16° THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 5, 1963 OT HE'S PROUD OF HIS DAD --AND WHY NOT? for weeks to send a .congratu- latory telegram to his dad, who last night set a National Hockey League "Iron Man" record in Chicago. Hebenton, who played for the N.Y. Ran- Clayton Hebenton, 10-year- old son of veteran NHL hoc- key player Andy Hebenton, poses with his daddy's hockey portrait, Clayton, attending school at Victoria, B.C., saved OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS AOE CLIO. AIRS Name Gonzales |VIinor League Men. 609, M, Love 609, G. Sweet 607, E. Stovin 607, F. Parsons 606, A. Neil 606, G. Parfitt 604, R. Gow 601, and.$. Gedge 600. Group 1 -- Goch 4, Oshawa TV 0; Harry's 3, Meads 1; Tumey's 3, Tony's 17 LEAGUE were the top trundiers for ree iat when this club stopped. the power }o Peasy a Oe iaey ts vir Jo's, while Mick McMaster and Joe 242). See oe nro yer shi lig cob AES | In Group 2% nocke! Mensou: 2 eeu B. Sweet 262) Vl to one decision to Cyclones but It fal-| George's TV 2, Scugog 2. 235, J. Gardian 230, B. Cox 228, T. Regim-| to change the standing as Shorty's also} Group 2 -- Acadian 4, Stevenson's 0; ball 213, H. Holtfoster 213, J, Esposito 207,|/08t by the same count to Rockets, BUud/ poiahood's 3, Local 2784 1; City Barber 3, J. Baumhour 206, E.: Barteaux 204, G.|&d98r, Archie Brown and John Marteli|purno's 1 © Appliances 2, Bergs 2. Ginstle 203, L. Glover 203, S. Campbell|#!! did well for the Cyclones. Group 3 -- Russ's 4, Canadian Corps 0; 203, J. Hackett 200 and M. Young 200, | Jack Goodman, Ron Gulltinan and Stan Al's Bi-Rite 0; Houdallle 4, Jo- Points Taken -- Pussy Willow 6, Hoot-| Reid were instrumental in the win by/nansen's 0; Town and Country 2 Sheriff's énannies 0; Hillbillies 6, Hi-Lo's 2; Little| Rockets: Len Arp and Jim White fought | 2, Women 6, Hot Shots 2; Casuals 6, Blue/M@rd for Shorty's. 2 | Group 1--Goch 23, Harry's 30, Tumey's Checkers 2; Granny Gal's 6, and Hush): Bill Solomon continued to improve and|27, George's 21, Meads 19, Oshawa TV Puppies 2. his latest set for Last Six was a big fac-|18, Scugog 17, Tony's 11. tor in the club's win over Newcomers.| Group 2 -- Local 2784, 29, Bolahood's POST OFFICE LEAGUE Sonny Schwartz also keeps racking #P 12h foo hy crete Ee pai indy Sf i 'abs the big ones, arber 22, lan 19, a Se erect a tot genes Lucky Six almost shut-out "Flintstones|Bergs 14. : 4 | Clowns and' Chumps 1. jwhen Dave Conboy set the pace and Tony) Group 3 -- Houdailie 33, Russ's 30, 1 |" Over 600 -- D, Talbot 695 (253, 257), | Stogwin along with Clarke Hubbell, also) Sheriff's 27, Foley's 24, Canadian Corps | Over 200 -- B. Bell 279, A. Czerewaty Mad .good scores. ' |21, Town and Country 18, Johansen's 14, 248, G. Moss 233, J. Burgess 231, M,|_ The standing -- Group 1: Spicers 11,/Al's Bi-Rite 9. MacPherson 220, 0. Skuratow' 217, K.\Jo Jo's 10, Perry's Pets 10, Mouses 9, CATHOLIC LeAcua S\ mackie 215, L. Schram 205, S. Burgess|Dutch Treats 7, Lucky Strike 7, Big Six) 203 and L. Skuratow 212. 