Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Nov 1963, p. 33

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 27, 1963 33 : ry 5 : Hazard Of Radiation. (2: os: sclom nee cn my complex scientific factors musticrease with increasing age. be determined. However, he} When this data is fully a? & e was confident the outcome ofjanalysed it will provide infor- TO & c1el : 1S Ss these studies will give dose es-|mation of particular value in timates from current levels of|estimating the intake of iodine- radioactivity that are well be-|131 from drinking fresh milk. -OTTAWA (CP) -- How much| Some scientists claim that|tional quantities of radiation|low the permissible levels es-|The consumption of other types man-made radioactivity can bejany increase in radiation from|produced by radioactive fallout.|tablished by the International|of contaminated foods must also absorbed by human beings with-/man-made sources such as nu-| The position taken by Dr.|Commission on Radiological/be determined to learn some- out danger to health? clear explosions constitutes a)Bird and his associates is that) Protection. thing about the intake of stron- The question has been tackled|danger to health. They say|long, continued exposure to ion-) These levels, Dr. Bird|tium-90 and cesium-137. by a team of federal govern-|some isotopes such as stron-jizing radiation, additional 0) stressed, are based on continu-| The second factor that must ment scientists who frankty ad-|tium-90 can produce cancer and/ that from natural sources, p0s€S!oy; exposure over a lifetime. |be determined is the degree of concentration of radioactive mit they are struggling in a|that cesium-137 can result inja health risk. | ; field of roe = Po ee Ilgenetic changes which can be| However, man cannot entirely --. pieiogp lined -- materials in various food prod- un! ns. passed on to future generations, stop using radiations for medi- contuninnted with eich lab | ucts. This. must be known to Their objective is to determ-lno matter how small the/cal and other purposes any as strontinn-06 cesiuni-197 pagilearn how much total radioac- ine the stage at which any man-|amount of radioactivity. 'more than he can toss out the iodine-131 that. are Beth an. tivity is getting into an individ- made radiation, added to that} But other scientists--and they automobile. The problem in sama. Wella ata Gaunt Fe ae. |ual: The division has been mak- always present from cosmicjare by far the majority--argue practice is to limit the dose to femmined jad individual a the ins this kind of measurement rays and other sources, be-|that there is a level belowjthat which involves a risk that hace af ie. sex and pone of for some years on selected food comes a significant health haz-| which the risks to health are So) is not unacceptable to the La ee Aes ee, 5 | products. ard. 'small as to be acceptable injdividual and the population at '~ ' | Thirdly, the fraction of the) This is likely to vary for in-|present-day society. They say|large. A start has been made by the total amount of radioactivity) dividual members of the popu-|further that the amount of man-) The first step in a long-range division on this aspect. A sur-/consumed which finds its way) lation according to sex, age,|made radiation to which man-|program aimed at providing in-|/VeY has been made of the|to a specific body organ must tion necessary for determ-|fresh milk consumption habits/he known. This will vary with! and the area in which a person|kind now is exposed represents forma r 1 tion lives. only a minute fraction of the ining the level at which man-/of Canadians to obtain informa-|the radioactive substance and| The scientists -- members of|radiation to which man always|made radioactivity becomes ajtion for use later in estimating)the organ concerned according! the federal health department's|has been exposed from a var-/health hazard now _ has ray Pog or mag Of iodine-131 in|to age and perhaps other fac-| radiation protection division -- |the body. tors. | iety of natural sources includ-| undertaken by Dr.. Bird's divi-) The survey showed that the; The fourth factor is the rate say no scientist as yet can say ing cosmic rays. sion. ' ; : _facte with reliability the exact point] Dr, Peter Bird, head of the This step is designed to en-javerage consumption of fresh/at which radioactive substances 9 at which ionizing radiations can|radiation protection division, able the division to estimate re-|milk in Canada is 17.6 ounces|are eiiminated from the body. | be harmful to mankind. How-| Says most people do not under-|liably the radiation dose npw daily. Females drink less than/This will depend both upon the; --V ever, they say they do know stand that natural radiation being received by individual males and for both sexes high-| rate of decay of such substances | eee that existing levels of radioac-|varies from point to point and/persons in the population from| est consumption is from six|and biological exchange result-| tivity do not constitute a haz-\day to day by amounts which/radioactive materials which en-/months to two years of age.|ing from the constant rebuild- A are far larger than the addi-'ter the body {Consumption falls. off signifi-l\ing pnocess within the body. --------"| and Perhaps You Were LAY-A-WAY NOW! Qesart jun | The One Who Said It! HAND LOTION 'geass || Why Do The Stores OUR mice .. 99€! Start Christmas © FOR HER! ¢ : © FOR "HIM" e ae Arden co ie the, So Early?" 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