Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Nov 1963, p. 7

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Ellen Jane Arnold Ross re- cently became the bride of Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 26,.1963 7 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES place in Albert Street United and Mrs. Sydney R. Arnold Sr, Church and the _ newly- of Oshawa and the bridegroom displayed Christmas cards, (Unit 3) wraps, gifts and many 'other The Evelyn Goodwin Unit (3)|items which are sold by the cf Centre Street United Church|cubs and scouts of the 7th held its November meeting in|Oshawa troop. the chapel. The tea room was tastefully Prayer was the theme of the|decorated in we scout colors of devotion period, led by Mrs./green and gold. The tea table Emest Pratt, which opened with|was centred with an arrange- hymn 286 followed by the Lord's|ment of gold chrysanthemums prayer. A reading, 'Time. for flanked by green and gold can- Prayer' was given by Mrs.\dies. Pouring tea were Mrs. Pratt. Mrs, Archie Britton sang|William Dixon end Mrs. Charles a solo, "Take Time Out to\Collard. Convener for the tea Pray". The script' -e was taken|was Mrs. Ernest Thompson and from Luke 18, Verses 9-14. Alwhe kitchen was in charge of poem was read by Mrs. Dor-|Mrs, John Kitchen and Mes. othy Smith. Harold Davis. The attendance Mrs. William Dearborne pre-| prize was won by Mrs. Laverne CENTRE STREET UCW | A wedding of Oshawa mterest was solemnized in Our Lady of Fatima Churh, Toronto, on Sat- urday' afternoon, November 23, when William Katocs, son of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Katocs of Oshawa, took as his bride Linda Dorothea: Farrell, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs, Thomas Farrell lof Toronto. Panel Answers Parents' Questions On Many Subjects The St. Joseph's Parent-teach- er Association meeting last week was modelled on the tele- vision series "Answering Serv- ice', which features a panel of experts who answer questions phoned into them by the watch- ing audience, The panel at St. Joseph's Tuesday night included Dr, G, T. Sciuk, dentist, Dr. G. B. Doherty, physician, Con- stable W. D. Tane, police safety officer and Mr. F. E, Shine. Busi Administrator and William Katocs, Oshawa, Weds Linda D. Farrell in Toronto . The Reverend W. Vinceat Egan officiated and the junior girls' choir sang Ave Maria. The bride was given in mar: riage by her father. She wore a regal full-length sheath with scoop neckline and elbow-length sleeves in champagne peau de soie, an original design, with ap-| pliques of Alencon lace re-em- broidered with peau de soie flowers, The court train was trimmed with self bows and a gold tiara set with aurora bore- alis held her shoulder-length veil of champagne tulle, She carried a bouquet of Johanna Hill roses and stephanotis, Mrs, Ian Tainsh of Concord, Ontario, was matron of honor and the attendants were Mrs, Garry McIntosh and Miss Pat- ricia Farrell, both of Toronto, and sisters of the bride, 'They wore matching champagne peau de soie, styled on Empire lines with detachable panels, Their headdresses were self flowers and champagne tulle and they carried bouquets of burnt orange chrysanthemums and Talisman roses. The flower girl Miss Nancy Dawe of London Ontario Oshawa Friends Arrange Reunion Of Guiana Visitors Miss Emily Chung of George- town, British Guiana, left Osh- awa last Wednesday for Ohio, after holidaying the past two weeks with Mrs. Verda Jack- son, Grenfell street. Mrs, Jack: son met Miss Chung two years ago when visiting British Guiana with Miss Dorothy Hughes, Miss Chung is on three months leave from her work ing Co. She visited friends and relatives in Ohio, New York City and Montreal before com- ing to Oshawa to attend the mis- sionary conference at Calvary Baptist Church when one of the speakers was the Reverend Wal- ter Spieth, American mission- ary on furlough from British Guiana, Mr. Spieth pastored First Baptist Church in George- town where Miss Chung is an active member. shared in a '"'Guianese Reunion" at Mrs. Jackson's home when B.G. friends from Toronto and Oshawa gathered. Others from with British Guiana Lithograph-|the Oshawa General Hospital; Mr. and Mts, W. Low and Mary of Oshawa. Other Canadian and Ja: and Miss Dahlia Symes of Osh- awa General Hospital staff, and Mrs. Jackson's mother, Mrs. J, gr { in Oshawa Miss Chung Particularly enjoyed a tour of General Printers' printing plant, where Mrs, Jackson is em ed, a tour of General M Niagara Falls and the go display of chrysanthemums a greenhouses there: also the hospitality of new-found Oshawa friends and the f at Calvary Baptist Church. steadily during the 1930s, starting to climb a: the 1940s, : OSHAWA AND WHITBY AREA AL-ANON OPEN MEETING is the son of Mr. and Mrs Secretany-Treasurer of the Osh- Ss § . a . Hilliatd Davis, of Peterbor. ough. The ceremony took - | 22nd Company Oshawa Guides Wiliam Terrance (Terry) Davis of Nanaimo, B.C. The bride is the daughter of Mr. B.G. were the Reverend Noel J, L. Gonsalves, Miss Carmen Lucius and Mrs, Ada Abrahams' from the Georgetown Church| and now residing in Toronto; | Miss Dorothy Hughes and Miss Marjorie Parris, of the staff of weds are making their home |sided for the business. The sec-|Wilson, Montrave avenue. awa Separate School Board -- at Nanaimo. +s retary's report was read ~ by| Oe ; " y --Photo by Stannett, Whitby Mrs ac] Hann. Mrs. Norman| 28TH SC 'OUTS AUXILIARY experts in the field of dentistry, aire gave the treasurer's 're- The 28th Scouts Auxiliary) medicine, safety and education |port. There were 103 cards sent/held its monthly meeting .re-)/ respectively, and 48 visits made. cently at Mrs. Hugh Gannon') 'The "TV audience" was com- Final plans were made for the| home. The President, Mrs. posed of parents and teachers| aronal hagaar. November 29, |William Blight, opened thejat gt. Joseph's who wrote out! annual bazaar, Nov a e yar p i Refreshments were served by| meeting with the Scout Mother's|thejr questions on pieces of| | those in charge. prayer. The minutes were read/naper and handed them in to} Holds Banquet Lene __|by Mrs.®Calvin Crowell. The|the moderator, Mr, Gerald Os-| 7TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. treasurer's report and other re-|porne. Mr. The Mother and Daughter, A very successful bazaar-was|ports were read. banquet of the 22nd. Guid ejheld recently by the 7th Oshawa | Plans were made Company and Brownié Pack)Scout Mothers' Auxiliary in St.liunds by starting a stocking|covered ground ranging from|"'Little Switzerland" Toronto. was held recently in the lower|George's parish hall. Receiving|/+nq py putting so much money|the appropriate age to give a| The honeymoon if being spent hall of St. Paul's Presbyterian|the guests were Mrs. Alan Tu-|;, every month, to start Janu-|child a two - wheeled bicycle to|at Aspen, Colorado, and the | |Church. tin, convener and Mrs. Howard ary 1, 1964, Each member is to|the teaching of French in the|couple will return to reside at Colors of blue and gold, eat ae Mord Reverenw| receive one. elementary schools, and the an-|57 Wentworth street, Oshawa. bonis or gold, ba thei ge pees a pat vgrictalty| After the business was over,Wers and : discussions they} es pon ren Pgs ates tables with a centrepiece of/St. Georges' Church, ¥\ 4 toy. and jewellery demonstra-\evoked provided a lively andjned a winter-w Sut OF Der yellow and blue . chrysanthe-|opened the bazaar. | . Hugh stimulating evening, jown design with a cranberry red ; centering ad te 'onvener > booths were|tion was put on by Mrs. na -- -- be egy at Te a of the a et erq\Gannon and Mrs. Norman Gow-| 'The panel was thanked by velvet hat, printed blouse and gloves and black accessories. athe a J ler. A percentage 'of the pro-|Mrs. John Attley and the meet- and Brownie and a Mother anditake, novelty and white ele se i « '; \ Out of town guests attended Guide graced the head table,/phant; Mrs. Robert Corneal,|<eeds goes 1 the 738i Scouls|ing adjourned for coffee which/trom Syracuse, New York; San the handiwork of Mrs, Elwood|sewing and aprons; Mrs. Ger-| ~ rye y the Ui) ninati Noo ro d the oe the| pine? California; Ottewa, Lon- Bradley and Mrs. Kennethiald Sloggett, home baking./S°TV tt y ae dad necan ae sare rs of theldon, Hamilton and Peter-| Whiting. The Margaret Hamil-\Scoutmaster Charles Collard committee. executive, Mrs. Stirling Morison idea ide lac Wish borough, Ontario. | ton Group of St. Paul's Church/e1d troop leader Roy Kenney | sIMCOE STREET UCW NO. -2 presided for siness meet- catered to the banquet. preiguaa: | The November meeting of 28: SOCIAL NOTICE Brownies Nancy Cummingsjants, The number of Guides|the Commingle Unit (2) of Sim-| and Joan Stainton were in|who received service stars and|coe Street United Church met|'aty, read the minutes and charge of the guést book and/proficiency badges are: 'servicejin the ladies' parlor recently | Mrs. Arnold Duke gave the ENGAGEMENT Guides Karen Bradley and Cath-|stars, 1st year, 19; 2nd year, 9;/with a good attendance. lb sepacacsialy report, Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs, Frank Backer, erine Twaites looked after the|\3rd year, second class, 14; The president, Mrs. Rex/ ere ard the: report 'on Toronto, wish to announce the jtickets for the quilt draw. On| child nurse, 3; swimmet's/Warper, opened the meeting,| shoishas cote hominid to engagement of their daughtor, |arrival each mother was pre-|badge, 2; first aid; 1. extending a welcome to several! Loesje Maria, to John Wesley Kutasienski, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kutasienski of Osh-) was in burnt orange peau de |soie styled similarly. She wore ja diamente tiara and carried. a jbasket of Johanna Hill noses {and burnt orange chrysanthe- mums. Master Richard Dawe of Lon- don Ontario was the ring bear- er. The best man was Mr. "Al."' ' Minaret and ushering were Mr. Osborne directed the|R. G. McClimond and Mr. R. S. various questions to the appro-|Manuel all of Oshawa. to raise|priate panel member. They} The reception was held at! U.A.W.A. Hall 8:30 P.M. Wed. Nov. 27th 4 sneered YOU SAY THE SWEETEST | THINGS ! Lloyd, And | thank you! | knew you would be thrilled by the exquisitely fine cleaning job BAKER'S do on carpets! Us wee folk really know because no one, but no one, gets closer to the subject than ourselves, We get right down and crawl over rugs... before and after BAKER cleaning . what a difference! BAKER'S return the | ; ti - - jsented with a corsage made by| Following the awards the/guests, A short business period| ings . ag eter nevine. \the Guides, Brownies joined the Guides/foliowed a hymn and a prayer.| . The Reverend Ronald Love officiated when Marilyn Eve- lyn Dianne Brown became the bride of Edgar Norman Lightle, recently in Kedron United Church, in a double ring 'ceremony. The bride is | Mrs, E. R. Cummings, Par-|around the Camp Fire for a} Plans were discussed to cater) | | the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Clifford James Brown, Osh- awa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. John Biair, