Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1963, p. 3

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| \6, was held Monday, Dec. 9, at! OBITUARIES of Connecticut; and Mrs. Jo-jetery. Archdeacon Sadler con- HARVEY T. MOYER seph Gobin (Alice) of Taranova |ducted the services. The funeral service for Har-| Also surviving are a sister,| Pallbearers were: Newan Ed- vey T. Moyer, 98 Oshawa boule-, Mrs. Clara. Parant, of Quebec, | wards, Donald Moodie, Law- yard south, who died at Toronto and a brother, Jean Voyer, of)rence Cameron, Lioyd Miller, Western Hospital Friday, Dec Npgeold ee in Jack Carpenter and Max Meyer. Service was held from Duffus) - ; the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral|funeral home to St; Martin's) MRS. -- obi : Chapel, {Roman Catholic Chiirch, Ennis-|, The = o P. ie cpa Rev. J. K. Moffat, minister of, more, where requiem mass was} rina oer . wife aco Simcoe Street United Church, 'celebrated by Msgr. Cc, O'Don-| Koene, occurred at the family) | conducted the service. Inter-,oghue, who also said graveside residence, RR. 2, Bowmanville, | ment was in Oshawa Union prayers. ong 23 Loci 9. She was in} Cemetery. t . Born in Zwartewaal, Holland, Harry aS vonng: Dob SAMUEL YOO |she came to Canada and the ni rl Wotten. John Pugh), Memorial service for Samuel|Bowmanville area 13 years ago. to. Dest ok Honorary| 9°, who died at his residence,/Mrs. Koene was a member of aa ain i,|7 Friday, Dec.jwhe Christian Reformed Church, FUNERAL OF KINGSIDE PARK HONORS SOFTBALL PLAYERS following Banks flooring Wees, Tony's Atoms 30oys' Pee Bantam girls, Wilson Variet nd Pee Wee girls, Boswe Supertest. --Oshawa Times Photo Four Standing CAPSULE NEWS ($900 Damage For Presidency 200 Greeks Claim !n Accidents Fire Fighters | $150,000 Swindle two Osha Four men nominated at Mon ght' meting f tk h- men a: leg pa i a ee fai MONTREAL (CP)--Two hun: | of the attempted assassination are standing for side pilljdred' members of Montreal'sef Pres-dent Kwame N rumah Wilson.. who has posi- Ureck community told policejof Ghana last year. The convic- ag pate d to Monday they had been bilked|tions of formcr legislator Rob in fOr two yee? "lof $150,000 by a travel service.jert Otchere and former civil mane. mG Teas ox They said they had paid $275|servant Yaw Manu brought to Ballots will be cast by the 95 h--and -half that much for/seven the number of person members in the city children--for return char-|given death sentences in con- halls during the next three da ter flights to their homelandjnection with the assassination: bent They will be fi Sithis winter, with the finst flight attempt and after that and Presi-| scheduled to leave Dec. 18 stre dent announced They said the owners of the Verdun The men standing for the posi- service have disappeared AlAn est tion are G. Hooper, A.' Harper 97 done V, Johnston and N. Mallett ' No one stood for tl presidency and the matter was tabled until the January meet- Pee Wee girls); John Nizio, 10 (Atoms) and Gail Lucas, 14 (Bantam). The four leagues operated by Kingside Neighborhood Park Associa- tion were sponsored by the seen chatting with the four sponsors players following. banquets held separately by each group. From left to right are: Kelly Lavender, 12, (Pee Wee boys); Linda Anderson, 13 Gordon Bell, second from right, congratulated the four most valuable players the Kingside Park Ne Association Softt f Mr. Bell, sports chairma 2 Monday mated $900 dama in an est A city po grill damage smashed n toria ( table Chadburn nvolved Lawre Cars ce cruis c a colli pr a : mn 93 refus dt 17 Ronald liddon and afternoon the new col early ated $550 damage was LANDS SAFELY | NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) -- |Pakistani jet airliner with INVESTED IN ORDER __ /persons. aboard -made a OTTAWA (CP) -- Paul Com-jemergency landing Tuesday tois, lieutenant-governor of Que-|an RAF station in South C; bec, and Mrs. Kathleen O'Brien, | after. being struck by lightning ing wife of the New Brunswick lieu-| An RAF pr gre weld oe : . tenant-governor, were invested|Plane was slightly damaged but Fn Bam 6 a secre.