§ 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturday, December 7, 1963 ig the UCW Christmas meeting be held December 4. Mrs. Wilbur Down will conduct the UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARTES --evetiostreriod oe ot Unit 3 will take the form of a SIMCOE STREET UCW Mrs. Ronald Nelson, Mrs. Ken-|Third Rate' was the theme for|pot luck supper at the home of (Goodwill Unit) neth Zimmerman and Mrs.|the worship service taken by\|Mrs. Cecil Durno, The regular meeting of the|Ceorge Fisher. Mrs. Klein. Mrs. Roy Corbman|" poowing the business, re- Goodwill unit of Simcoe Street] The minutes were read by|assisted Mrs. Klein and Mrs. sidenis wane aueved ty is Dnited Church was held in the|the secretary, Mrs. Robert|Wilbur Down read the scripture, |/"® So ie Was church parlors Thursday ev-/Ross, The treasurer, Mrs.|Matthew 25, verses 14 to 30. |Roy Cofhman rs. ening. Mr. Frank Ross presided.|/Michael Kadowski, gave 4! The financial report.was given|Down. . Mrs. Herbert Wurbs reported/favorable report of the recent/py Mrs. William Yourkevich on the sale of Christmas, birth-|bazaar. In discussing the ba-|with Mrs. Alex Knox reporting day and get-well cards. Mrs.|zaar, it was suggested that thelon visiting. Ronald W. Bilsky, D.¢. j y 2p Wayee pot Frank Cox reported on cards|vice - pesident assume the embers were reminded that '. : saueee Deck ete Gun parts! sent to the sick and shut-ins. |duties of general bazaar con- tee ea pe welcome atl, CHIROPRACTOR . ; Ok ee yas ae é As this was the last meeting|,ener for future bazaars. Simcoe Hall and to contact thell ° bt idl ompensa of the year Mrs. Ross an-| The president read an inter-\oroup leader for further in- Se Bias Conditions nounced her resignation, andjesting report of the Regional] formation. 100 Kin St E. 728-5156 reported that Mrs. Everett|/Conference at Barrie. Tentative plans were made ig of. &. , Warne will be the president for! Starboard Scout Troop has 1964. Mrs. Herbert Wurbs con-|changed its meeting night from sented to be secretary-treasurer. Thursday to Friday night. Mrs. Ross thanked all the mem-) Curtains for the Rover Den bers for their cooperation in the|haye been purchased and -are| past. up. Miss Leona Stainton read the Next meeting is the Christ- Christmas story from St. Luke's|mas party at Christ Memorial gospel, and several Christmas|C} urch Parish Hall at 6.30 a.m. carols were sung, accompanied|gn December 16. There will be by Mrs. Charles Dolley at the!, gift exchange and Mrs. Stan- piano lley Gales is in charge of the|] fam to é bd Mrs. .Alfred Stanley showed! entertainment. y ? g slides of the trip she and 'her! Rofreshments were served by| é : : husband took to Europe last! yrs. Kenneth Astons patrol. tice esc . ew summer. | Refreshments were served by! SIMCOE STREET UCW | (Cameo Unit) The November meeting of the} Th h ' Cameo Unit of Simcoe Street} 5 é a) he monthly meeting of the| United Church was held recent- ; | . J WA of First Baptist Church}ly, starting with a pot luck sup-| 6 | Changes to Bus Route No 4 will become effective Monday, December 9, 1963. As was held in the Sunday School} per in the Sunday school after s ze ap ss ' ® H auditorium. The president, Mrs.|which the group retired to the| . : * | indicated on the map below, north bound buses will now go east as far as Wilson Ra'ph Hopson, presided. Mrs.| parlors : ee a N 5 4 4 || Robert (doon was in charge of 'The president, Mrs. Harry) a | Road, before proceeding north to Rossland Road. the devotion period Howe opened with a Christmas| § . @ | A supper was cooked and/Carol. Mrs. Henry Baldwin read| os he is 34 : RoSssLANO served by the losing side of the|the scripture. Miss Hazel Barrie| copper contest in charge of Mrs.|and Mrs. Maurice Hutchison | John Darcy, captain, and Mrs.|gave readings pertaining to the) } 4 : Pa Ralph Hopson. Mrs. Edgar!/Christmas season il & : | Anderson, captain of the win- Pty president then sags nc t . ning side, thanked the group|the business meeting wi ts. | for their efforts, and reported! Harry James giving the secre- it a financial success tary's and treasurer's reports. A small gift was presented|Mrs. Walter Kilburn gave the to Mrs. Arthur Howard and/flower report Mrs Darcy in appreciation of ALBERT STREET UCW per vices rendered _ The gtoup| The regular mecting of Unit Feed fo pack 15 Christmas!s of Albert Street UCW was held pexes or tne sick and saut-ins!in the lower hall with Mrs. Jack at next meeting, which will be/,,, eae f apse =| fs < Klein presiding and opening the held in the home of Mrs. Edgar 5 es aah TUT h a Ander Si 5 ebbeat th, |meeting by reading The nderson, Simcoe street north. |qoucht for today" NUPSE LADIES' AUX. | "The Importance of Being The regular. meeting of| NUPSE Ladies' Auxiliary No. 1 oes was held at the home of Mrs. SEND Bese Thomas Corneal recently. | In the absence of the presi-| PHOTO dent and vice-president, Sister} Py : s fk Isabel Meier presided. , Greeting | | TAPERS THE SHAPE f Ee { the executive. committee. FIRST BAPTIST WA = Faaviea ! ? 5 VY Witsors The members are thankful to| Sister J. Claus who used her| TO AT FORA NEAT TRIM FIT time and money to prepare} ar S for The big style news in Men's clothing this year Is the trim look and we have it with Trim Fit shirts by ARROW, to give you this slim athletic look. ARROW candy bags to be sold and turn-| ed the profit to help care for the group's Korean girl. ; o To make it possible to keep : Christmas ; s eep tapers the body of. the shirt to a "T" from the St wet Gh cura en Come in soon and select f shoulder to the waist, as well as tapering the bers of the Oshawa Area will be| fa om sre ete sample By sleeves. You will find Trim Fit tailoring in a wide invited to join the Ladies' Aux-| ree variety of ARROW dress and sport shirts in your iliary No. 1 NUPSE. . favorite collar styles including button downs, tabs At the next meeting in Janu-| --DEVELOPING | and regular collars. ary talks and results on that} --PRINTING 00 subject will be known. } geek apy yok . A | 5, > | olor or Blac 3 8TH SCOUT GROUP AUX. | White The 8th Oshawa Sea. Scout| ; Mothers' Auxiliary held. its} meeting recently in the Hill-| croft Street Scout Hall with the president, Mrs, David St. } Andrew's presiding. Thirty $ > < members were present. Five 7 new mothers, Mrs. Kenneth Aston, Mrs. Douglas Bradley, Division MAPLE CLEANERS Chanaes to the Apple Hill section.of Bus Route No. 4, will also become effective $04 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA : é Hime Hettit 5S nce |) PHOTO SERVICE THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Monday, December 9, 1963. As indicated on the map below, buses will now go north en trae eee 728-1619 PHONE 725-0643 vo haa dole wiasiasuieiciccues on Farewell Ave., past Olive Ave. to Taylor Ave., before turning west to Wilson Road. ¥ Witton Perse? Roure Sern camel New eouTe come peons | Owcontiueo Route ---- --= See the beautiful "Laurentian" design dining room furniture. Finished, in. These changes have been made necessary by the rapid growth of subdivisions tak- the new.lamplight maple there are three styles in-extension tables, several | : Vise T mmis- types of chair a well as buffet and china cabinet. Expert craftsmanship is ing pscce in areas beyond the range of the present No. 4 bus route, The Co ee ee ey eee sion realizes that improved service to the majority may mean inconvenience to some ROUND TABLE .. coco cic sucess 69.80 SIDE CHAIR Pe eee ET on the discontinued sections of the route. Unfortunately for economic reasons it is OVAL EXTENSION TABLE .......:.. 81.50 WINDSOR CHAIR........:..000065 28:50 not possible to justify bus service on both the old and new routes. REFECTORY TABLE ............. 79.50 MATES CHAIR BUFFET sas 106.50 HUTCH TOP . : -.. 69.50 CAPTAIN'S CHAIR . = SERVER BASE . osc enccyeseseesss 85.50 CHINA TOP | THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA | . | 100 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Sloluen DP ie ae OSHAWA ' 4 SHOWROOM FLOORS : | WM. BODDY ae : | H. &. BALDW £. F. ARMSTRONG, CHAIRMAN FURNITURE COMPANY 725-3514 | oF ee LYMAN A. GIFFORD, MAYOR Eoaa PRP RIR ap 82