17. THe CUAWA TNE, Henley, ee VISIT GENERALS TUESDAY | MIXED BONSPIEL wo Quick Tallies Pa --R-" V. McLaughlin's Rink in For Generals BFS' y_,° Wins Walker's Trophy Skip Vern McLaughilin made,;Lorne Goodman, Mrs, W.: Hol- Mrs. P. Michael, Mrs, D. Crothers Mrs. V. McLaughlin,Mrs. J. Souch, If bd . i ' i" | n ] C ene z ce 4 ee ' i o rfect take-out eee _ land and "Bill" Holland, skip Norm Word B b erase . Ross ty ke, ae ee Rotor Se j P A y the last "rock" of the final end, _. i a . Paul Michael, n Crother Vern McLaughlin, Jim Souch, Jr : 9 er. v and ee he vines (0 with a total of 13 points, for Skip Skip 7; eo ' aye - stayed on : a count "two" for a 9-8 win in third prizes and Mrs. R.imrs, R. Andrews, s. G. Wilson, Second Gome Ruddy Andrews, \ ther reymo, 8: L. Oke . adiG . Kor P . . Citchener e aast a , " js Generals confined|Gary Kurt had no chance on Kitche ner at le ast a tie on a 7 J i the final game of Saturday's|Andrews,. Rud dy Andrews i indie ; ip silver platter when he penalized "ue 91M . > ' Mrs. C, Phipps, Mrs, U 7; G. MacMillan, delencaman Bill Smith, with : tg A 4 annual 'Club Mixed Bonspiel"|Mrs. C, Phipps and Claude Cioude : Bar wir 10; Elgin Munday, 9: nt the ew eve hal eas than three lanutes semah 3 at The Oshawa Curling Club, to|/Phipps, skip, with three wins ki W $ (L); ick iG Campbell, S(L). the contest, Oshawa, ed by ess ant . ' e we the ee sig E tal of Y A ' t ; Norm. Allon, victorious, 2-1, over seventh- : . oe doling in the game, Smith clamp- : merge : the winner of the and a tol a i remy a : " Reg. ani, ae obby rr, ughten p dd Sandy. Fitepattick's F ophy, premier fourth place he ipps' rink mrs. G. Sager, Mrs lan, sughlin, 11; Bert Granik, place Kitchener Rangers, yes- fensively and held on for the €¢ down on Sandy itzpatri i, eae. ot the event won both their. first and second Bey, Smith ar ae pe 2: Alex Witkor, 00) Kitchener. |i ctory stck to prevent him from get- ; Skip 7(W); 7iL eo pi : aye f gene ting a ear shot. from i0-feet j : The last-rock victory (gave,ames on extra-end decisions. 41s, L. Goodman, K. Kitchen m oy G Compe Both clubs were far frOM SHORT NOTES General's ' : te . j the McLaughlin foursome threc Lorne Goodman Va Jomiason : 5 , ) ee ' 'Tes -alled i ld- a aug i. PRIZE WINNERS i jae! ch 1; Frank Kellar, spectacular and fortunately for, win will aid considerably in out, and Berean bea d it ears wins and a total 16 points, for OTHER PRIZE WINNERS Mrs wm. Ho and, Mrs. D. Jamieson, Wally Butler, 14; Alex Wilson' Oshawa, Rangers lacked zeal, | giving them confidence for to ng, But fine penalty killing by Tie dees top honor The Wu High two-game prizes in the Wm. Hollond, fF t i riko. ia) Geo, Boil, more than Genreals row eveniiv's encounter at and company kept play me day's top honors ss early draw went to Don Croth ea ' ede e r Father Pereymo, 8. ! morroy evening's encounter at , F at At ver eve tang ' : ning rink inc ed "Lec" C-ha ¥ es 1 " F Lloyd Oke. Kitchener's only goat was the Bowmanville Arena, against ndicebe dange Wee: wh n Dane 4 ¢ Laughlin, "Bucky" Luke, Marj| ers' rink, with a score of 14 Matt r ; v Bert Bingley, : by. defenceman Terry) Peterborough Petes er coach Steve Brklacich pull- q i 4 ae T, ier one py M plus 6 and next in line was f W): Bey. Smith