| Monday into the Sovereign, Mil-/ nobody was hurt The airliner tary treasurer, kept their posi- itary and Hospitaller Order of/8, poses 720, was flying from tions by acclamation St. John of Jerusalem, of|Pakistan to London, pe ..,| Rhodes and of Malta, Mr. Com- Voting for the executive willltois was made a Knight Grand| SAIGON 6 sey yeas take place later this week Cross of Magistral Grace while (Reitersyc_A' Oulted Ane Mr. Wilson who was. vice-|Mrs, O'Brien was made a Dame|rorce plane crashed in the sealsn Cordova road Sun president for two years, secre-\of Magistral Grace last Fridz killing ie ain ig a ordova | road Sune tay for two years and on the| : Pena mouse Crew Ol even NeHN: WA bargaining committee for five! BACK RIGHTS four ye and one Vietna-|hound when his cat years before he became presi-| OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis-|™M¢se, eh oH: ieee nam Press| ofy control, inv dent, said today 'that he decid-|ter Pearson sent a message to news agency said Tuesday. Ernest Stacey of Campbellford ed it was time to take a rest Secretary-General U Thant of BLAST KILLS TWO OPP said and allow others an opportun.|the United Nations Monday re- TOURS, France (AP) An|_ Wilson sustained no injury ity to reach the executive asserting Canada's dedication to|, y plosion rocked a French Damage to the car totalled $250 E i atomic Energy Commission) : ia the ideals and aspirations of the plant at Ripault Monday, killing 2 UN's Universal Declaration of s j|Human Right Today is thel,. ; feos : . Prince Albert tiisiaversary othe aeciara thik, Sie. were. balling bore ventional explosives. No atomic Group Helps Korean Boy jtion, a world standard for hu- man rights and fundamental materials were involved in the plant .125 miles . southwest» of By MRS. LES BEACOCK PRINCE ALBERT freedoms Paris. | GNS Club. met at in the m a Skids Close To Bank Of River CAMPBELLFORD A car driven by a 22-year-old Oshawa man stopped only 15 feet from Nam the Crowe River after crashing Air through the bridge rus vice night n was <idded out ting Const a Women Plan Vesper Service Ss ch of tly the home ent Brown mor Kore Ra nt Ol : for 1964 are Knox; vice- Hooey; sec- Mrs. Frank A es $ B H t Wes Christian Education Mrs. R. Pascoe Tink; Missionary and ce committee, Mrs and Gladys Yellow- é r ee owlees n Ss for the the ] ) 1S 1 to eligble f boxes. Nominatir line-up 1964 ex H. Hodgins, Mrs Mrs. B. Smith PERSONALS Dr. and Mrs. B family, Toronto, dinner guests v Mr. and Mrs cently Recent company v Mrs. Les Be were George Manitoba, Mr Rodd Marilyn Greenbank A. Dodd, Port Mesdames Kere ' dinner guests Gammell and ch Frank Vicker, home from visitin ter and son-in-law L. Devitt and famil; Mr. and Mrs visited in Toronto <« cent. weekend father, Mr went surg Army Gest r PAHO cigs nes ' esd ey & the ENJOY CONCERT A number from Solina Hosp tod h <a by se nd attend- ed the talent' eoncert mi Monday OKE K f es 0 Hospital. Miss pianist and in the Glee ip 1 ore Oshawa Gen Pat: Davis was Dianne Tink was Club en nt l M Wm. Asht Mrs' J Yellowlees and Miss Gladys Yellowlees attended the Christ- mas party at Hillsdale Manor, in Oshawa The diabetic association mem- bers entertained the diabetic resident Gladys Yellow- led ir g of carols Keith Waite Stewart, Peter- Mr. and