Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Dec 1963, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, December 12, 1963 | 5; giving} sistmas...worship__service) thanks for their success during | was ne esa Mone meee the past year, after which busi-/attuder and Mrs. olandiin his usual jolly fashion. Re-/Mrs.' William MacCarl : |Daniel taking part. lfreshments were served by|Mrs. Mel Mason. ness items were discussed aS! canta Claus paid a brief visit| | meeting "with prayer; Santa Visits St. Mark's UCW well as a very gratifying DAH: The December meeting of|cial statement from the treasur- Unit No. 10, St, Mark's Unitedler, Mrs, Mildred Robins. | geYyG@OG VOTE TO RE-ELECT 'Church Women was held at the}; CLEANERS FRED ihome of Mrs. Bryce Young & Shirt Launderers FOYT WINS Tuesday afternoon. Pick-up & Delivery Dolly TO THE Government -- Inspected GRADE "A" HOGS Whole or Half lb. 37° BLUE BRAND BEEF HINDS .... Ib, 59 WHITBY And DISTRICT : . Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gault Tel. 668-3703 'SUPREME COURT Injured In Collision A. J. Foyt of Texas breezed to| la record-breaking victory in the | Delicious ... Southern \250-mile Nassau Trophy road FRIED CHICKEN race Sunday, finishing almost a lap ahead of Pedro Rodriguez! HOME DELIVERY Mexico City. Foyt, driving a of Mexico City y r4 ai ti ee Fish and Chips {Mecom Scarab Chevrolet, took NASSAU, The Bahamas (AP), Mrs, Harold Boys opened the & PHONE 668-4341 | Want a Perfect Fit? Woman Collects $2419 The claims of a traffic suit)she had suffered "permanent, sometimes include losses incur-| physical damage" when her carjner red long after the accident. lcollided with that of James cha Mrs. Karl Mantz, Brock| Spragg, London, May, 1961. \the lead on the 27th lap over the 4.5-mile i S Foyt, 1961 Indianapolis 400 win- $15,000 prize money, Oakes Field course 1963 big car racing} and | picked up $5,250 of the mp, PHONE 66 Terrace Restaurant 120 Brock St. N., Whitby 8-9056 street, Whitby, was awarded) Mrs. Mantz informed the $1,000 for general damages and/court that she had suffered arm $1,419 for special damages in| and hip injuries at the time of Ontario County Supreme Court'the accident, and that her head Wednesday, after testifying that had been 'jerked several ro Rr ee She explained that she was still suffering from these in- juries, and was unable to do heavy housework, or assist in Suspend Sentence PROCLAMATION CIVIC HOLIDAY Pursuant to By-Law Number 2475 of The Town of Whitby Thursday, December 26th, 1963 has been declared a Civic Holiday in the Whitby for the purpose of observing Boxing Day, requested to take which all persons are hereby | notice and govern themselves accordingly. W. S. MARTIN, Mayor, Town GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Town of of of Whitby Specials at... SHORTY'S Cigar Store 121 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY XMAS WRAPPING PAPER Reg, 98. Discount Price v, Na aac Rs a a ae he th Be te tke Bite ite ke Bt Bee ks Be Se Bs Be Miss Doris Whitaker, Toronto, was weekend guest of her sister land brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs David Amstrong, 117 Elizabeth | crescent. se a a a a a ke ie j Re is $ Tac Be Sic a Be > Jack Harrison guests of Miss % Barker, Brock street #} SST ri? Pearson Pledges National Anthem Cod i OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Min-| #x ister Pearson said Wednesday|# ae the b) | of Story Changer her husband's business. Pleading guilty to charges of Dr, Roy Rowsell, Oshawa, obstructing the