Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Dec 1963, p. 15

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Pere rT Se rey tt | First Quint | Arrives Home ABERDEEN, S.D. (AP) Oswald's Documents Sifted By Officials mentary clues left behind byjquoted Ruby as saying he en- Lee Harvey Oswald, the manitered the basement by simply, Sov police say killed the president. walking unchallenged past two respondents are painting the The city police investigation) officers guarding the entrance. {United States as in such tur- when te lal the. hocuitel by top officers extended beyond) Assistant Police Chief Charles|moil that many Americans|when he lef pit consistent gainer. about 10 pounds nearly three years. He went to|die Hughes of the Dallas Morn-|. JAPANESE IMPORT Moscow in October, 1959 and/ing News learned in an inter-| Judo, ; announced his intention 'to give w with her. Federal agents|sport, first appeared in Canada up his American citizenship. He} has B ps Ao to the United States in children of the accused slayer|tlers in British Columbia Thanksgiving Day A@En Bear KINGSBEE | MAKES A ~ COMPLETE BREAK WITH THE PAST! NEW DOW KINGSBEER LAGER Z : ..-4 great taste experience : you've been missing until now! 4 \ . ' Weasked people what they like and dislike about ; their favourite lager beer. Now after months of trial, DOW has brewed a lager far in advance ' of all others in matching today's taste qualities --the qualities you asked for. The results are. } in the bottle and on tap for your final approval ) MAKE A BREAK WITH THE PAST... TRY NEW Di INGSBEER Quintuplet James Andrew Fis- cher went home Saturday, ex- actly 11 weeks after his arrival. the fourth born, was the larg- Re orer noe nor.lest to beg i the most MOSCOW (AP) -- Sovier cor-jéht 10 begin Wn and ae five ounces His|was preaching at i 7 j rjtional memoria! s the police who were in the city/Batchelor declined comment on|hardly dare leave their houses|birth weight was about cae PA |gan getting supplemental cereal| a Japanese-originated|feedings on Thursday, U.S.| James An-| e had the mother, widow and{about 1920.among Japanese set-|drew got his first taste of cer-| eal more than a month ago | so-vividly what we admire in @\Queen as he did at the presi-ling sermon, the archbisho} human great ca "Prime Minister Sir Alee Doag- BRITAIN'S TRIBUTE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, December 2, 1963 15 lias - Home, seated across the| ! |Harold Wilson and former prime|cause '" Great And Small Mourn Kennedy was paying his third memorial)the human heart." : | tribute here to the president.| Speaking of Kennedy's per-!what he stood for. The day after Kennedy's. assas-|$0nal qualities of bravery and} sinatton he joined Roman Cath-|patience and his causes of| olics in a requiem mass at peace, freedom and racial sald|URGES ALL PEOPLE are the/dent's funeral in Washington--|thousands across the world were About. ithe Queen herself attended aj -- -- robed archbishop Sunday at } life and what the Second ' CS W care Ei ATi RONEN SE 7 BME AERA U ARMAS aici is The black memorial service aSSIVE N&-i windsor. ervice in St attended by With him were Princess Mar- CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS Cathedral t. ' y, lea at «s ] p' s ~ a) hall basement Noy. 24 when) Ruby's story. because of threats of those try-| pounds ak {Prince Philip, other members cof hepa tee eg ce ae -- Ruby shot. Oswald with a 38- The possibility that Oswaldjing to cover up the assassin of} James Andrew's trip home W8Sithe Royal family and the na-|°%! Sis Bi; al que} _ ' ; # calibre reolver could forge documents was/President Kennedy jrecorded by cameras arid re-ltion's political and diplomatic Gloucester; the ira bee For Your Shopping Convenience Both uniformed police and)brought up in a copyrighte | Reporter Boaris Streinikoy in|porters on a limited basis--with! joa ders BU scr oa --_ od st "es ] i | ork | | f 2 Q de 2 plainclothesmen said they hadjstory by the Dallas Times Her-), dispatch from New York tolone photographer permitted. to Rarely in ail its tong history|° -- tate are Pie, been summoned to the closed- ald : jthe Communist party newspa-/take pictures for distribution 0} can the old cathedral perched|?! si dat ar Canaaala tor § 4 , door inquiry Oswald was an excellent pho-|ner Pravda |various media. Since shorly 'labove London. traditional ecene| toc. y be 'BI | f apher > é 5 ' "aig. | i ag eau er Governor-General, the Ear The FBI now is in charge of|tographer. A ne ative of a 'The Dallas ultras feel so|ter the babies' births, the Fis-lof homage to Billmats Swo her " hats 1or-Gene @ the physical evidence and is re-|blank military drat registra-| ..itident that even: the mayor|cher family has carefully cOn-loes, have seen a more moving|°! Atilone, EXCEPT SATURDAY . "TIL 6 P.M. leasing almost no information, tion card was found on him, the|or that city (Dallas) does notitrolied access to the babies and!ceremony, As the great congre- oe Se ne eee it aiso said he\care leave his home to go intolhas sold picture and story|cation of 3,000 sang the Battle > roe may. make it public ie ag ator . dina name}, street, Some strangers |rights lEemt of the: Repoblioe "Ming > , later. ae : dikes threatened to kill him because} leyes have seen the glory of the quan oviek vis He worked for a time for alne dared to be present at Kén|WAS A CLERK lining of Whe Lord lt wan o > 3 ' 7 printing company and possibly! jos. ginanat