Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Dec 1963, p. 18

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For the rest of the teams, there is still Chuvalo-Tony Alongi rematch EVERTON WINS lyear old, still a callow youth 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, December 4, 1963 | another section, They are Sanvir's Sueer. SPORTS IN BRIEF Simard, 141, won an unanimous LIVERPOOL, England (Reut- by steeplechas in g standards, oma 37, Modern Grill 34, Big Five 30, Courtice decision Sunday night in Trois-'.+5) Fyerton won the title of stayed in. the front rank all the Champs 28, Flyers 26 Rivieres against Raoul Sarra-'inofficial club soccer cham-|w ; A Pda whe : » : ' -|way and scored by an easy eight 10-POINT ACTION Men over, $00 cer tee Sie 7 Dey WILL PLAY IN U.S. but the rest of the Top Ten un- zin, 148. |pions of Britain by tying 1-1 4 idee a y al wai! g' Robinson 541, John Webster 528, Garth NEW YORK (AP)--The Rus-,derwent a lively shake-up Mon- CLAIM BRIDGES Glasgow Rangers here Monday mfiine PPY SP Douglas 525, Ozzie Spooner | 520, I99Y' +4 ational ice hockey team, day in The Associated Press' night. Everton beat Rangers 4-2 SIGNS CONTRACT 5 +] bd : Clari 517, Gh C 516, Gliff. Bradshaw e is rl , , re Clarke $1 ae Copp ads! q@anher ok the 4980 world ama-|next-to-last college football poll. NEW 'YORK (AP) -- Relief | oy, aggregate, having won th) MEXICO CITY (AP)--World C n or S l Women ever 400 -- Norma Magee 49, teyr championship, will play, Pittsburgh took over the No. 4 pitcher Marshall Bridges was finst leg in Glasgow 3-1. feathcrweight boxing champion . Ede Ryan 467, Dot Crossley 451, Anne the United Spot behind Illinois. claimed by Washington Sena-! * |Sugar Ramos signed a contract Bone 447, Noreen Richmond 42, Mary/seven. games in it : ig "Ey > contre tee 428, Marg Barnes 417, Carol Ger-\States later this month, Five MAY FIGHT tors from New York Yankees WINS GOLD CUP Sunday to defend his title mond 416 Shirley Robinson 401, Shirleyi will be against teams' in the for the $20,000 waiver price Sat-- NEWBURY, England (CP) -- against Japan's Mitsunori Seki 41, M hy 400. IEF BEC - aie ane q ' . Bowers: See, Murpy 8 oy nid amor Hotkey Leacue QUEBEC ((CP) Manager urday. Both teams are int he| Mill House won the £5,000 ($15,-|in Tokyo next March 1, It will z V mond teads the men with 179, followed : . : Louis. Belanger said Monday American League. Bridges, shot!000) Hennessy Gold Cup at New-|bc Ramos' second defence of ceaaly Blea aries atk ae see TEXAS, NAVY, ON TOP Fernand Simarrd may be 'n the left leg in Florida in Feb-|bury Saturday and: strengthened|*he title he won from Davey . -.| Big Eight C. Andor 639 (216, 214,Jare Winners «532, Gillard Cleaners 46, behind, with 175 : NEW YORK (AP)--Texas andjmatched with Joey Durelle injruary, wound up with a 2-0 rec-}:ts claim to be regarded as on » in Los Angeles last This week, in the Lander) 09 Fieri yshyn 612 (234), G. Brabin|Oulty's Red and White 4412, Following Barbara Kirkham still leads the women Navy held firmly to their res- Montreal next month on a pre- ord and 3.82 earned-run aver-lof the greatest Briish steeple-| Mz Moore died of injuries STOR Ye 7 ~ 7 a . ind r ender sor iter , with 155, Jean Hutch a] wit! 7 . Stark Classic League, Chuck) 492 (217, 214); J. Thomson 601 (248), J.Jclose behind are Henderson Block 44, with 155, Jean Hutcheon is closing in wi ipective Nos. 1 and 2 positionsiliminary bout to the, Georgejage in 33 appearances in 1963.|chasers of ali time. The six| uffered in that fight. . Andor finally found the line and Waldinsperoer a7, a Bee 577, B.|Scugog Cleaners 42, Big Six 40. 1153 followed by Ede.Ryan with @ 150. 1 and 2. sitions|tim rane j , "Ons ichardson a y held it for three consecutive "Saadings Tigers 24, Flyers 21, Lions games over the two hundred), Hawks 16, Falcons 16, Royals 13, Jets '¢ i includ-| 13, " mark. Chuck's 639 triple includ 13, Eagles ed games of 216, 214 and 209, TUESDAY MEN'S LEAGUE which enabled him to regain \v.way Photo was the only team to the top average in the classic win a shut-out this week when they bea ; ri igs ) Oshawa Wood Products 7-0. Slo Moshions Af ,: league. 5, Ritson Centre 2; A and P 5, Ron Robin: y : A ; THURSDAY NIGHT LEAGUE son Excavation 2; Corvettes 5, Cadillacs j ; i j H 's Wear $, Thomp- This week's high bowler was F. Sobil 2; Maurice Bergs Men's with 'semes wee we hundred at 216 and son Plumbing 2;' General Aggregates 5, iple with D. Vann and M. Scugog: Cleaners 2 - tices st 93 and '992 George Turner's 601 was the best effort Les Eviness Sales kept on their win- of the night and followed by H Prakken ' ning ways when they took three points|with @ 583. Other good scores: S. Hodgson : eft Clints Texaco and Biack's Men's Wear 579, C. Severs 567, R. Blanchard 560, C i No. 2 kept pace by taking four points/Andor $38, R. Wright 534, D. Keeler 528 frem LA and B Discount. Goch Supertest G. Copp 518 and F. Sobil 516, Pic-O-Mat by shutting them ' Seon Clenare 3, Homes by, MONDAY NIGHT MEN'S LEAGUE : : 'darrison 1; Mackie's Van and Storage 3,' Bert Harding was the high man_ for y, ce ae Ideal Dairy Products 1; Dyett's Sports 3, the night when he shot @ fine 606 triple : H and L Enterprises 1; McLaughlin Fuels to jead his team, Kinloch's, to a seven N F 3, Dumont Aluminum 1; Black's Men's point victory. Geo. Reid had the high ' Wear 3, Houdaille | single of 230 but could only get a S68, C Standings -- Les Eviness Sales 7 Watson 554, K. Gaal 543, H, Aldred 542 Biack's Men's Wear No. | 7, Mackie's Bert Harding caught Ken Fisher for high : e : Van and Storage 6, Dyett's Sports 6 average at 182 to lead the league ae i ' Black's Men's Wear No. 2 $, Goch Super- Kinloch's are currently leading the : ae 118 test 4, Dumont Aluminum 4, McLaughlin jeague with 61 points followed by Oshawa tn, C Fuels 4, Ideal Dairy Products 4, H and L Tv with 53 and Pepl's Pizza Palace and . : Z gc " S PIECE Enterprises 4, Scugog Cleaners 3, Pic-O- Dunlop Tire have 52 points and tied for Ri L a Mat 3, Clints Texaco 2, Homes by Har- thirg. Sheriff's Tailors and J. Preston's : ' / rison 2,Houdaille 2, LA and B Discount |. men's Wear each have 50, Black's Men's PB ot 20-38 A High scores for the night go to F. Sobil Wear and industrial Tool and Die have pare 612, D. Vann $93 (210, 203), M. DiCesaro|47, Team No. 14 has 43, Engel's Men's 592, _M. Hepburn 586 (208), C. Andor 574, Wear .41, Orphans 39, Millwork 22, Sea ; i PY We St 92 The Hawks seer to be back in stride jeg 5 their victory by Bilt Joyce with a as they scored this week's only shut-outy iting 595, Herman Prakken headed the trouncing the last place Eagies three bowlers with a nice 599 to raise his aver times with Bob Richardson and Harry ace anoiner 'note Witterick leading the way. For the losers "rine Corvet re led by Ges. Reid's F j H Jim Thomson had a wonderful 601 set st) to take three big points off the On Z ee a F. which included a tine 248 game jerio Molen. Sales tenn Vise 4 Eee Tigers lost their second series of the ~gianging Trojans 29, Corvettes 26 ' ' Ry season as the Falcons upset the league ¢/) 4 A Fi pes d A plinters 25, _Ontar Motor Sales 23, ¥ P leaders 2 to 1, thanks to Lou Petryshyn's|Copras 27 i 1 . a @ e e $. Hodgson 550, J. Lamont S48, B. Powers way Ford 20-and Team No, 1) have 2 . : $44, R. Sennott 538, R, Little 532 points, , a ; Honorable Mention L. McConkey 228 : % é : R. Milne 213, R. Davis 211, J. Spencer MEN"S MAJOR LEAGUE ee . A C 207 and 8. McHugh. 203 The Colts finally came to life and took ? - 4 a the Texans for three points and moved up , Q : ' LANDER-STARK CLASSIC to tie them in 'the standings. They were ; Hg, 1'/-LB PIECE 3-LB RING 5-LB RING s Texans 19, Colts 19 and ig 613 'Crystals 13 Chuck Andor turned this week's best) C Aangor is currently leading the aver e triple, @ neat 639, but his second-place! yoo race with a 190 and followed by Flyers still dropped a 2 to 1 decision tol Herman Prakken at 187 and G. Brabin the Royals. George Brabin led the win-! 4+ jg< ners with a 602 with B. Joyce at 577 Walt Scott and his: Lions just squeezed EASTWAY MIXED past the Jets 2 te 1 with John Waldin re sperger the only bright spot for the J0s!¢ Gyurka led the league this week loners. when she shot a terrific §72°(213) bot! os ou Petryshyn won this week's "Coles WS followed closely by Geo. Reid with a j ARKER BA KER y SI E | Bowler of the Week Award", edging out $70 (25) r th Chuck Andor by only three pins J. Gyu women and men this ROSE BRAND, COLOURED Reg. Price 4-Ibs 99e----SAVE 'fe M-M-M! EVERYONE WILL GO FOR THIS PIE WITH IT® JUICY RIPE BERRIES BAKED To week with a 572, D. Vann $11, J. Ross 451, A. Fh 447, M. T 2, Pe Sue peoey pe Mayr 4 nes th ei c PERFECTION IN ITS SHORT, FLAKY CRUST. : NHL LEADERS = «gate i eon YY eo. Reid's with a 253 single wi TAN PRES g[0? S. torner: ser; Be. Ho rae, Foowes insite i B UEBERR a By THE CANADIAN ES tae Bl ch Leen ae " Standings: Chicago, won 15, sie. Serene hin Oe Wena 1 6 10-fl-oz bt! lost 2, tied 5, points 35 G. McCormack 509, and C. Peel 507 cad one OEE ¢ JANE PARKER , Chirae 5 eam stand ngs included this section : Peow Lay a 3 poly, Brown's Pucneing. 12, dooms TY SALADA SPECIAL! Reg. Price each 69¢ Cc Aussio: Beliveau, Montreal, Carwash i; Oshawa's Mr. Clean 9, " cuersaner 2, Same 7: Oshawe & ORANGE PEKOE pkg of 60 ¢ SAVE 20e -- Each Moe's Mets §, Bond Clothes 4, The Jinx sn hg ori Pg hieago, 4, Cook's Body Shop 2 and Wiison's Fur: _ LIBBY', FANCY QUALITY SPECIAL! Saw ' ' niture Penalties: Young, Chicago, 66 -Gtorge Reid, is curretiy eaging te T MATO JUICE 2 ics 31 Jane Parker Reg. Price each 39e--SAVE 60 Jane Parker, Brown 'n Serve, Plain Reg. pkg 270---8AVE 60 minutes George Turner at 175. Bob Peake and L EN R O Schatz are tied with 174 with G. Mc H oh \ FR H R LLS pko 6 21c Cormack one: pin back at 173 and J SOCIETY Reg. Price & tins Sio---SAVE 100 Jane Parker, Old Fashioned Req: Price leat 2e--SAVE. 4c Jane Parker : FOOTBALL SCORES (voice, | DOG FOOD 7 v102in YQ WHITE BREAD erie | LAYER CAKE win 5c STAN I GS 168 followed by |. Cyr at 160 and M.| Peak dM. T. i J Park i --_ ; D N ane "e As favibe fe iri, 1, went (200 OFF DEAL) SPECIAL! ane Parker Reg. Price each 35e--SAVE 6e dane Parker, Orange Twist Reg. Price each 49c--SAVE 100 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS OSHAWA MIXED LEAGUE FAB DETERGENT danse 1x 69 BAR CAKE BANANA ICED each 29< COFFEE CAKE each 3 9c National League With only. three more nights left in the Jane Parker, Individual Reg. Price pkg 36e--SAVE 4e dane Parker, Choeolate Reg. Price pkg 9%0--BAVE Ge first section, It's going to be a close race ¥ New * gia on aim 249 18 points ielowed athe aa STUART HOUSE (12" WIDE) SPECIAL! ' CINNAMON WHIRLS = 8'4-07 pkg 3c CHIP WAFERS 10-07 pkg 29 Cleveland 0 306 204 18 Shop 57, and Carl's Barber Shop with 56 #370241 10 tg eat vey Gaim van afte FOIL WRAP _e 3 3 --_ sieia | ssa 05 37 6 : | -- | A&P Handles Only