088) 4, Blue Jays 2 ' The Untouchables leads the pack with | Lemon League -- Nancy Schram Group 2: Knockers 12, Shorty's 9% Cy-i1} points, Lambes Lemons and Debon- Glad Hill 8% Anne Goreski 91, Gwen Gay 96, Kay Mackie 96, Maxine Simard 97, LAKEVIEW LADIES' | 75,| ones 8, Flintstones 7, Last Six 7, Rockets| airs' are tied with 10 points, Slow Pokes, |6 Lucky Six 6, acl hil dee ass|Hontenannies and Teachers Pests are re i 99, | Individual Scores -- Han rown |tied with 9 points, Shamrocks have 6 ethere will be We bewiatts allowed the| (343, 323), Al Perry 858 (315), Dave Rey-| points and Blow Strikers no points as night of the turkey roll, Dec, 10. jnolds 839 (319), Mick McMaster 825 (306),| yet! Wait till next week! | Ron Swartz 806, Ozzie Keeler 778, Fred) Men's high single this week went fo} GUYS AND DOLLS MAJOR |Harding 769 (301), Lloyd Sabins 757, Steve) john W. Cardinal with 313, and a@ high Perry's came up with four points over Hercia 755, Joe Vasko 752, Al Stovin 754, triple of 794. WOW! Ladies' High Single Hicks; Sobers over Pea Que's by 3 to 17/R0Y Neset Jo, Harry Gillard 739, Sel for this week went to Marg Beauchamp Sally's over Ball Hi's by 3 to 1 and (egei| Himes 722 and Reg: Hickey 718. __\with 246 and a high triple of S88! Lights also over Jay Birds by 3 to 1 |_ Group 2 -- Bud Edgar 773 (266), Archie) Over 200 bowlers were as follows: The standing efter five weeks: Sally's|C°O"" 763 (278), Bill Solomon 774 (315), Alex Lambe 221, Marg Beauchamp 246, +117 points, Perry's 15, Legal Lights ¥ | Len Arp 754 (298), Dave Conboy 750 (279),| Jean Dickison 200, Ted Powers 215, Fa- 'Sabers}1, Hicks 10, 4 sir praia Jay| ROM Guiltinan 730, Tony Stogwin 723 (289),|ther Darby 219, Joe O'Malley 213, Fred Saudi & and Sak Gea 1 + J8Y/ John McConkey 722 (255), Sonny Schwartz! Noordmen 226, John W. Cardinal 213, 208, The high team triple -was bowled by 712 (265), Jack Goodman 706 (281), Clarke|273, Barry Leach 207, 200, Marie Castil- Perry's 'with 9652. and the high'single sleo| Wwopell @77e vim: While 672 (297). Jonni joux 237; Jolin A, Cardial 202, Pr Rie bowled by them with 1344 Cardinal 687, John Wiper Martell 67 |England 203, - @ Koster 223, Mary Select Class -- It was Al Perry all b (274), Stan St, Lovis 672, Stan Reld 661,/Ekker 217, D Wetmore 215, John 3 |himself with 824, Y Y | (261), Gord Brown 661 (264), Chas. Taylor|Hroncich 254, 214, Fred Watts 229, Dan | Over Seven Hundred -- For the Guys| 2: Bill King 655 and Red Hardie 653. Rukaruk 262, Joe Cavanagh 234, 257, it was Arne Green 730, Lloyd Sabins re, Aperpore ipl agbe etal fe AU Hes Mary, _Noordrnan 204 and Adrian Bren- ; 1 Mi os "nual Turkey Roll will be held on Thurs-/nan 253. ae pee Ay Sel Himes 717 (300) and day, December 12 th the birds beir Lemon Leaguers -- Father Darby 98, For The Dolls -- It was Ev. Harding distributed to the winners on Thursday, Mary Lefaurichon 98, Chris Doyle 82, 77, 159 (305) Millie BINGO N19 wad ting | December 19. The groupings of the bov'-|99, Harry Wehrens 84, Marie Sandham 89, McKinlay 707. : * ers for this roll-off will be posted on the Mary Giles 89, 91, Claire Henning 98 and High Average Race -- For the Guys,|>u!letin board Sue Srokosy 92. SHERIFF'S TAILORING LEAGUE Let's have some more action on those |Lloyd Sabins continues with his dazzling 491 pins girls, and see if we can have some jpace of 264, Harold Ballem 251, Al Perry 244, Bert Harding 243, Arne Green 24] and F 272), N Poche ssed your 421 (212, 209) more 200 games to report. This week the Globetrotters handed Sel Himes 240 Jamieson 493 ( Elena Nicholls 251, Marg. out a goose-egg to the Hootenannies and MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUE The high double for gers for years, is now with the 2 Boston Bruins. He played his 58ist, consecutive NHL game last night, longest unbroken string in the league's history. --(AP Wirephoto) Globe- 8, BRUCE WALKER Maritime Football Ace Decides To 'Call Quits' HALIFAX (CP) Bruce] His total 381 points is the Walker trotted off a football'nichest ever scored by a player field here with a scoring sie in the Maritimes since Cana- ord, a lot of Hane va ey 4\dian football was introduced resolution to quit thé ee nal! here during the Second World i helped establish in the Mari-/w 2, peniacing the English-style an rugby. ypi ; vd abla i ae ha take oy in|, The former record of 372 was the Be eotn Football Confer- held by Bob Hayes, a former # " * { I} ~ ri Tol ence, he was handing out praise fullback twin of seqgers nf for his teammates faster than Shearwater, now coach of St they could give it to him. Mary's University Husk- On the Friday - before the)'€S ea game members of the Shear- Walker, d water Flyers decided to make aircraft maintenance station at) the following day Walker's day.|Shearwater, says he had fig- In the game, Dalhousie Un ured on quitting football after| Tigers rarely had pos-jhe set the record. "This thing) ' n, and the Shearwater of-|had been staring me jin the) fensive. team with Walker at|face for several years and it's) fullback opened big holes when-|Mice to retire with a good taste| ever the 34-year-Old naval chiefjin your mouth." petty officer carried the ball. GETS TOUGHER Starting the game, nyeassee Married, with three children, | had a scoring total of 354 igi S'Bruce decided that 13 years! eéaiee = pe vey ge geo g was enough of football. "D ALL POINTS : er scored all the points who commands an) versit | "I could probably make the| team next year but it takes a hoy-|!ot out of you. It used to be} sie oo blanked Dalho fun. Now it's like a second job. | s "Tt was no one-man show--it Your weekends are gone and was a terrific effort by every-,YoU have to train on your own a sitime.. This takes longer when ence,'| : one on offence and defence you get older, 1 started lifting said Walker. |\weights last March. Practices ' " didn't begin until the first of Kelso' Retains For the Dolls, Marion Dingman has! (213). Sorry we taken over leadership with 223, Allce,!ast week Merle! Westley 220, Joan Rogers 219, Mavis Tay-| 200 Scores lor and Isabelle Mothersill 218 and Janet|Warlow 243, Barb. Harding 241, Betty the rest of the teams took 2 each Peel 217 Black 238, Vi Rorison 223, Anne Chryk| Team standings Jetsons 12, High scores were at a premium and| 222 Mari Neil 218, Al Hill 212, Marion trotters 10, Rascals 9 Astropauts jmany, of the Guys and Dolls were really) Hutchins Edna Elliot 210, Maude Hillbillies, Hootenannies 3. Eas having a headache trying to master the! Cockerton and Mabel Moss 206, M. Gilkes was the lonely 600 girl with pins. The lights finally went on in Whitby! Points -- Jury and Lovell 6, Kinlocks 606 (203, 220). when Millie Bilida broke the seven hun-\5» Swans 5, Thomson Kernaghan 4, Nu-| 200 Scores: K. Canfield 230, I. Kehoe 2 dred barrier. We are still waiting for| Way 3 -Peoples 2, Angus Graydon 2, Gold 214, 217, D. McCartney 217, N. Winters it © ni some of our top Dolls to 'come through,|Medal 2, Modern Upholsteryl, and 'Jor-/215, K. Crawford 210, J. Hurst 209, D. 2 | jdons 0. Sheehey 204. Xmas draw will be Dec, Lemon League: &. Taylor 9 Jimmy Brown | Attain Records v 7, M. Mar- D. Mc- WIRING AND HARNESS LEAGUE Head Pins are leading with 13 points, | Hi Los 12 points, Lucky Strikes 11 points, CARE VISTA MIXED TRARUE |Flyers 10 points, Pin' Pickers & Alley, High bowler this week was Art Sheridan |Cats 9 points each, Hi Bawls & Go Getters with 740 (234, 252, 254) 8 points each. Jesters 7 points and Gay High Triples -- Joker Gavas 669 (223,, Unpredictables 30%, Jolly Six 30, Roll- ix 4 points. 