THOUGHT FOR TODAY Liberty means responsibility, which is why many people dread it. Oshawa Time Authorized. as Second Closs Mail Post Office Deportment WEATHER REPORT Cloudy and. milder tomorrow. Chance of rain Saturday night. VOL, 92---NO. 286 Price Not Over 10 Cents per Copy TWENTY-TWO PAGES. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1963 Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash. REDS BAG ELK Nik'ta President Urho Kekkonen big ish Soviet Premier ght and over body of d Khrushchev an hat wearing white and visi the during hunt- ting Tas AP W week rept the 10to House Committee OKs Tax On Foreign Stock ted York official others nt WASHINGTON ified by number that wi benefit other countries g ernment's controver sia! posal to impose' a tax of up to 15 per cent on foreign securi ties sold in the U.S been ¢ ma ACTE 2 yovernment approved by a congressional'... ., =, SAO lonetccmmemiies st committee after almost five {'St announced its tax proposa gnontha of sttidy. last July, Canada was forced The House of Representa- 10 Use @ portion of Hs official tives ways and means commit-/(C/8" exchange holdings to tee announced Thursday it had/} the Canadian dollar (CP) of chan Canada and the U.S. gov Mod-'cor yn th change may be a f ones 'noted affected a said ther but the p the bulk take ew 1Y inies OSes pro- represe must hold has ign-earne where be cies to d available pay 'ou funds the nco compa i comt int for ance ig business gued me off claims worrying about possible sudden pepeentons On exchange rates.jas a simple country girl who a portion of their the fe iS tax com they for oun pro- duced in order that funds could in domesti curren without CONSERVATIVES JEER DEFENCE UDGET CUTS Hellyer Must Go Churchill Cries OTTAWA (CP) -- Phase onejpolicy statement, f operation Pruning Shears, | Churchill ypping about $52,000,000, and think he should turn in his 28,079 bodies from the defence housekeeping keys and hand the establishment, was. disclosed job over to somebody else." Thursday by Defence Minister Defence critic Harold Winch Hellyer of the NDP praised Mr. Hell- "Our aim is to find ways and yer for courage and the saving means of reducing overhead|of millions of dollars and, by cutting operations and Additional defence pruning maintenance costs, achieve a|Will occur in radar stations, redirection of expenditures to|Warships committed to NATO improve our defensive capabil-|and CF-104 bombers assigned to ity,' he said in opening a two-| NATO, it was indicated outside day Commons debate on his de-|the. Commons. partment's $1,590,006,537 spend "Mr. Hellyer gave this run- ing program for 1963-64 |down of step one in his econo- The spending program was/mies repared by the former Con-| After nearly 10 years of de- vative government and most|velopment, the Bobcat armored »ply to the next fis-|troop carrier is being scrapped il year starting April 1--af- |for failure to measure up de /MP' R m k Irk fecting many. communities|spite an $8,000,000 development S 2 ar cS across the land, program. Five hundred of the | Mr. Hellyer said there will be United States M-113 vehicles Then, Hutchinson: said, she more cuts because "without this|will be bought for some $14,- went to London and quickly f |e reful attention--call it judi {900,000 unler' the sway of , the late nsurance irms cious pruning--our defence bud-| Manpower reductions of 1,128 ziven a six - month sentence Stephen W ard, a SOCIPLY leet would soon top the $2,000,- servicemen will be haridled by Their -housekeeper, Mrs. Olive pa Ward provided 000,000 mark if we were to| attrition" -- letting the jobs Brooker, was 'placed on pro- ghly placed people, maintain our present establish-|Japse when the men retire, die bation son said ment with all its ramifiecations/oT transfer. Informants said the Bait He described Ward as | rather a Cana-20 dat the same- time furnish eventual goal is a 10-per-cent icaked a sort of perverted Prof company /9Ur forces with adequate equip- ci in the permanent military as two Higgins sanplcas ae manpower