Meats Purchased From Federally Inspected Packing Houses ee ais A sit that FRUIT and VEGETABLE FEATURES BONELESS SOLID MEAT Detroit St. Louis Pittsburgh 1317 175 19| BACK 0 256 259 12 CALIFORNIA NAVELS -- FINEST FOR EATING 0 180 300 10 oe 1274231 9 agains ' ' Minnesota 1.265 336 | If it's backache that's San Francisco 210 0174343 4 bothering you, due to urin- American League ary irritation and bladder . Eastern Division discomfort, then Dodd's WLT F APt Kidney Pills can help bring | Boston 6 5 127819413 you relief. Dodd's Pills END CEN TRE Houston 6 5 0211 25412 stimulate the kidneys to | New York 5 1225 287 11 help relieve the condition | FANCY GRADE 5-LB CELLO BAG C Dallas rd causing the backache. Then | Buffalo % 1 240 267 11 you feel better and rest bet- ' , CU TS CU TS Western sion ; ter. You can depend on | ¥ La San Diego Q 94 180 Dodd's Kidney Pills, 36 | ¢ aklan 35 175 | ys ' Kansas City. 4 " Denver 5) | ; . YES Swwuwnnoe = NIIP We 2 Www io fH ww f Green Bay Baltimore Los Angeles ae UDPoOes Washington fe ef ee GT aE ay TR OE ea a CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF || es tn | SIRLOIN STRAIN wee vccme 79: a PORTERHOUSE STEAK or ROAST Chicago H O U RS : | : q | California, Red, Large, Firm Clusters, Ne. 1 Grade ple crown a Ge , ao For Most Ladies' fep-tey™ | || EMPEROR GRAPES 2.35. MINCED BEEF = 45: CHICKEN LIVERS +39: er and Men"s Shops Ontario Grown, Finest for Eating, Fancy Grade » : te > f APPLES manrtosn 3.ib cello bes D> Qc BOLOGNA torte BSc BLADE STEAKS 59: ie intelligent service to which our customers P «are entitled, the. fololwing stores ore # : 4 > California, New Crop, Excellent for Eating, Ne. 1 Grade : de adopting Christmos Hours that will en- @ ; i hb € b € of chlo ther woth a DATES _ Fresh pitteo 12-07 pks @, ec win ees Schneider's, Vac Pac, Smoked Bhopay's Sliced 7 GREEN BEANS Ib. 25. | SIDE BACON = »».43: SMOKED BEEF +~»29. ? Christmas ' SHOPPING x _ = Sit? tere eet: y clients rg a LADIES' WEAR MEN'S WEAR wf Berg's Black's '» Ward's Berg's as Jayn-Modde People's te Black's Engel's Franklin's Johnston's i Montgomery's Kinloch's «* Evelyn Shop Doug Wilson Morrison's Sam Rotish "Kaye's Jewell's # Sally Shops Canning's John Préston's. Al's Bi-Rite THESE STORES WILL BE OPEN "TIL 9 P.M. he Pennywise, Chopped Beef or Reg. Price pkg 58¢---SAVE 60 : ON THE NIGHTS SHOWN BELOW: ; THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LTD. VEAL STEAKETTES i vib ots 5 De NUTS N BOLTS 7-07 pkg A Qe ' * Thursday and Friday - Dec. 5-6 7 FOOD STORES Southland Franch Cut res Price pha te--save © -- WICK DEODORIZER 20:09 } i , Thursday and Friday - Dec. 12-13 . AsP MEANS DEPENDABILITY GREEN BEANS 2. version Se APPLE JUICE wrannizen -- a8horin 31 Monday, Dec. 16 thru Friday Dec. 20 _ ALL PRICES IN THIS AP GUARANTEES THROUGH Hi Lo Farms Reg. Price pkg 35e--SAVE 60 -fl-oz tin ¢ Monday, December 23 : ' DICED TURNIPS 2b pkg 29: ONION SOUP 2 2-02 pkgs 3 5c ¢ STORES WILL BE CLOSED-CHRISTMAS DAY f ; AND DECEMBER 26th, BOXING DAY Sea Seald, Ocean Burns, Vae Pac, Sliced CELERY STALKS 25. | PERCH FILLETS +35: COOKED HAM 53: POTATOES "2s vor 2ar* owen 5¢ |) HADDOCK portions +57: CANNED HAM) «1.47 GRAPEFRUIT Lice tes ee eh tee Qi Ber : Headless and Dressed, Vac Pac Aligood -- Smoked, Sliced, Rindless APPLES °° cceresneucom 649 || WHITEFISH | »53. SIDE BACON ribsks > Qe CELERY HEARTS yin.232",%citac™! bao 19 oo. : , eee || FROZEN FOOD FEATURES A&P LOW, LOW PRICES Tasty, Sweet Mandarin Oranges now arriving from. Japan Tuffy's . * tet hte te' 2 = ene c FEE , ? rs x Mt 930 -- Sosa geo 2 ' x a ee --) é * ie eh 5 Oe

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