Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1963, p. 7

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College Hill H&S a 'Completes Decade | College Hill Home and School 'Association celebrated its birthday at its November ing. Mrs. Ronald Lenover presid- ed, The minutes were read by \Mrs. William Trim and Mra Gordon Stacey gave the trea- surer's report, Mrs, Richard A, Donald, area vice president of Home and School Council, Wags guest speak- er for the evening. She was in- troduced by Mrs. Fred Rose and gave a very~ interesi- ing and informative talk on Home and School Federation Winners and runners up of the Greater Oshawa Commun jity Chest public speaking con 4 | ltest were presented and gave the speeches that won them the honor, Winners were Susan! |Langley, senior division; Sharon |Newman, junior division, run- jners-up Andrea Ogden, junior ldivision and Marion Gordon, lsenior division. A presentation jwas made to Misses Ogden and Gordon, Mr. Howard Brown, © School, principal, introduced past presi dents of the association: Mrs Donald MacDonald, Mrs, Fred Rose, Mrs. Karle Adams, Mrs Harold Nugent and Mrs, Doug- las Langley, All were present with the exception of Mrs, Wil liam Gibson, who was unable to attend Room attendance was won by Mr. Gary Minacs, Grade 6 Refreshments were served. by Grade & mother Mrs. Dona!d MacDonald. cut the birthday cake meet- 4 "STEPHEN, ALAN AND GORDON grandsons of and Mrs, Herbert Hartley, of Bowmanville H, Cann, Smith, Weston are the Lester. Hartley Mr. and England. and Mr, | Rundle, all Mrs, Jobn and Mr Sheffield, taken, are the Mr. and Mrs, Lester Oshawa, and Mrs, P Jowmanville. They zreat grandsons of Mrs. William Cann lively trio comprises of Mr. and Mrs Pontiac ayenué Stephen, five, Alan, three years 01d and Gordon, 20 months when the picture was This the family Roy Hartley --Ireland Studio Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Kditor Dial 723-34 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 10,1963 7 PERSONALS Kelly . Kirby|and Mrs Kindergarten piano pupils of|street, ar Mrs. Robert English, Mary,and misce! street, received their certificates presentation lat a demonstration and recital and chairs held at Mrs. English's home'home of Mrs last Saturday Paul. Forsythe, Jones avenue Jaye. Logan, Paul Morison,'ed at the pre-nuptial John Phillips, and Kathy Smith. Mrs. Clarence Scott UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES WOMEN'S GUILD (Grace Lutheran) Vicar Edward Nelson conduct- ed the worship service at the regular monthly meeting of the Women's Guild, The topic for study was the Advent season and excerpts were read from the book, "The Christian World®: Jarvis party The table the Bruce anged a fam aneous shower of card was made RieA who was pairty The fallowing Sonley, a at Wallaee AS SISt- MRS. SANDFORD PERRY ry (Retiring) JAMES SEMPLE (Incoming) Mrs. James Semple Assumes Presidency Northminster UCW was in-|R, B. Galbraith led the worship), and Mrs, Arthur Simpson of stalled as president of the/service using the Christmas| pioneer Manor. Mr Arthur Northminster. United Church|theme and Mrs, John Collins) Women at the December meet-|showed the Christmas Story in a| cenpeon has been editor and; ing held on Wednesday even-|film strip. Mrs. Galbraith spoke} Publisher of the Chapleau Post ing in Remembrance Hall at the'on the subject "Are We Ready as lapleau, Ontario, for many Church. Other officers include:|for Christmas?' She said in|/Y@@"s Mrs. H, A. Mellow, honorary|part "We ask ourselves 'Am I president; Mrs. Sandford Perry,' ready for Christmas' and then past president; Mrs. W, L. An-|find a multitude of things to do, thony and Mrs. J. W. Button, We ought to be asking, 'Is my vice-presidents; Mrs. J. L, Fal- mind free to think of the Prince lis, recording secretary; Mrs.