Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Dec 1963, p. 3

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TIRE AMUSES POLAR BEAR like this tug-of-war bears. They wear it roli it and play with it (CP Wirephoto) Service Held At Hampton By MISS M. HORN An old tire tossed into the Polar Bear grotto at Van- CAPSULE NEWS HAMPTON -- T Powdered Milk | T, Go To India Soe |has been a missionary and Pakistan with he for many 3 to give much progress of he God h Air 1 the for ae Kingdom of Her mes and inspi conducted the bers of the grou service. The CGIT sang selection ndenberg Se ada 71,000 ; n powder U.S i that an beh'cle jay at Van- jior-Able in the o}lite nounced Sunday SKIER IS- MOTHER MONTREAL (( - Heggtveit Ha 1960 ¢ Cc § Ww lenberg and n<'Star rocket a RALLY PLANS GUNMAN REPRIEVED The .Annua! Ral PARIS (Reuters) ssident|and Stewards of O harles dé Gaulle he nted|bytery will be hel ve to OAS Os Louis _ Dumont sd 'to death last September killing. Gen. Ph Gine-| Recent vi and the senior officer in|W- Balson w at Oran Hospital, Al-|kin and son Paul in June, 1962. Mrs. Richard } jville Wisconsin, wa hy PRIEST CONVICTED 1M. Mountjoy's recently The! RECIFE, Brazil (AP)--Rev.| Mr..and Mrs. J.T. Wills were °'/Hosana Siqueira Silva, a Roman/|recent guests of Mr. and Mrs *"'Catholic priest, was convicted Wilfrid Smale [Sunday of killing his ecclesias- rs -- ae erie y 4\tical. superior, Bishop Expedito|vsited Mrs. James Mck, sal cai SEE eae and was\at Port Perry Rest Hom: among students across Canada.) oot onced to-14 years imprison-|cently CANADIANS HEALTHY Mr, and Mrs. Merwin Moun NIAGARA ON visited Mr. and Mrs. ie 1 LAKE, Ont. (CP) -- John Tobe itly en author and natural food' en thusiast, says the ] people he saw dt the-world tour ¥ Sunday were Hunzans, of an isolated v: the edge of Kast them, Mr. Tobe dians, Australiar landers as jest people terview the but fruit and Jong as 100 years LAUNCH SATELLITE WASHINGTON U.S. Atomic fF sion satelli powercd t clear energy was laur P) was used fro n day to bov at Lachine Gener t was the fir husband Ross TO PETITION CONGRESS j HALIFAX (CP) The Cana- re dian Union of St its is We ing up aft on to the oq Ce States Congress, asking pass human now befo congressmen petition would be in memor president Kennedy Union ident Dave Jenkins said he ex- pects the petition will meet a njdrew's Church day. Dec. 8 PERSONALS gunma 20 Har sen- lippe pn ht rights ment. Father Silva pleaded tem-|. ry insanity and claimed JOY c shop Lopes persecuted him|Byers at 'Blackstock rec by accusing him of misconduct.| and Mrs, Al and children ,Bowma BUYS DRAWING lrecent guests of Mr LONDON (CP) Antonine|Hosken Smith Klouda purchased what he be- Mrs Albert Balson lieves to be an original Van|Mrs. John Balson rece Gogh. drawing for only £12 at} Mr. and Mrs. Donald an antique shop in Kensington,|and daughter Gwen, of Taunton 7 'asain aoe : were. recent. guests of Mr. an and New Zea-| Lhe picture was dusty, but after). ae world's health-|Ne cleaned it, he was convinced|Mrs. Ronald Luke, said in an that it was worth about £7,000.) & a ns -eat little) PLAN HELP FOR BOAC | Canadian Vehicle al i 5 LONDON | (Reuters) Th British government plans to deficit-plagued British, hineaye Conparstibn Canadian-made vehicles in Oc Se vee ,|tober and the first nine months reducing foreign airlines'|of 1963 showed substantial ts to operate from Britain,)gains over comparable' periods Sunday Times reports, The|/ast berg the bureau of statis- tics said today that. the)" : i z | October shipments. rosc tish government would try tolner cent to 56,641 units { jget a bigger share for BOAC/4,448 a year previous, boosting on the New York-London route.|deliveries in the 10. months. by ecnecoetns pon ----|21 per cent to 489,396 unts | = ue : Gains were reported in | Racial Pride jmonths of the year except . Said Outdated {rose in the month to 1,224 units from 1,197 but declined in the gust. Shipments ien's J TORONTO (CP) -- Professor|10 months to 5,367 units from f Mes 1H. W. Arthurs of the Osgoode|16,415. the Hall. Law School said Saturday} -------- internationalism of more| value to world progress than ra- pride | se ee : Poles led by a woman have Prof. Arthurs, speaking as a \been arrested by Poland's Com GROUP anelist at a conference on bi-|munist authorifies on charge The Fart cu tura'ism organized by thelof spying for the U.S. intelli saved lok rae Toronto and District Young Lib-| gence agenc'es, the Poli | Association, said that na-jagency PAP said Saturday ism outdated and un-|------__--_--__ : worthy of liberal -.minded peo- pie Jean - Luc Pepin (L -- Drum- id-Arthabaska) had objected arlier to having French-Cana- h dians study the history of their province as written by English- Canadians Dean John Saywell of York } rsity said in disagreement "most of the history of 2 Canada written by ns is hot history phy; it was not educate but to and Mrs } y the He Hu eat The help a «.|Overseas by xr alsO. says ron Convention Report At Kinsale Meet By MAY E, BROWN GREENWOOD : Lead sale B. ho Au- of ve *hicles' im- ss ARREST SPIES WARSAW (AP) vention rec 1s Greenwood Umit One Women Presby FORUM The | Forum Group re-|! centiv jay : 1 A Marv even PI of the Mcl the broadcast ng will be and Mrs Corners BAPTISM On Sunda; meet to > of Mr SHORGAS | HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial | The established, reliable Gas Dealer in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 Money slip through you life-insured pers FOR PREFERRED ATTENTION PAUL ISTOW EALTOR ud 728-9474 Dewell|"" visited Jonah '| Shipments Higher . OTTAWA (CP)--Shipments of, 19.4 tr " ONTARIO DEAD ported from the United States|! -- A group of | NEED AN 1 press YOu CANT.MISS SAVING WITy "PSP Visit your nearest Scotiabranch:and ask about this exclusive with C7 : Satin! | DRAKE'S LOG Annual Dinner Fine Success his career that it was neces- Hampton People ~ Attend Fair HAMPTON -- Mr. and Mrs, {Bill Harrison and daughter, 'Kim, Port Perry, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. |Adcock, on a recent Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke nad 'Grant and Allan attended the} Tuesday we Lad a good turn- |Winter Fair in Toronto recent-out which shows that exams|sary to get along with the other ly must be nearly over. However,| fellow beside you. This was a | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ballard|this should not provide a means|lesson to apply all through our jof Columbus were recent Sun-)whereby some of you will forget|lives, for wherever you went or |day supper guests of Mr. andlthat the barracks is still in the|what you did you had to get |Mrs. Ralph Ballard and sirls.