: . _THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 13,1963 9] ' e | New Items For Infants How To Give The Kitchen 9 --_--"" "==" O ay S O ar 2 Off V . t Of U Th t W ] . N 4 1 SETS LIBEL TRIAL with attempting to rig the out- '| BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) --\come of a football gme. er arle y s€s a e coming, : ew OOK Alabama football coach Paul BE AIT seeeeenersern sonra. Bryant's $10,000,000 Jlibe! suit CASE HELD UP companion can be placed on gc elenhan wp ae 4 against the Curtis Publishing BANBURY, England (CP) any type of bed to let Baby| NO matter how carefully you Piri) Ol ervnole new' paint CO Will go to trial here Feb. A court case was held up. for rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change ijs| Page-Hers 100 $19%. 19% | Neonex wts 300 pA A : are lifficult for sleep in nplete safety. Its Pioher tk bade ce ae ; "lag sob: too! 10, a federail judge said Thurs-|two hours while police tried to from. previous board-lot closing sale.| Pbina 740 $7%4 7% N. Goldvue 2000 ala Bla + Va these days make it difficult for fibular is ig acoine. wath itchen, this importan IvIng col ORFUL ACCESSORIES day. U.S. District Judge H. H.!find a Koran and a Hindu holy ; Phantom 200 110 110 New Hosco . 600 V2 even the most doting of grand-; M : ar en) jarea sometimes somehow takes ed 2 wee a Grooms notified attorneys for book for two Indian witnesses. Pow Corp 200 $10 10 10 Newlund 2500 192 + a : ' ith them|Sides Of small mesh nylon, while| on 9 hodge-podge look | New collections of these ma-| > 70m* , VS: 401 K tor an witnesses, INDUSTRIALS Premium 300 135 135 135 N Mylama 4000 10 + % mothers to keep we the vinyl top edge serves as al ge-podg' ees chine-washable no-iron, absorb.|P0th sides of the trial date. The|A Koran was located 25 miles Ti Net] CU Be eS eae Nick Rim 1000 Yip A make x cover _ iteething rail. |. Like so many homemakers, ont kitchen terries are rally|C0ach is suing the company for away in Oxford, but the Mos- Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge pide alt Normetal 600 300 295 295° «| A new comforter, for exam- ee Core : you. may have been buying). utitul, featuring designs of|aM 'article in one of its maga-/lem witnesses was not called, Abacon 100 65 60 | $97 9% 9% N. Rank 1000 25% 2512 255 + %2\ple, converts to a sleeping bag PACKABLE PEN kitchen accessories one at a fruits. and flowers. birds and zines, The Saturday Evening The Hindu witness gave eviy Abitibi 530 $1294 1284 12% A eS A Northcl A Be or bunting, allowing Baby to go}. When set on the floor thetime, depending on immediate dunas und Huse. nelontil polka Post, wiyeh charged Bryant\dence without taking an oath. Alta Dist 100° 265 265 $7258 7258 7259 Northgate 1400 390 380 -390 +5 A nee aay avinolsleemne 'A Ngo ce as aegai rice. § 3 passin' he aan 0 $26 26% 26% + Ye 50 $10%4 10% 105s O'Brien $00 43 -43~--C«:s«2-« OM Crib to car without having sleep pen become a conven-jneed or bargain Price. _Soon Also, the colors ate suf- Algoma } 5814 5B S814 Seven Arts 100 $82 82 8'2 O'Leary 15900 14 14 14 to be dressed for the trip. What|tional plavpen. Every: inch of it}colors cease to match or even ficiently varied, and the color Ay Aina ry a + el Sine Sea cae: tue: (ia a4 feone ovat *" * 1 |@ break for Mother and Baby: |is washable, and it folds flat}harmonize and whatever the combinations so charming and DO YOU HAVE A ; 4 4 f % "% , s 500 - pacy ok 7 Yr earrving lorigi " , . " av Alum 44 10 ie Hed traakg Slater fies $20 4 a Ws) sie Bees Ua Printed nylon makes up the!for easy packing or carrying. |original decorative scheme may sophisticated, that it-is possible Beep e100. SH) , bo A 100 $24 2424 om! 00 125 125 cover, Dacron the filling and it's' If you are looking around for/have been, it seems to get lost 1 croate a new type of atmos : Atlan 190 $25% 2 Tancord 250. 