Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Dec 1963, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT Supreme eo. ieee | t WHITBY "= : Cour | Caco: duane at ate andl CLAIMED LIVES |the Second World War totaliéd Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West H N t W k 'ag her first birthday today,| sonnel killed or missing during'monwealth population. ' ; Tel. 668-3703 ere ex ee Co-conveners Mrs, Paul Kai- pee: 6. Grandparents Mr. .ad : 8 8 . DOA -s PERSONALS habe David Snoddy is celebra-| Commonwealth military per-/544,596, or 0.9 per cent of Comh- 1 Manager: John Gault iser and Mrs. Robert: Mackey|Mrs. Dave Snoddy, and Mr. and| Mrs. Arthur Colpman Toronto [Se ' ; Sessions of the Supreme Court/ Majcher, executor _ of Hl agra ngaece dl ue aetabe | OPT be dinner guests for the oc- jof Ontario will .be. held in Whit-|Estate of Stephen Majcher vs! 4 a aalon. ' FORMER ASSISTANT by during the week commencing Lewis Mastin and Ralph Mastin,| 2 being held under the eas Neen ' Monday, Dec. 9. on a "claim from a fatal acci- ee of St. Jotin the aarae + Ving Commander Michael J.| 2" ' e , His Lordship, Mr. Justice) ont'. ical cial Dec. 7 in the nooker of the RCAF, stationed ( Fr £.ewart will preside at the fall] Martell vs Uhrin, an action!" ~ : with NORAD at Duluth. Minn..,| ' . 4 New Ou! ity t Gil LEeQT ii: which will be heard in|"concerning thé sale of a Homebaking: Mrs. Martin Will be a weekend guest at the} to the electors of Whitby on my acclamation, } will : the Ontario County Court Build-}house"'. \Chizen, Christmas decorations: eeeees age gi feiag fe gba continue to serve you to the best of my ability. ing. Kelner -and Johnason, Execu-|Mrs, John Ledden and Mrs. Pat-|° ain, 900 Mary street east. Seventeen cases of uncontest-|tors of the estate of Gladysjrick McDaniel, children's wear:; James, son of Mr. and Mrs. e : : _ ; ed divorce will come before Mr.|Murial White vs Harris and| Mrs. George Brown and Mrs./Herbert Tran is ,celebrating his! , pea Ol n e or Justice Stewart. ye North Shore Realty Company,|Louis Allard, aprons: MYrs.|<econd birthday today. Friends Reeve Everett Quontrill Those seeking divorce are: |action "concerning the sale of/James Smyth, gift table: Mrs.|of the family wish James many i Ferguson vs Ferguson: Cousins /°¢rtain lands'. Harry Forbes and Mrs. Phill-appy returns of the day. ; Mistelbacher and Sons Limit-|Burkhart, candy table: Mrs. ' a ; | ed vs Davis, Trustee, on "spe-|Ed Finan and Mrs. Carl Parise Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Read,| * : 4 Ontario County will have alas a Civil engineer, he came tojheavy year in road construc: " new engineer in 1964. The post Ontario Department of High-|tion; the following year will be Vs : Ae occupied by R. E. "Ted" Sims'Otario Department of High-/devoted to paving projects. Baker vs Baker; Evenden vs|citic performance of a duty". |ff-ket convener: Mrs. Frank|829 Athol street are celebrating for 11 years will be assumed by ways before joining the County Pat on a ae Lvenden; Stephen vs Stephen;) Harvey vs Cormier, on breach|Canzi, fish pond: Mrs. eg bl hee, Feeble W. A. Twelvetrees. Mr. Twelve-'staff, eee 8™\Stogryn vs Stogryn; Souch vs|o¢ promise Scott, parcel post: Mrs. Wil |'o¢ay. 5 wit trees has been Assistant County As Assistant Engineer, he,way 401 and 2 as examples o} : Engineer