| same place! A tip of the Cap-jalong with the other fellow irre- | Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Luke/tain's cap to Bilges, His boots|spective of his race, color or lvisited Mr. and Mrs. Edward|are superb! lcreed Gibson, Oshawa, on a recent! Dress is still improving and In the past 10 years, Lt. Com. Sunday. : 3 lthis is a good sign, we only|Jeffries commented that he had _ Bruce and Wayne Keefe Oflnope that you keep this up fornot seen a Nav; League Cadet Toran are. spending a few | the remainder of the year. Ourjor Sea Cadet in front of a Ma- days with their grandparents, | ogiors were at half-mast in| gistrate charged with a juven- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carrick. | memory of Commander Grant,|ile crime. No one, he added, _Mrs. Blake DeHart, Brooklin, Ron Director of Sea Cadet!could go very: far without an open see a with M.\cervices, who was on the ill-education or by waiting for and Mrs mT eadaee and! rated flight 831. This is a loss|someone to hand you something ey 'not only to the Royal Canadian /for nothing. Mr. and Mrs. L, Rahm ofjNavy but also the Sea Cadet! Concluding his address, Tt, | Hil Beatle Mrs 'movement. Com. Jeffries told the cadets | Hef, WOGUDEINSE, rsday i was yourjthat they should carry their) |Mrs. 0. Richmond, Bowman-|, The ay ee you cer-|spirit and their cleanliness home jville, | were recent visitors atl inly did! The ladies auxiliary|With them, Later the Comman- ae certainly outdid themselves andjder presented Lt. Wood of the Sunday afternoon guests with our thanks to Mrs. G. Luhtala|Navy League Cadets with a he Prescotts recently were Mr.|,.q her ladies for their ef-|framed letter of commendation and Mrs. Prescott and|r 4. Highlights of the evening|from Rear Admiral M ainguy, Mrs. Kenneth Hardy of Tyrone.|yor8 the "promotion" of Navy|RCN (Ret.), for his work in M. and Mrs. A. L. Blanch- League Cadet J. Vahl and Sea|the NLC. ard and and Mrs. Ronicoaes pob: Wisniewski to the) Lt. Jackson, RCN, our asst.) Clemens attended the recem'| oo otive commands of theirjarea officer, mentioned that he Royal Winter Fair reception. | oi. was pleased with the shape the a wale 3 _|Corps was in and hoped that the} We welcomed two new mem | liars Able Cadet Wood of the good work would continue. | DISTRICT vy League Cadets and the Entertainment followed with) CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ibe ; S Gea Cadats {2 sing song, a tap. dance num-| a oe phe hy ig ed ber by Wayne Elliot, two accor- head table guests were intro- dian Heme by Eugene. Ladzkie- duced by Peter Tullock, chair-! W107, 4 Scottish serenade by| man of the Navy League. Sea|?¥0 Lt. J. Kiwior NLC and LC, y Cause andi, jet committee: the. Cadets Doug. Tullock, And of course was the subject of this wee at sleeps H from the we mustn't forget the saucy) >, : Ww rds | Bible Lesson read at eS i Cain Shaver, |X and one half and their able ae eaalne aires 'ijam session: Bert, Coop, Bilges, Stlan science r AAT ees pees oy RCN, who commented on the Louie' and Mano H's government O' recent passing of Commander)" (4 i 1, .; ct 1 all mankind) "Grant. Ye outlined some} That the boat painter receives many of the of the wore started by this gen-|it's name from the French word 3S. ¢ this Bible 'leman and in closing mention- Peyntours , Meaning noose or For the kingdom is the| : : 5 trophy bight; or that midshipmen's|-- nid he is the povernor|ed at a memo Cc Trophy sieeve buttons are sewed on i (Psalms | Might be presented en. thwartwise because in, Admiral sg Grant's aaAaA eat it ' Nelson's time, midshipmen had pops fhe - Sond shane: ticle? pockets in their. uniforms uelvisiis were few and fe ,.and therefore, no place to carry seh visits he ere pey that this w handkerchiefs, To discourage ee Juloos He aM sates ig the bad habit of wiping noses : aways De nee on sleeves. Nelson ordered but-|meeting of tne Drane wos Cone' tons sewed in such a position|in the Christian a sar Ai that offending noses would be|Centre recently KHARTOUM, Sudan (Reut-,\Com. J. velines hurt! N. Malcolm pe rince Philip arrived!a former area af a RESETS ht for an infor-|began his naval career as a boy on his way tolof 15 and had pr ceeded step Kenya for inde-lby step to present rank. Plan To Save | e celebrations Dec. 10.'He had discovered throughout | | | York road, der S 1X AMBULANCE CALLS was Lt RCN, (Ret.) officer, who speaker PHILIP ARRIVES Mrs, Leith Ct Mrs. Cecil tion on ' Ida Malcolm Mrs, BRANTFORD (CP) -- A $1,-),, 7. N Weekend Crashe Kill 22 Persons By THE. CANADIAN PRESS ; Alison McNeil, 5, Ottawa Only 'one province escaped|drowned in the Rideau River) hout accidental deaths dur-jwhen her toboggan went weekend as at least 38)through thin ice. died in accidents across} Roderick. McKee, 37, of asphyxiation while accounted/ejected from a rooming hous persons'by another man. ment of Whiteman's Creek wa-|, jtershed to provide more irriga-|'© ltion water for southern Ontario|&™ |\famers' was announced Satu- was presented pee Wright, Mrs Mrs '\Mrs by The Grand Valley Authority Fred Dz said the development will cover) puring the jabout 140 square -miles. | repor' @ being|build three reservoirs, one! m¢ e/near Princeton in Burford Town-|inati jship, another at Colles Lake in|parm i |East Oxford Township and the/cers.' ; Saturday 'third at Kenny Creek in Blan-} Victor Powers, 47, Peterbor-|shard Township, Perth County.|ror 1964 ough, in a two-car collision on} The balance will be spent on a Highway 7 Benjamin Smith, improving the stream's|Mrs. Harold heim, when he stepped out of a/banks to stop erosion, repairing|president, Mrs accidents S RORHHITLee, deaths, three \iwere drowned, six died in fires and there were 'seven unclassi+) fied deaths ' | Carnaghan; 77, Blen-lare o. Iso saw the end ce areas, Byte week, which na a I fhe Nig and fell to the concrete floor. and reforestation. lee b Mrs. Clara Stratford as-| Whiteman's Creek's course is 77 Uc Taylor Walter Stanford Van _______THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, December 9, 1963 3 AWAITS NEWS OF AIR CRASH Mrs. Antonio Santiago, of 57 Hightown, breaks out in tears as she rival Blackstock ucW Holds Meeting | BLACKSTOCK -- The general } was hel Education President Mrs.| ation and 'Missionary Educa- read a poem, Christmas Prayer." W el Be a ihe) Mountjoy, literature and com- ristmas gy un st edit munications, Mrs. R, Mountjoy; Lt pevaahig mec jmanse, Mrs. I. Thompson, Mrs. ---- \tehem," which was interspersed ree ater |with carol singing presented| Mrs ' Mr lif 116,000 grant for the develop- 7 ihersh p to the UCW. A play |city, Mrs. Cecil Hill to with a _ "Big Chief Trouble Shoot-/Mrs, R. Van Camp, Mrs. D. from a scene in Hong Kong} Dorrell; Mrs Camp Mrs. The. following are the officers Past president, Mrs president, near Peterborough.|puying major water - holding|/N. Malcolm; Ist vice-president vice Thompson; car on a service station hoist'and improving drainage ditches|secretary, Mrs. Ralph Larmer; |treasurer, Mrs. Gordon Paisley.' -- ond N.J., Al Beth Lloyd|kitchen, Mrs. J. Marlow, Mrs. Wright. and s. This was fol- which will spend the money,|iowed by a discussion. g business | ts were heard from the) Toronto,| About $77,000 will be used tolyarious departments. In com- | ng her report of the nom- g Glenn er read a poem, "Offi- period) Mrs waits in Philadelphia .. Inter- national Airport for the ar- of her nephew, Rafael Sanchaz, 40. (AP Wirephoto) Conveners --Christian Citizen-|Mrs. C. Hill; representative to hip and Social Action, Mrs. R.jboard of stewards, Mrs. Blake McLaughlin; Community Friend-|Gunter. ship and visiting, Mrs, Kenneth] Unit jeaders -- Anna, Mrs. Lee. Kenneth Samells; Candace, Representation on Board of|Mrs. Ivan Thompson; Dorcas, | iristian Education, Mrs. Lloyd/Mrs. Walter Wright; Esther, \Wright, Mrs. Murray Byers;iMrs. Bruce Mountjoy. o-operation in Christian Edu-|----__ -- : NEW HOME | SPECIALISTS HINA Real Estote Ltd. TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King St. W. ion, Mrs. S. Van Camp; flow- ers for the church, Mrs. B. G. Strong; membership, stew- ardship and recruiting, Mrs. Harvey Graham; nominating, Glenn Larmer, Mrs, Jean €/McLaughlin;. press and_ publi- ; program, social functions and Van Camp. | Pianist, Mrs. Gordon Strong; supply and social assistance, | )H, | TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY phyxiated when fire broke outjin Perth county. It runs south) EYE deaths,, @in her home at Oakland, about/through Oxford County, bypass- adian Press six miles southwest of Brant- ing Woodstock, turns eastward to 12 mid-|ford across Brant County north of| Louis John Buchanan, 7, im al! Highway 53 and then joins the) one drowning.'fire at his family home in Pic-|Grand River at Five Oaks, half! 1 three unc fied ton lway between Brantford and/ Harry Walter Keller, 66,|Paris. | from 6 p.m night Sunday, shows Five traffic re an is made 136 SIMCOE ST. up the EXAMINATIONS PHONE 723-4191 by appointment F. R. BLACK, O.D. NORTH SLICED PORK 1 ! lb whose body was found beside a LIVER 1 39 13 deaths, fromjrailway track at Mimico, a Tor- -o fire and-one un-jonto suburb. Police beiieve he was run over by a freight. after include|collapsing on the tracks indus-| Friday Harry Sanford, 55,: Brantford area farm laborer, when his Sunday motorcycle was in collision with 6. from injur-ja car at Windham centre near i 1 he was struck| Brantford a car n his p g| Steve Gavrelets, 50, of Mal- ig den Township, a_ pedestrian _ 80, ofjwhen a third car was in colli- red 1 bed mat-jsion with two other cars in- tress ht fire in Toronto jvolved in an earlier céilision at Gerry Keith Rooke, 17, Lon-|Windsor. 10 t classi PHYSICIAN not Oshowa's Home For The Aged. 'Interest in geriatrics G: Applications received until 5:00 P.M. Dec, 13, es For further details refer to . CITY HALL, D. FLEMING hy Township hom Michael | To supply professional services as required for Hillsdale Manor, desirable. 1963 SKINLESS WIENERS LEAN, TENDEP Cive Sreaxs BACON 29 55 | OSHAWA, ONTARIO. PERSONNEL OFFICER , | = don, when a car in which he een was riding left the highway on} the outskirts of Toronto, ------- | '| OIL FURNACE .. cau PERRY OAY OR NIGHT 723-3443 r fingers? You need PSP, onal savings plan. y ~~ Because most family men -- even those who have thelr affairs in good order --require an insurance program and not just an insurance policy. Individual insurance policies are designed to cope with specific sets of circumstances. Insurance programs, de- signed by Sovereign, utilize the advantages of the indi- vidual policies to accomplish a comprehensive plan of protection based on the individual requirements of the family concerned. Often, a single policy will suffice; but usually, a program of complimentary policies should be designed to provide complete and comprehensive protection. Do youneed an insurance policy oran insurance program? OVEREIGN THE SOVEREIGN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA G. SCHILLING, Branch Manager Ste. 206 East, Oshawa Shopping Centre OSHAWA, Ontario 'Tel: 728-7501

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