1 | | | | 27--Real Estate for Sale FOUR svite apartment in centre of Bow- $8, 140-ft by 192-ft treed| hot manville on large 140- ry n ruileeeset Jot. Circular drive through fawn and pine trees. in good repair. Rent income month. For sale with $3000 down. monthly payments on balance, P o. 220, Oshawa. WHITBY -- three-bedroom brick, (27--Real E apartments | -- Large args. per| FOUR-ROOM Low mount Avenue, new heavy wiring, chim- Box|ney and copper plumbing. Heating $150, SPACIOUS COUNTRY HOME, ron tap, one acre. Bil! Ratcliffe, Keith Peters Realtor INSUL BRICK, Wes Taxes $122. Asking $6,800. Monthly pay- ------ | Ment $65.00 on Agreement for sale. Phone ive! 728-9571, R. Vickery, Realtor, 46 King years old. Recreation room with bar./West. a : Fenced, landscaped, storms and screens.'owe thousand down. Beautiful ranch, 3 Divided basement. Private sale, WHItDY!Dearoom brick, broadloom, fireplace, fr 5. 668-5451 al reation room, paved drive. Ear! 'alters | INCOME HOME -- 9 bedrooms, excel-|725-7782, Keith Peters Realtor jent condition, ear north General FGUR-BEDROOM two-storey home with) Motors, eighteen boarders, low payment. carport, built-in stove and oven and many Ronald Hetherington 623-3637. Keith Peters, Realtor $1,000 DOWN, modern bungalow, garage, open mortgage, ten thousand, five hun- dred. Bob Johnson, 728-2548 GUIDE REALTY ® 723-1121 JUST LISTED----Large modern bungalow with paved drive in a good location neor schools and bus service. 3 bedrooms with plenty of closet space. 4 pc. tiled bath- room. Large modern kitchen other -extras. Full price $15,700.| Only $1,800 down. Call Glen McKinnon at S. D. Hyman Real Estate Ltd., 728-6286. STUDIO couch, two chairs, $35; Floor state For Salé . |27--Real Estate for Sale |28--Real Estate Wanted W. FRANK REAL ESTATE: LTD. 177 Church St. Bowmanville 623-3393 TROUT STREAM 115. scenic ocres in Orono orea. 4 bedroom home, barn 40 x 60 with good fost trout stream winding through property. Just listed at only $16,000. - $5,000. down. HUNTERS PARADISE polisher, $20; iron, ironing board etc., Cement finishing tools. Apply 102 Rosehill Boulevard. (Basement apartment). 725-| 100 acres neor Pontypool. : 50. acres n mixed bush. Bol- $800 DOWN, fiveroom bungalow, three} once Christmos tree fond. large bedrooms. Nicely landscaped.| Only 2 hour from Oshawa, fenced lot, close to schools. Full price Good building sites. -Only $13,000. For appointment to see, call $5,000 ful price George Koornneef, 723-2859. Joseph Bosco |Realtor, 728-7277. CLOSE to schools, lovely 3-bedroom brick bungalow with large lot, nicely fenced, close to bus, Homes like this are very) scarce. Asking only $12,900 with $2,500) down. For appointment to see call Ossie Martin, 728-9714 or 728-7377, Joseph Bosco Realtor TWO-BEDROOM frame bungalow with SCENIC RETREAT 15 scenic acres only 3 miles from Bowmanville. Excellent stream. $4500 - $1,000 down HAMPTON VILLAGE with eating orea. Recreation 6 rama bungalow wit i es E biareekag 'oom tially finished. Full aarage. Tresane Stree! rn ki a . good place ae r is SB nm oil heating, convenient to schools, bus room home with 4 pce. bath, price $ and shopping, Taxes $137. Heating $110 bit be 165°. $7500 on Cory, comfortable living at $70 monthly, o1 x : : 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW asking $8,500 Call 728-9571 fo _inspect| $1,000 down in' Southmead with paved _ this attractive home R. Vickery, Realtor, SOWA ARIVILLE drive and fanced yard. Bright "6 King Wes ottractive kitchen with lots [EET itcnen, north ants siuminim| 4 BEDROOM BRICK of cupboard space. 