262), Don Brown 668 (226, 263), Petelers 23/2, Players 24, Champs 24, Flin- Over 600 --- Doug Sutton 777 (313) (249)| Bremner 647 (226, 293), Steve Gyurka 642/ stones 23, Hootenannies 22, Untouchables (219, Elma Lynburner 698, (289) (228),|(251, 205), Dan Normoyle 624 (255), Bob/22, Jug Heads 22, Jets 21, High Spots 21, Zetia Moreau 674, (248) (215) (211), Orest|Rockbrune 614 (228), Art Brown 608 (217,/Lucky Breaks 21, Hillbillies 19, Twisters Pedwerbecki 657 (271), Bob Strutt 681/210), Joe Vavassori 601 (262) and Harry,18, Nines 14 and Hopefuls 12. 1(318), Cyril Weeks 620° (243) Shirley, !rwin 600 (239, 216). High Triples: Harry Fayle .769 (245, |Smart 617 (246) and Flo Johnston 615| High Singles -- Ken 249,|333); Peggy Fayle 743 (235, 249, 259); Art | (262) |Joan Pattman 245, Bill Rickman 233,' Bryant 737 (219, 276, 242); Peggy Bran- We will correct a error made Nov. 22.) Mort Scott 230, George Oliver 213, 206,\ton 721 (224, 220, 277); Norma Norris 708 Lloyd Clarke bowled 906, 385, 276, 245.|Murray Butler 206, Ruth Butler 205, Ernie (214, 282, 212); Ted Monaghan 703 (206, Over 200 -- Pauline Bell 255, Syd Cole-|Pattman 204, Zena Sheridan 201, Jigger 233, 264); well 238, Bill Bevan 229, Jack Robinson|Northey 20) and Shirley Oliver 201. Nan Bennet 698 (277, 260); Clarke Hub- 227, Bev. Gibson 225, Henry Lee 221,|_ Team Standings -- Jiggers 7, Bobils 7, bell 692 (246, 277); Tom Rae 674 (322); |Maurie Shorten 216, Lorne Atkinson 213,| Deadheads 6, Jokers 5; Pebbles 4, Blows/vera Burr 665 (206, 256, 203); Bev George Keenan 205, Ethel Atkinson 20],/4 Seltzers 3, Sweet and Sours 2, Tooters } Gutsell 664 (208, 273); Inge) Nugent 662 Leo Gorman 201, Joan Sutton 200 and and Pushettes 1 1(213; 278); Lorraine Peebles 657 (218, 220, Rick Wilson 200. |219); Ernie Dickens 651 (240, 236); Fred mon League -- -Myrna Burgess 75 UAWA LEAGUE Taylor 647 (265); Edna Ward 646 (244, Gladys Pedwerbecki 77, 96, Bev. Gil-| A big hand shake to Harold Betty Byrne 644 (233, 286); on 85, Joan Sutton 91 and Ruth Moffatt/an outstanding score' of 413, Morin 642 (209, 214, 219); Pete t er's dre: 8 (272); Jerry Harper 638 (271); Gedge 812, 768. | |tin. 94, R. Tushingham 92, 64, Cartney 87, M. Spalter 79. PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES NEW YORK (AP) -- Y. A. {Tittle and Jimmy Brown each |snapped one of the more Ccov- leted records in the National |Football League book Sunday,! and retained their leads in NFL jpassing and rushing. Johnny Unitas of Baltimore |made the biggest advance in the| |statistical tables, released to- jday. He jumped to second from $ fourth among the passers, on a fine performance against Wash- ington Redskins. Old Y. A. threw two touch: down passes as New York Gi- ants scratched out a comeback Rosamond Huntley for 13, 311, 380 -- Gerry Wight S. Stovin Bill To 2, son 616 634 (270, 239); [Hugh Hutche- OSHAWA MEN'S. MAJOR . The two top clubs in Group | were both Stovin ctims of the whitewash brush, Spicers!J ig blanked by Mouses and Jo Jo's A 9 humbled by the fast moving Perry's|715, Pets entry. 