End Business Tax 'Welcome Signs | Barristers Urge TORONTO (CP) -- A revised, |taxation, instituted. and graduated system of municipal|by the municipality according taxation which would lessen the|to its own conditions. ved At Port Perry | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 5, 1963 25 Gold Reserves lled Pha rl Show Increase By MRS, CHARLES REESOR |°f $49,600,000 during November} | OTTAWA (CP)--An increase) caused by announcement of the proposed United States "inter-! est equalization" tax on Amer- ican purchases of foreign secu-| |rities; The proposed tax--still to el approved by the U.S. Congress] --has cut sharply into the flow} tax impact on home-owners in) He suggested 20 mills on the| PORT PERRY -- At a recentiin Canada's foreign exchange the lower income bracket, abol- |rirst $2,000 of assessment, 35|meeting of the Chamber of Com-jreserves, to a total of $2,631,- ish business tax and restore) mills on the next $1,000, 40 mills|merce guest speaker was OF lo00, 000 on Nov. 30, was re- municipal autonomy was urged/ror the next $2,000 and there-|Noakes of the Canadian Cham-/norted Wednesday by Finance ister Gordon. by a barrister. today in a brief! after no ceiling ber of Commerce. His subje fin to the Ontario committee N° Under this systeni, Mr. Dono-|Was the "Values of a Chamber y was the third successive to $2,470,500,000 at the end of monthly increase in the re-|August. In the following three fanncon ; van said, slum landlords with|of Commerce" - a a ek arge holdings would be paying) a Tage vege yy -. a serves of gold and U.S. dollars|months they rose by $160,500,- y f ta la much more equitable tax/anything you 0 10 Meee since a mid- summer decline!000. assessment unjust and the 'root! rate also Perry a better place to live in, Peete of the problem of municipal eco-' Aico under the graduated sysd nomy and efficiency tem, the brief said, commercial Contrary to all other fo-ms Of/establishments should no longer Storey Beare gave a report on taxation, he said, it weighs|he required to pay business|the installation of Christmas most heavily on home-owners ati tax. street lights and told the. mem the bottom of the economic lad roosts ----------=|bers present that the local Pub- DISCOUNT SALE der. lic' Utilities Commission had HIT PARADE He cited the hypothetical case | Labor -- given excellent co-operation. It of an old-age pensioner whos | , ave the installa- ote moO. ae : i ge fF whose is hoped to have the insta SS 6 oo : ing you dead to bin © viv good cue of lee house. and lot would be assessed| Certifies Union ton completed in about two 4.49 2' about $1,800. An old-age pen-| weeks' time of the lights Also 4-cup size including Ya-lb. of coffee and a packet sion plus a small allowance The total cost |Company Rapped _"e toial_ cos od of 25 filters. LZ ah from relatives would provide an and welcome. signs inc Complete annual income of about $1,000. poronTo (CP) -- The On-!abor for installation will be COME AND TASTE-TEST FOR YOURSELF! At a 63- mill tax rate, he sa id, tario Labor Relations Board has $1.600. Mr. Beare also explained the pensioner would be fied the United Automobile that the lights uh be hung per- DEMONSTRATIONS OF THIS EASY METHOD OF MAKING DELICIOUS COFFEE WILL TAKE PLACE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6th and 7th IN OUR HOUSEWARES DEPT. of U.S. capital into Canada for investment in stocks and bonds. During July and August, Can- Nda's foreign exchange reserves |declined by a total $221,100,000 SPECIAL OFFER FROM "MELITTA" COFFEE Here's a handsome "Melitta" blue or yellow 6-cup earthenware coffee maker complete with