course of jus- specialist in internal medicine, tice, Estelle Joanne Duncan, 28, confirmed her testimony. He RR 2, Stouffville, was given @cajq that she had required suspended sentence of 12 treatment for "her nervous months in Whitby Magistrate's tate, aggravated after the acci- Court Tuesday. dent', as well as physiotherapy Mrs. Duncan's car had been for her shoulder and neck. found by Sgt. Jerry Robinson of! Damage to the car was Whitby: PD on Victoria street. so99 59, Also included in the sut east, the court learned. It con- ,,a+ded for special damages tained stolen cigars, cisarets yore the loss of two weeks' and lighters. Police impounded wages and medical expense. the. vehicle. < acrahee thin The Court learned further tha Mrs, Duncan had stated 10 WHITBY police that she had left her car "on the side of the road when it PERSONALS btoke down on the way from Toronto. r state Mrs. Thomas Graham, Port She later corrected het ea och eae Sunday. duinet ment, Crow? : ONDE ra at guest at the home of her daugh- Affleck related, by ae ter and © son-in-law Mr. and she had received . a mths Mrs. Leonard Andrus, 719 Burns call from her husband, who "I ba : give 'a' fic- street west. prompted her to give a titious story" Tuesday, Dec. 10 R. A. Hut- Mr. Affleck, pointing out that .hison Home and School As- Mrs. Duncan was "married tO <ocjation are holding its Christ- this man, and doing this on his j,2. social evening. All parents behalf', asked for the mercy ofl irged to attend. the court and a. suspended sen- tence : Mike Starr Here For PC Meeting Mrs. John Beattie, Clarence drive entertained at her home Ontario County Federal Pro-| at a "going away party" in gressive Conservative Associa-'honor of Mrs. C. R. MacNeil, tion is holding its annual meet-| 40 with her family, is estab- ing at Whitby Legion Hall at 8)jiching residence in Halifax. On 3 p.m, tonight behalf of -all present Mrs Michael Starr, MP for OntariO/peattie presented Mrs. Mac- riding and former Minister of Neil with a going away gift. The r Labor will be present at the hostess served a dainty lunch meeting. Association Secretary Ernest Marks of Oshawa said) Mr. George Mcllroy, Dun- \ yesterday that Mr, Starr would/barton, uncle of Mrs. Thayer, beaccompanied by Eldon Wil-| Whitby is celebrating his birth- samM>, Conservative MP' from|day today. For the occasion he # Bow River, who will be guest/will be dinner guest at the S speaker. Thayer residence. sae ga a Nees en Ontario Ladies College Jr./g race" for the presidency. of the Alumnae are holding its Christ- Association during the election | D3 Sone: itt: euaees | of officers. The post is presently held by Mr. and Mrs. Clive Wofthing- Ab Walker who, due to his elec- ton, 720 Centre street south, are tion to the Ontario Legislature celebrating their 2tst wedding in the last Provincial elections, anniversary today, Thursday, must vacate it, Dec. 12. Their friends wish them It' is expected that delegates éyery happiness. from ali areas of the County will be present at the meeting Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bent,. 