Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Dec 1963, p. 2

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be Bee ; | . oe J | Cuba Begins |INTERPRE1ING THE NEWS Goop EVENING Winter Housing Boom Could poise. China Flexes -- wna --" /Embarrass Ottawa Officials | Religious Data UN Muscles j ' ; MEXICO CITY (CP-AP). -- RIDING LIBERALS WOULD GET HOUSE IN ORDER OTTAWA (CP)--Federal offi-;housing program, reducing thejwitn « 4.gcr voume of|undér construction at the end of Rev. Kenneth MeMillan of Tor- NOTES FROM THE HUSTINGS (ONT. RIDING FED.): (cials are crossing their fingers|amount of housebuilding that work _ supply ag gual ~ year, gta with 76,000 re hey gros he le Ry CARMAN CMAs. | ane a saneage." one diple- lobody seems be talking much for publication about jin hopes they won't be embar- | switi 'cur in the), Another winter job programa year ago. teves the real reason he was Canadian Press Sta friter|)mat commented, the pose laeuuy 2 a east election, some district |rassed next year by two muc! dena agonn' tuagenapned year lis the -- voangl works) He predicted that 1963 hous- seized and held Dec. 2 by Cu- : Communis! China has no seat} When the Russians did come ; : . success in this winter's housing = program under which Ottawajing starts will exceed 140,000) ban police was because he hadin the United Nations, but itsjout. in the open, their answer Liberals believe in being prepared. lincentive program. Another complicating factor i jpays 50 per cent of the payrolijunits compared with 130,100,-'an appointment with a govern- influence at the UN has been|was a firm "nyet." They took They are making elaborate plans for a meeting in January | Jngormants said Wednesday wp age ic pe fem ee ie Ligeyernd Hay bog Pape a } jane i ~~ se be Atay religion s p ahead noticeable in recent!pains to emphasize that they y rita . a i ; in the ral sales es (pe r ¥ Sa h w "He did not want to see me," days. . ti ' toon as min ities rare ieee Jane tae building materials, to eight per/30. This winter the federal con-|the rush of new housing starts|Mr. MeMillan, secretary of the Peking's presence was felt| with Peking wig rscomn st. one ee oe at: ee : - lhomes has begun with a rush,|cem from four, On top of the tribution s increased to 60 per|late this year will borrow some-|Canadian Bible Society of the by many diplomats Tuesday, At : . Prime purpose Of tule leith cations from builders $500 winter bonus, this likely;cent in 66 high-unemployment what from next year's housing|Presbyterian Church of Canada,|when the Soviet bloc collided) 4 | ae cide P Agpeees pow-wow, of course, will ote far Bee some 30,000 homes|Will be _ added a tal er extra beri will nd pies! : hte vi bong in . a here. He head-on with Africa on the is (ae en nol Gerincest posi; " ' ' > 8 builders to crowd con-\to most municipalities in Que-|great effect on volume of'did not elaborat sue of exp: Security : : oa apt ee geese they expect grey _™ ruetion: into the winter bec and the Atlantic provinces. construction. He said the house- Me MeMillan aa his. arrival rH sive _ African delegates were riding Federal house in order. | Sabin kee panes vn months, : bas pion said img agp Agi ertatel ager ty pote in Cuba from Mexico City had How Peking became fivolved| Som eames . on : : : td : m g to es ss are that the winter works pro-to reac etween 120, andjapparently been expected by --and why--i ss clear,| Mey cate Ey just im case an election crop: /flow in, though the total qual! MAY EASE IMPACT _.. gram will be even larger than| 130,000 new housing starts next!Cuban officials, dase og was the gl Rene brie. is/counted on Peking's support. ped up eartior than expect- ifying for the bonus is not ex-| Meanwhile, ave! pega et last winier's, when Ottawa paidjyear. met at the airport and takenjthat African members have! A!¢x Quaison-Sackey ef Ghana, ed. Officially, the puropse ie |Pected to reach the raged Beets ge selsea Gaeta: $45,679,000 on projects srlaedl" 2 . ~ |immediately to police headquar- been pressing strongly for in-|Chaitman of the African group, i homes originally budgeted for impact of winter , vai an estimated $292,800,000. It's} . ters. creased representation on unjtold a reporter the Soviet state- twofold -- to elect a new |by the government. The $500 ployment. 'ard ments estimated that last winter's pro-| Dief Lashes He was held by police three bodies, particularly the presti-, ment came like a "bombshell." riding executive (William G, Will be paid to the first. buyer - ae as 'laine of tam provided jobs at least hours for questioning before be-jgious 11-country Security Coun-| But he said the Africans had Lawson, Pickering Vil- bg sega ils he ast +130 .000 homes 'in a four-month Part time for 146,400 persons M4 ing released in custody of the|cil decided to push ahead with ce |. The question pate Bes beneath pata d would mean on-site jobs Canadian embassy on condition' Russia, with veto power over|Ppresent plans, backing a pair lage lawyer, is president and = jto which this winter eet aul Y eeciineied 90.000 es e leave Cuba on the first pos- the necessary charter revision,|of Latin American resolutions George K. Drynan, QC, an j will borrow" from next year's for i Ron, | were lined up before the Dec. lsible flight. has refused in past years to calling for two more seats on f 1 starting date. On Nov, 30, a He flew out Dec. 6 for Mexico, permit expansion of the council|the Security Couneil and six Oshawa lawyer, is secretary) | force of federal housing inspec- '3 i : : a 4 ORL : he 18- vibe Abs | TH : sing inspec vr : ..__ City where he now is attending until] Communist China takes|)more on the 18-member ece- and to get the membership's | WEA ER FORECAST tors visited the sites to ensure | ca on ( P) we Opposiion a meeting of the world coun: her "rightful place" as a perm- "Mic and social council. approval of a proposed new | eines onmencian bean! as, Vode jp ine cil of churches, anent_ member Most delegates seemed to feel isevaakdadiul aii te eee J eyo se tio: . Sday 4 B| ay er ' ts F Wile = : Jenne constitution recently drawn ceeded yond the basemen Minister Chevrier put' himself Rejecting earlier reports that This year, the Africans|the wide support for expansion e e r ; aid ground-floor joists. he w sted in Cuba be- thought they saw a changed should at least be put on record up along the lines of one | Freezing Rain jad groun 101! A above the law wh -dereq ne Was arres n 3 g Pi |CAN'T COMPARE STARTS w when he ordered], scat elaichira hy the G : raoentt , | a ; ; age aie a, cause he was suspected of be- picture y the General Assembly, Rati scenes ipomeghe sos Officials say there is no pre- gre ce an a warrant ing a member of the banned Relations were much quieter fication of the measures might Federal Liberal Association. cise comparison with last year arrest of Hal C. Banks, toh oyah's Witnesses, he said: between East and West, they wait until later. JOHN LAY Ontario Riding Liberals al- e iz show the actual increase in President of the Seafarers' In- They knew who I was all the noted. At the same time, the gti) unanswered was the most emerged from the poli- (@ | V 1 Tred housing starts attributable to ternational Union of Canada time." Soviets were showing no eager- question of whether Peking had tical wastelands (where they have languished since the plush eee epi Bar Wk ace Pima Orgoes buoy sehen esa _ ness to champion Peking. That done a turnaround--and, if s0, " " fate Gas , feders ., last three months o 2 there, r publication of al! letters task was left ania. shy. sagial ee ea moore iba tee boats ay ay ine Federal Official forecasts issued by tonight then northwest 30 Fri- were some 33,800 housing starts. or other communications be- MP Cl 1 The Akisahs vies GH rightly 7 . { election this year. Under the candidacy of Norman Cafik, the "the Toromo weather office at day morning Many of the new homes tween Mr. Chevrier and the wo $ alm or wrongly. that. Peking itself DOME ODner Vers; 10Una Nace party almost scored a political upset of major proportions 4:30 a.m Niagara, Lake Ontario Hali- started late this year are being RCMP or other authorities on- £ : was with them on the expan- Or yond resins in a close race with Michael Starr, traditional winner. Mr. Synopsis: A disturbance lo- burton. Georgian Bay, Hamil- financed by direct government cerning the warrant H d U : sion issue thes ; Ho chic or " ot Cafik, a highly articulate executive type (but a political un- cated over Ohio is. moving ton Hazardous driving advisory loans through CMHC. A total of Mr, Chevrier said it was a anSar sing Some weeks ago. Foreign snuinenred ita dua, Gan had known nine months before the election), provided strong northeastward spreading enw in ag eh a spe eal 13,147 direct loans to builders well-establiished rule that com- Minister.Chen Yi of Communist! ainbachaa see pAepoveges od leadershi helped to weld diffident inner-party factions 2CTOSS southern Ontario. Havar- with chance 0} reezng arizzi€ were made between Sept. 23/munications between ministers| 4 China was reported to have ine atric bl P, I dous driving warnings -- have this morning tapering off to a and Nov, 15 when thé lending and government official a a ng 1S stated publicly that his. govern e African bloc. together ' at this area as few flurris this afternoon. Var-| program was ¢ ff 8 "siete: lara Another theory was that the been issue or is a 2 , : program was cut off. privileged and therefore not ment regarded the Afro-Asian : as The big task for the Liberals will be.io retain inner- (three to six inches of snow and iable cloudiness tonight. Cloudy, . W. Hignett, CMHC vice- subject to such orders from the OTTAWA (CP) -- Two oppo- demands for expansion as just Russians, wanting to block ex- brisk easterly winds cause lo- with occasional light snow and president, said in a recent House nh Bins ene sition MPs complained in the) The Russians meanwhile. Pansion, were trying to place cal drifting and treacherous much the same temperature speech that a record high 90. Mr, Defenbaker said he,Commons Wednesday aboutwere even more silent than the blame on Peking. A third in Whitby when more than 650 crowded into the hall highway conditions ; Frigay W inds east 20 to 30 be-/000 new homes probably will be agreed in principle, but that the Non - capitalization of proper usual on their . intentions xD OT was that there had The snow will taper off to a coming west "15 this afternoon warrant was a mandatory or-Mames.in Hansard, the record. A frequent question in UNjbeen a simple misunderstand- John Lay, the Ajax insurance agent (and nephew of the few flurries this morning north and southerly 25 Friday morn-| Ch | W k der to the peace officers that of Commons debates corridors was whether the Rus-|ing over Peking's position. late W. I. Mackenzie King), is a member of the committee of lake Erie and. this afternoon ing. then west 30 during the af rysier OFKers mr. Banks be arrested. Such a\ Colin Cameron (NDP -- Na-|sians had given any private in- nls eae is . . or , ake Ontario. There is ternoon Ainie 'nis epee - Cowichan - The - Is-|dicati f whether they would in charge of arrangements for the upcoming January pow north of Lake LER ARE a . mandatory order, the oCnserva- naimo : : ication of whether they would wow. He was twice an unsuccessful Liberal candidate in |#60 & chance of some freezing Forecast Temperatures H Ratify Contract tive leader said, left no room|lands) said that despite his re-\change their policy, The an-! SHORGAS Aer 108 nee Mig Gotik w | feated [rain before 'the precipitation Iows tonight, highs Friday: | for additional instructions from quest the Hansard staff did not\swer invariably was that there HEATING & the early 1950's in this riding. Mr. Cafik was also defeated 914. Windsor 4 WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Chrys-!the minister. capitalize the first letters of In-'had been no hint whatever in a previous attempt to get elected. Another disturbance moving St. Thomas....... 