Mrs OTTAW A eG en Banner-) Ay PATCH RELATIONS SOLINA -- The United Churct man, one of the foremost Pro-) -SAIGON (AP). -- South Viet|Women met Monday evening jmoters of Canada abroad, re-|Nam plans to send an emissary|Plans were completed for th red Monday after 18 years as|tg Cambodia to explore possi-| Vesper service Dec. 1S'at-8 p.m and joined the staff of the 1967\tries. Cambodia broke relations; Millson President Mrs ; Montreal world's fair. He is @ with South Viet Nam in August) The new officer hag wie donation of native of Dunkerron, Ont after president, Ngo Dinh Pr ' de Mrs as been m to a 's rep raided Buddhistl nr ' : ee ha WANTS 'CRIME COMMISSION Diem's regime raided Buddhist) president appointed t see th hi Jr chairman of 4 2 . "pee s a 4, ncluding he chief of state,|Friendship and Visitation Com- NE : thd i '}.| Sessions : September : Z d rien lip ar t ym Com oy ee Re iy hE called Monday ra public in| Prince Norodom Sihahou, are|mittee. Mrs. E. Spires pro- y fee iié in| Buddhists. jgram committee, Mrs. Yel- UCW UNIT MEETS Q similar | The UCW met at the home Of/royal commission on crime. The Fla. (AP) a meee pro- 38.year-old jurist said an inves-/The Polaris A-3 submarine mis y . oe on shes . Pugh and Mr stion: would sh .funder-|sile scored its 15th success to board of stewards, Mrs L. -Beacock. V reports world chiefs whether they hidelits last 16 launchings Monday Y were voiced as a. ee : figures showed a : Thal: A. bale scum of the earth A-3 is being developed for a sane CHECK BACKGROUNDS range of 2,875 miles, more than|joc. JENNA (Reuters) -- Interi officials check Au SHELL EXPLODES Hong Kong. w presented AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) Mrs. Don Tay ay r authorities are investigé erman y explosion of a 105-millimetre World 't Gor man soldier was killed and to the justice ministry ASSURES GERMANS BONN (Reuters)--British For 3 . ry R. A. Butler as Is Discussed A By MRS. E. LAVIOLETTE COLUMBUS The Village of the Canadian gov-|pilities of restoring d plomatic|The December meeting will be l Mrs member gave an article of néw| MONTREAL (CP) |pagodas throughout South Viet! retary Ontario's| POLARIS HITS-TARGET § |/oWlees_ and Mrs. H, Knox; Mrs. T. Hodgins themselves behind respectable|night. striking: a_ target committer Victor M 00 s greater than earlier ; 1,000 miles greater than earlie Mrs' H. Yellowlees Jed of all members of howitzer Monday at F fhe spokesman said|two others. injured West Germany Monday held the mecting at me BANNERMAN RETIRES By GLADYS YELLOWLE M William P exhibition commission) relations between the two coun- héld at the home of Mrs. Stan Mrs illiam Pee -- Judge|ts -< 'eee BSUTS clothing and games to be sent;Claude Nearly ail Cambodians, |Wes | CAPE KENNEDY chairman for so activ vided by Mrs. M area |yy,,, or whether they are but 1500 miles down rz Mrs Or! onerati olaris' 5] Ae operational Polaris models. worship service. The topic tot? an police forces who se po don. One would submit the)" ee or i at tain would take no ac K.|tion on improving relations with Russia without first consulting med" sot ¢ s.there fin lees Mr and Miss Cathy borough, visited « Gilbert Frank Gilbert was pleas- ent guest Mrs Mr and improve oclations with Mrs, L. Dalby presiding |Mrs E. Powell took the wor- WARN SOUTH AFRICA ship, the theme being "Prayer' INITED NATIONS (AP) The program reminisced over, yenty mbers havel|20 years of the work of chajed to have as her re nited Nations to/Women's Associations of the!4 life-long school friend would. be/community R. J: Payne, of Pontypool on' if it at. Clippings that Mrs. FE. Powell over three Brit.|2ad collected were shown, Mrs inside. South AZ, Miler gave two readings SHORGAS ries are FE .