Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Dec 1963, p. 22

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29--Automobiles For Sale 1963 SUNBEAM Alpine sports car, load ed with extras, 8,000 miles. Best offer. .9----Automobiles For Sale 963 VALIANT convertible, big motor, utomatic, white walls, wheel covers, vashers, padded dash, Power fom thal 728-9833. elts, heavy dut OER Ficaae: 1957 PONTIAC 6cylinder, automatic, », low mileage. Over four aeons fac. MA ory warranty. Real low price. Smithivery clean car, $675. We trade up or ports, 353 King Street West, Oshawa.|down and finance. Mike's BA, Raglan. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thureday, December 12,1963 2] 27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Reol Estate For Sale |29----Automobiles For Sale VHITBY -- brick b alow, ear high INCOME property including commerciai chool, $1,000 down, good. terms. Calijiot, have 108. ff. frontage on Simeor Cruikshanks, 728-5123. Bolahood Bros.| Street South, duplex with two good apart- nents. Asking' only $16,900 with reason- able down payment. For appointment to see, call Ossie Martin 728-9714 or Joseph Bosco Realtor. 728-7377. TRADE your home in, as you would your. car. This opportunity Is 'availabic on three new bungalows, nearing com- pletion in the west end. Anyone purchas- ing or trading for one of these Futurama model homes will be eligible to receive the $500 Government Winter Works Bonus. For further information contact Joseph Bosco Real Estate, 728-7377. ESTABLISHED BAKERY business. Full line of machinery, equipment and store fixtures. Truck to serve sales route. Ask- Ing price $10,000. On Highway 2, room bungalow. with garage, on big lot. Asking price $12,500, with $1,500,. down. Give us an offer. Phone Geo. Blyleven,| Realtor, 623-5300. $iX-ROOM brick, central, oil heat, three bedrooms. Vacant, $95. monthly or $1000. down, Call 728-2236. 27--Real Estate for Sale (27----Real Estate For Sale SUCKINGHAM Avenue, two storey,,NORTH END -- Three-bedroom brick bed modern home, close fojbungalow, large kitchen, storms anc and bus. Full price|screens, fenced yard, close to school:| Ar $ information ask for ikeland buses. 7 until 9 p.m. or Saturday.| -td. Perry * 725-0303 Joseph Bosco Realtor.|Telephone 728-6605. $13,200 immaculate, three-bedroom bun-|polisher, $20; iron, ironing board etc. galow in good area, paved drive, storms|Cement finishing tools. Apply 102 Rosehill 723-1121 29--<Automobiles For Sale |32--Articles for Sale 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian, executive car,|BUNK beds and mattresses for sale. 6,000 miles, 6 cylinder, white, ce i Telephone Whitby, 666-3734 after six p.m. rad Liki $2,475. Call 72: ea. ee ee = HONEST Cal's Furniture and. Appliances, 28-734) 655-3528. 1960 FORD V8,' standard transmission,|Name brands at it discounts any- 955 CHEVROLET station wagon, excel-|19¢3 IMPALA hardtop, azure-aqua, V-8)22¢K-uP fights, * sage washers, $695.|where, We carry Restonic and Beverly CLEARANCE ant transportation, reasonably priced./engine, automatic, custom radia, window mattress' furniture lines, Your authorized all Bowmanville .623-5082. washers, white walls, tinted windshield, GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on 424 i955 CHEVROLET coach, V8 motor, stan-\fender mirrors, low mileage. Must sell, §TUDIO couch, two chairs, $35; Floor and screens, close to schools and buses.|Boulevard. (Basement apartment). 725 For appointment to see contact George|2997. oo Koornneef.. 723-2859, Joseph Bosco, Real) Ci eniaTE POSSESSION. tor, 728-7377. orick finished room, large landscaped lot, Northeast Oshawa tocation, near. schools, bus, etc., down, Telephone 728-8749. FULL PRICE -- $12,900. ---- Le Large modern bungalow with Two bedroom house, living paved ie" good ioe W. FRANK tion neor schools ond bus REAL ESTATE LIMITED service. 3 bedrooms with plenty of closet space. 4 pc. 177 Church Street, Bowmanville tiled bathroom. Large mod- ern kitchen with eating area. Recreation room partially 188 acre farm near Bow- monville. 75 acers apple or~ finished. chard, brick house plus ex- tra. frame house. Steel barn, 2,600' Lake Ontario front- age, Good stream. Must be sold to settle Estate. Only $55,000 - terms. 93 acre Christmas tree farm near Millbrook. 