2 q ler Canada Limited office work-- He said Mr. Chevrier, by. de- ternational Monetary Fund. APPLIANCES southeastward 'from Manitoba London : b ers approved their first collec- laying the arrest, put himself) The Commons, he said, is be- ; CROWN APPEALS "89 M-P-H CASE will affect Northern Ontario Kitchener .. . b 3 tive agreement with the com-! above the law and such a prae-jing subjected to illiterate use RESULTS COUNT Industriel and Re = ater today, then bring: strong Mount Forest..... 25 pany at a membership meeting'tice could only encourage un-(of the English. language. é Commercial Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck has*appealed the November «winds and occasional snow to Wingham .. ; f 3@ of Local 240, United Auto: Work-|lawful acts. ------ -- 20 conviction in Magistrate's Court here against Gordon Har- {the rest of Ontario on Friday, Hamilton ... rene t 3 ers Union (CL), Tuesday, it Mr. Chevrier said the motion EYE R R i The established, relishle Gao ris Hunter, 19, of Brooklin. Lake St, Clair, Lake Erie, St. Catharines vee 3 was announced Wednesday should be put over for debate EXAMINATIONS Decler in your eres. nee Lake Huron, Windsor, London: Toronto rgeee | 32 Géorge Burt, Canadian direc-|jater in the session. In' the de- Police said Hunter's car was clocked by radar at 89 (Hazardous driving advisory is- Peterborough ' : tor of the UAW, sa'd the lo-|bate, he said, he would bring PHONE 723-4191 Bolohood Brothers Limited 31 CELINA ST. mfles-per-hour about 5:10 p.m. October 30 on Bloor street east sued, Snow and drifting snow Trenton'... ' 33 cal members "overwhelmingly"| forward instances in which sim- by eppeintment 101 Simecee North 728-5123 (Corner of Athel 5 with chance of freeing drizzle Killaioe .. . 2 voted in favor of a _ $20.80 jlar acto ere ; » the , in a 90-mile zone. wv becoming flurries this morning Muskoka . ae 5 25 monthly wage increase ineladedty ee aT canveevative orem FR. BLACK, 0.D. Resale Specialists | 728-9441 He was fined the maximum for speeding -- $50. and variable cloudiness by eve- North Bay.. ms ' 9 in a' new contract effective for ment MCOE ST. NORTH | He was also charged with careless driving after the first ning. Mainly cloudy wth occa- Sudbury .. ie : the next 18 months -- ws a ETE sional snow or snowflurries to- Fariton . - night 'and. Friday. but little Sault Ste. Marie... 2 FEW CITIES istrate Harry Jermyn after Defence Counsel Terence V. Kelly change in temperature. Winds Kapuskasing 5 : The vast majority of South protested that no summons was served for it east 15 to 25 becoming west 15 White River 5 Viet Nam's 14,520,000 people ' x by aftérnoon and southerly 25, Moosonee 3 b live in rural villages Careless driving convictions carry a fine of up to $500 or : o ie party harmony at all costs -- it isn't easy for them to forget the overflow attendance at Mr. Cafik's nomination meeting | charge was laid -- the second count was withdrawn by Mag- a jai! sentence of up to three months. The appeal will be heard by a county court judge. 'Hunter was tried on the lesser charge only; this was be- Bg ae ; ede fg: Sate < f é cause of a technicality," said Mr. Affleck. "The Crown feels JAGUAR that he should also be tried on. the careless driving charge."' OSHAWA PLANNING COUNCIL TAKES FORM The interim executive of the proposed Oshawa Planning Counctl will meet in early January to decide on the group's E i fj ; 2 | % official functions -- these proposals will be forwarded later | j { ie to a general membership meeting for ratification ; : ae ; GOVERNOR Mrs. Olive David Niven of Area Planning Council of Ly : et Bas : Metro Toronto turned up at a recent OPC meet here to ex- eae : i i ; plain the area structure in Toronto. She urged that