since 1959. helped supervise construction of recentlycompleted roads which His first assignment afterroads and bridges. An impor-)are to be paved. joining the County in 1957 was tant project was the construc-| Mr. Twelvetrees has als0/\McLean vs McLean, Hamilton' Gujda and Swartz, with action the Base Line road project. tion of the Manchester-Goodwin pies yit ae an Pg he Osh-¥5 Hamilton. concerning the mortgage of He age the sagen de none, ee a soo se Suburban Roads Commis: 5. iia. incontested divorces jands. Assistant Engineer when the heferring Bue eer. F to be heard are: Malish vs) yojarich vs Druz "lai Pi ' elvetr The two jobs, that of County) S| Kolarich vs Druz o: cle | post was created in 1959 department, Mr. Twelvetrees e jobs, tha County Malish; Larocaue. vs Larocque: ny ae ne st uae rv = *t nat-| Engi y tion of). ", a : After graduating from the observed that "One project nat-\Engineer and my func ...|S'aith vs Smith and Estok University of London ih 1954,'urally follws another, 1963 was althe Suburban Roads Commis- , | wish to thank all those who voted cag i " Estok . * ! aint any ae cio FUMES Oe asisa Giarces Wo be Dee SCUGOG - me io -- pained ge ' WM. DAVIDSON "Definit jects of the: de- sided on by His Lordship are: om est to be wort of the conti- UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES caetinent pS Oe wal Campbell vs Campbell; Town vs CLEANERS é f the budget is presented," he/Town; Bayda vs Bayda; Far-| @ Shirt Launderers dence they have shown by supporting concluded. rell vs Farrell; and Norrie vs FREE Pick-up & Delivery Daily me, Catholic Women Plan hs wite at 2 James street, OA actions resulting from PHONE 668-4341 JOAN REED iby automobile accidents are: Bon-| -- sess our Christmas Bazaar De oe cxyk va Mite cls Cab, Welsh TH ANK YOU European =----stisin ana Raph sowie, ie] One-Stop ae A well-attended meeting ofjthis meeting were Mrs. E. War- - vs Conway and Western Lron DECORATING eee -- : for your support | will endeavour to justify St. Jahn the Evangelist CWL ing and Mrs. W. O'Neil W T and Metal: and Mantz vs : was held Dec. 3 in the parish) 1.40. CENTRAL ONTARIO oman Ops Spragg SHO your endorsement during by term of office. et a Mt CIATION Other cases to be heard are: P i HAN K YO U mess eeting I € e- ae = . F c The East Central Ontario Art cron minder by Mrs. Paul Kaiser to at ta ' nF RE ESN, Canadian i @ Wallpaper ond Murals support the Christmas Bazaar,|Asseciation held an executive Old English Style s Custom. Draperies Mr. T. Edwards : i eting Sunday Dec. 1 at the' wopanumn ca i - being held Saturday Dec. 7 from|Meetng Sunday eC Nw anie, , TORONTO (CP) -- North] FISH and CHIPS || © Broedioom and Rugs To the many friends and voters whose sup 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the parish', : 5 : »,;American women can learn a i i i hall. There will be items of in-|TV€ ah 1964 great deal about sex appeall MOQME DELIVERY : ne eget hic trinnons port re-elected me to Town Council | shall terest for all, including a fish) 1° totlows : mg are from their European sisters, carpets do my best to justify your confidence pond for the children, Christ- Oaisee hiecat Wares We says a Toronto psychiatrist. Southern Fried Chicken DODD & SOUTER y J yy . mas decorations and a_ bake Capea Grahan BNotlon! European women are as Terrace Restaurant e table. oat saber sae ehalj.| Sexy as you like at 40--not 25 Phone 668-5862 My S Th k Mrs. M. McMillan, Campbell-|_anq different," Dr. John Rich 120 Brock St. N., Whitby Decor Centre GEORGE H. BEVAN incere an s aged Mrs. Richard Sandrelli re-|fgrq:s Mrs. Laurini Sa } e-|1 } aurini Sage, Whit-|; coil aps : ported the Harvest Dance held!phy. Miss Evelyn Annis. Osh- Sg od ga ae PHONE 668-9056 107 Byron St. S., Whitby in November was a financial!.w. entra S Shan- oe H gs wall ke acclal eucnoxt awa; Central Mrs. Helen Shan-|whether modern women are | es wer ego narnanernreneeee rence to the many voters and friends who . ' . non, Peterborough; Mr. R. V.|*'living creatively" or just "'ex- A letter from the Toronto|Marshall, Orillia; North Mrs.|isting." ¢ Arch-Dipcesan Council advised!Audrici Allen, Fenelon Falls: > 'Nor ine "ane f i of the showing of "The Cardin-|Mrs, Elizabeth Smith, Lindsay sae ae en Government OSHAWA § TOP TIRE TRADER helped ad slect me 1 Ton Counsell. = at the Tivoli Theatre, Dec. and Advisory Paul Bennett, TO-|séxy only if she: lanes 25 rvs si Inspected ' * 20. Tickets are available from'ronto; Ken Maddock, Belleville.!dateq and hypocritical. he said features LOWEST PRICE EVER oni, ae 2 ] | wil do my utmost to support the con- NO TRADE-IN R | fidence you have shown. Mrs. Greg Carter Chairman of the East Central/adding that "'life doesn't start GRADE "A" "4 "a R. "Bob" Attersley Cousins; Hood vs Hood; : jevery happiness. It is also Mr. | : Sruch; Hobbs vs Hobbs; Brock-| Qshawa Wood Products Limit- /!@™ McMonagle. 'Read's birthday, best wishes! | wish to thank my electors for man vs Brockman; Roy vs Roy;\oq° Bathe and McLellan vs The Bazaar will be officially for many more birthdays are) F lopened at 1.30 p.m, by Chair-\exended to -him from his) your vote of confidence extend- |man of Ontario County South friends. ---- -- ed to me on Dec. 2nd. A spiritual bouquet is baie " V. Marsh- going downhill at 25." offered for Cardinal James Mc-} riiia and the secretary) This is recogniz : H Quigan and Archbishop Pocock|treasurer is Mrs, Rose Baker gnized in Europe DOMINION ROYAL A wt 1 ' where women 'have s i this Christmas season. Prayers {rom Peterborough men have something and Masses of the CWL mem. One of the topics discussed at © contribute in mature beauty anele oF ne : INTE ERVI E REQU RED bers were requested by.Mrs, P,|the meeting was the annual 4nd Sexual attractiveness." ¢ : ' T. Finnegan, Spiritual Conven-/Spring Show. It will be held in| Dr. Rich said members of b. 37 er April at the Oshawa McLaugh-/his profession are puzzled by Mrs. W. J. McMonagle pre-|!" Public Library ines Gant et BLUE BRAND eae 26 ' ; hold to examine their sented a Christmas gift on be-| The.historical section will a- epee states , i half of the league members to Zain be featured. These paint-\"°* '" mista B E E F rebel ie agg Father L, J. Austin and Father|:"&s will be valuable in coming, 'Rarely is a conference held Service Snow Tires . . . W. P. Dougias. years when a lot of our old0" the emotional needs of men. HINDS Ib. 59c ildi i ' 4 I don't kn s is tubel black. N I = =" «git Frank Canal announced Hoon torn down" "© women are always holding con-| FRONTS .. Ib. 45¢ A] 3-70-18 wurre was TENDER CALL po nia - wis o for the The. East Cental Ak Ano: ferences to find out what is : . ¢ le WHITE WALLS as above. 