Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Dec 1963, p. 1

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a ip ahs ee @ ee THOUGHT FOR TODAY WEATHER REPORT The difference between news -- agonal ag Bc ory and gossip is whether you tell : ight snow and seaso' y le it or hear it. Price Not Over VOL. 92--NO. 288 AO Coe ae Co ~ OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1963 Gttowa'vend "tor'"pcymant" of "Parage ine Com Bild aad 81 PEOPLE DIE IN JET WRECK | | 65 More Escape Death ee _ By Margin Of Minutes ers sent their word to the gov- Diamond Drilling Company in 4 % - o y Of B ernment by way of radio trans- the Ontario city, and James ' O ama e wLK r= | i missions from their strongholds, McNames of Prospection Lim- 3 $ | ELKTON, Md (AP)--A four-| lage of, Meadow View near Elk- more than 150 miles south of ited, Montreal 4 engine jet airliner exploded eae this capital (The British ambassador in WASHINGTON (AP)--If light-;plane broke apart in extreme ot it age wc Pear Rese 'We knew a be * The miners, led by leftist)La Paz, which represents Ca- ing caused Maryland's airliner|turbulence . seciingg pies 4o,|curvivors out of it, because : : a eae Ps ce sai . ; gators looked for a cause t0-|was just a ball of fire. Vice-President Juan Lechin, de- nadian interests in the country, crash Sunday -night, it would be} Modern planes are protected she Bick searched for wits! ash ; fied a government troop buildup|has asked authorities about the a first in U.S. commercial avia-|,.° : eae 5 jaey as Pp 7 A "| The plane disintegrated in the a i from lightning by tiny anti-sta-!tims in a muddy cornfield. lair Sheriff Ed Startt said and an offer from President/status of the Canadians, the for- tion records. ; The Boeing 707 of Pan Amer-|@:: Sheri gar startt sal Johnson of full U.S. assistance!eign office said in London.) Witnesses said a bolt of light- tic metal impregnated ptr ipa World p Baal lunged to hits .of wreckage fell sige ans to the government to win free-| The broadcast said the union ning hit the Boeing 707 jet, Pan|hanging from the trailing edges) ath fd fey areata from| are? of four square miles. The dom for the hostages, held since was giving the governmentt he! American World Airways Flight|of the wings and tail and serv-|5'qoq ; cornfield was a rain - soaked A ? ; feet during a thunder-|; ' ; a Friday night detained union leaders, and 214 bound from Puerto Rico tOling as tiny lightning rods. Al-|storm. Witnesses said it was jumble of burning bits of wreck Of Miners *# LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP)--Com-/down on union power in the op- munist-led tin miners holdingjeration of the mines, Bolivia's three Canadians and four Amer-! main source of income icans among 21 hostages today' The Canadians are tech- gave the government 24 hours nicians employed by the - na- to free. two arrested Com- tional mining commission. They munists or "suffer the conse- were identified as Raymond Z # quences,"' The ultimatum raised' Brousseau and Aurele Falar- a fears for the hostages' safety. deaux of Kirkland Lake by an The Federation of Mine Work:-| official of Heath and Sherwood BS t : adelphi 2 : age. The miners' broadcast. said|if it does not do so, it will have Philadelphia, and transformed] 4,4. h planes are struck by'struck by lightning. : union wanted the release of the '0 suffer the consequences.' it into a ball of fire that show- bs : a" y| at (loheiney: oould causel AS officials met to plan their two Communist union heads ar- The government has said that ered the area near Elkton, Md.,/lightning frequently these BY it " said B. R, Allen of the Civil|iMvestigation of the tragedy, a rested by the government Fri- under no circumstances would With bits of burning wreckage./wicks reduce the farce of thelsronautics. Board, one of two cain ng! me on veg day it set the two Communists free.