Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1963, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY , WEATHER REPORT "Ww : Cloudy with occasional snow and riend: "What : oe padi pelts a ae "a '4 5 continuing cold Wednesday. heaven's sake?" : VOL. 92--NO. 289 gag dg ote OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1963 Giles ue te sation ot pana ones TWENTY PAGES ADEN GRENADE BLAST KILLS ONE, INJURES 39 | Top UK. Envoy Hurt In Blast ADEN (Reuters) -- One per-! Trevaskis, high commissioner son was killed and 39 were in-|for Aden and the British-pro- ' ; jaa jured here today when a power-/tected South Arabian Federation STATELINE, Calif. (AP)-- to go on staze at Harrah's Ta-|Thomas Patrick Keating, 21, of| 3 > ful hand grenade. was hurled at|which rings the colony, was Posses pushed a two-day hunt hoe 190 'on Lake Tahoe's) Riverside, Calif., wanted for two} 7 a group of Arab and British of-/scheduled to leave Aden today today in the snowy mountains south shore bank robberies that netted $13,-| | 8 ¥ ficials preparing to board an'to attend talks in London be- : . , » iringing Lake Tahoe: for singer, But John Foss, a band trum-|000 ; | Z airliner fo London. tween British colonial officials POPE WILL CROSS NO MAN S LAND /Frank Sinatra Jr., reported hos- pet player, told officers he was; After Sinatra Jr, vanished, of-| 5 An Indian woman was re-|and leading ministers from tage of money-minded kidnap-' with Sinatra Jr. when two gun-|ficers had issued an alert, say-| #4 ported to have died from eye|Aden colony and the federation, This 4s the Mandelbaum Pope Pau! VI is expected to Vand' during his January pers sol asl ft ar ey hed igh bah iy ae on fei : e injuries received in the blast at t bina a a oo ar + rd ON P tour of the Holy' Land re father kent n-and that they demanded'to be e area, we ' the airport of this British Redjters due in London a Gate in Jerusalem, where -- cross the 100-yard "No Man's. | (AP. Wirephoto) |. His famed fathe ee 'where's the. money?" before/dangerous and might possibly Sea colony. |talks included Finance Minister ng Foss and making off/be connected with the Sinatra : Abdullah Salem Basendwah, 65 miles northeast in a Reno/4 Among the injured were. Sir fon hola A" sbokeenian d FBI iestinedy Trevasidh, Bids high| Minister of State Ali Abdullah F UAW A ie - wt it layed in the band 'with which! But the FBI said the two and| J : Lia Fe see ,|Basahai and Chief Minister Zain Fears M t Seeks id meets ures ey (0 oP _ young Sinatra was appearing their four alleged conspirators,| 'é pat terargong BP ean ony ve Abdu Baharoon. Baharoon left O un OT Growing. concern for young seized in two cars on U.S. High-| : art nied Bin Abdullah" wa for Beirut Sunday. +5 vat afo as expressec TaD oA scans spies "4 ' Ss <. TREVASKIS sul y, ; f a ; is . Sinatra's safety was expre SEIZE SIX MEN way 50, were held: only for the} IR K. TREVASKIS Pani, Aten amitister of na-| This week's informal talks - , | F Empl y by Sheriff Ernest Carlson of E re was a brief flurry of; bank robberies. They simply 7 " ial'? ' . ; : ar P 3 5 rma-|were to concer essent: Hosta es Safet or 0 ees Dorado County, Calif. Asked by excitement Monday when agents|had fallen into the heavy net-| s tional guidance and informa-| vonstitutional ge FO rt ig | reporters if there Ww as a fear for! o¢ the Federal Bureau of Inves- work of roadblocks thrown. up| Office Workers eee : __|Aden, franchise recommenda. t t the youth's life Carlson replied they» had after | This correspondent was -- uaendaker 0% around-the-clock telephone vigil 1 the voung. singer Foss|case oS ad tigation announced I Sinatra disappeared fed ' i if ;|tions and financial assistance LA PAR. Bolivian (AP)eareinork. thet Vine President. Certainly There always IN' seized six men and 18 guns 20 Officers took Foss to view the hey in the legs and hand for the colony, Baharoon said mounted today for the safety of Lechin, leftist leader of the re DETROIT (AP)--The United |every kidnapping miles west of Lake Tahoe near|)men, but he. could make no po- At Chrysler y he explosion in a radio broadcast Sunday. three Canadians and 18 others/belling miners, had had friendly, Ayto Workers Union said Mon-| No demand' for ransom has Strawberry Lodge sitive identification. Curtis Ly-| Trevaskis