THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 4, 1963 23 TELEVISION LO Gi. i kee Si Wa BERT Research Plan ' | ¢ ; ' \ RS y "* | 165, PESOS, PIGS, . . CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel ¢--Toronto | : CAN'T WALK ANY MORE . : RNG: 505, Psy Will Rid WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-I'V Channel 4--Bulfalo| ' . ROH L WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel elec CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto CKVR-TV Charnel Basico BUZ SAWYER NOW WE TAKE OUTBOARD MOTORS, Nation's Indians OTTAWA (CP) -- Citizenship Minister Favreau announced Monday in the Commons a Can- ada-wide research program into the participation by Indians in the country's social and. eco- WEDNESDAY EVE. 9:00 A.M. &--The Match Game | 11--Romper Room /---Trailmaster } | 9--Hoem ers Health &3--Mr. Piper | Mahle bs . 4--Secret Storm lo | #-2_Superman | Sofopevess Playhouse | coe eM HE MAILPACKET TRIES 70 OUTRUN THE PISH- J--The Early Show 2--Mike Douglas Show f . 63--Razzie Dazzle 9--Mickey Mouse Club s ' a3 _ ING BOAT, BUT THE FISHING BOAT HAS A MORE nomic life. i 9:15 A.M. ere SA / POWE! NGINE.. AND GUNS. He said the three-year, $150. sche O com hee 9--Miss _ Helen ee te a RFUL E! 6 ' * AY 000 study will help establish $:30 P.M. : 3--Popeye : RB" 'basic principles ' ] 9:30 AM. " ; basic principles for future pol. TNA Wisamceie 9--Playtime With Bobby hited a a : icy and planning. to promote the 2-Senta Program 7--Jack LaLaane Show \i<Family Theatre welfare and progress of Can- 10:00 A.M. Hania : | ada's Indian population " 1l--Eddie Allen Show Super Mr. Favreau said that D The Early Show , wes Biehscg i r Live. ond 7--Girl Talk J-The Ei | } o Today, 1963 63_National Schools &3--Razzie Dazzle OH, BOY/ IF THE Tz) BE Walt Sue ee Meg H. B. Hawthorn of the Univer. 4--Calendar 4-Five O'clock Snow EVER FOL OUT you HAI f P, sity of British Columbia and Dr 6:15 P.M. 8-2----Say When 2--Huckieberry Hound I SMUGGLED YOU ON BOARD HE CAN DO IT) HES A Adelard Tremblay of I LU Fe ied Me 1D LAKE ME PRETTY SLICK OPERATOR / J ard Tremblay of Laval Uni- 3-Ovir 10:30 A.M. 5:0 PM - : A CHOPPER, ar BEFORE A DEA | versity will carry out the re- cs eu 11--Super Bingo ui ' > search program 3 M. 8-2--Word For Word Ausi \ hee FIRING SQUAD, ty ' . V9-432--Neysi Weather) 7._General Hospital Santa. Program oT y & Prof. Hawthorn, an anthropol- and Sports 6--Chez Helene | ¢ : NB ZY ' . Z ; recied r ls a as a jae aii ey | | - joist, has directed regional sur- i Speritelio see . \ ' Z jveys of the social and econmie aaa : te e b--The Observer ; \ , | ay : ife of Indians and other groups. M\ ng h ae ton rri 4 if . " V--Family Theatre | 8-2--Concentration Best as tory tp ore - Dr. Tremblay is an authority on $-2--Huntley Brinkley | 7--Price Is Right | si oa Crs c , . : oF > community planning and has 00 P.M. oe con 4--Headiline News | 4 : 4 . { \Ja' Y wide experience in sociological 11:30 A.M idl dante : if me ge) i research 11--Albert J. Steed Show eer ide a Weather } j . se < Specialists in various univer. 2--Missing Links Junie Ay Bow y sities and research centres iy he jthroughout Canada will under. 7:30 P.M. 8-2--Huntley Brinkley mchemily Theatee : | : jj . 