Reg. Smith, 7; Elgin Munday, 6. acored By aa yi i ; pitting : Pribb and skip Vern Me-| Jack Foster's rink with a score 8: \ ale r 7; Fred Kitchen, = § ---------- seas! n Crothers ; ¢ r 4 e in the first period, which has given awe , it matin Bi aughliin ' Pembroke in I onds remaining. Orr just miss- Laugnlin jof 11 plus 2 Ras Hellecon while Generals played short-,tough opposition this season z i RON NAUD BOB. JAMIESON a ; : e : : 7: ee : . : | ea the ing net a shot They scored clean-cut wins in 1 lant ini Paes Seay a handed, with Bobby Orr. serv-/fact, in three lose' battles ed tie yawning nev on Aa har Test Eee pamed playing Keo pate ae nef te Bot , 8: 3.Goulding, 6 lic rist ets from inside Genera biueline, Two key performers, who will and forward Ron Naud Jamie- score of 8 plus claimed the Oshawa : their scoring to 41 seconds in this .play the second period and emerged ed netminder Kurt with 30 sec- ing an elbowing penalty. Pem- Generals have been unable th wi sat it » seconds left : : i he 11.00 o'clock. draw In} ' 1 broke's goal, which put Rang- gain. a. decision from tes Tickets toe singytow: alalits id their club, Peterboro son, in the summer seas Be r third game. the winner high one win prizes in this div- Th ri yas 'reened Petes ring = witt e the e one of Ontario's t é ig Pe z sion r ei 7 Fred Kit eee. ers in front, was a screened Petes bring with them the t h Pe t 1 eles; 2 inst Oshawa Gener- ! of aay Op tee ik ng bbed a big po lead ' : } r ree ecor es c > wit borougt ' 1 & - drive from the point, that car-jeague's number one goaltend ONES n amateur golfers The third- In the 11.00 o'clock draw omed off a General's rear-er, Chuck Goddard. In 19 Feit mati a ony : ' es a bes Bowmanville tomorrow place Petes are undefeated in foi ne oy rin} : iFather J Pereyma's rink 1 ¢ te 6 i guard into the short side. Osh- games played, Goddard has es ; es ne enon ¢ ee a ight are left, ve rsatile ath- three games thus far against oy : oh e in By i battle with 13 points and an aggre- : hipg 1B b aceniet : 5 Touchdowns awa netminder Dennis. Gibson allowed only 295 . goals per-/ :: ye aries ee * the Hox efenceman Bob Jamieson, Generals 2 a att cointed: one -in Sate total of 29, were the best f 4 " 6 was blameless on the goal, be- game. Next to him is Genera!s' vile of the Bowmany' lle the ad for home" and '? the two-win division, closely John Morris BUFFALO (AP) -- Cookie cause of the last-minute change Denn's Gibson It's ironic hee : hs end with an ollowed by Wally butler's 11:00 O'CLOCK DRAW Gilchrist, for eight years a star : rink, with a score of, 13 points First Game . e t 1 t in direction. He appeared tothat Generals should win in SHAW --Goal. Gibson 7 Ie Canndis ¢ have the shot lined even their worst performance - of , lashes Sint R peuts an ca 1qan eanel S ; so and aggregate of 26, for their mrs. D. Henry Mrs. R. Reeves a anadian football before fence, Orr mith. Rob Wi ith only one stone apiece , x k ry, Dya joining Buffalo Bills of the ough partially screened, prior th ast six games, when Ps : wo wins though p } eh eae : Domm forward , f remaining, skip Pereyma had jdv'? ( "ink ji ae sideinbheiags American Football: League, set O'Shea. D i shot rock r ily other Waddy )ke's rir with @ Larry 9 ank.K 4 #ague, to