22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Besomber 5, 1963 Call The Direct Classified ruber 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 20--Room and Board BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY two nice quiet free parking. and Shopping |Room AND BOARD for Igentiemen. Good meals, |Close to GM south plant SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R J. SCOTT |26---Rooms For Rent FURNISHED _ middle-aged woman or couple home privileges modern home, preferred, 723-4863 room in Telephone Centre, five-day week, $16, T 726-9287. |22--Offices, Stores, Storage iv A EULALIE, 339 Small building. © Suit- AXE CopRAdO Potato BEETLE P| BOR ABOUT $30,000,000 DAMAGE. 10 THE U.S. POTATO CROP 'a8 EACK YEAR {Money To Loan | WILL LEND YOU UP TO $5,000 te ol bills if employed credit nable interest 728-3073 Accountants MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and) Co, Chartered Accountants, 728-7527, 135) Simcoe Street -North; Oshawa; Ajax} 942-0890, Whitby 668-4131 WILSON AND BURROWS, CHARTERED| Accountants, 114 King Street East, Osh awa; Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA; G Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-7554 d standing, rea LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered Accountant, Suite 203, Oshawa Shopping PHONE Centre, 725-995 ALBERT HOSMAR, chartered account| Mortgages ant, 214 Colburne Street, Whitby, 668-5429. PRIVATE RAYMOND 8B PROSSER, Chartered /oan on all types of Centre Street North, gages and agreements of Accountant. 906 Whitby. Telephone 668-5447 Creighton, Drynan and heading "Barrister."") Service. BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond FIRST AND SECOND mortgages Street West, 72 97. Res, 723-7605 agreements purchased and sold - Barristers, 31 HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO, fered Ac ant a7 King Street Oshaw YALE, Chartered Ac tees Bankr jote your are have you steadily and ¢ monies t ages mort sale purchased Murdoch, (See and. corporation Sale Hen- He: King Need A Mortgage Loan Cha Eas FRIEDLANDER countants 64 K ng Street East Barristers THOMAS H JOSEPH C. VICTOR, BA, LLB., ter. So r and Notary Pu 5 dence coe North 72 DODDS AND 446. Re 985-7 DONALD, Bart Stree slers. and {East Call Wilson : 725 2539 or 723 MORTGAGE JAMES Ra A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB ava HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN, LOUIS: s HYMAN, QC, | Bi 7 Street c yaildble for page MANNING F SWARTZ, Bar Maney eet 3-40.29 GREER AND RELLY, SWARTZ AND RONALD | L ste ors Hen 4697 to loar Block, Res East, 72 SWARTZ 26) 2.King St Oshawa, Ont 723-4697 Ba Mortgage Money Available BRUCE Vv. MACKEY, BA Barrister ' Public. M King Street East JOSEPH F. MANGAN, Solicitor. Money to joan Street East, Oshawa McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Ba Solic 1s' funds available 20 Simcoe S$ Qc, ort Low Interest sters, Street {Painting and Decorating PAPERHANGING, _ painting, Free estimates. Reasonable rates service. Telephone collect 852-3652 Quick Personal Service BAILIFF SERVICES REG'D. Serving 24 Seal point Landlords, tenants, commercial, Experienced personne! hours private. 728-488 ?lumbing and Heating ° i ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, Reasonable approximately materials. free. Dial new rates. J, Foley ALL PLUMBING and heating elephone 521, Harold H. Stark, mt Heating Simgoe Sjreet South and used Estimates 723-1193 supplies Rug-Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS Why pay more? Satisfaction guaranteed. Mat. Upholstery Co. 1 re - built, Ishawa West. Dial 725-( CHESTERFIELDS stered and mate. holster pho! UPHOLSTERY covering, Scotch Dia Ds tion timates YOUR suite HAVE factory t 81 Ev s 728-24 jy Uph ne CHESTERFIELDS at Moder Simcoe Sales and Service COMPLETE e ' ete ranteed wall Ca wash 728 GUARANTEED ers and wash: Tele repairs to wringer ranges. Free estimates 3LASS AND SCREEN Re to aluminum. win- NASH ALUMINUM Surveyors DONEVAN si tages abet and Peed tbat 4 H _FLIM AND TROLLOPE s Street East. Phone TV--Radio Repairs LAKE VISTA wers e GUARANTEED TV, rad r mont 2 SUMMERLAND Building Trades 3 Soe EXPERIENCED SECURITIES Expert ming guarant EAVESTROUGHING. Reasonable rates ¥ guaranteed 'at 4 Free mates ROOFING on Large and: sme ano Can 15 Year 2nd Mortgages CORONATION ( concrete speciality New 725-6937 Noor. work flay and and Trooting struction Your LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner neys b ed, Stalled mates PLASTERING class icinanahte 4LL TYPES chimneys gas and: rapa wor Telepho Investment Ltd of buliding repairs sidewalks, pipe and electronic "9 organ ap repair nstruments praised Hiddunk.° Ajax 942-1664 PLASTERING pew Ay CARPENTRY, bathroom and: kitchen ing, wall .and floor 728-4836 patching and work remode Telephone 723-487 remod tiles. G Cartage JOHN'S chofield. A if l 34 MOVING AND CARTAGE e rates. F 661 by equipped and insured mited Dressmaking s EXPERIENCED Ataaurnaile pant cow. Musical Services LOWREY purchase Mrs organs, five tree lessons each Simcoe South, PIANO, pplies. 45 Gardening 'and Supplies _ ral one Loam and Gravel Seaton Washed Stone, Fill A: x Hiddunk Nursing Services LYNTONHURST MANOR has licensed mmodat up:patients aered ance ata phone Orono 'HAULAGE 29-2156 eveled R iimmes 308 BE EATIY Reasonable rates nee -------- Painting and petal BURNS SCHOOL DOD 2D SOUTER 100%, eas Speen Knight and PA Jaz HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, ¢ shia ed Advertising Rates D MIN 1 otfers WOR get 9 REGULATIONS be responsible ement writine divert mn of the odvert reserves assif the right ation. to classity advertising erc advertisements, The Time p } nwt tising matter correctly, but assume no | if any ineccuracies in any form are contained therein, ability. of odvert Service Calls $2.50 9 a s 9 Da ily S $19 66 All Work Guaranteed Dominion Lorene sion mM ire a.m s Low A 154 TOWERS ven Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171. £ OSHAWA 728-6781 TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe W 28 Ante get ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY. LIMITED 728-8180 Well Drilling--Digging WILLIAM BROOCH TIE) TERMS wel t and 728 dlaging, deepen 386A. WELL Road Sduth machine specializing Chestnut , 668-2563 DIGGING hy 1--Women's Column PERMANENTS SME p specia Avenue Pope Hair ne Telephone 2--Personal iF You have ad LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR 3--Pets & Livestock COUNTRY 'GENERAL STORE. on paved ud. ¢ fe yea BEAUTIFUL eady UY 3 talk t Apply REGISTERED DACHSHUND Bow POODLES HOUND, c HIHUAHUA older REGISTERED: Dachst puppies GOLDEN KATTENS stripping PUP, Uxbridge German Ltd., and Engineering, 255 pexinGESE puppy, female, four months Chritsmas. re.-covered Our rates are {3--Pets & Livestock six-eight weeks old, broken. Telephone 728-4197. SHEPHERD months old, male $25., phone Bowmanville femal house Puppies, female $15. Tel 623-2040. SIAMESE kitten, female, nine weeks oid.| 6 cedar) Telephone 725-2109. Street, Oshawa Call BUREBRED toy terrier, female, three| 42. years old, $15, Call 725-22 NORWEGIAN Elkhound puppies, registered, tattooed permanent World famous blood lines. Silver 50 - Ibs gre at 725-8772. WIRE Fox Terrier puppies, weeks old. Will hold for Telephone Ajax, 942-0196 purebred, Christmas, trained. Will Telephone keep until evenings, old $50 829 Pickerir 4M =iaiei | shots maturity $60.! | MODERN office for rent, 360 square feet, $60 monthly. Cali W. . Schatzmann, 668-3338 FOR RENT Medical Dental office. Approximately 700 square feet. Close to downtown area. Parking available, Electric heated. For information 'call 725-5132 TRIPLE "C' DANCE HALL Fully equipped for Weddings, Banquets, Dances up to 300 person Piano and cater available, Parking facili- Ay ALASKAM Husky lable for store or barber shop, tile floors, ASK u jvery clean. Phone 725-1783 INHERICG 115 FIERCENESS | TOWARD HIS FELLOWS FROM HiS WOLF FATHER, AXD HIS TAMENESS ' TOWARD MAN ice hehe HAVE, FROM HIS DOG 4KERE BEEN Momnenr. e or ' AUREE oF MAYOR. IMPORTANCE. eerste. y. ing ties ng 5--Farmer's Column FARMERS! Dominion Tire representative, evenings after 6, 725-7263 CASH on for dead phone Need tires? Call "Bill" 725-6511 the and cr Highest ed farm prices stock on 263-2721 cence 245-C-63. spot pa P Te Ham will's Fur ia Li collec your or Yentinger, Hampton 263-2039 EM AR EBSA Laie STORE tee Kresge's. 30 INCHES WIDE ARE BAKED BY NATIVES LIVING ON 4KE ORINOCO RIVER IM VENEZUELA, © Keg Pere tymieam be. (8 Wes igs mek d - f u e i t ot 16--Female Help Wented _|17--Male Help Wanted 1000 sq t tenant t ° Marg Call 8--Hunting TAXIDERMIST, deer Birds and animals Contact: Richard Flewel mont, Ont heads) rr mounted. Rug RR 1, Clar punted work CARL OLSEN TOR 723-11 ill wanted, on. Evenings 443 Oshawa T HELPER, ngle oughbred horse { rio, Beteen part-time, for and weekends mes shoe store, experience 0 on re Shoe Oshawa service sta SALESLADY | Apply Box REAL 133 Bata quired. Apply Shoppir man wanted on n exchange mother ac ady 11--Articles Fur Rent CHAIRS, « aisle -runr Simcoe ard and banquet tables, Fox Rentals, Str WHEE Repairs, eet L. CHAIRS Sales, Rentals, Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra SARGEANT'S-RENTALS 725 725-3338 church 412 EXCELLENT ngs .immediately eigh Product vacancies. W two L.310-$$ fea WILL EXCHANGE $90. for Write Box 424, Osh 661, Ajax OPPORTUNITY to sell famous Also pare Rawleigt fe) hildren. requ to live in and BABY SITTER for while mother 728-3655 are two ne work pr ther parking lot ase available PHONE 725-7938 to take care of Larg preter RELIABLE woman 4005 trea heen 5 40 hours Street Ea Times transportatior Grandview area Even 46 week awa CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT'S office quires student st, second or th year, Britnell, Moore and Co., 130 King Street East hawa, 725-645) EXPERIENCED produce' clerk alary. Chance for advancement Grocery Manager, Ba' Food ket, Ajax TAX! DRIVERS Prete 4 MERCURY TAXI ngs telephone re rd EXPERIENCED waitress start per hour m, te ) pm days. Apply treet East anytime 17--Male Help Wanted SHINGLERS to new wanted with EXCELENT HEATED Good DOWNTOWN LOCATION Apply Mar ncrease Closed Sur rystal G wage fo) and bh le Srill, sin's rented To in Osh: in Toronto 3443 Offices may be in. a dually uite spect Gutsell, awa Porcels 481 EASTERN AND CHARTERED TRUST COMPANY ra ntract apply houses, >UD - ¢ shinles on 12--Articles Wanted PIANO, preferred apartment. size Whitby 64 qua ash 58.49 URGENTLY NEEDED, fove, wood or coal, for Scout cabin phone 2819 or 723-7968 BICYCLES, boy suitable J carriage, ride reliable Tel ' for B-yea toy tracto 5 DELICATESSEN sto pent monthly e 300d Phone after 6 pr SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO 725-2311---89 BLOOR cook l ' work project 725-4771 BOOK KEEPER work, cal For smal] 23--Wanted To Rent furnished apart Telephone 728 $2.40 per square Two-room located WANTED ment, centrally a atter 5 p.m GARAGE for smal Central Collegiate awa Times ONE- OR BOX 448 phone OSHAWA. TIMES "bigs y clean, to ac fice to de om books 45-60. Appl e -* TORONTO RU 3-1138 car Write Box Preferably near #4 Osh cat tot Age bet t plete ween in wr ing te TWO-BEDROOM ose to Shopping Centre. 128-4739 apartment Tele turnover two-bedroom apartment quiet couple. Private entrance Simcoe preferred We're Looking For A Salaried Salesman In Oshawa 18--Male or Female Help Wanted iggeeh dauehe URGENTLY needed, two or three house, close to town preferred cut sited Products mien or womer position witt Call betweer clean hed dren re west COUPLE with 2 school-age ch quire room apartment nount Phone 728-5365 BUSINESS executive ORGAN | ST AN D three-bedroom home requires two with dining North Oshawa or room No 13--Business al choot oe Reta WEAR Exce lent t LADIES" nes $85 sale Realto ng meet 728-9831. between 9 CHOIR LEADER iden. Telephone ch iidren, Telephone a and 5.30 p.m Her ALMONDS NI ITE D. CHURCH HEATED GARAGE wanted for 1964 sports winter forage for car month to ne WANTED garage eleph "9 fo rent, vicinity of 14---Employment Wanted WORK WANTED, painting ng ns ar reniaced d mainte Teler 728-3707 an we EXPERIENCED fr ; preter work. Hole ed PETER PAN DAY NURSERY day care. 7 am. to $.30 pm. 38 WILL MIND one or home. while two children. in own mother works, Ca YOUNG MAN wis tractor's phone 4996 16--Female Help Wanted i AVON territory open! C fo be served. Write PO LADY WANTED fo, and nd three-year-o 4 Oshawa Wednesday stomers how can with mothe m mother works, North phone Monday or 728-9649 BABY-SITTER to Jive hold duties. Telephone Ajax WAITRESS wanted, f am. to'4pmi.4 pr area after 6 pir 1o 4 am M Hote GIRL FRIDAY, part-time, duties, Port Whitby 668-4981 CAPABLE woman to dren da East .end Apply general offic after two ch Exper telepho look y, five-day After wrek area 4 TELEPHONE per Salary ences mmediate ntreal ch Oshawa APPLY MANAGER SECRETARY FOR LAW OFFICE APP McGibbon & Bastedo f Mor 20 Y Bonk treal (Chambers Simcoe North Oshawa LADIES ve rae re) SALES Port time adies nust hove pleas- 300d ap- Apply SEIGNEURS Oshawa Shopping Centre CLERK-TYPIST APPLY "ABOUR OFFICE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER CO. LID BOWMANVILLE, office qualified Simcoe my quality Tele. yal Road North. Tele W/ Pogue hitby 668-4271 Saguenay and Park phone 728-7184 24--Houses For Rent FOUR-ROOM house 1g Centre. Available 15-1846 COUNTRY from Oshawa, $65 month 206 H sh St 20--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD for. gentlemen only Lunches packed if desired. Very central- P y Apply K Street East,? near Road ROOM AND BOARD clean, quiet house, «Home cooked meals. Parking ain space. Telephone 723-2786 668-8042 ROOM AND BOARD WHITBY for two gentlemen room house, and baking new, Tile and Reliable tenant' Shop: Dia oll heat, near in two weeks located 296 Ritson ng four-bedroom hore, 30 miles 32 miles from Little Brit Evenings, Whitby Co-operators Insurance Assn. 1243 Dundas East, spotless condition, broadioom floors, garage Phone 725-2539. - private home inches packed $15. Five days 286 King St. West, home cooking 725-0858 17---Male Help Wanted COUNTY OF ONTARIO Construction Safety Inspector only Oshawa 25---Apartments TWO-BEDROOM apartment in new build ng. Range, refrigerator, washer and dry er. No children: $105 monthly. Api ansdowne Drive. Available January ' Telephone 725-4183 VERDUN ment with Vate bath TWO-BEDROOM, apartment, $90, East. Between | Road, 382: Five-room refrigerator and range Telephone 725-2380 apart P floor Road pm, 5-room, heated nam ground Taunton Safety and 3 be received by the undersigned, for a Construction 109: Small bathroom. couple. apartment separate en Telephone BARRIE Avenve, kitche Nice the of the assist and administer provi 1s f (B Departmen ce OMS trance 728-9877 4 Galen Act to rk and Eng for neering TWO and '4 room apartment, private bath and entrance. Refrigerator, stove and drapes. Suit couple or single person 725-9161 TWO-BEDROOM apartment All con ences heated, refrigerator' and e supplied. Mile from four corners mediate possession. Infant' welcome 65 Verdun Road, Apt. 2 * of the Highway Con- rdance. with 'the provisions drafting and/or In ace surveying of ence $4,000-$5,000 to experience weeks Hos- T Basic salary range ven mmencement salary oa rding ra Three P.S.1 plon nae allowance for use of personal automobile holidays and : leave credit Stotuat pian » after five ears ry Z four rooms and bath, Will mind children while Apply 220 Bruce Street,! APARTMENT unfurnished mother. works 728-0395. DREW STREET, 48 - nished housekeeping ing girls preferred between 6 and 8 p.m FOUR-ROOM upstairs ed, private bath, hydro, refrigerator. Adults, references. couple or two ladies preferred monthly. 