MR. AND MRS. Fnenas From Near And Far Felicitate Pair, Mr. and Mrs former Oshawa residents honored on g n ding anniversary by a aption at the home of their daughter Mrs. William and M Switzer, Churchill avenue. The reception was held last Sunday ¢ .ernoon and evening Baker wore wed John thei Switzer The anniversary bride was at- tired with gold accessories corsage of in gold brocade and .a golden roses. Mr Frank ley, her and bridesmaid wore spring green shantung with bionde and a gold corsage Buck sister accessories ted lests: at assist The hostess gree gh the door in the afternoon ed by her Paul, and Mrs Charles Smith " eu book. In fhe evening these duties were taken over by John Sw zer. and Mr. IJeonard Baker brother of the = anniversary bridegroom Pouring tea in the and evening were three sisters of the bride, Mrs. Sam Terry (Edna). of Barrie; Mrs. Ralph Taylor (Minnie) and Mrs George Morgan (Gladys) and Mrs. Ewart Clemence of Osh- awa. The Ardent Workers. Unit of King Street United Church catered. GREETINGS Telegrams and letters of con-, gratulations were received from Governor-General Georges Van- jer; Prime Minister Lester B Pearson; the Right. Honorable John Diefenbaker, Leader of the Cpposition; the Honorable John P. Robarts,; Premier of Ontario; Mr. Michael Starr MP; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Morgan Livonia, Michigan; and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drummond, To ronto Distinguished vi Mr. Albert .V. Walker, who presented Mr. and Baker with an uminated ad dress from the Onta Govern ment, and Mayor I.yman. Gif ford and Mrs MARRIED IN OSHAWA Mrs, Baker is the former Miss Lottie Farrow, born in Oshawa and Mr was botn «in Whitby. T ( ple ried in King { Church by Rexprend S. ( oore. They resided in Oshawa LODGES AND SOCIETIES REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 NG Sister. Anne presided over the -reguiar meeting of Oshawa Rebek assisted by the Wirsching The color bearer Vandewalker, escorted by the Warden, Sister L. Smith and Conductor Dorothy Holdsworth, presented the flag of our country. There were 14 PN Grands present The charter was draped in loving memory of the late Sis ter Alberta Barrowclough and one-minute memory for the late Mr Summerville of Toronto and John F. Kennedy VG Sister Vera Wirsching read the report on the sick and a speedy recovery was wished for them and the shut-ins RNG Sister Nelda. Thompson read the correspondence and "Thank You" notes 4 vote of thanks was express ed to PNG Sister Helen Kinsmen for the District Report on the Schoo! of Instruction. PNG Sis ter Lena Harper read the finan cial report, JPNG Sister Lucilve Gibbs was elected for the decor- ation of chivalr The Christma party change of gi the sor afternoon neluded MPP Mrs sitors Gifford the Cook Lodge VG$ Vera ster Sister Sarah silence m and ex:| ved for] December 11.| Rirthday were sung] for Sister ». Shorten. Degree practice was called for January| 10, at 7.30 p.m. Refreshments were served at the close of! lodge MAPLE CLEANERS $04 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Cosm & Corry 4 Wr Service & Hour Service free Pick-Up and Delivery "Yout Fomity's Friend' PHONE 725-0643 t- received a sum of money. repre- are-happy to ass Barvinok Members Rewarded | For Year's Perfect Attendance meeting of the Canadian Ukrainian Womens' Barvinok Branch was held at the home of Mrs. William Droz- wick, The president, Mrs. Walt- er Grigorenko, opened the meet- ing with prayer. Awards for perfect attendance during the last year to: Mrs. Nicholas Seminuk, Mrs. Steven Gonta, Mrs John Dutchak, Mrs. Donald Sadoway,. Mrs. John Kostuk, Mrs. Walter Gri- gorenko, Mrs. William Iwaskiw, Mrs. Robert Sholdra and Mrs. Walter Kuch. On behalf of the association, a giff was presented to the past president, Mrs. Robert Sholdra, by "Mrs. Walter Grigorenko Mrs. Sholdra, was congratula- ted for her sincere. efforts and leadership during the past year Mrs. Walter Kuch reported on the convention of the Ukain- ian Womens' Association which was held in Toronto recently. Arrangements for the Christ- mas meeting were announced 1A dinner, will be held at the Oshawa Golf Club on Wednes day, December 11,1963 prior to the business meeting. A special program is planned and there will be an exchange of gifts. Sunday Schoo} 'Christmas party was discussed Mrs. Paul Plishka and. Mrs Robert Sholdra, together with the teachers will purchase gifts and treats for the children Mrs and Mrs 'UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES postmaster of 18TH SCOUT GROUP AUX. and he and his The regular meeting of the proprietors of a 18th Scout Group Auxiliary was held in the Sunday School room Raker have one at. Courtice United Church, Mrs William Switzer Garnet Goyne presided two Mrs who cjation to all King- in anyway. towards the fall luncheon and saie, also reported From. their aw, daugh- she and Mrs. Clifford Ryan at and grandsons, the couple tended the Regional Conference received three golden sovereigns held at Barrie and gave a short and Mrs. Baker's sisters Summary of the event and brothers-in-law Mrs. Thomas Mahaffy intro them with a gold duced Scout Master John DeCoe who gave a short report on the ning of Scouting. and basic He and his assistants st the ixillary Several whenever needed, he stated New neckerchiefs needed by nieces and nephews be taken care of by two hundred -greeting