3 large -- corms and screens, fenced yard. Close} This is one of Bowmanville's bedrooms and pc. bath. to schools and buses, Between 7-9 p.m.| better homes. Very central Clese to school, shopping ond or Saturday, telephone 728-6605 ond prited oF only $5000; US PRIVATE sale: 5-room house, four-piece} with terms, Immediate pos- F bathroom, °2 bedrooms, aluminum siding,! -- geccion 71° ACRES of level land on farce yard, fenced in. Lot 65 «130. Five ' ee Me minute walk from south GM. Asking Thornton's Rd. North with 6 $9,300 cash. After § o'clock, call 728-4867 CALL 623-3393 room, 2 storey home, born ond implement shed. 2 'wells $9,000. Brooklin---Comfort- AFTER 9 P.M ond creek on property. |deol Bile cis storey. home 4H Jack Riess 623-3154 subdivision land eonvenianoes Noturol _ fire- Por Yas 623.3077 COUNTRY LIVING 1 ploce in living room. Glassed Joe Barnoski 2202 Clarke room home Be 3 ocrec cf in sunporch, 2 bedrooms. Oil : fumac fe) f land. close to schools, © bus ee ffer. 28--Real Estate Wanted erms ond store, Home has 4 kit- chens and 4 meters for separ- BROOKLIN BUNGALOW |... WANTED ote apartments. Large chick- Beautifully situated with 3 Five room bungalow in cen- en house and garage on pro- bedrooms, large finished re tral location, or good 114 perty. Just 1S. eS on creation room, attached gor- storey home for a genuine fags wih str cos ad: age, very fine kitchen. Open cash buyer LPO ONY let to good offer. Terms. Carries Call Henry Stinson BETTER THAN NEW. ond for $88.50 monthly principal, 723-1133 conveniently. located just a interest and taxes Evenings 725-0243 fw mar Backs rom hoo | acystOck FARM $17 and shoppi 5 room 0 leak eect brick in. Whitby. Exceptior re ally well finished recreation ascend aR : ' ing, etc., and closet hay aes oe aa Good barn with water bowls per month including tox and hydro. School bus passes PROMINENT COMMERCIAL door. Open to good offer LOCATION and idea! for any Terms ae 4 owilages pal on WHITBY: CENTRAL--Lorge phil ig oat Nike 190 ie 3 bedroom bungalow with ee idee 3 Fs iy br k finished recreation room con- hijab Bs Piatt ch OY, he taining notural fireplace home on it ot present. Let Nice khchen dinate' alee | us ree the possibilities attached garage. Very close with you, to' schools and shopping. All | SIMCOE ST. SOUTH--Build firm offers considered. Con- | ing lot 71 x 160 ft. Priced tact rt wean DOUG ANDREWS OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH-- fore) 2 good building lots just R.R. 1 BR KLIN north of Hillcroft St. Asking PHONE 655-3195 $3,000 each FULL PRICE -$17,900--Eost Oshewe overlooking the city. 7 room brick and stone bun- gqolow with attached gorage ond electric heat. 4 bedrooms with lots of closet space, Broadioom. in living room, potio in reor. Beoutifully fin- ished recreation' room in basement. Don't delay, coll today for an appointment to inspect this exceptional home. DOWNTOWN=--On | Ontario St. Large commercial lot 48 x 127 with brick building. Full price $43,000. SOUTH EAST AREA--Right on the bus line, 6 room brick bungalow with privote drive. 3 bedrooms and 4 pc. bath J, A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD., 46 Eglinton E. Toronto 12 KEITH PETERS Realtor 728-7328 103 King Street East OWNER TRANSFERRED Beautiful 3 bedroom home, | over 1100 sa. ft. with broad- | loom in 'living room. large | hollywood type kitchen, | ceramic tile both, lorge | double closets, recreation room finished in mahogany, newly decorated FAMILY SIZE AND with coloured fixtures. Large living room and separate COUNTRY STYLE dining room 2 finished 5 Large Rooms, tile floors, rooms in basement. Full price hot ond cold woter, rec