Sea ote: ae > WHITBY 27--Real Estate for 'Sale bungalow, near high|STUBIO couch good terms. Call $2 8-5123. Bolahood Bros. Cement fini: Boulevard weit |2997 brick down hing tools Basement built, Brooklin, 300 bargain with BUILDING | LOT, | land Don Strade pe evenings you would avaliable 9 com purchas BONUS CHRISTMAS Save $500 winter DOWN TO ONE 6! N.H.A. MTGE NEW. NHA OPEN HOUSE Kingsmere Gar TP Estate Broker, |27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Reol_ Estate "ee Sale |29--Automobiles _For Sale |32--Articles for Sale t $500 do $500 WINTER WORKS lt abrador' Drive 7 i | js6s00 FULL PRICE, r $m ailli9s3 METEOR two-door twotone radio 2 vears old, 4 acres land, 728-7328, |overdrive res excellent. body $110 4 de HLM: Hogenboom Construction old b JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR TELEPHONE 728-7377 sho vo's BOLAHOOD 36--Legal al ve-room | 1963 "PONTIAC it ntiany on! 6,000 miles, yiinder th! radio. executive car, CHESTERFIELD suites, foam .cushions,\!, ROBERT J. BRANCH, of 92 automatic, |frieze covers, All on sale from $128. Wil-|Bivd. North, Oshawa, Ontario. Furniture, 20 Church Street be 'responsible for any debts contract in my name by anyone, on or with steel lgate, December 14, 196 East, Osh Raheny ke new, $2,475 two wheel, % ton. Brock Street truck New TRAILER 728-8049. | b Apply 10 stake. Telephone 1955 GMC two-fon motor and tires, $695 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe. Top me eat rcular throu b 1 condition. No rust. Full of awa, ae f apartments!pep. A dream to drive. 725-3744. $295 per} down Uae nel station P.O Box| "2d. Apply 1952 PONTIAC, four-door e-|tional car, standard. BA North at Waverly. 725-533 1957 DODGE good conditior RECLINER chairs with pillow back jten consent R. J tuffed with foam, all vinyl. Hurry :for| $64.88. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church et gax| TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS lephone Whitby, 668-3734 after~six raped In the Estate-of WASYL SOROCHAN (also known "BUICK clock wagon, . automatic, 25 Elena Street sedan, excep Station, Simcoe, Te SKATES -- New and used, exchange.| Standard shiff,\For a fair deal, try Sportsman's Corner or best offer. Whitby, one block west, of Four Corners arge selection, all sizes | month, monthly payments on balar 20, Oshawa FOUR-BEDROOM, new. bungalow, fir > each Heal bes nent immed: sell ver look tour door $345 SHOTGUNS, double baralied, famous : Spanish make, tully guaranteed. Regu-| Realtor Telephone ar $119.00, clearing $89.5 Sportsman's persons sving aims b S1X-ROOM brick n oil heat 1953 CHEVROLET '2-ton pick-up with Cor west of Four Corners ASYL edroorr onthly or $1000.' new motor, $250. Phone 623-2486, f tone, po rir Po F i} th overpass and transform se actor ses | plete Pull pr $3,20 x 477, 4 er Regular 50, ¢ 19 $18.97 befaaiaea niggas veninga S087025 OFF Spe 's ee ae W955 "METEOR two-door, standard ve HOCKEY GLOVES -- Full siz faa ses eather, made in Canada, Regular 694 pair Keith Pete thre one block wh manu-| sedan automat hood. | Drew CHEVY II Apply 36? 1963 asking $2100. }1960 FORD V8. back-up lights, wi elephone 728-8049 1963 PONTIAC vs, ¢ CAR RACE OHAIR DRYERS, electr famous fact s complete with transmission. 