Fischer was an $80-a-week| yeek in which Washingt aturday, S0- oy) snendnnead. ade s funeral Peer ee ' |noble climax to a week in which) B C on en yuld lave reproduced: doctey oss dded that wit-\Cletk before he and his' shy|,nurches great and small vie mbas natoly ments in that way f St bythe |wife became well-known figures out the ante have Dobrynin voluntarily turne ae s called by the FBI.in Dal ei si pis ented throughou iT country 1a | over to State Secretary Dean| LEFT NOTES las dare not testify for fear of ig ene, gt thea) mourn d the murdered presi- 4 i laa Oswe af nou ron ' ag ?? rural -. hom yut wave SINCel gant Rusk a Soviet consular file on swaild left voluminous no eprisals from the "ultras | : : Ce) den |e activi 1 moved | a larger se in} Oswald. about Ms | activitl A slow swing in the nature of} noved into a large hous f ST. PAUL'S CRAMMED js The state d tinent imm concerning t tir m the|the city. The Aberdeen Cham- t A St ; he cs epar € lnme Pring Sovie r Ir fry the 7 | "he vast caverns of St I's j } 1 t r ed The Fai Commerce as promised e@ Vi | diately gave the documents,/group call d The Fai I d States } ainst| DET of an sit ne ti a Satis jhung: with ancient battle ban SMART WOMEN ,. . > ] which were in Russian, to the Cuba Committe e§ COl-|] Harvey O In the eb- : hg "6 a 3 phe ily | ners, are praminied to capa-\t have thal carpets and -uphol- > FBI for use in its investiga ee ee co ginning the accused assassin sal ray ei wi ry ap fivel City The public crowded intol] stery cleaned 'The Sate Way 1) ase tion © same source said One let-\bracident Kennedy was de-|the Fischers will face with fi Ithe back of the nave, over- by an There rh gps t hadeucrees i Ne soa sd in dispatches in avery | earns ct but construction| He d. into: the crypt and out D AN > PHONE 725-6 vance of tle adhe eh ached Pe A Oca cw LOrk and! ,aner in Moscow. Now the So-|ha DegU jon the street where the service} URACLE documents as to whether they ergy ithoee Ane Wore a viet press is seizing on west-} All the babies appear to belwas relayed by loudspeakers. * 18 ; 154-156 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH -- OSHAWA eontained . information. that 1s ne ain . eS ve oe hk ern reports that Oswald r yidoing fine, although tiny Mary) The city strects, normally de- 7a 8-85 Pere, Cemnene ote Hie OX M se t 0 i. oe f Fort/¥@8 anti-Soviet and under the/Ann, the first-born, still lags be-|srted on Sundays, hummed'l, Veeeee A Ma tn ha te Mn hy te te he te te Mm mga ame 20 erie jnvecteenon aude W . Tex ae! an aie x luence of right-wing extrem-|/hind the others in weight ga n| - ies scene ssauommameuaeuscan i . states way "ee the ha 22 assassina-| Wo a Tex., apparently me sts IShe is still on liquid formula| tion of Kennedy estranged for a year efore : ; Bader : ' : . Oswald lived in Russia for)/Kennedy was assassinated, E -| while the other three girls be-| jwill help and inspire ow wwer ' jnave with Opposition Leader|bound br slowed in mourning be-jof all.nations to draw strength esident Kennedy|from suffering and said the jminister Harold Macmilian,jtouched something universal inishock of Kennedy's loss would bring a sharper realization of "The impact of his example . , the n ' : : : sauses for which he cared will : , James and his four sisters! |onpDON (UP) One who;with crowds who had gathered|Westminster Cathedral and be-|brotherhood, the archbishop) Causes ; ; DALLAS (AP)--City police;mid 1962 after an scope Was Te ptr aerew yt dispute] Were born Sept. 14 to Mr. and | touched something universal injhours before the service Manyjfore flying to Washirizton at-|said:: haePgc a Bre inl acy = remained silent Sunday about|change of heart. sions over a high chair she had|Mrs. Andrew Fischer, . already}the human heart." \joined in the hymns and an-|tended a service in Westminster, "In @ moment of madness this| hs Uemtiiaieeepviog aakid their own extensive investiga-/ Ruby, 52, darted ec ay as | toa Hak Wear Id grand.|parents of five, In these words, spoken with|thems, Most men appeared tol Abbey man was done to death and the; igs a jentacas aan the tion into how night club owner|crowd and shot Oswald, ; dp Hepes re bas ~* The four girl quintuplets, allideep emotion, Dr. Michael Ram-|be wearing black ties ae : {causes lose 2» champion just e ar nd British per ihe ag gy Potowtgp ammeter rg perro dal we geet ' doing fine, also will be sentisey, the Archbishop of Canter-. Under the brilliantly-lit dome| "ambassador David Bruce| ming Are vitae ot 9 ada Barlier military the man age hs cenemaaiua bee Renna en tevers lai pidge as es a home one at a time in coming|pury, ge! cate ya before the black and gold high headed the diplomatic represen-|°"*: ' trumpeters sounded Taps from ing John F. Kennedy jacc . BUGLE |Mis own way, Sai ' ust | weeks, . Sunday to the late U. resi-jaitar sat the Royal party,|24 : "To what. purpose is this! ee ; mwhile, officers were ex-|jails to await trial, OE oer eae James Andrew, once known/dent 'John F. Kennedy Prince Philip, in black morning|'@"¥eS waste?" ones hed Molds: the a ee tected fe a vei gy ofa pied rier Tens Kee oa Nees a always 'an in@lonly as baby D because he was| 'Thinking of him, we all see dress, was representing the| As he began his deeply mov- is : 5 ec: rough a mass Sur} uby's lawyer, To ward, | vii F 'Americans killed in Britain ip The archbishop urge peopie|the Second World War. 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