room $13,500 end extra utility room in . : basement, double garage, | For ed ir ay se acre lot, close to schools, | low taxes, locoted just west Open doily 9 @.m. to 9'p.m. | of Oshowo. Steve Englert -- Tony Siblock TAUNTON RD. WEST -- Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Jeon Peacock Dick Young Immaculate 3 bedroom brick in : a with too many extras to Festivearviad cae suns mention including seporate ¢ " natu' office, rec room etc. Asking GUIDE REALTY LIMITED poly, 919,000 with errr Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. 5S. $10,000. with $1,000 - DOWN - compact bungalow, WHITBY gerage, large lot with trees ROXBOROUGH ST. -- Large CLASSIFIED brick home, good condition, reasonable offers considered. CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Now is the . NEAR BOWMANVILLE time to order your CCM bicycles and 350 x 215 excellent loca- Cole a tele Nee Colbarie reat tion for building $2,500. 10 East, Whitby. Phone 668-3746, Use our acres - $4,000. with $1,000 convenient lay-away plan DOWN, good workable. land. EXPERIENCED lady will baby sit.anad 728-7328 i do ironing evenings after $, Telephone 668-5176. SEPTIC tanks cieaned. prompt service on calls. Waller Ward, 204 Chestnut Street SCHOFIELD AKER West, Whitby, 668-2563. DRESSMAKING: its, coals, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting « CARL OLSEN, Realtor LISTINGS URGENTLY REQUIRED CALL Wilson Realtor 26% King St. E. 725-6588 29--Automobiles For Sale 6arance OT" | Dependable -- 1963 DODGE TWO DOOR Eight cylinder, No. 383 heavy duty automatic, sharp Regular $3,589 For $2695 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA MPA\ TWO. DOOR HARDTOP xX, automatic, immaculate. dleguler $2,495. For $2295 1962 CHEVROLET BEL AIR FOUR DOOR Six, cylinder, radio, low mileage Regular $2,395. For $2195 1961 CHRYSLER TWO DOOR HARDTOP Power equipped Regular $2,195 For. $1995 1959 RENAULT FOUR DOOR SEDAN Regular $595 For $395 1958 MERCURY TWO DOOR HARDTOP Spotless. Regular $1,095, For $795 1958 PLYMOUTH TWO DOOR SEDAN Repainted, motor overhauled. Regular $795. . Only $595 1957 PLYMOUTH -- = Rl a : 723-2065 FOUR DOOR MA pecial, 1964. utboard motors, 7/2 hp, $219. Other models at 20 28,000 miles per cent discount. A few 1963 models at New - 6 room brick bunga. Regular $795 clearance prices. Wilde Rental Service, lo ith + E 1415 Dundas' East, Whitby, 468-3226 rae Carpor _ Fast. End For $550 ScOtEH Fis id Ae a he 7 ation. Lot size 50 x 115 : ie ant : bright bedrooms, very. mo colored, Wilde Rental Service, 1418-Bun i eee ne th Ain 1956 MONARCH das E@si, Whitby. ANDY'S NURSERY GROWN Spruce and Scotch Pine Christmas trees for Sale Apply 814 Byron Street North, Whitby. CHRISTMAS TREES -- Sold by church choir. The very best pruned Scotch pine.| Reasonable prices, Delivered in Whitby, Oshawa. Order now. Telephone 668-5772. | NN" GENERAL ELECTRIC TV, first) class working order, $95. Telephone| 668-2274 FOR RENT -- Two-bedroom apariment.| Kitchen, living room, private bath. One! child welcome. Telephone 668-5958 DELUXE twobedroom apartment in Whitby prestige building. 211 Reedaire| Court. 668-8560 | FOR SALE -- baby carriage. Good con: dition, converts to, car bed. Baby's chrome swing and' stand, converts to car seat. Playpen and TV. aerial. 