Oshawa' | as 4 ae d : keep its organization "as simple as possible at the start' and try to get a "needed'"' project under way so that the Fee 8 x public could see what a Planning Council could do bee Herb Chesebrough, Cily Welfare administrator, said: that ig is "Family Counselling': represented the "most obvious" gap in } se : Oshawa's present social service set-up. He agreed to advise Community Services Association 'of this. Representatives of | ee: es i the Children's Aid, Simcoe Hall, Board of Health, Red Cross | ae new styles --just what he'll want for Christmas and VON have been invited to the next executive meeting eee: e : : and present their views. ee 8 : When a man slips into a pair of Packard Slippers, something wonderful happens. CRAFTED BY Knowledgeable women don't try to understand it -- they just appreciate its effect. KAUFMAN No matter what else he gets for Christmas, be sure he gets new Packard Slippers. Manatactarery of Fourtrente, "en NEW BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING TAKES FORM Did you notice of late how fast construction of the new Bank of Montreal building on the northwest corner of Simcoe : ps es : } BUY YOUR PACKARD SLIPPERS AT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING STORES and Athol streets ig advancing? j + : The building will be approximately' 9,000 square feet with a four-foot setback on Simcoe and seven on Athol. The i Bie j ee ie } | 119 Brock St. South valuable site previously contained eight stores -- most WHITBY of which were gutted in a fire -- and cost the Bank approxi- i p : H 668-3476 mately $135,000. Total cost of the building and property witli " i i be about $500,000. : Open Fri, Night till 9 p.m. James McCansh, manager of the Bank's Simcoe street north branch (which will oc- cupy the new. site), said he i | Whitby Plaza expected the building to be ; 305 Brock St., South ready for occupancy in the o . , : : : Ps WHITBY Spring, if not sooner. pe : ee ; -- = 668-4901 The downtown business area is sadly in need of an Urban Redevelopment Plan, but the Simcoe-Athol corner should é dilute t ret Ss : be one of the most attractive | i S : oe | 55 KING ST. E. architecturally in the area a | taste of Adams Gold Stripe. It will keep its | : OSHAWA he | 725-1521 with the completion of the ' ee new bank building. flavour to the very bottom of the glass~the The Canada Trust has not eg a rs ig Pee sa aia indicated what plans it has j mark of a great Whisky. Be next hme yeu bu ioe for those two properties pur- | | : : pee as i é Chased by hin 1061 on the' | ie try mellow custom-blended Gold Stripe... _ B R x west side of Simcoe below f : you'll enjoy its lasting fisvour. ce te hie King--formerly _ owned by Fashion Village and the JAMES McCANSH Home Dairy -- for a to- of approximately $83,000. Canada Trust later sold: some Le 2 j ae ae : : 18 SIMCOE ST. S. "| i aaa the Bank of Siubibeat, i i Adams is 8 eis 2 : ee . : | DANC EY'S OSHAWA TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS GET WORSE, NOT BETTER | 7 2 ees 725-1833 ; Did you know that more than 150 charges were la'd by the GO : D ong, RIPE | . nae d 31 SIMCOE ST. N. Oshawa Police Department last week for speeding, including P 36 in one day? The 1963 traffic accident toll this year will : : D Vi DSON S OSHAWA likely top the 800 mark, an ail4ime high locally. It was 743 4 CANADIAN RYE WHISKY xf downtoun 725-3312 last Saturday. There have been five fatal traffic accidents a : : ee Osha wa thus far in 1963 -- this may not be an all-time high,' but it's ' at least a record for the past five years Speeding infractions THOMAS ADAMS DISTILLERS LIMITED, TORONTO, ONT. OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL CHRISTMAS eT er dia at ta Saturdays and Dec. 24th closed 6 p.m. marked: "Oshawa's main traffic thoroughfares are about as gate for pedestrians today as the Indianapolis speedway."

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