cards Thomas Gladman and and scores of gifts and bouquets tee expressed the esteem in which | The Hawk patrol, in charge of the couple is held in this com- Mrs. Thomas Mahaffy is to send munity and beyond out Christmas socks to all moth- Mr. and Mrs. Baker gave qa C's Of Cubs and Scout. The noon-hour dinner for their fam- /agle patrol, in charge of Mr ily and close friends at Glen. Lloyd Irvin, is to take care of holme School. Mrs. Sam Terry the Scout Christmas party. The Mrs, Baker's sister, sang "May, Fox patyol is to take care of the Good Lord Bless and Keep| {he Cub party in charge of Mrs. You" with words composed by Kenneth Dawson. The Otter pa- another . sister, Mrs. trol in charge of Mrs. Orville Morgan, accompanist. Rahme arrange the Aux iliary party and alt members HONORED AT HARWODD were invited to attend and bring A social evening was held at.a_ thirty-five: cent gift for the Harwood the previous Wednes- tree. The party is December 12. «.y evening, when the Women's at 1.50 p.m Institute honored the couple by A gift was presented by Mrs aTranging a-program and cards,|Charles Carpenter to the past The Reverend Lloyd Morgan president, Mrs. Maurice Gray presided as master of cere- The 'president welcomed one monies and the highlight of the new mother, Mrs. Lloyd Martin evening the presentation of . Refreshments were served by and a sum of money the Hawk harge of sented by. Mrs. G j Mrs.. Thoma Mrs. Earl Drope Mr. and Mrs. Baker ceived a gift from United Church Women by Mrs. -Harrington volks Both Mr. and Mrs. Baker are just before loyal and dedicated church and | skillet odge members. Mrs. Baker .is a member of Sunshine Rebekah Lodge 222 and Mr. Baker of S$: John's. Lodge No, 17 AF and AM (CRD). Cobour Guests were present from To Whitby, Maple, Harwood Cobourg, Peterborough, Rarrie Port Credit The regular The annual BAKER Oshawa JOHN Times Photo John Kostuk 50 Years Wed until 18 iioved to Rice when they Ontario, ars azo Harwood Lake Baker district yrother near Mr that are genera M ad daughter, (Minnie) grandsons, John of Oshawa and Paul: store Mrs Mrs nd voiced her appre those who helped Goyne s at Queen's Unive ston son-in ter five presented four-piece ha consisting of mir: table and sconces,|be Baker's brother they) struc onsojle set ror shelf From Mr ure senting the occasion handsome gifts were wil Mrs commit- presented Over George was patro Mahaff pre Isaacs anc HOUSEHOLD HINT For a light, -high and eug whites and mix pour into also re Harwood present fluffy and them the omelet, beat separately you 30 DAYS OVERSEAS (OCT. lst -- MAR, Ist) $312.00 ROUND TRIP AT FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) PHONE 728-6201 ronto and Lawrence Skirators will look after catering for this year. New Year's dance convener, Mrs. John Kostuk reported that fickets will be available from the committee shortly. Other projects for the near future will include a bake sale, convened by Mrs. Walter Kuch, a rummage sale convened by Mrs. Robert Shol- dra and a night of bowling for the members convened by Mrs. John Dutchak and Mrs. Steven Hercia. A short program" was pre- sented by Mrs. Morley Par- finuk and Miss Anne Sabat. The hostess served a_ tasty smorgasbord at the close of the meeting REPRESENTS LINES The International Air Trans- port Association, representing the majority of the world's in- ternational airlines, has _ its headquarters in Montreal WE LOVE OUR CUSTOMERS. OPEN AN ACCOUNT TO-DAY. OVER 4x, 4,000 WOMEN CAN'T BE WRONG. LUXURY OF A SI IN 100% SUPI at just Paddock Club A DRESS SHIRT WITH THE A truly terrific value AVAILABLE NOW AT THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M, -- GIFT BOXED FREE LKEN TOUCH MA* cotton $6.00 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 6,1963' 9 eananieaaininemnnda & herney's FURNITURE Ww oO R LAL YD CAMELLIA BLANKETS Warmth on A Budget Sale Price ... 5.98 This blanket made from a 'perfect blend of wool and The ends viscose is priced well within everyone's budget. ore satin bound. Availoble in 5 lovely colours. } LUXURIOUS REVERSIBLE HEIRLOOM BEDSPREAD Preshrunk 100% Cotton think for We someone can of many things you could give But think of mnything selling under twelve dollars that would Christmas con you >e appreciated more. A mosterpiece of work- manship and design, machine washable. Graceful heavy fringe, never needs ironing. Available in double or twin size, Eggshell or white "An 77 1008 » mnt ¥ ee | i ak a i 3 2 Same spread .. . same colors... sizes, only in a heavier weight. Sale Price same 18.95 "FAMOUS" KENWOOD All-Wool, Satin Bound Sale Price .. 15.98 Kenwood is 'the finest nothprooted blenket ovailoble. Size 72 x 84" (full double bed size) in' handsome pastel shades. Price- wise . . , money cannot buy o better blanket. There's no substitute for wool! TRAPPER BLANKETS Wool and Viscose Blend 8.98 Boxed ready for gift wrapping. This 72" x 95' washable wool ond. viscose blend blanket is available in beautiful rainbow tones. A perfect Christmas Gift. Sale Price .. Kenwood "RAMCGREST" All-Wool Satin Bound Sale Price .. 12.98 2) Bat rose in the blue, cedar, green ond Christmas giving all-wool blanket pink, ready for Machine woshoble most populor shodes hurquoise, Boxed ) herney's FURNITURE ww oR LL D CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD 80 K ing St., Oshawa. Open Tonight 'Til 9 p.m, FOR YOU AND THIS FESTIVE SEASON a