495 495 495 Rexspar 3200 17 162 1612-3' machine-washable. an inexpensive gift for a babylin the shuffle. : phere -or 'color scheme ' ROOM Bank 942 } The CG Inv 720 $Bi4 BM 84 -- Rio Aigom 34. $13 13 who stays home once in a while ace I r 'color schem Se Sank 75 $7014 70% 70% Yl T Fin & 300 S11%* 114 113% Rio Rup JET-RESISTANT PAD Shedk af t ; Uae '¢.) How much smarter it is to Use a couple of extra pairs Bath 72 $15%4 154 15% Tr Can PL 1055 $33. 33 «33 Ya Rockwin 2 3 ie ; . check the new bibs made Of/ nyt one's. mind on selecting of these delightful terry dish- Bath PA 15 $51%4 5114 51% Trans-Mt 325 $147 14% 147m Salem 5 2 |. For crib there "is A terrycloth fused to plastic.|tjte nition ghtfulls } : wapeninn Bell Phone 68 | 'Turnbull 2100 $1138 114%. 119% Silvmaq 000 1 new cotton mattress protector)These are absorbent. waterpr kitchn furnishings thoughtfulls towels as cafe curtains, at- Bath rts 190 Union Acc 100 $1) 11 11 Steeloy 0 5 treated for moisture resistance hese are absorbent, waterproof|kitchen furnishings thoughtfully, tached to rods with clips. eee Sa Bow-M pr a S . Ph on eee 4 se pia iis' finieh unattected by re-lana sai pai! with their! ers equipment covers and even Weed out all your mismatched Brazil 2 W Mas pr z 2 Sunburs' 1 , decorative animal prints. shank ital 5 | te aad AAR | : 9a 1 acy 50 2 ? 2 lg sie p Seine aprons. A kitchen that looks old towels and potholders: just Be Forest sais 2029 14 Waste! "tm sity Th 14 4 heen oa Plastic ne is : caren ale A enOIce Of typ versions Of: bright and inviting is unques- stash them away for 'emergency! COTTAGE BC Suga 00 $412 41% 41% "2 Weston A 200: $1514 15'4 rin ¢ 1906 a 8 "a ae! fel 5 hog hs S fers a square shape with de-|tionably a psychological Jabor: use. Then let your new. terry es BC Ph xd 00 $56% 5634 56%4--'2| West A wis 769 820 $20 : J ¢ 2 a.) = { snugly in place, tachable wiper or the round! aver : i . OCR ENO FLEE 'revive! the BC Ph 5%«p xd 10$106 106 106 Wood J We aii 8 : : } This is an excellent item for 'quickie' bib which snaps on ' : al eitat | ; 710 $8812 B84 88% Woodwd A 225 $21 21 J So if your kitchen has a kitchen at very 'moderate cost HOUSE ec RY Aig 25 $25% 25% 25% Yh travelling or visiting--used as a These can go into the washing dreary mismatched look about Cap Pow 800 $20% 20% 20% OILS Wilts 3000 : 7 }?|pad-on floor. sofa or bed. machine and into the dryer atji by now. and you have con ATTACK CHARGED 800 pal ight ie Moye) ak Stock Sales. High L eng pares Sales High howaan ones By The Canadian Press 'oc! ales. High Low a.m. Ch'ge 0 i "m, Bi ge : 'makes a convenient toaveliing| " 5 an : Toronto Stock Exchange--Dec, 13 Ont Steel 255 $20% 20% 207% + Ye) Marchant\. 1500 83 83 83 --I By ELEANOR ROSS g By ELEANOR ROSS What a new lease on life your {Quotations in cents unless marked $.) Overland pr 720 $?% 9% 9% Mcintyre " 260 $4914 4914 4914 | The number and variety of) 2--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xt--Ex-| Pac Pete $00 $11% 11% 11% New Alger . 2500 4 4 joie being designed for babies dots. . 7 16500 0'9 " ' : che 750 ova fon ia Am Leduc "4 oh 1000 102 10'2 1012+ %5. A new sleep-pen which also the "off" or lowest heat setting CAE z a 10V2 .edue a Ae c B 6 . 'cluded that only a complete PHNOM PENH, Cambodia ew si 9 9 C Ex Gas 4 Hs Ke mn repainting and overhauling will (AP)----Cambodia charged Wed 10 RENT: erates ? CBr Alm A 5 2 92 Cent De 0 solve the problem, ty substitul--nesday night that, about 100 5 1 os 2 22 +) 4 Sor Con ah Saka uh | Morton aa hs smart Display Rooms ue South Vie " Bhar Ww 550 550 --10 | Ouvan 1000 -7\2 «7'4 a : FOREIGN TRADING ing the following short-cuts ruth jetnamese -- soldiers . You Will Get Fast olli 63 pr zi2 $17 17% 17% HB OIG 250 $14%4 14% Wash the walls and wood. crossed into Cambodia Dec. 3 a an N Davies 4000 2312 2312 23'2--'2 Gr Plain + DS 1h 8 Hydro ai S14 174 17h Numac. wis $00 7979 Lorado 200 187 186 18K 41 work with warm-to-hot