668-5028 EXPERIENCED male teacher available for private tutoring, Grades'! to 8. Tele phone Whitby, 668-5498 FOR RENT: New two-bedroom ment Broadioom nieriors 668-3198 between 9 to S$ p.m! TEEN-AGE sales lady. No experience re quired. For full-time employment. Apply' et Mercantile Dept. Store, Whitby Piaza. apart Whitby, TIME. to order made-tomeasure suits and slacks for the men on your Christ mas gift list. Mercantile Dept. Store, Whitby Plaza FOR SALE: Used TV's, $39 up. Chrome] kitchen sets; unpainted furniture. Buy,| sell or trade. What have you? Gooild's Used Furniture, 215 Dundas Street East FOR RENT: Six-room: house, central, $78 Further information please write adver- Piser, 101% Byron Street South, Whitby.' Giving phene number, price $14,775. with $1,642 Down. Immediate possession BETWEEN OSHAWA AND FOUR DOOR SEDAN New engine, body good $395 HOUSE or farm, small or large. All cash. 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne 2-door stand: in country. Must be in quiet or secluded|ard, radio, A-1 condition. After 5 p.m. area within 12 miles of Whitby, or 5 to|telephone Bowmanville 623-2318 50 acres of land to build on, What have _ you? 668-5849. E b baDusid matic, radio and new tires. Private. Tele- SIX or seven room house, containing two) phone 725-8161; evenings 728-6359 or .three room apariment or three-bed-| i957 pONTIAC, room bungalow. Reasonable. Substantial ning car, down payment. Telephone 725-9365. 728-0031 | 59 Fi 1963 PONTIAC station wagon V8, wheel 29. Automobiles For Sale discs, window washers, undercoat, spot- 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne, standard,|!ess. Telephone 723-7521, noon or after six. six, good condition, all accessories, $1,150) 1965 CADILLAC. exceprionall - od ly good condi: or make otter. After 6 p.m. 728-9269. tion throughout motor, transmission,. ex- 1962 SILVER grey Pontiac 6, automatic, haust system, power steering and brakes, power steering, many extras. Only 15,000 safety belts, washers, etc. Must sell, $525 miles. 728-8348 or best offer. Call evenings 725-5555. $95. Apply, 1180 Simcoe North, 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne, 2-door, | 1957 PLYMOUTH 2-door, $250, Apply 308/67 |standard, excellent condition, _ $1,095,'Arthur Street, Whitby. Telephone 668-5720. 87 Phone 728-4731 1953 PONTIAC, winterized. Exceilent|?, 1955 PONTIAC standard six cylinder with transportation. $95 or make. offer. Tele-|¢ overdrive. New paint and A-1 motor.'phone 725-8132, 369 Drew Street a Telephone 728-5810 1958 THUNDERBIRD, convertible, sharp| i 1958 CHEVROLET standard, two - door|looking car, in excellent condition. Must|$! coach, good condition, $700. Telephone sell. Asking $1,800. Bowmanville 623-5589 f 4 725-7570 Boe 1953 PONTIAC sedan, winterized, snow, ty 1963. PONTIAC V8, four-door hardtop, tires, radio. In good condition, $125. Teie- t two tone, power steering, power brakes, phone Bowmanville 623-2140. positraction, safety belts, radio, white- 19s7 CHEVROLE:, 2door walls. Full price $3,200. PO Box 477, Port' condition Telephone 725-4990 Perry or phone evenings 985-2235 ev - -- -------.- 1963 IMPALA hardtop, azure-aqua, V-8 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, good condition. ercine, automatic, custom radio, window Must sell this week. No reasonable offer! achers, white walls, tinted windshield, | radio, good refused. Call after 5 p.m. 385° RitsON'tonger: mirrors, low mileage. Must sell, Road North will finance. Dial 668-3262 1987 CHEVROLET, 4-door, standard, & 1964 CHEVROLET station wagon, wine cylinder, excellent condition throughout $695. 1180 Simcoe: North, 728-0031 sng Wie good running sondition: . pod a oH tires. Dial Whitby 668-8214. 