Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1963, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusedey, December 10, 1968 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | im yi MY'SPEE Accountants MONTEITH MONTEITH, RIEHL, "ynd Co., Chartered Accountants, 728-7527, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax 942-0890, Whitby 468-4131 WILSON AND BURROWS, CHARTERED Accountants, 114 King Street East, Osh awa; Ronald F. 0, Wilson, CAs G Edmond Burrows, CA, 728 4 | te | LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered} Accountant. Suite 203, Oshawa Shopping! Cent re, } 9953 | ALBERT HOSM ent, a4 Colb | eccount-| B. PROSSER, Chartered| 006 Centre Street North,| ephone 668-5447 i -- -- | ervice.} Bond] RAYMOND | Accounta' Whit Te BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Complete. bookkeeping se e 184 Street West, 72 O37. Res. 7 BEADLE ne tants Bast,! HOPKINS, AND CO. g FRIEDLANDER AND co., Accountants ruptcy, 64 King § Barristers THOMAS GREER $0 . t Bu rt BA VIET OR: BA, ter r coe 25-3446, Residence 98 ROYCHYN and HILLMAN, HUMPHREYS mi Loon Wanted "HYMAN, QC Suite treet Ee cours. "s c ie for. mortgag MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD L./ SWARTZ, Barr ey to loan t East BRUCE V. MACKEY MeOIBBON and "BASTE 00. and agreements JAMES A Building Trades Ressonet aranteec EAVESTROUGHING. * work ee @ ROOFING, concrete floors, | ecialty. New work and small jobs on tlet and and H rooting repairs.| Rooting end construc mt ASTERING rkeman t PES « ' tl a May. PLASTERING: Gain Ge tae new and old work. Telephone 723-4 c ARPENTRY, "cabinets ; and kitchen remode' and floor tiles. G a enmanr your (Ocal CHIMNEY cleane bulit and repaired, gas | e rneces vacuumed. F HOME MPROVEMENTS oofing, «& ting e Cartage JOuN'S equipped MOVING AP Dressmaking EXPERIENCED are Gardening and Supplies Loam and Gravel Washed ae ne. Fill BEATTY HAULAGE 725-2156 ified Acive \Gardening a and | Supplies |Mortgages : | piest AND SECOND WILD BIRD. Seatac FEEDS Bird Mixture morta Sale ' Kins fo nort of sale purchased joch. (See PRIVATE corporat et oan on ali tyoes gages and agreement cralghton,: © and MA |heading ster.") MORTGAGE and of er Irynan Barr WATE R SOFT tone ox B and Pe aiai ne | C -OOPE R SMITH et 5T 6 CELIh HARVEY LILLIAN W ' Instruction ACADEMY =} Register|! DANCe RAD. Balle Highia ap w. 424 kK €& MARSH, D.E.A Nursing Services LYNTONHURST MANOR ° Painting ond Decorating Personal Service BAILIFF SERVICES PHONE 728-3073 vale. EXD mn REG'D ; Mortgages Plumbing "ond Heating ALL Mortgage Money i" Available TYPES of re re ow Interest s Arrange Rug-Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS re CUSTOMCRAFT'S UPHOLSTERY 3 Se. vic SUMMERLAND SECURITIES [ims CHESTERFIELDS 14 c HAVE ¥ CHESTERFIELDS re-styie 4 ' jriai Canada 15 Year 2nd Mortgages CORONATION susnse ™ GLASS AND. SCREEN Ist Time !n Las LB ads itd Sales and Service COMPLETE Investment Ltd - ld Ak er itec -hofis DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN TV- AK VISTA TV towers @ Radic Repoirs Need Mortgage Loan A GUARANTEEC rt $ eny ineccurocies in iV IC yA Antenn TRIO TELEVISION DO 728 6/8) TV TOWERS Ecc nNomy Deluxe nd OSHAWA TY UPPLY LIMITEI 728-8180 Well Drilling WELL' DIGGIN Digging treet We or 668-3809. * 5 468 COCKER Well Drilling--Digging with 1AM KROONTJE, weil digging, com- " work ean-out and Road South, 726-3664. JOURKEY Read Times Want Ads Round the Clock READY TO BUY | eur nro? PROSPECTS SCRAPS- Sc GK) A DLT Ss AME SWAIN SOM J HAWK SAVES U.5. FARMERS THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS EACH i i | | | j | | | RASSHOPPERS CRICKETS, BEETLES AND SMALL RODENT (- oa Mt WAM MIGHT a SAYS POF. B.MAMILION 1--Women' Column AANENTS on specie AAKES OFF OM A 9,000 MILE AMIS TRANS MIMTING SIKNOK AT iy BANDOENG om AME ISLAND 'oF ifs SAM S FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA YEAR BY DEVOURING ed |17--Male Help Wanted __ [24--Houses For -Rent 27---Real. Estate F territory It» STOREY tle-roo " TO " up to $12,00 Brick Bungalows man wanted on thor nding Oshewa In @ year plus bonus Write WN, > rrigr ice Pres, Texas Ref finery | Box TM, Fort Worth 1, Texa "Ok Two Bedroom $95 oughbred horse farm at Myrtle, On. Th B $ fario, Beteen 10 a.m. ond 4 p.m., tele-| ree Bedroor ( phone collect. Toronto WA 43-4080. | m $105 RAWLEIGH DEALERS own ness.' Set thelr working hours of Jay-ofts. Steady work, Bul ld security for future Expanding} |population. creates need for-rmore deal-| ers in choice districts. For Information! DINARY Jabout easy. starting plans apply Rew MARRIED Jieigh's, Dept. b-310-SPA, 4005 Richelleu LL Cato WOMAN'S | Montreal. own, CONFFURE W. T. Lamsor Pee el METAL terably between 25 40 25-- Apartments sarnings: APPLY TWO-BEDROOM spertment new bulld-| Real Estote Limited ar her and dry | ' H AO King St. Eost | MERCURY TAXI en, 09 roth, AbD Dial 728-4678 25-4771 Handle sales North MAN ond inree bedrooms Attached ¢e Full price. Low 5. Sneigrove Ca 'By R J SCOTT |: re a) CH h, two enairs, ron shing tools (Basement GIRUS IDEA $35; OFA FANCY. STYLE OF HEADDRESS. STUDIO cm G hoer ' Apply 102 Rosen!®@ their pust-| apartment). 726 No fear) steady income.| FROM ve-room recreation choice north 1e.,. $2,800 Hf DIFFERS IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, Fi FROM THE | , bungalow finished and=caped tot, near schools. bus Telephone 728-6749 ~ Lansdowr | Telephone TWO-BEDROOM | apartment, $9 Rough Carpenters ca," serwee and Helpers ynton Road VIEW PARK tin thie Now homes under quality build. urs ordered te ure of a choice rable oreo, LET YOUR HOME DOWN: | Ver st developrne REGENCY TOWERS, Marl ew] select sudd two + bedre tment, all ¢ ence sion loymient rate ye facilitic phone i | THREE-ROOM iPrivate dry Riga Construction Ltd, Bay Ridges, Ont 96 Pine Avenue |J---Women's Column {16- ARTS HAIRSTYLIST OPENING DEC. BABY RELI MIDDLEAGED WAIT e 128-5444 For Appointments : _| EXPE Personal DR. C. A MORGAN PHYSICIAN SURGEO! NCES THE RELOCATION OF AS OF JANUARY 1, 1964 FROM 136 SIMCOE NORTH TC 109 KING ST. EAST CALL 2. _2--Personal and HIS 728-923 write 13--Business Opportunities COUNTRY GENERAL STORE MOTHERS : sby's 8 have € a ed WANTEL \14--E Employment "Wonted woRK WANTEL paint leaning c ed ance, Telept EXPERIENCED ELECTROLYSIS nh 723-4641 EN PULLAN NGLISH TAILOR nent oltera [Witt CARE { jing, " y eek. Apply 30!) MIDE |R br A " ' sanriniie : heir, QO be in . otf 9 | LADY |cluding |references. Te seda ffice.. T e 8 aft 5 WANTED ----- LADY wou Pets & Livestock _ f POODLES, toy re Ms Two EXPERIENCED 658. remade nd puppies REGISTERED Dachs 623-34 Atter | Cups Chore |16---Female Help Wanted . EXPERIENCED he th For informat a 128-078 SALESLADY REQUIRED pies and togs App anak Resistered: Reel om. 8-922. | Cole's WIRE Terrier required ATES oegactepgse Hair Styling by T e DACHSHUND ¢ vdgies eady BEAUTIFUL ¥ Apply ra: CHIHUAHUA older Spc rting Goods + SPANIEL puppies, excellent and ter ent, parti-color. CK yeh. CHOPPING CENTRE cee TYPIST Fast and Acc REGISTERED. Dachshund pupples.. Ex-| gift. After | 5 p.m. Bow- ts tren? manvilie 623-34 cense D aly EDO Mott seven! papers.) erd stered female. GERMAN t with id. Re app! _Harry Donald Ltd 8-989 BEAGLE MINIATURE POODLE, black, purebred oks old, male. Telephone before| us ,2,| BOOKKEEPER TYPIST 4 or PEDIGREE tmas gifts wmanville 3-278 PEKINGESE pers ter Charming Reg @ Whitby 668-397 GERMAN SHEPHERD ¢ Mint be N ' cient "Rea ' i and equir Former's Column | FARMERS! | das tie Bill" your 725-6511 res? Call tative 125-7263, or} Highest ppled farm ampton ence 2 FLOCK ying hens, 100, Tele prices paid stock. Tele 2721. Marg 3 | and estab NORTHSIDE Chrysler-Dodge (Whitby) Ltd phone 728-808 8----Hunting TAXIDERMIST mounted street torn Rug work.| Vhitby 668-3348 lare deer heads ls mounted t Richard Flewe RR Aricias For Rent CHAIRS, card and ba wet tables Fox Rentals, 4} APPLICANTS ' es St Cutlery - Glasses - : " Pro unch Bowls ~offee Urns ] Service r Candelabra | RENTALS 3338 12. "Articles W ames CLERICAL POSITIONS Teo LADIES! GLENCEDAR RECEPTIONIST tae i san rm -~Male Superintendent Mar an , nark ing F 7 ' jmonthly ply vt AY hone 725-7476 $75 MONTHLY, + 21 & ~Female Help Wanted Scarborough 267-9203 SITTER two Id e mother} 126- 6 COMMERCIAL NEAR SHOPP PIN G CENTRE ¢ best com toge this city hes situated on King y ocross trom ed to afte the ABLE BOOKKEEPER __,,;, are of two . MONTHLY take ' ew ares FOUR-ROOM HAWA 448 RESS {c fining roorr t ) TIME need wnt 26----Rooms For Rent ROOMS EAST END - 4 BEDROOMS bedrooms moke ideal home for e nily, but the fourth be very well Qs " weekly erlety ' 1 c Terel| apply Pr: uses FOR RENT, $ $10 Quee RIENCED help needed for V ; ; J FURNISHED ¢ NURSING HOME re Ava eee URHISHED Fo uld FURNISHED be i rel rge re $2.40 per square _ |yate banrooir rth west area | Eh dg triohrey Telephone 732 « 4 roorr r Doctor's Office co ONTARIO. St n 'ground DON'T DELAY TYPIST TORONTO ESI ras ae a) OORT AY sai : sil ' : wit for prompt, efficient BOOKKEEPER xo FURNISHED rain, "ntowds] Service on ' dillger effort | pita r t . eG | ' eh to hel y YOUNG MAN Silane ic mere' nee a ° p you | CHURCH STREET im right now to buy your home fe entr c terms.-----CALL nt pre motion | Buyers ore waiting erivai 1 v T AY "ATTRAC TIVELY 5 SURE hc Pl LEAS E | FURNISHED ROOMS ond we're " , | buy this home 3 " $14,300.00 RD N 1 muct we, NOW tc ble e home 82 PARK DI{¢ 7 " 728 56 7 | >PER/ Say and SEC Sait u get om brick with 3 20° Entire decoroted d, stairs have hondroll, This d winning home 1g in the orea. patio end barbe- well worth your in- Be sure you see ne tonight and get in before ite too ont ne wy Oo re home ond roor y \97--Reol Estete For Sale #59 950 ooms | THREE-BEDROOM bungalow! ] Vished re & ' Y itif %: 728-744) : awor dr ss pa a Terraces, " MECHANIC e8 ore A" Licence ow Help 'Wanted : ILF AGED t dairy] rs a $2 NGS TILL Ni 728-4678 ack Osbome Borrioge NE Dick ¢ Mage OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN --_ UG HART NORTHSIDE Chry sler-Dodge (Whitby) Ltd We 3 King $ treet ROOM AND BOARD fo ted Apel r Ritson Road BOARD private home,| hes packed. e $15. Five deys ROOM AND gentile snd baking RESPECT ABLE m ntieman Seven 984 oe rd for Apply two. 30 ¥ 668-82% 22---Offices, aheres, Storage | DELICATESSEN store tu y ater 6 nove ) square feet Schatimanr RENT MODERN office fo: =()R FOR office squore wn area Electric mation call 725-5132 TRIPLE "C" DANCE HALL for DOLL DRESS-UP By Wy vy 4929 | SES 10-18 1964 FORECAST By ANNE ADAMS r-college hit! Easy-going j teamed with sleek skirt sweat acks the two-part look at its most THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) |#ttractive Nolte wide collar eadtGony apathan} Paes hase : ; smart slits, Rasy to sew s per ee 108 , at i Prilited. Pattern 4929: Misses' 10 18. Size 18 4 16 res 414 rds 39-inch fab ALICE BROOKS Production ess ngs jot baby yarn 300 vlamor equipped Weddi to give s, Der ' ¥ if jhours of "let's pretend a and Fashion's pton 263 juired by t er. Har <5 Wanna To Rent ONE- OR TWO-BEDROOM apartment Cr wanted se to Shopping Centre. Tele f : 28-4799 semi-stand ' ONE tw facturer of heet lover el, Building materials ducts 'are S rye lie-[pequ qua ri 25 man On 24- ~Houses For "Ren S ' . FIFTY CENTS (30c COUNTRY r :] é ) acnt é me 1 : bad (no stamy ease) PATTERN Onis ADDRES ) vit 1 SLZI NAMI STYLE NUMBER Ser ANNE ADAMS, va Times, Ont Ma din coins for this esidents add Print niv ADDR INUMBER, NAMI 06. HANDI cou Winter now! all sadly ideas 'tor Catalog Mk

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