| PERS ALS ace ahd Seat Mr. and Mrs HEATING & a APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial sopulation pre- and Mr African 'and fear rson, Raglan, w. un- The established, reliable Gas Dealer in your area. 31 CELINA ST. ind. Africans that South 'Africa| Mrs W. Sanderson recently (Corner of Athol) would. take fi over and en-|..Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ejiott 728-9441 5 man wa returned his daugh-},. r. and Mrs ey Oshawa ry Huston|' a re five mé u ed on the who -undet Jim Muller Os and Mrs Murra h CLAIMS SUPE DURBAN (Reut¢ Minister day night ance to a Nations had able sympathy States. He arge number ing sympathy and su only from the south but from parts of the United States. ORT tacks MHEG fotne' eeu nolicies Misses Isabel] and Emma Eliott Y arid Mrs. L. Patterson of Agin- TO DEATH ourt visited M and, Mrs rs)--Two men .Ol'ver McCulloch ntly to death Mrs.. Harriet here Monday after|spent seve iljbeing convicted on treason and/Mrs. jconspiracy charges arising out|cently. tion SENTENCED ACCRA (R ed 1a i re Da Ajax days with Mr. and Edward Laviolette re- I of NOTE in spe of ort U ai 'court a Y died guardnails|2 on ¢ ecta Aa . r 230 Huron street, pre ee 6, in his 61st year, was held Bowmanville. I ; Monday, Dec. 9, at 3.15 p.m.,) Besides her husband, she is) she ae J: Masgerty ant &. # jin the Armstrong Funeral! survived by two sons, Jacob) ue Chapel. |junior, and Isaac, both of MRS. MABLE McQUARRIE Rev. D. A. P. Allen, minis-|Bowmanville, and three daugh- PETERBOROUGH Mrs.|ter of St. Paul's Presbyterianiters' Mrs. G, Van Leeuwen Mabel C. McQuarrie, 73, of Church, conducted the service.|(Mary), of Bowmanville, Mrs. 1377 Holloway drive, died on|interment was in Mount Feikema (Betty), of New-| | Sunday in a Peterborough hos-/Lawn Cemetery. lmarket, and Mrs, J. Visser] ¢ pital after'a lengthy illness. Pallbearers were Frank Mar-|(Jean) of Bowmanville. 1f Mrs. McQuarrie, daughter of kus, Joseph Kovach, William! She also leaves a daughter-|/ the late Albert W. Hinds and Kelemen, G. Dorko, Jim Kaba: in-law, Mrs. Grace Koene, of} the former Janey Shaw, was kik and Louis Majoros |Oshawa, whose husband, Peter. | phage ~ hice ie eae at CLARK E. LAPP hee ie in a car accident ough and has live re f anivER 103 May i " life : lla oar ne Funeral yrvice will be held} She was also a member of li oF RR 11 died Friday |? the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, |: After Edward |. Bill Dodwell, manager of Oshawa Dog Control Centre, brushes a friendly collie pup brought into his care by an owner who didn't have room to keep the dog. About 30 dogs a month pass through the centre. Many have no real home until a dog lover decides to take them in. This pup is three months old. It will go to the first person, offering a home, for a fe wdollars. Mr. i Cia etal FINE PE Dodwell said: "Most days we have a good dog here that needs a home. This collie is in fine condition and will make someone a good pet. Some of the dogs we get are very shy and thin because owners have beaten or starv- ed them. But after a couple of weeks with us they soon get back into good shape." --Oshawa Times Photo The Mrs at 2? ne EENWOOD Mrs, Sarah Newcastle, 0¢ Dec. 7, at the | Hospital after She was in her 1€ conducted ment was Cemetery Spec held Toy al lodge anne catalan cialanlecamesieadeninveseionietia at e day . nigh Mary LOBA direction of W Mrs. Jack Goodman; LTB, No. 55, under the ltion of Worshipful Master \Keeler; Sunshine Rebekah, under the direction of Noble jrand Mrs. Elsie McKee Palibearens were Wilfred Cleveland, Everett Cleveland TORONTO (CP) -- A recom- mendation that taxation and spending powers