30 00 } Nigl ards' and that tic- tion would welcome new mem. Wrong With them. air installed ee , bh ; : kets for that evening may be bers. For information contact, He urged women to 'become Cut, Wrapped @ Budget Terms obtained from Mrs. Robert Mac- Wing, af % ) ? ( y . fey and Mrs: Pestick McDaniel |" TAurini Sage, 668-4521, | nvolved, with people and pro. ok ere DOMINION ~ ener aaa i il TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY Father Austin spoke of 'the ST. ANDREW'S W \looking for artificial e lity Ph. 668-8621 - A ow'S WA ve equality : 48 BOND WEST. merits gained from participa-| St, Andrew's Night was cele.|°",.2 competitive basis with TIRE STORES SEALED TENDERS will be received by the under- tion in the Noctural Adoration brated. in St. Andrew's Presb sisi D J ree et ' 4 ! i . St. Andrew eee RAL asada ote fo eNO Yr : : ; : a a ee w's Presby id; i awke ks n < || signed until 12 o'clock noon on Friday, December c y School Hall with ROYAL chat the 'St. "Andéew's. Concer PRE EN ee 27th, 1963 for the supply of Petroleum products to at this spiritual activity success, sponsored by the Wom- H ; : ' . Following the business meet-.°n'S Association. and Social evening held recent- ' the Township of Whitby for the year 1964 in the © ing the 90 members present en-|_Due to the ill health of Rev jly had been a success. -- a : -- i i ities: frek s Chester en lw 0. & McGuire, Metuey| 'Member ware tominted following approximate quantities vened by Mrs. Greg Carter. The|Kert made a wonderful chair- the Young Women's Group Ba- | GALLONS holiday entertainment was in-/™an in his traditional Scottish/Zaat and tea to be held Sat- | Diesel Fuel ; 4,000 itiated by the choral group,/™anner urday, Dec. 7 in the Sunday conducted by Mrs. J. Rousseau.) The musical program was School hall Standard Grade Gasoline ... 12,000 Participants were: Mrs: Greg under the direction of Mrs, P. N.|. Mrs, W. J.°S. McClure closed 1. 2. Carter; Mrs. Desmond New.|>Pratt. The program was openedithe meeting with prayer. Tea é j é 3 s - : ' 3. No. 2 Furnace Oil 4. 5. man; Mrs. Joseph Corrigan: with stirring numbers by Pipers hostesses were Mrs. Stott and Mrs. James McCarroll: Mrs -- vn Bullock and Drum-|Mrs. McClure. Stove Oil Peter Ottenbrite; Mrs. Allan ™@? oe or followed by com-| The group will hold its next Harbottle; Mrs. Murray Silver; munity singing led by Mr. Rid: meeting Jan, 7, 1968 Motor Oil (Mobiloil No. 20 Mrs. Ivan Davie and Mrs, Jack (© "0 4!so sang Scottish so- é i ii H.D. or equivalent) Halligan Scottish dancers Barbara Mo- Original creations featured wat and Susan Ireland. pupil zy 3 F | the fashion show, narrated by of Mrs. - Connelly. stan 3 ee j : 3 AANA i The lowest or any tender wil Inot necessarily be Mrs. Frank Canzi several numbers be 2 a : 4 ' a, e 3 : - | accepted. Models were: Mrs: Murray oo choir, led by Bonnie : ee Silver;, Mrs, M. G, Nadeau;/TOwnsend was enjoyed by all ae Mrs. John Rousseau; Mrs. Peter There were vocal duets by the : : ooo t : : | ee agg ig Ottenbrite; Mrs, Ivan Davie: sie htt Janice and Randy ei 4 : : gs og i Township of Whitby Mrs. Joseph Corrigan Mrs Folk singers Avis Leggett and le ( i ee: } ee B i ' se 4 is (see j 'ox 1 Brooklin, Ontario, Robert Taylor and wardrobe|Ross Gibson added humor to the 4 z ee : : s ; | 60, ,0 0 mistress Mrs. James McCarroll concert John Robson gave a * y Prizes were awarded to Mrs |2'acious vote of thanks to all Stan Bronishewski, Mrs. R. Mil- who contributed to a most en. ENTERTAINUEN ler and Mrs. Ed Finan for their jovable celebration ee oo : : Christmas millinery creations _Everyone joined in singing the i 2 3 i y . ' a Judges for this event were Mrs.\° ri gine one spat ' es 5 @ 4 M. G. C residen Id Lang Syne" after whi g : ; K : : . Mary soap eage ag Alt g the ladies served tea and -- y ; ee a a a : ; ry i in' CWL and Oshawa, Mrs. William cements when a pleasant so- : A ib ie. ' 4 og é : | Pickering Village at Duffin's Creek Simpson and Mrs. Lorne Mc. °!#! hour was enjoyed. Intyre, ; % es j 6 3 Pg ae ST. ANDREW'S WA ae : The' lucky winners of draw : : i 3 $ H prizes for the evening were St Andre w's Presbyterian vert % ue, z 3 d £ . Real Italian Mrs, T. Jansen, Mrs. M. Holley, pol WA held its regular pe tn, Mrs. Ivan Davie and Mrs, J ooh 'd aoe Piceiog: sitet: ee : in' Tadaen in Sunday school hall 'isos i: : ' iy Pleasin j President, Mrs. George Stott we : } ies "y The talent of the singing trio ' tiachityet, aed ed } j ; j ; Mer iver added to the even cba ee ies Dea aa ee ' fies # eae . ; This was follow y scrit Mrs, Silver added to the even- reading He tg of soe gua ings entertainment During the business meeting Refreshment - hostesses -for'Mrs. Edna Guthrie reported ; , Sr aR SD OE PE ~~: & ie gi § as , ; q BASIC PIZZA SMALL MEDIUM LARGE Fi! Mozarello Cheese & Tomato Seuce .... .90 $1.20 $1.60 BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9 P.M. IS : ' j ae : é 8 ae j ; pores : pie: og eS ; : é | One Selection . .. 10 2.00 wary Saturday Matinee Starts' at 1:30 at be : ee ' Oe ae ae capac ee ass Three Selections oes 1.50 The Wonderful, 4 ¥ -- ia 4 - - . : oy PIZZA -- With the works Heartwarming f We 2 Continental "aol: (4 or more Selections) 1.75 3.00 nd ' Be : : : ' Adventures 2 stereo tee rrack. 8 j oe sa ' SSS =) SELECTIONS --.Salomi, Pepperoni, Green Peppers, Sliced Tome- ; { playa with multi i : j t toes, Black Olives, Sliced Onion, Anchovies. Of The Boy 'Sar % epeeds , fe And The Dog 7" ™ ots a 2 : ROTISSERIE BAR-B-Q RIBS Beloved by BAR-B-Q HALF CHICKEN (large sauce) ........ $1.50 Millions! SPARE RIBS---choice strips of delicious back spare ribs / You're a Specialist in good taste when you choose the luxury i tastefully seasoned to perfection. Served with our special be 4 ' l i xury i i | B.B.Q. Succulent Sauce ER $1.75 } whisky at a popular price -- Walker's Spec ial Old. Good taste, i! a j0F i PA | T ERSON | look : . ' 5 | ! All. take-out food packeged in special' containers te ensure your good ooks, and economy have made it Canada's largest selling jj | order is 'piping. hot when you receive it. x Y CANADIAN RYE WHISKY i FUMED WHERE warPEMED ELECTRONICS popular priced whisky. Next time -- make it a point to buy } OVPULEG AY, ita WALEEE & SONS UMITED, WALKREMILE, CANADA il ny Naw ce d by Woodland COLOR by DE LUXE Walker's Spec ial Old. sini 107 COLBORNE ST. W. : IN THE SPARKLING DECANTER re ee en PHONE 942-1012 WHITBY . . es HIRAM WALKER & SONS LIMITED, wotervitie, conege Oi S TILLERS OF FINE WHISKIES*FOR OVER 100 YEARS PHONE 668-2711 | : © Clip this ad for your future reference @ *Specialist: Anyone --after a taste of Walker's Special Old

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