300 gianni -- Walnut street and son 'Jack re- All S . ts G ild Prices Rea ee Bi |daughter-in-law, Mr. .and Mrs. ain ul | Harold Bent of Scarboro. Hold Last Meeting The many friends of Mr. Hector Palmer, 310 Chestnut All Saints' Afternoon Branch|street east are sorry to learn of the Parish Guild held its)that he is in the Oshawa Gen- final meeting of the year Tues-/eral Hospital, they wish him a! day afternoon in the Sunday | prompt recovery. School hall . Thirty-two members wre pres- Ajax Kinettes executive mem- i] ent. The meeting was opened bers met Tuesday evening at the! ¥ with the members' prayer fol-|home of Vice-president Marie lowed by the Lord's Prayer. Hill and made final arrange- Mrs. E. Quilter read the scrip- ments for the Christmas party ture to be held Saturday, Dec. 14, at After a profitable business the home of Past President|'s session at which various fre- Phyl Henwood, Forest road, ports were given President Ajax This Christmas party Mrs. R'.E. Smith thanked the for Honorary Kinsmen and wives members for their whole heart- aS well as practising Kinsmen ed support of the Christmas and wives. Bazaar. ad Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hayward *% Arrangements were made 0 o¢ Killaloe were recent guests of donate to several Christmas jyyy and Mra. Mery cheer projects, A committee Brock street north was appointed consisting of Mrs. Gifford Beaton, Mrs. Stan- M. and Mrs. ley Armstrong and Mrs, Edith were dinner Watts to act as nominating Gretta committee for the January north meeting The meeting closed with prayer and dainty party _re- freshments were served by 2 1963 execuliv Miss Louise McIntosh. Mrs. R. E. Smith and -Mrs. Thomas E. Hen stock Te Oe ne BOE be the government is committedt o held Jan. 14 with election Of take steps within two. years to officers for 1964 declare O Canada the. national! pase anthem , will SET RECORD 1932 five Polish skiing team members He added in reply to a Com Olympic mons questioner that it would be climbed natural to expect this matter from the fifth tothe 102nd be dealt with at the same time 3 floors of New York's Empire as that of a distinctive national State Building in 21 minutes flag BROCK - Whitby Evening Shows At 6:55 & 8:30 Saturday Matinee 1:30 In Motry Goldwyn M3 r Maye! presents A NEW ADVENTURE MGM's AND THE LOST SAFARI FIRST TiME ia COLOR / "met GORDON SCOTT as THE NEW'TARZAN' ¢ Papen RORERT BEATTY» YOLANDE DOMLAN DETTA S) JOHN WILFRID HYDE WHITE McConnell jviviaiat GAT ACCUFIS |. FOR THE MEN ON YOUR LIST | e VYELLA SHIRTS By Deacon Bros e SHIRTS and PYJAMAS By ARROW trom 4.99 e NORTH BAY COATS By DEACON -- Pile Lined, Fur Collor, Grenfel Cloth : ane 35.00 e@ SPORT SHIRTS By ARROW and CURRIE e SWEATERS By TONY DAY & REGENT KNIT e SOCKS By McGREGOR, WOLSLEY & JOCKEY e HATS By BILTMORE e SKI JACKETS Nylon, Reversible by CROYDON from 19.95 i GIFT CERTIFICATES J FREEMAN--Formal Wear Rentals Russ Reeve's MEN'S WEAR -129 BROCK ST. S. Fy Sponsored by Your Whitby Merchants Association Re 4)-4) ah -abal-al- ab a) a) Ala l-a1 alee BReVslVVoVsVowN WHITBY Pea, PR, Ra, my i RR RR PR PN GR hy GS Bank of Montreal f f f f f f f f f f f g f g f f f f f f f f f g f f f f f f } f f f f f f f f g f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f Don't Forget Folks... I Will Be In DOWNTOWN WHITBY THIS WEEKEND KODACHROME 11 MOVIE Lm. te Included. 3,89 Processing MOVIE 2.69 48° DYNACHROME FILM. Processing Included. each KODAK FILMS VP 620, 127, each 2 FOR 89° KODAK KODACOLOR FILMS 620-127, each 1.25 FLASH BULBS M2B, Blue 25B or 5B, Blue Brigham BRIAR PIPES 6.95 and up Free pouch of tobacco with soch pipe INSTAMATIC OUT- 16.95 ELECTRIC RAZORS Philishove Speed Flex 27.50 Remington Roll-A-Matic 25 - 26.98 Schick Super Speed . 24.95 KODAK FIT 100. Reg. Price 21.50. Discount Price CIGARS Lorge Selection in 10s-25s-50s ot Discount Prices NEILSON'S. CHOCOLATES 1-lb. Every Piece Different Ib. 1,29 1-lb. Treasure Box 1.65 SOFT DRINKS 10-oz, Size. 49° 6 Bottle Carton Plus Deposit) OPEN SUNDAYS 4 2. as a at the... amen qraras THURSDAY, DEC, {2th 6:30 to 8:30 P.M. FRIDAY, DEC, {3th 6:30 to 8:30 P.M. SATURDAY, DEC. {4th from 2 to 4 P.M. Be sure to bring your children to see Santo, Have them fill out the draw ticket for a. Boy's or Girl's Bicycle and on Electric Train. Shop In Whitby In The Stores Displaying The $500.00 Card x WHITBY Township Council _ on SATURDAY December 14th That's whot you will get if you hove your next suit or coat made to measure by © TIP TOP TAILORS e HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN e WM. N, LEISHMAN FRONTS .. Ib. 45¢ Cut, Wrapped and Delivered Ph, 668-8621 D. J. Cawker Phone after 3 P.M. at Russ Reeves MEN'S SHOP 129 BROCK S, PH, 668-2091 Gift Suggestions From i | -- MERCANTILE WR For the Man of Your Choice: BY FORSYTH ROBE and PYJAMA SETS at ... . Dome teb tapered DRESS SHIRTS . Fine -quolity SPORT. SHIRTS from BY MANHATTAN Finely tailored LOUNGEASE HOUSECOATS .. BY STANFIELDS Warm comfortable POLO PYJAMAS For the Ladies: BY SHAMROCK Smartly styled SPORTSWEAR in the latest fashion shades, BY PHANTOM HOSIERY for all occasions in the popular shades. .. JUST ASK FOR A GIFT ee ee 12.95 ,, 19.95 5.95 Hf in doubt what to give to the person who has_ everything . CERTIFICATE REDEEMABLE AT THE MERCANTILE. MAKE THE MERCANTILE... YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS 321 BROCK STREET SOUTH WHITBY PLAZA SLEIGH BELLS WILL RING When You Open The Door -- So Come One And All FOR GIFTS LARGE SMALL COLONIAL LADY'S CHAIR -- This beautiful high back wing chair with foam rubber cushions and back upholstered-in a quality fabric by MEULLERS will add charm to your home. Reg. 149.00. SALE PRICE... 119.00 THREE DRAWER CHEST -- Made by GIBBARD of genuine solid cherry. Length 32", depth 16", height 30". Reg. 109.00, SALE PRICE. okies sc deeesss 59.00 7-PIECE FRENCH PROVINCIAL DINING ROOM SUITE in solid cherry by ANDREW MALCOLM. The suite consists of a china hutch and buffet base, dining room table which extends to 78" and chairs. Reg. 689.00. DALE PRICE 8 ook Hie as 499.00 ITALIAN PROVINCIAL 2-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE. This suite by BRAEMORE has a large 87" 4 seater sofa and matching chair, This sofa and chair has real foam rubber seats and loose down filled cushions backs, Both upholstered in Brae- more's beautfiul LA SCALA gold fabric. The showwood is the dinstictive, Distressed Sienna finish. Reg. 499.00, SALE PRICE 349.00 SAVE ON COFFEE TABLES--END TABLES--NESTING TABLES -- OCCASIONAL TABLES IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TERMS 10% DOWN BALANCE 24 MONTHS UNUSUAL GIFT ITEMS... MANY AVAILABLE ONLY AT OUR STORE HONEYCOMB BEES WAX 1 CANDLES ee 2 SCENTED CANDLES from Carolina in Apothecary Jars mo per pr. ond up 195 MINIATURE CAST IRON stove, weight scales pots and pans etc. Ideal gift items for children CAST IRON DECORATOR ITEMS. eg. wall. plaques, trivots, horsehead hitching posts, boot scrapers, door stops 1 00 up weet erat ons s and others HORSE BRASSES skillfully mounted on real leather Martingales ree BP se STICK. WALL SCONGES, DOOR S and many others, 3.95 <FHAZCON mraoQo4%" IRONSTONE CHINA by Adams. 5-pe: place setting HAND PAINTED DRAWER PULLS, DOOR KNOBS, SWITCH PLATES, etc. by famous Can- adian Artist 2.50 Joan Boyer PLUS MANY OTHER HAND CRAFTED GIFTS OPEN TILL 9 P.M. UNTIL CHRISTMAS FoOmSorTu 216 MARY ST.E. WHITBY, ONTARIO ROUSSEAU HERITAGE HOUSE FURNITURE Jnleuo Antiques AMPLE PARKING TEL. 668-3483

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