723-7424 after 5 APARTMENT, three rooms and_ bath efrigerator and range, ideal for couple. $65. Telephone 725-4277 or 725-3911 WHITBY One-bedroom apartment} available December 1). Refrigerator stove, washer, dryer. Telephone Whitby 668-8785 THREE-ROOM apartment, Possession December 15. Adults only Apply 13 John Street West, Apt. 1 REGENCY TOWERS, 344 Marland, hem two - bedroom apartment, all caer ences, elevator, broadioom in range, refrigerator, locker space, ane dry facilities, parking, $115. month. Tele. phone 728-1544 zotion plan, persion sick 1964 Whitby Eng Appli- 668- about Jonuary. Ist by Mr | commence or te RE nterview Eng., or ephoning three partly fur rooms. Two wark No parking. Apply sims, P Signed R S. SIMS, County Engineer, County Bulidings, Whitby, Ontari apartment, heat- water, stove and| Working $70 IMMEDIATE EMPLOY MENT FOR ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK. $70. monthly Applicants must have a minimum of Grade 12 education with preference given to R.I.A. stud- ents $80 Al Tele one-bedroom, three bedrooms conveniences APARTMENTS--$68 two bedrooms, $97 elf-contained, all 28-4733 phone 26--Rooms For Rent |ABERDEEN STREET, 19 room, suitable nurse, near hed room Generous company benefit plan including pen- sion, medical and life insurance plans, Furnished | hospital Telephone for arge, nicely furnis 25-7486 FURNISHED room, 3rd floor and downtowr 125-0238 ROOM APPLY kitchenette Private. Two girls Near may share willing. to Motors share Tele: for gentleman fo "South nera after § 725-8645 CANADIAN AUTOMOTIVE TRIM GRENFELL STREET, single house keeping room Available immediately. | DIVISION YOUNG SPRING & 'WIRE 2%, nk to snopping centre SINGLE se. té north ¢ ATTRACTIVELY : FU bshldel bcd ROOMS AVENUE, arodte 9 0. PARK RD. N_ 28-8671] p.m 63 hed male 198-3917 room, fyrn floor nt ground day worker ed. Telephone CORPORATION OF CANADA LTD. 274 MACKENZIE ONTARI me. [ome] OL $500, DOWN for this beautiful room brick bungalow on Excellent $13,500. Weinberger "Realtor, wanted Telephone room Telephone two bed-| nearly) 27--Real Estate For Sale three-bed nice, big lot east end location. Full price for appointment, Arthur 723-7244 or Joseph Bosco, 728-7377, Call EXECUTIVE 118 COCHRANE ST. Lorge rancher on lot 125' 136' offered for sale much bel its "replacement cost for quick sale. Owner moving East. 1 ts a better built home of 10-finished rooms plus rec. room, breezeway, potio, double garage, auto- matic doors room and many additional features Pro adj Catholic Ch and ¢C Ww This c work perty ins } te is se. to downt 325 COCHRANE ST, ne th wn is m rancher ty sarage Or t 79' x 132°, and has ju | for qu t been Owner Montreal, 1f you have you moving to A wont a real buy just -< $3,000 hould thi« home and cash planned ver see well dscaped_ lot with lor oF Patrick G. McDaniel REALTOR WHITBY 688-2311 SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 Brick---2% st Agnes S$ and down 8B Room bey me located or t ce ent te walking distance +t towr ) Bedrooms-----Oil Heot ed, List price $10,700 e€0 Colt $11 Home schools nver with terms 500. with o Quiet St s00n 4 gorage Bedroom Brick cated on End. 1 fireplace Oil in West Room with notural size D:. R family Heat pir exter- a ted n i A pre busin ne. for the doctor or ed ir executive. situat large landscaped lot ion of This 7 hed aned for ona ve subdivis utive + an ex roted gracious i you ore home family looking for Saeiotdtal 9 to Charlie ( Mable Bo Mac Thomr 9 3 hoytor wow ASBRODDD udre an Steve Allor Morgoret Marg Reg. A Bill McFeeters MIND W 00 0900,5 ee RON a -- ker NO c 360 King St Free Park W, |27--Real Estate For Sole SELL, rent, or apartment, Port Appleby, 723-3398 Realtors trade, brick store and Perry, Central, Mr. Bolahood Bros., Lid, 13. ROOMS plus store, excellent income property. Present income of $191 monthly with free apartment for owner. income cen be substantially increased, as store now vacant. Asking only $14,400 with sub~ stantial down payment. For appointment to see, call Ike Perry, 725-0303. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. $800 DOWN, large bedrooms. five-room .bungaiow, three Nicely landscaped, fenced lot, close to schools. Full price $13,000. For appointment to see, call George Koornneef, 723-2859. Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377 MAPLE GROVE, close to Highway, three- bedroom bungalow with breezeway and attached garage, on big lot which can be extended for VLA. Asking price $12,400, with Phone Geo. Bly Realtor, 623-5300 FAMILY HOME -- large well built, well kept bungalow, attached garage, close te Boys' Club, St. Hedwig's. For further in- formation, call Don Stradeski, 725-6588, Wilson, Realtor. Evenings 728-8423 modern three bed- home, Good garden, Lawn, Shrubs. One hundred yords from highway ond bus stop, Call Ted Cootes, 655-4737 or 668-5823 Bowman & Gibson REAL ESTATE 145 Brock St. S. 134 acres, room JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR 14 Frank St. PHONE 623-3950 Acres Bowmanville, 10 he home $1 32 hen roomed Price with born, shed; 7 ete use, drive bothroom 6,000. Terms Acres with house ond barn, neor Newtonville. Price $6,500 100 Ac L-shoped Ro Terms re farm «near Orono, born, stream; 8 home, modern con- Asking $32,000. ned veniences Terms 100 shed Acre farm, barn, drive 8 Roomed brick house. $15,000. Terms Acre farm Excellent Nice 000 Price 171 lorge stream, ond bam, Asking $25,- house location. Terms tarm and highway Acre with good Close to $16,500. soil a Price Terms 50 Acres with good house and -barn, commuting dis- tance Oshawa. Only $4,000 d HIGHWAY FARM, 97 acres, Brick home with oll conveniences, Asking Terms farm with good located 2 miles from Lindsay Bulkcooler, Asking $25,000. Terms. 150 Acre farm, barn, hen drive shed; 8 Roomed Asking $5,000 down. Acres with 2. streams, Ashburn. Price $6,000, wn borr modern $26,000 192 Acre buildings house, home 10 neor 85 Acres land neor Newcos+ tle. "Price $9,000. Terms After Hours call Donald Mountjoy Idso Wiersma Guy LeBlanc John M 623-3614 Orono 1649 623-3715 725-8010 Sondy days with these in bright threads tions broider them on towels, or for StS on Christmas: -- this ador- and bed-sitting pictures hospital fer for please) The Telephone! Dept., residents plainly NAME our craft Catalog toys eve weave iSend OSHAWA: TIMES PATTERNS \ COUNTRY SCENES By ALICE BROOKS Capture the charm of old-time scenes -- lovely These are charming' recollec of country scenes. Em 7387: 4 and motifs 8x10 inches THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) this pattern Alice Oshawa Pattern trans- (no stamps Brooks: c Needlecra Ont of ft Ontario Print PATTERN NUMBER ADDRESS HANDICRAYT big, 1964 now! rewelwork dar hit t, knit quilt, smock right now. to are Times Oshawa add lc sales tax 206 HITS in Needle See big, new out hions ift 2 10.¢ ba roene scw embroider 25c PRINTED PATTERN INFANT DOLL ace, WARDROBE \UFr¥ FOR DOLL 10"-20" | DOLLY DELIGHT Always a favorite with little In- overals, panties, wardrobe! bunting hat, slip, able baby doll cludes dress, shirt, coat, Easy-sew Printed Pattern dol's 10, 12, 14,.16 {Please state size FIFTY, CENTS (50c) in coins j(no stamps, please) for this vat- tern. Ontario. residents add 2¢ sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADD RE-SS,. STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tem Dept., Oshawa, Ont PATTERN FREE! Mail con- pon inside new Fall-Winter Pat- fern Catale ready now! Over "300 design ideas, all-sizes. Send '30c for Catalog. 4796 For 18, 20 inches,