Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Nov 1963, p. 5

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|by direct financial contributions, WHITBY And DISTRICT Nl Steses eee rcre| Vote & Flect Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Encouragement ser whe best we have to ML, Harry | offer. | Manager: John Gault et Of Industry Parry By Py mig INKPEN 'put for by other candidates for In our coverage of the office. a For Council DEP UTY-REEVE SUGGESTS eee speechés of aspirants to Whitby) "To name a few: a prones Town Council at R. A. Hutchi-jof street paving; é " son School in last evening's| velopment, a business-man's MONDAY, e -_ -- Times, the comments of Gor-|approach to town affairs; and reate ec ns l u e don Neal were inadvertantly! realistic use of the tax dollar. DEC 2nd omitted. | "You have been told at one i. This was the platform he pre-ijime or another that 'It doesn't|| tye previous terms on bed sented: matter how you vote, but vate'.|] Council. Experience in n : | "We must maintain a realis-| "1 guggest that it does mat-|| Municipal affairs is most oun Vy . jtic balance between industrial-|te- how you vote. importont for good Govern-.. commercial and residential as-| «4 is. your responsibility tol] hi ee These sessment", he began. : iti of Whith "| he cornerstone of the new|study the program, This com-jtype of project 1 propose. Shes®) "Phis has to be done to keep | yourselves, as citizens itby VOTE INKPEN 'County Courthouse and Adiini-/mittee should be jointly com-| should be veg ao 'ik the the taxes in line and relieve the|to select and elect, industrious 4\strative building was laid Thurs- prised of professional-industrial) I propose gee er Pug the| Householder of an unfair share intelligent, responsible men a Iday. By the summer of 1964 all) persons along with delegates male yr ores see' e rig! of. the taxation burden. to civis ottice ia wanes aad Maa in- | nions. old County Building from the) «tndustry has to be - lof the county offices will be in- the trade unions 'county Council and the City Of aged rag vil oe ae ee will carry out their responsibil- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, November 30, 1963 | ' roposed that the Commit- "<A : 3 % sgt hes daries. ties faithfully. This I am_pre- j J what is to happen to the old : t Ontario. De: . q , tederal a "\building on Ontario strect? support from se |presentatives far eR be be dealt with~intelligently. 'This|« ; 4 : : | Whitby Deputy-Reeve George| partment and Minister of Labor.|and provincial governme De iT am prepared to do ; F . Brooks, chairman of the County, "There are Provincial and enlisted to aid the committee in) ® adie Family Monuments or A BIRTHDAY SMILE | Pro rty Committee, has prof-|Federa' funds available for the'th quest for the institute. The next thing we should) pete . c consider is in what way should] ' Grégory, son of Mr. and day today. Grandparents are inatitute of technolo- a support C Il Mrs. William Schatzmann, 111 Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Schatz- (oy centred aaund end including CLUB CAI ENDAR ganizations? | ounci or Bowman avenue, Whitby, is mann of Austria ithe existing structure. "I say we should offer more) Created To tute would offer courses simi- banking\Co-op Guild 4 lar to those offered by Ryerson Co-op Credit Union banking} _ , : 4 os. WHITBY PERSONALS in Toronto and EOIT in Ottawa, night Almonds United Church Women by STAFFORD BR be having special returned mis- street is celebrating his birth- «tn @ way, he continued', It. : niger EES Packs r 318 DUNDAS EAST sionaries from India as their day today, Nov. 30. He will be\ might also be comparable to Salvation Army Brownies Salvation Army Women's Home OUR FRIENDS, oe 668-3552 ) Everyone is welcome to attend, ner at Sandelwood Restaurant, phe course of study would be ¢rs Faith Baptist Church WMS am al For Sound Kimberly, daughter of Mr Eatons technological education between. tario Hospital |Margaret Guild and Mrs. Lawrence Perry is the levels provided in the sc-,4)) saints' Anglican Church today, Nov. 30. Friends of the ions and friends of Elizabeth citieg : i : v / © Admi ® i i y 714 vf fe 7 re eats Red Cross Senior Citizens So-| b | 4 nistra on family wish Kimberly. many)Thompsor their _ best He explained that all high TUESDAY, Dec. 3 cial Club | / 12th birthday to be celebrated|School districts in the County whithy Duplicate Bridge Club : | NG we ' Mrs. Anne Chernicki of Win- Mondsy, Dec, 2 offered a course of study in oi Baptist Church Jr, Young SATURDAY, Dee. 7 | 'a In 1964-65 Pari fe ; ALTE : 5 se 7 ra fed . . mc after visiting her daughter and, Mr. and Mrs. William Shear-|these were eracted