the deflection. From that remaining f contests which = point on, Gibson played flaw- saw them produce great hockey 7344), Vail B ; fone tn awe ' : score of 8 plus 3, won the higt k three AFL records Sunday in 2 0} ested f the t rt 4 ; Lt = 2 i S ve in the house t ; ey my tee oe : ' moe ogy ge a Deteriged ee op McGuinness © 3 niyieregin ata pee Rt 4 tors" ang te Bs a hority t 2 rpont an ine: p t With fina e ; Roy f ¢ him with authori de i : dle iv wa KITCHENER -- 1, Kur stone, he elected to draw to the The 'presentation of. prizes. Mrs rt Granik, Mr i ver New York Jets Just when it appeared that ce inly due them Osh- ees A th -onclusi vf the day's Bert Granik fer Dinole : 2 ' angen A ae defence, Kannegiesse O28 an i ais Sees . Atha ahi 99 front of McLaughlin's stone and at the conclusion ¢ a ule : ,. Gilchrist riddled © th New Oshawa might not register on awa's third line continues to Hicas : La > 1 lez int so we I ae 4 h see tecer civery: supcesstul boneple mee kit k nlchrist riddle he New agit "9 f | 2AZAY « - id ' I or t 6-1o-t 4 7 1 r ius be assur of at lee he us = f 3. Tresise M R t Tirias me ee ey 2 ' the scoreboard bec ause. of lack cain momentum and poise each ards. 1 sat rh by ; ue v io ad) 'i th . cccaly <eabhedeonducted by chairman Wally © asd ny York line for 243 yards rushing et bel ah Eat Magh Hae teat : ie need conse. i : wi dt it i d 1198 t 1 t on out the Butler, assisted by the draw ke A t role GN scoring five touch- way Ne reless ri to vestorda and »0W ron am 199 11 and 11$ n t : oyd Ok seorge ¢ pt owns = sure ver ge the tr : heck eat nats y da ohh er Jeechey and , ; +4 t f F McLaughlin master Leon Gunn and ° Le ' f APT. . three figures were vich!t ~warded r se I oft J r was . Major leagu> play iturdé 149 aug z : P. records ic / reward oy : bet aA > m a As : 1een | tit : ~ eta plaved a-firm takeout with his Heffering reche ng, when he poke \ to t I ine n PERI ALM AMT é s Wa 1 1 : eu bbashon hie pee ihe high inet Pee mes beit \ y ' 7 ing ne and stayed, for the Following are 'the complete a loose puck, for a scramble in occasions, replacing Rod Zain teh bitin is Certs : : f : t i win th k nd the ore Fitzr k j 4 ; at ® . . o shots neede he rinks. anc ir "se >s front of the tchener cage.it rv af ark Danny O'Shea 5...) noe r tick 5 hes . Laine J h vain ke Aen Much-impro ' 1 1 ibeua t 7 k 4 ' nt C me : ates : ' the cot Aaein Sirontion atlas ' ashing) 8 4 M n liatels 1 "lis with : First Game t k Bent , 4 dug - pu ; ' lucing { V ffo ' 3 4 : : ; ' ae : RU NNERS-UP- ( ree \ ereda M it Mrs. D. Calhoun; -M KAGE ound fullback, was the AFL's ner, after as 0 om the Bob Kilger s goal was on y hi ; : 7 : Larry Hef fert g, distr : serede Mrs, Smith Nlex Wilsor E M most valuable player last year, point by Chris Roberts econd of season, Terry » \ for "Wa ker's pre: Mr Reed Mts P ta after having performed for 5 ts) ' bs ' ees oe , Just 41 seconds later, George e's assist was his third, and 3 hs 7 4 Hetferin S 8 a l or r¢ t : C RBRIHATV RE 'ophy priests ohn Morrisor irs, Re Matt esring HAniliGh Vidor Cate Bapkat, Veil dro ; from. inside is Roberts hit the score t r 4 Sat 1 total of 11 47 a ay ithe ining rink and then in. a op Gini; Mrs ¢ f MicCor chewan Roughriders and Tors He also set four team records