Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Nov 1963, p. 23

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Cee ee hee aoe pee ae 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate For Sole |27--Real Estate For Sele |27--Real Estate For Sele |27--Real Estate for Sole |29--Automobiles For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 27, 1963 23 ------ EDROOM two-storey home with SPECULATORS. » double petvars three-bedroom low, |BUCKINGHAM AVENUE --- Immaculate) » 960 CHEVROLET 4door automatic, & standard six cylinder with bee washers, wheel discs, New and Al moter, 29--Automobiles pullin gove and wen and many| dwelling, each jained - with sl::/\arge lot. Good residential ares. Live in/3-bedreem brick, new oll tirnaca 8 $11,900, NORTH WHITBY bbhene Phas 7 = v1 n 29--Automobiles For Sale For Sele: 700. needs|>y Christmas. No agents. Telophone|Call Rolande 'Tierney Keith Snare cal oon egy ot 8 town, Excl! volo ot 3,80, wis) BRICK HOME __|sacrone patie ter troo realm NTONS ROAD WORTH -- Choice|own- Act fast for ine ong, , Possible In- ir |salnen $3,300 roo ewan" Ri 5 ie aero sown | FIVE: yy oa bynes "Ngan . v8 saemetie. 'S50 Aner 3 5 p.m. phone Beilaing ots Yo tx. 214 ft worer avoir |Come of $160. monty, Will ori in Tn|winter work tors In why. We will guar |Full price $1450, , , 8 Le SSS IES (Mle, 32:20, easy Terms. Phone = 607. on vent pray Fe ptlashee et tutes Ohl or you 5 cog hg first --- init CHEVROLET, convertible, Vi" ite: mn slboeee Westie Ta on for. i, AM 14308, "Manaerni| $500 WINTER WORKS ' ot : "er " f ' Sa" |Aiax. daytime, 942-1800). night 942-1204, o al ul with creek, for $13,600, Ideal ietation . le. : i BONUS storms ond screens, rotor 1, new Py $1595. Telephone 730-6867, to 8 p.m. POPEW HOUER Th Beaollul Harmony' Vi STUDIO couch, two chairs, $35; Floor OPEN HOUSE in beautiful Harmony Vil- ron, board etc.,,SOLID' BRICK older two-storey, ten ; an pa ay 319 Mary Street after 6 p.m. dage sat to day this wore. Five presti ement fi Fale home, ee 1 Ligeti pc dcr Palade seca . Mr. 207. 725 ee, Pickering M270. gos heot, londscaped, fenc- | i156 DODGE. 2dsor tomate Ml ecor| --_ |brakes, seata, radio. New Z Psi; evenings 728-7162. : cay Gua BOWE lar baaviint ed driveway. tation, $150, cash, Telephone 728-2868. $730 of best offer. Call 723-7877, FOUR suite. apartment in centre of Bow- moun aveng Te te leave brick ae ees 1957 OLDSMOBILE, excellent condition ; <manville on large lait by 192 treea|mount Avenue, new Lae bem yy Pri 12 500 white with red trim, automatic snow Imotor. Apply 3 Adelelde West fot. Circular drive through --beauiful|N@Y 2nd copper plumbing ne O170-| odreeme in be t : DOWN TO ONE 64% rice tires. Excellent commuters cer. Whitby : i lawn and pine trees. Large apartments) 1@%es mana As Asking $6,800. Monthly pay-/ 20th. full price, anh be seen by 668-4338. ' (Continued Paze 3) > 18 good repair. Rent "income, 298 Perlmeasre R, ton. neater os 'aa polatment with Weinberger' 7 N.H.A. MTGE. $2,600 Do ee teres 'or sale wi $3000 down. ak ad * Joseph F king monthly payments on balance, P.O. Box MODERN :. -- wail NEW NHA Bungelows 4 sag 220, Oshawa. MODE pte epg so ie pelnrown.