61,000 scotch pine Christmas trees, all pruned trees with several thousand ready 'next . year. $12,000 -. $3,000 down ~ Five-room recreation choice north $2,500. 1955 "GMC two-ton stake truck. New PBirioesFisin tonal King Street West, our new home formerly dard transmission, whitewall tires, Won-|will finance, Dial 668-3262. motor and tires, $695. Telephone 728-804./Avalon Dance Hall. Telephone 728-9191. derbar radio. Excellent condition. VROLE $400/1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne, ¢ 1956 CHEVROLET V8, standard, $225) SWISS MADE Rotel luice oaractor, re or best offer. 723-1460 after 5 p.m. automatic, é6cylinder, 39,000 and 1960 Vauxhall, excellent condition,/tall price $89, on sale for $47. Telephone 1956 METEOR four-door V-8 automatic, gape sener Seren ue am f 725-4258. radio, whitewalls, two tone paint, See P.m. lephone "Jim", 1956 FORD sedan, V-8 engine, automatic). [TABLE top electric stove, 4burner, ex this one for $435. Apply 448 Park Road transmission, fair condition, $375. Tele Vv Aa phone Tees. cellent condition, $60. Telephone 723-7341. 1955 PONTIAC standard, 6 cylind 1959 RENAULT sedan, clean throughout,| MOFFAT 30" deluxe mp range, like new, $75. lent condition. Priced for quick sale. new tires, new licence Fewelh $450. Tele-| Telephone Whitby 668-30! 448 Park Road South, phone 728-9286. TREES ( (Sprayed) Corner 1963 VAUXHALL 6 cyil 1959 PONTIAC convertible V8 automatic,|Hiliside and Park South. Come early luxe, very economical, 5,000 miles 'onl y. seat covers, radio, white walls. Must sell,/get the pick ton 97 cents. Harry Chinn. Bank finance arranged, Phone 7 728-1917. Highest offer. takes. 595 Ritson oad 723-7088. Delivery. Sout RATES = New and used, 1969 CHEVROLET biscayne six cylinder|For @ fair deal, try Sportsma stick shift two door sedan, $1350 or take| Whitby, one block west of Foor' Corners. over payments. Aftér 5 p.m. 218 Freder-| Large selection, all sizes. DEMONSTRATORS ick or Whitby. 668-3888, SCSI SHOTGUNS, double _beralied, | i955 PONTIAC sedan radio. Good fires,|Spanish make, fully prertees 1963 CHEVRVOLET Regu- dependable transportation, $195 or nearest/!ar $119.00, clearing $89.50. Sportsman's cash offer, 725-8132, Corner, one block west of Four Corners, BEL AIR SEDAN 6 cylinder, automatic trans- rd li 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, 900d condition, | WhUtbY. Must sell this week. No reasonable offer|/MAIR DRYERS, electric, famous manu- |refused. Call after $ p.m. 385 Ritson|facturer's motor, complete with hood. Road North ry, eens compare with $24.95. é g Sites a: on a | COB 97 8 ir. Sports ' mission, whitewal tires, discs, |1963 PONTIAC V8, four-door hardtop, fron's Cort Whitby, one Ce ur ar washers, seat belts, immacu- |!wo sole ane seer yo bwin Four Corner: positraction, safety belts, radio, white lote. walls. Full price $3,200. PO Box 477, Port|CAR RACE $ETS -- Eldon Deluxe, Perry or phone evenings 985-2235, complete with overpass and fransform- aww |@F, Regular $22.50, clearing $18.97. 1957 SUBURBAN station "wagon, private] Sportsman's sorstiowk Whitby, one block 1963 CH EVROLET sale, excepti sally clean, outstanding!west of Four Corners. , | conditic two-tone, new tires, BISCAYNE - SEDANS transmission, excellent body, no rust, HOCKEY GLOVES --" Fuil size, "all |cus radio, windshield washers, Ideal|/eather, made in Canada. Reguiar $15.95, 6 cylinder, standard trans- [for sportsman or family car. $895. Tele-/Cleering $5.97 @ pair. Sportsan's Cor mission, Custom radio's. 2 | Phone. 728-7377 or 728-4353. BB AON ita oe) Fen Wen to choose from, These low |1957 BEL AIR, 4-door hardtop, V+ ; 1 tic, ful ed. F je at hg RCA Victor television, 17" console, good plang cars: are «clean Re ey cont teh Pernt ila condition, $45. Telephone 728-9995. x tMrougnout 1960 PON TIAC, cylinder, Laurentian, SPACE heater, thermostatically controlled, Immaculate condition. Cal!|$60-_ 200 gallon oll tank, $15. Telephone 23-7961 728-7619. SCOTCH Pine Christmas trees fan own nursery; also truckloads of tur! geese, ducks, chickens and capons. now for Christmas. Open daily till 10 dest Dial 725-3445, __________. | Tall home freezer owners, choice front "Auto Wreckers want Cars) quarters of beef, cut and wrapped, per |b. Highest prices paid. 220)39c. Choice hips of beef for steaks, round two-door, original and 3 radio, best offer. 