Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Dec 1963, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Beturdey, December 7, 1963 16 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m..Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Gardening and Supplies WILD BIRD east, Osh FEEDS East, Accountants MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, Ch red Accountants, 728-7527, eet North, Oshawa; Alax Whitby 648-4131 and C 135 Simcoe 942-0890 WILSON AND BURROW! Accountants, 114 King S awa; Ronald F. O Enmond Burrows, CA, LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Accountant te 203, Oshawa Cantre 125-995: ALBERT HOSMAR, 4 Colb ant rne dM rd Feeders Al xture Chartered Shopping eed we rains WATER SOFT SALT chartered account. Street, Whitby, 668-5429.| RAYMOND B. PROSSER, Accountant, 906 Centre Street Whitby, Telephone 668-5447 BOB CLANCY Complete bookk Chartered Service 184 Bond 160 Ace ping 0397 BEADLE AND CO, Cha tants 18? King Street East ounting ervice reet West Res. 72 HOPKINS, tered Accor Osk Onta 125-3509 YALE, FRIEDLANDER Accountant: arte ce ano. COOPER SMITH ae) 16 CELINA 123 Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East tee Barristers THOMAS 4 GREER, RA, ta The Tin Building, 84 King eet East. 728-4 ' Instruction SCHOOL 0 VICTOk, BA, LLB, Ba Notary Pus 5 dence } JOSEPH ¢ s BURNS te or. and Knight HUMPHREYS. BOYCHYN and HILLMAN, HARVEY Ra Eatt, 0 'i RB. Hur -} w. 404 K ; ' , LILLIAN MAE DANCE ACADEMY ¢ MARSH, W.E.A., D Ottice A Ch Bana: A King. Set as, MoO. MANNING F. SWAR 2 SWARTZ ¢ DRIV NG 3 HYMAN, QC, B METHOD SCHOO! ch PHONE 728-0881 Money To Loan | vee L LEND YOU $5,000 BRUCE Vv. MACKEY, Ride F y ailable, 2612 kK Re a rig. street | TO MANGAN ¥ 10 loan. Off McGIBBON JOSEPH F and BASTEDO, Ba PHONE 728-3073 : Mortgages CREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND MURDOCH PRIVATE and Ba a Dryna Need A Mortgage Loan sale DONALD bought and 'sold JAMES BA, LLB available DODDS AND DONALD or Barristers Street and 9 East Building Trades SXPERIBNCED carr ' guaranteed, After FAVESTROUGHING All wo fully Call' Ed. Wilson | 5-2539 or 723-3211 Reasonat 4 YA a 72 Mortgage Money Available Low PLASTERING class workmanship TYPES AL Interest of b PLASTERING new patching and ahd old work "CARPENTRY, Telephone. 72 ~) YOUR LOCAL 'CHIMNEY ney and repaired stalled, furna SUMMERLAND SECURITIES es va HOME IE ROV EME! NT { 20 eave Ychawe¢ ? 68 Ist Time. In Canada 15 Year nd Morte COR ONA Investn Jages TION Telephone Cartace JOHN'S 'MOVING. AND CARTAGE e rates. F ec Dressmaking . EXPERIENCED dressma Gardening ond Supplies Loam and Gravel Washed Stone, Fill ; chofield BEATTY 1AU }| LAGE \ ) 2 156 fied Advert es per: month mes reser ves, the right sity advertising per ¢ disp ay. advertiser re Tim vill not be ; ef ers er v matter ¢ but assume r ability tising if Gny ineccuracies in any form are contaired therein, rectly ' i " Bersonal Service © BAILIFF SERVICES REG'D. 1--Women"s Column ART'S HAIRSTYLIST OPENING SOON | CORNER BOND AND ONTARIO |1--Women's Column PERMANENT on special dres Pine Avenue 25-536 Pope Hair Mortgages FIRST AND SECOND od Barr Sale 7 Hen king 2--~Personal