filter; also is part of the values of a Cham- ber of Commerce" at no extra charge one pound of aromatic Melitta' coffee and package containing filters. This is every- just three minutes. EATON Special Price, complete see eeescees $113 annually in taxes, 11 per Workers of America (CLC) as|manently and will come on and cent of income. bargaining agent for employees off with the regular street lights. COULD BE LEADER of Wolv Tube, London, 250% In the same community, he Ont., even ugh the union lost said in the brief, there could be @ "ePresentation vote a business leader with property The 'bo ard decided that the valued at $13,000 and ea rm, a division of Calumet and of about $25,000 a vear a of Canada Limited, had At the same mill rate ; f conduct designed taxes would be $819--only thre > with per cent of total income tat Ghee Wee Commons heen Churchill Visit LONDON (AP) -- Sir ton Church arrived at House of Commons in a chrom- TOP 84 TUNES ON DISPLAY, Drop In And Look Over Oshawa's Most Up To Date Hit Parade Win- The Singing Nun the Cliff. Richard Dale and Grace Jimmy Gilmer TOMMY ROE Bobby Rydell Chubby Checker Village Stompers Beach Boys DOMONIQUE IT'S ALL IN THE GAME 'M LEAVING IT UP TO YOU SUGAR SHACK EVERYBODY FORGET HIM LopDY LO WASHINGTON SQUARE BE TRUE TO YOUR SCHOOL EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 AAVAARARURRARA AVIA AYIA VDDD DIV VAVIRUAUVRAA mment NIGHT HAS A 1000 EYES UP ON THE ROOF SUKYAKA ROSES ARE RED BOBBY'S GIRL MOON RIVER FALLING 1 CAN'T STOP LOVING YOU HER ROYAL MAJESTY TAMOURE DO IT RAT NOW IF YOU WANNA BE HAPPY GREEN GREEN NEEDLES AND PINS WILSON & LEE tro. Eastern Ontario's LARGEST Music Centre OPEN EVERY NITE 'TIL 9 -- SAT. 'TIL 6 87 SIMCOE ST, N. PHONE 725-4706 next two SCINTILLATING EXAMPLES OF GRACIOUS GIVING... RREINGS (FoR MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN All in 10K gold; illustrated are just a few from our wide selection. FOR WOMEN . FOR CHILDREN ... D. Two gleaming cultured pearls --_£, Synthetic birthstone rings. set aoe paisa 15 00 (please state month). Each s Each F. Smaller Hematite (Alaska black diamond) in dainty setting. 15 00 . s UE ae re G. Hematite (Alaska black dia- mond) in sophistic- 25 00 cs ence the re Bill Black Jimmy Soul New Christy Minstrel's Jackie DeShannon Mr. Donovan's bri ' nitona cd firct ca ted a system of gr ted t n ees. 4 ay wm Bene 2 a a a ee hi peat nee he reache © age of &f 1 attenda wheeled -- the 1 tion. the un ir to a chainber entrance | 24 HOURS FROM TULSA Gene Pitney Mixed- Miened Nite gel . 1 a SUE'S GOTTA BE MINE Del Shannon lenc f members} ir 2g.named Churchill Arch after DEEP PURPLE ; Ap.i! Stevens of 174 mplovees. but 2 the former prime ministe DOWN AT PAPA JOE'S The Dixiebelles ae ee ern eee hen. de> cheers Mrhin" Hoh BE- MY BABY The Ronettes uciear rorce se who pIBNEG: TNSIRDEL : pupae ot 1] SHE'S A FOOL Lesley Gore ship eards also s gned a peti-/members of his own Conserva- WAITING FOR THE EVENING TRAIN Anita Kerr Catal Hen Oot ower ' ee i MARIA ELENA Los Indios Tabajaras 7 Uae party. and the opposition AND LovERs Jack Jones al S es The labor r L aber MPs, he was. assisted to A Al Martino i that on the » vote the his feet and helped to his us POPSICLES AND ICICLES The Murmaids : ro (AP) -- The US (er mpany h annour ic/ual seat on the front -bench of phir OROP. Dion Sti backed proposal for a multi aration pee Rae Fs fa ty mixed - manned' nuclear ommittee to handle. griev-. Sir Alec D Home, the "These Golden Oldies Still Available' force for the NORTH Atlantic a Si broken hoinew prime. m'niser at down cae powers failed a stiff test W ed- hoand's no-prop to Sir Winston. shook eeglbeed nesday before the Western Eu- rile: 'bs ributing a me hand and had a short cl} ehiass ropean Union Assembly aan ene Sir W _y ect amen ally "The f : andum on the subject him, Sir Winston staved Bobby Vinton The Assembly voted against "Tt is 1 th the hours Marcie Blane ides ¢ r a : ve c the idea ve a force composed 0 ipany was to inte In the House of Lords, Mona Henry Mancinl persom rom the 15 North At-\ with the conduct : - Lady Beaumont, 69. a baroness, Roy Orbison lantic. Treaty Organization coun- suit of t presen--attended rst session as au Ray Chorles tries under 'a joint comm i t James Darren The: vote by the advi n Bill Justis board of parliamentarians from |poard said ry, st the six European Common Mar said pre-vote actions' of t n by ther husbar -- ket t Pritain had r 'suffic ard of Glossop "Lord How countries ar v immediate practical effect. pr gE t was t fir However, the Asseinbly's did indicate the thinking of an important, segment of. leaders ¥ from the seven countr besides tain are . a Thanatite wan raat stand inte . ude ticpraed pasiianel of presentithat a husband and ng condition s,|sat jn Lords sim pension . ned if FOR MEN ... A. Large size black onyx with tach" 17.50 B. ecoregion black 0 00 with initial, ' s Each C. For young men or boys. . . smaller size onyx 10 00 with initial. Each . . s ated setting, Each Have Your Hearing Aid Checked And Cleaned By An Expert! Hearing Aid Diagnostic Clinic wife have iJtaneous] STARTED Canadian .government annu ties weren't purchased in | numbers until about SAVING H. Simplicity of design in a plain 10K gold ring. Each ase a therlands, Be 1 1e board for iat the com- bourg od promises Seven nation commissions of tions if the industrial pension - plz are discussing the multilatera! On was voted out pee ye e = ie proposal in Paris and Washing- a a hincnaci ol pi seth igh Lonipoit To Sock Mayoralty Seat The idea of ihe multilatera force came out of a meeting between the late President Ken- nedy and then-prime 'minister TORON TO. (CP) -- Controller Mcemillan nearly a year ago in 3! port' said toda y un- =f g upport of an au- sterity program for the city's 1964 bu t he: vy definitely Na sau, The Hanan as 26 Hungarians Die vat : 'ations he y old ci council In Coal Mine Blast budg and former ip BUDAPEST (AP) -- 'wenty-cta Ga te ee ene biden HM 'ian miners wer ne a Moris ee 3 Y 4 2 s Se Gea am} mayor of Tor bh aa sare I Lane "\on m 1952 to mid 1954 rapidly EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 215 PHONE 725-7373 > mU=wIN TOO & rs muni Friday and Saturday, December 6th and 7th, from 9:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. Mr. Carol Anton, Hearing Aid expert, will be in EATON'S Hearing Centre for two days, to check your hearing aid at no charge to you. If repairs should prove nécessary, Mr. Anton will give you an estimate without obligation.|f your instrument is not in the best of condi- tion, now is the time to have it checked -- and make sure you enjoy. Christmas! EATON'S HEARING AND OPTICIAL CENTRE, UPPER LEVEL EAVEANSAV AY AVAY RUAN RY RY ERGY RAY AY AY RAY RAY AY AY AN AY AY NY AVN DDD DDD DA ened to, be Y d tr Toronto Transit mmission d I a inter: vy he 4intends ent a| iget to decrease taxes: over h é, Nt NS ( ANTE PIES? yere or nite Even melting ice cubes can't dilute the true mine disas burned to d in fire at the Szuesci pit in, sanizec iristian northeast Hungary Nov > there OBITUARIES MRS. MARY JANE HAMIL TON. She wa Mr Mary Jane 1 an Greek Cath Hamilton a direct ti oli Sabol w of the first white sé n A by her husban Scarborough Township die« the lat Sabol, Sept. 7 dav, Nov. 29, at the home 0f/1959, ir 1 ) her daughter, Mrs. Jack an-| Surviving is her Driel, 190 Mill street. She was John Krasnaj in her 8lst year and was 1 tis ntil the time of her Born in Belhaven ir 2 daughter of the lat M. Wall. She rried Rev. R. H: Hamilton or 49 years work t cross Canada in 5 work. She was predeceas-| |, * -- her husband in 1954 Soy he ae Hamilton was a mem of the Free Methodist i and was for m oars president of the and a member of the WCTL Mrs. Hamilton is survived bs nine of her ten children : was predeceased by her on|! : Kenneth. All nine attended the} '" 1 funeral Tuesday, Dec. 3 atl See Welland. zs They are: Hazel, Wash.; Burton and Saskatoon, Sask.; Arthur, I nia; Mrs. R. Bock (Grace) an Mrs. Frank Barkey (Myrl) libearers Robert of Toronto; Mrs. k| Braiden, Danny Van Driel (Mary), Oshawa; | George and Miss Gladys Hamilton Thompson and flew from Vellore Médical India, where she is an uctor convents for were any} FOR YOU WHO LIKE TO KNIT .... DON'T MISS THE "MARY MAXIM" BULKY KNIT DEMONSTRATIONS in EATON'S Fancy Goods Department, Mall Level, Friday, December 6th from 1 p.m. until 9 p.m. and Saturday, December 7th from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. | member of St. niece, Mrs (Mary), of Osh- be fron the Mrs. Helen Genik, Stylist and Knitting Consultant for "Mary Maxim" will demonstrate the new bulky out- 11 Home to and answer any queries regarding short cuts to better lian -Greek where high | be sung by ma, Saturday Interment Gregory's doors knits... knitting. "Mary Maxim" a help you in your choice of patterns... "Mary Maxim" Northland wool. 2-oz. sk. ; ae OQ Gs EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 224 WRAY RYE RY RY RY RY RELAY RY RY RE AY AY MAY AY EAY AY AY AY AY AY AY AYA RY AY AY YAY MYDD YT ANS Be Sure To Bring The Children To Visit Santa in his Winter Home... Santa Will Be Here Daily From Now Until Christmas Monday Through Friday 2:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. -- 6:30 until 8:30 p.m, ie) : i Saturday 10 a.m. until 12:00 noon--2:30 until 5:30 p.m. De c EATON'S LOWER LEVEL ed by FUNERAL OF MRS. MARY E. BRAIDEN The: memori LOL M i ry 4 Li aide n{ Oshawa General ay, Dec. .1, was nstrong Funeral Dec. 4, at y Was the' A taste of Adams Gold Stripe. It will keep its Wednesday, flavour to the very bottom of the glass--the Salvation service. | Major Fred..Lewis, conducted the ; K | ent was in Oshawa Union of Seattle Gorden: ott i mark of a great whisky. So next timc you buy, emet . try mellow custom-blendeéd Gold Stripe. . . were William} Braiden, Roy} Martin, George} you'll enjoy its lasting flavour. Dayid Thomp | 2 who Co son lege FUNERAL OF HUGH A. MYERS MRS. ANNA SABOL Memorial service for Hug Bn ! The death of Mrs. Ann 1a Sabol| Myers, who lied at the Os! occurred early toda at the!Genera Monday Oshawa , General Hospital She|2 nh ye ir, was held had resided with Mr. ar rs.| lay ec. 4, at 11 a.m,, John Krasnaj, 899 Gler re he mstrong Funeral | and had been in poor healtt the past four years Born in Czechoslavakia, Juls 5, 1889, she was the Social duolea the Anna Lasko. Mrs, Sabol had|w n Alton t i resided in Oshawa for the past] Pallbearers .were t three years, hafing previously;Ralph MclInally, Pet ster Wil note ki lived in Chicago, Il., for 15}Gordon Ferguson, Charles} years. jHayes end Cleve McMann. i CANADIAN RYE WHISKY t Winter, minister ptist Chunch, con- _Interment EATON'S TELEPHONE ORDER SERVICE OPEN. DAILY 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. SATURDAY 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. THOMAS. ADAMS DISTILLERS LIMITED, TORONTO, ONT.