THE OSHAWA TIMES, aii, Goeher 5, "1963 23 27--Real Estate | For 'Ss le \27--Reol Estate For Sale new bungalow, qerge, TWO-BEDROOM frame sie c heat, walk-\garage. Tresane Street. Modern kitchen, jot overlooking oil heating, convenient to schools, bus Apel 136 Labrador and shopping. Taxes $137. Heating $110 Cory, comtortabie living at $70 monthiyy asking $8,500 Cail 728-9571 to inspect this attractive home. R. Vickery, Realtor, ¥ 4 King West THREE-BEDROOM brick Large kitchen, north 4, aluminum storms and screens, fenced yard Close fo schools and buses. Between 7-9 p.m or Saturday, teleptioie 728-6605 FOUR-BEDROOM forey hor carport, built-in other = extras Ful Only $1,800 down. Cal S$. D. Hyman Real Estate STUDIO couch, two chairs Floor polisher, $20; iron, ironing board etc., Cement finishing tools. Apply "102 Rosehill Boulevard. (Basement apartment 25-|¢ 2997, Va STOREY, modern kitchen, dir ng room, on main floor and bath up. Oi! furnac Bosco, Reaitor - -- rage. Large lot, $9500 down payment Ca td., 723-9810 27--Real Estate for Sale '27--Real Estate For Sale '27--Real Estate for Sale PRIVATE sale. Sroc Sroom house, four-piece $8,500. -- "SPACIOUS COUNTRY HOME, $15,950. THREE-BEDROOM bungalow FOUR- BEDROOM, bathroom, 2 bedrooms, aluminum: siding, hol water.on'tap, one. acre. Bili Ratcliffe, in. Rossland Manor four-piece BATH wilt qitchen, fireplace, i farge yard, fenced. in. Lot.65 x 130. Five 655-3917, Keith Peter vanity. Accessible to schools, 833 °Glen-Bit basement, Rav Ee eee ia Asking brae Street. Phone 726-6850. bity. Must -- sell $9,300 cash, After. 5 o'clock, call 728-4867 $1,000 DOWN, bungalow, garage, Drive - BUILDING LOT, Brookiin,..300 #f, by 365 edie Sy vee tae ead 1, level iand, bargain with $500 down chicrerhetalinsdsheachntes Rea! Estate Broker, Oshawa, INSUL BRICK, new heavy wiring,, chim mbing. Heating $150 bungalow with noderr WHITBY -- three-bedroom brick, five years old. 'Recreation room with . bar Wes Fenced, landscaped, storms and' screens Divided basement, Private sale. Whitby ey and copper pit 668-5451. after axes $122, Asking $6600. Monthly POY: |iNCOME HOME -- "bedrooms, "excel | "eth | | ; 5 cement for sale. Phone | Cn nal lent. condi! near north General FOUR-ROOM nt Avenue 72-A2BS paid bungalow, VIRGINIA BEACH LAKE SIMCOE Santa Claus ckarye King Vickery Ono "9 Motors sightegs boarders, low payment. Ronald Hetherington 623-3637. Keith e of Be yW- Peters, Realtor ttage wo- land- beacn hot 3 bedroom Furnished on 75 foot. Beautiful scoped tot sondy large modern kitcher ond cold running water. Large living room. Two -closed ver ondes. Oil heated Large dock. Boathouse < $16,500. Terms, Lamont & Kloepfer BROKERS s Point, 'Ontar artment in centr Glen | Lid Oshawa General Hos- a-storey room oF reed WEAR OCVI and , lovely seven-room brick, | with large sunken family two bathrooms, very spaci nside and outside. Lovely large lot n excellent residential home you would expect to more than the asking price of $4,400. down. Early posse: tment to see, call Ossie 1 128-7377, Joseph Or nnon at 728-6286 pital home, m Rossland Manor PER FOOT FRONTAGE Is Coming to Town His Sleigh Filled with ¢ c $75 or ng room and. liv Pourteer three bedroom y Jacksor io Beavtiful ranch fireplace, r ONE thousand dowr bedroom brick, broadloor ATTENTION Only $600 Down HOMES one errace Park Constructior idbcog ied Real Estate 40 K ng ft £ DIAL 728-4678 FAREWELL AVE CLOSE TO SEPARATE SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES home ir situoted nformatior SUBURBAN 6 room brick veneer home situoted on lorge landscaped