Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Dec 1963, p. 8

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é One year old Terry Cholo- niuk is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Choloniuk, Town Line north, RR 2, Oshawa. His grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Semen Choloniuk, To- SANTA'S COMING sivsitsh ronto, and Mr, and Mrs, Pet- er Feldberg, Oshawa. His great grandmother, Mrs, Mary Komas¢hka, lives in Toronto, 'ltain the children, _|mothers visited the other ign RPO we Ween Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 2, 1963 The Right Reverend P. M. | |Dwyer officially opened the St. Gregory's CPTA annual Christmas bazaar and penny sale. Mrs. William A. Clarke, prsident, welcomed all as they _ jentered, Santa was on hand to enter- while the booths, The Christmas corner, was in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Regular Report 'Dr. Thornton H&S Ireland Studio | The regular meeting of the Dr. Hand Made Gifts, New Notions Find Ready Buyers At Bazaar Harper, Mrs. Jack Spencer, and Mrs. Victor McAdam, A gold and white table lamp made by Mr. Harper was won by Miss Theresa McCaffrey, Elgin street east. Conveners at the apron table were Mrs. Victor Comeau, Mrs. Patrick Judge and Mrs. Lendal Nickerson. The other conveners were: white elephant, Mrs. Kenneth Broadbent, Mrs. Mrs. Douglas Blair and Mrs. Ernest Marks; home baking, Mrs, Ivan Wallace; speciaity shop, ,Mrs. Anthony Kutts- chrutter and Mrs.' Gerald Van- dersanden; dolls' clothing, Mrs. Donald E. Kirby, and Mrs. Ron- rv ald Peever; confectionary shop,| + + lers"' MR. AND MRS. STANLEY DUS Canadian composers' was the subject for the program pre- sented at the November meet- ing of the Oshawa and District Branch of the ORMTA held in the home of Miss Ruth Skinner. The subject was presented by Miss Judith Davison, Mus. Bac., graduate of Acadia University in Nova Scotia, who came to Oshawa a year ago to assume the duties of Organist and Choir leader in First Baptist Church. Miss Davison, a member of the RMT and secretary of 'the local branch, said that Cana- dian composers were pioneers conducetd the ing all of the student recital Saturday night in. the McLaugh- lin Public Library Auditorium, also that the names of advanc- ed students be sent to Mrs. Parrott by December 15, for the recital of February 26, 1964 that is being sponsored by the "The Canadian Concert Association of Oshawa". Miss Willard ex- pressed thanks to the hostess) and all taking part in the program. Canadian Composers Catch Glimpse Of National Culture Miss Davison closed the pro- gram. "Miss Helen Willard, president, business remind- St. Mark's Bazaar Combined Success The annual fall bazaar of St. Mark's.. Woman's _ Auxiliary (afternoon) was held. in the church hall recently, The pres- ident, Mrs, Walter Meens, wel- comed friends and visitors to the bazaar and declared it open. All branches of the WA were represented this year. The Evening Branch displayed children's clothes, The 'Mary and Martha Group had cookies, aprons, knitted goods and quilts, The GA's decorated soap and the JA's had a White Elephant table and home made marma- in the field. They were first generation composers. Canadi- an composers must set up their 'own standards of musical com- position and they were begin- ning by writing in the 20th cen- tury idiom, following the paths of Schonberg, Bartok, Stravin- sky, and Hindemith. Miss Davison was ably assist- ed by Miss Janet Kerr in "Folk Songs For Four Hands' by Violet Archer in demonstrating this new trend, and by Mrs. Audrey Pasteger who played a group from Jean Coulthard's "To Jane And All Young Play- Mrs. Eleanor Burrows CHRISTMAS TIME SAVER The trend towards personal greeting