and equalled two league 9.00 O'CLOCK DRA Mrs. A. W V Gilchrist, a six-foot-two, 250- Kitchener's ne, which sheet for the f me this Sea ; luding a valuable {uy CeIV runner-up Jack McGee Olser LA _ onto Argonauts in the Canadian bounced off R anger's defence- son, with his ass Vail's goal N 9 303 gar Dut h enburg kip Hefferir together M v tt A id iad Mrs. €. | M W Football League, This year he man Randy. L arm, into was his 10tI Meterce: 7 loan. 0 ies (cree enecn a) an e vou, 10% - ams 185 for with his rink rs, -D. Henrs Ug cl Ed, K Niliarr has been hampered by 'injuries the net Rookie goaltender, Hugh MacLean nearly gave checkin f tt sive 5 AY ang try 'Bennett 146 for 7. Alex Mackay and Mrs KF ; ay coy : Potes wire Smit and unable to break away con- la was best for|rordham r . F re C 2 ' j ° is _ be | Fordham da close sec " ollard 3. Murray c 9; Skip 4, sistently--until Sunday. McGuinness .with 1367 for his'onq jn the 's: play. with Mrs. E. Pollor Mrs. J. Kemp baie Ate . FOOTBALL SCORES ApYile Lames is: sr s'tirer Phe teen ant lati Ose a ime both npet n the earher and McGuinness 6141 draw, were Mrs. L. Goodman Blank Peterboro By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.in the Willowdale Mon's Majors. vero gutiig Saath ° e ss ' 4j9l\the tear tals were ruin National League ; ness 4992 and ns 4900. It 5 as ret @ | 1n1c By THE CANADIAN. PRESS | Marlbors. picked up their 18th Eastern Conference \ll three games were very w: robably Ree A READER 5 VIEWS Ty r ros continued wir 9 A oc Pie ~ ' keer ee : os f sae : ] a Eoigpadcige Paenaehageind ego hed a poe ete a wine WUT Kk AP : t , tt a see ca r , ae . . . eins 100° basketba ee ia ne has epg at pace D unday as they € ampagne, Ray t Ma in 3 : \ Lanes -b winner 4} son and the deri ¢ player managers, |Canadian' Championships Olym* Ao papa Suny they Andre Chamoagne Rat WINE ow Vark 10 4 Oath 88 Nore ot heramaiee af mar ag wa atti "| New Age-Limit Ruling spss. sn riers ntna|pe tras Fan = Avera to 11 games and crushed: visit and Rod Seiling fired sin- St. Low 9 4 0317 255.18 gins. The fi game 'tote als were) With only one week remainin ed a Basketball Clinic on Satur--Games and Russian National ing Hamilton Red Wings 10-3 in " rd, 9 4 0316 24218 ri nes 1346, Heffering's jy } sories: of (the day at Oshawa Central Collegi- tours of United States. 'Kitch' Ontario Hockey Association SCO ROR WINGS Piteabuireh poe ae tk ond, 1430 to 14 11 and cohedul » Stan Jarvis club ate, The clinic sponsored: byjalso possesses a 'tremendous Junior A action . hoa ge Gs i a : the third game: 1233 max olinched first ce and can urts 1aX ir S| @am the Oshawa 'and District Board enthusiasm for basketball and In other scheduied games, John DeDiana, Jim. Peters Dallas y 214 ) Lp I ' power ' r nding nov pproved Basketba Offi-}in rticular for the refer Montreal Junior Canadiens ind Real Lemieux got one each Washington ful a ' i 1et, accord BORE nee Ms daa at telis cials enthus ante from Side oF ane Hediebr io tightened their hold on second for Red Wings. Philadelphia 29 2.229 347 ! } ndiv é eS ce neaners $0 kon BOu ene BOOS EON Or teams in Metro, and therefore Oshawa, Whitby, Port Perry,, During the lecture-demonstra- spot with a 4-0 win over visit-| A crowd of 3,333, largest of