lot. Featuring Hollywood kit chen, lorge living roor e arate dinir ] sized bed s of real g ed to-sell fost WHITBY CLASSIFIED CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Now nient lay-away pla TWO-BEDROOM Parking, -Bullt DAY CARE Fer ant a 0 Telephone 668-418 AUCTION SALE of SEPTIC tank , Waite DRESSMAKING aiteratior SA RIST ONE: SCOTCH Pine. viral grade colored Wilde Rental Serv das East, Whitby ANDY'S NURSERY GROWN Srp Pine Christmas tree 814 Byron, Street CHRISTMAS TREES - choir. The v st Nor . GENERAL bp aly wor 668-2274 FOR RENT DELUXE Whitby FOR SALE and T EXPERIENCED male' teacher FOR RENT y S ' rther information please write adve tiser 9 Byron Street South, Whitby giving phorie number RAL = 130 798 6246 CARL OLSEN REALTOR JONES BROTHERS YLAHOOL BO gehts ERI, i> AD DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED REALTOR roy 4 KING OPEN HOUSE rday, Dec. 7th > PM friday) Dec. 6th DAA a v NTIt 344 ROSSMOUNT kA TAYE TADCS 2 F $23,800 GUIDE REALTY LTD. NORTHRIDGES Cn ie | ) sommerville Ave. at Orchard View Blvd HOW ABOUT THIS FOR VALUE? eller HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE |: 9 BAGOT STREET 728-1679 EXECUTIVES GENTLEMANS ESTATE 100-Year. Stone House Beautiful Old NITC EM 4-417], GUIDE REALTY iced s home demonds y ' 105-7782 eation room, paved drive. Earl Al Keith Peters Realtor Northeast Oshawa bedroom Twe om, nice kit bath, oi! he Pri e $8,500 " PAPACATA $1,500 DOWN afte Telephone 728-1349 S. D. HYMAN REAL | 323 KING STREET W 728-6286 SHOPPING CE? Spor 28--Real Estate Wanted HOUSE 0 farm, sma 29--Automobiles F For Sale 1955 VOLKSWAGEN ped cupbo. nk tent $5 also hitby 668 USED snow tir from Tire Store, 48 Bor 1d W 1953 CHEVROLET to new motor, $ Phone 6 1961 CHEVROLET KELLY: DISNEY USED CARS LTD KO USED CARS ROY W. NICHOLS 1961 CHEVROLET 4 4 er 1960 CHEVROLET /ROLET 1959 CHEV 1958 PONTIAC idition white 1958 DODGE 1958 VOL KSWAGEN Here f) 1955 PONTIAC stondard. -6 de ad A good clean automo $425 1953 DODGE € ROY W. NICHOLS 3-6206 - 623 (Continued on Page 24) camrgneemnerer ers Gifts from fy The Oshawa Times Christmas Gift Selector Tress sad rin CHRIS Pine TMAS TREES FOWLE R FOREST TRIES ind |,000's Growr Pines 97¢c irsery ined Scotch OSHAWA GARDEN CENTRE ? SIMCOE N 723-3222 RIRAS IS E'S UCM HL Gifts for Anyone GUGM GULL RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS GIFTS PARKVIEW \ ariety Store 3( AN IDEAL GIFT McBrine Luggage 9.98 Up ERTIFICATES SHOES MCOE STS AWAY 4 LEE ME EU URE E Gifts for. Him or Her MEME NEEL LC A NUL CAMPBE UB St $35 uf ets. Fibre TS > gtass wholesale Brae Golf Course 985-2076 Less thor Sunny Pe ONLY 16 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS the time to select te please everyone on. your Christ- Gift List. The Gift makes your real. plea you what whom the suitable and Now is gifts J mas elector ng a It te ay t buy, fo 5\ +t hoppi ure are WATCH THE TIMES GIFT SELECTOR. DAILY ADDITIONAL S FROM NOW IL CHRISTMAS Etat Cr Tm Cr i ts ey Gifts for Her crim meme Teen! PLUG tS UR I UE Gifts for the Family Gifts for the Home CEASE LES eee ae V iC THE WHOLE FAMILY. WILL LOVE oni BUDGIES at of 12 1S UML RE EE EE WITH A CATE Hoir St Regal Hairsty 241 SIMCOE above Sabat's PHONE 728-2002 N MRS. i BROAD 114 Elgin East 723-9767 TO PLEASE! Certificate from SHOES W., Bowmanville 623. 5941 For The se Our nvehient Plo SURE Christmas Offer Only A Gitt LLOYD ELLIS A> kK Family 728-239) THE SOUND OF MUSIC AT CHRISTMAS Lowrey Organs ee Day MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS COMPLETE WITH A HAIRSTYLE FROM BERNADETTE'S BEAUTY SALON 263 Nossou Street at PHONE:. 723 9471 Home Trial rations at the store. ve fies Lee SOLVE . your Christmas - problems with gifts from large assortment of furniture and appliances $1. will hold any item. till Christrhas EASY TERMS. M. COLLIS FURNITURE CO. 78 KING ST. W. hea 0332 our This Christmas . . , Give Gifts for the home. A smal] deposit ' will. hold any item until Christmas. HONEST CAL'S 424 KING WEST 728-9191 formerly Avalon Dance Pavilion. BETTER CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMES T.V. Towers $50. up OSHAWA TV SUPPLY: LTD. 361 GIBBON 728-8180 BILL LEASK RMS Gifts for Children A GIFT OF BEAUTY A LT S) : OM SANTA Music Supplies 1e works--=-trim, shame 53 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH curl by specialists, A: solut BE BOY VISIT US! plete permanents S EQUIPMENT FOR ALL AGES SPECIALTIES CAMERAS DYETTS up. She will love you gfit certificate BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR STYLISTS 8-4623 WA 128 iI TBY. 668-306 fromm GIFT THRILL HER WITH LOVELY FRAGRANCES POODLES, old, Christmas, Telephone 725-9607. silver cream, nine weeks small miniatures. Will hold fill SKATES NEW and USED SOLD ond co CYCLES par ° TRICYCLES Apply DRAYTON CYCLE 204 Bond St. E. FIRESIDE CORNER | 205 BOND ST. WEST ATTRAC f FT PAC KAGEC Gifts for Him { Convenient Plar EVENING se Our ay Away EVERY BEAT SANTA At His Own Game! ror 7 POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35% Simcoe N 725-4734 1 E FAMILY VE FOOTWEAR HRISTMA ERTIFICATES $4.98 up DAVIDSON' > MCOE NORTH 3312 FOR A CHRISTMAS SPIRIT WEAR A GAY CORSAGE Hang a wreath on the door Colorful outdoor wreaths hristmas Door' Knockers R, B. REED and SONS ORDER EARLY |! 101% King Str ae CHRISTMAS TREE AND TRAIN PLATFORMS 1131 or 725-2512 ie WRU UE Ue eT Ue Re a EE : TRAIN BOARD TOPS PING PONG TABLES Gifts for Holiday Fun FROM $7.95 UP LUE SE EG OC ES EE EL UE BROWN'S LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH LUMBER and SUPPLIES 436 RITSON N. 725-4704 Christmas Parties and Banquets Reservations eee 725-2737 Holidey Feed ae PGC LT RU UES Sate Way To Celebrate Holida RIDE WITH MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 Sp 14 ALBERT ST Oshawa's Most Modern Taxi A CHRISTMAS. GIFT SUBSCRIPTION | TO THE : | | OSHAWA' TIMES Is a year-round gift and a daily reminder of good will for your friends and relatives who are away from home THE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT | KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA be your eet We Street West EME UL ae eae The Order Your Christmas Fow! Frar LITZ PROCESSING I PLANT Banquets, Bowling Alleys St. E. 723-4722 the Season eciol rates for pleased to act up instructions, TELEPHONE 723. 3474 PING PONG TABLES Complete with top, base, balls, bat and net $28.50 Complete MILLWORK. and BUILDING: SUPPLY 279 Simcoe N. --~ 728-6291 HOME REPAIR KIT $9.99 COMPLETE with Tool Box and Basic Tools OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD, Main Office, Showroom Courtice 728-1611 Shopping Centre 728-1617 Oshawa FOR THE MOTORIST sive a gift' wrapped Ontario Motor League Membership lasts all year. 128-8334 725-7422 GIFTS FOR THE HOBBYIST Model Automobile, Airplane, Boat Kits. The Biggest Selection in town. POLLARD Radio & Television Service 153 eRe ents Men F R E E! TOP COAT OR CAR COAT with the purchase of ony SUIT PRICED FROM $49.50 USE YOUR CREDIT OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT NO DOWN PAYMENT DUNN'S Two Locations: 36 KING E. (Downtown) and OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Simcoe 5S ee SDS dua BTS. St: