Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Nov 1963, p. 28

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28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, mee me 27, 1963 ii R ules By As i ans NEW ZEALAND SOCREDS goverment ensuing pln Money Really But some of the side effects| Disrupt Travel IN ELECTION FIGHT = i.e Down Drains wees' south deli) Yeu ws is en WR Ee ce Fe ee ee ie BI aie OF ag one ce hospital end cel n , 7 | New al 's i m wi 'aw: rom supporters : (AP)--Singapore is 560 miles|tically impossible to obtain.|Political League averane World Bank and International|that if they voted National, The metal that formerly Min from Jakarta but you now have|This is the way you work it tolfor the fourth time in a general|Monetary Func, which New|they would be voting for their Biorally, washed dows, te eeu to fly 4,780 miles to get from|get to Rangoon for a week andielection, has yet to win a pat-|Zealand joined two years ago [own policy. a tt ber prom bavighd Singapore to Jakarta and back|return to Bangkok: liamentary seat, | Political observers here say, Ry soa sparse Pog 4 attitude honrital $1,408 gong ing the again, You make the one-hour jet| Undeterred by losses in 1954,\the visit a few weeks ago of|0 the major parties has fore 7 Pte 4 . Rangoon is 365 miles from|hop to Rangoon. You have 10911957 and 1960, the group is con-'Robert Thompso: , Canadian So-|Social Credit to make its policy i ait glen Piaghos 5 Bangkok but business trips be-|nours to stay in the country as/|testing 67 of the 80 seats in thelcial Credit leader, may have|™ore. general. story saving But when the tween Bangkok and Rangoon/a transit passenger. This means|SiNgle-house Parliament in New|embarassed New Zealand So- world price of silver jumped the now can involve 2,030 miles Of/you must proceed to another Ze@land's Nov. 30 election, \cial Credit supporters by high-|* 100 YEARS END salvaging began. air travel. . destination but not Bangkok. | So-ial Credit's best perform. | lighting economic differences) wRELWYN, England (CP) --) An x-ray plate is covered with Siemreap, site of the famed| When your 72 hours are about|? "¢ Was in 1954, when i pecrore the two countries, Dr. Margaret Murray, 100, one|a thin layer of silver, In the Angkor ruins in Cambodia, isito expire, you fly to: Calcutta/8@ined 11.13 per cent of the) New Zealanders were Pe-\of the world's leading authori-|developing there is a chemical about 225 miles from Bangkok./on a plane that turns around|¥e- jpared to believe | hie raga 4 ties on Egyptology and witch-jreaction that loosens the coat- Many weary travellers have/there or connects with a flight) In 1957, when Labor was aban = - a, aca craft, has died in this Hertford-|ing. 'This falls off. Previously it flown up to 2,850 miles to reach/ going to Rangoon. You return elected with a margin of two}, iy. Pregere on salt' on ' shire town. Last July, she pub-|was thrown away. Siemreap and get back to Bang-|to Rangoon and have another|seats, Social Credit's percent- plenty al cap) lished her autobiography, "My) Now, an electro-plating appa- ie 72 hours to stay, plus the transit age went down to 7.22. called it. |First Hundred Years." ratus is installed in the develop- These problems arise because|right to proceed to Bangkok. | It rose to 8.62 per cent in nt oe _ rs jing er vid brawn a ie Cambodia ruptured relations| Bangkok had been the easiest/1960, when & National Party|irnn' 9(900,000 nad. 100,000 un-| _ CHIEFS LOST MONEY = Orr vor acct orl i. a with Thailand, Burma tightened| jumping 'off point for people vis-(government under Keith Holy-|.mpioved and injections of "'so.| SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP)--Syr-\yooks and the plate is . ecuad its visa restrictions, newborniiting Angkor. Reservations for\°@ke was elected by a margin] cigi capital" as he called it, |acuse Chiefs, northern division Orr and the ene cold te Tor Malaysia broke off relations|/the once-a-week flight from|% 12 seats. | Thirty years ago, New Zea- champions of the International | into company. with Indonesia. |Bangkok to Siemreap must be MIGH POINT land, with a population of less ---- : ----. - hor uae About 55,000 plates are ex- Travellers {rom Singapore|made months in advance. Social Credit achieved its best|than 2,000,000, had 100,000 un-/a8" year Ussh ie the tast| Posed each year at the hospital and Kuala Lumpur en route to| The jiearty tourist, who wants|individual result in 1960 when|¢mployed and injections, at 30: ry ears a club re orted|2"4 the metal recovered from Jakarta now follow this routine:|to see Angkor and return t9|\V. F. Cracknell. now leader of © al capit al," or "'costless mhuirsdae night wank pin \the processing is about 98 per Fly to Bangkok, pick up an In-|Bangkok, usually does it thisithe league, polied 5,000 votes.|credit" as it was then called, ot emi board of the| "ent pure silver. donesian visa if needed, fly|way: This was only 1,400 votes behind worked wonders for the de-|" " (appemccrsessates y | y community-owned club, told the} back to Singapore for a refuel-| He flies south to Saigon, then|the successful. National Party pressed economy. ; ; H : . annual meeting of stockholders HELD REGATTA ling stop and then proceed tojnorth to Phnom Penh and Siem-\candidate and twice the num-|rUL1, EMPLOYMENT NOW that 1963 horhe attendance to-| The first recorded rowing re- Jakarta, Passengers and carg0ireap, then south 'o Saigon and ber for the Labor candidate. | New Zealand, however, has|talled 165,611, an increase of/gatta in Canada was held on cannot be picked up at Singa-'north again to Bangkok, One of the main planks of'had full employment for nearly|62,000 over 1962. {Toronto Bay in 1848. pore by Jakarta-bound planes. : nar ereiak noses eBeeeeas afte! A: | FRUSTRATION FREQUENT RVR RVR YAY YAY ARYA YY HA AE RAAT ARAAAAAZ Singapore and Kuala Lumpur residents coming out of Jakarta) 4 particularly feel the frustra-| . ve EMG AE tions of the diplomatic disturb-| yxy Ly ' P H eo) T oO G | t T ances, They fly a little more). . aS than one hour by jet from Ja- F R T E R 5 slg karta to Singapore, but ; re) U A MAKE OWN ENTERTAINMENT cvembark there They | mus j , jcontinue to Bangkok. If they are ? Fsomepsan syria rs luck ctions, the can| See us for K . - Seamen aboard the Cana- ample is this pickup band right); AB Sal Sarino, To- |[Ucky Qn comneciiols, y pA us for Kodak Cameras .. . Film... photo aids. dian Navy's aircraft carrier made. up of: AB Doug ronto (rear left) and AB |°° back in Singapore the same /@% Complete selection of gift-packaged camera outfits, too! HMCS Bonaventure fight a Harvey, Ottawa (foreground); jnight. --~; BECCEVVS ---- a PUPUUTISRSSCCLOCOSAL Scere reters ee eee Pees eee sft '> b - ,> Weyne Harmer, Niagara | ; & cs pores uGas constant batt! t - AB Les Fraize, St. Joh | If Bangkok is your base of ica ' . : hin * plot ot 508 by thaking their Gulden. batts AM Wares Fels. loperations and you need 10| SS AMAA MH A AA A eH OO OM ; MINOLTA (Z00M 8 = -own entertainment. An ex- Sarrci, Hamilton ' (middle i se Poe have a problem. | Mistake-Proof Agfamatic -U.S. Bomber Purchase «rcs! CAMERAS \tall as a 10-floor building is s A) Keystone MOVIE PROJECTORS . e e |being built here to test proto- ; types of the Anglo - French ussie ection SUES Loireotic Concord Sitiner be pe |signed to fly at more than 1,400) - miles an hour, the plane will) « CANBERRA (Reuters)--Newyif Australia had decided to buy public Opinion poll which) generate intense heat because igsues continue to develop in|the TSR-2. This would have re-;showed a five-per-cent swing|of air friction. the-snap Nov. 30 election cam-|lieved the Royal Australian Airjaway. from the government/-- | Perfect To Use paign being fought for control|Fonce of the problem of training/since August. MAKING MONEY of the Australian government. (crews for short-term use Of aN} Qne important influence on ..Two of the most significant|interim bomber. | re the domestic economic out-| The other issue developed on a 5 Even if you have never used a camera before i te MONTREAL (CP)--The. cltyll GU setect pute Ir two mimien All meehcten ornate, aed the outcome of the election will|/o¢ Montreal has earned $72,500/} push the magic lever. When you see the green light in the view be the showing of the» Demo- in the last year by selling photo- finder . . . snap the picture, Thots all, 'took and Australia's decision to|publication of an article in a).