27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale | 32--Articles for Sale |33--Market Basket TWO-BEDROOM frame bungalow wit® four suite apartment In centre of Bow-|1957 CHEVROLET, 2door, radio, 900d | garage. Tresane ee. Pecan eg manvilie on large 140-ft by 192-ft treed|condition. Telephone 725-6990. ; po eating, convenient to schools, ireuiar drive through beauiful f Shopping, Taxes $137, Heating. $110.| ball ak pine trees. Larne: spartmentsl tte "CHEVROLET Bel-Air standard, & pA comfortable living af $70 monthly,|in good repair. Rent income $295 per Cylinder, washers, whee) discs. Good con- asking $8,500 Call 728-9571 fo inspect/month. For sale with $3000 down. Low difton, $1,300. or best offer. Telephone this attractive home. R. Vickery, Realtor, monthly payments on, balance. P.O, Box 725-9998 ee 4%. King West 220, Oshawa 1953 PONTIAC sedan, winterized, snow TARGE duplex, good condition, , good §TUDIO couch, two chairs, Fioor tires, radio, in good condition. $125. Dial heating and plumbing and in | polisher, $20; Iron, Ironing board etc., 623-2140 tion, five minutes' walk from downtown. Cement finishing tools. Apply 102 Rosehill 1949 SILVER grey Pontiac 6, automatic, For all information concerning this prop- Rouleverd. (Basement apartment 725- power steering, many extras. Only 15,000 erty, write Box 330, Oshawa Times. miles. 728-8348 $17,500, IMMACULATE 4-bedroom brick pale "DOWN, modern bungalow, garage, 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne, house, large living room, dining FO9M open mortgage, ten thousand, five huN- standard, excellent condition. and kitchen darth i Hog apartment that dred. Bob Johnson, 728-2548 Phone 728-4731 coulé be convert io an office. : ed 'onal 'man. Call Evelyn Houck, 22 /$8900. -- SPACIOUS COUNTRY HOME, i959 CHEVROLET Biscayne 2-door_ stand- Toronto Street, Uxbridge, 852-: 3203, repre- hot water on tap, one acre. Bill Ratcliffe, ard, radio, A-1 condition. After 5 p.m. sentative for Fred Cook Realtors, Mark-/655-3917, Keith Peters Realtor telephone Bowmanville 623-2318. Bete BAe THREE-BEDROOM brick bungalow. i953 CHEVROLET, standard, 6 cylinder, IM house on 2.4 acres Large kitchen, north end, aluminum radio, two-tone white and gray, new bi ah gt lg location, 6 Sforms and screens, fenced yard. Close tires, Body A-1 condition. Good motor. to 8 p.m. 728-3248, to schools and buses. Between 7-9 P.m.'$125 or best offer. 728-5468 os pHi hen eshnt SU hols R athe 1960 CHEVROLET, Bei Air, V-8 auto PRIVATE sale, brick bungalow, 3 bed- matic, radio and new tires. Private. Tele rooms, 4piece bath with vanity, Rossland phone 725-8161; evenings 728-6359. Manor Development, north west Oshawa Asking $17,000. One mortgage. Telephone 1953 otal gE Tau Simone Noh, 728-6850 or apply 833 Glenbrae a pply g FOUR-ROOM INSUL BRICK, West new heavy wiring, chim 1963 PONTIAC station wagon V8, wheel mount Avenue, 1 r UF It, t- ney and copper plumbing. Heating $150 eed eh beau er lle ptegr tt ary Taxes $122. Asking $6,800. Monthly pay-|'ess. Telephone 72 , ment $65.00 on Agreement for sale. Phone!i9s7 DODGE six eylinder, 728-9571. R. Vickery, Realtor, 46 King reasonably priced Alax \West 942-4437 PRIVATE sale: 5room house, four-piece 195§ CADILLAC, exceptionally good condi- bathroom, 2 bedrooms, aluminum siding, tion throughout motor, transmission, ex large yard, fenced in, Lot 65 x 130 ystem, power steering and brakes, minute walk from soutt washers, etc. Must sell, $525 |$9,300 cash. After 5 o'clock Call evenings 725-5555 |FOUR-BEDROOM two-storey home with 1960 CORVAIR K shift, carport, built-in stove and oven: and many metallic blue One owner other extras. Ful price $15,700. \¢ full price 728-4473 after Only $1,800 down. Call Glen McKinnon at! p rr Hyman | Estat 728-62 a Be Tien Res eee an? 1957 PLYMOUTH 