4 'take portions of the study. { CROSSWORD ' The research will cover four %=-Dick Van Dyk 12:00 NOON 7:00 P.M y | | ' . major areas: Economic devel- 8-2--The Virginian 9--Noondey Report 9--Sports Hot Seat j a devas { | © King Feateres Syndicate, I 7--Seven Keys a amera : ~Girl Talk 2--Deeth Valley Days és saapallded le faccosts 4--Pete and Gladys 7--Ozzie and Harriet 8-2--Your First 7-6--News, Weather opment; education; responsibili- 6~--Provincial Affairs impression t i F ; cme ssa ss ties by government for Indian Sprit eicos show Je Taniaire ee Pare oy ACROSS -Short sleep 23. Ant- AMECARE] | : affairs; band councils and the "NEL Football 2 Bidhor . Made, as Make be- mal's Ae | development of self-government, 7:45 P.M, 5 ' thread lieve pelt | OME | f = on 6--Mr. Fix-|t 12:15 P.M. " . Freshman . Sings cheer- 24. Mani- 8:00 P.M 4--Speaker of the House 4 Diare -" \ Mis | BUT, tele be 7 ile | {Tt Y, ZL WONPER IF v4 } aan West full lat WAY ' MN pe p: ele Go 11 Om Tne, Flint ee pulate Amal CNMI : ; a Wy A 006 Were NEWS IN BRIEF 9--My Favorite Martian | %--Kiddo Cartoons Sore L jE} SY fee \ TOMME - & ' SPS P COLLD'VE 7--Patty Duke 8-2--Truth o eee var. . Requested lently iver gif ang . 63--Red River' Jamboree Consequences : .Gem to come: 25. Poem conn MORORED Sn singing: mastery WASHINGTON (AP)--A sec: ret Service agent who raced to the presidential limousine and threw himself over the body of the dying President Kennedy will be-given a citation for ex- ceptional bravery. The White House announced that agent Clinton J.. (Clint) Hill, 31, will receive the citation from Treas- ury Secretary Douglas Dillon at a ceremony to be attended by Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy c SENTENCED TO JAIL LONDON (AP) -- The secre- tary of the National Committee 4 Bi =, f 100, militant wing of Brit- | MEUREMSEMENT QUE JE Puté ELLE ENTICE CHEZ ain' : VISITER LA FAMILLE DE f LES URSULINES, Ur. vis ianunned Meeks Oe eek LOUIS HEBERT," PENSE . PREND LENOM months in jai ) Yr ris y : He" Ap \ t jail on charges aris- AADAME DE CHAMPLAIN. eel : DE SOEUR HELENE 4 '~ ing from the visit of the King 4 = D'AUGUSTIN ET ) and Queen of Greece. The jury deliberated more than -three hours before convicting Peter Moule, 27, of inciting crowds to ia duniae . Competitor dial. 27, Light 4:30 PLM. ¢--Movie L isekay ® { .Run away 9. Vehicle with steel Movie Sica a oe rry's G | and marry runners helmet i 7--Farmer's Daughter 12:45 P.M. Donna | Omit, as a- 11. Cipher 29. Regret Yesterday's Answer TO ee ag ee Fen eden syllable 17.Candlenut 32. Morsel Rodent Glynis, » Aduit males tree $4. Rugged . Elliptical : blu ies m me, nett isa Clattered 18.------ and mountain 9. Dwell Rodale ile g eeurbar: wide ee Bee bad Dwellings haw crest Flower J--Ben Casey &~--Matinee 8-2---£ Kid Hospital 19. Exclama- 35. To portion . Sleeping 4--The Beverly Hillbillies 7--Afternoon Show 3--T worker tion out places #:30 P.M dab dig ed eh eae ul 22,Indefinite 20.Man's name 36.God of . The hand: +3--Fastiva . article 21. Excavated thunder sl, 4--The Dick Van Dyke : i "i 23. Back ane (SR a I Show i ; needle 26. Tiny piece f 2 Y 4--Perry Masor ot bread - . 2~---The Eleventh Hour 9:30 P.M, 28. vind ofa y, 7--Channin Love Lucy religious the Athy kive Blah couan ooking MP Suartoa orden: Celts Vt 10:50 PM. Sis Pavers 3--Par 30, Ugly old wilight Zone 2-Ppople Will T woman _ 1:00 PM 8-2--Kreft Theatre $1. Jewish 11-9-6-7-6-4-3-2--News 7--Sid Caesar Show month Weather, Sports 6--Alfreé Hitchcock Hour Incite 11:15 PLM. Fad nc Court ai ees 34. Apart 9--Melr Final carlett . 