-4tie Labor Party ' ; : Buy the American F-1llAlnewspaper supplement by one . r a static copies of police accident AGFAMATIC 1 (a). idea! for home and vacation, range of 8 light y b values, weighs only 18 oz., lens adjust automatically to bomber ins its Australia' eadi 5 -| This party, which has strongjreports to lawyers and insur- ; jock the Pink © dovcnealinceaee' ie it prin a trus.|Support from Roman Catholics,|ance companies. Lawyers and prevoiling light, with cose 69.95 TSR-2. tee of the Liberal party. especially in Victoria, broke | insurance investigators say the AGFAMATIC I expanded automatic range of .9 light 103 95 The government, run by a| The article, a long and highly|@¥4yY from the Labor party in|copies, sold for $1 each, save] values, shutter speeds up to 1/20 sec. with cose " liberal - Country Party coali-|technical discussion of ways of|the mid-1950s. [them time and money. AGFAMATIC Ils some os model Il with coupled range 1 tion, has admitted the leakage|controlling liquidity in thej---= pe eennencs ait. finder with case 13,95 of information on the decision| monetary system, concluded AGFAMATIC Ills operating 'range' extends over 11 light values, shut- to buy the TFX. has embar- with these words: ter speeds to 1/500, stops high-speed action, paraliox 143, 50 a shoulder case, Compare at 178.90 . i "Tt j | corrected, with mina i «. £assed it acutely. It is now a matter of policy,| {Other Aloe thonaie front $8.96 Wi cass) soy"... 157.50 8 DAZE. ccs ) + Although the Labor opposition|but clear judicious pressure on} has given no hint it would at-|the brakes soon may avoid a t\ ¥4\ ¥ UT \ ST \ oh \ St \ SE OF) TT Ty yy ed SRI RIAA he eS, tone, a gia change Goer tne program later this year." we EEUU EE, ? UCC EY PUCEE EEE CEES pool at 166.50 faa 50. : coat ste... 148.58 ment, it has been able to show; The opposition seized upon Model 980Z as above without "13 viewer. Complete with grip and leather CELE EVEL EE VE CEES VTes ard-reverse-still, and editing AARVRADRVRARVVAARVAD Model 980 Z.V - tally ousemetis threading, 1.5 Zeom epeed-control, 3 CCRLEC CCS, its dissatisfaction with the gov-|this statement in " yo to | ' ; 8 ie | NEW érnment's answers to its ques-|prove its assertion that the gov- ' : tion on why the choice pao if returned, would im- i 4 PO ROID made. jpose a "credit squeeze" next} : aLA -- Compare ot 156.60. 1 9 50 BOOM DAZE .. 2... cece ey 8 Model 980 as above with standard lens. Compare et 146.50. . Labor 'has also been able to|year. | : ' = 'ive the impression the govern-| The "credit squeeze" imposed . ; : Cc A . : ERA BOOM DAZE 12 ® Model K-91 as above without 9050 " 'deal with the United States waS\ber, 1960, was generally cred- ; ; ®: Color pictures in 50 seconds = 4 - ' , i ' A black and white pictures in ~ = by politics, rather than|ited with causing the slide to : ig: ; iets' 10 seconds New Film Pack para. He _|Labor which left the govern-| loads in 7 seconds. .. The opposition has also capi-/ment with a narrow 62-60 ma-| GR: | oe falized on the apparent dis-|jority in the House of Repre-| g ae \ 237 00 advantage to. Australia of the/sentatives after the general] ; | ae nee ° interim" bargain in the pack-lelection a year later. : 4 age deal with the Americans. Early in the present cam- FREE BOMBERS? ipaign, Prime Minister Sir Rob- . -- "Until the TFX is ready, injert Menzies was at pains to - . $99.00 to $159.00 'about 1967, Australia: will have| state the a Ngo Revere . ; the right t t, .jimpose credit restrictions in Fi : : FQy AD Dy Dy Dy De 6 « > the right to get, free of charge imp ie a ER Re OEE AE | bombers, from the United) At this stage, observers here) Gtates. lwere reluctant to make any) . q BINOCULARS Under questioning in the|forecasts about the results of] y . « : Sate of Representatives in the|the election. " sarong Ss Ri. wis - pas ee as : st days of the outgoing Par-| Early in, the campaign, t i = liament, the government ad-jopposition was more hopeful NEW stretch-strap bra OPT s hem (MONO MOLP) 46,75 35.95 y mitted that these aircraft would|than it has been since a land- with criss-cross design P&S 525 ft et 1000 yds. j VRVVAVIDVAA, fot be brought to Australia "un-|slide against it, based mainly AB ; 7 x 35 NEPTUNE (Mone less necessary." ion the issue of nationalization) and Cordtex support Gare Go S : Mold 36.50 29.95 ~ "Tt also admitted that Britain|of banking, swept it from office } Aa yy 400 Ft. At 1000 YDS. "Had offered to station RAF|in 1949. { Ape? 345 FT. AT 'squadrons of V - bombers in The opposition also was) ij 6.00 Bias 1000 YDS. 29.95 24,95 Australia as an interim weapon|encouraged by the result of a] Covered LYCRA straps #4 : 7 x 35 NAVIGATOR ' 7_x $0 NAUTILUS (EXTRA BRIGHT) en ee . 7st AT 45,00 34.95 | always stay flat. Criss-cross ; design includes Cordtex Site ' des Core cts tc ! fabric under the bust for ey > 1 Gt eZ | AVAAVAAY DADA DDDD ADD DA DADA proper support. Covered DRESSES and SUITS §= | unten" (ei | 7" VIEWMASTER decollete dresses. 'ment's rush to complete the/hy the governmemt in Novem- Compare at 119.00, BOOM DAZE eeecg renee . other Polaroid Camera all use mew color film, Bell & Howell EE Auto Load Zoom features cartridge loading, reflex viewing, electric eye, zoom (9-29 mm.) built-in filters, eom- plete. with pistol grip. ses BOOM DAZE 129.95 PARAVAVAVAVAVAVAAAD Sawyer's Slide PROJECTORS = 3 vUUEUEEEEEMEEEEEEEEEEEE ( ( DARARARRVVRADD DRM (All models will accept new Rototray) 500 E. R. Model remote forward, reverse, end focus 500 wett, accepts Rototray or conventional 40-si 139 sates KARI'S BOOM 119.50 500 R Medel remote centro! forwerd plus menuel ferwerd- Kodak Automatic 8 Movie Kit reverse cholee. Complete with light ber temps, everything needed to make eute- Sizes 32-36 A, 32-38 B, Mei ff : SOF iis Cc 121.50. @ Famous Moke Sieee 9.98 92-0 6 WOE oon ad oils es ee. suing ede Comeere 121 99.00 @ Regular up to 25.00 in Abeiebla % ond ion 'h. Pate ' " I Ss I ; c . at 74.50 '500 S Model premium performance -- tow budget price. se miner se TE =| ee | boom DAZE OO.99 % Cent adon Daze ........ 9900 TO CLEAR AT a | | VUVUGVUGUUVEVLUELUVUVEVUCUCVUVETsE $12.95 fl pte tmce RADIANT SCREENS and dacron plus power net Fine quality GLASS BEADED on sturdy tripod base. LYCRA...a combination MS ds oon DARE iui 9.88 16.50, SOOM DAZE .... 11,88 that means perfect bulge : ~p i Ss |]. control without binding-- PRIZES THIS as | thanks to sarong's famous MONTH Walt Disney 50 x 50 25.95 BOOM DAZE .... 16.88 Deluxe LENTICULAR Surface "PICTUREMASTER" by Radiant. * eo ogi design. Ask for free draw Cartoon Theatre --~compiete View-Master C Be weer rere rice 29.95 $0 SO on vccscecess 39.95 UI 7 > & FF, > VOR L/XL. Only 7.50 ticket when you're || View-Master projection theatre with Viewer plus special 7 sc : : in our store. favorite Di _ @ Personalized Service , Donald Duck, Miekey Moves, Piste full-color stereo ree! ™ and all the rest... 140 pictures in 2 65 @ Relaxed Atmosphere projector, theatre sop ane eee . ~ A BOTTLE OF THE NEW 14 95 5 @ New Dimensions in FREE! 'Daisy Fresh' Cold Water, Soap : Customer Service s (Value 1.29) with each purchase of « Sarong ARRRVRRRAVRIVRVVDVAVIAAAAAAAAIAAAA ls Bra ond Girdle Set or Corselette during this | ae = } om 28 KI . EAST Nesbitts | on 8 KING ST. EAS DOWNTOWN OSHAWA --wewer i WARD'S |" PHONE 723-4621 33 King gg ang Oshawa pap 9 WIN UP TO $100.00--GET YOUR COUPON 25-0532 OE ST. S. OSHAWA PM. | HERE DURING DOWNTOWN BOOM DAZE

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