| Kighty persons died charge, or dissipate it away|federal officials heading the in- iy Sainbeligs, 4. aeval baie : er rin > Civil Aeronautics Board hear- fy P vestig 7 iY 4) CRACK DOWN ON UNIONS President Victor Paz Estens- ngs into a May 12, 1059, crach| com tee Diane into the air. . /vestigation moved through the fields of é soro scheduled a cat t- Ings Into a May 12, 1999, crash) - = We really can't tell until we The leaders. Irineo Pimental) a cabinet mee at Chase. Md.---35 miles south-| lionk al the weenkaue! cornstalks. The sailors were and Federico Escobar, were ar-| Nf ne amid reports he West ol Sunday. nidhile disaster Radiati Shield ie , et hates 'ite from|*2@, % faise their hands when vials : , iat pe wi ecree a state of siege, nae : copies c Th ane en route rom} rested on a court order in con- s ot siege --brought out that in 20 years adlation 1e pies Palog A Philadelphia | "°° found anything. nection with union 'agitation opuace m i g SPE , , sy against the government crack-|* PEAKS TO EMBASSY iliac aooen yreeee One of the Americans, Tho- mas Martin, 21, of New York a U.S. informati servi f- Ottawa Trade (3.05 normaion, service of embassy Sunday night by radio no airliner of- metal construc- is : los % re a te | As hands began popping up, tion had been known to have Baffling Experts lean fF nrg ay ye! white-coated troopers answered been destroyed or even seri- leight. came down in a stubbled each call, tagging the remains ously, damaged by Hghtning WASHINGTON (AP)--A com-|cornfield about 15 miles south-|2m¢ feturning them in plastic Ten witnesses claimed they|Mittee of space experts has con-|west of Wilmington, Del., near|P@8S for transportation to a saw lightning in the Chase area|cluded tha -it will be impossible|U.S. 40 and the Maryland-Dela- Eiken Nelenat Geese eae, -- a a . 0 telephone for the second time d ee we Sin fs s ? 'em 21 the time that a Capital Air|to provide adequate radiation' ware border : : , ; ne . siding , ® é No one could tell how many since Saturday, He said he and 4 oe 1 Lincs, turboprop crashed in shielding 'before 1970 for Apollo By good chance, about 65 per-|..-4° ession pens the three other Auiecicans Hrd DEBRIS OF WRECKED AIRLINER flames with 31 persons aboard. spacecraft crews travelling | cans had stepped sutdly oft the| victims tet pin on wlan toed OTTAWA (CP)--Trade Minis- well. He said he was being helc Two witnesses said they saw/the moon plane during a stop in Balti-|/S7¢0™ ee rd ter Sharp opened a federal-pro-,Under military guard, but lightning strike the craft but 12) The report. by a three-man|more only a few minutes ear. |[arge enough to be identified at ; 4 all. vineial conference of trade and did not elaborate k M TT. Workers others testified there was no) National Aeronautics and Spacelier. The Federal Avidllen sineey industry ministers-today in an; Tension increased in this C1 i ea ad <er ad " lightning near. the plane Administration advisory team +. pune noe Fs, te plane wea on a hold atmosphere of intensive but se- mountain capital. There werc | The C.A-B. concluded that the) ig nat. "'shieldin Piha ee SC eae a hina (nol ing pattern near the New. Cas- cret work. fears that Bolivia's 200,000 left- <a § g 90 e crew! It was 'a funny noise, a | Reject Offer for P tle, Del, Airport at 8:58 p.m rov i f | *t Apollo is not pos-/sound I had never heard before tle, Del., Airpo 198 p.m. Delegates from the 10 prov-jist-led miners might rise up in hd U S Pl J . sé dir j @ A " ; EST, awaiting clearance to ap- inc ith Mr. Shar dja bl olt agai ? l ] ; I ] t A a e S ] N sible within the time and weight|nbelievable," said Mrs. Dean| » a ! td a ae Bae iinielrter-elins ter A hkl ane Feed 1 oad a. TORONTO (CP) -- Operating pina erves imitations of the project." creme who lives in the vi peoe ee eaeerene Interna, small Senate committee room'troop concentrations in the mine it esate ne oetrah et port. employees of the Toronto Tran- in the Parliament Buildings' areas NEW YORK (AP Stude-jtivity, Guthrie said 'we are sit Commission turned down aj R . 