RONTO 11:00 A.M. STOCKS : 11:00 Net | ! Me ty The \csahaion Press f Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch a Toronto Stock Exchange--Dec. 6 LobCo A 20 $7%e 7% 7% Quotations in cents unless marked $.| LobCo B 20 $72 4 T+' 1--Odd lot, - xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- LobCo pr 25 $49 49% 49% rights, xw- Ex-warrants. Net change i8 Lob inc 125 si" 7% 7% from previous board-lot closing sale. | MB PR 250 $24 24 24a Ve Mass Fer 1370 $16 16% 16'2 bis ¥ MEPC 300 320 320 320 +10 INDUSTRIALS Met Stores 275 (38 [es 11:00 Net | mid West 2670 225 225 225 Stock Sales High Low a.m. CN'9 Molson B 150 $28 28% 2094 + VA Abitib 1638 $13 13 «13 Mont Loco | 280 $12% 12% 12% 'alta Dis vt 200 250 280 250 +5 | Moore 370 $50'%% 50 50% + | Alta Gas 425 $26% 26% 26% -- Ve Morse A 10 $1012 10% 10¥2 | 'Alla Gas w 1000 700 700 700 +20 Norenda 585 $37% 37 37% + Algoma 350 $57% S7!2 S7¥2-- «| NO NGas 735 $17 17% 17% Alymini 3137 $28 275" 27% -- ' Pac'Pete 2035 $11%@ 11% Ia t Analog 100 105 105 108 +8 Page Hers 205 319% 19% Wie + Arg B pr 720 $51 51% 51% Phina 150 $72 72 ieee" come) Penmans 212 $27%4 27% 27% oy esr 10 ee Tita (ru Wel POW Corp 90 $10% 10% 104 ik Sua Kk 1S $23.4 23% 23% Price Bros 156 $3737 37 Bank Mont 448 $6412 64l4 64\a QN Gas 3) 58 te Be Bank NS a 47) QN Gas pr 70 $108 10712108 +1 BathP A 100 $52 52 82 QN Gs. 5w 7H 3 33 3 Bell Phone 613 $S4\4 54' S4\a QN Gas 63w 240 425 425 425 Bowater pr 50. $51%4 SI" 51'4 R Nodwell 100 350 350 350 +10 Bath rts 400 60 060 Rockwell 100 $41 41% 41% -- Ve Braz 901 245 245 245 Rothman 300 $953 958 a+ BA O 1458 $279 27 27% Royal Bank 131 $73 n n BC Forest 200 $23\4 204 23%4-- Ve Salada 150 $11% 11% 11" BC Pow 150 $24 24% 24% Sayvette 200 280 280 280 +8 Build Prod 25 $25 25 25 Seven Arts 275 $8 8 Bylolo 100 $54 Sa 5% | Shell Can 435 $17¥e 17% 17'* Burns 0. $9 9 9 | Shell | wts 300 600 600 600 5 Cabo 190 35 «3 35 ~--@ | Shully's 500 450 450 450 +10 ca = soi Simpsons 50 $37 373? ah Aube Fed sc Y 4 a Southam 25 $297% 2974 297%0+% fan Malt 20th 90'4 Steel Can 965 $225 222 222-- \ re a Texaco 118 $542 54 S4-- Ve can Wir B hy Tor-Dom Bk 150 $62 62% 62% CAE a--% T Fin A 125 $114 1% Wa + C Brew 10 Tr Can PL 1475 $31 31% 3158-- Ye Cc Br AimaA Vet Trans-Mt 400 $14 4\@ l4'e C Chem w 80 580 Un Gas 325 $2" 2 22 --"% C Found 330 C Vendomat 280 335 335 335 C Found pr 16%9 16% Vic G Tr 100. $15! 1514 15'4 + Ve Can G Inv 43% 43 '| Wainwr 20 37 7 (37 CG Sec A ' -- | Walk GW 365 $585~ 58 58'2-- 3» Cc Imp Bk Wat Equip: 100 $7%4 74 7% (Se Westcoast 450 $15¥e 1538 15% + Vo CPR 955° 6% Pacific 110 $19%e 19% 19% Cdn Pet pr 700 $12%% 12% *, Weston B 102 $16%4 16% lola + Ve c util z $ Wstn 4) opr 65 $97 7 97 Cdn Refrac 17 West A wits 321 785 785 785 +10 Cc Jickers 4 8 White Pass 500 $8%e Bie 8% Cc Westng ) D Nood J 300 $94 4° 94+ % Chemcell * ® Zenith xd 100 480 480 480 5 Con Bidg 5 on Con Bldg w 501.775 775 775 Con M$ 1290 $30 30-30 OILS : Con Paper 85 $39 39'4" 3 Wi am Leduc 1300 4 4 4 Con Gas n 275 $1i% | Bailey $ A 200 875 875 875 +50 Cormeen 10 MA | Cal, Ed 300 $18% 18 18% + Com Sav $00 $3014 | CS Pete 300 425 420 425 --S Crestork pr 220 $50 : Ex Gas 100 10) 101 «101 --1 Crom int) 92 3168 * Cent Del 70 710 710. 710 Dist Seag 250 $50 X Dragon 1000 22. 2 © Bridge 100. $18 Dev-Pal 1000 75° 75 «75 D: Magnes oo $8 *| Glacier 3000 «92 «92 94 Dom Stores 210 $i6'* | H.B Oil G 410 $14% 14% #70 Dom. Tor as Sirs Ye] N Davies 29000 25 22 24 Dom Text 720 $24% 3 500 48 48 "a Falcon 687 $55 55 lag 500 40 "0 "0 ram Play 0 S18% Provo Ges 500 165 165 165 +4 Fed Farms 100 435 Quonto 17500 19 #19 19 --? Ford YS 220 $55 Ranger 400 116 116 16 Ford Cda a9 South U 000 94 cow $28 %® -- Spooner 1000 no +1 GP Mfg A 110 $28, Stanwell 4 1" 2 GL Power 225 $2412 Taek Cer oo Pat GL Pow w # $12 14) "Trans can 1000 85 818) 2 GN Cap 100 'Mal Triad Oil 200 150 150 150 GN Can : Unispher jooo 38 (38 38 Hardee. | Un Oils 500 139 139 139 1 Hekate we : Wsburne 1000 84 84 84° +2 er * nie } A Horne Wilshire 00 360 360 360° +5 Home A Hugh 0 A MINES Husky Imp Oil 2700 24. -23 23 Imp Tob 500 100 100 100 +1 Ind. Accep 1300. 34% 34¥2 34'9 --1 Ind, Min 11600 70 67 67 +2 Inglis 5500 8 8 8 Int Nickel 2000 230«sO Int Util 450 685 685 685 5 int Util pr 6050 32. 292 30 Inter PL 75° $81 Brunswk 425 595 590 595 Int Si P 2100 370 370 Buff Ank 300 220 220 220 +3 Jefferson 400 $74 7% 7+ %%4| Camp Chib 460 25 295 295 Jeff Bw 1300-315 310 315 +5 | C€ Astoria 6 Py Jockey ¢ 100 315 315 315 ~-5 | C Austral 9500 111) 1 ' L-Ont Cem #0 225 225 225 +5 C Matart $00 47 4747 1 Laura Sec 15 $16 164 1614 Cdn NW 2000 42 Ala 2 Lau Fn xd 430 $12% 12% 12% Can Erin 20000 14 «13:14. s+ Lav F 140xd 25 $25 25 25 Cassiar 230 $10 10! 10'2 Today's Toronto Stock Market Listing Sounds Like Maritimes -% iInces, COMING EVENTS THE Ladies' Guild of St. Luke's Church will hold their Christmas tea and sale on Saturday, December 7, 2 p.m. Corner of Nipigon and Rossland Road DANCE sucane mem, comes, toe, avr| Square & Round December 7. 50c admission. Lunch and prizes. | THORNTON'S ST_JOHN'S BINGO COMMUNITY HALL THORNTON ROAD NORTH Corner Bloor ond Simcoe: Sts. Frday, November 6th TIME 7:45 P.M Gomes ot $8 ond $12 5, $40 Jackpots No children allowed under 16 BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, DEC. 7th 7:30: P.M. 20 Games --- $8 Share the Wealth 4 -- $40 Jackpot to go 1 ---- $150 Jackpot to go 20 } Children Under 16 Not Admitted | » ee Saturday, Dec. 7 Lloyd Pearson Melody Aires Admission $1 per person LUNCH AVAILABLE Sunnyside Park Monster Bingo Friday, Dec.. 6th VARCOE"S. PAVILION (OPPOSITE BAD BOY STORE) 20 - $20 Games 1 - $150 Game (must go) $250 Games Nos, 53 and 55 SHARE THE WEALTH Forly Bird Games 7:45 P.M Burley Buses ot the door Door Prizes - Admission 50c MONSTER BINGO Over $500-in Prizes SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7th AT 8:00 P.M. ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS Includes tickets on 20 turkeys to be drawn on Dec. 21st. All orizes foubled on admission ticket FINAL NOTICE The WHEREAS tions held a meeting on Nov Out of over 450: families notified only 3 persone WHEREAS. North Oshawa Neighbourhood Pork Associa- 20, 1963 in addition to only 2 of the executive and commit- tee attended W'EREAS---This support indicated the families of the neigh- bourhood desired terminating: the activities of the os: ciation, thereby withdrawing organizing YOUR children's ball teams, YOUR children's hockey teams, J! events Dec Sunday THEREFORE on awa operation NOTE! 8 Neighbourhood OUR park improvements ond al! other organized ct 2:00 P.M. Sharp at. the North Oshawa Community Centre the North Osh- Association will terminote IF THE ABOVE 1S YOUR WISH---PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND DANCING GRAND OPENING CLUB CAMELOT (Formerly Varcoe's) King Street East MODERN AND OLD TIME ; DANCE TO Dusty And His Ontario Ranch Boys VOCAL CLAUDE BISSONETTE Door and Spot Prizes $2 PER COUPLE -- EVERYONE WELCOME S| FBI Report On \ficial findings, if. need be, to \elear up any questions which! \the FBI and six co-operating agencies have not answered to) . . ues Assassination the commission's satisfaction. | ' 19:90 Mot | Sp gihnes arren announced Thursday, | Stock Sales High Lowa.m. Ch'ge, = Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge Warre' ia d T ' ay Chib K 1000 10/2 9 9--1 | O'Leary 12000 16 15% 16 + . after a 2% - hour commission a ~- + ; : , Chrom Y 490.110 110-110. +10 | Opemiska 125 775 175 778 --S | Said Read meeting, that Congress will be s C Mogul 61085 261 255 260 +6 Orchan 400 305 300 300 --S | asked to arm the group with C Noha 100 20 20, + | Ormeby 1250 Sees SAY A subpoena power. C Red Pop 10000 W2 W211" Pamour 1050 1 08 WASHINGTON (AP) -- There ae ' C. Regcourt 100 1 1 Patino 101 665 665° 6s were etrone indications. todavia moi WOU anes te xem ith h f 7.00 C Sanorm 2000 9 9 9 Paymast 1000 " i 3 what the hd hic oxduinted ie mission to compel the appear- wi every purchase of new skates over $ ' Cop Corp 500 6 16 16 Pce Exp! J S.C 3 ses the fur- Craigmt 100 $17%4@ 17% 17%4-- a) Pick Crow 1000 50 50 50 ,, bulky report on the assassina- one of pte wd Pi . : Croinor, 67000393595 S| Purdex 7000 10 1010 + " na-\nishing of needed documents a WE SPECIALIZE IN:-- Cusco 3000 15 «15S Gus Ascot S68 6 6 Sauer presinent Renney _ any hearings which the com-' : Delhi Pac 1000 2 2 2 @ Mattgmi Urs¢ iG ih a ot ae out closing its wide-ranging in-! ion may decide to hold. Bickaan eth, er, Rava: ee Ne ei TO eeu ON. The Warren group has full WORK BOOTS & SHOES icknsa - Dome Ay Sie 47% hg + | ll) Alem a sds ; Reporters got hisiteerbut not authority, under Johnson's ex: | Elder iL ASL ls rom any official spokesmen ti order of last Friday INSULAT El 90! 900 6 64 64 Rockwin 2000 26 4 ° : s;ecullve ; . , ED BOOTS Geco Mines 716 $20% es 3048 Rowen icon $125 2 4 Z +1 | who Ee which created it, to go beyond | Giant YK 100 $10% 10% 10% *San An report has .been turr Y ' ' Sate hd eyecare: Peer ee ae ase a the justice department, which a us Geers. ot me Fe! MOTORCYCLE BOOTS randroy (i igma A e : : Res | Ss. * Gunnar 963 805 800 805 +15 | Silvmaq 500 14 14 14 will forward it to President|--_--------_________--_ Hastings 500 91 «91 «91 «+t | Starrait 1000 52 Sia 54 Johnson, a ; walling Co ee steep 0 ano. ao. Fee " The president in turn is ex HAGGIS CARRIER BAUER SKATE priced from $4.95 te $34.95 Hydra Ex 1580 30 2 3 teep PAGE S eX LONDON (CP)--Just before ! 2400 212- 212. 212 Sturgeon 5151 15¥2 154 1514-- 2 nec ee Hae y yc t befo Jacobus $000 17% 172.172 | Tombill 2000.88 88 88 --1 raged iced i yr troche New Year's Eve, a British jet- SKATES EXCHANGED Keeley F 1500-15151 Torbrit 0 OO ee iad ew commis-)iner will take off for Chicago Kilembe 100 325 325 325 Miler ' age as us ae sion headed by eager carrying 600 pounds of hageis Kopan 1500 (+13 2413 +% sbestos Sar] Warren of the SS). Sis ' 8 gis L Dufavit 350 75 729, 75 5 Hadid Bia 1 is 135 eee Court and 1,190 pounds of ager ny WATCH FOR THE OPENING OF OUR aay ; : . for the annual dinner of the Iil- 7] Eoraal 2100 171 170 170 --2 Violam 800 240 240 240 farre ' ission|;..;. c He MEN S$ 4 Cynaiet 0 87 a al Ww Beaver 2000 A iY v +1 Sle ge decr Os OMMISSION inois St. Andrew's Club. an ' Mattgmi 500 $1) 10% 1 'est ines s . Mcintyre 1000 $4514 45045 + la) Wilety mo ie ee The FBI is understood to CLAIMS RECORD AT 8 BOND ST WEST (next door) Moneta 4000 «80 80 80 Windfall 8500 60 58 ss ---2 2 1 NOTTINGHAM E l d bd Multi-M 4100 31. 0) at | Yale-Lead 1000 12 12 12 -- Ms have concluded that Lee Har-) i#HAM, Engilan Nama Cr $000 13 1314 13!2 | Ber 120 106, 106106, +1) | vey Oswald, the 24-year-old ex-|(CP) -- Insurance agent Tom Neonex wis 4900 70, 7070 il Ee ala 20/2 202 20%2--4| Warine and Marxist, planned|Colpitts has claimed the pipe-| Newlund 10000 18 «--«18--s«*B Sales to 11 a.m,: 1,039,000. and executed alone the Nov. 22 re Se on of gee 'N Mylama co Drags V Batis | sabe slaving in Dallas. ain. He made 3.3 grams of to- Nice Rin Sub Fe FOREIGN TRADING ae ene epg crear Warren has given his implicit) bacco last 85 minutes, 5'4 min- Norbeau 1500 37 16 37 Bethlehem 300 725 725 725 +25 ; Pt . 4 B N ST WEST fNorlex $00 23 «23tO28 Danton 225 $10. 10 10 assurance that the bipartisan/utes longer than the previous 0 D . OSHAWA N. Bordu Jooo 16 16 16 +1 Lorado 300 186 186 186 --I yw reac VC » of-' recor N Rank 2300 26 26 2% + Steep Rock 100 415 415 415 body will reach bey nd the of-'rec ord, Northcal 16000 5. 51 5) Triad 300 150 150 150 * Northgate 1735 420 410 410 --10 | Upp Can 400 137 137137 | ro si Moers Sinners England's Northeast By JOSEPH MacSWEEN _ |years--presents a bleakr pic NEWCASTLE UPON TYN n, | ture partly because of the cl England (CP)--Listen to thém|ing of inland pits in favor) talk of the English Northeast/of highly mchanized coastal and you seem to hear echoes mines. Coal miners now total from Canada's Maritime prov- !09,000, compared with 143,000 in 1961, and Chetwynd predicts | a 15,000 more jobs will vanish in the next four years. Youths are The Northeast is classed depressed area--but the visitor shouldn't say that any louder denied that veterans can here than he would in Nova |make a livelihood. ; Scotia Conditions are better but un- 'el The Northeast has suffered certain in the huge metal-work- * for years from the ups. and |!ng and shipbuilding plants and Seagram's downs of heavy industry--coal, the chemical industry is an- Alt CANADIAN WHISKY steel and shipbuilding. And the other