2-<door, $250. Apply 308 ONE thousand down. Beautitu L 3- arthur Street, Whitby. Telephone 668-5720. bedroom brick padioom, fireplace. ' = : sont, (paved a 1955 PONTING s aeaare ae Keith Peters Realto: ey F 2 e eters 5810 VOLKSWAGEN ow tires econd car $35; 2-door, $1,095. GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 JUST LISTED 3-PLEX. One of the best looking buildings on King St. East. Immaculate inside end out. Luxurious living for the plus a com- fortable Possibility Substantial required Prestige station wagon, After 6 p.m:, owner ncome ion vent wi dark car. 6 coupe, ROOM BUNGALOW with sledtt overlooking the intryside. Asking st be sold due Coll to offer srqe_ lot oh cylinder with on A-1 motor leather condition. 725-3744 deluxe. excellent Telephone 1958 KEITH PETERS os ae 1958 CHEVROLET s "TOR nd: canditio $700 RENT OR mmedote ngalow basement ad SALE posses: ion with poved garage room, size kitchen bedrooms two - door Telephone REAL ing fami! " terized. Excellent ephone 725-8132 w 1953 r Radio PONTIAC, o master i Te NORTH WEST DISTRICT $15000.00 3 br bunga modem kitcher for extra bath tiled bott VER A yrnished and with wood boat. Good Government new Trons-Canada nearby. Real good $4,800 room bedroom Line PONTIAC deluxe good con ow ough $ oh four-door ring, po hardtop wer brakes plu m river 1963. PONTIAC V8, ond dighway with muy ot " VOLKSWAGEN, good condition NORTH WEST ell tt eek. No brand 5 mat 4 HOMEHI new NTERS ore asking the North orea a brick ond with carport ie wise Pe Ae oie Gen $695, nating buyer. 3 bed: | : 2 ft: living room tchen ond 4 pe well as 4 washroom are al An exceptionally kept home and priced $18,500 FAMILY? We 10 room brick home Brook a gorage re six bedrooms and living and T kitchen cupboards, The ant so you may nmediate possession = after p.m. 385 Ritson Fi ogany t¢ ] R have 9° oA scher uid suit standard, 6 throughout 031 4-door condit 1957 CHEVROLET 4 excellent 'on 40 Simcoe N 28. with After radio, 198 shdmetgle: EN delux dit 6pm Reasonable. 28--Real Estate hileceee ue 1956 CHEVROLET, new ¢ oply. 493 Adelaide holiywood k 84 res west both as and new SIX or seven room house, cont three room apartment room bungalow. Reasonable down payment. Telephone 7 WANTED room bungalow ocatior home bu ain pe or. thrée-bed. two-door hard- black with Will take RR 3 featured tantia 1963 CHEVROLET Impala. ot LARGE have a . two-door Make Biscayne 1958 ad radio CHEVROLET der, automatic 3-7688 OLDSMOBILE tRering, seats Five with tro go« storey a genuin windows. New tires 1957 power room cosh er radio BUICK he a wagon, automatic. 25 Elena Street hardtop. Reasonable 1961 rad z 1957 CARL OLSEN, fi ard, MAKER -- a " North Osh- | LISTINGS eres We auiex ond ecules REQUIRED 0 down, As ment nvoice price. Con. nected with a large chain. CALL Wilson Realtor 26a King St. E. 725-6588 Wonderful 6pportunity at | 29--Automobiles For Sale only: $16,900. Full price. WHITBY -- Close. to school | 1957 OLDSMOBILE 'door #8, in good mechanical condition. Telephone John", and shopping plaza 3 bed- Whitby 666-5833 room. brick with private 1963 FORD Galaxie V8 automatic. win- Masts ddl drive and fenced -- yard. Divided bosement with very attractive recreation room. dow washers, whitewalls, low mileage. 25 195§ VOLKSWAGEN Van-Camper, equin- per cent off list price. Telephone 728-6569. ped cupboards, sink, ice box, new motor; ee ae - also tent. $550. Whitby 666-8125. BUYING OR SELLING : ' u Carries for $81. per month including. taxes. TED CAMPIN en otal ncaa MOTORS 1958 Vauxhall, excellent gas mileage, mechanically good. Unemployed. Must 607. KING ST.--OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road sell. 728-4817 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 1987 MERCURY 2-door hardtop, good con- dition, one owner, automatic transmis- sion, radio, spotlight, good fires. 