cards grows annually. What are personal greetings? They're the cards which can be ordered with the sender's name and-or address printed on the bottom. Most Canadians. send so many Christmas cards that hav- ing part of the work done right at' the printing plant speeds the job. Most dealers have a selec. lade, The Afternoon Branch featured the sale of home made mincemeat and Ohristmas cakes, They also convened the home bake table, candy, knitted goods, miscellaneous and a- prons, The tea room had a hot Tea Tables were decorated with centerpieces for the Christmas season. At the close of the afternoon, all branches reported a very successful bazaar. tion of personal greetings avail- able for order, sang Healey William's arrange- ment of Purcell's "I Attempt !® nen dog stand for the children. The_ 'tia aC A RR NR csieRUAEB OH: From Love's Sickness To Fly") and "Highland Lullaby" by} George Coutts. Two settings by Oshawa Com- posers, "Including Me" by Margaret Drynan and '"Wed- ding Prayers" by John Robert- son were sung by Miss Lynn Barclay. The vocalists were ac- 6 companied by their teacher, Sax , di pe Jan Drygala, Mrs. Simone|t £448 @ANNOUNCEMENT e@ sley, continued with a grow of five from opwenstane LYNDA BASTINE. . Pieces" by Otta Joachim and is now a member : explained their own composi- of our stoff. < Ellen's Beauty Salon tion. The delightfully modern 18 SIMCOE ST. NORTH |Robert Thornton Home and UXILIARIES *: Association was held re- " '" cently with a goodly number in|green thumb booth, (Mrs. --Ireland Studio attendance. _|Thomas Simmons; fish pond, CENTRE STREET UCW home of Mrs. Jack Shearer, 85). Mrs. Hartley Delaney, presi-|/Mrs. Wilbur Kingston and Mrs. Polish Couple Are Honored East Unit) Southi treet. A' special in-|dent, presided. The minutes and/Arthur Charbonneau; tea room, ; a The Névenmer casting of the allan Wid acne extended to|the treasurer's report were|Mrs. Milo Pultz. H On 25th Wedding Anniversary i Uni-ja to attend. jread. Mrs. Delaney introduced' The tea room was tastefully| ie Sharh Wareet wes beld at or Mrs. C. M. Sheffield who has decorated in the Pro pin the home of Mrs. T. H. Doug-| MARTHA BRANCH, WA taken over as __ publications /theme and was well patronized. las. The monthly meeting of the | Chairman following the resigna-/The Reverend L, T. McGough Mrs. Robert Kirk was in/Martha Branch, WA of .Christ|"0" of Mrs. 0. J. Moore. ho| ew the winning tickets for the charge of the Devotions and|Memorial Church was held re-|, 2°. ermine gl of t q|Denny sale and many lucky peo- chose the theme "Christmas".|cently with Mrs. D. H. Moore) 8sociation, which were fe ple took home prizes. Several carols were Sung andjas chairman. i |for consideration at the Sep-| i "Christ- |jtember meeting, were voted! po 'aid pig Christ Mrs, R. J. Ross read the sec- upon and received unanimous|able to hear from the teachers A ; vas in/t@tary's report and correspond-/approval. The main change is aldetaits of the course of studies nter was in pproval. The mai ge is Sotee ot ie sustains meeting. |ence- reduction in. meetings from nine|for the school term. : FF more | The treasurer's report was/to five. The months during; The Misses Joelle and Gae- read the} i i seretaes's pecs gg Mrs. wil-|given by Mrs. R. C. Day. which meetings will be held are|tane Hubner entertained with i i i January,|/two dance numbers. liam Chester read the treasur-/ The group -vill contribute to|/September, November, 3 er's report. The members turn-|flowers for the altar for the|February and April. -- noie.|,, lt Keeping with Book Week, ed in the Sunshine Bags and/Christmas services. |_ Mrs. H. a rg reie ree Napa ose program and_ children's ' }man,- reporte e collection Ol/reading chairmen, Mrs. Doug- -- ins oe oo wale 7 Misngemasiing ze Gleverdon|si14.46 ty the olfidren for UNI-e es and Miss Ruth Hicks, Conser B rb é ope nig , we e|\CEF d as the guest speaker, Mrs. Copper Banquet will be held on/Anglican World Mission. The! Mrs. Nicholas Pascal, general re #8 Dec. 11 at the sesame a yt women's groups are being ask-|oonvener of the bazaar and fun|tic py tke -- For uae M. Winter. Our yen ve ed to consider contributing to|fair hela recently, thanked alllmany interesting facts about the ne charge of the ioe 2 "i this mission in the coming year.|concerned for their co-operation selection. of children's books.|. Out-of-town guests at the zen Hilisdale Manor o help please|,, Tue. advisory board report|in making the venture a esuc-\Mrs. Foy had with her an ex.(:Y. Were, the Fost WA hongr.'s anyone is able to mle rams was prepared by Mrs. N. C.|cessful one. : cellent display. 'the ye ge wenty-five ---- STOP -get in touch with the lea itt Millman and read by Mrs. D. H.| Mr. Richard Schad, secretary) The many ways in which the|*2°:, Mrs. John gre on- The nominating committee lof the school board, was on hand ibrary could be of help to the treal; Mrs. Dus' brother-in-law ; other: at ; handed in Mine Irene" Winter,| The memorial gift for Mrs,|t explain the changeover from|children were detailed: by. the|"": Stanley Zagrodnik, his -- Ancus-Graypon Julius Meaecvicius; religious booth, Mrs. James A. Yanch; WE LOVE OUR CUSTOMERS. OPEN AN ACCOUNT TO-DAY. OVER % 4,000 WOMEN Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dus,)sons and their wives, Mr. and Ritson road south, recently|Mrs, Stanley Zagrodnik Jr. and celebrated their twenty-fifth|\Mr, and Mrs. Zigi Zagrodnik all wedding anniversary. Their two\of Timmins; Mr. and Mrs, A. sons, Joseph and Ted, arranged) Tokasz, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew a party in their honor to mark! podsiadlo, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph the occasion, |Galico, all of Toronto; Mr. and Both Mr. and Mrs. Dus were|Mrs. Mitchell Kowolski, Mrs, bom in Poland, emigrating to/Annie Parsniak, Mr. and Mrs. Canada prior to their marriage}John Karpowicz, all of Hamil- in 1930. Mrs. Dus is the former|ton. Bertha Kalet, daughter of Mr.| wr, Joseph Dus and Mr. Ted » 1 and Mrs. Peter Kalet, Poland. Dus presented their parents On arrival in Canada they were|*- > married in and lived for a short|with a hi-fi set, and they re- while at Timmins,- Ontario,)/ceived many other gifts from moving to Oshawa within the/the other guests. year. Their two sons were born in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Dus also have three grandchildren. "Scherzo" from Harry Freed- man's '14 Pieces by Canadian composers" and played by SHOPPING ee a at N. H. Daniel will be dedicated|@ school section to that of School| sneaker. Mrs. Foy was thanked CARPET COMPANY ilcox, Secretary -- Mrs. Eric|at the 11 a.n.., Corporate Com-|Area No. 2, which will take ef-/py Mrs. C. M. Sheffield. | EAS 282 King W 728-9581 uechier, Treasurer Mrs.|munion Service on Sunday, De-|fect on January 1, 1964. The attendance plaque was| 30 DAYS OVERSEA Roy Bishop, Press Secretary|cember 1. Mrs. Delaney, in the absence|won by' Miss Wilma Barnes,| (OCT. Ist -- MAR. Ist) | BROADLOOM n 1) Many work meetings have|°f Mrs. Donald Wood, pre Grade 4 teacher. | $312.00 ROUND TRIP AT TILE been held' preparing articles 0" the completion of the eight-| Refreshments were served by] ouR SEASONS TRAVEL for the bazaar which is to take| "eek baby sitting course started|Mrs, R. H. Allan and Mrs.| (OSHAWA) place Wednesday, December 4,|2t the end of September. Of 35) James Heaslip with the help off PHONE 728-6201 at 2.30 o'clock. J *lenrolled, ages 12-14, 25 were|mothers of Grades 5 and 6. ert | Newcou,t's Sunday wil beliccesefa! In the written exam ee W | GaN A Super Bakery Specials observed on December 8, with| During October Open House BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN !! a reception following the 11 a.m.|was held at the school at which service. This group will be in|time the parents attending were Old Time APPLE charge of: r freshments and|----------------- SPICE CAKE members will be asked to heip| with Carmel Icing with this. Special This Week! 53: Four members have volunteer- | ed to go to Hillsdale Manor on! SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS WEEK !! PHONE BAKERY ORDERS. -- 725-3421 -- Mrs. Donald Layng, Social) Convener -- Mrs. Stanley Jack- son, Card Convener -- Mrs. George Webster. The articles for the bazaar on Nov. 29 were on display. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Percy Fletcher. ST. ANDREW'S UCW NO. 4 The regular monthly meeting of the Laurel Group, Unit 4, of St. Andrew's Church was held at the home of Mrs. E. F. Cuth- bertson on Monday, November 35. Mrs. George Werry read the minutes. Mrs. Randolph Mark gave the treasurer's report. The roll call was then taken by Mrs. George Werry. Mrs. Ever- ett Peterson, corresponding sec- STORE HOURS For Your Shopping Convenience MONDAY to FRIDAY &% 9:30 A.M.--9:00 P.M. December 12. The next meeting will be a pot-luck luncheon at the church| on Wednesday, December 11 at} 1 o'clock. It was suggested that any prospective member might enjoy attending this meeting. It has been decided not to ex- retary, gave her report. change Christmas gifts this} Mrs. Ralph Schofield, the con-|year but to present this money | vener, reported a successfuljas a gift to a retired clergyman. rummage sale. The new Study Book relates It was decided to have. the|1 India and immediate coun-| Ja eetin: i | ee ae . + tries and Mrs. H. D. Cleverdon| House in the form of a dinner. Mrs. Reginald Burr and Miss/covered the first chapter at this| Mae Storie assisted the hostess|meeting. This was followed by Mrs. Cuthbertson in serving re-|<jides on India which gave every one a better idea of their way of freshments. SOUTHMEAD PARK AUX. life and customs, Tea was scrved at the close of The November meeting of the| : Southmead Ladies' Auxiliary|the meeting by Mrs. A. R. Gar- was held at. the home of the'rett and Mrs, Hayden Mac- president, Mrs. Jack Shearer. (Donald. Mrs. Fred Deusbury gave the treasurer's report in the ab- sence of Mrs. Thomas Kidd who is in the hospital. Mrs, Kidd was wished a speedy recovery. It was decided to give the articles left over from the rum- mage sale to Simcoe Hall. The walls and roof are now on the clubhouse and an effort is being made to put the gable ends on before winter. Help is urgently required. A general meeting will be held at 8.00 p.m. Tuesday, De- cember 3, at Glenholme School. All area residents were urged to make a special effort to at- tend. The neighborhood canvass for donations to the building fund was successful. Bulletins ex- pressing thanks and apprecia- tion will be distributed. The next meeting will be held in the form of a pot luck supper on Tuesday, January 28 at the wvwvvv IT'S A FACT! 4 Yes, Nu-Way hes over 50 rolls of car- pet on display. No matter what type of carpet you want, you will be able to see it ot... Nu-Way Rug Co. 174 MARY ST. 728-4681 Immediate Delivery DRAPES wade g Select your ready- E made drapes to- day--ftor delivery jf) tomorrow -- Hun- & dreds to choose Delicious. Spicy MINCE PIE Made with Floky Pastry SATURDAY 9:30 A.M.--6:00 P.M. Special This Week! 54 Stores to Serve You @ FREE PARKING @ DRY GOODS SIMCOE ST. S. AT ATHOL ST. a et ee S660 =I Ar om we ae ane SFveesrwtaSss

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