giant in the area, which Maritimes? has a population of 2,875,000 Northeast people complain With the approach of winter, bitterly that London folk-- Northeast unemployment was "southerners"--are , almost to-|53,200, or 4.6 of the total reg- tally ignorant of this region's,istered work force, compared problems and hopes. Ever listen with the national average of 2.1 to Maritimers discuss Ontario?! per cent. This was worse than as Marifimers migrated/a year previously. In isolated} westward or southward, so the black spots the figure was 17 unemployed from the English|per cent. Seven thousand youths Northeast--often the young and had been idle since they fin- talented, it .is sadly .noted-- ished -school last spring, An- moved to London and abroad other 3,000 had moved. Small in size compared with These conditions have long the Maritimes, the Northeast, nagged the national conscience, cradle of the Industrial Reyolu- or at least political sensibilities, tion, is a vast production com-|and it was thus that the North plex, boasting a proud, inven-|east--comprising the counties tive and hard-working people of Northumberland, Durham| with an active 'cultural life and part of Yorkshire--béecame /& compared|the scene of the government's | 3 Just Pre ' Seagram's It is sometimes with the' German Ruhr but moderniaztion scheme. . jacks sufficient diversification, | Extra Dry PLAN FOR SCOTLAND Heath has announced a simi- lar 'plan for central Scotland and it is generally said that conditions in Scottish areas are just as depressed » or worse than, in the English Northeast, Gin Bow gh jptiectefiggme Eareh tr n serge and many coal-mining areas |particularly are experiencing} unemployment. The people now| hope they are at last going to get effective help from the poli-| ticians--the "blotherskites" in 7 g « ter oe a. 70me erm although they have not received y |as much publicity. BIG EXPERIMENT | The need for economic diver- For. the Northeast--through sification and stabilization of] which flow the Rivers Tyne,\the Northeast is twofold, offi- Tees and Wear--has become cials stress. It was necessary the scene of a big experimnt, to improve the prospects of the | a long heralded government region not only for the benefit} program for regional moderniz- of the people there but fe lessen | ation and development. migration to southrn England, | The government has decided especially London, where condi- tions are already crowded. Fedo Aeagenen bons ad after a many-sided study that! the Northeast is not in "de- NS cline'? but an "trarisformation" DISCOVER ANCHORS "f fis, and thus merits special aid dur-| Skin divers in Bulgaria have | een Ga fez diversification and» while found a graveyard of - anchors = . ing advanced technologies are ap- that have piled up on one place plied to production. over a period of about 1,000 A plan for large-scale public |years. investment--touching on every- thing from -roads to housing to GIVES UP TRIP LONDON (CP) --_ Richard the arts--was presented to Par- liament as a white paper by|Brooks, 17, has finally given up Edward Heath, head of Brit-|on attempts to cross the North ain's new super ministry of|Sea aboard a raft made of beer trade, industry and regional'barrels. The first time he develdpment cracked into a pier and the sec The formula is broader and ond time he was towed back more extreme than anything|after he drifted into shipping yet seen in Britain but some: lanes. y : authorities are not convinced "------------ ---- - ---- -- - Be -- that it goes far enough. George Chetwynd, director of x» 2 » Ngee Gee eae ae x the non -. political Northeast * TR IR PRR DR ER PR EE Development Council, reflected tt gloom in the area about the! |} plan's limited provisions for re-| 1 training workers displaced in a ,# changing economy. The region! 1 has suffered a net loss of 10,000 ff * ri Sa ae jae a eS eae ade be bade bala bai tata ate bala a a EB ee { PHOTOGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT ee % WHITBY -- OSHAWA -- BOWMANVI to 12,000 workers annually for \ some 10 years. ng Sawyer's "500.S" ¥ IMAGE ERRONEOUS ty i ue A group of Commonwealth * 7" Projector Yi correspondents who toured the | \, Northeast just before the white) 4 x paper came down found Chet- afi wynd and other spokesmen) 4 ¥ reasonably confident about|"; : long-term prospects but worried '4 x about the short term "E ¥ | They complained that through {f the years a depressingly erron- "* eous image has been created of; i \this ancient countryside where ""- \giant industrial plants figur-| ¢ jativly straddle Hadrian's Wall, "* erected by the Romans against northern attack. wht new 35mm reflex by Nikon {I features super-sharp {2.5 Nikkor Stereo Picture Set lens and coupled exposure meter to insure perfect exposure. $130.00 Comp. Value any i Whig Ba Includes Easy-Edit Tray and slide-on carry EXTRA FILM 1.50 A case z One of our jobs is to create, , a ie Noire said the dy-)"\ COMP. VALUE 74.50 n namic Chetwynd, a former I.a- ONLY ; 59 95 ONLY 2 65 ly 8 50 Oe ft oor. ° ei Le bor member of Parliament who, | A incidentally, once personally de-| citihl'< | FQR PERSONALIZED SERVICE VISIT OUR PHOTO SHOWROOM sss." 2 ster, in-an election.| iy a "I don't know. how people | J OSHAWA A came to think of this as "al ie on eres na u:4 CARL WETZLER ¥ where we still wear Skins anc ¥ beat our wives on Saturday | - y KEYSTONE RADIANT eae BAR aw iM nights," Chetwynd added TE * 2 . ODAK a But it is a melancholy. truth ig + 8 MM CAMERA SCREENS ith ; d bulb: INSTAMATIC 100 ¥ that large-scale layoffs are. oc-|"-- Glass Beaded with case.ang bulbs 43 learring in railways 'Ries i ONLY . ¥ | g hoy n Cariridge load if jthis birthplace of railways, Bie 30 x 40 $9.88 35 MM qs a WHEN ee en anes uaer iA oh BINOCULARS 39.95 40x40 . $11.88 BROWNIE STARMITE FLASHGUNS ess than x mao Britain is shortening its! Vd Comp cans es se with Pistol Grip and 50 x 50 $16.88 Bulb CAMERA mt 4.95 20 00 S, ay if bad " " Ry Mi railway lines is Only 19.95 Built on Light Meter. LOWEST EVER Comp. 15.95, Only 13,88 Bet Ree a ae : " ¢ HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT Zh ae AM x Colliery employment coal ° : : |nas been mined here {or 900j: ale) eee ee ee ee oe ' ; 4 3