\of Peace? Is my heart open to C. B. Theberge; corresponding share His love? Is my _ obser- secretary; Mrs. John Collins,|vance of the birth of the Christ treasurer, Mrs. A. E. W. Kim- meaningful for me, and is. it merly, Christian citizenship and pleasing to God?' social action © secretary, "Mrs 'Henry van Dyke said "There Ronald Wra community,iS a better thing than ob friendship i Mrs. Har-|Servance of Christmas and that o'd Hawkshaw, Christian educa-|is the KEEPING of Christmas tion and mi secret ary; We must be willing to stoop nd lite ire a- down and consider the needs of retary ittle children; to remember the weakness and of peo Mrs. Roy Parker, the former Adair who are to Margaret Johnson, was honor- k ank make a grave jy ed prior to her recent marriage to the'thoughts and a at a shower held at the home Mackenzie committee: Mrs. W. R./kindly feelings of Mirs. M. F. Kirkland, Wood) mas_ party membership convener: | KEEP Christmas street, at which neighbors pre-/home of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Crone, nominations Victor Cubitt expressed sented her with a pyro-ceram| Steffen on Tuesday _ December Mrs.. Kenneth W thanks of the organization casserole set and a_ woollen/10, were completed. Mrs. Selby ess and publicityto Mrs. S, Perry for her excel- blanket. Mrs, Conrad White|Grant and Mrs Steffen Mrs. G. W. Fisher, lent' work {leadership in the and Mrs, Harold Wright audit the books convener; Mrs Mrs. John Cole ed- the hostess Mrs Election of officers social functions con Mrs. Perry with Cowie, Cadillac avenue resulted in the following vener; Mrs. R. B. Galbraith held 'a miscellaneous Mrs. Gladys representative to the official board and supply and social as- sistance tary; Mrs. Sem- ple and Mrs. R. W. Yeo, repre entatives to the official board Mrs. Ralph Kimme and Mr Y sentatives to Mainten- Ralph leaders 8X Mrs. BX MRS, Mns, Robert Simpson has been spending a holiday in Sudbury, with Mr, and Mrs. Huff man and visiting with her father | in-law and mother-in-law, Mr arl Mrs. James Semple Motor pendent 1248, Inde Foresters, City Court, Order of held a successful dance last Friday night in the Kinsmen Community Centre, with four During 'the business portion of hundred tnembers and guests|the meeting it was decided to attending. Five lucky prizes|PaY for the material to make a were awarded during the eve- Sunday School worship altar ning and a teenagers' accor- which is to be made by. a mem- dion band entertained while ber of the congregation, A do supper. was 'served, Entertain-/Mation will be made to the ment chairman Robert Gal Cama Club", and gifts sent to lagher and his committee were| Members who are ill, Thank complimented 0. the success of YOu letters are to be vo the undertaking various people who- donated to the recent bazaar Hillsdale Manor are Mis. Gadys Colbreay, Mrs Ivan Mitchell and Mrs. Edith Plans for the Christ- to be held at the the ionary sent communic. H. Bas- Mrs. R at anc Mrs, E retary eC loneliness volunteers ple growing old for our can manse then we Latham Mrs. K convener; Farrow secretar, program bet Jack, p assist- Irvine north, shower/dent, ] pres 964 i past two y for in m2 ik Gil yresented ift secre bs a Bi Th S$ IS y¢ ir Opportunity to hear the loveliest stereo tones . see the most fabulous cabinetry fashions ... by Can- ada"s very finest names in STEREO, We're... 'OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 9 P.M. (Saturday till 6 P.M.) CLAIRTONE perfects uniqu= new aluminum heart also installed luded E. H. King; Mrs CioM Collins Pegg. The ber five later date. alled by Mellow Mr ir 3asley Mrs Mact McLear M \ 3. D 8 ror ul Will be named The officers the Re end at were ir 1 oA a Sandford Perry president, conduc ness session. It wa that the annual giving of cook jes to the shut-tns would be BR made Thursday, December 19 gh and members were asked to have cookies at the home of BR Mrs. Ewart Cornish Wed nesday, December 18 End of th funds Ha