Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Nov 1963, p. 10

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| was a special mixture of vege-; The voluntary relief agency table peeling and scraps of|needs 310,000 Fri-ndship Dollars a A IET : Korea's Children food left over from the Amer- ' ROMAN CATHOLIC WEDDINGS OF OSHAWA INTEREST | LODGES AND SOCIETIES coi And Eungy fe moeee ss Sole vee, eset UC 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 27, 1963 PYTHIAN SISTERS garet Henderson, and Pearl ,, oe several Korean restaurants, "ons | Ontario Temple No. 1 opened|irwin, are confined to the Osh- Only a handful of rice," the poiled together in stew fashion| Headquarters, 63 Sparks Street, lwith MEC Ann Holt presiding.|awa General Hospital, desolate Korean woman begged, and sold for eight cents Flags were presented by} An. invitation was received @"d as if in answer to her/The father is now ed. manager M. Stevens and sis-|from Mr. and Mrs. John W.|Prayer, a bag was broken and "Winter is for the rich', the ter M. Northey. Twenty-four|Baker of Harwood, to attend a few grains spilled carelessly mother said, holding her baby members were out for the meet-|reception to celebrate their 50th/to the ground. The baby on her close. "Most of the time my chil- ing, 21 were at the dinner be-/wedding anniversary, at the back did not protest when she dren are hunrry and cold'. A\fore our meeting for the GC's|home of their daughter Mrs. W.|Scooped up the few precious|Dr. Lotta Hitschmanova, Execu-| visit to our Tmple. It was re-|Switzer, 35 Churchill avenue,/kernels of barley and scurried|tive Director of the Unitarian) iported cancer and Red Cross|Oshawa, Sunday, December 1, away to make a thin, tasteless|Service Committee of Canada, |work was still going on, Four from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. and 7 soup for her family of four. |neturned from Korea, pleading) é i were won by sisters/p.m. until 9 p.m. Sister Baker The scarcity of rice and bar-/for warm clothing and_ the; , Rutter, Larke and Ball,|has been a member of Sunshine|ley due to two crop failures has|means to buy Canadian barley) The manager, Marg Stevens,|Rebekah Lodge for 45 years and driven grain prices far beyond|for the destitute. i introduced to MEC and the We hope that many of the sis-'the reach of the average indi- i Temple, Grand Chief Dorothy ters will be able to call on this gent in Korea, ' Foykle from Sarnia; GT Jean happy occasion. The father of the family is a said, 'and. clothing depots are Fitches; PSSR Iva Cliff, PGC, Sister Stella Sims was asked rag-picker. With his smallijust waiting for supplies of Jessie Goyne, PGC Marie to continue as representative to wages, they were able to afford good, warm, practical clothing Lavender. The birthday song Hillsdale Manor. Sisters' Flor- "stew" from time to time, This'for adults and children'. : was for three of the-sisters for|ence Johnson, and Edna Frank- geo -- this month. lin volunteered to assist her, It Initiation work was done well|WaS announced that the Christ-| by the sisters, The next meet-/mas Party will be held on De- ing will be the Christmas party,;cember 16, The visiting com- and all the sisters were asked to,mittee for the coming season show up and bring their gifts. are: sisters Elda Howard, Refreshments were served by Chris. Collins, Marg Grey, Lil- sister Yeasby and her com- lian French, and Florence John- mittee. son. iS opese) After the closing of Lodge, a BETA SIGMA PHI social hour was spent, convened (Ont. Gamma Epsilon Chap.) by sister Ann Coakwell and her 4 Mrs. Harold Ball, president, committee, Euchre was played presided over the semi-monthly ar pipe ; * and prizes drawn for meeting of the Ontario Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma! The next meeting will be held Phi, held recently at the home 0% December 2, 1963. of Mrs. Ray Crossley, Wilson HADASSAH road. : The Piyah Chapter of Hadas- Mrs, Kenneth Young sah held its monthly meeting at ied on the rummage sale Beth Zion Synagogue with Mrs. The cultural program for the Irving Hyman presiding for the evening was divided, Miss Vera routine business. 