728-1594 CAR AND. TRUCK. RENTALS 1956 CHEVROLET. 2-door, standard, (All Makes 'and Models) radio, nitewalls, new paint job, CALL 725 )- 6553 CHEVROLET. ARAL be 6 cylinder, dard, rad Private MONEY 986 rket Immacu- $l, 40,000 miles power equipped Buldyke Highway Super a! Apply N 40) n 'on th excel stock weal and Thickson Road. 1952 MERCURY, radio, good motor and tires, fair body, $100. Apply 1471 Lakefield Street or after 5 p.m. telephone 723-7713. 1988 CHEVROLET sedan delivery, rear seat, windows, ideal all purpose vehicle, Low mileage. $500. 725-9103 1983 CHEVROLET, radio, excellent rum ning condition, $65. Telephone 728-3281; evenings 728-2439 1986 DODGE, color. Private sale at 4-door automatic, wine MOHAWK AVENUE real = family Dui! just A home custom for the present owner 5 yeors ago and now eaving the. city. Seven tit level with recre- room. Vanity bath ond half beth. Thermo- e picture window. Wide coming hall and 21 ft. ving room, Separate dining room with doors to patio. bedrooms all a gen- size. Attached gorage. his home will not last long n this much | sought after By oppointment at ar convenience s room ation or n apts conaiiien Teléphone 725-644) useR 92.99 Tire we from minion West, 2-door radio. snow fires ore, 48 Bond 1958 OLDSMOBILE, eage, automatic, Port Perry 985-2747 1962 FORD Galazie door, eight cylinder ng, power brakes, belts, etc., 17,000 m tion. Original owner, private sale $2495. or best offer. Telephone 9 668-4901; after 6, 668-4416 1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air. sedan, matic, extra low mileage, power ng, radio, whitewalls, etc. Show condition. Telephone 728-1727. 1963 IMPALA hardtop, azure-aqua, V-8 engine, automatic, custom radio, window washers, white walls, tinted: windshield, fender rrors, low mileage. Must sett,| will finance. Dial 668-3262. ' 1956 METEOR Y8 = standard, make offer. Call 723-7280. 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices pald. 220 Wentworth East. 725-1181, OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck- ng. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 220 Wentworth East. 725-118) 100 CARS WANTED New Car? . Ted" New hardtop, low Telephone €rou Four- steer seat condi Price fo 6 ranch wagon radio, power whitewalls, les. Excellent GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND 'SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and Kina 723-4733 ond 723-7712 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 GOOD BUY. 1960 JEEP, 4 Wheel, 'drive with full cab, excellent con- dition throughout Cowan Equipment Co. 134 KING ST. EAST Fale 'Cachl to: the BOWMANVILLE 623-5689 Car and AVE VOLVO TED CAMPIN MOTORS SALES AND SERVICE 123-4494 725-5574 JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE $ ALL CASH $ GENERAL REPAIR For clean e6rs oF AUTO ELECTRIC SER deal up or down ott 449 Ritson Rd Bn clue NICOLS MOTORS LTD. KELLY DISNEY _ 46 BRCCK ST. NORTH USED CARS LTD Across from Royal Hotel 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST Whitby 668-3331 WHITBY -- 668-5891 31---Automobile Repair sh OR eased HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION Always Ge aol. TEXACO PRODUCTS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 32--Articles For Sale CHAIN saw, portable well pump, freezer, refrigerator, chest of drawers, bed, dishes, étc. Telephone 723-1409 JIGSAW 24 inch, heavy duty Beaver modeél 3100, slightly used with motor and stand. $85. Telephone 723-2400. SCATTER mats, braided, Colonial style, hand made. Teléphone 728-1920 CORONA oj! stove,. nearly new, $30. Tele- phone 728-9860 What's My Line? Buying or selling used niture ond appliances. your phone BERT STREET--2 blocks r C St. large rooms. 144 ft. with big rees and garage. Alj tewly decorated. Full price $11,- bute steer room Porticulars call 723-1121 $250. or Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m teve Zurbe Leon Manitius Hutchuk Roy Flintoff Englert Tony Siblock Jean Peacock Lloyd Corson Young Lucas Peacock REALTY LIMITED 16° Simcoe SM. S$ Dick WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR Leighedild Buying a ised car tc ee bedroom house, im- $120 monthly, Modern tment, $115 monthly Real Estate, Whitby. Deoler SHOPPERS Now is the Re your CCM. bicyclés and Sports accessories at Wilson's and Sales, 106 Colborne Street Whitby. Phone 668-3746. Us@ our ay-away plan EXPERIENCED lady will baby 'sif and evenings after §. Telephone CHRISTMAS r to order trucks we Liens paid and VIC E "tanks cleaned, prompt sérvice Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street Whitby, 668-2563 DRESSMAKING: uits, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting @ specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372 CHRISTMAS Special, 1964. Outboard 7\2 hp, $219. Other models at 20 'ount. A few 1963 models at ces. Wilde Rental Service, East, Whitby. 668-3226. grade, Service, SEPTIC on cali West, coals, dresses, per cent 415 Dunda SCOTCH Pine : Wilde Rental Whitby. ANDY'S NURSERY GROWN Spruce and Seotch Pine Christmas trees for Sate. Apply 814 Byron Street North, Whitby. ORDERS faken for home madé Christ cakes. Ranging froin $1.00 to $8.00, ding on size. Telephone 668-8 CHRISTMAS "TREES -- Soild t by éhureh oir, The very bes! pruned Scotch pine. eaesene Délivered if Whitby, Oshawa Telephone 668:5772. | GENERAL ELECTRIC Tv, | first) working order, $95 Telephone first plain and 1415 Dun-| @& abie prices Order now TOOT YOUR' OWN HORN! GET THAT NEW CAR NOW WITH A LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED % ay s | Sti PLan LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCUTIA nv" i 468-2274 FOR RENT Kitchen, living -- Two-bedroom apartment room, private bath. One child weicorne. Telephone 668-5958. DELUXE = two-bedroom Whitby prestige building. Court. 668-8560. FOR SALE -- "baby ¢ Carriage. - Good con: dition, oriverts 16 car bed. Baby's! chrome. swing and .stand, converts to car seat. Playpen and TV aerial, 668-5028 UNFURNISHED two - room. apartment and 4 panelled wa Cupboards, first floor. Stearn heated, all. utilities. Sreve eng refrigerator supplied. $70 mentMly. Telephone Whitby 668-1877, apartment In Sa 211 Reedetra| fur- For needs \Valley Creek Furniture \° | 728-440) or coll at thy stre 6% Bond W. | reasonable offer § _ 20 Church Streef. 4-\PICK your own Spy apples, $1 to $1.50 "otter prone Base line from Whitby Hospital va miles west. Joe Makowchik on mail io FIVE-piece chrome kitchen estal style table. $30 or nearest Telephone 725-8695. LARGE fibreboard storage ne apeomet electric guitar and case (withou Hi fier); man's dark grey suit He ie 3) pair pants; complete Boy Scout udeale (size 14) _ Telephone 728- -O514. STORMS and screens (3), aiuminur 43' x 21% inch. Two years old. Pair ee French doors, 66" x 24", Telephone 728-1462, PARTY dress, beige-gold, shoe string straps; shrimp colored semi-formai. Both sizes 7 to 9. Best offer. Dial 668-6122 BUY and sell, good used furniture and| appliances. One location only. Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-327) HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appliances. Name brands at biggest discounts any where. We carry Restonic and Beverly mattress furniture fines. Your authorized GE dealer, Contact Honest Cal's on 424 King Street West, our new home formerly Avaion Dance Hall. Telephone 728-919) WE buy, sell and exchange used furni ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East, 723-1671 GENERAL Electric 21" television, new picture tube. Set like new. $75. Masala 728-1742 FREE WALLPAPER at 14 price, hundreds