16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, sine December 14, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Murer 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 Accountants Gardening and Supplies MONTEITH, RIEHL, and ] ants, 728-7527, 135 WILD BIRD LEONARD JAMES BROOKS. ch ae Ala» te e 5-995 , aN re ALBERT HOSM AR, chartered account- pac Pweder ent 4 burne Street, Whitby, 668-5429 $ RAYMOND = B EEGSSER, tan 06 nt MONTEITH ; Chert _ Ost hawa; tby. 6 tered Chartered reet North Fay ephor Smo Cut Grains CLANCY'S Ac ng Service. ecient gare WATER SOFT 25-0397. Res. 723-7605 HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Cha Accountants 187 King Street East AND censed E FRIEDLANDER Stree a COOPER SMITH Samoa = 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 4 AND BURROWS, CHARTERED 4 King Street - East < THOMAS __ Barrister 5 Notary, Suite : i e es Building, 86 King eet E 728-6209 ViCTOK, BA instruction JOSEPH is HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN, now Qc, LILLIAN MAE MARSH, 0.E.A E26, METHOD DRIVING SC MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD P} IONE FE igun Wanted a Mortgages FIRST AND SECOND N, ORYNAN AND MURDOCH, agreements. 5 " Street Eas PRIVATE and nd a Need A Mortgage Loan AND DONALD Building Trades EAVESTROUGHING P r mortoao € i ominy a aen| MORTGAG Hoor"hie." 6. Le LOANS SE 1 and floor. tiles YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY c ne t and gas : HOME , IMPROVEMENTS eovestrou eaner Mortgage Money Available Low G AND CARTAGE ates Dressmaking EXPERIENCED Interest Gardening and Supplies Loam and Gravel \ Fill aaa" VWVasned stone, ULAGE 56 BEAT TY HA 725-2) a green thumb? TI ba dre: te JMMERLAND SECURITIES ocies in "ony , fe rm_ore contained therein, fon, ALL TYPES ® GUARA Musical Services "\GENTLEMAN desires P- Spadina at ae p 1F YOU pin Nursing Services" LYNTONHURST MANOR. Nursing Home Painting and Bacuiating KITCHENS, , halls tices ¢ hter Queen Telephone 723-726 ve a drinkin Box t Remova Marie Oshawa, ese dat for appoint- ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 , 3--Pets & Livestock DODD and SOUTER _ flumbir ng and neues Rug- Upholstery Service STC RAFT'S UPHOLSTERY De MINIATURE POODLES, ' sles ile alo Pups, fr egistered. D r BEAUTIFUL baby training, talking 4 Elgin E REGISTERED Dact 5 tec BOOK BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY wr |2--Personal " Zw ING NIOYA oe WESTERN AF RICA, HAD 2,000 WIVES. Pe Oe my Pl GLASS. MINISTERS OF PURITAN DAYS PREACKED AS LONG AS 1 400K 4HE SAND To RUN THROUGH THEIR, MUST KAVE BEEN Two HOURS LONG. By R J, SCOT: GERMAN _ shepherd : ae WAITRESS for dining M 'o MINIATURE POODLE . f EXPERIENCED eeded f PEDIGREE ' 1 Coffee ? bag i GLENCEDAR NURSING HOME PEKINGESE Teler GERMAN SHEPHERD f y PONIES tor STERFIELDS re-up t- REGISTERED Sales and Service NTEED a ANTEED Surveyors H. FLIM ND TROLLOPE, FLEISCHMANN al -Radio Repeir rs TV- TV TOWERS Antenna Repair TR 728.676) Service Calls $2.50 9 pm De rily 19.66 inteed Telev ision As Low As $ 5154 TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA V ae Y LIMITED 28-8180 28- O Well. Drilling-- Digging | LLIAM KROONTJE, « 1--Women's ; Column PERMANENTS 5. aus rsonal PL LEN LISH JLLAN nd 11--Articles pening 16--Femole. Help V Wanted I perate HOUSE NINES ' nm ¢ ! g; Tele A Hess Sexi Canadians who are ready to work modern sea-going service offers as interesting as tt more about th REFRESHER COl JRSE GRA DUATE CN JROES NORWEGIAN & . 2 ROE 5--Farmer's Column FARMERS! } 8--Hunting TAXIDERMIST APPLICANTS For Rent 1963 \a-ton pick-up trucks rae ITIONS FOR HIRE MODERN IMES . 