| e.@ lgranted. in our country and;Kostuk and Mrs. Walter Gregor-'Lucia Semenko, Val Sheremet, UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES! Ukrainian Orthodox Church lotic' netstat tacos nie Torry Dobrosnasky. Ris San 7 He stated that many peoples Of alex Lahoda expressed. the ¢zenko,- Donald Sadoway, Linda . A vili the world. were unable to wor- gratitude of the students to the Dobroshinsky, Ann Sitsch, Luba ' Canadian Orps uxl lary COUPLES' CLUB Cousins; bean guess, Mrs. Peter) Entertains Students At Dinner ship as they wished and there-\jadies of Barvinok for this an-5@mochin, Tony. Bohdun, Valen- At the regular meeting of the |Gatchell; grapefruit pass, two fore we should not accept this nya) function. lina Petrowsky, Olga _ Kisil, ] M W T W tt Couples' Ciub of First Baptist}teams tied; packed my trunk, University, high school and|Barvinok and Mr. Dmytre Stan- freedom lightly, Guest students present were Deana Hladysh, George Lysyk, e-e ects rs. . . a 5 Church recently, a work meet-«Miss Vera Siblock; pins in|Grade 8'students who attend St.|czenko, president of congrega- Mrs. .Walter Kuch introduced Bien eacuee John Kuri George Bolotenko, Walter Klyn- ing was held in preparation for bottle, Mrs, Murray Chatte;|John's Ukrainian = Orthodox/tion at St. John's Church. and thanked the speaker, telling|ponna Bessie. Stan Dubchak ayer anne big ae ae = Mrs. William Watts was re- the annual 'Senior Members"|remember objects, *Miss VerajChurch were entertained by the) 'phe Reverend Rastyslaw Pan- briefly of his life in Europe and Kenneth Karpiak, Alex Sosna. oe i wont es 'i ko, Wat elected president of the Ladies' dinner, to be held Saturday, Siblock, Mrs. Dennis Diachenko'Barvinok Branch of the Cana-|ozenko, in his address, told the of his yarishes in Canada Sandra Babij, Alex Bolotenko fee P >t on rb Nick Stanczeko Auxiliary, Canadian Corps As- ; 4 December 7 and Mr. Roland Cousins dian Ukrainian Women's ASss0-|<tudents that the sincere desire pas eS REE Dennis Bessie, Vera Gryszezuk eed ee sociation, Unit 42, at the annual A fitting devotional 'period' porreshments were served by ciation recently, of knowledge 'and faith in one's Special entertainment follow- Feone. Hlichibk mat Bint ane ction of officers held at the ii was led by Mr. and Mrs. James y ignettes Mrs. Jack Anderson Following Liturgy, served byjown ability were the greatest/ed, Planned by Mrs. Joseph poresa Naumenko, -- Victoria LONG WAY AROUND ilar meeting recently. 4 f te Taylor and Mrs. Robert Tumey. the Reverend Panczenko, the factors in determining the ex-- Maga, Mrs. Steven Gonta and Waskan, Nina Bakanowich, Jo-\ The greatest circumférence of The slate of officers for 1964 is: ; The club then enjoyed a pres- "____ | ouests were 'received in the tent of one's education. Free-|Mrs. Donald Sadoway. The din- Anne Topping: Lucy rowsky,/the earth at the equator ts Mrs, William Watts, F § entation of slides by Mr. and F oe lchurch hall by Mrs. Donald Sad- \dom_ of worshi p is taken for'ner was convened by Mrs. John'Dennis Hercia, Nin: anick.'24,902.39 miles 1 vice-president, Mrs, Larry ' Mrs, James Logan, showing TRAVELLING TOT oway and Miss Lind> obro. eines } svete Hood; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. a : their trip through western Unit-) MANCHESTER, Engiand|cshinsky Paul Smith; past president, ' ed States. and C eigen The (CP)--Twenty - month - old An-- Mrs. Steven Gonta, who con- Miss Bet 'averhill; treasur- 2 , é photography was excellent : ; i p n a Hg ele de Ponies ' Mrs i W. Barr, president, thony Daniel wandered ~ alison ieeabioid hs Sate 5 TH E PRICE is RIGHT! : nome , Slizabeth Harvey ss * t presided for the evening than a mile from. his Inlained the purpose of this an- ogy haat eee j HUMORESQUE CLUB here before he was spotted in a nual dinner. Greetings were h . ) Come in today! Look over our selection of luxurious Brood- ee eee 'The Humoresque Club of the busy street and taken to a police jrought to the students by Mail erne y Sng loom -- ROLL AFTER ROLL. SALE PRICED! If you plan on se vag pe ' j 3iind held a social evening at station Walter Gregorenko, president yi giving your home o 'new look" for Christmas, arrange for ree; group 2, chairmar I Pn , ' ' : the CRA Building with Miss * your wall-to-wall broadloom installation today, ONLY THREE James Garrison. co-chair- ee ; Vera Siblock presiding EURNIT | 8 RE FRIDAY'S LEFT 'TIL CHRISTMAS . to be elected. Chairmen of The social opened by the sing re: flowers B S ron ing ¢ 1e club song and a Bible auditors ng of tt % M : itt verse for the blind ? % en Was 4 , ames were played and. the . tp : ' ; 5 Bittet : aan W rs are buzz 50, Mrs.| i { RMR set eer ae < a s : s e MRS. WILLIAM WATTS \rthur Wakely and Mr, Roland] 14 ; " ; * ee sige : : ads te bi a 's oe BIRKS te, Mrs. Anthony Smyk € [+ ») y =_ 1e treasurer, Mrs C D) 'ei her report | . for the Dainty and feminine 'Oe it holidays FIESTA by OMEGA Baw j B me OSHAWA TIMES, Press: December 5, 1963 t Hood expressed petite -- yet. extremely i Wed lay ig 1 at 800 pm accurate ---- the Ficsta is as fashion- No Waiting! No Delay! Your Order Filled Instantly From Our Huge Warehouse, oe ) as on the party scene, f j 2. is # Enloy. 6 oole If you are unable to visit Cherney's during regular store hours, you can still take advantage of our. Christmas Sole Prices. Cell PLENTIFUL HARVEST AL AOkt white - Of At hee ge ty gla 5 season i Cherney's in Oshawa, and arrange to have our representative call at your home, at your convenience. He will show you samples of 199 species of seawe Lida i ; f 4 < f fashions. broadloom, talk over 'your decorating p s help you with the selection of. color, measure your rooms, give you an estimate of ; shockproof f ia LAND Akola the cost WITHOUT OBLIGATION. Remember you can -have a luxurious wall - to' - wall Broadloom installation for Christmas 89.50 " eae Oe alates with NO MONEY DOWN -- FIRST PAYMENT NEXT YEAR. PHONE 728-1641 fashioned. tc SHORGAS | ath) «jf Aite tanita " HEATING & ae), Oe es BROADLOOM 66 ALL WOOL HARDTWIST APPLIANCES A oe ALL WOOL PILE BROADLOOM 1 0" Industrial and BIRKS "Reg. 8.95 sq. Yd. Reg. 13.50 Sq. Yd. Commercial JEWELLERS The established, reliable Gas Decler in your aree. isc haam ane ean > Modernistic, multi-stripe design on a beautiful Deep, deep pile hardtwist. broadloom, woven beige background. 12' wide. Add new and excit- only as Brinton Carpet can weave it! Available 3] CELINA ST \ : ing richness to any room.in your home with the in room size rugs ar wall - to - wall installation. ° 2% ; installation of this ong-wearing, low-priced Choice of beige, cinnamon, spice, turquoise or (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE carpeting! quartz green. 3 Room Wall-to-Wall Installation 3 Room Wall-to-Wall Installation With 40-0z. Mothproof Cushion With 40-0z. Mothproof Cushion Based on 40 Sq. Yd. Area) 359.60 'Based on 40 Sq. Yd. Area) 540.00 as ° SPECIAL CLEARANCE le Continues! Hl | oxt2' HEAVY QUALITY BOY'S 3-6X LADIES' MEN'S S\M,L & XL LADIES' NYLON, WOOL FLANNEL SLIP & PANTY PLAID FLANNEL Italian Hand Knit ORLON, ACRILAN SHIRTS SETS SHIRTS | CARDIGANS POLYPROPYLENE RUGS REG. 1.29 White, Red, Black; Blue . Reg. 1.98 A terrific buy! Five different quality 9% x 12! .00 66 . rugs at one low low price! Come early for the ' best selection. There's a wide range of colors from which to choose, but as always, the most popular colors will go fast LADIES' LADIES' GIRLS' 7-14 YRS. on tes TRYLENE & COTTON STRETCH YOUR GHOICE SKI BLOUSES JACKETS ee Lhd REG. TO 3.98 SLIMS Nylon, Wool, Solid and Printed - Orlon, Acrilan, 38 Og oo Polypropylene i " . * 9' x 12' Rugs LADIES' CHILDS' 4-6X GIRL'S 8 - 14 LINED CHILDS' 1-3 YRS. WINTER NYLON TRICOT CORDUROY SLIMS LEOTARDS COATS | HOUSECOATS ns 52.66 Blue, White and Red ee posi da i) BOY'S 8 -- 14 LINED 44. , - Bedford Cord Slims a REG. $3 33 ( 7-14 3.77 3.98 1ST QUALITY ' ' BOY'S AND GIRLS 3 -- 6 Seamless Nylons Sa Ben SILK PANTIES | LINED SLIMS viene wi He 1 Flanneletie Pyjamas 2 cdo "6 $1.92 451.00 $1.58 All. Sales Final! , ; 22 KING W. | } PATTENICK'S ANNEX sexe | WOOLWORTH'S CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD Open Thurs. and Fri, Nigiits Til 9 P.M.