the rency re nt ently lf the Canadiar ilton -<COLUMBIA AGREEMENT More negotiations. on the proposed multi-million - dolla Columbia River hydro-electr and flood-contro! project took tawa. After days of joint U.S.-Canada-Brit ish Columbia talks, the pat ties reported they had agreed an a to be submitted o the three governments Exxterna Affairs Minister Martin said that. if the three governments accept the re port---which mainly concerns a U.S. purchase price for a big block of Canada's share of the Columbia power--the way should be clear for a start on the subject Meanwhile, in Washingtor a specia congressiona cor ference decided to back leg that. would require lumber shipped to the U.S be labelled with the countrv of origin. Cana dian Ambassador Charlies Ritchie. delivered a confiden tial note to the state depart ment: Thursday asking the ad ministration to block the leg Is,ation World briefs: Bolivia, holding lace in Ot three report isiaton Canadian to Tin miners in a number of _%, hostages including four Americans--since last Friday continued to demand release of two jailed Communist union leaders while thousands of workers demonstrated in the capital of La Paz in support of the miners Theodor Heuss, 79. West Germany's first president, serving from Sept. 12, 1949, until 1959, died Thursday 3ritain's Con servative party suffered an- other byelection shock Thurs day when it managed to wit the Dumfriesshire byelection in Scotland by 971. votes est Conservative margin there in 30 years K IN ONTARIO Robart Ontario ion de assistance which and the come du low . WE Premict Thursday creased taxat tional federal! did not would be Observers would' pi the next ture which opens Robarts also warned tario will not accept ations to. the eral setup weaken province's omy ts face add bul taxcs when move spite spec ify raised said habls session of the legisla Jan. 15. Mi that On any alter provincial-fed that would econ fisca the Hospital Asso ciation told a government-ap pointed committee examining the province's proposed med cal care plan the government should thoroughly examine costs before launching plan. The committee sat for two days and various othe briefs charged the draft legis lation favors commercial in surers, demanded more com prehensive coverage and com slation is The Ontario the plained that the leg vague on essential "detail Ss Defence Minister Hells said Thursdé that nuclea warheads for Bomarc missiles at North Bay may arrive be fore the end of month Concluding his f nspectio of the northern head OORT IEE DANCE TONIGHT the rst i region ADMISSION---$1.25 Old Time - Modern | RED BARN | $8 Million Surplus Balance Of Payments such. as. interest payments to foreign tourist expenditures ping charges By ALAN DONNELLY OTTAWA (CP) Rising ex sorts have generated a' smal but surprising surplus in Can ada's current account transac tions during the third quarter of this year--an $8,000,000 bal ance-of-payments surplus. The move out of the red ink of deficits--the first since a brief period in 1954---was re ported Thursday by the bureau of statistics." The $8,000,000 in black during the July-September quar jter compared with a current ac 'count deficit of $34,000,000 in the third quarter of last yeal Merchandise trade generated a $135.000.000 surplus in the three months. But most of this was offset by a $127,000.000 de ficit on non-merchandise trans actions so-called "'invisibles investors and followed a $431,000.000 defigyt ir the first half of.the year. remaining nine-month deficit o $423,000,000 compared with $431,000,000 deficit in the firs half of the year. The remain ing nine-month deficit of $423 000,000 compared with a $729 000,000 deficit in the correspond ing 1962 period POSITION IMPROVES There has been a major im provement this. year in Can ada's international payment position. Not reflected in third-quarter figures Ink Communist China late in year. Government economists a? and dividend ship- The $8,000,000. surplus balance The a The will reduce of trade surplus current balance deficit. for between $500,000,000 and 000,000 from last 000,. of annual stretching back record high deficit 000,000 in 1959. But peak, the deficits steadily reduced payments of 1 f third-quarter surplus. of $8,000,000 Canada to weather. the drop in foreign capital during the summer caused he proposed United States terest equalization' tax "lestHmating a large merchandise the payments the whole of 1963 to $600,- year's $848 Canada has had a succession deficits to 1950 with a $1,504. - since that have been payments enabled sharp inflows by "in on American purchases of foreign securities. Normally, Canada has the are heavy wheat shipments to Russia and the e quarters of the North Amer ean Air Defence Command Mr. Hellver said a "slight hitch' had prevented sched uled delivery last month Attorney-General Fred Ca announced Thursday his de partment will reject a request for an investigation into the alleged illegal activities some used dealers cause. complainant. Cech vidson. president of the eration of Automobile pendent Retailers. could substantiate his charges names, dates and' other esser tial ¢ I, . RD @ DANCE PARTY BOB MINNS & HIS. ORCHESTRA cal Satine é PAVILION OSHAWA Opens Tuesday! DEC, 17 - 21 SEATS ON SALE 1.50 TO 5.50 Box Office 11 o.m.