of municipali- ties -and the province be reap- aised. was submitted today to ro he Ontario committee on taxa of hon. | The recommendation, advo-|9 cates that each level of govern-} | ( Pp t 2 holidays abroad is expected to) start after the New Year. ORCHID GROWING More than 3,000 species of| jorchids, as well as thousands of |hybrids, are under cultivation. BUEHLERS: Tender EAT TRUE-TRIMBEEF 12 KING E. -- 723-3633 Meat Specials! Wed. Only! Tender STEAKS! e SIRLOIN 7 e WING e T-BONE "Get the Pick of the Flock" ORDER YOUR XMAS POULTRY NOW!! George Street United Church. 3 ee Thursday, Dec. 12, at 2 p.m.|¢ Sas ; . : in a cyity hospital. An ay 2 : s She. is survived by her hus- Mr. Lapp was a resident of Rev, J. C. Verbrugge, minister her children, Mrs. Herbert) ¢. Raadaay Church, Bowmanville, will con- Coombes (Velma), Harold (Cy) yh se a seat cg app of duct the service Interment will and Robert, all of Peterborough pihaae End the. tate Pes he be in Oshawa Union c emetery. i dren Helen ar la r ¥ % she jeg cube tt tts neath. He was employed by ackstoc u % REG ee ho Sethe Ontario Hydro for the past t George McQuarrie (Laura) 90 years working in the main- Mr | of Oshawa, Mrs. Arvid Rodine che 4 "yes atl Mr. Lapp served overseas | lerda irk Lake, Mrs : ' | (verge) . -- ays ;|with the Second Battery of the ec S 1cers | one aes ce '\Fourth Field Regiment, Royal| | Blake Score (Annie) BLACKSTOCK -- The Black- sineuty . pioht, He was a member of St. An pe ACK =| | She is also survived by ph drew's 'United Church and stock Town and Coney prone jgrandchildren and two grea Branch 42 of the Royal Cana- met for the last meeting o e| will be he nT i : ae 2 : ot. wil be, held on Tort Besles his mother, Mr, Lapp People were Unanimaeeie ok with hovel at ioiis' survived by his wife, the), 7 ef | al home with burial at Little former Phyllisdele Richards; Glen Larmer, presidents; will officiz ; secretaries; Margar nd Ivan deta nee (Mildred) of Woodstock and a ara: ib Mies coi . | FUNERAL OF brother, Howard of Toronto : ae vain Bart of the rogram| MRS. PERCY E. CLEVELAND The funeral service was held ne main part p xa 7 relationships in a Per F. Cleveland, who|Kaye funeral home conducted! ° ite reac eee the the Oshawa ¢ al Hos-iby the Rev. J. Stanley Gibson.| Pe a a a ursday, Dec in her/Burial will -be in Rosemount film was made in the early od to be much the same today p.m., in the Arm MRS. SARAH GR "The nae meeting of the Town oe ee "the dasth Cor and Country Club will be on the former Theresa Irene Law-| , iigdenee Greenwood of pe Sei : Rev. E. H. Kerr, minister of gay King Street Pentecostal Church Oshawa Gene the service. Inter-|@ Short illness " es i , 59th year aship, she services .were Was the former a 8 ne paella ani the fun ma heme. Sun: Hise Wi Sigg - ae unicipa - as follows: Queen|deceased by her parents, Lucy M i B k Ontario Steel ful Mistress) About 37 years ago, she mar-| a any 00 oratonte Ticks ried the late Joseph Henry| ax evlew E If li rec-|Greenwood at Port Hope. Mr F H lid | arnings 1m No aes og Fag estacal i in} or 0 | ay As a result of increased sales Morrish. Mrs. Greenw was a member of. the United Church. Steel Products Co. Ltd., raised : Ah ' : n e un sy net profit by 64 per cent to , Mrs. Robert' Winn (Pea 1,509,807 in the year ended e j?4, b al - avd Paiq (of Kendal. There are three b |Sept. 30, 1963, according to an Colin Cleveland, ward Reid thers, Gus of Kirby, Melville : . Ke ' : shawa citizens choose to fore- stan for 1961-62 were MRS, ILA GLADYS PARRY |Creek, and one sister, rs ts j go the Canadian winter in favor|$919,021, the report said. The death of Mrs. Ida Gladys|Helen Barkwell, of Port Hope ent apie 100 per sg . '" of a