soap or and attacked a frontier post. | mp Bk € 220 $634 63% 64 see im ee Phin Oo tas tas SS (6) eas or ou detergent suds; then invest ina Three Cambodians. were| 150 $18\4 ' Ponder 500 24 «(24 +3 x ses al . ded. ag 5 { a tie oye : a wee : new set of terrycloth accessor- wounded, a government commu gas 336 36% Breve Gas nt 4 3 Moe By ELEANOR ROSS ese chest facqu a brilliant je. ; que claimed "y se arcee 1 y ; : 2 oe Mig Stanwell 4000 75 «7575 Observe R | iles Traditionalists have no com- red 275 Tek oP dh rh me - plaints about the current crop 3amboo accents crop up in Union Ojl $00 $129 12% | ae 22 -- Va of model display rooms. The|severa] rooms. For instance, a ith Un Olls 200.144 14) 144 + Of ree a et traditional: triumphs and it looks! quaint but quite exotic 19th cen mi Wsburne 2100 «88 88 88 2 E } 2 Ne te te 10 refreshingly new as well as tury piano of black lacquer with z 2 iw a gp iproper handsome with em- ivory insets has bamboo trim ach year, Chnstmas tre € pha on. fine 17th, 18th and mings fires Cause & disastrous "OSs Oli carly 19th. century: furniture Christmas expenses or Akaitcho life and property. By following ~ m cia 3 ' 5 NO SOF ; Rae : bet afte slice sot down by| rue Stores that 'set up the NG DFA saa ee any. worthwhile purpose » Arion + Va pect arshall's of-|P0OMS. the decorators and the) Several upholstered chairs in $ $ Bernat } he Ontario Fire Marshall's of- store buyers have a pretty good 4 handsome living room tend to CLASSIFIED ADS t , ij hazard created 5 to 4 Base Mets 1 nae ,, fice, the serious hazard created)iags of what the buying public|obscure the fact that there i ' by rh iristmas tree ¢ ¢ -- ' H Belleterre g +1 by a dry Christmas tree can be \ ants. so obviously traditional 1 sofa. The decorator feels that without endorsers or Folks who read The Oshawa Times are looking for places te tive. Bevcon y eliminated is on its way back to top' posi- 4 Smallish room can be nicely bankable security ; Bibis 5100 2 26¥2 2 Do not bring the tree inside tion : done without a sofa Since September 1.962, property offered to Oshawa Times Readers Bralorne 610 35 5 s , st } ver before Camp Chib 200 6 +! untila day or. two before Christ- Color and a fine hand with A simply. magnificent dining SUPERIOR FINANCE has been renting foster: thon ¢ biases £ ell rn \! +! mas, and do not keep it inside accessories . give the mode! room is sumptuous with Louis There ore few known vacancies and many of the people seeking Candore 256100 5 , for more than 10 days rooms a contemporary air. The XVI furniture An olive and © ploce to live are newcomers to this area. , . Can-Erin Toe ' Place the tree as far as pos- men who can be inveigled into!acanthus leaf design marks the 725-6541 eae 4030 $10% 10% 10's--'% sible from amy source heat visiting one set of model rooms/carpeting, the design repeated If you have a Room, Apartment, Cottage or House For Rent Cent Pat 200 1 which will hasten the drying out will revel in a library or den,jin wailpaper border drap 17 SIMCOE ST.. N tell it to the 'would-be reliable tenants who want to live in Osh- suar chester bed sas. 1 pROcess its decor built around heraldry.!eries. The ge d ca rug ewa and District through Times For Rent Ad 250 200 ester 1 > asizes the Be sle ee eG chime 1200 ; Provide support for the tree pRAMATIC THEME ye aap ee sel Open daily to 8:80 p.m., Wednesday to B:00 p.m. eee abs i 1000 yr P : "ema E g iiaehledy Re ! Hawker 9 ? Pak ald 236 10 1A ,'\so that it will remain standing Framed crests. coats of arms Other evenings by appointment. Saturday till 12 noon Telephone 723-3492 NOW | Home FEE € Halli 7500 4 vo after a slight impact and heraldic motifs in stained 25 SUPERIOR offices In Ontario a | aakne 2 : ek 25 | : HBC 00 14? y : ¢ aes (aa oe si : Do not place the tree in a lo glass carry out the theme NEWS IN BRIEF _ - $$$ Husky. 