12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 12, 1963 anf LW WF, |About this thing is that it is al, or john DtEINDECK (cooressio of failure. "I'm| |amazed that anybody would con- Ott Not Impressed | fess so completely that he failed| awa layor Taws . .. that's whct this amounts By Berlin Wall | re i lee Genes | ion, a failure : . Y er In a lis like a little kid who takes | Fre! H Cc Co 'o} I i '@ | ] en Te BERLIN (AP) -- "Oh, nutsjhis football home when he can't | . .. if they want to shoot at| Play very well." : | me, they can,' said John Stein-| | : é : ; beck Wednesday, ignoring his| NUN NOMINATED OTTAWA (CP)--Mayor Char-| Officials of the organization|ingual University of Ottawa to wife s warning and stepping into) AUCKL AND, N.Z. (CP). -- lotte Whitton of Ottawa came gaid they will announce further|J0n in the march 'ast Berlin across a white line|Mother Mary Gerard of. Pan- under fire ip the Commons qetaiis of the march later today) oT TAWA (CP)--A group call- serine the Communist border|mure Convent School here was j S f uebec. MPs beggars AO 'gi stand that|4t a press conference at the uni- ing itself the Anti-Charlotte As- dividing this city. Communist!one of 18 nominees for an award the city admini{tration has no|versiwy's student council offices.|/sociatisn 'Wednesday nig'ht guards stood nearby. _,|a8_ Sportsman of the: year in the Jegal ground tofuse French of-| Remy M. Beauregard, admun-|posted French-language signs on . 1¥e been shot at before,' Mount Wellington district _ of ficially. istrator of the or; ganization, said Ottawa's 16 crosswalks the Nobel RINE WEEE Ameri- Ae ro apes i Leon Balcer (PC -- Trois-jthe association was "shocked The action was a_ protest nen sue ~ -- ra st atliaieces! biokids beaketball ei Rivieres) asked Prime Minister|and disgusted"' at the mayor's!apainst remarks made earlier "te urned his -- bearde Pits "and 't - as all, Pearson if the government is/stand. this week by Mayor Charlotte face toward the guards who si considering a federal district) The mayor ruled out of order|Whitton. She told a city council) cradled oe like Washington for the Ottawa-|a motion. at council Monday|meeting that Ottawa could not ae be lage tthe US Hull area in view of the mayor's/night to have traffic signs and have signs in both the English ie Oe Ob coe Ch oi dh "medieval attitude to bilingual-' printed matter emanating from'and French languages until On- eh si eae h ees Conn ism.' city hail in both French andjtario declared itself a bilingual enue waa ie Senet Berlin re ae ee Eoeee: Steinbeck, 61, arrived in West : characterize the mayor's aot | A spokesman for the group pop fuesday nig P «in|CITES BNA ACT righ BrouP Berlin Tuesday night, the last tude as medieval because She said there was nothing in telephoned Le Droit, Ottawa's stop in a two-month European uality medieval times most people French-language daily newspa- J : t e tour. cy rg a nae Neg be on ues ae per, to say that the cardboard Seeing the Berlin wall, he own language e quastt . ae a federal. district had been con- /OW the oa to rico biling- | sidered in the past and no Ualism and levy its costs, hung directly under the Eng mambar of NIRC doubt would be considered in' A statement issued by Mr. \ish-Janguage signs Way Rug Co, Ltd. se _ F : This seal is the hallmark provincial legislation to al- of quality in. the Rug gns_ containing the words caiq: "What appeals to me Field. A t x "traverse de pietons'" had been ie = Cleaning ' re Beauregard on behalf of the peas " ps the knowled d equip- nace ne 3,000-member organization said, ssa porlce page' oe gra ie ee to Riantite deca F "thorough rench-language signs and sa' eautify Your Home se re ueuil) asked Mr. Pearson. if there _ nigel a" on aber that persons involved in putting with pe nel ag 6 Miss Whitton would be ap-/'0 Prevent making Ollawa Olfl-/ i un were tiable to jail CUSTOM AND job Jean-Pierre Cote (L--Long- pointed to the royal commission, C/ally bilingual 1 he Higt y Traf- READY MADE on bilingualism and bic muliral| "If it is not mentioned in the ne ovine set ie as DRAPES NU- WAY | ism, law, it is because the Fathers -- cea : RUG C0, LTD ' lof Confederation hoped that GROUP APPLAUDS --_ 'people would be intelligent | Ronald W. Bilsky, D. C. i OM. &C, Dry Goods 174 MARY ST, | His barb was applauted enough to use their own judg- CHIROPRACTOR & Draperies 728-4681 . a PM i ee ment on this subject,' he said @ Workmen'a: Compensation 74 CELINA STREET MAM Werk. done jn Oshawa < renc owe au) ?"| 'The march was scheduled for nitriles PHONE 723-7827 by Gualitied a on = a Nand nie some time next week. The asso-|] @ Spinal Dise 'Conditions Oshowa Technicians" gallery, Speaker Alan | Mac-| ciation said it is approaching 100 King St Pe vounel on f DPIOs g ing St. E. 728-5156 naughton reminded the young students from the officially-bil- 3 Mr fa». La. hn men that demonstrations are 7 siti naiie isan en : : -- cee forbidden in the Commons gal leries gunciteumis cease] (7 > *)} HAPPY HUMIDIFYING counc il estimates, Creditiste 7 > Gilles Gregoire described Mis Whit ton as "a tyrant in a oe "wrens ene He found it unfortunate that AUTOMATIC she chose to take out. some of her 'repressed instincts" on bil- ingualism. rather. than some } HUMIDIFIER harmless civic issue "The mayor of Ottawa has > of spitality what- ag ey se hee Evaporates up to 80 pints of water daily. Simply dians did not feel at home in piug it in, set it, and forget it. Automatic humidistot, Ottawa and it was their capl- automatic water level and automatic shut off work tal too. for you. No installation necessary. Excellent for 5 or "She should stop carrying on 6 large rooms. NOW ON DISPLAY AT... like a feather in the wind," ad- ded the MP for Lapointe TTAW >P)--Tt F. "h see Anscuten at Omets CONSUMER pivision said Wednesday it has sched- Friday to protest Mayor Char. RUDDY ELECTRIC WHOLESALE LTD. lotte Whition's stand on_biling ee heres 222 BOND WEST mt sf +h bet he Open Daily 9 A.M. till 6 P.M.--Fri, Till 9 P.M. be joined b Unive For men witha taste for the great outdoors the full-bodied flavour of by Lempo- logs' An outstanding group of "Collector's Items" for small Christ- mas belles. Sweet and saucy styles spiced with unusual touches lend a festive air. Velvet, nylon: organza, crisp cotton sateen are just a few of the quality fabrics you'll find in this selection. A. Brocade top with nylon skirt. D. Bolera styled cotton sateen Cream-Gold in sizes dress. Gold, aqua or pink 7 te 12, 12.98 in sizes 2 to 3X, 4.98 B. Velveteen top with nylon skirt. E. Gold printed cotton sateen dress. -- : & ey ie Y White with red Ivory-gold THE ae feo 98 Fanatdinace "19.08 RED CAP Poe 5 is: : ee ' C. Cotton dress with A-line jumper. F. Crisp cotton sateen with delicate ee sige 5 CENSORS: SX agar" Navy with white in sizes @ embroidery trim. Pink or 2 to 3X, 6.98 blue in sizes 4 to 6X, 6.98 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPEN EVERY EVENING CARLING RED CAP ALE | PHONE 728-4626 UNTIL 9 P.M.