| Pt typ sore frame mmoles stone fronts, pg brick (ne N.H.A. Mortgage, 612% chef half-acre. of Tresane Street. mn kitceny hood me ous aren, ea eee land, silvated on east any limits, Close a 'neo! Convenient ron school ei ag gal tad bungalow, In 908d area, paved to 'bus and se ol. One 9i2rde, bed rn oe psi the ue.. Heating gH oe cha -- front te Private ; school. : '| reor large lots, storms a Evenings After 5 p.m. "buses. Has to be seen to be agai Content $9,900. For information call Ike Perry|asking $8,500 Call 728-9571 fo inspect George, Koornneet, --723-285%,! 776 330, Joseph Bosco Realtor 7a-7377, * ths iateciivg home. R. Vickery, Realtor,| sereens---corries $99 month- ing . ween Ee Ee XY interest, principal ond tax | Whitby 668-545] "Sei tfaree'" | GUIDE REALTY ONLY $600 DOWN| Sifts" -- * Mr attest eta Wane og Santa Claus Staff of Fourteen $290 down-~3 bedroom and | LISTINGS URGENTLY : 723-1121 2 RO | ain ces Homes wee REQUIRED - B R 0 T H F R S a rome | under construction solit 1% boths. $14,940. CALL Sage = j pe Ye 4 oat wed feted yet 9) a had Choae eion Located in Whitby--All ser- Wils n Realtor eo / . Ss 0 Ing to 0 rm = JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD con ee your her in Pb paid for by : 0 : Pues a '® seLinOoe FAL recm on moin floor Bui 'n Three bedroom bunga- rg mie on, ba 26% King St. E. 725-6588 LIST WITH US living room with fireplace, | (OWS, loaded with extras. | available ot the prices. 29--Automobiles For Sale THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Situated in North West Area f i 1959 POFBAC, winterized. Excellent Lege A : > 4 ° > and builder will consider a For exomple: rol sett f fall leg AS fransportation. Radio. Telephone 725-0132 ed, ; is eig I e wit ee WILLING trade. 'or 369 Drew Street. Pere Clay Brick, Interior Decor- Yes, the owner is willing to i oe : 1957 MERCURY two-door hardtop, spot- wept" iow down"paynent | S6,ACRES WOODED AREA | ating, Builtin " Vanity, tt Wo eT tam pe, ea on this spotless 5 room home, . 5 ee _ 4 matic, radio, ded dash, white walls, A anly a few miles from Osh- » radio, pad i Modem fomily size kitchen, 'awa ono Se with a good One 6% per cent First etc. Six months warranty, $625. Seaway ; i e é 9 bedrooms, plus many @x- | trout. pond. Lorge 9. room Mortgage for bolonce. | Realtor -- 728-7328 |tem og : ifts from ' ¥ \ house in excellent repair. | Coll Bill Mitlor or Harry 103 King Street East 1969 METEOR, four-door automatic, six- -- " 700.00. Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo Close to a paved road. Full Botes, Telephone 725-1186. radio, white walls, etc. recently com- pletely reconditioned, | $1,000. terms. ot 728-5123, ; price $26,500. Le teen EXCEPTIONAL HOME |Teleshone 7a5706s Lot in Whitby 50' x 140', YUIET RESIDENTIAL STREET Sepa 1961 CORVAIR Monza, white with red : p sewer ond woter. Aski Q : i i interior, » automatic, $1,595, : ¥ e Pern ge, oom, w eile" | mace Ray bic Nome | oe aE <4 >< the Oshawa Times Mr, Roy Yeo at 728-5123. woctive 2 storey brick home : 1956 BUICK Special, A- inion, win- A igs Hla 7. just a. short distance from kitchen, terized, new iar ig teow tee, Tale. V.L.A. BUYERS downtown. 