16--Female -- Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted st be PART TIME custod MECHANIC iss A" Licer ce DOUG HART NORTHSIDE Srryaier- Dende (Whitby) Ltd JIG E TAXI! DRIVERS Preferably. betwe MERE JRY TAXI 25-4771 ea DRIVER Required 'Circulati Mar nope! Ost Nn Male 7--Male Help Wanted MECHANIC AUTO WRECK LICENCED 371-89 BI OOR + 13--Business 10 INVE 3 OX 512 ERRY, ON E b PART-TIME COLLECTOR Opportunities POR STORS wanted to p oca eee Wanted" PO. BOX 86 Terminal Toronto 14 WANTED, painting 9 replaced a e. Te c my tation "'N EXPERIENCED Ontario PETER PAN DAY NURSERY WILL CARE for two. _--_-- under in thre qd the cause aga § ties etwee GIRLS iat eret SUPERVISOR . | °teeret the set wr Ct TORONT rc oval C Luncheonette Manager T ns ane provide excellent benefits. Healt mironce. Pe Write Box 315 OSHAWA. TIMES uw" "Go Navy" Inadian the ung the sea, the' Royal e dimensi as it ser of peace » keen, fit yo hard and Ss excit n.17 and 25 ite to your < below EAST. ARIO AIR AVE O, ONT anadian Navy |17--Male Help Wanted required, TWP, 40 ff. x 20 ft nce. |centre of Oshawa, Can e. . Heatec |22--Cffices, Stores, Storage 25---Apartments FURNISHED, one-bedroom basement apartment, $45. monthly. Single people preferred. Telephone 725-4154 THREE-ROOM Self-contained December 20 Drew Street ~ 26--Rooms For Rent ROOM FOR RENT in new home. Suif two girls, $8. per week, each. 728-0260. CLEAN BEDROOM, close fo North Gen- r Motors. Gentleman preferred. Tele offices, close to be made into one Available January 658 n |RITSON ROAD AT KING. Small r rent. Formerly used as dry c Ritson Drugs, 264 FOR RENT Medical attendant SESY IER STATION apartment. Available Apply 517 unfurnished $60 monthly Parking space store Apply wanted for rout eile $100 weekly ; 0 my ation call 725-5132 TRIPLE tL CHURCH Street, 174, two furnished roome DANCE HALL pet conieioe srivenen preferred. Cen r Weddings SUMMER ngle bed privileges available. Telephone 723-1435 Riga Construction dag . nnd eater: sitaer Sait ta Gnade Ltd., Bay Ridges, Ont, ee : sas lie tb owniown after a pm. 723814 Ack for Cony! ---- ATTRACTIVELY 23--Wanted To Rent FU RNISHED ROOMS ONE TWO-BEDROOM " te e to Shopping Centre. Tel Ava e in private. home, Call be 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 27---Real Estate For Sale 5 IMMEDIATE bunc ¢ te home, central location. s Suit two gentle beds, $7. weekly each Rough Carpenters Steady ' ment employ- hour- winter Piece work or | ly rates. Street, 136, housekeeping room, Parking Home Close to dow OR Man Required ' tween partment wanted vate entrance. Telephone CLERK " RESPONSIBLE w to § possession five-room ranch s old, with recrea- Good residential area phhaed Doug M. Builied Realtor AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY TWO-BEDROOM t © r F ed. Bete rr SARAGE WANTED { ULLY DECORATED THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOWS ue 00 DOWN 614% Mortgage MAN REQUIRED 24----Houses For Rent WHITBY OLD HOUSE e ronge, four red bath- % Building es Ltd. nly three left, Millar Bates 725 ee eee OPEN HOUSE Beau Valley THIS WEEKEND - Hours 2 Until 5 p.m. SCHOFIELD- i AKER diate session a Sanwa, 1 Phone 723-2265 1186 GRAPHIC ARTS nee -- EXxIS 25--Apartments NASSAU STREET, 271 Ww VV VACANCY STS MODERN $75. MONTHLY, Bright TELEPH 723-2233 $12,000. 1S NOT ie MUCH FOR THE MAN WE WANT Manufa Building materials. of Sheet stand Made h. Respon- are sem tom for ficiency, qual »roduction. 25 man ROWE BROS. CO. (CANADA) LTD. AJAX, ONTARIO _CUTWORK FINERY 18---Male or Female i BROOKS Help Wanted WTO, start By ALICE ive plain linens ,the bears A857 sizes 10-18 JUMPER-DRESS By ANNE ADAMS New a > on the jumper -- slanted buttoning that gives it a ated look. When night it as a dress without WITH tment with rich-looking el zant cutwork for pennies Precious linens Simple cutwork smart, sturdy i hoes and Board Ane WHITBY : yard for tw ~ I tow 7334 2 x 15-in THIRTY-FIVE work for cases attern ghteon at y es 668-8 : x 3 to motifs ROOM AND BOARD, suit CENTS (coins ; ile. beds Misses' Size 16 blouse tier 4857 14. 18 18 54-in.; fabri stam CENTS (40c) in coins ) for this pat- Ontario tax. Print ATTERN NUMBER ADDRI HANDICRAFT 1964 s Print plai N'AN 1 AD DEES S, STYLE n NUMBER." # r 'to ANNE vawa Times ae tier P work iwa, Ont | Stores, Storage l On Ziff 1 ee a eas oat idy Over Send 21--Room & Board Wanted BOARD wanted by, 9 ¢ g ubig, new 206 HITS Needle now! ADAMS, Pat- ROOM AND out 22--Offices now! size leas, ail 150c for Catalog