s » > > > > > > » » > > » > r r > » > , + $125 » 5990 . to > > > > » » > "> > > > > > UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES Legrez presiding and opening|liam Cooper and Mrs. Howard/the District Committee, who in--November meeting of theland Mrs. Samuel Keane and the meeting by reading a poem|Cook. stalled the officers for 1963-64 a Northminster Come Double|their proup planned the evening. ip the chapel with Mrs, Donald|Mrs. Donald Legree, Mrs, Wil-;Gordon Varnum, president ofjby Dr. Claude Vipond at thelafter Dr. Vipond's talk, Mr. | entitled "No Time For God". follows: past president, Mrs. R.| | | | | | | | | ~ i MARILYN WOOD, CAROL JENNINGS Oshawa Times Photo Baby-sitting Course Completed By Presentation Of Diplomas A successful Baby Sitting! Mrs. G. Browne then pre- Course sponsored by the Dr./sented Girl Guide badge certi- Robert Thornton Home andjficates to 14 girls who by tak- School Association was brought|ing the course were also able to to a close Monday evening,|achive. their Child Nurse when 23 graduates along with|badges in Guiding parents and friends participated) President Mrs. H. Delaney in the closing exercises held at thanked all who had helped to Westminster United Church make the course worthwhile Diplomas were awarded and and presented small prizes to prizes were given to Carol/Miss Carol Jennings for the Jennings for the best scrapbook|best scrapbook and Miss Mar- and Marilyn Wood for thelilyn Wood for the highest mark highest mark on the examina-|on the examination tion. Miss: Judy Bannon tendered a each member is asked to do- The course consisted of six\yote of thanks to the Home lectures held at the Dr. Robert) and School Association and to Thornton School on Mondayjthe course leader on behalf. of SIMCOE STREET UCW {Bolivian and India Obristmas| Mrs. Herman Laxton took as 13TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX.|y/ Manning; president, Mrs,|O™b. He illustrated certain as-| ~ The Lenore Unit met in the|and Emergency Fund. A silent|her theme for the worship ser-|. The 13th Scout Mothers' Aux-\Bryce Brown; secretary, Mrs.|Pects of his tour to Malaya and| ladies' parlors for the Novem-|auction will be held at the De-|vice "Prince Without A Realm". iliary held its meeting recently|Leo Gauer; treasurer, Mrs. Wa'-|the Far East witksome excel-| ber meeting. The president,|cember meeting. [The scripture lesson was taken|i" King Street United Church. ter Sharpe; program, Mrs. R. J.|lent colour slides, showing) Mrs. Ira Travell, opened the} The worship was led by Mrs |from the gospel of St, John, Mrs. R. J. Manning, presi-/Manning and Mrs. R. F..Hall; pied gy Peay yy Pigg the| meeting with the hymn, "How|Gordan Besse. The scripture|chapter 14, and 15 and read by eh ee bg tr with eoreel. es. Pa Ge ook = el salon Tolowiig tis A 'dose 'orinthi ili i > Se e heeds ' ; . Firm a_ Foundation. Mrs.| was read from II -Corinthians,|Mrs. William johnston. | lu other Promise ng, r illiam mpd Fo tts Alea stot Be > |H. E. Kerr read the 90th Psalm/Ohapter V | 'The secretary, Mrs. Mervin| The annual minutes were readjtelephone, Mrs. Harold Barker; jand gave the meditation. | Mrs. David Taves, Mrs. Sid-|Morrison read the minutes. It by Mrs. Robert F. Hall, who, in| cards, Mrs. J. A. Martell. jable to appreciate some of the \difficulties that must have been Mrs. Varnum then spoke on hia wnaticnl Mrs. H. V. Myers, secretary,/ney Winsley, and Mrs. Besse|was decided that the Peipecotd 4 absence of the treasurer,| ountered by read the minutes and 53 visits|led in prayer. |meeting would take the form the duties of each Olics anil were reported. | The topic was given by Mrs. of a pot-luck supper and gifts also read the annual a ad iss Sitcoms. 46 Senet team. | Mrs. 'Wallace Butter gave Lorne Craig's group. entitled|will be exchanged, not to ex-|er's report. : S | Refreshments were served the treasurer's oe ag bevel re-|""The Tide of Mass Humamty" |ceed seventy-five cents, Mrs.| This year there will be no De-|*ey gore from ¢ a book - cem rummage sale prove taken from Dr. 0. Daniel's|Donald Legree will preside at! e . so the annual|/@bout their special duties. | be very successful. book, "The Rising Tides of In-|the December meeting. Mies rink cies wat be berg Mrs. R. J. Manning thanked A. E. JOHNSON 0.D. It was decided that $215. belqia'" Mrs. Craig, Mrs, Donald|Millicent Luke will be the guest|?° --_ \Mrs, Varnum and the meeting] OPTOMETRIST turned over to the UCW before) Rice and Mrs. Harold Audley|speaker at the December UCW January, \closed with the Scout Mizpah,| . gygs eExAMINED the next genenal meeting. Ipresented this. A question meeting. The president thanked the) fojiowed by refreshments. | IONS FILLE Cornesponding secretary, Mrs.!neriog concluded the topic. Mrs. Mervin Morrison con-/members for their co-operation) |] © PRESCRIPT FILLED D. W. Holden, reported two Mrs. Donald Rice gave the|Cluded her talk from the Mis-|during the past two years aed) COME DOUBLE CLUB 14% King St. E. 723-2721 cards had been sent for the "caibhary and Ghureh high|Sionary study book "On Asia's turned the meeting over to Mrs.! An interesting talk was given! ight : a,ilights. Mrs. James Smart and|Rim", her subject being Oki-| ee RPI FOIE ABLE The Conteris. meedng will ee Chatlee ee carved nawa, Tiawan, and Hong Kong. be a pot luck supper called for : , The missionary packet for the| y ge ber 10 |refreshments. a ts c , bd COL ES a h e ib] 8 The highlight of the evening) ALBERT STREET UCW 1, io aa ae in| Once again COLES ado the impossi eo) (= ' I g troduced, namely: India, Paki-| was the showing of pictures by) The regular meeting of Unit|stan, Ceylon and Nepal. Mrs. K. R. Wagg with com-|; of the J Icw ; a Rants tw herent Mie GC. Wl Oo el pene e ere served by) Souch and Mrs. J. H. Holliday The three spent two months this | an where past summer on the continent, | visiting and enjoying all the ld sights and places of interest. ul in the wor Mms. Wagg was the only mem-) ber of the party to chimb_ the steps to the top of the "Leaning Tower of Pisa." There ar> no e'evators for this purpose. Mrs Wagg assured everyone it was well worth the effort, the view eae i on t Pp e from the top was magnificent Mrs. Travell thanked Mrs Wagg and the others for the enjoyable travelogues. - + + Women Refreshments were served by prefer the non- Mrs. Kerr's committee Settle | | Buy one box, buy 20 .. . you get a Free MISSION CIRCLE Pak container The November meeting for over old fash- the Kate McLaurin Mission iened bontie, Stamp to mail every card in every box Circle was held at the home of "AT THE Miss Edna Greenfield, Lans- 1 ; 3 ' | STOR AT ' downe drive | YOUR 'Sou : That's right, imagine buying 100 cards and letting wee opened the meeting, with Coles T ili ts this year! i x pay all your mailing costs this year! . . . ate "verses o serptare 'i = 4 sit atl beateiaisl | ° What's more, these boxes, now only 77c, originally prayer. 2 fe , sold for 1.00 to 1.50. . . so you get big savings as decided. to meke up 2 & ie plus a 2c stamp for every card, ABSOULETLY FREE! q | decided t k Christmas bor for a home snis- Gdeal Dai oo j "a Choose from 'Christmas Splendor' -- Box of 14; sion pastor and family at j a4 any Limited { : fs 'Christmas Traditions' -- Box of 10; 'Glitter 'n Brownsburg, Quebec. A special rj Beaux DAIRY ER@eUCTs oe belt ; Glow' -- Box of 12; or 'Variety Assortment -- Box offering was taken for this and J § ad | 3 of 15 nate a gift as well. It was also cette pend money tote J eae . ue EACH BOX INCLUDING STAMPS:--. evenings, over the past two the graduates following which, months. Among the capable/refreshments were served by and interesting lecturers were|Mrs. D. Kerr and Mrs. H. Allan the Reverend John Porter who'with Girl Guides assisting spoke on character, Miss Ger-) those who received diplomas trude Tucker who handled/ wore as follows: Ena Dasberg, health and child care, Mr. Ron-| janis Wood, Kenza McClean, ald Hawkins of St. John Ambu-| judy Jolley, Debbie Luke, Mar- lance, first aid, Mr. Jamesith, Westerink, Carol Jennings, Watson, fire hazards and mouth'pjanne Rell. Mary Daciuk, to mouth resuscitation and|Kathy Heaslip, Heather Ker r, Mrs. G. A. Scott whose topic) jennifer Roth, Lynne Pipher, was 'Keeping the Young Child'trene Dovgalev, Judy Bannon, Happy and Amused. Marilyn. Wood, Trina Cowan, In, addition to writing Nn Sandra Johnston, Monica Eyre, examination, the trainees were Ting Knox, Frank Edward: required to make a scrap book) Ruth Bryant, Kathy Schad on the course, to do six hours'|-- : training' as a mother's helper without pay, and to have a YESTERYEAR'S PRICES tuberculosis test. During 1960, the average Ca- Mrs. D. Wood, the course nadian housewife could buy a leader, was chairman of the 1 5 program and after her opening 24ounce loaf of bread for 2: remarks, introduced the panel cents, a pound of coffee for 73 whose topic was Responsibili- and a dozen eggs for 54 ties of a Baby Sitter -- Speaking from the employ- er's point of view were Mr Ze fois NO R. 8. White, safety representa- a tive to Oshawa Home and School WAITING Council, Mrs. H. Delaney, | Bee e Home and. School president é : and Mrs. G. Brown, captain of i ee i the 30th Girl Guide Company ei? siivery To give the views of baby gh _- . e sitters were Miss Sandra Wina- cott, Miss Susan Allan and Mr DRAPES Ronald Lofthouse A very attentive audience READY - MADE enjoyed the discussion centred ESE EID around qualities of good baby BOF code "drapes to. sitters, ethics of baby sitting, mG doy--for delivery ; tomorrow -- Hun- information required of parents, | F : ok te choos duties expected, rates of pay ' es etc Following the panel discus- Mai ee) Byrd sion Mr. White presented the } | le. a diplomas congratulating the et ve graduates, the leader and the COME IN association on a job well done ' Mrs. Deane Fry who assist- ed with the course spoke brief- ly to the graduates presenting DRY GOODS them with sitter pads for their favorite employers. nies ts 8) See F- wv om : LAST 3 DAYS! -- of our -- 55th Anniversary FUR SALE Savings From... on Finest Quality FURS! FURS 75 KING ST. E. OSHAWA (Opposite Hotel Genosha) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AAA MAMHMRARMAMAMAAMRAA " > » >» » > > > > > > > > ' > > > > > > » > i: ~ Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF 12 KING ST, E. s OSHAWA = SHOPPING = CENTRE Shop and Save on These Meat ' Specials on Sale This Weekend! STEAKS and ROASTS! e@ SIRLOIN eT-BONE ) Every Night © AND WING c "hee Leal Boneless Round Lhristmas e STEAK ROAST r Ib ee ce 5 oe OES Boneless : Sorry, No Phone or Mail Orders © We Reserve the Right To Limit Quantities, @ PRIME RIB ROAST OPEN TILL 9. P.M. | FREEZER SPECIAL! BEEF movanrers a} Fan| | From COLES Wonderful World of | CHILDREN'S BOOKS HOGS "wm | AGE a oo Mirren' FAG @ End Cuts (By Piece) Ib. 69° BACON é fen vig yo 1b. 89° I on Be Fabulous Selection for Boys and CINDERELLA MEATY BACK SPARERIBS 1b. 49c Nhe) ed keg Se eee? a ' Adventures on the high seas,« Westerns, sports SEE WHAT $1.00 WILL BUY! ' W FAS To Z stories, romantic tales of derring-do and fairy 1 '\ stories for the very young reader. Books for fun, @ 4 lbs. PORK HOCKS books of learning, books to treasure for a lifetime! @ 3 Ibs. VEAL PATTIES Ae 5 Choose a gift from the wonderful world of children's @ 4 Ibs. COUNTRY SAUSAGE $ . books at Coles! @ 2 Ibs. SHOULDER PORK CHOPS | b fA OVER 100 TITLES TO CHOOSE FROM @ 2 Ibs. SLICED SIDE PORK © 3 Ibs. RIB STEW BEEF Any Of The Above Only breakrast BACON 2 lbs. 1.00 COTTAGE ROLLS CHOPPED KADANA (100's) KIDNEY SUET lb. 27° | TEA BAGS