3 large bedrooms phone 728-9988. ' with closets. Living room, din- ' - Pierson type double windows | 1942 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan. Beav- See this lovely smoil ogg ing room atid spacious kit- CARL OLSEN other extros. Ask- |tiful maroon finish 'with pfrrecere inte. Breezeway and garage. - rior, six-cyiinder engine, radio, ete, Trul' chen downstoirs. An oil fur- ing $15,000.00. @ beautitel car, $1,945, Seaway Mehies. if cho land. Mi phd ll aoWasu Mr ace, goroge and low taxes REALTOR 723-1133 1 Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Whitby 668-5893. eo & ; make this a very good buy. $1,000 DOWN pone lb Charles Ronkine ot 728-5123 APPLE HILL AREA--A bet | IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- [Wm CHEVROLET: blect besuty. 'New ia - seat covers. res, eal hits CLOSE TO SHOPPING CEN- ter five room red brick bun- 3 bedroom brick bungolow $125. Whitby 668-5071. TRE----5 room brick and stone obout 7 eid a BEAU VALLEY gatow, one that connot be , years old, 4 piece i940 CORVAIR sdoor automatic, fully bungalow with attached gor duplicated for price offered, tiled both, well to wall [prove after § pipe. 70k particulars tele- 22,500 age and paved drive. Large " broadioom in hivi ond di SPLIT LEVEL RESALE Hollywood kitchen with ma- three bedroor im living 1 Ptiek rebiig room, ggg fir Aci 1959 FORD Custom two-door. Immaculate A booerds. Built in lorge kitchen with eoting tg ig ' beastie] light green finish, six-cylinder, standard Only 1 yeor old, brick, and nagere cineege, Buk in Ga. ti aan co | eel recreation room |rameiadon aE oR a eegh gg ote aaceayrony hatan Pre va mama yy wg ht . stone cons . P . mle ; scoped wi wer aeri v vewoy, befor buying, $995, Si Motors, Ltd.. i Gifts for the Home bed rooms ond 0 family | home in the best of condition |' Kndeeseas' wat Mamet home | $l08e_to." schools ond bus. [280 Bandas Wert, Whioy ino, sel Bn NREL alah eeuereunreeqeserenest room. Fireploce, 2 bathrooms ad jer ue cere. on the jrechiy pained. ohaninian DON'T BE TOO LATE FOR |i960 CHEVROLET Bel Air, V3, auto- é : plus mony other extras. You | market. Germs id eaten, toms vo | THIS ONE, 720-7538. Bane Henatectnge rece" ® CHRISTMAS TREES | THRILL HER WITH A THE SOUND SIFTS FOR THE TOME cou! pr ud LEP adie cde this beoutifu tame' by coll the gh pad age ve oan pe aa -- se SUBURBAN Hd PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, Shade SCOTCH PINE GI Cold Waves OF MUSIC A amoli deposit will hold home tab, id $17,900--Brond new 4 bed- life slass, all around. ideal second. car, ALL SIZES--BEST PRICES New Hair Style AT CHRISTMAS ony item untit Christmas. Ed Drumm right now for 6 atte lets: 3 room this one cal] Wes, Elfiott ot Price $175, Phone 728-1183. ot 728-5123 or 725-9345. bosement apartment with | 723.1133, evenings 728- | fom, split level home neor lity KORG wedoor hardiop Tor tale oF Direct from Growers Regal Hairstyling HONEST CAL'S $16,500 separate entronce. Full price | 058). en tarceroerrine tee ee eee ee Monoged by Lilion Howerd | Lowrey' Organs | 424 kinc west 728-9191 r- " ' 2 4 K . "RANCHER $12,900 FIRST TIME OFFERED--1¥/2 | tures to mention here. Must | iT BUIEK, air body, 3, best" ofe. FOWLER FORESTRIES ag Fred Three Dey Home Tita! Attached garage, lovely patio INEXPENSIVE LIVING con storey brick home all in A-1 be seen. Coll 728-7328. Telephone 