728-5615. room, nice kitchen, 3 piece bath, oil heat. Private sale, Price $8,500 $1,500 DOWN after 5 p.m. Telephone 728-1349 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY FULLY DECORATED THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOWS $1100 DOWN Clean, dependable USED CARS Priced to clear 1951 FORD, good runner, fate "Body "and | tires. Starts good, $75. 668-5 iN 1959 CHEVROLET ddoor Bel Air, & cylinder, automatic transmission, radio, excellent condition. Telephone 723- 7164. 1963 CHEVROLET Impala station wagon, V8 automatic, power equipped, positraction, 7,500 miles, $3,900. After $ |p.m., telephone 725-9135, 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, "in, good ~ condition. Bargain at $650: Phone 725: 2018. 1963 CHEVY 1} sedan automatic radio asking $2100. Apply 369 _Drew. 725-8132. 1953 METEOR two-door two-tone y radio overdrive 'new tires excellent body $110. Telephone 725-8602. es | 1959 IMPALA fully equipped. Excellent condition $1350. Cash or terms. Tele phone 728-9593. 11953 CHEVROLET '%2-Tton pick-up with {new motor, $250, Phone 623-2486, |1957 DODGE, four door, V-8,. automatic, custom « radio,. whitewalls, snow fires, | spotless inside and outside, $600. Apply |108 Kent Street, Whitby, 668-2961. | 1960 PONTIAC Strato-Chief two-door sta |tion wagon, V8, standard transmission, good condition, $1495. Will consider trade m Phone 723-9245 : 5 1956 CHEVROLET, 4-door hard top, elec-| 1962 CHEVROLET tric wipers, 6-cylinder standard trans- h mission. Telephone 623-5637, after 5 IMPALA SEDAN 6 cylinder, automatic mission, custom radio, p.m. |1960 CHEVROLET, Bel Air, four-door, six| Here is ao sharp one owner most ~ KEITH PETERS Realtor -- 728-7328 103 King Street East DARLINGTON BLVD. VY Acre lot for sale, could be suitable for VLA home, your last chance. Call Ronald Hetherington 623-3637. BROADLOOM Two storey brick with broad- loom in living room and din- ing room, modem kitchen, new oil heating system, extra 100 acres bath, private drive and gar- on Hea ee age. Going to be sold! Phone $7,000 = se 000 Cow! Bill Ratcliffe 655-3917. 15 acres on Pigeon $16,300 with 1,700" h front New igalow in Oshawo's 0. 35 hi eas most ht after area, over 1100 ft- with carport, ndows, ceramic tile clay brick with N.H.A, mort- gage, | on Rossland tcad, Call Earle Allen 725- oo coor 's Corner, INCOME BUNGALOW--Rit- son Rd. North--3 bedroom bungalow and a 3 room base- ment apartment with private both and separate entrance. Attached garage and paved drive. Owner anxious to sell and has reduced the price to $14,900 GARAGE AND _-- SERVICE STATION suitable for auto dealership. 3 bay garage ond large showroom. Restaur- ant facilities. 2 apartments with separate entrances, also roo > Ww sul i ir ital gale fella igo | to one 614% Mortgage city limits of Oshawa Includes built-in range, feur foot vanity with colored bath- ATTRACTIVE SPLIT LEVEL room fixtures, Only three left. home fon Whitmon Cresc. Large living room with fire- Call Bill Millor Separate dini ng, room or Horry Bates and larg ern kit 2 bath best pre 3 sible Telephone 725-1186 W. T. Lamson famous 1963 FIAT TWO DOOR Red with white woll Only 2500 miles. $1195. tires. 1962 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE Red with black top, powered. $2595. fully pr 30--Automobiles Wanted rab for 1961 or 1962 Chevrolet or Pon- trans- c. No dealers. Call after 5 p.m. etc. m8 bd riabehtt ORE ng. 1962 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN Four door, maroon finish, six cylinder, automatic and Family room has large pic- ture window. Home is only 7 yeors old and is in excellent repair. 623-3154 623-3077 cylinder, automatic, radio, good tires, snow tires, $1, Telephone 728-2239. Jock Ricard Pot Yeo radio. ae TN ~ RRR Samet ~ = DOWNTOWN -- 17 -room brick home with gorage. 60 ft. in front zoned commercial Excellent location on King St. West BRICK BUNGALOW with 3 bedrooms and 4 pe. tiled bath. Nicely finished recrea- tion room. Fenced. back yard with patio. Schools and shop- ping ploza close. Bus at the door, Monthly payments of $74 with substantia! down poyment LAKE SCUGOG--Fully furn- ished cottage at Pine Point This property is in excellent condition ond hos a lovely view over the lake. Large living, room, kitchen, 2 bed- rooms ond sun room SOMERVILLE AVENUE Brick and stone rancher with corport and paved drive. This charming bungalow hos 3 bedrooms, 21 ft. living room, Hollywood kitchen ond 4 pc luxury bath as well os a 2 pc. powder room. Nicely decorated and well londscop- ed lot. This is on exception- olly well kept home ond pric- ed at $18,500. CENTRALLY LOCATED -- Spacious 3° bedroom home with attoched garage. 