8 d | : Centre Block. Lechin heightened the crisis sone So pere td wh OnE Ale ayant in. the automobi company vee po Sugay ejoine . Japs 5 000 P Ms | "then, salt Rapmean Gebee of The conference was in ca-during the weekend by stirring i dae ie make * a in| "At South Bend?" he> was ee pe gla io nerviae ™ > > F y risoners Elkton: "It was just like the mera, up anti-government agitation in|Canada Dow Jones News Serv- asked Tincdag bh o o ays A a gre |sun was coming at me. It was Informants said that if suc- the nationalized tin mines. He ice said today in a copyrighted I'm not going to get into all! wy. pen could do this simply aren deol colton Paria ae so bright I couldn't look at it. cessful, this is liktly to be first is head of the tin miners union.! 45), the details. Everything will be he m mute ah SIMP!Y | day by Japanese surgeons who Fr d I K | Another witness, Henry | Lin- of a series of meetings, prob-| Reports reaching 'La Paz said 'The ending of operations at disclosed at the news confer- bY refusing to make extra runs cu ae ee ee n enya |dell of Newark, Del., said it was ably held annually in Decem--he had set up~a headquarters Si ideals ant in. South ence." Guthrie replied during the rush-hour periods, ne ot a an BOaAAE Wis apparent to i sae lightning ber, at which the two levels of|in'the mine areas near Catavi.!pend Ind. where the company 'Studebaker's car. business, worse than usual now because |*! NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters)--,ing a ceremony in the specially had blasted the plane from the jair. | "There were two large arched streaks of lightning in the air," : . le reaso s ex-/of Christmas shopping. This ™™. -- | i lah Mee bal pedigospn asp oe overtimey usually is accepted by Dr. Tsuneaki Nakayama, sur- Prison gates swung open today|built Nairobi Independence Sta- i 1 g r ie bi im . gery chief of Chiba University|for more than 5,000 prisoners dium, The Union Jack will -be government will survey jointly where the four Americn hos- | has made ¢ars for 50 years the economic prospects of the tages are held. Catavi is about cut off employment for about coming year 155 miles southeast of La Paz.!¢ nersor luding '5.000 about one-half sales volume, |the operators on a voluntary ba- a : 4 . see S ; Sache t One purpose of the current) The. government moved 1,000 ; chi Se ete Hees oid has been losing money heavily. |sis. Osa cage ing a yas ea potent ome tel wat vues nye! lp eal gan ng rpg meeting is to step up and co- troops "into the re ion around ee ee Bey RS : months ago has given 75-year: tions apes di ap oe ne sky was completely kt by 2 ordinate Canadian trade promo Oruro 30 miles north of Catavi | tet roduc ban o ll " ' Hee sors aaa pared con Among them were 1,500 mem- An ce me ae 'euaan ($1,200 one arin bh gh ee: see the ah oe an ve attract new and said it would not give: in sa pistes tay Studebaker' OSWALD 5 KILLER Miss Oinuma was crushed be- bers of the Land Freedom Army |q99) bag spent sicuidane ine y hatty pines tt Gielt hordani stry ada ie? ai . a : a spe : ; \- edinaiad Sade abla to the miners' demand Canadian car plant in' Hamil- tween a moving train and a rail-|--successor to the Mau Mau ious De , eri : tics Board and seven Federal ton, Ont jway platform in 1960, Injuries/anti-European terrorist group. /€" years Ol orilish C-laviation Agency officials ar- Se eee oe left her. incapable.of any move-| Twenty - five army leaders/lonial rule and Kenya's emer-|7i. 24 to start the investigation. 