Western Conference the strongest club in. the | >| 96 "ieeb Hil Jowl 34: I ~y,|+ Oshawa, Times senha Are these efforts, and Bowmanville, Sutton, Pickering, tion, MacPherson drew upon ing. Peterborough Petes, home- the season was on hand Chicago 10.1 227713022/a ffering's boys deserved aeGuihness O6. Mranutantur Dear Sit especially those of the girls|and even Peterborough. his vast experience to make town St. Catharines' Black Jean - Claude Hebert, Andre Gréen Bay 10 21348189 1a much better fate, after such'Life Insurance 29: Albion Bowl! We hope this letter will ex- concerned, 1 be wasted by the' "Kitch" MacPherson, from/his points with a number. of Hawks battled to a 5-5 tie with Boudrias, Christian Bordeleau payimore 7? & 0297 269 orn position of Aurora Soil: 23 : nlain. to the public: .why Ajax ae of the fourth dees hela IS! Hamilton the guest lecturer at humorous remarks, fourth-place Niagara Falls Fly-|and Bob Lemieux got one each) notroit 57-1312 24111 anes oy Mann was the Phe Deal sak Acuaiahe can dé Shellett hot: beable 46 us group being penalized be-'the clinic, did an outstanding Following the comments by ers, and visiting Oshawa Gen- as Junior Habs blanked Petes.\; gele : 94 » trundler fe ffering's with js to finish ne second spot and defend th title the New ee wafeed abil apa ah or be- job of explaining the new rule MacPherson, two short exhibi- erals strengthened their sixth- Goalie Andre Gagnon turned y 4 8 1275377 92 344 and 245 for 8% tdd this important. Should Stan market Tournament this year pkey ae Any i Is it of 1M: changes and major .interpreta- tion games were held between place hold with a 2-1 victory aside 22 shots in registering his Se rancisco 211 181 37 oOody We 1 witt 2 jar s win the next series, the The. trophy was presented as STI Wa : : F beck saad tions, to the gathering. Mac- the four Oshawa high schools. over Kitchener Rangers first shutout of the season TAS 1 193 for Dick Adams eobhA since: team. with. i Hanan anuenamentl. anid should want to play hockey? Pherson stated that "Good In the first contest, Ron Bur- Tuesday fifth spot Black Doug Jarrett and Ered Stan American league Saas : i ain: jee ss ne: hae le i rey aes ian ' ' It' should be noted here, that packetbal needs competent nett of O'Neill Collegiate spur- Hawks travel to Niagara Falls field counted two each 'and . Eastern Division < pg A <2 f ee a ¢ i a a im ada ae ibe F 7 jeeproxtnately 70 per cent of the referees along with the co-op: red his team to victo 4 we with hopes of a w and ateammate Ken Hodge got the .T i '. , ee ; : Dat e pt pallirday ane sere his ov eek ny goals scored last Season came sration of: coaches sceorers,| McLaughlin Colleen" who fourth-place tie with Flyers, and other for Black Hawks as. the) Boston $24 222:15 | 2 os ee es ae ay prensa one aa te lent and i eeyets Unger a Pes inet players and managers.|w paced by Larry Plancke third-place Petes travel to Osh: battled to their draw with Fly Buffalo b 6 1 285 281 1 ce elias eae ie aot the cane sould qe older ones just beiT9 be proficient at the sport,/Donevan Collegiate, featuring pach a Houston 5 & 0-239 300 12 ir Oppo ition p art a) Sé ignored?) What about other powever requires hard work the rebounding of Tom Dejean Kitchener and Hamilton, both Derek Sanderson potted a New York 5 6 1 239.332 11 should be an interesting fas ashes teams? Is it not conceivabléland devotion." | MacPherson narrowly defeated the Walter in the cellar with nine points. pair while teammates Bill Gold Western: Division This is the immediate concern that they themselves will face' in, n elaborated on 'such. fine Rudy led Central squad, in the are idle eworthy "Brian Cornell and Ted San Diees bowling. of this letter. What about Girl's this problem in a year. or two? points as chargins bincking econd nme , : bow! again Hockey and it's futur What are they to do -- simply|inayelling and air-dribbling re hehe Wak no charge for the 'dribbling, travelling and air- clinic to those 'in . attendance. Mike Walton and Wayne Car- Snell got singles - for agara Oakl: 4 ) 1 A leton potted a pair each 2 al k nas ee iG nee GAG Wits 1 239° fo | Dec. -2 due to Christma At present there is no Pro- forget the older ones and their peoeaadae . Cae a holidays vincial 6r District Organization'desire t -ontinue ¥ ? , vincial 6 r aniza lesire 0 continue with the dribbling The Oshawa and District Board introduced of Approved Basketball Offi- Denver 29 1 250 380 > which governs or oversees the sport SATURDAY lake ¢ ff tior affer female division of the sport of Is a group's ability to. devel MacPherson ne a ace ah ona he expe Navona League 0 must con Ip. witk BASKETBALL hockey. In any type of affili--op themselves over a period of » the group, by Ed Kolozie,|cals paid the expenses of the B os Angele 14 I dApiac an ondat Gans weer tte ' : ; President of 'the Oshawa and lecturer and 'donated _ théir 1 1 Ios An vob I le cop ation it is imperative that the years, to be: rewarded by OXF Board i s : e Pere LONDON: (Reuters)--Results| Middlesbrough 0. Noris SUNDAY the third spot t andi SCORES Bre have some sort of cen- pulsion? This may be satisfac-\/eq that "Kitch" Mac. contests, B oe oe of old country soccer n astle 3 Scunthorpe National League which is e playoff pot tral adership. If it does not,'tion of some. sort, but why stifle ane ee an ee d th s pees baal Rental .costs me i ; tras ; ; srson considere » top ovmnas Si RG Football Association Cup ymouth 0 Leeds 1 Cleveland 10 Detroit 38 > Stand Rot ckson THE CANADIAN PRESS small groups may soon spring one's desire to participate If vasketball referee in Cannde So Oshade Board tee Second Round -reston 3 Bury 0 Minnesota 10 .Baltimore 41 hirt ilco Sheet * Metal , TURDAY up,. each directing their own clasification by age groups. is|_ as # the. best Nortt ti . Barnsley 3 Rochdale 1 Southampton 3 ¢ 4 Philadelphia 14 St. Louis 3 2; A 4 2; Aimco Auto awa-St. Lawrence group in a manner which may required, then by all means fend one Ot we ue le bastard bedi siete Brentford 1. Gravesend, Nortt ansea 3 Swind 0 ittsbi Dallas 19 ! Thompson 451; Univer of Sherbrooke $ be only to their own liking. An let's do so. Let's not crush .a fleet 0 Division Il Ban. Pimncikeo 7 Chicago 07. LW 5 & 300 Club pac affiliation such as. this is soon peron's desire t6 participate in 3 : defeated by its own purpose this sport .simply because she's Carlisle 4 Gateshead 3 Walsall 2 Southend 0 Washington 14 New York 44 i ng's Imperials . 