2 bathrooms, fireplace in living room, separate dining room, Very attractive landscaping. Owner onxious to sell. Let us show you this home to- night. EXCELLENT LOCATION--in North West Area--6 room split level with attached gar- age. Large: living room with built in bookcase. and L- shaped dining area. 12 x 11 kitchen with room to ect and emple cupboard and counter space. 4 pc. tiled bathroom and stool in basement. This is truly a lovely home and the owner is anxious to sell so has reduced the price to $17,900 For full particulars coll 723-1121 Open doily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m Roy Flintoff = Jehn Hutchuk Tony Siblock Steve Englert Lloyd Corson Jean Peacock Lucas Peccock Dick Young Steve Zurba Leon Manitius GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St: S WHITBY CLASSIFIED POR SALE -- baby carriage dition, converts to car bed. chrome swing and stand, converts car seat. Playpen' and TV aerial | Good con.) Baby's} to} 668- $028) ROOM AND BOARD for a young man Lunches packed, 668-3419. FOR SALE -- Electric Triang train, Va-inch plywood with and extra track, $15. | on} transformer} Telephone 668-229) FOR SALE -- Used TV's, $39 up. Chrome} kitchen sets; unpainted furniture. sell, or trade. What have you? Used. Furniture, Whilby DELU ve Dae bedroom apartment in W by prestige apariment building. Teleph 663-8560 FOR RENT: New two-bedroom ments Broadioom interiors. 648-3198 between 9 to 5 p.m CHRISTMAS Trees - Said by church chi On display at nadian Tire Store, Wi by. Wil Ge! y place in Whitby Oshawa. Number one pruned Sco! Pine. 668-5772 ROOM AND BOARD for gentiem. home cooking, lunches packed if sired, comfortable accommodations, tral. Telephone Whitby 668-5442 CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Now is time to order sour CCM bicycles Skates, Sports accessories at Cycle and Sales, 106 Colborne Str East, Whitby. Phone 668-3746. Use convenient lay-away plan TWO-BEDROOM apartment, Parking. Built-in oven and stove. monthly. Available January 1 Toronto, LE 2-4931, whit 215 Dundas Street East, hit-| jone| apart-| by, | ir. | nit) or| th | | an,| de-| cen-| | the! and Wilson's, eet] our} "central. $105) Telephone| | N.H.A. RANCHER' RESALE EXPERIENCED lady will baby sit and! do ironing evenings after 5. 668-5176 SEPTIC tanks cleaned, "prompt Telephone service; on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street) West, Whitby, 668-2563, DRESSMAKING:; alterations, specialty. Mrs, CHRISTMAS "Quits, coats, dress Toms, 668-2372. "Special, per cent discount. A few 1963 models clearance prices. Wiide. Rental 1415 Oundas East, Whi toy 668-3226. SCOTCH Pine, i colored. Wilde Rental Ser a das East, Whitby 'first gra in 14)5 OF ANDY'S NURSERY GROWN Spruce and Sale, Whitby. first Telephone Scotch Pine Christmas trees for Apply $14 Byron Street North, n" "ELECTRIC 7 @ENERAL ELECTRIC TV, class working order, $95. 274, 3, slip covers, drapes, Fitting a 1964. Outboard motors, 7Va hp, $219, Other modeis at 20 Service, and at un- DELUXE two-bedroom Whitby prestige buliding. 211 Court.. 668-8560. apartment FOR RENT -- ~ Light Magy toga room 0. . Telephone furnished. Suit one or 68-1739, Reedaire In METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 ROSSLAND RD. W Three bedroom home with forge living room with. fire- place, large dining room and kitchen. Situated on a-deep corner lot, well landscaped , with private drive from side street. Asking $13,700 COMMERCIAL NEAR SHOPPING. CENTRE 233 feet of the best com mercial frontage this city has to offer--Situated on King Street W. directly across from' and overlooking the largest retail operation in this district with the greatest copacity for parking. Are we selling the Shopping Centre? No. But we ore offering a lerge choice lot directly across the street. Call now for more details ROSSLAND MANOR Lorge modern split-level home ond bungalows located in the last close-in prestige development left in this choice north end. Starting at $18,600 with $500.00 winter bonus, your price $18,100.00. CADILLAC AVE. Beautiful