1 wade at ; bre s : pnibience in| Rub Isolated |ment. Naka yama said shejwho were not convicted osetia ag ie area had been cordoned oft 4 d n d 1ans 1e pee oe tices \ ventually may be able to move|stricted to residences in remote |€nt nation. jand flares sent an eerie light Ru ee wean: Jabout on crutches but there is areas were also released today:| This colony, once harassed by/over the torn, blasted and e <t : . e + baker's 'board | chairme 2 F P no chance of complete recovery! The most notorious was Kari-/African terrorists of the Mau| charred wreckage. As Ships Collide ey th me Studebaker will or rotection permitting her to: walk juki Chothara, last member of}/Mau movement,. will formally | There were few large pieces have an announcement then: on 4 10 . man Chiba University | the Mau Mau still under restric-/become an independent memberjof wreckage, although one big its. fut in DALLAS, Tex. (AP) ~-.Wear-|shooting from the. viaductéteam .used a special device, ajtion who at his trial confessed of the British Commonwealth jet engine dug a hole 100 yards Four Canadian seamen are pre-\"right in the middle of | the = with : 4 - sped * ein 00N - Has pide, ) M : : deputy) yama inverted. Eour of 1° apie wie ed Soa ees . hands the constitutional natn. house Kg of Mr and airs. sumed to have drowned Sunday shipping channel.' nee see | sli eas i ise air eiae Bill I me C oe 'costal nerves in the spinal col. ave Sericht Wodneehay some| ments of independence to Prime Henr Berry where 12 hunters when their small ° coasta \ transport department Great British Spy Harvey 0 ane Hh org lone| pl Sued vit ral tin 7. muitinoe Nore ion Ne t * OF ian 000" ersons will be 'attend-| Minister Jomo Kenyatta. were sheltered freighter, Fort Albany, went to spokesman later denied this Mie wald--1 ept _ alone) plagu SEAL AueuonK 8 OUT hour operat on, Nakayama said ae pee eee Aone plied aes Ge the bottom of the Sic Lawrence St : 1 nied thi " ina three-man cell. C,J,. stands'the treatment of Ruby. In quick} - River after colliding with the saving, the wreckage had been' Victim Of Cancer. 'or county Jail Succession recently he got two| . Norwegian freighter Procvon marke d with buoys and traffic He has been isolated as much|telephone calls; one caller said helt naines were. withhold WHEL DOR being delayed PERPIGNAN, France (Reut-\for his security as for minimiz-|Ruby was being tormented un- Tan Ind Ta T. na o pending .notification of next-of Visibility was still just about ers) -- Elizabeth Brousse, 57,/ing trouble in the 960-prisoner/der third-degree spotlight con : kin zero when we got there," said better known as Cynthia. one Jail ditions .and the other' com. "The 7.040-ton seq MacKenzie,- whose father oper- of Britain's greatest Second The location of his cell is kept/plained Ruby was getting red e up the six other ales a launch service in Lano- World War spies, has-died of a secret. But it most. certainly| Carpet, kid-glove care crew members m fale hroat cancer, it was leatned'does not have .a window 'fac. 'He gets what every other [ TO] | i Motel By Kidnappers Le prisoner gets, and that's - it,' ashore at Sorel, five m "But vou could: se today. She died a week ago ining on Dealey Plaza wo masts downstream ticki : the seclusion of her Chateau. 