9) , C Sanorm 2500 canon Wiels it can obstruct an there is a splendid antique Craigmt 100 $17% 1 7; . exit breakfront and a zebra skin since ine Tob : 3 : Croiney 40700 ; H : Drying out can be retarded rug. Two walls of red-red spike LONG LASTING Ind Aceep 315 $23% 7344 254 pe ce id i5 by cure the butt at an oblique], grey-blue color scheme and a} Balsam: makes a fine Christ inlahd CPP OVS SO E | Dome 290 $273 | ROBIE and immersing it in 4) grandfather. clock presides over|mas tree, lasts longer than IMC 2 7 7 Donalda 2000 7-- 2 container 0 water and Ylall Hagel nib " ie Vay Bs Y keeping the container full Of ygontion of the zebra skin rug Inter FA 0 Faraday gui 0 2 i i reminds us of another posh pelt nt St 4 ee + Gaitwni 5'4 2 Oo not use wax candies on ar n, AW - = RRnieaes is is Syn A 0 45) Geco Mines 72 304 3 the tree : ee ody ES UIED CITY CORE Jockey 9 310 3} i YK 25 2 1014 3 : . j surely the ultimate in bed-cov- scuiginator Mining, 500 1513 1S!2 15¥9 7 Inspect Christmas tree UV erings--is used for the Chippen- Labatt | ey en en a (cords to ensure that they are NOt! qale canopy bed in the master|plan to redevelop central part eee pill Sok -e10Ik b\G frayed and do not have loose bedroom. The spotted littleof the city over 25 years at a A ane H onnections. and only use light .~ P F 4 Lau F $124 pigreel : ; Sate RAR ome these fan (humber. costs about $3,000 cost of $400,000.00 Levy . 20 $0 2a 2 fudcer ex" 406. 40% ois + Sets that" bear ui ene A card room is most inviting roe "i 00 $50 trish Cop r 2 . Standards Association label not only for bridge and. gin INDIAN CO-OPS Maclaren A 100. $22 130 2 re Oi Do not use any highly flam-)rymmy enthusiasts, but for India had nearly 332,500 co- Me eR romney Fieger HO ; ~*/mable decorations on the tree.|<crabble or other table games.\operative societies in 1960-61,| $16 16% ' 1000 25 If metallic decorative stream-|the theme is set by. the dark\compared with 181,000 in 1950- 35 $105V2 105% 10518 + i ~ a jers are used on the tree,/green walls done in bamboo 51 in ae ME ed nn are kbd Wate 2 it is essential that care be ex-|strip panels with inserts of play : 25 $\4 4 Kopan 1000 1 1 2 ercised to ensure that they areJing card designs on felt TO LIVE IN FRANCE 100 $912 494 si herent Bree 3a a not in contact with or do not] Old prints and paintings PARIS (AP)--Mme. Ngo Dinh : Langis 1000 ? become wedged in the lamplhunting and gambling .scenes,|Nhu has been granted permis- Lorado 1100 sockets in 'order to prevent 2@]point up the rooms' purpose and|sion to live in France for an Lynx ceed 1 17 --2 {Short circuit through the stream-|decor. Two 18th century bam-)unlimited time, the foreign min- Madsen 500 jel Maneast U boo chairs accent an old Japan-jstry said Thursday most trees indoors and has a noticeably '"'pinev" scent Stockholm has approved a unnar | Seagram's | nV. CANADIAN WHISKY taf Wisk x | a aif Seagram's Extra Dry OLDEN Gin Beetle hie io eur, aps C ahnpine 4 has Ait Words on paper, They are mightier than swords, more durable than empires, Today, @8) always, words on paper remain the fundamental currency in the marketplace of ideas, Words can inform, illuminate, influence, explain, create wants, trigger action. No, thought Is too subtle... for words. No emotion is beyond the reach ... of words, The daily newspaper is an institution that lives by words that express facts with fairness. Because of their record of integrity in this country, people believe and trust newspapers... and they trust the advertising they.carry, too. r The mightiest advertising appeal consists ot a good idea, expressed in exactly the right words, and delivered to the maximum number of readers. On a typical day, the daily newspaper can deliver an advertising message to 4.1. million Canadian households to 80% of the adult population. That's a mighty advertising medium that's mighty effective. MORE PEOPLE DO MORE BUSINESS THROUGH NEWSPAPERS The Oshawa Cimes