'Teraspvetctod age Mitta. geo The program was in the form ther talk she said that through- poten lh etl ver ual out history there have been ss ja Cr people who have realized the Mes. David Crotin. : Under the captaincy of Mrs importance of childhood and "\who have realized that what an Bernard Morrison, the masquer- ade dance, held at the Syna- a dish. Ottawa 4. / How's the Time te Beautify Your Home with CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 eight cents per report Everyone's walking in WHISPER"S seamless mesh sheers IN A DOUBLE-RING cere- mony in St. Gregory's Ro- man Catholic Church Louise Mae Thompson became the the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Thompson, Osh- awa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick ~ THE REVEREND chael Brady officiated at the marriage of Evelyn Joan Cos- tescu, Scarborough, to. John Mi- the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scarborough and the bridegroom is the son John Costescu, of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence | acorn, adult is depends to a great de- gree on what his childhood was; |808ue, November 9, was most successful. Mrs. Arnold Greene the adult grows from the child °'** just as the oak grows from the|8@Ve' an encouraging report on the cake and apron sale held in They're the talk of the town: Seamless Mesh bride of Daniel Patrick Fer- (Jack) Alfred Fisher, 'Osh- nane recently. The bride is Fernane of Toronto. awa, in St. John's Chapel, ayia sana: - ~| St. Michael's Cathedral, Tor- Fragrant Suggestions onto, -- me bride is For Your Gift-Giving Baking Hints For Fruit Cakes By ELEANOR ROSS jtight cover. Let stand for four | First Aroma Ot Christmas On almost every Christmas to five weeks, stirring eve gift list there is someone to be two. or three days Preparation of Fruit: Small remembered with a little gift, Now let's tackle the poman-idried and glaceed fruits are ae whe yet nothing der balls. usually left whole; larger fruits rdinary, either. : : : ' : . "her- P rhe 'ial 'hadi is a personal-- WASH AND WIPE and nuts such as cuated - ized gift something handmade Wash oranges, lemons or)")€*, mentees) ree ay with Seve care and a bit of limes. and wipe dry. should be chopped or. cut up to artistry. -- Insert whole cloves in skins allow. for. even distribution of Ak te "a is NO, 222 Rose potpourri tied in sachet 8° that the whole surface of the fruit and to ease the cutting of must be sealed in well, Wrap Sunshine Rebekah Lodee N ' gilt i sporphe " Aue to fruit is covered. Use a bobby the finished cake, Dip scissors in cakes securely in aluminum ,,» veld it . How ts . hue 2 state ae ane pin or a skewer to start holes. flour or hot water to cut candied foil, and place in metal con- Real ts atk WE Blas i ta ike. Sete ae io : beautiful little if you find the skins too difficult and .dried fruits easily. To pre-|tainer with lid. Cakes may also he ¥ wi re a na VG iis C- sini ge ;/to pierce with clove stems vent prepared fruits from stick-/be Wrapped in moisture-proof| nee Presiding an a eee ceramic containers, makes co gether or falli b film, the ends sealed air-tight, Francis Cornelius assisting. Of- ; se. But} Do. not insert cloves in aii" together or falling to bottom : ale¢ 4 'We ideal gifts for this purpose. y : of Christmas cake or pudding |If preferred, fruit cake may be/ficers and members of Kenoven the potpourri is difficult to|straight line, as this tends to phere he il Ms Peale wrapped first in cheesecloth Lodge, Brooklin were welcomed , j is c 1 > redge - C come by, unless one has a gar-\crack the skin of the fruit. lightly with flour 8 dipped in wine, brandy or cider,|Lodge »proceeded in. the usual den and starts the work while' Mix equal parts of ground cin- . ssi ._,,{then in' aluminum foil manner, the flowers are still in bloom./namon and orris root and place Preparation of Pans: Fruit) a The secretary, sister Victoria Much easier 2nd right at hand g heaping teaspoon in a smalj cake is high in sugar content BEGINNER'S LUCK McGee, read the minutes and. 7 * ' An tT vi s aU . are pomander bails, made with bag to coat the fruit well with and burns easily. Pans should PRINCE oe BERT. & the correspondence, Recording oranges, lemons and limes. the spicy mixture. be lined smoothly with heavy) ({UNCH ALBERT, Sask. /treasurer sister Marie Elliott HERE'S RECIPE Wrap loosely or place in ajpaper, which insulates the pans (CP)--One of the first moose|and financial treasurer sister But here's the rose potpourri foil-covered tray or basket and and prevents the cake from/brought out of the northern Sas-|[yella Pine, gave their respec- recipe anyhow, just in case it os ee Sg A Spay the|scorching. Use two or three lay-/katchewan bush this fall was\tive reports : ruit shrinks an ardens, usu-'ers of plain brown or heavy seen? a | Vice Gr sist