1963 CHEVROLET Impala, two-door hard- 1959 OL OSMOBILE, «door, excellent con: top, automatic, six cylinder, black with/dition, $1,000 or best offer. After 6 tele red trim, radio whitewalls, etc Will take phone 723-1686 trade. Gus Brown Molors Ltd. ; Oshawa, 728-7375 1963 CHEVROLET coach, automatic: radio, whitewalls, window washers. Low 1961 BUICK station bade. REISS; Taleo H radio, clock. Apply 'pia eae elephone 723-3376 eT AB ; 1957 CHEVROLET 2-door, standard, 6 CYF automatic, radio, excellent nder. Telephone 728-8230 Must sell, $775 OF best offer PRIVATE 1961. Pontiac Laurentian, 4-d00r| 1969 CHEVROLET 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, whitewalls, automatic, radio, 2-tone, windshield washers, original milé\ nearer One our tless inside and out. Apply 1239 ' 72R- Meadowvale Street, Oshawa. wagon, automatic, 25 Elena Street 6 cylinder, condition 723-7688, 2-door hardtop, V-8, whitewalls, back seat Like new. Can ar. ge, SP range terms Meteor 1960 CORVAIR coupe, stick shift, dark Uradiaseen ati hay Pel nde deena 4 metallic blue, clean. One owner Car.'7.909 mites. Can be seen at 117 Adelaide Mt, $1,198 full price. Call 728-4473 after 6! avenye East after 5 p.m f WeMane mete | , . rar] ES : 1932 ROADSTER, body in parts,.s30. Rady Trees' and Trim Gifts for Her Gifts for the Family Gifts for the Home GENERAL REPAIRS ator extra. Whitby 668-2922 Y cume's add S 1955 VOLKSWAGEN Van-c re is i ALL MAKES OF CARS ped cupboards, sink eto nee cater i) CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine THRILL HER WITH A SOMETHING THE WHOLE SOLVE . . . your Christmas Hei eee also tent. $550. Whitby 668-8125 yon A rnber menu seer ore GIFT CERTIFICATE FAMILY WILL LOVE problems with gifts from i Foreign Make Cars 1957 MERCURY 2-door hardtoi "Beibesienigy ey ee naa Col 5 our large assortment of 2-de rdtop, good con- 102-11 old Waves 9 STATHAM dition, one pele automatic transmis- y Bone, rere es : " New Hair Style BABY Supa furniture and appliances $1, B.-A. SERVICE sion, radio, spotlight, good tires, 728-1594. 4 | irstylin Wonderful assortment o |, will hold any item till San USED snow tires from $199 Dammin|Y CHRISTMAS. TREES Regal Hairstyling rare species ond colors. Christmas EASY TERMS. Tire Store, 48 Bond West. 1 Managed by Lilian Howard : 4 MRS. T. BROAD M. COLLIS -4733 ond 723-7712 "SPOT CASH KELLY DISNEY 1960 CHEVROLET, Bel Air, VA. auto-| automatic, real Sood Cire 29---Automobiles For Sale ; ee TSK S' PENSAR ML 4 USED CARS LTD y : PAID FOR 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST G ee clean ae ie P WHITBY -- 668-5891 \ w L pe U ° ¥ DODD MOTOR SALES po Douay ona Md : 314 PA e 942 2OUTH Tro up Se down y Always top quality iy BUYING OR SELLING y y TED CAMPIN TILDEN ; MOTORS CAR AND TRUCK 607 KING ST. 2-OSHAWA RENTALS y due Tan ey Wie Bead (All Makes ond Models) [f CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St y VOLVO y SALES AND. SERVICE os JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE | GENERAL REPAIR and | AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. § Oshawa 728-0921 CARS Salt 4 1963 MERCURY Ths is the : ful seaoeee otis FULL PRICE ' Regular $4,670. O 4 For $3400 n These y 1963 FALCON FOUR DOOR Big six, automatic, equipped, 1400 miles Regular $2,998. For $2295) 1962 COMET | TWO DOOR Real clean, white, red interior. | CARS Trades Accepted Small Down Payment Van ee | ice For $1595| 1960 PLYMOUTH | | Motors mm | Ltd automatic beige 156 King Street West fully V-8 A steal ot Regular $1,295 For $1095 BOWMANVILLE New eight room economy home just off highway, 2 on 11th line over acre land. Good spacious country living close to' town suitable for large family. Asking price $16,900 NORTH EAST AREA. 6 yr old brick two storey colonial four, bedroom DWG (1600 sq. ft.) 51%4%°'N.H.A. mort- goge $88.00 Principal, Inter- Taxes situated on Jorge