holiday in the sun. Per-share earnings for the Parry. of Port Perry, occurred/She also leaves three grand-/C0S) 0! ervices to its leve Travel agencies in the area/latest year are $1.85 on each of ie | Funer ory as hel .jeight-man delegation of the Ca-jy,... | j a Community Hospital, Sunday,} Funer al service was held to-/€8 4 sede "2"iMarch the most popular destin-|/standing, compared with $1.20 Dec. 8 She was in her 69th(\day, Tuesday, Dec. 10, at 2.30 nadian Manufacturers Associa-|ationg for sun-worshippers in-|On each of 744,465 shares out- year fp.m. at the Northcutt - Smith) ton. .. {elude the Carribean, Florida|Standing in 1961-62. : 'A t olan. she was the Funeral . Chapel Rev Mr. "Education costs would fit injand Mexico. Approximately 90: ©. D. Cowan, president, said Born at Raglé F : pp R daughter of Archibald Black and Garden Hill and Elizabethville| stated. 'The province should as- are for sunny climates, and be-| Program is being undertaken to the late Catherine Black. She United Churches, conducted the .ume the existing and future!tween five and ten per cent for|increase capacity for automo- married the late William Parry| Service. Interment was Bow-'capital costs and also continue) winter sports resorts. Of these, /|tive lines, plastics and other jin the Port : Perry Anglican Manville Cemetery products. i operating costs." lentians, although a small per-! ried life in Port Perry. The death occurred , suddenly owe pelleve all such assis-/centage go to wki- resorts injon a 30-acre site recently ac- Mrs. Parry is survived by Saturday, Nov. 30, at her hore, | tance could be condensed into|Europe. quired at Gananoque, Ont., he five sons and two daughter the result of a coronary|2 Single blanket grant,, the brief} On the whole, holiday makers said. Other areas for expansion They are Jack, George, Doris,/attack, of Mrs. Edith May : are- under consideration, Mr. 1 In suggesting municipal 80V-jown, or as families, although} ald ' Perry: William, of Oshawa, and|Smith Falls. She was in her 60th ernment reorganization, it rec-/some of the younger and single) Wou be financed through re- Mrs. §. Sharp (Alice), of Frank-|year ommended that the existing 979/neople enjoy party travel. tained earnings. Agia steele ae : ie : municipalities and more than} 'esime "thoy. choos Working capital of $4,971,058 ford _|. A daughter of the late George|, x» However they choose to £0,141 cont, 30 was $978,576 highe ' = - che leave 2 Pp s 8 gher, Besides her father, she leavesipunn and Jane Kingsland, the)??? 1y eeduiced | st anki | tially reduced. \last three or four weeks before . |Vancouver, B.C., and Malcolm|<chire England, May 22, 1904| The brief added that urban/Christmas, it is almost impos- Black, of Calgary, Alta.. and)ang married at Wanbrook, Eng-|/problems should be dealt with|sible to make reservations, and| ve. sisters, Mrs.' Lila Colleran|jang Web. .2. 1929. A resident of by urban councils and rural cen in casas SPECIALISTS Oshawa, Mrs. E. Shaw, May-|previously lived at -Lombardy,|, Despite the increasing number} ifield; Mrs.- Margaret Froats,! ont. =e - "*'!Counties as combinations of ur- ot einlae holiday makers, how-| Buffalo, N a ae and Mrs, A Mise chards, who. attended ban and rural municipalities|oyey the majority still prefer to Thomas, Eden, N.Y school in England, was a mem-| Would be dissolved. | 4 | Commenting on relative' tax|tush of summer bookings for| : conducted at the McDermott-\Church, Smiths Falls. She was| burdens, Real Estote Lid. TRADES band, Thomas McQuarrie and Peterborough for 15 years com- of the Christian Reformed _ 'tanloey Tindsor "hil. sie and Stanley of Windsor. Chile i) orn and educated in Rose- Walter Vass (Beth), both