was injured in the; The talks were also expected held hostage by Communist-led/relations with one of the hos- qay it is urcing.the US zovebeen reported since 19-year-old! Two of the men were. identi-/num, agent in-charge of 26 FBI] hand and rushed to Government|to deal with self-rule for Aden Bolivian tin miners as a 24-hour t Thomas Martin, 27, of ernment to "assist » South|Sinatra Jr. vanished Sunday fied as Joseph James Sorce, 23,)men.on the case, said there ap- Get Contract House. Sultan Ahmed was in @)and the future of Britain's stra- deadline neared f York, a U.S. Information! pong Ind. communit some|from a motel just before he was'of El Cerrito, Calif and peared fo be no connection hospital with stomach wounds. |tegic military base in the col- The miners warned the \ seney officer 9 000 Studebaker 'worke ina aah 4 a e were searching for gold WINDSOR. Ont. (CP) The Abdullah Ahmed al Fadhli,|ony ernment to release two jailec 4 radio-telephone talk with their familie , } and we came up with silver first contract covering 500,)secretary of the ministry of ag-|}------------------_--_--------_-- Communist union leaders ¢ J.S. .embassy. at La: Paz.jtion end jLynum said Chrysler (Canada) Ltd. office|ticulture and fisheries, had his | ' ; slthe Roti ine tj j : Preuusan ue Reno, the worried Sinatra ' ; day or "suffer. the. conse-|the Bolivian capital, Martin said! city Portu uese Rebel oh : '|workers was agreed upon byj!eft arm broken. St t M h ] quences." But the government Sunday he and. the other ho I ' Sr. said #2 | | a e ars a tavmor Ber d tor I've always had a fear of Umon and company negotiators OTHERS ALSO HURT gave no indication it would re- tages were well 'but under lease the union. leaders heavy guard. The Red Cross/the UAW"s Studebaker depart ° |kidnapping, especially when the| Monday et pga 7 | George Henderson, British 5 ; filalso reported they were zood ment, said he asked Labor Sec children were much younger. fore a strike was scheduled 'to agent and assistant: high com- The ultimatum did' not spel| also reported they were in good . n er ae start at 'midnight had negotia-| out what the consequences|health and were being treated retary Willard Wirtz to call a But I thought that was all failed 5 ® missioner, and Donald Foster, eo - well " | past, now that they're grown|tions fatled permanent secretary at the might be,' but observers re- meeting "to set up a special | Officials of Local 240 of the : s : ae ; ae : be varenin TON "py. : ; 2 re up." | {ministry of national guidance called @ similar crisis, in 1949,|. The captives include three Ca- tack force of representatives of|,. UNITED © NATIONS (CPy--;a plane back' to Brazil, where HA spokesman in his suite said|United Automobile Workers|inq informati : g nN lana u when miners seized four Amer-/nadian technicians, four Amer-! der cabelas } bilize 'the Henrique Galvao, the Portu-jhe has been a refugee since he dicutea cae feanleua nero: (CLC) said detaile 'of the con-| 22 uormation, were also jean engineers, held them hos-'icans, a Dutch mine manager, | {ederal agencies to mobilize the) jose rebel who-seized the Por-land a band of rebels scized the re was 4 si hie Na Pinel treat will NOE Ga dieclosed antl wounded, INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- A tage briefly, then killed them. |a West German and a dozen Bo full resources of the na ional tuguese liner Santa Mat Santa Maria in' 1961, oth ae a « chai helt laser a union ratification meet.|. "enneth Brazier, a BBC cor- grand jury has "indicted seven One hopeful aspect was a fe-\livian. technicians. They have/overnment to come to the im:|waited in a New York hol: !) As he arrived by airliner. in nays MNe 8 si 1€ e my d be line ae ight jrespondent, was injured in the! persons including the state fire been held since Friday at Ca-|mediate assistance' of thisiroom today for a plane back to) New York Monday. a represent-|, >.2atra's spokesman said At jing vonig sin b thigh but left hospital after re-(Oo" nal ee Se t "<m tavi, a mining centre 155 miles Stricken community (South! Brazil after a United Nations| ative of the Portuguese embassy|(ormey-General Robert Kennedy} The union, which bargains for! weiving first. aid [neve al, in connection with the WD southeast of La Pa Bend) and ils- thousands offannaarante that ansered 'Afric we ke Rt a |\telephoned late Monday' from|4,400 Chrysler plant workers is-| ig bank Rp Hallowe'en gas explosion which neariabgecik ie steed oa wly unemployed work ise harenan (rte aahinaton called at thei washington and assured the en-|sued the strike threat in jate|_,A!s0- injured was Ahmed allvitieg' 72 ons and injured A fourth Canadian. Robert newly, unemployed workers and! can delegates who sponsored it state department to request Gal-| si aid mn ann Sree © Onl aiey Re 2 ie 4 sea <(jShami, foreign minister of the A ac Lachangiie pes Minera 37 bt Oltawea amivce the Galvao defied the threat of ex-/yao's extradition to Lisbon. Hel t¢ttainer that the full resources|November after: n gotiations ousted royalist regime in "jnearly 400 at the Indiana State al awa aos a i 4 «tj "par 7 "hic | ° le ve J 6 o ¢ i La Par Monday from the Gai perndt add eit ir tradition to Portugal to appear|tares a 22-vear sentence diene, oe, nee Bepartenens were reg started in August broke men. He received facial-wounds oo « - tavi area. The British embassy, Principal concern that the ap-/before the UN trusteeship com-| given him in absentia in connec.| 24? seh ee -| The grenade apparently| 904 ithe Rat pret in La Paz said he had been in,Proxmately 9,000 hourly and mittee and discuss his country's:tion with the seizure of the liner was thrown from the visitors' aauehinc "st in wire a nbal another mine four miles from|Salaried wo s and their fam-jrule in its African territories. |and killing of an officer of the balcony as the officials F 6 And a nd Yocan a! and had not been taken ilies 1 v ery assistance, African members of the. com-. ship thl h h waiting to board the airliner for olis 'Fir Chick, Pee "Philing danlive ossible to cushion the shock of mittee were incensed when Gal A state: department spoke: London. ere chanced with faliice a ler nemplovment . cy ; f co é wus pe s Ne fee Paarl we nc , The Canadian hostages : agen PET enw vao, former governor of Angola, yn said the United. States ns tbe. Cuiclals prepared 10) carry out the inspection duties * James McNamee of Kingston a rerefor : 2 on ressed doubts that Portu-) vould fulfil its obligations un board the plane, this corres-| 7. hem by bs oe dink MeName Ingstor > pondent saw a movement in the|S\ven them by law. ean aT aR is ' the management of I Y guese Africa was ready for in der the 1908 U.S.-Portuguese ex-| ; rereng ior Fx os paren ett to co-operate with the UAW tojdependence and questioned) i qition treaty. But it. ail anne O e crowd, then a flash as the gre-| The five "accused of gene ited, .Montréal; Raymond ' tri 4 ,<| radition treaty, But it.was ap-| A jslaughter, 'including two coli- 7 ee to it at these. workers,/whethe African unity moves! t that the US. ¢ e a nade hit the ground and ex- - ( eau, 28, and Aurele Fa iheie : a i ay Poa meet with wuceses UndET ya en de 1¢ : government} nioded seum officials, were connected famili al ti outh| W t 1 u would hot c rocessing ! ath vould not complete processing} VATICAN CITY (AP)--An in-lthat'the one in Bethlehem. will oe | with the use of bottled propane Bend comm tv are otected|present conditions f the: extradit eis | : : . ¢ ; : ) radition request until 7 g i ) the maximum. extent, pos-|. The 68-year-old former arm) I formed Vatican source said to-|be the most important Sas in the building. miners' ultimatum cam Galvao had left the country C hs T bs phil ach ance of cl he * ee sible," Berndt said captain also denounced Portu-| day. Pope Paul, after 'visiting! The' source said it would be| onvict Tainmen) ~ 'hh returned igi indict cag atake al's dictator, Premier Antonio both Israel and Jordan on his|more than an appeal for Chris- jments in Marion County crim- | ) in the area by the gov de Oliveira Salazar. but said Holy Land pilgrimage, will de- j Hee és | ' linal' court, Accompanying the , T C Salazar could not be removed} TIC Slowdown liver a major speech in Bethle Pepto oe ange Rag | After 64 Killed |indictments was a special re- tenssoro and an offer b oronto ouple unless the United States, Brit-| hem Jan. 6 appealing to alll nolitical harmony. made in sucht jport which charged long-stand- caient Lavadon: B. Johnsen of 1in and France stop supporting! EJs mankind for peace and unity. |P way that it cwnnld he ad, VOGHERA, Italy (AP)--Twoling disregard of regulations for- h obtaining, the re @) C b at is regime Hits Toronto The source said the Pope dre ead ta ail aa ning "~ trainmen. were convicted' Mon-|bidding use of bottled gas within os the hostages n Vudan 1our I might be able to fight Sala would visit both Israel and Jor-| 4, a ica day night of multiple man-|publie buildings Deepening crisis raised fear ; : ' said Galvao, "but I can-| TORONTO (CP) Torontojdan. crossing the armed border, PoPe. Paul will travel to the: slaughter and causing a railway) The report recommended leg- of an armed conflict between MIAMI, Fla. (AP) Havana) not' fight these big. powers who|Transit Commission drivers to between them. twice. The source|Holy Land in a regular airliner(disaster. in which 64 persons jislative overhaul or even aboli- the troops and the miners. now radio said that. Vernel 0. Olson 6, . with his govern-|day officially began a rush hour sid iia wae' tin Pope's tenta- seat, complete with safetyjwere killed. They were sen-jtion of the state fire marshal's reported in contro! of five of Bo- Of Foronto © inadian chairman ment," slowdown on the public trans tive Shevatl for the unnvreco-| belt, and without the red carpet tenced to 13 years in. prison. department, which came under livia's 25 nationalized tin. mines. 0f the Fair Play for: Cuba com Committee chairman Achkar portation system, and TTC and ante iniiiage royal trappings that'some rum-| The disaster May 31, 1962, in-/particular criticism: for alleged About' 4.000 miners marched Miller. arrived in Havana to- Marof of Guinca warned Galvao union, officials said it was al Jan. 4 ee Rome's Leon.,0Ts have mentioned jured 75 others. 'neglect for duties. through Oruro Monday night, day with his wife for a vacation to limit his, remarks to Portu--most fully effective nao an Vinci Aiknort abot aa. ee "To the wall" with Paz Estens-| The broadcast, monitored in gal's African territories of An-| The men voted during the ¢ a.m. ving non stop to Am-| Es Soro Miami,. said the couple. also Z0la, Mozambique and Potu- weekend to enforce contract de man and arriving about 10 or : » government massed 3,000 Aned 4 ; poate zuese Guinea. Marof inter- mands by refusing to turn out 10:30 a.m. Drives to Jerusalem in the Oruro area, 39;)P/4nned to pa are an Ene an rupted Galvao fepeatedly when for voluntary overtime duty dur-|4, calebiate mass at the Church] = north of Catavi, but fol- niversary ebrations of Fidel he veered from the territories ing rush hours, starting today of ihe Holy Sepllohes tours| e AURELE FALARDEAUX lowed 'autious policy in hopes Castro's victory over Batista inito African problems in general. Some drivers jumped the gun Christian shrines in old 'Jerusa- ; yrotecting the hostages January, 1959 Galvao was expected to take on the slowdown Monday le mand spends the night at the apostolic delegation in Jerusa- jem & TO FOLLOW VOLKSWAGEN RAMBLER POLICIES Jan, 5--Drives into Israel inj § - the morning and tours biblical) © lsites there, including Nazareth,| § Tiberias and the Sea of Gali- Studebaker May Freeze Styles "!"*.": in Jerusalem 34, both of Kirkland | | & le | Jan. 6--Goes to Rethlehem in} NEW YORI tawa "didnt get any final in Toronto-born Gordon E. Grundy,:lingame. Uo ts exp | to. n- bakers are on US. roads. Com | : the morning, celebrates a' pon- Grundy r lent Siudeba formation until three or four 5l-year-old president of Stude-|crease the Hamilton work force pany officials promised to main fical e the: Church. of of Cana imit VS ago baker of Canada Limited, ex-jto 1,200 employees from 675 tain a flow of parts, accessories UAC Ni Hares ae th akes a head of the con it Grundy, a 5l-year-old) chart- pected to be the new boss of the within three months, and service through a network the "ge y a { re oh ' tive divisicn t \ } ti ed accountant born in Tor- automotive operation But the de truck a Of 2,100 dealers speech TIVES 10 AMMAN Or : : sut i aecision struc c Nied te , the flight back to Rome, where o Ham Not only will theréxbe more:heavy blow to South Bend The news broke as assembly i 5 ABA UON. (a Oi probably will mean aa ) : i: : pies akay.(he is due about 5:30 p.m | j uctior MT or an In: workers ¢ iter prediction where the company: has 6,000 Plants of competing automakers ae P He told a tt ' n producti Mat the uilton plant,- butlemployces and turned out/hummed, striving to keep up| The source said the ore company d ment there. He ned tO Grundy saw the change as alnearly 92 per cent of last year's|With record demand for new,might make. other epeccu ss wi assurances from -Ottawa that £ gures on the expected in- "wonderful opportunity for Can- production. Indiana Governor|¢ars. A third consecutive 7,000,- the Canadiar te ada." Matthew KE. Welsh issued, a|!0-car-year appeared in" the . will be p nl said some of the 7,000 pu ie said that no major Statement saying the state wil]/Making for the industry CBC Will Carry | level, TI rin tt vos py ag legen N Styling changes are planned: in'give. "top priority" to finding Burlingame, two weeks ago company @ onto move aute 1 Bend would be taken ha eee : The Stide. | Nev hs for displaced) Stude- named president of the com-| ' 1 1 ( : cost : ' h Vy ars. 'The Stude- new job yw displaced: Stude- na presiden ) 1 om productior m Soutt siping it indicated WOU iker line 1 restvled this fad]. baker. emplo, ces pany that traces its origins to| ueen S nnua 0 it nalle n Har be a large number : a u 0 ' ae ed the firm has. in line with that; a meeting a blacksmith shop. set up 1a}, YORK (CP)--Sta ed decided on a-style freezing pro-;was set up in Washington: be-|!851, said the sharp curtailment Y ] M Six 1 } am somewhat Jike that of the/tween Indiana's: labor commis-|@nd limiting of assembly opera u e essage a erman:\ maker and sioner,.its two U.S. senators and tions to the plant in Hamilton is ITR Ee > -- orporation lest name the ica Moto policy. a South Bend congressman, and/@ "realistic" solution 'to Stude C MONTREAL. Lae ad , Planned n ) ¢ i automobile production th the bler, producted at representatives of the U.S, com- baker. problems Ae ' bles EAN he a | lisclosed Mor auto production in' Kenosha merce, 'labor and defence dc The: economics of the pe Sh RBG sie Ws a a. ited States. and will build Th v » thy irst. truly Partments and general services tion permit-no other course 5 in lb ke ak Aa D ' ne 5 , SIS ee dio networks a 2 Cc, 20 f : ; ts cars in Canada 'but en a Canadian ai ) ion of its administration said the CBC -announced today ' ' -- ved 3C vant CITy EMERGENCY nuch-lesse kind ffed with .its own re In what turned out to be a Burlingame. said, unprofitable On television following 'the POLICE RAPPED FOR FATHER'S ARREST PHONE NUMBERS The corporation announced, Search aie desi ineers ape tipoff, Studebaker shut .down slag ance A "el declining tage tt Queen's message will be Christ Monday that its: curtaile 11 © to develor tinctive Ca- Sr Ser ple as e at South Bend were sapping the! ,,- vo can : - "i 1, vary a ve r salem : ween dian car he said si Fag bie oe oe a . company's. financi shee a mas Day addresses by Prime I'wo - week - old Geraldine four weeks ago and taken to -have been laid. Webster's odictien fie »n-|nadian he sai et lagging sales. of 1964 models! company nancial strength. "Minister Pearson and CBC Pres-| Webster appears to be shout- Victoria * to face fraud - family. went on relief while he POLICE 2113 ' mo ni: f d ( t witch itch up. with output that 4 As a result of diversification ident J. Alphonse Ouimet ing: out a welcome to. her charges. He was released dur- 'i s% ' nd,;Cogging distribution chann ince. 1958," Studebaker makes 'On radio the Queen's message; father after he was released ine the weekend and: crown W@S 10 jail. His other 'daugh- FIRE DEPT.: 725-6574 ' with room fo Ind H ton va an About 1,500 reduction wo arm Implememts,. refrrgerators,. will be followed by Prime Minh-|: from Victoria' jail and-return- prosecutor Peter Birkett sug- c are Katherine, 1, (left) nsion ' | t » Monday by Stude- ¢ were laid off Nov. 1 aundry equipment and a num- ister Pearson, Mr. Ouimet's ad-] cd home. Howie Webster, 24,. gested when the charges were and Shelly. i } its deci ta to orito id the move ton governt some if @ ) dress wil] be heard at 8:30am] was arrested in Edmonton dropped that they should never (CP Wirephoto) > 99 <I 7" noe r HOSPITAL 723-2211 ' The switch was welcomed by baker President Byers A. Bur-l An estimated 1,000,000 Stude-,ber of other products.

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