36. High ex- é--Viewpoint 1 rt 10:30 P.M i 11--Have Gun Will Travel plosive 11:20 PLM 9--Redigo 89. Librarian: 11--TV Open. Line 7---Buffalo Bil abbr. . ba 9~-Here's Looking At Yo . » j . y ety 7-4--Late Show Se oak tame 11:00 PLM. 42. Port cause a-nuisance hy obstruct- 1:30 PLM 7--Queen For 1-9-8. /-6-4-3-2--News, 43. On fire 9--Pierra Berton Hour &3---Tar h Sports 45. Harangue ing the streets t3--Tonight prow 4--NCAA Football 1k AA: : : ' | f ; yj 2 FORMER EDITOR DIES $-Nignteap 3:30 P.M. 9--Metro Final a tid i oe : Bc | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Frea oe 1 Randy Dandy 6V -- a er tat aouw ie oaen &f G she ee soe eo te = & Don't § 1--TV Open Line 48, Headland : s eg " I. : =a > Humane society of the Unite 9 mickatane Fone BS Ya) Troe T-4--Late Show DOWN wm A Ae REVENIR, ANNONCE-T-ELLE. G = States and former editor of the 4--Big Mac Show 63--Friendly Giant 11:30 P.M. 1. Branch | American Newspaper Guild's 4:00 A.M. 4--Edge of Night &--Feature. Showcase 2: North ---- *SAIMNON 35 , HFT ONC AAS ONY Twi OL = *SINWAI HI LLIBANT) V SOMOS Oy WILEMO Td aNdTZN CS Dy Ms |paper, The Reporter, died of a Vi--Captain Andy 4:00 P.M. 9--Pierre Berton Hour IMININLAD WT, BAT FIVIA MOA =-- HIS 30 JN IAL S Dw' won INTINGAN V SMI 3 : i 4--Captain Kangarce 9--Hideaway-Funtime 3 Sipieicn alias 38.0n | heart attack here Sunday COMPLETE AIR DROP The Values Were Never Better!...The Selection Was Never Finer" "GOODWILL" USED CARS a after dropping 12,000 pounds of Christmas supplies to 20 arctie AT posts. Supplies and mail were dropped in baskets and by par- e : e achutes at the remote posts Some of the posts are radar and 260 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA PHONE 723-4634 |) weather bases SALLY'S SALLIES falol>lo In|» 910) frizi= MICKEY MOUSE z 4 7 7 he LES CANADIENS *TH SANDS O'7IME WILL. TH' FUST PART IS-s0a.7- COST YO' YORE FREEDOM -- ei! COMIN' TRUE.--BUT-?2 ?- BUT LIKEW/SE SAVE YO! ) AH JEST CAIN'T FIGGER EF YO'KNOWS HOW " i VES, WDGE PARKS, /VE COMP 12 BETTER CHECK WHATS = TO DISCUSS A CASE --- CAWSING THE d z Our THE LONE RANGER LI'L ABNER JUNIOR ! SOMEBODY 1S GOING TO COMPLAIN TO THE [= GO..NATURAL WHAT DO YOU MEAN IV AND PURTHER- vi] T'S THE LATEST STYLE) | KHAO TO HAVE THAT FIGURES? \, MORE... BLA- <4] INHATE! HATWISE, y~ | | pepe | : -- BLASAK..!/ ic ITS SIMPLY THE LAST YOU HAVE TO HAVE ie RESULTS COUNT! aga FS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE | Consult @ Member ef the | Oshawa & District Real Estate Board IN EVERYTHING! R c= SS hl MM THE LAST WORD ve i EH rae) mad S | a Qa ms nm a a z a ex 2 6 a co = = 'ure Syndicate, Yee, 1M Wek ihe if; re IN MARRYING YOU. | AND WHEN MAYBE YOU THINK | YOU'LL GIVE THEM ANOTHER CHANCE.. ; 5 ISIMPLYTOLD HIM YOU \ | | Go FIGURE OUT A FEMALE. _cTHEY GET REAL CHINTZY--LIKE PE PUT ICANT. WERE RELIEVED THAT HE | WHEN YOU DON'T WANT THEM--| | THBY HAD A RIGHT TO CHANGE \ ' 6B MUCH PONT | WAS LOSING INTEREST | THEY 6O FOR YOU... BUT BIG !! THEIR. MINOS, BUT , iNT : STUNNED.,. AND THEN... THOUGHTFUL... Bought & Sold |Apuers 506 165 Simcoe St..S. aii Gnome 254 JULIET JONES Oshawa [PET vowcanteecare PT "NNT THAT Makes J] Wt \427 . VEN MAKE AN : IT WORSE/ Y | ITCH OR 6HE'S JUST + ANOTHER OLD-TIME . ~ NOW WE DON'T 4 HAVE GONE | BEHIND THI6 WHETHER GRANDMA I6 'BEEN INSPIRED PIE-THROWIW' COMEDY! } EVEN KNOW HOW' | } wl | TAKIN' THOSE TOA. .} || AGAIN BY SEBIN' 1 E YOUARE | : t | NEIGHBOR... ON TVin | x y | "s SERVICE CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS OSHAWA - PORT HOPE WHITBY . COBOURG BOWMANVILLE - JCARBORO Curtoins, Dropes, Blankets, Rug: OSHAWA'S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 50 MILL * World tphts reser red | king Festerre Sywfleate, ban, 1963 Wed dhe remervell