re coe Te teeter +. | PMA Installs: eT ANN LANDERS New President A\ Mrs. George VY. Lee was in- stalled president of the Pleas- 1 nh t Monday After Club at Why | ' ppc: dln ipeanagt one , Teen-agers Shame [aa IK cers and executive for 1964 are . Saugeneeel re Mrs. El- 3 Jf / Dear Ann Landers: [| will re-|many people are addicted to the FIGHTING WORDS: sab i he is member this day as long as I)habit. They are actually trying a | vig seen We y live, Today they came and took|to settle the point to their own Jubsderealle a ot mer in ial j Imy beloved 19-year-old son to satisfaction. Unfortunately, it's Sree ana ayn oe wile jail. As I sank into a chair,'the listener who suffers T ra lan Re a coat a OMe Gy Ye MA stunned' and bewildered, my Dear Ann Landers: A stand e now O no O 1eY Genres "Hall ate oe siville yi eyes fel! on your column in to-'ing ovation for Bennie. He is Bodie iP Olive Hareaun ; j day's paper the Abyestolg boy who ate W 1 re 3 et 6 4 *] I-A « ite Lannaed Fisher Christ- : j The first. letter was from a4 learned the most important les ] 1S V a any pl 1ce a mas savings Mrs Benjamin mother who signed herself son of lifé--self-discipline e ' é 8, Mrs. n ¥ spe » She: we | zy aboul | saw one boy go from bad Jacklin: rs. Nor- fy Frantic. She: was writing a Vv g : e -- Higete aw g her 14-year-old daughter whojto worse, even with the best Can equa e p C@asan Mr Ww rp Fees : ' ' was completely out of control.!guidance. Why? Because he : 5) ; : peri : ica a |Well, the reason my son went wallowed in self-pity. He was : Mrs, Elwood Bradley presid- : : an sis to jail is because anotherjtold he had a miserable child 6 ti xf. ed prior to the elections, Deep- MRS. GEORGE V, LEE mother jet her 14 - year old'hood, stupid parents and was 00 C ean as © O est sympathy was expressed for aughier run wild, This girl did/not taught the proper values. It Y q " 3- d 2 % ' P casi ae 'i hi ' A ns ie a eee LODGES ANG mers anne Common cay oe Corby's true Canadian Whe Che aha ; with anyone, ¢ age, any- thing ode Begg ae plage a SOCIETIES hee ee ae ees aun of another young pet VV hiskies at 2.00 p.m. Mrs. George Hall When I learned my son was son who had a far more turbu will be in charge of the pro. COURT CHARLENE 11750 qating a 14 - year - old girl l'lent life. He lived in orphan gram Court Charlene L1750 held its phoned her mother and begged ages, went through juvenile Refreshments were served at annual fall bazaar recently in her to keep this over-sexed courts--even jail. This boy will Tyr oe Gy yay ' Prniny at the conclusion of the meeting the Orange 'vemple. It was child at home. | was told she soon be getting his high school Try them! Compare them! Enjoy them! by Mrs. James Scott and Mrs. success. Cnvyeners, Sisters Kl had always been a preblem and diploma through the mails William Ward e and Bernice Vice introduced that they could do nothing with!Then he plans to go on to col : the president, Sister Zelda Mac- her lege. He holds a job and is e , ' . e % APRONS THAT SPARKLE Millan, who in turn intreduced When the girl became preg making his way with no outside 4 j A pert apron that spark' Mrs. Lyman Gifford who open- nant. my son was charged wi inancial help ao A "t hes will add interest to a bazaar ed the bazaar. She spoke brief'y carnal knowledg 1 foune 1 hope jennie and -- other ' hy r u 1 1 oat r glamor to a Yuletide 0 the work and preparations guilty oung people will continue te tO LIVE IN LONDON, ONT. it, a gletior 10s NE iy Be Oe a a tt td hostess. Aprons that glitter fe a , iF ' So please nn, advise parents teach themselves the thing Parents Must Share Aldsworth Photography |tively can be stitched from thanked everyone for their: at who can't cont the Gaugh- |... tain ee ' tendance Mrs Gifford. Was jors to send them to detention iey failed to learn from. their snow-white of pastél-colored of d yarents. | concede of. course Md presented with a corsage and , the boys be safe gandy and trimmed with metal- ! home o the boys will be sa Gary Plumb, Mildred Orpwood ic riekrack. At local sewing gift. Proceeds from the bazaar.' _yeartnroken that' it's not so easy as blaming rue: 'ana ian vs kies centers. metatlic rickrack is Will be donated to ¢ erebral Dear Heartbroken; || wotild the world for our failures but combined with such notions as Palsy ike to remind vou and all moth--jit is immensely rewarding XC ange OWS as a ur ay sequins, satin ribbons and silver 4 towel set. was donated 'O org of sons that there will al' py ye, g bells to produce . Christmas the bazaar on behalf of our late ways be sex-pots around, gil : Bi ; ee Wes RY aie Dear D. KE. 8.: Thank you for Northminste United Church,,Miss Judy Plumb, London. They apron motifs candy-canes alleut Florence Np ett, who who are not only willing but reminding ua thi ; wi cent was the setting last Saturdayiwere gowned alike in emerald Christmas trees or clusters ofipassed away tr ently aggressively seeking male at- : ra ets afiernoon, for the marriage of green peau de soie' with round . + fantlot ike what we are. we can do} Apis arlene: AMUBhinK calle : : . : 4 something about it. And we can Me! and te ee, Bene : necklines and short sleeves. The " If mothers ratse their sons tO start the 'Better Me' program a I rpwood, iskirts were street le { and . respect their maleness and 10 by ay centing ponsibility for! Oshawa, to y Douglas,'featured an overskirt of lined respect womanhood, and if they |ourselyes Plumb, sor f.Mr. and Mrs.|peau de soie. Th headdresses are taught that the human hody| ae ; Hos ROR ana Cee te I i ad g Jack Plumb, London, formerly were self roses and matching é 2 has a higher purpose and is not eee of Oshawa et. They i green Z pias plaything, there will be no ; an ° { vore emerald a was accessoric and arried cas need to worry about a son being 4 -- 4! Sy he ih ad cades of white shasta da s p E dragged off to jail for immoral FRIENDLY Piavincial with a FRENCH Accent | g and baby ch anthemums j conduc Wedding Pras i "O Pe . z Pr: \ dead : Mr.. Floyd Gavas, Oshawa % Dear Ann Landers: ver - ge Sek a Aes fed by: Mr was the best mar and =the ag good friend of mine is a great ushers were Mr. Wayne Plumb faikdr, She can report a trivia pondan and Me Lone Flume a8 incident and can make. it sound even ib i ~~ like the most earth-moying epic ' of all times. In the middle 0 dramatic presentation she marriage by her bride wore a floor eau de sole gown with a For the eption it the vaistline.|(rrandview Golf Club the bride's p : her ? , : i 1é ecomes snagged or square por- Mother received wearings a tea invariably. b on t 4 minor detail, Sample And ae vt bute, th Tuesday or wa ' 1 the on sda was r headdress of pearl-|Jackel hite t. hat, and bal 4% 1 h . of nk Wednesday--no, I think it wa eld as 'at y gloves a ; : haere | . : noth Tuesday because Tuesday is the a mothe! day Molly comes at-9 a.m. No g it was Monday and not Tues The maid: of honor was 'Miss : 4 an sories Mi ee tetas uatn Whe Mergarel Oshawa, and ane Pee ee NY, POSES i ae é or was it Friday?'} Ry then, of the other attendants were Mrs For a' hone 1001 riy to i course l've lost interest in what Southern New York: State. the bride donned ar nported Swiss red roses assisted wearir a taupe dress Clayton Orpwood, Oshawa, and she was saving double knit two-pi t in people do this? Don't SOCIAL NOTICE rasberry red, black nat and aa they realize it; doesn't -matte an lola accessories and a corsage of lis ? i ati t 1 it was Monday, Tuesday or Sur DOUBLE, RECEPTION white carnations, for travelling DIMPLES ? Please shed a little light day On -their return, M and Mrs P » "e Plumb will: live at 25. Grand This bonnie. baby girl is Reginald Kllis of Oshawa, and Gnashed teeth avenue, London, Ontario Shelley Rose, daughter of Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Hill of Dear Teeth: Of course this : ? \ Little Britain sort of self-interruption ruins a story but it's strange that so Mr. and M Walter Pingle RR 1, Hampton, will be happy Fewitte ant Oo ot RE area Out-of-town guests at the wed-| and Mrs. Gerald Hill, Mont i Lions' Centre Bowmany e. on ding were from London,| calm avenue. Photographed Aldsworth Photography Wednesday, December 18 1943,, Windsor, Brockvillie, Smiths when she .was. eight months from 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. and Falls, Georgetown, Grand Rend, old; Shelley Rose is the grand from 7.90 p.m. to 9.00 pm. on Toronto and Detroit daughter of Mr, and Mrs _". By * | "TUE. the occasion of their 50th wed For Grand ry bh | FRENCH PROVINCIAL ding ann versary Their daugh 1 iz rnd one nn ---- GO viidswhied i LIVING ROOM SUITE Braemore Sofa and Matching Chair cush- evening. to receive their rel wi ' ™ i g- to ¢ their rela . PN a ps j ioned with foam rubber, covered with a fine will join with her parents in the see uiity Your Home tives, friends and neighbors on CUSTOM AND er S zZ the oreasion of their 25th wed READY MADE Avaus-Gaayvno ' ~~ Q ; t imported fabric at' a very modest price. ding anniversary DRAPES CARPET COMPANY ' Ms i Mg Come in tonight for a close look at this Ronald W, M, & C. Dr Good DU ie nN' & Z abulous buy Y _ CHIROPRACTOR & Draperies RUG Conoda's Foremost - Fine Clothier Norkmen's Compensatior 74 CELINA STREET ries PHONE 723-7827 CLEANING . an @ QUALITY SCOTCH PINE ! ®@ personally select- ed for perfect Five all sizes from win- dow and. apart- ment size up to is inside for your convenience BIG FAVORITES: covoureo TREES | |! STRIPE CARDIGANS 2 Reed and White, All sizes. 13 95 aan "bs ; igh 6-PCE. e ; | YULETIDE oe ee n\n FRENCH PROVINCIAL GIFT and TRIM SHOP Slovertiriped caaigont: ls have WeintiGies DINING ROOM SUITE Everything you need for ia selection in wool or orlon with regular or bell your indoor and 4 oat sleeves. In red, olive, black, beige, powder blue or Christmas. is forever! That is if 'you are lucky enough to , . : Pye i gray, Sizes: S$, M, L, XL have this lovely French Provincial Suite delivered as a $ outdoor decorating, : (Wii: Ng ; Christmas gift. Any woman would love the sweeping curves © Tree decorations 5 29 = Prod Open Every Nite Until Christmas Fine construction details and lovely Fruitwood finish ® Special table centres and door knockers j jj except Saturday : OVAL EXTENSION TABLE, BUFFET, ARMCHAIR, 3 SIDE CHAIRS ONLY $359 @ 3 indoor and outdoor lights 4} x (Matching China Cabinet available ot extra cost and floodlights for something ail a little different in Christmas D U ed Be | 6 : ; Decorations visit our Yuletide Gift and Trim Shop. ae 3 he y r % f < » "Ss Open Monday thru, Friday until 6 p.m. CE » "Where Smart Men Shop" A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 36 KING EAST -- DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 1015 KING ST, E. OSHAWA 725-1764 AND. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE - OSHAWA -OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. - 80 KING ST. @ GIFT BOXED FREE @ SELECTION