'What if some nut with a Says: Decker ' Rescued were Capt. Stan! licking aut of the water and a Caspelnou inthe French Pyre- high-powered rifle decided. he Sunday, Ruby had a break-. STATELINE, Calif. (AP) -- : casino, & competitor of his fathe Wilson of Rimouski, Que.: Chier Adder floating behind," nees wanted to get Ruby and started fast of oatmeal, app!e - grape|Frank Sinatra Jr., singing .son er's Cal-Neva Lodge. ' Engineer Wilson Trowbridge jelly, toast, coffee. Dinner was/of the famed crooner and film » Dragnet operations were di- rected by the El Dorado, Calif., County sheriff's office, because the. abduction took place just within the California border. g Tacks Beach, Nfld.: Second roast beef and gravy, mashed'star, was kidnapped by two; "-gineer Paul Simard. Mont potatoes, buttered English peasi|men at gunpoint Sunday night ¢ t ar gran ceer Picts De smar. R uSsS O e O Tl le and carrots, bread and icedi/from his motel room just be- } ais, Verdun; Cook Urgel Pel tea. Sunday supper is regu-|fore he was to go on stage at j chat. Montreal: and seamar jlarly light: Cake with butter-'a casino, sheriff's deputies re- Stateline is 60 miles southwest Fdgar Wilson. Merasheem e e cream icing and coffer ported of Reno. Nild | Ruby is permitted to shave) Several hour later police ra- Joe Foss, a trumpeter with Survivor Be ter, a e] } 11ICa TO i 1C 10n himself and has pencil and pa-|dio broadcasts warned all un- ": the Dorsey band, told officers 345-ton con cd 1 or }per to write letters, which arelits to Jook for two men for ques- -he and Sinatra Jr. were eating ve'te, was struck amidships or censored. His incoming mail|tioning.. They were identified * dinner in Sinatra's mote] room. the port side while proceeding . MOSCOW -- Premier Khrush-jtry and getting fertilizer to the|/make an honest profit, provided also is examined. He got a sack! over the radio as Joseph James About 8:30 p.m., the telephone downstream in thick foe. Sha Chev unfolded plans today for a'farm where it is needed there are credits, because this of it Saturday but there was no|Sorce, 23, and Thomas Patrick rang and Sinatra hung up after was bound for Sent-] Ou zreat leap forward in chemica During the seven-year period, has already become the norm way of learning of what nature. Keating, 21 a brief conversation. with a cara of ¢ um chioride:Production to increase farmijhe said, approximately 200 newjof economic. relations. As to He has limited use of the pub-| Units were also warned to be At about 9:30, Foss reported, Shi. Sine bare harvests and provide a better,;chemical p'ants will be built |those who have different calcu-|lic telephone and receives the on a lookout for a 1962 or 1963 there was a knock on the door The Norv ry. life for the Soviet millions. He, and more than 500 existing lations, they will be no. better newspapers automobile with a California li- and a shout of "room service." ing general ¢ Moediter.| Proposed to triple chemical in- plants will be reconstructed off than at. the start." cence number, Two men, one armed with a ranean ports iffered only|4ustty output under a seven- Khrushchev said the program Khrushchev. also. warned that 4 Officers. available to. report- small revolver, burst in, asking slight damage--a 2-inch zash|¥ear program would increase the' output Of the Soviet Union would make no Ikeda Re-Elected ers gave no reason why the "where's the money?" shreiff's hull about cizht feet, Khrushchev .told a full dress chemical products" 3 to 3% ' political concessions in order to ; men were sought. Nor. were deputies said Foss told them, the waterline. No ¢njur eet g of the Communis'|times buy chemical equipment © or P Of J they identified further. s reported among 'her ral committee that es i foodstuffs from ine Want remler apan Authorities said the FBI had ay hoagie gtare tiger ew of 31 ( ill the Soviet Un- WANT TO) BUY : : , TOKYO: (Reuters) Hayato been called in onthe case. 1 ged Frost with The voliicior ae n and let its peo. Khrushchev said his govern Khrushchev compar d Rus bie Balti igs ie oe Deputies immediately set up tied and ganged 'sg hog after 8 am. EST tarve---as he said was done Ment wants to bu a whole) sla s TeCEnY. eran Ur hases