"Penman" Lambswool Cardigans Ordinarily 9.95 A sure to be apprecia lambswool. Fashionably sty! @ Classic V-neck with fu @ Winter warm long @ Warm shades of | or charcoal grey Sizes small, medi SPECIAL, "SHERWOOD" TERRYCLOTH DRESSING GOWNS Save 15%! Req. 9.95! SPECIAL, f(EATON'S| CANADA'S CHRISTMAS a THE CASUAL LOOK IN -- LON" POLO SHIRTS e@ Sizes small, e ond Short Sleeve Style. pdierly, 5.59! Special, each Long Sleeve Style. Ordinarily 6.99! Special, each Cotton Knit Polo Shirts Ordinarily 3.99 Lightweight « knit Smart polo style collar with 3 button plc Handy 'breast px yorns cket and lang sleeves s in shades of red, blue, green or brown nedium and large SPECIAL ' 2 FOR each .... 5.85 i j Fi i 3 Fi ] j é j é j g 3 3 i j i £ £ 3 fs EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 928 Lirkdale 'Deluxe' HATS 964's flattering "Haig Pi ' styling in select quality fur felt. Shades of Bea (charcoal grey grey), Paleck Olive (olive brown), Sizes 634 to 7 in the range. EATON Price, each Granite (medium 11.50 MERRY. CHRISTMAS IN A MINIATURE HAT BOX ' An Eaton Hat Certificate allows him to choose his own style from our splendid ranges at EATON' S. Enclosed with a minia Go meer gta OO eae Priced 'ion EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 228 PHONE 725-7373 el, Rl, Ry, ey, "a," a, Ra, ity Ry Ka ty ty ly Ry ty ta Ry hye" Re ays ea a 4.59 No-lron "Terylene" Shirts White or Striped Canadian made easy care "Terylene" shirts. A practical shirt well suited for the traveller @ Smartly styled with short point fused collar and dual style cuffs that can be worn buttoned or with links @ Blue or wine stripes on white or solid white @ Neck sizes 1442 to 1742 in sleeve lengths 32 to 35", in the group SPECIAL, 3 for 11.00 " PHONE 725-7373 Woe Be Bu ie BR Re Bf ' Paras SASS AAS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 9, 1963 2] Polished Cotton Sport Shirts Much below Usual Price! Well tailored in Congas from long wearing, goed quolity polished cotton: yarns. Handso tyled ond neot fitting . . @ Sports collar styling with "Perma-stays" ensures against cole lor turn up @ "Sanforized Plus" fin @ Smart patterns in shodes of blue, green, grey or gold-colour, sh for a lasting true fit. @ Individually boxed for gift-giving. Sizes; smoll, medium and large, <a" 99 2 for 7.85 Flannelette Pyjamas A cosy qift idea in warm cotton flonnelette. Smortly styled for @ man's world of sleepy fashions @ Lapel style collar on coats. @ Generously cut trousers with drawstring waist. e@ All over patterns in shades of blue, wine or green, Sizes A to E to fit 36 to 44, SPECIAL, eneh = oo: @ SHOP IN PERSON FOR MANY NOT ADVERTISED 'SPECIAL VALUES! EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 928 PHONE 723-7378 2 for 5.85 (EXCEPT DEC. 24th and EATON'S OPEN TO 9 P.M. EVERY SHOPPING NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS | sary RDAYS -- 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.)