Francis ng eying cage éried rose ally about three weeks. white paper, greasing thorough- pe aid 0 ae nt Bihigeose petals, you will need a half tea- Wrap pomander ball ee ly te top layer of paper which Gropped the moose with her and shut-ins. Several sisters are spoon each of ground cloves, cradle of net and tie with color-| will be next to the batter. first shot, She took up big-game|on the sick list and sisters Vi. ground cinnamon, ground all- ful ribbon, Storing Fruit Cakes: Fruit! hunting last year. Bennett, Teresa Cleveland, Mar- Sheers by Whisper! Trim, tapered to a perfect fit, with stretchy welts for extra comfort and ftun-guard toes for. extra wear... ata new, practical price! a down-town store early this month. _The meeting closed with the Singing of Hatikvah and refresh- Alfred Fisher, Oshawa. The second --Photo By Roland evening was Port Credit speaker of the Mrs, John Mat- thews having the program en- titled "Love's Miracle in Mar- riage." Mrs. Matthews opened ™Ménts were. served by Mrs. her program with the poem Louis Goldblatt, Mrs. Harry \"How Do I Love Thee" by Greene and Mrs. Morris Fogel. Elizabeth Barett Browning and - during her talk pointed out that i curing her talk Pointed out that) Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C, love and. mutual , liking; on CHIROPRACTOR cakes and puddings should be mutual responsibility and mu-'| @ Workmen's Compensation baked well in advance of Christ-| tual understanding. Injuries mas. They improve in flavor! The next meeting will be held] ¢ Spinal Disc Conditions and texture if allowed toat the home of Mrs. Murray 100 King St. E. 728-5156 "ripen" in storage in a _ c0Ol| Fraser, -- _ place for several weeks. The, as nee a natural moisture of the cake SUNSHINE REBEKAH LODGE <a AT WARD'S in Downtown Oshawa 31 SIMCOE ST. S. 725-1151 Lovely Lace 'Matched Lingerie Sets ZELLER'S OWN "RENDEZVOUS" BRAND 3.99 Let your fancy take flight as you choose from our co-ordinated collection of full and half slips, nighties and baby dolls. All frivolously trimmed with acetate and nylon lace and sheer double nylon! TREAT HER TO A SET VALUE RIGHT AT ... "YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT STORE! !" 1f you're Looking for something distinctly feminine for gift- -- giving . . . whether it is ao Skirt, Blouse, Sweater, Purse, Slims, Dainty Nightweor, or Hose, you'll find just the right choice of colors, materials, ond latest styles when you visit MORRISON FUR & SPORTSWEAR, ES ots ror ~ PUVCCuu. "TOPS" for Xmas Giving! SWEATERS @ Antron @ Banlon @ All Sizes and Colors @ Orlon @ Buy Now and Save !! oa @ OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT No Down Payment! FULL SLIP WITH FRONT SHADOW PANEL 3.99 3.99 3.99 USE YOUR CONVENIENT CHARGE ACCOUNT q q q q q q = ° Cc y 4 72) > - = > "< "" ° Zz ™ < m F =< =~ 2 ys (7) ~ Lee BR * e regan eg 'WIFE PRESERVER " For early morning wear, choose a pale lipstick. Save the Yhot reds for evening under arti- "ficial lights, In white, pink or blue. Sizes 32-40 BABY DOLLS In white, pink or blue. Sizes S-M-L . YNIGHTIES n white, pink or blue. Sizes SeM-bb os v4 ostese af es io life to tell her Merry Christmass ZELLE KNOWN FOR Easy Terms! USE YOUR CREDIT! MORRISON FUR and SPORTSWEAR 725-6312 NO WHERE ELSE able at a drug store. drawers and not only give off Separate the petals and 3 to 4 days, or until petals are - --_---- over 50 rolls of car- will be able to see it 174 MARY ST. FUN--PREMIUMS--SAVINGS FANTASTIC PRICE SLASHING The freshest blossoms of sev-| Pleasing aroma but also act spread them in single layers on I 'a dry cloth or in the bottom of > IT S A thoroughly dry. Add spice and 4 pet on display. No at, 728-4681 FOR PRACTICAL SANTAS FOR PRICE SAKE FINE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE spice and mint flakes; elso 144| The pomanders are hung in eral varieties of fragrant roses|@S a moth repellent. a large, shallow cardboard box FACT! orris root, mixing well matter what type of Nu-Way A er he. FAMOUS PRODUCTS SOLD FOR POWERFUL SPECIALS tablespoon of orris root, obtain-|closets or placed in bureau y goles py pilin dtading. Place in a dry, shady spot for + Place in a large jar with a Yes, Nu-Way has carpet you want, you Rug Co. a we S e FOR PARTICULAR SHOPPERS FOR PERFECT SELECTIONS THURSDAY'S PAPER 48 SIMCOE ST. N. + > > >t OE Ot 0 'DOWNTOWN OSHAWA PHONE 723-2294 OSHAWA. SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 723-2209 R'S VALUE

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