tenance. department Philadelphia, and the late Mrs Garadian Ariilery By MRS. OLGA HILL | ndchildren dian Legion year recently. The following Cemetery. The Rev. T. V 4 sister, Mrs. Harold Walker|Notma and Merrill Van Camp,} é s Mrs é alker memorial service for Monday at 1.30 p.m. at. the was the film "My Son', whic 1930's the family situation seem- was held Monday,) Memorial Gardens hay : sed : jJan. 22 rence pi ESS eee curred Saturday, in Oshaw Union : ale Born in Hope ah Emma No. 97, under the/and William Wilson, "Leo|@id Mrs. Greenwood lived for| in all its product lines, Ontario She is survived by a daug Cie taluae and) "Iliot Each year, apparently, more|unaudited report. Jack Delves .and Alton Elliott ndal, and Victor of Crooked "as presente rief , | suddenly. at the Port Perry,children. was presented in a brief by aMirenort that from 'now until/801,600 common shares now out- former lla Gladys Black, a|Wright, minister of Canton,/a different category," the brief/per cent of the bookings to date|@ Substantial capital expansion |to assist local school boards 'in'the majority head for the Laur-| Church, and lived all her mar-\MRS. EDITH MAY RICHARDS A plastics plant is to be built said. |seem to prefer traveling on their) # Norman and' Robert, all of Port|Richards, 59 McCamn_ street Cowan said, and expansion 3.500 school: boards be substan-|they are aware that within the| |two brothers, Donald Black, Of deceased was born in Devon- 7 H } most bookings have been made| land Mrs. Jean McKnight, both of/ cinith Falls for 15 years, she had! problems by rural councils take a summer vacation, and a The funeral service will of St. John's Anglican| | the brief urged that be-| ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King St. W. Panabaker Funeral Chapel active in the work of the church/fore a higher rate of municipal Wednesday, Dec. 11, at 2 P.M./and was a past president of the| taxes can be justified for indus-|~-- Interment will be in Pine Grove pyinity Church Guild at Lom-|trial and commercial taxpayers Prince Albert. bardy it must be shown that those tax- She is survived by her ayers pienaege! me in ois : oe ' 'ipal servic a The husband, Wilfred two daugh- Sik. services than they contr Voyer, of|ters Mrs : Annie: May Edwards,| who died Lombardy and This Cemetery PIERRE VOYER -RBOROUGH of Pierre Ennismore, n a cily hospital, PE | Mrs. Winnifred| year industrial and/ was Maud Commodore of Lombardy|commercial public school sup-| He was 76. and three sons, Wilfred Robert) porters in the five largest mu-| was born in the|Richards, Oshawa, Donald Ray-|nicipalities are paying an aver-| son of the/mond Richards, Fairfield and|age 7.4 mills more than residen-| Cecil George Richards, Ridge-|ti-l and farm taxpayers. | |way and 14 grandchildren. }-- a _ The funeral service was held in St. John's Anglican Church, Smiths Falls, at 2 p.m. Dec. 3.) Interment was in Hillcrest Cem-| fun RR Friday held today Mr. Voyer province of Quebec, late George -Vover and the for- mer Celena Vlais He had lived in the Peter-| borough area for about 15 years, and was a former| jaborer with Eastwood Construc-| tion Company, retiring some! years ago Mr. Boyer is survived by his wife the former Rose Bel vance, -and children Mrs -| nest Desrosiers (Olive) of Cali- fornia; Raymond of -- Ennis-| more; Mrs. Bruno Piccin (Eva) 9 ocean me Von em mamcenmentma, "KINDNESS BEYOND PRICE, YET WITHIN REACH OF ALL" GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 King W. 728-6226) NEED AN OIL FURNACE .. cu PERRY OAY OR NIGHT 723-3443 quality and economy BRANVIN SHERRY AND PORT WINE. JOR DAN Steak Roast BRANVIN Sherry

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