-9 p.m O'Keefe Centre Front and Yonge 'Toronto, EM 3-6633 CINEMA RACES--THIS WEEK $750.00 CARDS AT THIS THEATRE FEATURE TIMES 1:10-3:50-6:30 LAST SHOW 9:10 '4st Prize Winwer "BEST FL" 9969 CANNES INTERMATIOWAL FILM FESTIVAL Fraaatann vel CHINO COLOR BY I IW FLON UAL CARINE LOMBARDO VSCONT Deli Nand She j Theotre FRANK SINATRA in ' KIM NOVAK KIRK DOUGLAS "STRANGERS WHEN WE MEET" IN COLOR + Entertoine. relied on capital inflows to offset the Customary current-account de-} ficits INFLOW DROPS The report said the inflow of long term capital dropped sharply to $28,000,000. in the) third quarter in the second quarter, mainly because-of a cut in foreign buy-) ing of .Canadian securities. In the last decade there have been! quarterly pe-| only three other riods when long-term capital jn- flows were smaller The move to a current ac count surplus in the third quar ter from a $34,000.000 deficit a year earlier was accomplished solely on the strength of a rise in merchandise exports. Exports for the three month rose to $1,801,000.000--a climb of more than 10 per cent from a year earlier, while imports advanced nearly seven per cent to $1,666,000,000 O'KEEFE CENTRE "ENCHANTING! DELIGHTFUL! MUCHAS GRACIAS!" = TERRY, N.Y. Herald Tribune BALLET FOLRLORICO "MEXICO Directed & Choreographed by AMALIA HERNANDEZ General Supervision CELESTING GOROSTIZA COMPANY OF 75 $. MUROK presents TODAY and SUNDAY 'COME BLOW YOUR HORN" (Color) Plus--"DUEL OF THE TITANS" in Color DOCRS OPEN SUNDAY AT 1:30 P.M STARTS MONDAY ONE OF THE FUNNIEST OF THE YEAR! PETER SELLERS "MONLY TWO CAN PLAY" Adult Entertainment BILTMORE 59 NOW! 2 HITCHCOCK x THRILLERS ON ONE PROGRAM @ 4 HOURS OF SPINE- CHILLING SUSPENSE @ COULD YOU TAKEIT.. DORIS DAY -- JAMES STEWART in "The Ilan Who Knew JOHN FORSYTHE SHIRLEY MALLAINE in "The Trouble With Harry" BOTH IN COLOR SORRY SOLD OUT FOR DECEMBER 14th FIRST OF THE WEEK SPECIAL 7 POWE 564 King St. E, 500 Rossland Rd. West SCOTIAN GOLD Apple Juic 48-07, Tin SAVE 10c y FRESH MINCED HAMB * GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS '@ SPECIALS EFFECTIVE MONDAY, DEC, od: 16 & TUESDAY DEC 17th ONLY = TORONTO ~ 282-3969 -- WHITBY 468-2692 5 BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 P.M, INCLUDING SUNDAYS © FREE ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS @¢ dise {000,000 from $103.000,000 in the third quarter of last vear Largest factor in payments of interest and divi- from $203,000,000! jdends to foreign investors, | which. |$177,000,000 while foreign earn- jings by Canadian investors re-'000,000 mained The- deficit--on--non-merchan- "invisibles' rose to $12 'freicht and _shipning __govern- ment payments and business services also widened. However, Canada's third- quarter surplus balance. on earnings from foreign tourists --less Canadian tourist spend- ing abroad -- widened to $113,- from $94,000,000 «last this -were rose by $15.000.000 to stable. _The deficit on'year. TEE PEE DRIVE-IN 401 HIGHWAY AT LIVERPOOL ROAD e Tonight Only e RICHARD BURTON in "THE BRAMBLE BUSH" VICTOR MATURE in "THE TARTARS" e Starting Sunday e RAY DANTON in "The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond" ROBERT TAYLOR in "PARTY GIRL" KING ST, EAST '/ Club Camelot PRE FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT The Du-Kanes ENTS 4 mile past town line road GIVE BOOKS OF FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE: TICKETS FOR CHRISTMAS Semney. tee Timeless in its wonder! Immortal in its impact! 4 4 TTovO ¢ novus a\ TAR B JEAN SIMMONS VICTOR MATURE WICHAEL RERA'S COLOR by DE LUXE CiINnemaScoPE A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE TODAY eRCULES and the CAPTIVE WOMEN' ONLY also "THE GREAT CHASE" HOCKEY SUNDAY LEAFS vs BOSTON AT 7:30 P.M. MANUT purreR be unre d aren' hide N.H.L. HOCKEY CARDS Boys! Girls! The nutty goodness of golden brown roasted peanuts isn't all you get when you buy York Peanut Butter and York Salted Peanuts Now you get free N.H.L. Hockey Cards in full colour: Collect 'all $4. cards in' the series 18 from each of three teams TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS - MONTREAL CANADIENS DETROIT RED WINGS You get at-least four N.H.L. Hockey Cards in jars of York Peanut Butter, three on bags of York Salted Peanuts. Save them. Trade duplicates with your friends. Try to be the first one in your neighbourhood to complete your York Hockey Album. : IS CANADA'S FAVOURITE PEANUT BUTTER ¥ @ UNDER © THE LID... AND ON THE BAG MERE O8 onty TRIS BPH (aS NHREAL CAsurry: EIKO REG wings HERE'S HOW TO GET YOUR YORK HOCKEY ALBUM This colourful album is made especially to hold your collection of York N.H.L. Be sure to order it today. 10 cents (to. cover costs of handling and mailing) to YORK HOCKEY ALBUM, BOX 2167, Hockey Cards. ONTARIO, Just. send TORONTO, "GET" COMING DECEMBER 21st "LITTLE EVA" TERRY STEVENS AND THE TOCCATAS ADVANCE SALE OF TICKETS THIS WEEK-END 1.00 for Members --- 1.25 Without Membership PRODUCED IN ASSOCIATION WITH ROBERT J. STONE ASSOCIATES 37 COLBORNE St. &. OSHAWA, ONTARIO Wz, eT \ Saal in. EASTMANCOLOR HEY KIDS! SPECIAL SUNDAY MATINEE "THE LONELY MAN" jack paance panny xave- THE COURT JESTER" PLUS 3 BIG CARTOON COMEDIES