Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1963, p. 12

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without federal support, it was|the federal government's dect- announced here Monday. sion Tire company was an umsuc- cessful bidder for a subsidized irm Wants To Build Heavy plant. The government _ last week awarded the contract for | ! Older Navy Warships Seasonal Benefit Setup a rare Headed For Mothballs Gets Backing sac Ce 0 However, The Gill report said Power Corp. of Calgary will) . _ ter Mitchell Sharp told company obtain dred of thousands .of workers/the Gill blueprint but it is not the extended benefits should not seek permission from the fed Bigg Brown of Dynamic representatives that the govern: would be carred from '.regular expected to be placed before|be paid to seasonal workers who eral 'government to build a etd pes mci on _ ment Would BEOHaDy. Sant Bs: unemployment insurance cover- Parliament until next year. had 40 weeks of work before heavy water plant in Alberta mainly to export markets which|!port licences if the heavy water age if the seasonal benefit plan in its submission, the CLC being laid off. Other conditions ~~ ; ' it had been negotiating bef iis sold to friendly countries proposed by the Gill inquiry registered outright opposition to reticieii sen é limiting the claim of seasonal a Staaos indicated the long-,committee is implemented, the the Gill proposal to 'scrap the workers were. also proposed will be further Canadian Labor Congress told present seasonal benefit plan The CLC argued that the in- Reduc-|the government Monday. and substitute new regulations evitable result of the proposed This view was contained in.a that would disqualify from reg-|seasonal regulations would be to l5-page brief submitted by the ular benefits all workers with a disqualify many thousands 0 ie Z 4 'vrs 4 Ps Pa rene " - al : k f 4 tion within the committed | lishment for eight squadrons as'tegration, both resulting in more CLC to Labor Minister Mac- record of repetitive seasonal un 4 za | workers in a wide range of in- { savings Eachen on the Gill repor- employment. , | forces, designed to save money.| g | ne dustries who enjoy coverage un- - overhauling the unemployment START NEW FUND In the Commons, -- Defence! 8 P.M. insuyance program Under the plan, these sea- et Mie present Dian end Nave Minister Hellyer described as a PETERBORO PETES The f ommittee, sonal! workers would be covered Bin ayA sete 0 e four - man comr ,,sona rs red] sae : : "very great exaggeration" @ |headed by Toronto insurance ex- under a new fund, to be fi The CLC brief ranged over Canadian Press Ottawa report v§. J . Bowmanville Community Arena the 46 other major recommen jecutive Ernest C. Gill, was es-|\nanced by. the government at J ied ate Friday that more big reductions) Tickets Now On Sale At These Locations: at . ti f ltablished in July, 1961, and de-an estimated annual cost of dations contained in the Gill re will be announced in al © JIM BISHOP SPORTING GOODS--151 King E., Oshawe & fs port liv r , r) $15 000. This led bene- mately a month, There would levered 4a report ty Se toes led amipiaane wls It was presented by. CLC @ BOLAHOOD SPORTSHAVEN--61 King East, Oshawe @ BOWMANVILLE ARENA BOX OFFICE _-- a FiMES, Tessday, Bacamber t6- 7943 = ' ------s { : PPOSES GILL REPORT | we ae er ee 12 THE GsriAwa r Tire company got in toucn with the federal department of trade and- commerce two months ago, informing them of its negotiations with a member of the European Common Mar- et. -- Dynamic Mr. Brown said Trade Minis- OTTAWA (CP)--Some of the} Sources said the commitment' Sources said that to Navy's older warships are likely|to NATO's European commandjfunds for a mobile force with to be mothballed in the defence|--a 6,000-man infantry brigade|air and sealift capability house- department's drive to cut opera- group and eight squadrons of/keeping costs will have to be tions and maintenance costs, in-/nuclear bombers-- will be main- cut further. formed sources said Monday. tained at least until 1966 when iene : jals asiz at Can- present agreements expire. range solution eS eek 0 "Some RCAF reorganization injintegration of the forces its allies will be maintained Europe was likely. The air force|tions in present establishments though there wll be a reorgani-|WaS operating the same estab-|would go hand-in-hand with in See Generals in search of their first vic- tory over Peterboro as they strive to cling to a playoff position it had previously for 12 N.B. Welcomes New be 'minor adjustments,' he) Seed Potato Plant Progressive Cunsenvenvs Ee Se ee WOCK ov acident Claude Jodoin, backed ernment in November, 1962 ers who have exhausted regular, -- : : sie said | FREDERICTON (CP) The Liberal government hasjinsurance benefits, Maca ee ores The $52,000,000 a year being provincial government decision zation saved by cuts in the defence es-'to establish a seed potato farm SPORTS IN BRIEF The congress follows up with tablishment, announced Thurs- jin the heart .of New. Bruns- day, represents only a begin- wick's comme potato-grow a submission to the federal cab- fe DEFENDS TITLE PICK LIVERPOOL, LONDON (AP) Welshman) CLEVELAND (AP)--The 1966 : net on Wednesday, when it wil andignenied ox coe aie vey ae deal with many other legisla John River Valley. | 2 OPERATIONS COSTLY Howard Winstone outpointed Carling World Golf Champion Scottish challenger John Ailn addition, the federal agricul- tural research station near here works xtensively on «potato problems and improvements New Brunswick seed and ta ble potatoes go to more than 20 countries in Caribbean area and other southern islands South America and Europe-- been gen the BILL LITTLE province's big ship will be held at the Royal Birkdale Golf Club near Liver pool, England, the sponsors said Monday. The tournament -- will be played for the first time. next August at Oakland Hills in De-| troit, First prize is $35,000. The tournament will be held in Can ada in 1967 SIGN END CHICAGO (AP)--Billy Mar lin, giant Georgia Tech end, was signed Monday by Chicago Bears of the National Football League. Martin, six-foot-five and 240 pounds, was the Be * sec- ond choice in the NFL player draft a week ago. Their first wehbe Queb Hellyer's effort to raise capita Quebec and Alberta have Pro- the Atlantic cc st. Its facilities (re sient the fig: expenditures on weapons andj... ceed fay i 2 eoatpuient to 20 or 25 per cent vincial seed fa Sun wok oad PO include heated space for more : of the defence budget compared] @ growers have greatly €X- thon 160 carloads of - potatoes RUNNER TO BELGIUM : with the present 16 per cent. panded their operations before loading on vessels BRUSSELS (AP)--Buddy Ed- tted 30 oie gu ene a Lott A new export market for New elen of Sioux Falls S.D., the Canada . has committe ise not aimed at replacing ¢ ommeT- Brunswick growers came into fastest marathon runner in his- warships to NATO's Atlantic /cial seed growers, will provide existence recently with success- tory, plans to settle in Belgium command and. smbenee said further opportunity for study of}, conclusion of negotiations and run. for a Belgian team this commitment can be main-|yarieties best suited to growing', ' . : han 5 rt . ; 5 30,000 barrels o Jen has been working as & ; ie tained even if some of the six |conditions in the. province. It's [or the sale of 30,000 banreis t | Eedel "England for. three|Choice, tackle Dick Evey of Ten- ' iit! potatoes in instant form to teacher in' England f ened shortl h destroyers and 17 frigates buill'establishment was recom the United Kingdom and Fu- years. He ran the fastest mara nessee, signed shortly after. the during or immediately after the/mended by a committee repre- a ih ake equ Galen to 00 ynon in. history June 15 this Bears drafted him, r 7 i | 3 sass rope 1 ival * 1 SLOTY oad 2 Second World War are paid off senting growers, shippers and 000 barrels of raw potatoes vear, 2:14:28, in England Most likely to be mothballed are! processors NEAL'S BARBER SHOP four old destroyers and a few frigates. TESTS IN FLORIDA Officials. said there will: be; For many winters prov- some thinning out of the radar)ince has operated a test-grow- network in Canada in line with|ing program in Florida 'to check 123 BROCK ST. NORTH @ "WHITBY'S FINEST" @ FEATURING . @ FOUR EXPERT BARBERS @ TV LOUNGE @ MODERN EQUIPMENT @ POPULAR PRICES acton already taken by the the next season's seed supply haute NS Children. 75 United States DIVIDENDS OPEN WEDNESDAY ALL DAY TOO MUCH COVERAGE sometimes triple radar: cover-| By THE CANADIAN PRESS Closed Monday welcomed by the industry tive and economic topics in a y Oi 'é ne i] j y : ou The operations and mainten- erally comprehensive brief e armed ; : ; - ee a h mostly through Saint John, N.B.'9° were 3 gest farm revenue crop, PUMP {ypjouay was the destinatio O'Brien: Monday and retaine $1,200,000,000 a year or, in the at least $20,000,000 into the pro igua destination ;, European. and Empire| case of the current fiscal year, paella 0 77 per cent of the entire defence hipments and Ontario winstone weighed 124 pounds iget yeat are major Canadian customers for tha 12 round bout, and Sources said that in this con: phe | ao Aa at r Atlantic province with a ' si aaa Bs y text $52,000,000 is only a dropinic stake in the industry, uses other pany provinces and the 73 scaled 12534. The cham- s United Stats nion floored O'Brien in the open- savings will be made in Mr Speas tas tre | -{ment - supervised eed CLOPS. majeur potato shipping port on the Scot's left' eye midway ] ° otatoes, the forces is running at more than P for some of this fall's early : : ms vincial economy in an. average|;. 4 : arly featherweight boxing titles > : y r ane the : Prince Edward | 1 h Shipments also are made to the O'Brien, a Glasgow warehouse- in the bucket andt hat more \ Reserve asso 1) t Tae ie te seed -orhen.|_ Saint Jokn has become the ing round and opened a cut over value! CIGARETT TOBACCO™ Have Your Suit Styled and Tailored by SAM ROTISH 7 KING ST. EAST From A Large Selection of Fine British Woollens ds | HM OD THA MILD...COOL...EVEN BURNING = IN % POUND TIN SK 34" POWER DRILL 4.95 While They Lest the ¢ SUGGESTED PRICE 35 STOP = SHOP NOW FOR CHRISTMAS SAVINGS on AT mm OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCT 3 : : : : There now was double age in parts of Canada and this Campbell. Red Lake. Mines was No longer wreenont A when Ltd., 11% cents plus five cents the main threat to North Amer-) 7)" me iGhA eanord Te: ; extra, Jan. 28, 1964 co e ica was the intercontinental mis- 97 sile and not the bomber . 4 SKIL Y" POWER DRILL 4.95 While They Lest Industries Ltd., pfd record Dec. 16 Ltd., 29 cent Jan. 30, 1964 ord. Dec.. 30 Exquisite Form Brassiere (Canada) Ltd., six per cent pid 15-cents, Jan. 1, 1964, record Dec. 16 Niagara Structural Steel Co. Ltd., first pfd. series A 48% cents, Dec. 31, record Dec. 20 Action On Markets "tum isis to TORONTO (CP) -- Industrial 1964, record Dec. 31 issues, led by banks, lent the) Reitman's (Canada) Lid, only consistent strength to a'common 10 cents, class A 10 stock market that was mixed|cents, Feb. 1, 1964 record Jan Dalex $1.75. . Dec: 31 Dome Mines Banks Lead BSS Sy, | eae AS? st aE for the answer..> buy Gas) and without guidance despite 15, 1964, heavy tradir Monday Sigma Mines (Quebec) Ltd., Royal Bank gained 14, Bank|15 cents, Jan, 28, 1964, record 'of Montreal % and Toronto-Do-|Dec. 27 P : minion % as they helped shore Simpsons Sears Ltd., | cents up the industrial index. extra, Jan. 2, 1964, record Dec Other industrial gainers in- cluded Price Brothers, up %; Walker-Gooderham, up %; B.C:| Phone, up. 4; Union Gas, up) and Massey-Ferguson, up 1. Toronto Star Ltd., pid. 75 cents, Dec. 31, record Dec. 16 YIELDS PLASMA A new hermetic blood Lower on the board were,arator developed . in Bathurst Paper, off %; CPR. |yields 60-68 per cent %; i sep- Sweden plasma MASONRY PAINT STOP basement leaks and decorates Saveageedemencnnell ERNIE CAY pee Delivery LUMBER CO. LTD 53 ALBERT ST. "16 It's Lumber -- Call' Our Number" Phone 725-1121 NEW HOBBY IDEA FOR THE MODEL TRAIN ENTHUSIAST e = EXTRA SPECIAL 4" Pre-Finished Selected V-GROOVED HOMASOTE TRACK BOARD Full 4' x 8 For Your Recreation Room | Lauan Mahogany 4' x 7' 4.30 sheet Sheet 4.96 Each off %; Moore Corporation and from whole blood Algoma, off 5g each; and Camn- . ada Steamship Lines, down 14,/ Our Used Car Manager Selects These as Outstanding RED TAG "GOODWILL" VALUES 1961 Chevrolet 1958 Buick 1958 Pontiac conbridge were up % and Hud-} son Bay Mining rose % CONVERTIBLE 4-DOOR HARDTOP PARISIENNE 2-DOOR HARDTOP 8 Automat wer steering are i wed 348", Belleterre was the most ac- tive speculative issue, msing wer brake stor radio, ¥ power equipped ovel Libor r pped. asy-eye git $2295 | $695 | $1195 600 shares. Consolidated Mogul MANY, MANY MORE GOODWILL USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. Jelex gained four cents to 28 260 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA PHONE 723-4634 DADS I SSIS SSSISS WSSSSISISVIVIN 4' x 8' 4.80 sheet iY Say "Merry. Christmas" with | DISTON t HAND SAW TABLE : .95 each : HE EVEUE NUE UNE CURIE LE ett 3/16" LAUAN PREFINISHED -- (Unselected) V-GROOVED MAHOGANY TOILET SEAT choice of y of i u ASSORTED us PICTURE > FRAMES 3 OFF A REAL BUY FOR CHRISTMAS! At sea and ashore! RUMS NAVY RUM PALM. BREEZE WHITE CAP (Very Ught) (White) Full Regulation Size Pima siaiaisiaioiaiaet sistas ' s while 'Windfall declined six cents to 50 cents. Great Plains was off \% in western oils, while Hudson Bay Oi and Gas rose %. Canada Southern Petroleum dropped 10 cents to $4.30° while Consoli- dated Dragon rose two cents to 13 among speculative is é wisi Bi ae 9.95 3-84 @ Apron @ Pencij Aluminum Self-Storing * STEP LADDERS 264 6 4' Step 3.72 2'10" x 6'10" 5' Step 4.70 29.95 WHILE é oe DHSS TTT FULL 4 x 7 Sheet FULL 4' x 8' Sheet > cent als were 'up 9 off .45 to metals down .19 to 7 rn oils declined 90 to 80.78. The exchange index 02 to 80.78 Volume was 3,396,000 shares compared with 4,383,000 Friday ONE ONLY! 20" x 48" WORK BENCH 19.95 NO EXCHANGE ON THIS ITEM Polythene Film GIANT SKATING RINK 0! x 30' 2 6.95 Ajox Kitchen Hardware 25% OFF Hammers 99: AND UP rose aaa @ blue e@ white @ sunten 3.391, THEY LAST Use Our Gift Certificate and Lay-Away Plan 99° i CO ee EXTRA We Wish Modernfold Vinyl! . FOLDING Merry DOORS Christmas 15.95 to All! limited quantity CAMP TY TV Folding Stools limited quantity BIGGEST selection of HAND and POWER TOOLS with LIFETIME GUARANTEE Assorted ~ SCREWDRIVERS -- "DEAL FOR LESS BUT GET THE BEST" -- OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. HEAD OFFICE & SHOWROOM OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE COURTICE 728-1611 728-1617 SSVI SSSVSst i

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