older style storey end ao half brick home in this quiet East End location Three bedrooms, paved drive, etc. Asking $13,700 APT. BUILDING We have a complete and voried range of Apt. build- ings, from duplexs to 12 suite. Investigate this going ond lucrative investment tield Bob Johnston Dick Borriage Joe Maga Ken Hann Jack Osborne Oshawa's Largest Firm BOLAHOOD BROTHERS John A. J, Bolahood Lloyd A. P. Bolohood F.R.!. List With Us Then Coll Your Mover $9,500 North-West Area, 6 rooms, double garage, fomily homes in good repair, Only $1400 down, 62% mortgage for balance. Ask for Mr. *'Bill" Harper at 728-5123 or 728 2236 DOWN $1,000 DOWN 3 bedroom brick bungalow Only 5 years old, newly de coroted, all screens, fenced back yord. Carries for $100 monthly including taxes, Call Mr. Ed Drumm right now for appointment to inspect. 728- 5123 of 725-9345 NORTH WEST 6 room, attached gar- age, fireplace, must sell ot once. Reduced to $18,500 Call Mr. Jack Appleby - 728- 5123 or 723-3398 - Now BUSINESS Going concern, 2 trucks, bat tery, generator and uphol- stery, bushes, Real good in- come for partnership. Only $6,000.00 to hondle. Com- plete. See Mr. Jimmy Love Eall 728-5123 New Brick 3 bedroom racnher with attached gorage. This home hos been beoutifully landscaped with large patio and fence. Fireplace in liv- ing room ond also roughed in for one in recreation room Only $16,500, Coll Mr, Bill Johnston ot 728-1066 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Two of these brick bunga lows to choose from in: good residential areas. One in north end ond: other in eost. Do your - Christmas shopping now, Call Mr, Bill Johnston ot 728-1066 Do_As Others Call The Brothers Bolahood Brothers Limited 10.1 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening SCHOFIELD-AKER | = | | | JOHN F. DeWIT He 3 Bowmanville, «ji . 2202 Clarke doe Gorn Three year old brick bunga- arene ? low, pierson type windows, finished rec room, roughed for extra bath, also fire- reascnable down pay- For more information 723-2265 sits Fe ee ee contact i} t_R 3672 MUST . SELL!--R only $9,700, with | payment C with attache bedrooms. I Immediate pos educed to vw gown al DON'T LOOK ANY FARTHER nterested in a appointed modern ATHOL/OSHAWA Bl h bungalow in im- AREA - Ct ne sev condition. Lorge room home wit e on ivir oom, three bedrooms, private drive clude tiled kitchen and four piece existing broad: nany extras including finished into ot potio, plonter, elor apartment ener and aluminum trict and close to nation windows and Con be yours for fully landscap- 500 down pa 'lot FINUCAR NE ST. paved drive compliments this dream home % nt to schools, bu Asking antial comt velopment ? ment fireplaces, broad! throughout the 2] x 17 | ing' room, large completed Rec Room = with basement to a very private potio. Lot size 62 x 140. A real good buy in a well built home in a'prestige oreo. Give us @ call to-doy BIG BIG FAMILY?--Here's your home ot a price you can down pay SAVE ON TAXES AND HEATING while enjoying complete pri- in this semi-detached TRENT ST sly fanced rear yard ond private drive. Three bedrooms, 17 foot living room with bookcase, mo- dern kitchen with built in afford in a new he use Lo- breakfast nook, tiled four cated just off Hwy 2 on piece bath with vanity, forc- 11th Line. (Gravel Pit ad) ed hot air oil heating, 'com- between Oshawa ond We bination aluminum windows monville. Four good bed- and doors, close to schools, rooms plus extra ut bus and hospital leaves noth 1,700 squere feet vine ir to' be desired. Asking space on alot of well ove rice $12,000 one acre DON'T OVERLOOK THESE Open 9 VALUES INSPECT AND MAKE OFFER R. VICKERY REALTOR 46 King W, -- 728-9571 OPEN EVENINGS wo t to 9--Sat Pouline' Beal Margaret Lee Allan Thompson Charlie Chaytor Marg.- Hail Moibe! Boudreau Steve Macko Reg. Aker Bill McFeeters 360 King St. W. NNNNNNNNN Free Parking ---- Estate Wanted ave several genuine omes in the Highiand- Close to King Street; Estate Ltd., buyers for also Call Bob Johnston at Lloyd 728-4678 or REALTOR 29--Automobiles For Sale 1955 METEOR J 14 Fr Good condition. Phone 623-3950 25-6941 195? CHEVROLET Biscayne, standard, excellent condition, e 728-473), 1985 VOLKSWAGEN Van-Camper, t 0a nk, ice box, $550, Whitby 668-8125 beg CHEVROLET Impala, cylinder, tewalls, etc. Motors Ltd. two-door, _ "standard Telephone 20 Acres large home, Only awa with broi stream; 10 R modern conveniences 10 Min. drive to Osh med siso tent 10 Acres silo, hen Only awa Terms with house 15 m Asking trade. G wn | Oshav 1928 HOT ROD three-window coupe, $11! /illier owered Go-Kart, $60, 1950 Mor- le, $40, All items need work 23-4559 after 5. ue CHEVROLET Biscayne, automat 50 Acres with radio, _ excellent condition. ond barn, cree k . 