establishment now to cells Higgins was the speech/incurance and trust companies ery dollar promised to him and| The regional impact across al ing 123,246. car : prison. teacher in George Bernard can go bankrupt any otherjit is a most unhappy state of the country in reducing bases Another 3,316 civilians will el- in a Shaw's play Pygmalion -- later! company.' ts when the minister oft he|@5 Teflected in MP reaction| jther be shifted to other depart. iency, pines nto the musical My Fal) iiss Ladtawih told dclegate Crown blackens the good name|--indicated considerable com-|¢Mts or seek other jobs. Hutchinson Lady--who undertook to make a pie embark oe ethene POU i i munit 6) There will be a cut of 23,- ar ';/at the union's annual conven-/9f an industry which has so con-jMunity pressure against the|g4q th ist lady out of a garbage man's ton thet, Wille it ie tenable for sistently served the public|moves. in the reserve whose iM - antici-|{Tiservice enrolment now totals said Mr. ky) Jama fram thing vhom He told Gordon xual of teens became the s¢ play men in her the judge "Miss Keeler has court to-. simply to me. from month 'I know 1 have done I know I must face your lordship -- will credit for that Christine prost down herself LONDON = (AP) Keeler, the 2l*year-old tute Who almost broug a government, threw upon the mercy of the day and got: it- nine- term in prison With her housekeeper rir] friend, she aded charges of and to' frame discarded Indiz She could gone for ar-old used of early ht she said the quite. ing Start 1g and WARD CHARGED 1 hope her wre it;' give as a call girl the affair with led to Profumo's fnation war minister in Conservative government have been and the trial on vice char matters| Ward, who introduced her to the binet member Ward dri and di } been Christine's life culminated in and a Profumo. This guilty the con to pe WAS IMMATURE 'Although she may experienced in was, and so, extraordinari!y h ide." spiracy West have 7e5 of over es 0 prison an seven ag of the if I may immature the real to more composure friend she remains,:Ca so in what world, outs or sex The stony dhaired: girl war minister John D ind other men in h places broke momentarily as she rd Judge Sir Anthony Hawke sentence in Old 3ailey. Tears' welled 'in' her ayes and her lips quiversd Paula Hamilton-Marshal the girl friend. who hae apartment with Christine dose of knowing let d without convicted of 100k a of former ippens. in Profumo gh PAUL HELLYER be ser 15} Staines wh Hutchinson said Christine came pregnant when only while living in suburban and gave birth to a baby lived only a few days fof his cuts a hea pronounce 23 an was as WINNIPEG (CP) Hutchin Federal|record of trusteeship and ; "Health: Minister' LaMarshiernment supervision that brought the ire of insurance ex-|served Canada so well cutives down u herself} "No Thursday with a remark dian | Manitoba Farmers Union that ha gZovV has pon holder in Insurance 1iled to Christine policy but were composed policewomen led them to await transfer to} Paula and lait sad ie a ife ment and weapons." like for len Jeremy Christine moving plea defence lawyer described -otect ~ : ; ifrom international speculation finally agreed to a revised bill * . to be reported to the House by| 2% dollar's exchange rate Dec, 16. The bill later must hy ~ {Weakened as some investors 23 +,.,began to sell of Canadian hold ie the erate nance, Sem lings fearing that the proposed| into law. This may tak a num-| tax would sharply reduce) ber of months, a treasury offi- the American market for Cana- cial estimated. dian securities. Among the committee amend-| The Canadian government im- ments is one that exempts ex- mediately appealed for com- isting stocks issues of foreign plete exe mption .of all Can adiany com panies owned -to the extent Securities from the tax pro-| per cent or more by U.S. P0Sal. The-U.S. treasury agreed), traded mainly int? eX lude new Canadian issues : but not existing issues of stocks and bonds. The treasury argued.) tions that yielding to Canada's ' de Consery 4 q|mands would make it. difficult!sy4 sea to refuse similar demands from! .powed countries, Aim of the tax tory vote dam huge floatings of -- ee : foreign isst in the U.S.' and B thereby help reduce the flow of American dollars abroad -- would be frustrated, the treas y said persons and ore U.S. markets. Such entities as International Nickel Company of Canada Limited, Aluminium Limite Canada_ Southern Railway Granby Mining; Dome Mines Limited and Pacific Petroleum Limited would be among exempt from the tax, the treas ury ial said Most of the lt decision on the PM Rebukes decision on the Liberal MP mth cmresona de and uncerta over the Over Queen tax to OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Pearson Thursday rebuked a. Libera! from Quebec audience should monarct other --to yen those 1€S offi S.-controlled months ' and came ton went by -and the means committee was embargo e sale. of ign 18 in United States. American investors were reluctant to vest in Canadian and other sues until they were certain what Congress intended to do about the pror MAY WAIT DEVELOPMENTS 4 rea official sug- committee's bil may newed invest ment activity, igh some lenders may st the. bill completes onal hurdles rtua ent a US ' ita the Min ndi- in ister back told rectly bencher Toronto ada ign who Tuesd get rid" 'fore The subject was raised Commons by H. W. Her (NDP --Kootenay. Wes asked Mr. Pearson if he en reports of remarks ! made by Auguste Choquette (1 ! --Lotb niere) Mr. He appro of the lead to now. h I had srridge Jack ae" asked the prim Elizab-th wa oad ndment ce comy true Canadiar inada would get gn investm ition to an exer nts equa Mr. Pears ed firmative placing e phasis tradit I "lon tere 1964-65 s on the words n en | LONDON Ale today as the r in (¢ c Doug ze slumped esults of three by- se ruling retained other the ti ng which part Labe Sday above, his Co end thr the ¥ or N var of ou th drop at e in LEAVING NBC Pa says ional ¢ this ffed over gh Labor Gains In 'U.K. Byelections P)--Prime Minis as-Home's po- badly to: fill he ea His the «roid OCTOBER LEVEL HITS RECORD PEAK man ? V Thursday he i nvinced He and "'foreig an situat sooner anachronism for al on 'its hopes of survival are to re 'district | daughter, | , well." r. Hellyer's well | Christine was 164and a show|20Y Company to = ee pated economies chopped i lgirl at a night clul called Mur-29vernments must always ful-| #, A. Lang, president of Ca- yes into naval, army and air| Mr.. Hellyer said this major lray's when she was introduced, {ill their obligations Premier Life Insutance'reserve training. 4 jreorganization of the militia jto Ward, 'the lawyer said, add-| She had been speaking about|\Company, said: 'General Mo-| The announcement was criti- idee be done in a way to take ing |the proposed national -contribu-; tors, even the government of! lcizéed by Douglas Harkness, for- orig of regional interests. A emphasize too|tory pension plan, saying that Ss hicks, Buk salmer Conseryative defence min-|S°lect militia group of . offt- = this fact: From that because it would: be govern can go broke. But the): tor who resigned to protest |°° rs was being asked to recom. day for four years this girl,,;ment backed its stability would record speaks for itself his party's anti-nuclear stand [mend ways to implement the ltaken away from Murravy's club be assured icy holder of a Canadian called the reductions dang- plan. uy Dr ~~ Ward, who was| David FE, Kilgour, president of surance company has ever/@rous, desperate and irrespon- 3 years her senior, was totally|Great West Life Assurance -.;,, s 1 si under his domination Company. said If she is be failed to gee be 100 coms wn Nevertheless, on occasion she ing correctly quoted,' she has the dollar of man ran off and had a succession of|clearly done a great disservice He termed Miss | West Indian lovers, one of to the Canadign public and the Statement. "provocative and) Canada's forces, shake the con-| said the implication it carried/fidence of its allies, weaken its that Canadian insurance com-|voice in NATO and destroy its} INVESTORS TOLD: panies are in danger of going/ability to influence defence de-| ° e the election h ft In it dropped} nee S ] per bankrupt is "'pure cisions in the Western. world, CHICAGO (CP) -- ¢ he said Toronto, B. T. Holmes, The proposed reductions will need large inflows ign capital "for many pres of the Canadian Life Would deal a heavy blow at the {Ins Officers Association, | morale the armed forces-- lsaid today the st itement by|Particularly the reserve forces, | |Health -Minister LaMarsh that where the cuts were widespread insurance. and trust companies and heavy can- go bankrupt like anyone, 0rdon else. is "highly irresponsible." oo Mr. Harkness' portfolio! sassination of President Ken- "No policy holder in.a Cana- igs 4g ag ee nedy in Dallas, Nov. 22, accord. dian life insurance company has heads' for pte Mea all ei ing to informed soutces. come,"' and the Canadian ever lost a dollar through non- election pledge i move Walker, 53, resigned from the ernment seeks a growing control a smaller payment of the amount guar- promptly into. a nuclear role eri t 1961 a ee ee nership between Canadian the industry of anteed under his policy at death The minister had held } 3 avon ot ie cernand at foreign investors nance than do the na- the first Canadian com- tfolio f aye x a eas ao i ister Gordo said Thursday other industrial-| pany was -- ished more than ay Uh ee oe eee ee He emphasized that changes the world." |100 years ago,' Mr. Holmes bagel Sie se get Hoe ne ate tit Hoon, Wee Mereigh made to meet Canada's so eae aein: args said in a etainent ee Ye i Sari -- lems will benefit not only Ca. 1S SEEKING MARKETS 1 ; i Le nadians "but all those who have. 10 meet.the payments deficit, Mr. Holmes said Canadians inteRsts GK cub oountee problem, Canada hoped to in- insured with companies from The Canadian minister's aud. Crease its exports instead of re-/Countries doing sialic ane ience was the Economic Club/ducing imports--and about: two- ada have been as well served of Chicago, whose membership thirds of its trade was with the|aS those insured with Canadian includes. many of the busines: United States eee and industrial leaders of the. 1am Not, of course, suggest 6 wid wast ing that we are about to launch| He appealed for and understanding problems by Amer vestments--totallir 000 ,000,000--in One of the an "excessive foreign capital alance-of. payments nadian I cannot Canada No pol- Think Oswald Took Shot At Gen. Walker WASHINGTON (AP) -- The FBI is reported to be investigat- ing that Lee Harvey Oswald may have fired at Maj - Gen. Edwin A. Walker in Dallas seven months ago. Evidence which may link Os- Se : wald with the shots at Walker Churchill, who as-jis in an FBI report on the as House of Commons vacancies in London, Manchester and : Sud bury all showed a slump in Con srvative support sharp enough to give the opposition Labor party a landslide victory in any national poll at the moment In the London and Manches-| r results the Conservative) share of the vote was down! roughly 10 per: cent compared ble The cuts in manpower and money were bound to reduce the! LaMarsh'sjstrength and effectiveness" of} a nonsense In of dent with 1959 four The a eden however retained the sats in London} and Sudbury end Labor kept the! one in Manchester The results quickly disposed of talk among. parliamentarians that the new prime minister planned to go to the country: in March Now his government perhaps to next five-year mandate general Sudbury cent ance of mported services Another foreign dustry part "Canadians yroportion their country tiona of zed goods and was the high deg of Canadian anada of for years to 01 of in ree control that on its of the consensus must. hold fall when runs out and of Min- since Is nation any in prob vive HAILSHAM RETURNS The voting: brought back to the House of Commons the for mer Viscount Hailsham, now Quinton Hogg. But in duly. win ning the safe St. Marylebone of London for the Con- he shed more than votes from: the party's in the 1959 general a ss servatives 10,000 showing election In Manchester's sh aw distr t hold the a great avalanche of manufc-| tured goods on U.S. mrkets,'"' Jet Passengers Mr. Gordon said want to Insured For We, like you see adujstments take place in in orderly' manner and not in rf ' ; away that would be disruptive endences away tha * $9.9 Million ' to industry in either country ig Day 'or 2 "Turning to foreign deficit on tes iy ment, he said "We shall require jflows of capital for |to come--not, I hope jcurrent bills, but so ountry might quickly and efficiently At the same time, many nadi are worried at the ex- tent which our industry controlled by ge corporations recognition of Canada's ans with in g some $18 Canada problems dey to Open Labor strong Conservatives he said heavily is to Labor's Charles on ba dropped votes ning second Morris invest TORONTO (CP) Trans- Canada Air Lines was insured many years| With Lloyd S of London for pas- t : .|senger liability up to 700,000, 0 pay our|>. : that our William Moynihan, Ontario developed Manager of Stewart Smith Can- ida Limited, Lloyd's of London Ga. Brokers in Canada,. said Thurs- ~ |day Mr said that bility coverage per person could large in be s Increase |: Seaagiemee: to be re = a Living Cos OTTAWA (CP) ysLemb The rdustr and Gs Ort 5 195.6. « . seLable G ported zrapefruit onions eal vared wilt i er-an 1962 The four it No tent! f a point to 30.4 month: earlier as m ases fOr a tem 130.8 food om ee incre food An lof a housing 136.9 month Both hold I point Sh t high the hed a a pound in was still below the 1st certs in Augt { al .CITY EMERGENCY PHONE -- POLICE 725- FIRE DEPT. 725-657 HOSPITAL, 723-2211 inch The i 22.9 133 Within -th 725 nt rat x price 4 1 . ase in + r i ) i VE h t fo] we 4 Laat Bi industrial i) 'erage and nerauy index incre grapes uct live Y lower for i bananas and apples ncrease was ~ x ce of shelter components cabbage most 'canned sils and prices cream, HOUSING COST UP three which Noy i from 136.8 a previous the operation showed sh indhome gher. 'TI an asng 0 eHer wn turkey were eggs carrots and most cuts of tenths ered in. ths moved to house- of increases and omponent rship costs household op. pone for reflected nt coal, furni-! situated outiside borders.'"| h¢ about $50 600 in connection with the deaths of 111 passengers in the Train Passengers crash north of Montreal of a 4 i TCA DC-8F last Friday Cautioned By CNR He said .claims against. air- lines following crash deaths gen- MONTREAL National and tentatively Prices carpets, 'textiles uten and ture our equipment for some lies lower The tenths of. a 118.3, with higher many items of men's ind children's wear footwear, Piece good lower anng supy were of jet clothing index four point to rose 118.7 from| prices for women's and. for) 4 price (CP) -- Cana warned wer ex able th ate. the settled the estate ind its insurance The ag d n and to n. negotia- for the airline erally are (wavs that f lawyer the com) tions, among vere issenger's A gain stered by sonal care vanced. to health care for-prepaid medical care tario and Manitoba In care, prices high ommod any rush buted ional cars: to 'an er travel some ed of point. Wa health and ndex which d CNR. attr 164.8 from 163.8. In of addit increases occurred crease in in On- the the tmas amout by airer Known for nihan said ed by. ai before > f of insurance Car- the short aboard] to Moy | be cov-} la all -passegers is not likely some time, Mr Some would passeng Secret Service men and Dal- re-enacted | -the of President iin in- Dallas Officers in {the Texas | si hool Book Dep' sitory Build- upgrading of cars police ination ly ig Phar indow frave in assas Kenne T ont ntal t 5 f any 2 , ; 1 \ 'fected by the shortage, urance ht, § sona wert by per supplies and for sday its-and women's for hall ing some le i) ae ft RECHECK MURDER SITE ing where the fatal shots were fired, are in contact with the. Secret Service men in the car and recording measurements, Patrolman J C. Robinson helps in the re-enactment ae ee Wirsphote