of CHRISTMAS DINNER patterns in ready-pasted and reguiar. Call 723-1359 for Full Buy one roll, get one roll free. Edgar's Information "20th CENTURY FOOD PLAN ESTABLISHED IN 1953 Featuring Red Brand. Steer Beef, Top Quality . Frozen Foods, Brand Names in all Grocery Items. Our years of experience the food and freezer business assures you Food saving, service and sat- isfaction unequaled Freezers from $269 with membership also avail- able in Paint and Wallpaper, 34 King West, Osh awa. set, extra track $70, will sell tor 34----Lost and Found hone Whit Telephone LOST Biack spaniel, wearing North Shopping call 723-1419 LOST: A ope, Whitby di please call 668-8 VIP miniature racing and lap counter. Cost $40. Also rural mail box by 608-5220. KEYSTONE 8 mm fully automatic cam- era, zoom lens, new condition. Reason able. Telephone 725-3873. Apply 317 Wind sor MEN'S suits, male, collar Finder cocker Vicinity please and white. black Centre fe Insurance policy in an enve- strict, For reward finder 4 size 40, very good shape also shoes, and 11. Private. Telephone 723-25 FOUR drawer fil typewriter tab writer Dalton adding abe! Telephone Brook HOMEMARKET Fre cubic ft., used 4 sale or take over 10V2 ; ; LOST: Blonde old. Answers -to and K male, 4 months Vicinity Ritson Telephone Spaniel, Teddy" hild's pet. Reward ng cabinet; grey meta check 4 36--Legal style. owing 3-497) mo 2 payments, 7 RANGE, below normal 728-0647 SALE of graphic Viking automat use. After 6 p.m electric Telephone maps, National Geo Saturday, Novembe: 62] Shakespeare books Magazin 3 a.m. to 5 p.m Avenue, 728-5707 "SCOTCH PINE" Chr sizes, very reasonable Street, 728-1426, FUR coat ze 20. New size 40 trees, a 296 Alber stmas rates full length man's top Muskrat, full back condition. Also Call 725-18) CORPORATION OF CITY OF OSHAWA PARKS, PROPERTY, AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT TENDER FOR REFRESHMENT SERVICES s plainly THE THE coat ANTIQUE tric stoves amps and many miles | wes Phone 655 LOWREY r free trial. Alto Music ¢ Su pli es South. 725-1501 21" TELEVISION, $50. Full size bass complete with Kay fier stand, $350. Telephone 668-268! vitby BEACH, 4burner range, $15. Good cond tion. Telephone 728-4809. FOR SALE -- Black Hudson Sea! coat.and grey cloth coat with grey. collar. Both like new and about siz Phone 668-2432 weekends or af »'clock stoves, elec desks pump Apply 4 Highway coal and wood wash machines, tables nes chests, pressured r small articles on Used. 3-day 453 Simco Czec and fu mork- COMBINATION contents be re tove, with y vy duty ts ceived at' the Office of The a oO -quantit ' DG WOOG, Ae ity Clerk until 12 O'Clock sc aM December 6th 1963, jector _witt tt 21" FLOOR mode \ arte 1 at the North dark mahogany, in ! Telephone 728-3978 a Arena for the 1963- ter ONE pair boots, nearly new ze Ws 15. Telephone Whitby 668. 76 after 6 Ir 16 FT. freighter. canoe, new, $200. Gregor golf clubs, putter, 1, 2 jand 6 irons, plus new bag, phone 728-0049 ANTIQUE GUN WANTED Telephone Oshawa 725-8183. ACCORDION, Scandalli, almost men's, 120 bass, nine variations on treble three on bass, with case. Cal evenings 725-8575 VACUUM cleaner Free estimates brushes, chines vice, Call: anytime 128-059 TELEVISION tower special, 40-ft. struc- ture, including all channel antenna, in stalled and guaranteed by experts with 10 years experience, $50. Trio. Televisior Telephone 728-678) i COMBINATION gas and o idaire refrigerator, 9 ft tinghouse. dryer; kitchen coa wi screen Motorola good cond Allegro sk Season terested parties may obtain Tender Forms and further in- formation oat. the office of the undersigned Lowest ony Tender not necessarily accepted. W. J. Crompton, Purchasing Agent " Identify Body Found In Lake KINGSTON (CP) -- Police said Sunday they have identi- fied the body of a woman