3695 OA standard deceasec ndshield washers ock west of Four cae | SETS -- Eldon Deluxe, 1963 load 1963 SUNBEAM Alpine sports car wit tras 00 miles. Best offe Rossland Manor = : ela RCA Victor televisior TAGE 1954 FORD C condition, $45. Telephone 1" console, 128-999 good FOOT FRON -- oo SCOTCH Pine Chr ve 1959 RENAULT e ew t ew 960 VOLKSWAGEN JONES | 957 my suena ) 3 S T : 728-6246 28--Real Estate Wanted RALPH S | ELECTRIC 1 TYPEWRITERS 1960 PONTIAC Want-Ads Dont' ACCORDION CASH FOR SPO7 PAID Cost -They Pay 35... --Automobiles F For Sale 1960 PONTIAC Sfrato after th without my wri |as WILLIAM SOROCHAN and WASIL SOROACHIN sual King Hassan not ed ' Boycotts Arab Parley | BIZERTE, Leaders of Tun brating the lary presence present heard lagainst Israe Pres Gamal ser of the United Tunisia (AP) the sia Friday in end of French on its soil, T calls for oined Abdel Arab Re dents Arab wor id cele | muii-} hose Nas- pub-| jday and Ahmed Ben Bella of Al ided appeals for 1 colonial gernia sour and a fight aga President Habib Tunis spoke' with and, while calling for African unit did the I problem The under King Ha inst Arab not men rae obstacles to ined by the absence an II of Morocco to attend Nasser's presence Before crowd heering and appl massed in this which evacuated azo by the last Fi an &f-year vas da 'decisive Frid to /uild Arabs and African ed for bu nity ism Bourguiba of moderation and ntion unily were of who because of aud sea two ench presence step the s on ding this un attempt About under F 10on shells died 3.000 enct CHEVROLET COMING EVENTS TEL BINGO U.A.W.A. HALL SATL DEC GAMES: $1 RDAY, 1 At SAME set P $40 WINCHESTER RIFLE (OLD) WANTED 1963 VALIANT 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKE SHORE S BICYCLES VAUXHALL ORANGE. TEMPLE NEW YEAR'S EVE BALL DECEMBER 31 St John' s Hall BLOOR SCUBA NG CLASS Dec. 19th Club Pool iAWA B R @) 1 H E R S oF CHEN ROLET le : 3 GUITAR A E $900 for 1959 Crevrolet CHEVROLET, { RECONDITIONED GUITAR FOLDAWAY bed NORGE HONEST Automobile Repair | eas ae TED CAMPIN PRODUCTS MOTORS 67 KING St West crise For Sole NIAGARA 27--Real Estate For Sale °° '** OPEN HOUSE Sn a ae ee? THIS WEEK-END 3; Greening § TYPEWRITER e a plekene f anyt COMBINATION Ste 33--Market Basket ds. Dial 668 SATURDAY, Dec. 14th 30 P.M. CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES NGO DEC. 7:30 P.M Nant hold the. key Extra Cash treet o DANCE AT CLUB' CAMELOT yes) SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14th _ Archie Courtice and Orchestra ROUND AND SQUARE DANCING PERSON ADMISSION $1.00 PER 2 P.M, OF 343 ROSS MOUNT WO STOF KINDERGARTEN WHITBY CLASSIr LED Lost SEVEN ROOM, GENERAL ROX TRAILER $23, a0. DEEP LOWREY DOUBLE GUIDE REALTY LTD. BRIDGE set 34--Lost « and Found OO BINGO-MONDAY, 'DEC. 16th D BARN TELEPHONE 723-1121 Sa OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND a DOWNSVIEW PARK Sot (Adelaide SMOOTH DONALD E TYPEWRITE Street East at Wil vert ste] DRIVE OUT : Dominagilier this OPEN: HOURS ON MODEL HOMES P.M. TO'5:30 P.M. DAILY TO: 'DOWN weekend SVIEW' \OTOR WASSELL not be ONTARIO EAGUE Free ADMISSI Free KINSMEN BINGO KINS MEN caenuaend CENTRE UESDAY, 8 O'CL OCK $20 each line plus 0 Full Card 30 Game $ JACKPOT Monday, BINGO ST. GERTRUDE'S Al T; EA tate Sal pe oa 8:00 Pv JDIT ORIU 690 Kit I FREE ADMISSION we 17th DNIPRO HALL "Country Travellers unity of cautious THE | OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, December 14, 1963 "7 East-West Accord Subject For NATO By JOSEPH MacSWEEN PARIS (CP) -- steps along of East-West accord was 's' as a topic for the NATO isterial Canada's External Minister Martin and Defe Minister Hellyer, arriving Friday night; to join their 15-nation alliance day annual meeting colleagues of for Some soucres. at quarters saw better exploration: in the field than development the controversial family n such as long-term strategy manned intense unripe for ters chances for ters tary mixed now under idered by the min United States nuclear f study cons The part arly, appeared to be takin don't-rock-the-boat approach the that comes governments exc through confer NATO ence going ited 1dwig Erhard Adenauer Alec De ceeded Hat Konrad man: Sir Home su Britain, and tion gov t elements ncluding le MAY COME CLOSER Perhaps the come closer to whe meetings these some of the one officia It is one of the at which neither ws--than ones said hot in urgent the cou onai crises nor ions are on ida." the NATO a two-day mee of Europe oc Atlantic p political eding was Council discussing and the auons of the mittee hips Thomson Buy New Albany Newspaper ALBANY, Ind f- the New A Thomson New A - possibil the .road|, min- conference opening Mon-'! Affairs late flew from Ottawa the three- NTAO he East - W mili and the proposed ceeded John F. Ken suc- mons Italy rnment for--a dip *hange ear rare meet- deliber AP) bany pect of European economic in- egration Britain's new foreign minis- R, A. Butler, attended the [Europe an session and in private alks. was believed exploring ways to continue contact with the Soviet Union in the wake el Of the nuclear test-ban treaty nceland establishment of the Wash- ington-Moscow hot' line Britain wants to ascertain whether Russia is ready--as it jhas indicated--for some meas- ure of actual disarmament and for sCcurity. against surprise attack n Central Europe. A prelimin estiary study on a non-aggression Mi nact betweenthe Atlantic alli lat-\ance and the Warsaw pact possible ity een the ad- ect) and "sits! National 1Cu-} ae 'Museum Overhauled (CP) Re Minister Laing told the Friday he will make a n determined .effort to establish dug- "some peace and some progres- old sive work" in the National Mu seum, beset since 1956 with lashes and resignations top 'scientists Mr. Laing © said first actions will be to put will museum under a ex-|ministration, in the hands of a competent administrator He of|said he doubts whether a scien- can do the job The minister said a new build ing is essential in Ottawa for (the museum, and described as "a splended idea' a suggestion ' Tom Barnett (NDP--Comox- Alberni) that exhibits from the museum be sent across ,Can- ada for display ing) The museum. issue arose as om-|the Commons studied the 1963-64 art-isnending estimates of the de- 4S-|nartment of northern affairs and national resources. The es timates include $1,229,500 for S the museum Douglas Fisher (NDP--Port Arthur); recalling the division of the museum into natural | tory and human history branches, mentioned the nations first of Dr Rousseau and, more of Dr. L. S. Russel! r. Fisher blamed nest Cote, present dey spa- ister of the resource t * OTTAWA sources Com among one of the centra ad tist ter de- neil |ment, for much of the lat the museum as announced Fri -ublisher Perry V. Ste The T: ibune evening pa S a week} publisher tite das a ek Tobacss Sells At : / se\ enth Unitor 49. 66 Cents Lb. in the inte son group of eer TILLSONBURG CP)---An av- 'rage price of 49.66 not disclose the pound was realized on 1,682,076 The is ef- pounds of tobacco auctioned at jOntario Flu Cured Tobacco Clair McCabe of Toronto,|@rowers' Marketing Board ex xecutive' vice president of changes Friday. Thomson Newspapers of Can-| So far, the auctions have sold ida, said there. would be no/38.655,290 pounds at an average ige in Tribune personnel. jof 51.30 cents a pound. COSTUME FOR HALF SIZES hed s day cent sale A Radiant Original PRINTED PATTERN M229 __ Sizes 12-22% Printed Pattern M229 able in Half Sizes 12 1815, 201 4. s This str ined cou by diant gives half "eS a New ower look al the way from DOLLAR fo M229 to T id ONI ed Pat tern Time Pattern Oshawa, Ont. Ontario add.3c sales tax. Plea NAMI ZONE SIZE k e dO beautifulls ' bly proportioned waist and emble impec at. shoulders hips lainty DRESS NUMBER and NEXT WEEK - Prominent. Designer |Bud Kilpatrick ( lays vithout th et when the jor for tempera late day ure S