46 Fe ae ie Bae an é vi j ! di Chelmsford 0 Bedford '1 Division IV American League Manh nT yhies 46; EL Ma : - a ° George Wi Our case is this: Three years too old or too good for us ' e ical irror Chester 0 Barrow 2 Brighton 2 Darlington 0 San Diego 97 Oak ap 41 rhe ivern ~4 Bad Boy, : Exhibition have been spent by coach Art Yours. truly, ColcKester 0 Queens PR 1 Other matches Boston 46° Housion ou lian 42; All Canadian potsdam State 69 University of Rennick, (Uxbridge slack Don Hercia Coventry 1 Bristol R.2 Oxford 2 Cambrid 4 Naw Mork 14 Ruitalo 48 \ il 4 ngton Paints 40; gy es : 65 : ' " Flawks) of Ajax. in building up| (Manager ' Doncaster 1-Notts County i! m 1 Bournemouth 1 Denver 2] Kansas' City Dobby's 3 h Can Gusen's 61 St Lawrence 73 one of the finest girl's hockey! Ajax Flemming Shellettes) rhea oe Exeter 0 Bristol C 2 SCOTTISH LEAGUE oe Const, 3 ngton Park 19 a oo i ( A sateteg Navy v1 femington Park 19. \{cMaster 55 Fredonia State 74 Lincoln 2 Southport 0 Division I Navy 21 Army 15 ringie shoul oval Neca d i4 c S Luton 2 Reading 1 \berdeen 4 E Stirling Pittsburgh 22°Penn State 21 heir position this Week When ae University GOuGRe 7! PERFECT GIFTS APPENDI ITI Netherfield 1 Chesterfield 1 eis as Air Force 17 Colorado 14 ee : x, When Roberts Wesleyan 99 ae : ee ane ta ay 5 iD 8 eet the cellar team ationé sjati Q. If a woman developed appendicitis during Newport 2 Watford ;: All-Sports B National Association Pp pp neta va eae : elt Bot eae stone 1 A -$ acy owl : 1in i c ! hould Boston 114 Baltimore 97 thin damn the nee operate? If so, would ldnam < bradfore Dund : ange VOF ern Oklahoma 5% » th his » their Chances Cincinnati 116 New York 105 A a this damage the chi Arsenal 1 Liverpool 1 | fermlir { rer rv Rock 12 ¢ mighty' slim -until the Philadelphia 120 St. 1 pee 139 GUARANTEED x The i would operote if the mother's life Torquay 2 Aldershot } Falkirk 2 Tha nark et we: f tt | i SUNDAY wa jer, The h ld would net necessarily Oxford 2 Ketterir ea othe No 7 and clinched third place it " ridé v > 'Turkey San Francisco 114 Los Angeles : be harmec ENGLISH L CE <ilmarnoc 1 Dundee the Southwest Conference. toll night and. the boys will be. 112 " » ' y - Hard Blades PRESERVING SIGHT Wimbledon 2 Bath 2 | Queen of § flor 4 Pe ; : m Ba + ! K 2 1 of er the birds Philadelphia 126 Cincinnat Wrexham 0 Hull! : Division II age WINS ' ae a si \ re " and TOES Birmingham 2 \ Ham 1 a 6 Fe 4 ivior beat Southern Metho a " we a. ~ . Q. What precautions should an older person take Bolton 1 Tottenham 3 at t mu 5 dist 20-6 as quarterback Don Yay NS 2 we * Y OS sets e f : ly on the quality mame of to preserve the eyesight? Would it help to avoid Rurniey 1 No Forest 1 7 imbarton 3 1] established a flock of 1 econ ee ------------------ << Y ' | ' BAUER the Canadion made reading in beg to wear sunglasses, to avoid Everton 1 Chelsea 1 milton 2- A' assing records and receiver , | , dcate, with snug "Bear Hug watching TV, etc? 4 Wolk mpt 1 Montrose 1 Clyde 2 sawrence Elkins set othe onkle support g A. So far as eye health is concerned,. there are no special restrictions that need be applied to ch 0 Blac ; Morton 3 Albion Rove 'here are a couple of games \| AF | N ' f : Aston Vil taith 2 Cowdenbeath 0 left on the footba schedule { | pines Pes SN recial _caraers ae aed nited 5 Stok "ity ty ine ; ' : reading in bed, watching t ision, ond rt t- nited 5 Stoke \ ran > Stirling 0 vhich was mixed u ' ost: (y & v i dr se sect tha cee ¢ e e to sunlight, Normal u shoftin] 1 Bl: ( Sheffield W 1 Blackpoo Irish League onements and-Ccancellations af- } ' c affect. the vision West --e heffield | allymena 3 is the death of President Ken- Ra & FIGURE Division IT é F ift 4 nedy, Miami meets Alabama "J i ; } Chariton 0 Sunderland 0 Cru aders 0 Coleraine 2 and T.uisville plays Houston : : HAIR DRESSING Derby 1 Rotherham 4 Derry City 5 Glento next Saturday sy f \ ) vext urda @ d ~ Q. Do hair creams and other kinds of hair dress- Grimsby rthampton tiller Kt ' es + eroded gy panons ha Haven 4 oS ee Ve The ste poll of the seas¢ 4 SS hig : ing cause loss of hair? What sort of hair dressing Avie we being taken now, with Tex: " \ ; > : t Or ¢ d tv 3 ) 3 Cry : s i} 7 is best ck Audio Meas 2 : : and Navy atmo: ' ' Ness \ 3 \ by BAUER A. For a rson. with normon hair and scalp sh, 1-2, in either rde y . i\\ ' % Made in Canada the cho of. hair dressing is entirely a cosmetic That means t meet / Vv ow . motter. So far as We know, hair dressings avail Navy Hangs Onn | prion miner é Ay WO \ Piced ciesn ths carey dot cae ei fs 1 will make th cond straight J | @ hey From as Low as Remember - the diagnosis' and treatment of the t t 42 . f HRS ° . disease is the function of the patient's peronal season in. which physicion jteams have met. 1 th | ; O e rm rn California J N 9 Phe Gini ti ose : t : : : Northwestern s "A 4 met aps ree EL A i \ : The 'personal intrest we take in the health Rose Bow] gam ' : < r if y- but. th r f 3 S e@ of those we serve is of equal importance with iia Fae yt ala aie Many st to choos r the professional skill we put in the dispens- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS , » margir } plz Navy: barely escaped avainst P xcellent sélect After a y QS, | PAIR 5 ing of prescribed medicine Navy, by the n of about f ' tavar Army as. th 1 1 < win z ast-quarte ; : Equipment et, low, low back from a 21-7 deficit to score ' two yards and a ul f see- touchdow? r i ne ) ; ' : ; prices! 3 aie : ked' No. 4 once and had a fourth down. on F {ou St ox Men B i _-- 0 BUDGET TERMS onds; won-its fifth straight foot ned Penn State 22-21 and ithe g Complete Line of Hockey ' pf gga eo ue two when the clock -ran out |} ISS NO RED TAPE ball game over Army 21-15 Sat-/Wasn t invited anywhere Millions watched on television | 4 COE SS NORTH | es urday and w invited to the! In other action Saturday injas Army tried to get the clock Cotton Bowl veet top-ranked the delayed. windup of the U.S.'stopped until there was enough % PHONE 723 3611 . Texas ollege footha season New quict to hear the rigr T } 48 BOND asd By the margin of-a jast-quar- Mexico v nd straight:finish' .reminded any f th el OPEN seri & FRI. NIGHT TILL 9 P.M own finonciha OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. ratched past. Colorado 17-14 tit ' ' f Church) @ FREE DELIVERY .@ and was invited to the Gator/Arizona lhe asinine 0k Ge Witt N ~~ we wy 725-6511 723-4621 ad Came ad yi = Bow! to meet North Carolina.) Rice defeated Texas Christian.touchdown against: Army ter touchdown, -Air Fores. Wester hie lic Conference 1046 Gas