3 id t se $775 s, }e! 500 with $1, down my SUE OF Dear otters aie ib ka GENERAL REPAIRS facing 2 roads ALL MAKES OF CARS Terms PARTS AMD SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE son Road and King 4733 ond 723-7712 _ VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-0921 "BUY! NG OR SE LLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 7 room- 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA Ask (ust East of Wilson Road) -4494 Res. 725-5574 lent buildings. La SPOT CASH ood Wention PAID FOR 000. Terms : ; G n cars. Trade' up n. Liens paid off 90 pobD MOTOR SALES ie 314 PA SOUTH good. water supply. Go 7 cloy-loam 40 Acres with large near Blackstock. Price $2, 000 | After Hours c Donald Mountjoy 623-361 At Guy LeBlanc + -623-371 Idso Wiersme Orono 164 100° Acre ings ond highway. Price $5,000 down 50 Acre barn; 7 Ro ern min, drive $12,000 160 Acre Newcastle, barn; 7 home, all modern ences. Price ond ranged. 230 Acres past good stream . Down $2,000. , 112 Acre farm -wit ed home ond °3 ing $20,000 171 Acre. farm Terms form, east ¢ cone conven- terms ar location cation 90 Acre exce TILDEN" CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS Makes and Medels) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. 8, "Dale" two-door $995. Tele- "equip: new motor; - two-door hard.) black with Will take RR 3% "6 cylinder, $1995. Two door.. Sharp. $995. 1960 CHEVROLET STATION. WAGON Four door; turquoise white, with radio. $1495. and 1960 CHEVROLET Four door, automatic. $1450. 1959 DODGE HARDTOP Red and white, radio outomotic. $995. end 1959 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR Standard transmission, ma- roon and white. $995. 1959 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR SEDAN Standard transmission. $995. 1959: VOLKSWAGEN} DELUXE Medium blue with white wall $795. 1959 AUSTIN SEDAN With radio. $595. 1959 D.K.W TWO DOOR Front wheel drive $495. 1958 VAUXHALL FOUR DOOR Clean, gray and white finish $795. 1957 PLYMOUTH Two door with radio. $595. 1957 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION Six cylinder. $495. 1956 BUICK HARDTOP Power steering, brakes, radio. $400. 1956 DODGE TWO DOOR Excellent condition $395. NAGY MOTOR SALES KING STREET WEST , Opposite Oshawa Shopping Centre PHONE 728-5178 1959 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe. chanical pep. A dream to drive. 725-3744. 1961 VOLKSWAGEN raion pew tres P Prva. 728-63 TWO 1955 TOW trucks, tion 1961 condition. No rust Private, $1,395, 725-8161; tires arranged Reasonable. Telephone 725-1408 BUICK station wagon, KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality NO DOWN PAYMENT If Applicable No Payments Until February / lf Applicable 1962 FORD GALAXIE SEDAN V-8 motor, custom rich chestnut brown 23,000 coreful one mile No Down Payment $2045. 1962 FORD GALAXIE Four door custom wagon; Custom radio,. two-tone spot- less inside and outside. No Down Payment Only $2295. CHEVROLET BEL AIR door sedan, radic rodio, finish owner 196] Four matic glear ming b ack tna a a No Down Payment Only $1895. 1959 MERCURY MONTCLAIR Fully equipped with V-8 auto- matic, power steering, pow- er brakes, custom radio. Spotless two-tone blue fin- ish, Luxury car No Down Payment $1295. 1959 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN Two-tone beauty,' standard transmission and custom radio No Down Payment Only $1195. 195? CHEVROLET IMPALA SEDAN Six cylinder, standard trans- sion, custom rado, all new Sparkling blue and finist No Down Payment Only $1295. 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA Four: door hardtop. Six cyl- inder, outomatic transmission and custom radio. A Very Scarce Model No Down Payment Only $1295. 1958 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON Four door, Flawless Silver gray finish, immaculate in- side. and outsice No Down Payment ° Only $975. Save Our Many Other Low Priced Buys BILL DREW V-8 auto- white wall tires, finish with Mercury Sales Your MERCURY Dealer In Ajax TELEPHONE AJAX 942-1030 Top. me- Full of V8 automatic, Terms| Evenings,| | "excellent condi-| "automatic, radioy clock Apply 25 Elena Street. i the automobile. For particular buyer. 1961 FALCON SEDAN Automatic transmission, cus- tom radio. Beige with red trim. 1960 DODGE 4-DOOR STATION WAGON 8 cylinder, automatic, with custom radio, A good reliable wagon. Sharp throughout 1958 PONTIAC SEDAN 6 cylinder, automatic trans- mission, with radio, Motor and body in A-1! condition 1958 VOLKSWAGEN) HOUSTON'S GARAGE with radio car We have an excellent supply of 1960 to 1963 Models | Drop Down and Drive One To-day. Open Daily Till 9 P.M. | | Ideal for second | ROY W. NICHOLS | Courtice - 728-6206 | Bowmanville 623-3671 DEPENDABLE USED CARS 1963 DODGE V-8, two door, automatic, washers, padded dash Gleaming black. 1959: PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 6 cylinder sedans, speed automatic shift with radio one 3- One stick 1958 PLYMOUTH V-8-four door sedan Stick shift with radio. 1958 DODGE MAYFAIR V-8 automatic, ers. Sharp sport green and white wash- light radio, tone 1956 DODGE REGENT 6 cylinder, 2 door, hard- radio, sharp green and white top, automatic, wheel covers, 1956 DODGE 2 door, radio. wheel covers. 6 cylinder, stick shift, 1954 PLYMOUTH 6, two door. A real sharp car. $195. 1953 PLYMOUTH Door Sedan, transmission, Special 6, Four Automatic washers Drop in and se 1964 Dodge Polara 4. door hardtop, 8 cylinder, whitewalls. Beautiful black finish with red trim, PALMER MOTOR SALES 20 KING EAST e our new BOWMANVILLE 623-5487 Ht good | i We worth East. 725-1181 LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars| 90 for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 220 Wentworth: East, 725-1181, OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wrec reet, want ome for wreck- cy ie CASH $ For clean cars or trucks we deal up or down. Liens paid NICOLS MOTORS LTD. He ROCK ST. NORTH m Royal Hotel "Whitby 668-3331 100 CARS WANTED" and rump roasts, etc., 60 to 80 Ib. aver- age, cut and wrapped, per |b. 59c. Glecoff Limited, 174 Ritson Road South. Open daily till 10 p.m. MUSKRAT back stole; evening and cock- tail dresses, average sizes; boy's size 6 coat set, best quality blazer,t weed jacket and slacks, size 14 to 16 years. All new condition. Front door. New. Filter Queen Vacuum with heir dryer. Telephone 723-3889. LADY'S Hudson Seal coat, $35, size 18 Telephone 725-4216. SCOTCH Pine Christmas trees, pruned. All sizes, T 1649 Orono, after § p.m. 1 REMINGTON noiseless typewriter, cellent condition; 1 complete set fireplace tools and wood basket. Phone 728-9671. --~| ELECTRIC train layout, two locomotives, (eee switches, block system, numerous t . $95. Call 725-9654. eee case. Buying a New Car? 36MM v camera with 8 h staan " we bullt-in light meter a range jer, sal Lopes! used car to "Ted jhardly Foy $65; also 8 mm Mauser rifle | Tolk "Cash" to the New Jin excellent shape, $25. Bowmanville | Car Dealer and "SAVE", 623-2926. | KEYSTONE & mm fully automatic cam TED CAMPIN MOTORS era, zoom lens, new Veondivien. Original 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 [price $160 asking $80. Apply 317 Windsor 725-3673. |31---Automobile Repair BED walnut full size with Sealey box -----------~|spring and mattress. Almost new. Tele phone 728-7150. SHOP the "variety store" of the Clase. ied Section--"Miscellaneous for Sale". today. It's londed with wonderful offera, TYPEWRITERS, adders, sales, service, rentals and supplies. All machines guar- ant 's Office Equipment, 16 Richmond Street East, 728-8300. ACCORDION, Scandalli, almost new, men's, 120 bass, nine variations on treble, three on bass, with case, Call evenings 725-8575, COAT, Persian Lamb, bieck, full length, 14 to 18, tapered sleeves, full back, deep collar, $350. Telephone 728-6850, LADIES' clothing, summer and winter, size 16-18, dresses, suits, skirts, sweat- ers, coats, Jackets. Reasonable. Tel phone 728-0701, BUY and sell, good used furniture and 'lOshawa appliances. One location only, Pretty's PORTABLE television, Inch screen, Injrurniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, good working condition, $60. Telephone|SKATES, new and used. Sold and ex- Bowmanville, 623-2788. changed. Largest selection In town. Open TYPEWRITER portable like new. Also|evenings. Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond East. one standard. Electric adding machine,| TELEVISION tower special, 40-ft. struc also, one - hand model, Priced|ture, inctuding all channel antenna, In- very reasonably, 723-4434, stalled and guaranteed by experts with | PERSIAN LAMB lady's "Coat, full length|!0 years experience, $50. Trio Television, turn back cuffs, small collar, size 1620,| Telephone 728-6787, $75 Telephone 725-1986. WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ROSE-colored "Grow a Year" winter leg-|ture or anything have. The City gings, coat, hat outfit (suit ee | Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Stree? old girl), 668-2898. South and.3) Bond Street Bast, 723-1671. MEN'S black, size 40, medium|VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes. height, $20; hardly worn, Boy Scout unl-|Free estimates, parts, attachments, form and youth's white, black fleck|brushes, hoses. Guaranteed rebullt ma- jacket. Telephone Whitby 668-8432, chines, Renals. Wallace Vacuum Ser- PIANO: upright,.52 Inches high, with| cecal anytime. 720-0971. $250. Excellent condition, Between ®. F. GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, Bat- phone -725-7001 |te Kelvinator tie jak bi aboPa tele Dates; alte 7, ak equip vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543. By 6 ft. 2 In, boots, size 8,|BUYING or selling furniture or ot ss and poles and. small sizelances, Call Emer, Hampton 263-2294 or iner in. Phone 723-7346 263-2695. MAHOGANY -bookcase bed, chest of/GURNEY gas stove, apartment size, | rs, chesterfield and chair, manualitimer, clock and light, Glass in oven record player. Dial 725-6737. door. Excellent condition, $60. Telephone BOX TRAILER 4' x 8', load capacity|72a734. tires. Excellent condition. WINCHESTER R 723-1689. WA' boots, San Marco, regular $65, sell and SERVICE STATION TEXACO PRODUCTS 67 KING ST, WEST | 723-7822 |\32--Articles For Sale | NIAGARA Cyclo Massage pad, large size. 'No reasonable offer refused, Call" 723-1619. BAUER skates, hockey appliances, toys, guns, bikes, equipment, radios, toboggans, camping resid ies, auto accessories. budget = term outside Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, GE hunting tools, Easy terms. suit, > tt 15" After 6 p.m MEN'S ski iFLe (OLD) D Telephone Oshawa 725-8183. ANY make, sewing machine and vacuum cleaner, repair and service, by your Elna and Filter Queen dealer, 329 Simcoe South, 728-2391, What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture and appliances. For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. 'size 11, for $20. GUITAR, electric 'Spanish, Rickenback $200. Telephone 728-2301 OIL SPACE heater, large, good condi- tion, Telephone Brooklin 655- "4978. DEEP freeze, chest type, large, Apply 298 Haig Street. LOWREY organs, new and used, 3-de jay free tria!. Alto Music Supplies, 453 Simcoe South, 725-1591 DOUBLE bed and dresser, walnut finish, with springs and mattress, $65.) one Bowmanville 623- 5596, | or Christmas, 5-piece sets| ilson Furniture, 20 ana je, $100. Gloom Changes to HAPPINESS with Oshawa Times Classified Ads top mattresses, all sizes. special, $27. Wilson Furniture, ts, Lane, Red Seal, from Furniture, 20 Church Street. CHESTERFIELD suites, foam cushions, All on sale from $128. Wil ture, 20 Church Street. ts, size 40, very good shape; i e 10% and 11. Private, Telep! @ 723-2573 TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupli- s chequewriters, | comptometers, hundred new and used. We buy, ce. Hamilton Office Ep, k South, Whitby. STARK tube tester, tests TV and radio condition, $40. Telephone MEN'S s Vv TOWERS special, 40 ft. tower struc- h all channel antenna, installed DIAL TODAY Ee hawa TV Supply Ltd. 361 Gibbons 723 é 3492 ~ FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE 1963 Evinrude Outboard: Motors The treme ndous savings made on the purchase of these units is passed directly to our customers! Look ot sine low, low. prices see for yourself! Sale $375. 588. 650. Reg. $510. 810. 925. 1 only 18 hp. 3 only 40 hp.. electric 1 only 40 hp. Selectric 1 only 75 hp. Selectric (long shaft) 1299. SEE EARL HANNAN HANNAN MARINE SALES 20 RAY STREET, OSHAWA 728-8853 "Evinrude Sales and. Service' 895." (Continueo on Page 22)

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