706, G. I The other two contests resulted in two'chemin 697, H victory over Callas Cowboys,|2 "ana Bi by Luck pated over Big\J. Meikle 668, and set a career record in that) The high fearn aane Wee realsianes bila Boon department. He now has 197, Moves noe Hank Brown led the way Ford 645, one more than Bobby Layne!' Ron Swartz wes the tip tector In thelGen nnn threw in a long career at New Bive Jay win over Dutch Treats and this 623, York, Detroit and Pittsburgh. [1c;ry, Marke the. first. points for this Brown ran for 179 yards in the! Al Perry, big Cleveland victory over St Louis, and made his season to- tal 1,677, with two games left He set the old record, 1,527 yards in 1958. Brown also scored twice to take over the scoring lead with 90 points on 15 touchdowns. Bobby Joe Conrad of St. Louis remained the leading pass re- ceiver with 60 for 763 yards Bobby Mitchell of Washington has fhe most yardage, 1,140, and Terry Barr of Detroit leads in touchdown passes with 11. ; 610 (209, 242); Doug Pelow 28, J, Keigan 718, D. Hodgson| (225, 214); Ab. Burr 607 (277); J h 714, J D. Aurray| Two Hundreds: Six ee Wilson 639, Peebles 229, Jack Barta 226, 203, Bert T 27, H. Veenoff Wight 225, Harold Cornish 724, Jerry P. Kirk 634, J. Brown Dickens 220, Vern Brooks 218, Jack Mc Dumas 632, L.|Conkey 215, Jim Morrison 211, Eleanore 30, G. Lover 629, H.- Kellock 628,/ Laverty Gwen McConkey 207, Bruce W. Lewis 624, P, Lyzon 620, K. Hughes|Laverty 5 202 and Ray 61% M. Conlin 618, 9. Smith 613, T. Smith|Branton 200. weeks | Bill Barta Harry Gillard and Al Stovin, For lovely, low -cost ceilings and interior walls | John Ovens, 0.2. OPTOMETRIST 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA PH, 723-4811 e®Comes in Solid and Perforated Ceiling Tiles, Wall Plank and Wall Panels--builds, insulates and decorates all at the same time! \Shearwater's Dominion inter- jmediate championship in 1957. To the surprise of nobody, Kelso/that was the biggest thrill of from Mrs. Richard. C. duPont's},)) Thoroughbred Racing Associa- tions August." Walker says football has Racing Crown | But the game against Dal- or t @ar jhousie 'when his teammates helped him to 27. points -- his Bohemia Stable was named' to-;-- day as America's champion thoroughbred race horse for the Kelso also was the chosen Horse of the Year ina poll con- ducted by Turf and Sports .Di- given him many thrills, such as BOCA RATON, Fla. (AP) -- first points of the season fourth straight year by the gest, completing his sweep of wift + running gelding, needs only $168,167 to pass ind Table as the world's ng money winning horse, gan his reign as a three-year- in 1960. He was the unani- us choice of the TRA board ction this year. is earnings of $569,762 this -- FR Telephone McLaughlin's -- @ 2 finishes--"Primecoat" (off white, all ready to paint) and "'Supercoat'? (eggshell white, fires retardant, needs no fur- ther painting). @ Has the exclusive T&G "Speedjoint" for easy application. Your Home Better with FUEL OIL @ You can easily apply Excel-Board yourself -- we have complete 'nstructions! B.P. VINYL ASBESTOS "FLORTILE" OM -- 723-3481 season brought his life - time ikroll to $1,581,702 for 31 vic- in 45 starts. Prompt Delivery if 24-Hr. Service NOW ONLY BP Vinyl! Asbestos Flortile is carefully manufactured to the most rigid specifications. Skipping. or dancing feet, mud or water, never moar the surface. Colors and patterns remain so's Only out-of-the-money performance this year was in his debut in the seven-furlong Palm Beach Handicap at Hia- leah Park, when he was fourth back of