fo et : : PRINCESS -- | j-rubbed oiled along. tr THE the. busi announced ted wo for ut inlay ostiy custom sets, speaker in breakthrough in stereo quality. on ne $a re new oval speaker cone alu- \ nes used other sets ke: paper - = Qj moum heart F aluminum reacts dispersemen $100 to yea uded 'I € Sim instantly to sound w Every note is undistorted, pure and true n cor $500 and $00 \ste ward Mr Cloirtone's new tery ) five-year gu tee And * volume woy down withbit losing sound quolity, CLAIRTONE lairtone's ew lo € fidelit } w low vel fidelity cor ici AT Anscus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King W 728-958) BROADLOOM TILE Pi PADS "YOUR COLOUR TV STORE" | PARKWAY TELEVI 18 SIMCOE NORTH "We Service What We Sell... OURSELVES" Ya) d)-d) ay 4) a) 4 a ee eS - > és 10th Z "Zilinsky gave a talk on the min will w Colbreay; | Mantynen MIAMI SIS ISI PS SSSI AIS MMM sIssVsssissiwaiy 'It's STEREO WEEK at PARKWAY ont $629.00. YOU ALWAYS GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR. TRADE... Convenient I.A.C. Merit Plan Aveilable CLS UE ee eee eS Roy Parker Weds Margaret Johnson At Northminster The Reverend H. A. Mellow officiated at. the. recent mar- riage of Mary Margaret John- son and Roy Douglas Parker in Northminster United Church, 'The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs, Walter R. Johnson, Oshawa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Stew- art Parker, RR 2, Whitby. The organist was Mrs. Donald Washburn of Cooksville, cousin of the bride. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a semi- formal gown of white silk organza over taffeta with lace bodice topped by an organza Yenjacket with sleeves. Soft, MRS. WILLIAM EYRE lent interest 'to the skirt and a) (Past Regent) MRS, JERRY FORRESTALL (Regent) Daughters Of Isabella Installs New Executive For Coming Year The daughters of Isabella, St.|successful year, A Christmas Anthony of Padua Circle recent- |Party is planned for December ly held its installation of officers 112, at an impressive ceremony.| The regent thanked everyone Miss Kve lyn Bennett, provincial for their support and hoped for regent from Toronto presided. /its continuance, A presentation The new officers are: was made to the past regent in Regent, Mrs, Jerry Forestall; appreciation for her work, Gifts st regent, Mrs. William Eyre;\were also presented to Miss regent, Mrs. Clifford Byelyn Bennett for installing financial secretary,'the officers and to Mrs, Jack I airhart; récoyd- Maher who is. moving to Hamil- Mrs Frank ton Mrs. Wm The shoulder-length veil. She cartied| 'a bouquet of red roses white chrysanthemums. maid of honor blue silk crepe sheath with a blue accented with white lace. nations and white mums, Piatti. A reception followed at is to bride's parents. For th casion the bride's mother wore a jacket-dress in tabac brown brocaded in gold with a small, brown velvet hat and gold-embroidered veil. bridegroom's mother wore pi Harper Mrs ing Fiynn a >ASUTOT, meeting was closed by three-quarter unpressed pleats |wedding ring headdress held her) and Miss Kay Hogle, Oshawa, was! wearing a teal) wedding ring headdress| She carried a bouquet of pink car- chrysanthe- The best man was Mr. David the The Caribbean blue sheath and coca Ibrown satin-hat with a beige) -- flowered trim MAPLE CLEANERS The couple left for a honey- moon in Nassau and will return] $04 SIMCOE ST. $. OSHAWA Cosh & Corry -- 4 He. Service to reside at.117 Bowman street, Whitby.' As they 'left, the bride was wearing a walking suit in mink-tone with mink collar and a beret type fur hat. jour Service Up and Delivery 'our Family's Fi PHONE 725-0643 - ceGOLDEN =ARROW* Yasminicki; en Bonfordi Lawrence Prenderga here Mrs Bearer, Ist guide trustee, Mrs. Stev prayer monitor, Mrs. Jack | ya ying seribe Mrs,. John custodian Miss chancellor by the Reverend B . Light refreshments were Rudy Nagel and Blane Kingston Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C, CHIROPRACTOR @ Workmen's Compensation Injuries @ Spinal Dise Conditions 100 King St. E. 728-5156 served by Mrs, Mrs st a Coyne Frank Copeland; banner Mrs, Harry Dickison; Mrs. Eugene Mueller ® When you buy the Lanerossi sport shirt you get the ultimate in sport shirt fabric -- Here is a fine wool and fiocco cloth in the latest continental patterns and burnished tones. -- Add to the Euro- pean tradition for fine fabrics the perfect fit and 1 guide, Mr R. G. Hurst; tailoring of Arrow and you'll have a luxury shirt Mrs. Sidney Merin guard, Mrs, David ganist,, Mrs. Daniel 2 guard outer Smith; Shutka The new executive office making plans for another Rock-Mineral Club Holds Social Night Over thirty members and friends came to the December, or Christmas, meeting. of th Oshawa Rock and Mineral Club at the CRA building on Thurs dav. December After a brief business meecting Mr. Juliu nner ger YOUNG PEOPLE If you want @ coreer in business --get all the High School you can get--then take Specialized Business Training at the Oshawa Business College You can start any. Monday You get individual instruction You. receive trainng on modern machines and equipment. You receive assistance upon gre- duration in obtaining a positon with « future You may choose from Eight Day School Career-Designed Courses. You receive the benefits of our 26 years of experience in Business Trainng Free Literature is available. TUITION IS ONLY 35.00 PER MONTH Act now--Your future is up to you 10 Simcoe St. North Dial 725-3375 are now in Quality is the hallmork in the Rug Field, As a member of NIRC, Nu- Way Rug Co, Ltd. t the knowledge and eq to do a the onal rug clear sea of quell Cleaning q i ment p job NU-WAY RUG CO, LTD. 174 MARY ST. 728-4681 "All work done in Oshowe by Quolified Oshowe Technicians" ) illustrated it an ultra-violet fluorite and slides and era with lamp Much interest was the craftsmanship of Mr rad Lariviere in his cutting and shown in Con- you'll be proud to own. Priced 12.95 UNN' THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open Until 9 P.M. mands 1 vasa polishing of rocks for jewellery His display was outstanding in} artstic achievement An un usual Christmas tree was cre ated by Mrs Lariviere with rocks, minerals and polished stones as ornaments. These were later distributed as prizes to those fortunate enough to win the different games played by the members during the social period of the meeting | 30th Mr, John. H. Pratt and Edward Warburton showed unusual talent in playing "Min eral Charades'. Mrs, Harvey Brown's minerals for identifica tion were both interesting and challenging. Refreshments were served by the ladies of th club It was deided that the Janu- ary meetings would 'include a trip to the Rayal Ontario Muse um and a. special. night for those intenested in learning how to use the diamond saw. A sin- cere thanks was expressed by the executive to all who made the meeting such an interesting and memorable one Mr WHERE SMAKT WOMEN SH hand-knitted, mohair-blend Sweaters 'from Italy Ivan Mitch- Victor Hart- Miss . Margot jvice-presi dent, Mrs ell; treasurer, Mrs | sec retary Knox Refreshments Mr Mitchell ved by Antti were ser and Mrs MADE EXCLUSIVELY FOR REIIMAN'S BY EXTREMELY LOW PRICED! SEE the 2 full-fashioned, expertly knitted "cable" styles FEEL the cosy softness of the mohair blended. wool CHOOSE from many glowing colours WEAR them now, through fall and after! ontemporar design inut, magnificent not are int Ete ee eee ENE | > £2 *z = eT a zy re IN SIZES 36 TO 40. EIU arene IN & "$995 00 'Td Sa FASHION STORES FROM COAST TO COAST Reilme 29 Simcoe Street South Oshowe Shopping Centre OPEN AON moans illegals, / PHONE 723-3043 4, 725-6221 725-436) EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 P.M. EXCEPT SATURDAY

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