mortgages sold agreements pr ck and Her Greet Fast MORTGAGE LOANS sters, 1F YOU have a ar Box 333, Whitby, or iking problem call 668-3034 MOTHERS, don't hide baby's them br lated for pho hoes keepsakes. ELECTROL YS) 23-4641 ng St. East Ontario 4697 Musical Services 1ANO. f k Oshawa 723 Nursing Services : LYNTONHURST MANOR LEN PULL AN TRaaiilerea Hina In athe: ENGLISH TAILOR ng Home Painting and Decorating DODD JUTER 10 PRINCE and -Pets & Livestock GOLDEN J ad. POODLES dards. Qial RE GISTE RED ephonie Beamuny PUP, six Whitby. 668 Expe. Plumbing and peers ALL TYPES of re d remode ates. free a 72. MINIATURE Reasonable POODLES, x N ales al f 310 ALL PLUMBING each. Telephone & f e fez DACHSHUND pur Hampton 26 males .and, females anteiemiieiiminoesninrichninspbihnnsieesniniepeetipsenbanaaabisnisien nnaey E p v months o| we Rug-Upholstery Service ; ; reste CHES TERFIELOS @~ built re -covered sed dee li ay mol king bie. if id, A > 14 Elgin East ' haw CHIHUAHUA pur SPANIEL id ter COCKER quall! HAVE YOUR chesterfield CHESTERFIELDS e new CHESTERFIELDS ONLY ONE Sales and Service COMPLETE LHASA MALE Pl e Airedo APSO JPPY GUARANTEED ] e Pup Shee aR iae Oe ; ) De Layre GLASS AND SCREEN s to. olun wit Kennels Reg'd pins s Column TARMBRS! LS IMINUM NASH ALI Surveyors FLIM | AND TROLLOPE treet Eas CATT DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN Or Land y mercial blue LE DEHORNED prompt € 728-7601 W. SIMPSON TV--Radio Repairs LAKE VISTA TV 40 F Pp and neria Avenue lowers ser Tele WwW cf TEED to mak es We ear ce Thome . 8--Hunting TAXIDERMIST, tds a Service Calls ie $2.50 7 p.m Daily Pier asbldnseal For Rent CHAIRS: card church s Low As $19.66 neo re ee "Street N nteed Jam As WHEEL CHAIRS Television Repairs, Sales, Rentals, 28-5154 72 TOWERS Antenna Repair TRIO "VISION WA hed itches, achines 725-1644 Dishes Puncl Coffee Tea cj ~ ilver Candelabra ARGEANT'S RENTALS PoC 338 Glasses Bowls Urns Service Cutlery Ci yver TEL 728- 6781 12--Articles nantes TV TOWERS -- stators Economy and Deluxe DELICATESSEN. s+ OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 Well Drilling--Digging WEL 89 BLOOR £ 13--Business Opportunities DIGGING XUNTRY GENERAL STORE o Oshawa Times Telephone| AVON tor SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK waek LIGHTING ARIKES A SANDY BEACH Wf USUALLY LEAVES ROPES OF MOLTEN © fing Pern. rtm, ee 19S. Wook nih mr |17----Male Help Wanted EN n : i : ; By R J. SCOTT MEN wanted, parttime, tor service ste 443 Oshawa Times YOUNG accounting firm MAN (20-25) department, required local payrolls and costing records. Interesting job with opportunity for advancement Minimum requirement grade 13, or en rolmenti n. recognized RIA), 174 2233 for appointment BOOKKEEPER For plete mo et of. book 45-60 BOX 448 OSHAWA TIMES SHINGLERS contract fice. to do Age bet n writ ween Apply ing to apply houses, Sub to shinles on new OF THE YEZIDIS, WEARS HI§ BEARD CORKSCREW STYLE work $2.40 per square 4y work, coll rs» project wte8 13--Business Opportunities|17---Male Help Wanted 437 Oshawa Times 14 WORK Employment Wanted WANTED, painting eand -- office 9. store ep ephone EXPERIENCED ma PETER PAN DAY NURSERY t 58 16--Female Help Wanted tomers waiting SALESLADY BABY SITTER 7 RELIABLE BABY-SITTER EXPERIENCED MIDDLEAGED womér ¥Y MANAG TYPIST. e Department Ha rry Donald Ltd. SECRETARY. OFFICE Ar McGibbon & Bastedo ymbers SALES LADIES. SEIGNEURS Oshawa Shopping Centre Doctor's Office RECEPTIONIST TYPIoT BOOKKEEPER k BOX 439 HAWA TIMES EXPERIENCED DICTAPHONE OPERATOR and SECRETARY BOX 1AW 17-----Male: Help. Wanted 40 70. 60 s Caretaker Wanted Part-Tin 1€ 405 TIMES f Xx OSHAWA TORONTO "sal RU 3-1138 iF you have We "re Salaried In Osh Looking For r alesman 1OWO MIDOL EAG GE Dd CHRISTIAN MAN needed time lifetime secu Jay Sche Co-operators TAX! DRIVERS 5-40 ngs. Apnly 286 » MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 surance: Assn. | belt | c | King St Oshawa West, |22--Offices, Stores, Storage 26---Rooms For Rent Apply Box a printing Duties would entail preparation of accounting course experience preferred. Phone 7 fe FOR RENT Pork he ted 00 town arba Mion call 725-5132 [FURNISHED ROOM, w suitable | for, one or j!wo. Close to bus. Apply 574 Crerar Ave office nue SQUOTE - [LIGHT housekeeping furnished Woman. w am West rooms, partiality Preferred. Apply 86 Flectric WARM funished room |North GM and hospital, *.1Wo Pérson'. Telephone. 723-9895 central, close ta suitable for one ment GARAGE for ontral ha ONE wanted ph one Two-room pnitratiy ffer $ por mall ca nilegiate. WV me OR Close to 28-4739 ONE or FOUR-ROOM Oshawa o 24--Houses For Rent nastglh SMa a COUNTRY tour bedroorr wa WHITBY 25 Ty ONE-B Apartment ROWE THREE-ROOM 18--Maole or Female Rough Carpenters Help Wanted and Helpers Available. d Piece how rate Riga Construction Ltd, Bay Ont Scarborough 267-9203 20--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD for Ridges gentiemen only Very centr Eas Street ROOM AND BOARD - ntlemen, | YOUNG MAN FOR Tire Technical Dept. EARS) ey packed. ng and baking, $15. Five. days home Motors East FOR RESPECTABLE. men. Clean Or meal: near North General spita Colborne Te eee one 725 ROOM AND BOARD for me gle beds, $15 Applicants. abs three gentle Monday to Cal (17 to 21 Y tainers. only NEAR Duplate and bus. Lunches clean packed gentlemen preferr quiet Shift ed 22--Offices, Stores, Storage EULALIE, 339 able fi building. § shop, tile floors small rber PERSONNEL OFFICE DUNLOP CANADA LTD. WHITBY 668-336] SALESMEN proven Witt i to sell square feet Schatzmann. PHONE 725-7938 BOAT STORAGE 668-3889 TRIPLE (CY DANCE HALL ¥ equipped fot Weddin 300 cater Sales record non competitive agricultural product, in the rural areas with compa Ful Bo persons 15 nquets, Dances up to Piano. and ing available. Parking facili ties Dent 728-390] : Beene 17--Male Kelp Wanted 263-2039 nger, IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT FOR ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK Applicants must have a minimum of Grade 12 education with preference given to R.I.A. stud- ents Generous company benefit plan including pen- sion, medical and life insurance plans, 23--Wanted To Rent spel rf ocated. Te TWO-BEDROOM hopping apartment vate entrance 5 DROOM apartmne FURNISHED room in modern home, middle-aged woman or couple preferred, home. privileges Telephone 723-4863 hed apart ES ere FOR RENT, $3, $5 and % ephone $10. weekly. Queen's Hotel, Osh- 'wa Ltd, 67 Simcoe North, 723-7012 ferably Near FURNISHED room, close North 404 Osh General Motors, ten minutes walk te Four Bus stop at door. Apply 240 Division to Apartment Centre. Tele! FURNISHED housekeeping room for one 'tleman. Willing to share kitchen and Apply nA Oshawa Blvd. South, Tele Phone 778-0847 wanted elephone FURNISHED ROOM for gentieman "apply 'au street or telephone 725-2198 . Srleunniaies bedroom with "adioining pri- FOOM | vate bathroom., parking, north west area. Nol Telephone 123-2326 etween 9 27--Real Estate For Sale THREE-BEDROOM bungalow d ur-piece bath with two- dining Yshawa 4.1948 $15,950 cen (HR ble to schools Phone 728-6850 993 Glen rae Street e, 30 mile -- Oshawa's Largest Firm Staff of Fourteen BOLAHOOD BROTHERS J RO BOLAH AHOOD OOD FRI WV US YOUR MOVER RENT riments. hel oundry ng. Im NN, only phone' 728- cepted orner ot DROOM BUNGALOW GARAGE Quiet room 2 storey location, énly 2,000 down for the bal Jack Appley 723-3398 central asking terms Mr 23 or nspect SINGLE oor FRONT Private home, / housekeeping room. Availat Two LARGE rooms GRENFELL 5 to p orth plant Telephone STREET, 54i nie immediately 18.48 One be SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY for ambiti 26---Rooms For Rent STREET, r A able male "day, worker 728-391 syit' one, gentieman T north and kitchen, fully} nel WHITBY $12,500 n town galow 5 room with mony It's vacant. Must be sold, Be sute to inspect and an Call Mr Yee 728-5123 of DOWNTOWN AREA $2,000 DOWN 6 room brick home, 3 hed: Corries 'for $75.00 monthly Taxes only $174 yearly, Inspect this home to. te by caling Mr. Ed Drumm right now. 728- 5123 or 725-9345, extras ately.| phone offer at gr floor, | enllomen| elephone | rooms. | end, central uded. Apply ni ATTRACTIVELY "82 PARKe RD. N RNS SED a or 728-867) DO AS OTHERS CALL THE BROTHERS BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening. 7 p.m OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINT ED PATTERN HARLEQUIN HITS I chet high and me I she a By ALICE hion loves wr iow ve ry colors equin boots stit Use on sted in APPLY CANADIAN AUTOMOTIVE TRIM DIVISION YOUNG SPRING & WIRE CORPORATION OF CANADA LTD. | te THIRTY 206 HH our ASE b Send 2d¢ ) to Alice Bi Times NDICRAT y | oidt ght now rsio' cro short mu ookS Nie N I 1964 ewelwork quilt BROOKS BOOTS '| TARE THE WRAP By ANNE ADAMS Cheers for the return of the SM... easy fook. -- marvelous sew it in' paisley for a robe, woot as in vlined coat Printed Pattern 4790: Misses' care Of/Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 raftirequires 45¢ vards 39-inch fab- sence i-colors wrap whether print you ottor stamps edlec ' FORTY --|(no stam UMBER. |4, Ontario tay bs CENTS (40c) in coins ase) for this pat- residents add le Print. plainly ' SIZE, ADDRESS, STYLE rn NAM ™/ NUMBER Send order to ANNE of The Oshawa Times, tern Dept... Oshawa, Ont PATTERN FREE! Mail -cou- de new. Fall-Winter Pat- ready now! Over 1 ideas, all sizes. Send Catalog HITS No ow! dle ADAMS, See care Pat- hits pon M0 desigr for smock j50c

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