landscoped Lot (75x 150) in North Oshawa just outside city limits, Stone fireplace two bethrooms, woter. soften- erf, wooden storm ond screens Open te down poyment 2265 Open 9 to 9 - Sat. 9 to 5, MARGARET HALL 3-1358 CHARLES CHAYTOR 3-7996 ALLAN THOMPSON 8-2870 est, offer with a lower Coll 723- MARGARET LEE 3-2894 STEVE MACKO 8.58648 REG. AKER 5-020) BILL McFEETERS 5-1726 360 King St. W. Free Perking 1956 BUICK SUPER FOUR DOOR SEDAN Regular $595 For $395 1955 OLDSMOBILE FOUR DOOR SEDAN $275 (1955 FORD STATION WAGON Mechanically perfect, body toir Only $250 OPEN EVENINGS A Number. Of Other Good Cars Eosy Bonk Rote Terms mith +353 KING | Telephone SNS 7 3 1958 PONTIAC | _ Telephone 725-3557 ¥ TWO DOOR | 1959 PONTIAC ¥ Six cylinder, sharp. | Biscayne, Automatic ¥ Regular $1,095, $1195 & For $895 1959 PONTIAC s 1958 FORD Laurentian, Automatic. y FAIRLANE, FOUR DOOR $1 195 V5 ensite 1958 OLDSMOBILE & Regular $895 All power % For $650 $1195 ¥ 2 ¥ 1957 PONTIAC ges ¥ cae $1095 § Regular $895 1957 BUICK ' Hardtop Automoti iu For $695 Hop $650 y 1957 DODGE 1957 PLYMOUTH. _/¥ Two POOR $450 M4 *"* g 195 1957 PONTIAC $795 1956 PLYMOUTH: | 1957 CHEVROLET » FOUR DOOR $795 Y V-B engine 54 4 $395 1957 STUDEBAKER} Howk a 1955 PONTIAC $495 ¥ FOUR DOOR SEDAN 1957 DODGE ¥ Real sharp $495 ¢ $495) % | 1957 CHEVROLET ¥ 1955 CHRYSLER = | eae er DOOR HARDTOP : $795 ¥ $350 1957 FORD ¥ $850 ¥ Wik tock soe | USS CHEVROLET" $295 HARDTOP $595 ¥ | 1956 PLYMOUTH ¥ Avcilobte $395 & 1959 PONTIAC ¥ $195 ¥ ' t 1958. PONTIAC H PO! S $695 § 1954. MONARCH St. WEST ee ivertibhle needs motor work (Continued. on Page 26) \ $50° HEME ME SPSL LSE EE ee ae ee . EG be Fi f a Wy a ~ we Christmas Gift Selector Santa if r Claus Is Coming to Town His Sleigh Filled with <7? The Oshawa Times SCOTCH PINE ALL SIZES--BEST PRICES Direct from Growers Wholesale and Retail 24% SIMCOE N. above Sabat's PHONE 728-2002 FOWLER FORESTRIES | Christmas Offer Only | 306 King W. Phone 725-1685 1,000's and 1,000's Nursery Grown Pruned Scotch Pines ai 5-6. 97C Larger sizes $1.94 ond $2.42 We Sproy Your Tree In Your Chosen Color, OSHAWA Spec * GARDEN .CENTRE 1259 SIMCOE N. 723-3222 OPEN EVENINGS FREE Beautiful sewing machine cabinet $79. value, when purchasing an Elno Super- matic sewing machine, from your Exclusive Elna dealer, 329 Simcoe 'S 728-2391 MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS COMPLETE WITH A HAIRSTYLE FROM BERNADETTE'S BEAUTY SALON 263 Nossau Street at Gibb PHONE: 723-9471 | spe POA asta is a mab SPN | A GIFT OF BEAUTY ... FROM SANTA | Gifts for Anyone RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS GIFTS Nativity Sets 25¢ to $20 Small, Medium, Large St. Joseph's Missals $1.25 to $12 Rosaries 65c to $18.50 Pearl and Crystal Stotues, Pictures, Woll $1.25 to $18 PARKVIEW Variety Store 98 Olive Avenue Mrs. V. 'Bachand, owner Open daily 'til 10:30 p.m Ploque AN IDEAL GIFT McBrine Luggage From 9.98 Up All Canadian made Men, and women's casual Flite, Gladstone bags, train BURNS SHOES KING AND SIMCOE STS USE OUR LAY AWAY 17 SHOPPING: DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Now is the time to select gifts to please everyone on your Christ- mas Gift List. The Gift makes Selector your shopping a real _plea- sure, It tells you what to buy, for whom the gifts are suitable, and where to buy. WATCH THE TIMES GIFT..SELECTOR DAILY FOR ADDITIONAL GIFTS FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS Cee | cases, etc. GIFT CERTIFICATES The works---trim, shampoo, curl by specialists. A solution. | for every type of hair. Com- 114 Elgin East 723-9767 SURE TO PLEASE! A Gift Certificate