Ridan, Jaipur and Merry Ruler. Budget Plan -- Automatic "Turn To Modern L McLaughlin Coal 110 KING ST. W. bright and clear indefinitely. Neither grease, oil or most acids will affect it . . . Feels so comfortable under foot too... so resilient. AN EXCELLENT RANGE OF COLORS AND PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM Weather-Controlled Delivery iving With Oil Heat" & Supplies Lid. OSHAWA 13: PER TILE ALL MAKES e NEW e USED NEW PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS @GUARANTEED | e@ NO DOWN PAYMENT e@ NO PAYMENTS UNTIL JUNE e 6 TO 60 MONTHS TO PAY MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. Open Daily From 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. -- Fri, till 9 p.m. from 49.95 Fectory New Smith-Corone Secretariel Office Typewriters Regularly Priced At 267.00 Now Only 189.50 Office From 29.95 eens 1279 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6291 Typewriters OPEN NEXT TO MILLWORK GENERAL PRINTERS OSHAWA 64 CELINA STREET OSHAWA'S ONLY FRANCHISED SMITH-CORONA DEALER © OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 14 and 21ST » OPEN i EVERY FRIDAY 12 TILL 8 P.M, ALL WINTER All Types of Fresh Produce and Home Baked Goods LIMITED PHONE 723-7733 Bill Gutsell 701 (254, 243, 204);| Madelaine Morrison 616) -- 2); Ethei Tonkin 612 (235, 213); diet: 201 and Ella Hall 200. Rolly|¢ Brown |Arnold 604 (246, 213); Lily Rae 604 (23107 | Wards 0; Manila's 3, Burrus' 1; Pearse's Norris 603 (290) end Harry KeyS'2 Depratto's 2 39) Alex Chalmers 223, 8, L tson| Jim Huxtable 240, John Cusmanic 238,17, Manila's 5, Ward's 5, Pearse's 3, Bur- , T. Goch 657, .J.|Alex Alexander 234, Jean Allin 233, Dave} ryg: R As Trial Horse Davis Cup Team MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) -- The U.S. Davis Cup team announced plans for an ex- tensive get-ready Wednesday program under Pancho Gon- zales and the Australians bols- tered their squad by the addi- tion of four more players. The two teams meet in the challenge round at Adelaide Dec. 26-28, After completin gplay in the Victorian championships here this weekend, the full five-man American team will go to Ade- laide for practise, Capt. Bob Aid Big Brothers SAN DIEGO (AP) -- The|one first-year an as a "'desige® raged ge ag voted Te uae nated" player and he counts' o give the four major league]... ; expansion clubs a break by per- againet ae major jengues kis c mitting them to farm out more|Player limit. All other first vear ryan plaere witout Year 2ers, Rend fo he mink of losing them. : > 4 ; te and clubs risk losi At the closing session of the eb 184 minor league winter convention, pki Pg ye for the nominal. ily vignbi ee Next year the four new clubs, en stipula' will be permitted to option four each of the four expansion clubs first-year kids: to the minofs" ope 0 bap pepe el ; cde be without such fears and without ork Mets and | sf ie \N-\having them count on their big gels--be permitted to. assigMii.ocue roster. In addition, the" four first-year players to the|rou- new clubs may still send" minors without having to first out a designated player but Hé° Kelleher announced. ask waivers on them. must count against the big* There they will be joined Dec, Under existig restrictivejjeague roster : y J | 9 by Gonzales, the former pro-|Tules, a club may option only; Before the amendment can king, who is flying in from Los| become a baseball law, it must' Angeles to serve as coach