Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Nov 1963, p. 21

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TELEVISION LOG WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WRUC-TV Channel $--Rochester FLOWERS? YOU UKE BUY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 27, 1963 99 NEWS IN BRIEF GRAVEL RUNNING OUT WINNIPEG (CP)The Mani- toba govern ment, concerned about the eventual depletion of the province's gravel supply, has announced plans for an ex- tensive survey to find an alter- native base material for Mani- toba roads. BAGS ALBINO EDMONTON (CP) -- Trever Dawe got a mallard and a con- versation piece at the same ' |time. He bagged an albino mal-. lard in central Alberta and had jit mounted for his home. In 30 years of hunting, he'd never seen an albino duck before. TRYING FOR TEAM | CALGARY (CP) -- Twelve skiers at Bow Summit, Alta., are putting out their best to | 2--Ritléman make Canada's six - member. | 6:00 P.M, 7 . | We | 1964 Olympic ski team. They $--Bilke 4 , i ' } | - \S , t jrise at 7:45 a.m., do 15 minutes, | 6--The Observer 6 4 lot exercise and then move to (eye the ski slopes at 9 o'clock for 6:15 P.M. six hours daily preparation for the team trials, 4--Headline News ' 6:30 P.M. ' e : } . yy , | 11:30 ALM. (1-9-6 vig oH ahd Weather : S / | BRINK OF DEATH 1--Albert J. Steed Show and rts VANCOUVER (CP) -- Eri¢ epee _ 2 vale Oe Newman, 18, narrowly esc ¢--Girl Talk 111--Family Theatre |death when he tumbled 100 feet |down Cypress Oreek Canyon, 'He grabbed a tree at the lip of anol r 100-foot drop. 4--Pete and Gladys | 8-2--Huntiay Brinkley 7:00 P.M. 12:00 NOON Paap reas ae 8-2--The. Virginia' aver * erga a : ne. Virginian - ir Fir fs . y-Ornie and Harriet | impression ade manors AckOAS Ra BCeC) sen setae ARS I a - : | WOMEN INVADERS rovingia ir ennessee Ernie Ford) 3. i rn CBS Reports 6--Elwood Glover Tr Blines sheen | . Ensign PILIAIN kK BEAICIOMR IA) EDMONTON (CP) -- Women Phil Silvers Show 4--NFL Football 7:30 P.M . Edge Ae ie \gradually are invading another A male stronghold in Alberta, The Alberta Insurance Agents Asso- 4 \ciation lists nine women mem- |bers. One of them, Mrs. Leone Davies of Red Deer, specializes and be Te CFTU-TV Channel 9--Toronto CKVR-TV Charnel 2--Barrie ns x : | 7---Traiimaster 63~--Mr. Piper 4--Secret Storm | 2--Capiain Bob 4:30 PLM. , WEDNESDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M, Hi--Romper Room N--Family Thearre 9--Homemakers Health 9--Kiddo Club 4--Popeye's Piayhouse 2--Mike Douglas Show 15 AM, 9--Miss Helen 9:00 A.M. | $-2.-Superman }--The Early Show 63--Razzie Dazzie 4--Five O'clock» Snow | $-Mickey Mouse Ciu® | 6--Father Knows Best | d-Leave it To Beaver | 3--Popeye 9:30 A.M. THURSDAY EVE. ~Playtime With Bobby 5:00 PLM. Jack LaLanne Show eos Theatre 10:00 A.M. | acoaueen 9--Bilko \1)~Eddie Allen Show 6 Live and Learn 7--Girl Talk $30 P.M. | } 9--Sea Hunt ly. $-3---Woody Woodpecker } 7 2--Rifleman | 6:00 PLM. | Superman | 7--The Barly Show | Shao azzie 4-Five O'clock Show @3--Provincial Affairs 63--Nationa! Schools 2--Hucklederry Hound 2--Today, 1963 | 4--Calendar #15 P.M. ve err poe 4--Headline News 10:90 ALM, 3-Quiz 1i--Super wage ' 8-2--Word For Wor un 2m. 7--General Hospital ee ae Weather 4 chez Helene mn rts : 7--Jjungie Jay Show at Lave huey 11:00 A.M, &~The Right Line %-- Morning Magazine Ge CM. 8-2--Concentration Ni--Family Theatre 7---Price Is Right 8-2--Huntley Brinkley 7:00 P.M. 9---Best of Groucho $--Pele Gunn 7-6--News, Weather, j 5:30 PLM. 9-3---Yogi Beer | 6--Music Hop TO MAKE ALL THESE ARRANGE- MENTS FOR ME / 6--Loretta Young 4--The McCoys Sports 4~Zane Grey Theatre 3--Candid Camera 2--Death Valley Days CROSSWORD 7:30 P.M. %--Dick Van Dyk 7.Part of Spread the ¢ye 8. Number 9. Casks 11, Lowest commis- ORR CHL i ers a aie) poo OTM SIH elL VIE! U.S. Navy 49 DOW 18. Negative reply 19, First-rate 20, Un- exploded bomb 21, Japanese sash 24. Crowd 25. Presiden- tial nickname 7:45 PLM, 6--Mr, Fix-tt 8:00 P.M 1--Michael Shayne ~My Favorite Martian 7--Patty Duke 63---Red River Jamboree 8:30 PLM, 9--Movie 7--Price is Right 63--Perry Mason 4--Giynis, Comedy Series 12:15 P.M 9--The Outer Limits Firearm J--The Flintstones . Eagle's nest 4--Speaker of the House 4 12:30 P.M, €or Saar . With might in automobile insunance manages the office in the finm |where she holds a partnership, 4--PassWord 9--Kiddo Cartoons 2--87th Precinct . Adhére to y tunes 0 Ave aga gor ed 11--OHA Junior "A" ceeds Se hom oe Hockey Gardens of 4--Search for Tomorrow) &--Harry's Girls the desert 7--Donna Reed 12:45 PLM. 63--The Luey --" Ro hora Sas SUCCESSFUL SALE ' Green light | SAWYERVILLE, Que. (CP)-- The first auction sale of feeder cattle in Quebec's eastern town- | |ships was such a success--264 | |lean steer and heifers went fot $27,732 -- that the sponsoring Quebec Beef Cattle Association 4--Rawhide ~Movie 0:30 P.M. 9:00 P.M, 1:00 PLM. . Send forth . Native of is considering making the sale an annual event, 1l--Naked City Medic ~Desilu Playhouse Havana COURSE 1 9--To Tell The Truth 8-2--Espionage 9%--December Bride 7--Ben Casey 6--Matinee 4--The Beverly Hillbillies: 7_afternoon . Penniless 0:30 PM, 4--Meet the Millers . Prepare for 6-3--Festival a Oieres Court publication kK: : 1 gat ages eel i--Middey" matinee desliguny mean owe : i-Oor Hous 63--Grindle . A flower- worte P.M. 4--As The World Turns | *--Perry Mason growing 275 11---The P.M. Show 9:30 PLM. j it | plot TAKE 9--Jack Pear 33. Door joint pre M | Dom jo PETERBOROUGH, Ont. (CP) : --~A dozen Indians from Ontario and Quebec are taking a course here in outboard motor main- png Sponsored by the In- jan affairs department and p Outboard Marine Company, the ALACOM J \ - | jcourse will enable the Indians ies: A yf y 1) y to earn money by servicing out- Yesterday's Anewer Show sipates, as time 5. Southeast wind . Box scienti- fically 7. Its capital is Lima vt Y 38. The Bmerald Isle 40. Drink to excess 41, Paradise 42. Plant ovule c ND geopaay ee eng seat Sree 8-2--Dr Kildare |» @3--The Serial | 7--My Three Sons 9:00 PLM. 9%--Zero One MICKEY MOUSE Show LES CANADIENS 4--House Party 2--The Doctors 3:00 P.M. 9--Here's Looking At You 8-2--Loretta hs! | 7--Queen For A Day | 63--Take Thirty 4--NCAA Football | 3:30 PLM, li--Randy Dandy 9--People in Conflict 8-2--You Don't Say 7--Who Do You Trust | @3--Friendly Glant | 4-Edge of Night | 4:00 P.M. 11:20 PLM, I-4--Late Show 11--Sport of Kings i 11:30 PLM, 11--TV Open Line 9---Pierre Berton Hour 4-2--Tonight Show 6--Nightcap 3--Sam Benedict THURSDAY 7:30 A.M. 7--Rocket Ship Mi Sh Mga fred 6 Current- 46 : Y M--Captain Andy way-Funtime Plerre Berton Hour transmit- Yas 4~--Captain Kangeroe The Match Game Suspicion ting device aT . } i I $-2--The Eleventh Hour 2:00 P.M. } 7--Channing 9--1. Love Lucy 6-3--Parade | | | 39. Musical voree, | instruments board motors for tourists in re- mote regions, 4--The Danny Kaye Show! 8--Horme Cooking +2--Arthur Godfrey Show 43. Danger WARNS PARENTS Ye ay %~--The Twilight Zone 2--People Wil! Talk 11:00 PLM. 2:30 P.M. 7--Sid Caesar Show 119-4-7-6-4-3-2--News | 9The Millionaire 4~-Alfred Hitcheock Hour 44. Eat away Weather, Sports | B-Home Cooking 4--The Nurses . Ascend 1:18 PLM. 7--Day In Court 3--Theiller 46, Coin: India Metro Final &3--Scariett Hill 10:30 P.M | . Small ones Viewpoint W =rnls Week In Football of litters TButtelo Billa Footbal 4 alee : < } \ be yl TORONTO (CP) -- Constable : : 9 ai Uae James Wilson, a member of ' "LA COMPAGNIE DOIT REALISE snl Larter! s mond A oes a ee and school association that ron "JE COUPE VOTRE SALAIRE DE MOITIE".. 1 age dances for 13 to 19-year-olds STO MI AWIVS 2nOA LID I, -13499H OL SANNA) Sets O1 @105 23 ised are "lighted fuses" to trouble. BINSIO BO SANS, 91190 SLITS L9H AMYIWIO? IM, -- NAMA Ways Tie GY MOR OS He "GOODWILL" USED CARS AT The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. 260 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA PHONE 723-4634 11:00 P.M. 11.9-8-/-6-4-3-2-- News, | Sports 1:18 PLM. 9--Metre Final . Free-for- all . Kind of bean 11:28 P.M. 1--Sport of Kings i-t--Late Show « 14:38 PLM. N--TV 'Open Line 6--Feature Showcase distance .A flash 5. Good with eggs 1 2. +Viewpoint 3.Ata 7 39 4 ILFANT PARTIZ"CONFIE A SSRLIED OP tome Ayer p dances for 13-to-15-year-olds and 16-to- 18-year-olds. : WEEKEND RESTS SWEETSBURG, Que. (CP) ~ Judge P. E. Delaney sentenced a man from nearby Cowansville to four weekends in jail for 'stealing # rifle. He eaid he im- posed the unusual sentence be |cause evidence The Values Were Never Better! ... The Selection Was Never Finer" . AH GOTTA S10P Him, BEFO' HE'S OUTA MAH RANGE !%~ 2? CUSS IT? AH IS OUT O' BATS' EYEBALLS // ??-A TREMENDOUS BOULDER JEST APPEARED IN TINY'S PATH I-NIGHTMARE ALICE 1S-cHuCkle/'- STILL, ON TH' JOB? URGED ON, THE WHITB HORSE SWIFTLY RACES AHEAD -:> THEY CANT KEEP UP/ WE CAN REJOIN TONTO NOW/ THE POSSE /$ STILL FOLLOW- ING US, SILVER / LETS 60, 8/6 FELLOW / 17 s ff VA LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER IM Nor SURE I UNDERSTAND WHar > * Tuas fe: FIVE DOLLARS Lae? SCROOGE, a ! ; ON os io Samp LOust tone HAS RIDI mash THE MOVIES OON'T COST THAT MUCH! RESULTS COUNT! Meals MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consult @ Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER WHY NOT LET IT DROP BILLY, THERE'S NO PURPOSE IN BRUISING YOUR FEELINGS OFF \--/0.K., I WONT TELL Y | acotimiet rary | ST AMPS 'TO GET OUT OF i Bought & Sold 165 Simcoe St. $. SURE. WHAT DID THAT CRACK MEAN--*PpATSY WAS RELIEVED"?, Oshawa SANITOND seavice CLEANERS ond LAUNDERERS OSHAWA - PORT HOPE WHITBY « COBOURG BOWMANVILLE -' scARBORO Curtains, Prapes, Blonkets, Rugs OSHAWA'S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 50 MILL sess. 2

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