from LLOYD ELLIS SHOES 49 King W., Bowmanville , 623-5941 For The Family Our. Convenient Loyoway Plan Shoes Use THE SOUND OF MUSIC AT CHRISTMAS | Lowrey Organs Free Three Day Home Trial Demonstrations at the store. Five Free Lessons EASY TERMS ALTO Music Supplies 453 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 725-1501 plete permanents from $10 up. She will love you for a gfit certificate from BEAUTY. CLINIC | HAIR STYLISTS OSHAWA =~ 728-4623 WHITBY --~ 668-3061 THRILL HER WITH | LOVELY FRAGRANCES | ATTRACTIVELY GIFT PACKAGED Yordley's Cologne $1.25-$3 Dusting Powder $1.75 Red Roses, Lotus and Bond Street Perfumes from $3 Spray Mist $2.50 -- POWELL'S DRUG STORE | | 35% Simcoe N. 725-4734 FOR A CHRISTMAS _ | SPIRIT |WEAR A GAY CORSAGE | Hong @ wreath on the door Colorful outdoor wreaths | Christmas Door Knockers R. B. REED and SONS 10% King Street West | 163 Bloor Street West 725-1131 or 725-2512 [A Gifts for Holiday Fun LP | LETTE BUCKAROO RANCH | Christmas Parties | and Banquets | Reservations ORDER EARLY |! | CHRISTMAS TREE VISIT US ! SPORTS EQUIPMENT GAMES FOR ALL AGES GIFT SPECIALTIES CAMERAS Pret ® FIRESIDE CORNER 205 BOND ST. WEST Use Our Convenient Lay Away Plan OPEN EVERY EVENING BEAT SANTA At His Own Game! FOR THE FAMILY GIVE FOOTWEAR THIS CHRISTMAS GIFT CERTIFICATES From $4.98 up DAVIDSON'S 31 SIMCOE NORTH 725-3312 ND TRAIN PLATFORMS | Ya" TRAIN BOARD TOPS ING PONG TABLES FROM $7.95 UP BROWN'S LUMBER and SUPPLIES 436 RITSON N. 725-4704 | 725-2737 Holiday Food FURNITURE CO, 78 KING ST. W. 725-0332 This Christmas . . . Give Gifts for the home. A small. deposit will held any item until Christmas. HONEST CAL'S 424 KING WEST 728-9191 formerly Avalon Dance Pavilion, Gifts for Him or Her CAMPBELL GOLF CLUB SETS FROM $35 up 3 complete sets. Fibre gloss shafts. Bags, Carts, Golf Balls. Less than wholesale, Sunny Brae Golf Course Port Perry 985-2076 Gifts for Children POODLES, silver cream, nine Christmas. Telephone 725-9607. SKATES NEW and USED SOLD and EXCHANGED Also BICYCLES ond TRICYCLES Apply DRAYTON CYCLE 204 Bond St. E. Gifts for Him shia il PING PONG TABLES Complete with top, base, balls, bat and net. $28.50 Complete _ MILLWORK and BUILDING SUPPLY |1279 Simcoe N. -- 728-6291 HOME REPAIR KIT $9.99 COMPLETE with Tool Box and Basic Tools OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. Main Office, Showroom Courtice 728-1611 Oshawa. Shopping Centre 728-1617 FOR THE MOTORIST Give a gift wrapped Ontario Motor League Membership lasts oll yeor, 728-8334 725-7422 GIFTS FOR THE HOBBYIST Model Automobile, Airplone, Boot Kits. The Biggest Selection in town. POLLARD Radio & Television Service 153 Simeoe S 723-9512 The Sofe Way To Celebrate the Holiday Season | RIDE WITH | MERCURY TAXI 725-477) | 14 ALBERT ST Oshawa's Most Modern'Taxi | Order Your Christmas Fowl From LITZ PROCESSING PLANT Special rotes for Banquets, Bowling Alleys 117 Bloor St. E.. 723-4722 OSHAWA from home KING ST. EAST, TELEPHONE A CHRISTMAS. GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO THE TIMES Is a year-round gift and a daily reminder of good- will for your friends and relatives who are away THE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT , OSHAWA Will be pleased to act upon your instructions, 723-3474 FREE! TOP COAT OR CAR COAT with the purchase of any SUIT PRICED FROM $49.50 USE YOUR CREDIT OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT NO DOWN PAYMENT DUNN'S 36 KING E. (Downtown) and weeks old, small miniatures. Will hold tH @ peg pe afi Tae ot seer. mee | AES EB ol OE ES OEE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 4, 1963 25