lesiaa pene nines : san eral roadblocks on mountain roads ih bch ei iets awa ta Lanoraie 40 'ini nich; the days of Stalin complex of chemical plants and|from the West to the policy Lear Sage in bol ho os "lin the Lake Tahoe area, al- ines ree ' from Montre ae ie He warned Western Countriesj;@ Number of other enterprises' the Stalin regime which let peo- Bait 2 th uses of Seady made. AHBbHIL. We thease Foss said a third man might sepa aa } ' list' countries' ; le die of hunger, He said Rus- Parliament have been standing outside. One Mau Mackenzie, 24, who,4sainst trying to force Soviet|from : ie : nae a - oH could havé sold grain this' In the upper house, Ikeda won LIGHED: Bt anOW, ried a packa e of some t +} RPS SOE jpolitical. concessions. in. 'retur wil pay them what is due by _ Weve § gre 2 5 1S Keda W rN Nan vers a NY * > ] man carr geo aren ie oth s ie ate . my Aa ote nee "hat commercial standards.' vear despite severe shortages if) 138: votes against 55 for Social- a Beane Nee cae rae SINATRAS, FATHER-AND SON leort: he added. one admit: they are deep. in Howeyer, bitterly disap. '| followed the policies of Sta ist contender Jotaro Kawa-lthing they. are in the area,"' on After forcing Foss to lie on lifficulties because of farm pro- pointed will be those who ex: !! kami, 10 for Suchiro Nishio of!the California - Nevada border. 'nounced he would divest him-| Ironically, young Sinatra wasjthe floor, the men left with Sin- "This was to sell grain abroad|the Democratic Socialist party, Sinatra Jr., is 19 years old. |self of Nevada gambling inter-| touring with a band, led by atra, vanishing into the snows ction . failuré He told the pect to make fabulous profits 5 : | Be, . aking advantage ofjand in several areas people be-|and four for Communist candi- Sinatra Sr. flew in his two-jests estimated to be worth about! fall. Tire tracks heading to- CITY EMERGENCY s et Union would triumphg if out of that neceskaay without: your sup-ithe seemin advantageous sit.{come - distended with hunger/date Sanzo Nosaka engined plane to the area early $3,500,000. Sam. Donahue, billed as thel wards Reno were found later. PHONE NUMBERS rt "uation, who expect that the So-/from lack of bread, and even! In the lower house, Ikeda won today from Palm Springs, Calif.|. He pulled out after the Ne--rommy Dorsey band. Sinatra Sinatra Jr. will be 20 Jan 12: The premier -announced that)viet Union. woild be. compelled'died." : 280 votes, Kawakami Nis- He had been due to start work) vada gaming control board ac-\5'. rose to fame with that He is one of the entertainer's POLICE ween 1964 and 1970 the gov-ito 1 any. agreements he Khrushchev said . this 'year's hio 22 and Nosaka five this morning at Warner. Broth-|cused him of violating state reg- group, and. his sitet three children. His mother is nent will invest e tra 1 t alle vas no other harvest was smaller than 1962. Following his formal: election ers studio in Los Angeles on the/ulations by entertaining Chic younger Sinatra sang his fath Sinatra Sr.'s first wife, the for FIRE DEPT. 7 090-000 rubles ($46,620,000.090 o 4 hecause. of -bad weath:r. There Ikeda, 64, comp'eted h new movie, Robin ard- the Seven underworld. figure Sam Gi er's old songs mer Nancy Barbato, who was a's Cal + Neva Also ironically. young Sinatrajreported at her Hollywood ss it the official exchange rate) in t yoann ve 1 e or--was a shortage of grain; parti-'cabinet by reappointing all the'Hoods. He had no comment. 'cana at Sinat > saa ne Re Ve Ir I i a v g gre pe i 3 eee i > MN . HOSPITAL 723-2211 developing the chemical indus-'ders with those who want tolcularly wheat, ' foutgoing members | Only three months ago he an-|Lodge on Lake Tahoe. 'sang at Harrah's Lake Tahoe|home.

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