found or repairs, makes parts at achinent s. ss ae eed rebuilt Abs Vacuum stove washer; suit Excellent Frig Wes war cond $55 furniture Hampton | | EDUCATION ROLE federal government lowest prices In Practice $1.19 and Midtown Furniture. across from bus ter The is Canadian Indians and Savage used Ford Telephone robe; continental bed in Sharbot Lake, 40 miles north tion. 723-1989 of heré, as Nora Elizabeth ONE 50,000 BTU oll space heater. One Whitehead: 45, of Kingston er. Priced low to sell. Telephone 728-4258, Her body, wrapped in a plas- |WESTINGHOUSE 2)" television set, 900d tic bag and with a cement block working condition, console rib} tied to its feet, was found "by Panda Bear 32, $2.50. Walking dol niches, like new, $4.50. Telephone 725-8416.. Mrs 8. F. GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, Bat-se yen childten, disappeared vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-454 Nov. 1. She had worked as a TELEVISION, Electrohome, 21' : : stand, $45. Emco glass lined hot water) Kingston hospitals and at. the Merde Alax,| time of her disappearance, was e y t § i MAN'S suit, black, size 40, medium mifioved, By (he St Mary: ot height, $20. Grey overcoat, size 40, $20 land. youth's white, black fleck 'lackel|. Earlier, police said -they be | Telephone Whitby 668-8432 lieved the woman had been CHRISTMAS trees, Scotch Pine, pruned, killed by someone familiar with mately 1,0000. After 5 p.m. tlephone - Or- ono 1649. 100 cottages in the area are WASHER, "Thor, green; round tub, Good owned by Toronto, Montreal, in 30. Phone 728-5929. Kingston and United Sttaes res- BUYING or selling ances. Cali Emer, 263-2294 or 263-2695, rentals and supplies. All machines over. Man Char en anteed. Cook's Office Equipment, Richmond Street East. 728-8300. re. bed frigerator. Good. running condition. $25 it reats Telephone Whitby 668-4927 TWO Lionel locomotive train sets, large WASHINGTON (AP) -- Rob- transformer Reasonable, complete with BICYCLES, C.C.M. Girls', junior ana Peing held here today on a adult si $25 each. Collier's Encylo- charge of having made an oral Ped}e; 2) res, children's story books, threat against the life of Pres- COAT, Persian Lamb, black, full length. 14 to 18, tapered sleeves, full back, deep Weatherington, who police ollar, $350. Telephone 728-6850. said has a record of erratic est prices in town call Midtown for Win- Dehavior, was arrested by Se- equipment. Midtown Furniture, 19 Prince S r y yarn: Street, across from bus terminal, 728-1131 esa es og ne rag ad ob- . A SKATE Exchange -- over 1,000 pairs of - tas Ae day The Secret Service agents said CCM, Alpine, Daoust and Dunne town Furniture, 19 Prince Street, across from bus terminal. 728-1131 he had been discharged by the| EXCELLENT valves in unpainted furni Corps of Army Engineers be- ture. Bookcases $3.88, desks $13.88, chest cause of a nervous condition. 4-drawer desks $19.88. Wilson Furniture, c : and heads of three local banks FLOOR covering bargains, clearance of Were involved in a blackout of discontinued patterns. Many pretty and files which would clear his rec- edhe h by the yard, tweeds and stat patterns, from $2.99. Wilson Furniture, 20 Prarok Sita, : urniture, 20 The agents reported Weather- LIVING Toone Taber 7 Ao wae FETS ington told them that unless the| long, beige with modern design, $75, Tele Dlackous were raised by- he! SEE the amazing new Bernina 1964 model to die fully automatic sewing machine, now on display at Midtown Furni: ture, 19° Prince HESPLER hockey sticks, town; MicMac: $1.99; special team prices. tion of minal. 728-113) Eskimos AUTO load 12 gauge shotgun, 1950 Prefect. motor; many I Hampton. 264-7 DACCA, East Pakistan (AP) CHRISTMAS trees, sprayed and deliver. 4: K. M. Fazlul Quader Chow- ed. Plumbing fixtures, piping, 'ittings,| dhury, former central minister| ers, pressure systems. H. Chinn, corne Hillside and Pack BeeTh, : neriis, the new speaker of the Na-/| tional Assembly of Pakistan. He 33--Market Basket was elected unanimously to Bring containers. S$ Liberty Street North, Khan. As speaer, Chowdhury owmanv lle ' : " WeinrOst Tasca rt will be the No. 2 man in the pple: rr bushe: i rer. de sovernment after President val No, 40 glass lined automatic water: heat mattress like néw, 24 x 48 inches wet trapper Ed Neilson Friday teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, _ tele wih Nursing assistant in severai heater, 30 gal., $35.. Telephone the Lake Hospital Both hardly worn. Boy Scout uniform all sizes, sell one complete lot approxi-/Sharbot Lake resort area. About working condition, or appli-|idents, TYPEWRITERS, adders, sales, service, GENERAL Electric apartment size tracks. Telephone 725-9280 ert A. Weatherington, 40, was vol 10. volumes, $100. Telephone 728-6850. ident Johnson NEED some hockey equipment? For low es rices in town call Midtown for Win-/DehaviOr, Was arrested Dy Se- new and used skates now in stock. Bauer, Mid- Weatherington complained that of drawers $17.88, wardrobes $19.98, large 116 alleged that the president colorful designs. Out they go, 23c per foo! ord phone 725-8131 president, Johnson would have Street, 728-1131 19 Prince Street, Chevrolet and Oxford parts CT NEW SPEAKER furnaces, gas, oil, new, used, space heat-' for é@ducation and information, McINTOSH apples, $i per bushel and up. succeed the late livered. Hampers reurned. J, H. Pascoe, - 720-0458, ihammad Ayub Khan. q Ya Whitehead, the mother of | held responsible for the educe: iy Tamizuddin | y iy ¥ tae ond Trim =< IK" EOS ENE tea CO KO BEEN ENE RN I ¥ 4 J 7 MNS Se SSE | MENS PODS DAIS 4 a a ; FOWLER FO ,. shopping a real y ie 4 Pet ee tt ee ae a eS ee CHRISTMAS TREES RES t RIES 306 Kin Phone 725 72 1,000 s and |1,000's Nursery Grown Pruned Scotch: Pines 97¢ 94 Special 5'-6 ft Larger $ and $2 We Spray Your Tree In Chosen Color OSHAWA GARDEN CENTRE 1259 SIMCOE N. 723-3222 OPEN EVENINGS sizes 42 Your pS SS 8 ks Gifts for Anyone CEE SUES SURGE RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS GIFTS Sets 25c Medium geet s 65 to $20 Large ssa's. Nativity Small, St M $1.2 Rosaries Pearl and Pictures, Wall $1.25 to $18 PARKVIEW Variety Store 98 Olive Avenue Mrs, V. Bachand, owner Open daily 'til. 10:30 p.m $18.50 Crystal Stotues Plaque AN IDEAL GIFT McBrine Luggage From 9.98 Up All Canadian made Men and women's casual Flite, Gladstone bags, tr cases, etc. GIFT CERTIFI CATES BURNS SHOES KING AND SIMCOE STS USE OUR LAY AWAY ONLY 19 SHOPPING - DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Now is the time to select gifts to please everyone on your Christ- mas Gift List. The Gift Selector makes your plea- sure. It tells you what to buy, for-whom the gifts are suitable, and where to buy. WATCH THE TIMES GIFT SELECTOR DAILY FOR ADDITIONAL GIFTS FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 2, 1963 17 . Santa Claus Is Coming to Town His Sleigh Filled with Gifts from The Oshawa Times Le EE " Gitte for Her MaNEtE Gifts for the Family |Gifts for the Home rae EME UEaE THRILL HER WITH A GIFT CERTIFICATE Cold Waves New Hoir Style Regal Hairstyling Aanoged by Lilian Howard 24 sIMCOE N above Saboat's PHONE 728-2002 Christmas Offer Only FREE sewing machine $79. value, when hasing an: Elna Super- sewing machine, from Exclusive Elna dealer, Simcoe S 728-2391 SOMETHING THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL LOVE BABY BUDGIES Wonderful assortment of rare species and colors MRS. T. BROAD 114 Elgin East 723-9767 SURE TO PLEASE! A. Gift Certificate from -- LLOYD ELLIS SHOES 49 King W., Bowmanville 623-5941 Shoes For The Use Our Convenient Layaway Plan natic Family THE SOUND OF MUSIC AT CHRISTMAS Lowrey Organs Free Three Day Home Trial Cemonstrations at the store, Five Free Lessons EASY TERMS ALTO Music Supplies 453 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 725-1501 VISIT US! SPORTS EQUIPMENT GAMES FOR ALL AGES GIFT SPECIALTIES CAMERAS DYtTI S FIRESIDE CORNER MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS COMPLETE WITH A HAIRSTYLE FROM BERNADETTE'S BEAUTY SALON 263 Nassau Street at Gibb Sess ie sale . FROM SANTA The works---trim, . shampoo, curl by specialists. A solution for every type of hair. Com- | plete permanents from $10 up. She will love you for a gfit certificate from BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR STYLISTS OSHAWA -- 728-4623 WHITBY -- --_-- -- 668-: 3061 THRILL HER WITH LOVELY FRAGRANCES ATTRACTIVELY GIFT PACKAGED Yardley's Cologne $1.25-$3 | Dusting Powder $1.75 Red Roses, Lotus ond Bond Street Perfumes from $3 Spray. Mist 50 POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35% Simcoe 'N. 725-4734 | A GIFT OF BEAUTY | | Use Our Convenient Loy Away Plan OPEN EVERY EVENING BEAT SANTA At His Own Game! FOR THE FAMILY GIVE FOOTWEAR THIS CHRISTMAS GIFT CERTIFICATES From $4.98 up DAVIDSON'S 31 SIMCOE NORTH Christmas Door Knockers | 725-3312 R. B. REED and SONS| 10% King Street West ORDER EARLY : CHRISTMAS TREE FOR A CHRISTMAS SPIRIT WEAR: A GAY CORSAGE Hang @ wreath on the door | Colorful outdoor wreaths 163 Bloor Street West 725-1131 or 725-2512 |AND TRAIN PLATFORMS) Ya' TRAIN BOARD TOPS, Gifts for Holiday Fun PING PONG TABLES FROM $7.95 UP BROWN'S | LUMBER and SUPPLIES 436 RITSON N. 725-4704 LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH | Christmas Parties and Banquets Reservations 725-2737 Holiday Food nee Order Your Christmas Fowl From LITZ PROCESSING PLANT Special rates for Banquets, Bowling Alleys. 117 Bloor St. £. 723-4722 the Holiday Season RIDE WITH - MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa's Most Modern Taxi The Safe Way To Celebrate | A CHRISTMAS GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO THE OSHAWA TIMES Is a year-round gift and a daily reminder of good- will for your friends and relatives who are away from home. |THE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA Will be pleased te act upon your instructions, TELEPHONE 723-3474 205 BOND ST. WEST | SOLVE your 'Christmos problems with gifts from our large assortment of furniture ond appliances $1. will hold any item _ till Christmas EASY TERMS. M. COLLIS FURNITURE CO 78 KING ST W. 725- 0332 This Christmas Gifts for the home. A. small deposit . will hold any item until Christmas. HONEST CAL'S 424 KING WEST 728-9191 formerly Avalon Dance Pavilion. . Give « Gifts for Him or Her CAMPBELL GOLF CLUB SETS FROM $35 up 3 complete sets. Fibre glass shafts. Bags, Carts, Golf Bails. Less thon wholesale. Sunny Brae Golf Course Port Perry 985-2076 Gifts for Children SKATES SOLD ond EXCHANGED Also BICYCLES and TRICYCLES | Apply | DRAYTON CYCLE | | | NEW and USED 204 Bond St. E. Gifts for Him PING PONG TABLES Complete with top, base, | balls, bat and net. $28.50 Complete MILLWORK. and | ' BUILDING SUPPLY 1279 Simcoe N. 728-6291 HOME REPAIR KIT $9.99 COMPLETE with Tool Box and Basie Tools OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. Main Office, Showroom Courtice 728-1611 Oshawa 'Shopping Centre 728-1617 FOR THE MOTORIST Give a gift wrapped Ontario Motor League Membership $15 per YEAR 728-8334 725-7422 FREE! TOP COAT OR CAR COAT with the purchase of ony SUIT PRICED FROM $49.50 USE YOUR CREDIT OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT NO DOWN PAYMENT DUNN"S Two Locations: 36 KING E. (Downtown) and | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Smort Business People Sing the Praises of Oshawa Times Classified Ads