723- 306 King W. Phone 725-1685 innes Fen auch with fenced lot. Yes, this be yours in this 6 room insul condition, very desirable loca- 1952 SevneL a "standard, new muffler f Demonstrations at the store. BIG PARADE ee dor ee ae | ee oe tau tee | ae ee oe te ome NOUR am ener ae 1000's and 1,000 "fin i ee OF CHRISTMAS VALUES hos lerge fireploce ond basement with furnace. Taxes on floor lorge NTIAL ita VOLKGWAGEN -- da Tasik: Nursery Grain Christmas Offer Only EASY TERMS. Everining tidued a fur. ~ deluxe, Hollywood kitchen. Call Mr. only $125.00. Gorage. Pric- kitchen, living room, two ' H Bill Johrston now for op | ed ot $6,900. geod sized bedrooms ond 4 Qo, this wonderfully situated er eee att Seaitions Pruned Scotch Pines FREE ALTO will hold Poy son gel i intment to. inspect at ig piece ti , upstairs ex- acre form wi Hi % as - : if : 7066 or 728-5123, COUNTRY ATMQSPHERE -- | tra large double room, fulll | stock borrs, plenty of woter, 'eriginal liu, aacond owner Body a eee Beoutiiul: aewing machine Music Supplies yet just minutes from the basement, ail heoting, owner 9 roomed house and large | Telephone 723 Larger Sizes : bao $79. oe when 453 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH EASY TERMS bit DOWNTOWN city, 6 room yg med Boon $13,080" Priced to silt at Pigeon 'creek and marsh area. ins DODGE, "ta automatic, wine ond : Lee ages. yg rl rorn 725-1501 M. COLLIS large room storey attached garage yen H color, Private 'sale. Telephone 725-1904, ; y! hl Re ee Elizabeth Crescent. Cathedral " shone tice i irectly to | i959 F SUaVRLAT aistior a tae in chaser, ood Your, Exclusive, Fine dealer, 78 on te gorage, oil furnace, extra ceiling in living room and os." ot elias. even- : i 2tone, radio, windshield washers, seat mi Baebes: 329 Simcoe S. VISIT US! 2 fot sone. inaustal "very | ing groom. Holtywond kit |inge 725-0243, Open ter. ree etree, 0 ee Tm OSHAWA -- Orr er re , pe. : Hg Es gs Li ciel i LEE ALORA EE NUR LURE A . i vonity and 3 generous bed- BROOKLIN ---- Five room red RENOVATED ST SPORTS EQUIPMENT i for $5,000.00 "down, Call we, | rooms. High basement with | brick bungolow, three. fry FARM HOUSE (ita Sakti, res GARDEN SERVICE! tyritt HER WITH | GAMES FOR ALL AGES |oremsemmmmnntenenemee Jock Appleby ot 728- 5123." good facilities for recreation hg esc = {ngood condition. 'Telephone. 725-6441. 1259 SIMCOE NORTH LOVELY FRAGRANCES GIFT SPECIALTIES ul room, ; reom, With furnoce $11,900 large kitchen ,large lot 76 x | 2% bothrooms Agr Babe be Bp wate Rog og raise -- 723-3222 ATTRACTIVELY: CAMERAS RA Six room wo ste brick 3 BEOROCOM BRICK BUN- 110, only four years old, re- beoutiful lar, dining 1956" BUICK, moter fully chromed and Open Evenings Inside Show GIFT PACKAGED 7] BUCKAROO NCH = gissd i GALOW---on a quiet street ion room, oluminum end ivi ge FOOM lreconditioned; also. 22T bucket on Al pi " Yardley's Col $1.25-$3 D Y ET 7 S Chri Parti ctlored both Hid ince, of well kept homes. 20 ft. liv. storms and screens, mice loca- plonk sy Han gta cit frame. Best offer. 6 Ontario Street, Ajax. ne ays Pore alg '$1.75 ristmas rties : ee gk ing and dining oreo. Wolkout tion. Asking only $12,100, Fs S$ |i961 PONTIAC two-door hardtop, big V8 : FIRESIDE CORNER and Banquets ? and dining room, fenced lot, bosement. Nearly new foreed doun as quarters, large sound stock motor, standard transmission, positrac- yea ps > Lotus ond Bond R * tow taxes, Ideal family home. a ant Bowden fee be hy tc "sett Be We. bering i. Poe ay Prong org Hone any otter Raa Ty or we Gifts for Children sea Piste ees es 205 BOND ST. WEST eservations Use Our Convenient 725-2737 Monthly peyments only $70. : : . Cal Me Than Crulkchiohls $93.00 per month including Elliott ot 723-1133, even- ductive land, This form is |i82 GALAXIE door country sedan, p F 1 A OW Ws. A CVERY EVEN toxes. ings 728-0581. i " sharp sandstone white fini: " odjocent 'to new orteriol |/nP *W'stonsines Serene renee SKATES : bea highway to 401 which WHITBY tal wth 2 eekmming pees | GRANOVIEW=-New six cere | toes than one hours chive to |pitaseet fimn "taney tasers al NEW ee ee DRUG STORE ----re--e--ee| ley Sone DOWN $800 DOWN dance hail and all equipment. Pee ner ced carport' Here | Metro. $55,000 asking price. [20 Dundas west, Whitby. 6.5873. SOLD ond EXCHANGED d RIDE WITH You'll have to hurry to r@- | 3 bedroom home with base- | ig q big roomy home with full | OPen to good offer. Contoct fe Ng sogemrew FE BICYCLES ond. TRICYCLES gil S H 0 ES AX chase this ottractive bufiga- ment gorage and in the. best size dining room and living ies BESET cade a. } - 725-4734 MERCURY T, ! low with 80' fenced lot ond of repair on the property. A room, three good size bed- D. H. ANDREWS white, with matched" _ by Dl a DRAYTON CYeLs FOR THE 725-4771 WHOLE FAMILY 14 ALBERT ST. bar-b-que. SACRI- real money maker for a fam- rooms, modem step saving cylinder engine. This car is the cream} of the English Ford cars. Very peppy Oshawa's Most Modern Tod outdoor FICE, Coll Mr. Bill Horner ily endeavour or @ partner- kitchen, large dry basement R.R. 1, BROOKLIN and | 204 Bond St. E at 728-5123 or 728-2236. ship. divided' ready for rec. room. ms motor or. Ld S00" Dundes. West, Whitby, FOR A CHRISTMAS DRESS SHOES ing $14,600, down pay- DO_AS OTHERS For full porticulors call pinorag A 8 boone oo PHONE 655-3195 a PONTIAG Parlsione hardtop, bucket | SPIRIT tetova eth CALL THE BROTHERS 723-1121 mortgage. | To phone seats, consol, five thousand. miles. im|@ Gifts for Anyone WEAR A GAY COR COCKTAIL BOOTS Gifts for Him Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Henry Seingon ot *723- 1133, condition. Apply 736 i } CORSAGE SLIPPERS, ETC. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. ree 0283. J. A. WILLOUGHBY crescent, after 6p.m. | door | Shop for Chei fts of 101 Simcoe Street North | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | «verings & SONS LTD, | fa SUEYROMRT, sore ean ore RELIGIOUS Bcd yacrtn doa Sashet wa Pecnes PING PONG. TABLES Open Every Evening. eqitors, a 299 KING ST. WEST wah Wea ies tar thea swe CHRISTMAS Colorful outdoor wreaths me Complete with top, base "Your Guide To B Living" 723-1133 | REALTORS ed ater and is in exceptional condition. | ' 'our 'o Better Living sats vieaway, Motes ni age Dundes! GIFTS Christmas Door Knockers DAVIDSON S Shane net. fi WHITBY : WS CHEVROLET Biscayne Réoor wana. Nativity Sets 25¢ to $20 /R BREED and SONS 31 SIMCOE NORTH CLASSIFIED HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! Tag Comtesse Pom SSE gears Mok | 1044 King Stet Wee 725-3312 BUILDING SUPPLY REDUCED IF SOLD THIS WEEK METCALF Pee i a retina | 14 are 1479 Simone N= FORAIOS ROOM and board avilable for one man. Real Estate Limited after $ p.m. Pearl and Crystal 725-11 fh n . Qui . All 2,500. do ill buy this lerge 9-room 2% storey multiple eal Estate Limi 31 or 725-2512 fee Tete tick." | Pia dwain cn Nery S Obama, scr cos ord eompra: | 40 King Steet East |e eomrune Wotne A naam SOM GCE, Mg. "oa ORDER EARLY ! | for tHE moToRIST i x Sam. vali p.m. "init tome no pre pe tigre al cihdiion' goviie phoresis sinks, 30' living Dial 728-4678 VOLVO PARKVIEW RPL UR RUE ER CHRISTMAS TREE Give a gift wrapped sae children. Wane Se-Se room, oil heating, low heating costs, garage. Separate entrance SALES AND SERVICE Variety Store Gifts for Him or Her AND TRAIN PLATFORMS} Ontario Motor tele peony Si room, house, lm-| from the second flaor. Ask for Pouline Hobbs. FINUCANE: STREET JAKE and BILL'S 98 ony Avenue MOCCOELEGLERELEE | 511 TP AIK) BOARD TOPS Membership two-bedroom rtment, $115 ith) Choice northwest location, ret Sor Scaler Rol Getela, Woee | Evenings coll close to oll schools and Shop- ig ond Oven daily Peat 1030" 30 "pm. PING PONG TABLES ae Yaa cies Pauline Hobbs 728-5886 or Audrey Moore 668-4088 ping Centre, large 7 room AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM $7.95 UP 728-8334 725-7422 fime to order your CCM bicycles and split level with garage, fin- 449 Ritson Rd. § i $ te $kates, Sports accessories at Wilson's ished recreation room, extra Oshawa 728-0921 ONLY Bogs, Carts, Cycle and Sales, 106 Colborne Street 7) elses" OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE | Sree cet (TILDEN : pe A Ee te) e key Port Perry 985-2076 eee RENT: ~One _dedroom . apariment, ' wn: 218 DUNDAS ST, E. WHITBY 668-5853 saree, en seers Thin CAR AND TRUCK aa eal by 668-8785 ee Sasrenation. Sead lot RENTALS SHOPPING Gifts for the Family eee to -- Cash = lady wi Erie erwin oer Fs S 4 H 0 F | E L D e A K E R COMMERCIAL (All Makes and Models) Holiday Food 68-5176. FHREE-ROOM self-contained apartment. | Over a Quarter Century of Reliable Service 233 feet frontage on King CAL 725-6553 DAYS SURE TO PLEASE! ® 4 Albert St. A Gift Certificate from Order Your Christmas 7 R E F | furnished Fowl From ot 728-5123. gnRisTwas a ee "Phyllis McRobbie--Bowmanville 623-7159 Untorsian heat, hot water. Telephone Street by 148' in depth, over- SPE eas dodo eae 723-2265 veep Mean nl Mig oy GENERAL REPAIRS UNTIL LLOYD ELLIS SHOES cotion in Oshawa. Established ge ied bl ay 49 King 3s, Bowmonvila LITZ PROCESSING TOP CO AT ¢ oo. eae ose 204 Chestnut Street | 00 DOWN ae West, Whitby, 66@- $1,000.00 DOWN -- 6 room brick bungalow BRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, | coted in Eost End close to Public, Separate, ond business included. Your in- Al i - ~ inwi | Foreign Make Cars @iterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a High Schools, Completely londscaped and decor- quiries ore invited, Shown by Ce ated, Price Includes natural fireplace in hving rooe, eppointment only. STATHAM CHRISTMAS a sen eee eh BOR RENT: Apartment, furnished bed| broadicom, built-in china cabinet in dining area. QUIET CENTRAL a Ps yada Now is the time to -- Wea CAR COAT , refrigerator, Finshed recreation room with bar. Open to offers. Ritson Road and Ki pied, eivcs ottronce. Apely 'St Pontes Vendor very enxious to sell. LOCATION 723-4733 ond 723-7712 : NORTH EAST AREA--6 yr. old brick Two Storey at sae ta eee KELL ee eee 1964. yr. ick Two and ? Thi : ' CHRISTMAS, Spaciol. $e. We rn 'ir Bas wt chon eis ae -- " vee Christ- A CHRISTMAS GIFT with the purchose of any t. f JHA. ining room ing z mas Gift List. i ts Dundas East, Bae 668-3226. Pe 7 a. room, offers both features 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST " he Ge SUBSCRIPTION S U IT SONEN Fink Ket grads, plain aaa ee a but still is only 6 blocks from WHITBY -- 668-5891 Selector makes your . golored. Wilde. nensi ice, 1415 Dum om ou rons, ge age ti agen downtown. Finished -- ree. Cors bought and sold shoppin: 1 plea- PRICED FROM Ges East, Whitby. igh "pai ity School. Open room, gorage with private Leins paid off ; ~~ 2 oe TO THE ENGY'S NURSERY GROWN Spruce and offers in payment. drive, hot water heating and Trade up or down sure. It tells you what $49.50 : Apply 814 'Byron' Street North, inner BROOKSIDE ACRES -- this Split-level home, com- deep lot. Asking $13,900.00. Always top quolity. : OSHAWA TIMES Fa gee el plete with 18 x 36 swimming pool, hos a secud. JULIANA DRIVE BUYING OR SELLING vie age dae apaaidied USE YOUR CREDIT lermheuse on main highway, rT QOshawa's fi residential A ; } rem, Whit, ah conveience, forge "ot, is @ creek lot with woods ond trolls. City ond cot Tuck, tae ea ee TED CAMPIN gifts are suitable, and | Is q year-round gift and a daily reminder of good- | OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT QRDERS Taken ter home made Christ one" enjoy Sl Wane lg Bite Ping ee large lot overlooking ravine, MOTORS where to buy. will for your friends and relatives who are away NO DOWN PAYMENT 5 i x Seid on te Se See to ae n eve living toon, ful al wee ee ties ck WATCH THE TIMES from home. AT Mil <= won trae tus Master home, Aski 19,99 ust East of Wil ; ' Ss ean tvooms, Two, cr home. "Asking $19,995.00 | ust Eastof Wilson Road | GIFT SELECTOR DAILY | THE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT DUNN'S a gage, shown appointment : SaRISTAAS TREES -- Said oy = Dossession. bn by appoi SPOT CASH FOR ADDITIONAL KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA Two Locations: Reasonable prices. Delivered in Whitby, Open 9 to 9 -- Sat. 9 to 5. OPEN - PAID FOR GIFTS FROM. NOW Will be pleased te act upon your instructions, 36 KING E. (Downtown) Gunews. Order non. Temeneda tenure MARGARET HALL 723-1358 ote anes EVENINGS TILL NINE TE 'end for sale RGA\ - pee AKER '725- Good cl T Hi ee ie, "Settreit| Steve MACKO 720-388 aii meme AKER 728-0201 Dil 728-4678 joed clean 'cars. Trade up UNTIL CHRISTMAS | LEPHONE 723-3474 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 'ture, Buy. sell or trade. What have your) PAULINE BEAL 725-0239 CHARLES CHAYTOR 723-2996 Joe Maga Ken Honn DODD MOTOR SALES urniture, 215 Dundas street 360 ow Jack Osbome Bab Johnston 314 PARK RD. SOUTH King Free Porking Dick Borriage 723-9421

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