under a Me ee Couples Club ca son-in-law Mr, and Mrs. Lauriejer, Byron street north are cele- eral aid program Red Cross work room Salvation Army Timbral Brig- | F ay ; mom _-- was also here for the birth of her niversary today, Nov. 30. Their/#9!d¢ from the Toronto Trades. Whitby : nr Salvation Army Young People's Ye ; ee é new grandson Brendon friends wish them every hap- School there was no system any- St. John the Evangelist CWL Band z%. Mrs. Gerald Ravary, 1s cele- Danny Morton is celebrating Caron a seg a Shale aah St Andrew's _ Presbyterian Soren reeset brating her tenth birthday Mon-his sixth birthday, Wednesday \ op fle lndabtre -- Church WA SCUGOG Spurred' rend 3 ELECT Bg espn fata ee Roipumgad Danny will entertain friends side of Toronto, to teach. skills I iacietsiaaieaenesaiemeeneiaamataianetll dren of the Church FREE Pick-up & Delivery Deily % Bruce, son of Mr. and Mrs. wil] view the Santa Claus parade' 'Therefore, I would suggest | . 'ae Robert West will be six on Sun- é that an advisory committee of Knights of Columbus .. : PHONE 668-4341 for 5 TOM Michael, David, Nancy and AA ALIRAT ETSI | } ' iy Are wil be vising'hicads'a| St. John : = |BOARD TRUSTEE || JOHN HOWARD EDWARDS Th dow A Mother interested oe } ; FP eresa an innie, twin , in all your children ' daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Fred CHRISTMAS | 3 "7 VOTE and ELECT WHITBY SCHOOL : > 4 years ex rience 3. Friends wish them both a : For progressive and economical | The question now ariseS-- ie. once formed, should seek MeO: ae. _ d He suggested that county re wp dential planning has to)pared to do. ------s jfered a solution. He would we support the minor sports or-| celebrating his second birth- --Photo by Ireland Studio F is insti- fi 1 aid whether it be) individual He explained that this inst MONDAY, Dec. 2 Benevolent Rebekah Lodge, 1a) Sey sR SRP | Requirements HAROLD Hamilton Institute of Technolo- st Andrew's Presbyterian | LTD. | r ' aE gy and Western Ontario Insti-| Ghurch Explorers THURSDAY, Dec. 5 : Sa MONUMENTS Whitby Salvation Army wil!) Mr, John Post, 203 St. Peter|tite at Windsor Ist. Whitby Scouts i Whitby Baptist Church, Cub speakers at Sunday Services, attending a pre-Christmas din-|the 'Trades Institute in Toronto, Whitby Baptist Church Explor- League Oshawa with his co-workers Of designed to offer advanced Nurses' Alumnae Whitby On-|4}) Saints' Anglican Church St | Vy i { E| ct bl celebrating her second birthday Clover Lane School compan:|ondary schools and the univer- syentig Guid FRIDAY, Dec. 6 many happy returns of the day. wishes on the occasion of her nipeg has returned to her home technical sciences, and that)' poonie St. Mark's United Church 4 W's i ane > fac' at, /Salvati Army Cubs 2nd Weston, 219 Rosedale Drive, she|,,ating their sixth wedding alr He bemoaned the fact that, Salvation rmy ade piness where in Ontario to aid already- ¢t, Mark's United Church St Andrew's _ Presbyterian | BG : Es j Sandra, daughter of Mr. and s employed persons whose edu- women general meeting Church Jr. choir 7 . ' roVy eM. cou NCIL day, Dec. 2. Her companions of}, mS sh her a happy birthd sion Daray will entertain trices signer is:there any school, out: WEDNESDAY, Dec. 4 CLEANERS -------- wish her a happy birthday vows Deda . *hi P at a party and afterwards they|to the unemployed." St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chil} & Shirt Lounderers Vote and Elect | Bowmanville : day, Dec. 1, for the occasion p38 nha interested citizens be set up to Ajax Lionettes | Mr. and Mrs. West and family aaa "| PUBLIC SCHOOL New Market The E li Ww i oe e Evangelist C.W.L. For Council .. . | est Henderson are celebrating their 3 7" j on the ith seventh birthdays onaay Dee | ~6 BAZAAR 7 | KYLE, Elizabeth BOARD | 0 ie or sr Sat., Dec. 7th fa NEAL, Gordon | X | For RELIABILITY id English Style 1:30 to 5:30 4 : V and...REC TITUDE 8 Lt ote and Elect... SH and CHIPS ST. JOHN'S : @ Ardent Support of Minor Hockey ile vig "ian oh PARISH HALL i] | e sp eccerin Residential JOH iN J. MAJCH ER | VOTE errace Restaurant Cor. John & Palace Sts. ' elationship 2 EDWARDS, Tom | XX 120 Brock St. N., Whitby Tea Tables, Christmas Decora- --_-- i @ Businessmen's Representation on Oe PHONE 668-9056 || hides ching we | a Council _ PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD DECEMBER 2nd, 1963 TEACHER WANTED Councillor PAUL COATH a. oom Whitby Separate School Board wa - 2 H a V a T E . Experience for Mayor Four consecutive years of experience in civic affairs. Finence, Requires @ junior grade teacher, duties to commence January Teapning: Lebour Relations, By-Laws, Annexation negotic- 4 ® ions. Sn aig as 6, 1964. Selary schedule in effect. Apply te BENSON S. HAMILTON PROPOSALS FOR 1964-65 Peas ag ' COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING FOR INDUSTRIAL . * usiness Administrator DEVELOPMENT ei e e 1 B.A,, M.D, ; f 300 Kent Street for a better tox balance and to lighten the load on Whitby, Ontario, Whitby Home Owners STIMULATION OF HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT 4 or Make full use of Whitby's greatest natural asset 4 PAY-AS-WE-GO WITHOUT STINTING PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE ssstiniasseneememiasiiiemmtamenare ' Ri th doliar 'THE TONY FONTAINE STORY" concenrs PROPOSALS. FOR THE BEAUTIFICATION OF ; OUR TOWN n living color, a full length motion picture film Tree-lined streets with concrete sidewalks. A 3-year. pro- 8 gramme for street paving, ae } Proclaimed as the best contemporary WELFARE OF THE PEOPLE | Vote & Elect religious film ever produced, fa Ak Gone rig are', A counselled programme SUNDAY, DEC. Ist at 7 P.M. ert eeemere wee 0 AN REED Whitby Pentecostal Church VOTE & ELECT COATH, Paul X J 307 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY For -- ad : syst Public School LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE TOWN OF WHITBY TRUSTEE TOWN OF WHITBY TAKE NOTICE THAT: WHERE TC VOTE ON DECEMBER 2, 1963 1, The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to construct, as locel improvement, asphelt side- walks on the West side of King Street between the points mantioned: Polling Subdivision No, 1 Place -- Mr. A. Stanlich's renidence, TDB Byron &. N. YOUR SUPPORT AND INFLUENCE Polling Subdivision Ne. 2 Place -- i ' i .N, NAME OF STREET FROM To 'olling Subdivision No jace Mrs. K. Southwell's residence, 406 Brock St f Polling Subdivision No. 3 Place -- Palmerston Ave. School. $0 j = = Petey ed © ay Pint Street Polling Cia No. 4 ag ORR cai RESPECTFULLY LICITED TO Have sel ved the Town eee King Street North Limit of Pitt South Limit of ' : A Street Trent Street . 5 Place -- Mr. J. Wharrie's residence, 312 Fairview Dr. King Street North Limit of St. John South Limit ef i i . 6 Place -- Mrs. F. Drew's residence, 417 Euclid St. RE-ELEC T As Councillor Street Onterio Street Q rhck ee : anid, Intends (0 eoacially asbuun @ pale of the con apen the Polling Subdivision No. 7 Place -- Mr. R. Acton's residence, 211 Wellington St. As Deputy Reeve land abutting directly on the work. The said sidewalk is Polling Subdivision No. 8 Place -- Baptist Church N/W Corner Colborne & Centre Sts. to have a width of four (4) feet. A ne ', % i The estimated cot oF tha Werke i SAMO4.21. of which Polling Subdivision No. 9 Place -- Mr. A. Lear's residence, 216 Burns St. \ } h As County Councillor 1795.74 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimdted Polling Subdivision No. 10 Place -- Mr. G. Partington's residence, 921 Bayview Ave. e ! . Owners cost per foot frontage is as follows Polling Subdivision No, 11 Place -- St. John's Church, Victoria 5¢. } As High School Board Member 1. On the West side of King Street where no walk exists $2.625 per foot. The special assessment is to be paid it Polling Subdivision No. 12 Place -- Mr. W. Hilliard's residence, 709 Maria St. five (5) equal annual instalments and the estimated owners Polling Subdivision No. 13 Place --- Rousseau's Upholstery, 216 Mary St. E. TO .For Experience annual rote per foot' frontage is as follows i Scie 1, King. Street, West side where no walk exists $0.614. Polling Subdivision No. 14 Place --- Donald Motor Sales, 300 Dundas St. &. WHITBY TOWN Cou NCIL For Progressive Administration Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario 15 Place -- Mr. B. Fallow's residence, 1010 Dundas St. &. ! Polling Subdivision No. Municip! Boord for: its approval of the undertaking of the olling Subdivision No suid work and any owner may, within 21 days ofter the Polling Subdivision No, 16 Place --- Community Arena. site tecnra | oy ae : : 50 OF Gas i Hehe gal ao eng file = ist Town Clerk Polling Subdivision No. 17 Place ---- Mr. Moyle's residence, 304 Mason Drive, . Vo TE id work being undertaken : : A . The said Board may approve of the said work being under Polling Subdivision No. 18 Place -- Mr, MacKintosh's residence, 335 Dovedale Dr. e Sound Business Principles txan, but before doing so, it may oppdint @ time ond Polling Subdivision No. 19 Place ---- Mr. E. Bryant's residence, 107 St. Perer St. | ploce, when ony objection to the soid work will be eon- a Integrity | \ e sidered JOHN R. FROST, JOHN R. FROST ; DATED AT THE TOWN OF WHITBY CLERK, Returning Officer. © Strength In His Convictions this 15th day of November, 1963 TOWN OF WHITBY :

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