and| . be ratified by the majors. This," trial horse. Philly Eagles however, was regarded as @ May Be Sold 'Today's M Today's Meet The Australian team, mean- formality. a PHILADELPHIA (AP)--Who while, will be playing in the will get the Philadelphia -Ea- | | | | N..Z_ WINS AGAIN COVENTRY, England (Reut- ers) -- The touring New Zea- land All Blacks Rugby Union team overwhelmed a Midland jcounties team 37-9 here Tues- day. Seven Winds Cologne Mist 2 oz. $3.00 DRUGS 28 KING STREET EAST 723-4621 OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. West Australian championships at Perth, starting next Monday. The four new players added to the Australian squad by cap- tain Harry Hopman were vet- eran membens Ken Fletcher and Bob Hewitt, plus youngs- te wd onl gt aaa 19, and a a group headed by 3 year. Selecte rien ap old Jerry Wolman of Washing- kaae -- noes 1. ton, or a Philadelphia group led) champion Roy Emerson, -for-|2¥ sack Wolgini | mer Wimbledon king Neale Fra-| -The 65 stockholders of the Na- | ser and Wimbledon runner-up | tional Football "League -- club) Fred Stolle meet today to hear a progress) --ircport on efforts to sell the) \team. The Wolman offer of $5.) 005,000, and the Wolgin offer of $4,750,000 are expected to be) placed on the table. | There still is another possibil- ity at Thursday's meeting. The} |stockholders could take the club; -\off the market. Or they could) LADIES WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON keep on looking for a higher) iat Moe ei EER oP 673 bidder. Requirements are an of-| | M0 Biv, Relpaih 23%, Madeline Mor-(fer of at least 4,550,0080 and 'al GRA hE Na gt ae ct gaa aaa |Ev. 'Stata 215, Marg. Carswell 205 -and| Philadelphia. | Hilda Collins: 201 Even if the stockholders vote} 2 eae eins 9 ce Ges, atmert|to sell to Wolman or Wolgin the 1, Drifters 3; Hayseeds 1, Cokes 3; Hoot.\deal has to be approved by at jenannies 1, Crackerjacks 3; Six Bellies 4 least 12 of the NFL's 14 teams. \Posies 0; Ota Wins 1, Daffodils 3; Well) __ |Wishers 2, Planters 2 NEIGHBORHOOD LADIES The pins were failing for some-of the |bowlers this week! Ev Campbell came jup with a@ great triple of 813 (293, 286 234), Yvonne Duguay was next with 652 (242, 227), and Edna Ward 635 (257, 217), Gladys Knight 626 (233, 212). | 200 Scores -- J. Morrow 278, M. Walker 243, B. Pearse 226, J, Roesch 226, B. Jol- low 225, P. Barnes 221, J. Taylor 215, 208, K. Manila 215) M. Chinn 213, M. Jones 1210, 205, P. Mounce 210, 0. Morrison 206 Henney 204, D. Booth 204, Edna Hall There Are Special Benefits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN use or for © ACADIAN peated definite advantages when ® PONTIAC sind you lease a new... @ BUICK Request . . Me maintenance costs . . . One rete covers Phone or come ta For personel Compeny use there ere No insurance costs . everything on one of two year lease itemr . MILLS AUTO LEASE : T 266 KING ST. WEST PHONE 723-4634 LTD. Points Taken--DuGuay's 4, Bracey's 0; x 'ampbell's 4, Anderson's 0; Roesch's 4, otal Points -- Roesch's 11, Campbell's T 10, DePratto's 9, DuGuay's 8, Bracey's 1 and Anderson's 1. | | something warm, handsome and comfortable (a sweater of course ) Cordigons or Pullovers with or without patches. In knits and shades to please eny man. on the list. Come choose his real soon. CARDIGANS:FROM__ 11.95 PULLOVERS FROM 9.95 AND REMEMBER YOU'RE WELCOME TO CHARGE IT OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE