16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 13, 1963 heavy bolagne butte 1819 with\good sambe closin gat 22.90; | = Prices Lower On Hirsi mo "(igen s sate CANADIAN DBS FIGURES SHOW |-tckers 2224 with saieg to 5; MBE at 19 per hundredeig | : |stockers 22-24 with' sales to 95; lambs at 19 per hindredweigh aug er a e {common and medium stockers| , apt Tell You, STEVI (Hercule: and stock calves 17-21 with good) _ FIRM PLEADSGUILTY >) chum... " J 4 : ; i T ] I i r hi TORONTO (CP)--Trading onjeight loads of fat cattle. There|steer stock calves up to 28. li a bale par fens LAUGHS RLEVES . ° |slaughter cattle was slow and|were no shipments to Eastern) Calves: Choice vealers $2-35/rm which plea guilty tol? | fe is! ivi prices were lower at the On-|Canadian slaughterers, ho w-|with odd sales to 38; good 26-31; |charges of selling canned food) FRANK GORDOX (T j jtario public stockyards 'thisjever, 57 veal calves were ex-/medium 22-25; common 19-22: | containing dead insects, larvae!§ arzan : |week jported off the market for/boners 14-18 and mould will be sentenced] SINATRA SCOTT p Tee ercel l Replacement cattle ein bese in the veiatg | Hogs: Grade A 25-85-27.35;|/Jan. 8. Famous Foods Limited] wining idles f lower. Veal calf prices were) Slaughter cattle: OlC€/ heavy sows 17.25-17.60 with light|admitted Wednesday to six " 4 rei at 'about 6,800 head,|steers sold at $23-23.50 with! oy depen a $2 a: charges involving food unfit for) Ber gd BLOW : DUEL OF einen ease aio as i tanie fon me 4: . ';human use and also to selling) OUR HORN THE TIT. ud : ijof all the capital employed in/Mining - smelting 58 69 about 2,500 head less than jast|fancy feedlot steers to 24; good|.ta9. 13.50 on a dressed weight spaghetti and meat balls lab IN COLOR ANS ners in djof all r yed in} Mini smelting ' 3 | 50; i : | : manufactur-\Canadian snanatecturing 'in the/ Railways 27 28 25 |week and about 1,500 head less|21.50-22.50; medium 1921; com-|nasis elled beef when they actually/$| oe 1960 and 1961 than Cana-|three most recent years for|Utilities 14 14 than the same week in 1962,)mon 15-18; choice heifers 22-/ sheep and lambs: Lambs 16-|contained a sausage-grade meat, (CPy -- Americans, Following shows the makeup) (il and ga 62 82 } ea ' " s j 3.5 -21.50; dium i dians did which figures are available: (in| Ik oO i {Western cattle receipts num-|25.50; good 20-21.50; medium|9959 per hundredweight with TONIGHT SATUR tha vest was that foreign/billions of dollars) ty : ¥ i$ nano 41 bered 651 head, a decrease un-/17-19;. common 13-16.50; choice| \¢ DOORS OPEN rp mca 'of Canadian manu-| 60 ion ne ae - =, = (der last week of 723 head. West-|fed yearlings 23.50-25.50; good 6:30 P.M. r : ; 961) fs . rom 1:30 P.M. § facturing to 54 per cent of/Total capita 12.7) Minin melting rH 52 54 (em stock calf receipts were 21-23; good cows 1414.50 with yee oi Ge SORRY ac g ti apital ; 2 ing smelting 49 5 the tot rom 51 per cent at the!Canadia : ate '. only 135 head as compared with|odd sales to 15 and a few late| ! : tndintindintntintantt . wna of 1959 Foreign contro} ofl All torsten 6. ; 5.9/Railways 2 2 980 head last week. Included injtops to 15.50; medium 13-14;| ARRESTED 6.8) Utilities a |the Western cattle recel ; # vou tr | el eer % e < | Z It st pts were|canners and cutters 8-13; good y y dese lelgtabtacd Poipdinpaack ne td |: 5. Neu:Resident Contre? ee | CARMICHAEL'S SOLD OUT per cen 'om 57 The pattern is the same for) - : | : a Famous MEATMASTER" ! HI | CHCOCK The 1060 and 1901 Reuréelboth the petroleum and minigine es RS | BARBEQUE CHICKEN NOW! 2 THRILLERS re published Thursday by thelindustries--tha f ' JO and ga 9 : The d D f crresting" vour F R Dominion Bureau of Statistics.) yestment a9 aAca ( saa fe ml neng sme 1.61 3 a oe eae ene pole. Packed " ON ONE PROGRAM e@ 4 HOURS OF SPINE- No ownership of|vestment in all three years. | Railways 4 [een ram weecene ¢ |] DECEMBER 14th |]/ CHILLING SUSPENSE @ couLp You Take IT.. te pit "ger 'i n 'i rege shes ail : ' pa 2 U.S, Control % , SCHICKEN DINNERS 31-25 7" paras Home - Made Mest & Chicken | es DORIS DAY -- JAMES STEWART in = -- Gr | slik htbe years 'Soa ne | "oracr teas" our Speciony | ub The Man Who Knew the same three yea Ml and eas 7 1959 1960 1961|Mining - smelting 53 3 5 PHONE 725-0907 Too Much" oa | : PARK RD. SOUTH AT 401 : aa Total Non-Resident Ownership Railways i ent of the o NEED) sp girth ' | engl ronsv Tit -- SHIRLEY MALLAINE in iia ufactiring >. Hlities 4 } A, a ans -- : ON SAVINGS CINEMA RACES--THIS WEEK $750.00 (7 rrouble With Harry' c CARDS AT THIS THEATRE ii aes FEAT ' Interest from date of deposit BURT Tissdeae 10 Free Chequing Privileges Deposits by Mail DRIVESIN ata aid envelopes provided free = ONE ~ TORONTO -- 262-3908 -- WHITBY a66-neee oo a © ; BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 P.M. INCLUDING SUNDAYS ours--9 to 5 ot & DY te) * FREE ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS » man enter ' j a ; q Fridays--9 to 9 Saterdays--9 to | f Puts 34 per. cent--un nce 1957 --| Bees "||| GUARANTY TRUST 5 ey | Be SS FAMOUS PLAYERS JFK Words Sent ae CAMADA'S LARGEST INDEPENDENT TRUST COMPANY THEATRE TICKETS sa CHRISTMAS SPECIALS AT \ 82 KING STREET EAST y/ AIAN DELON CLAUDIA CARONWALEcotr@nRon vc Cringe | Maedche eau cd 6 Red Missiles SLIM'S CORRAL Ss 728-1653 PLAZA & (a @ Castro Claims || wr revit onsite, co od con. Rey $2399 | : WASHINGTON (AP) -- Fide was quoted Wednesda nz Soviet missiles were t to Cuba last 5 was going to invade Cuba The Cuban premier's ac a the missiles story rep y French newspaper e ite oe wit! " -- : ' 4 { : we re A va thy TECHNICOLOR * ¢, conflicts with the | ar : Kingsway f ee 2 ; : : TECHNIRAMA® article i the é its PLUS ADDED LAUGH HITT States and Russia | 4 t eeeeeeeae ig "The Great Chase" es nuclear blackma nited States. Wa - : , ah as 4s . I te ~*~ . i " According to the Castro ve ' rn ee ' " i tip K shchev's son-in-law the ed'* Du is i a Alexe hubei, reported Ken- u. VWatcn ft r = P si | | ne ad noted during a Jan am biel ! \ 50, 1962, conversation that the } Li eda United States had not inter IKE s Ms q 20 : : : ; { ened. in the Soviet suppression Lb wedge : ' ; é i ' of Hungary's 1956 rebellion ' . : | : : é f Castro was quoted as saying : i | he andthe Russians interpreted A REAL TREAT FOR THE KIiD'S | Kennedy's words as an effort P | to get the Soviet Union to keep AT THEA & Ww. vasion of Cuba a es a al itvbaipes Mate | THIS WEEK tumes to serve you this week-end EX-NAZI SENTENCED ss ck de cai romans a North Be A . , Re cat ceeaitnete "LITTLE EVA" AP)--Thomas Krafft, a farmer vende sew any Z se teacancs ! wit | 1 the Nazi-SS ¥ pe at the A & W Drive-in on & ant ' ot tk ADVANCE SALE OF TICKETS r ter Austrians beams Sot The "Shahan t eke s ZY, Wham Mig Ftur~X Af2L 2 3 THIS WEEK-END es a eas Wes 6 a : | TERRY STEVENS AND THE TOCCATAS 43, said AagraRoine nes 7 ta 1,00 for Membere -- 1.25 Without Membership M/Z. revere Ih ene = ROBERT J. STONE = = ASSOCIATES YY IWS --S 37 COLBORNE $#. & OSHAWA, ONTARIO A AAS ASNT NEIMAN ALN NN SRN SRE | t's paris... it's inwin shaw... i's in the french style a iN | a iN the Eg i: FRENCH SIANIEY af af ® } : speech = ADMITTANCE _ @ Wonderful Christmas . BOTH stocking presente- i 0 FEATURES! inexpensive! WEARS OF AGE Ce COVED © Wonderful to play « ~indoors or outdoors : ® : ® 160 models to choose aldot trom, ali true to xale | ; ® All-metal--practicotly Indestructible cheranhon byl f | OME [ance WiTHN in EASTHANCOLOR MEY KIDS! SPECIAL SAT. & SUN. MATINEES "THE LONELY MAN" jack eauncr | : ct a 1§ DANNY care THE COURT JESTER" MANY THRILLING : : | 2EFWERS PLUS 3 BIG CARTOON COMEDIES : NEW MODELS MADE BY MECCANO ' 1, UU ELEN | pastes Sold by good dealers everywhere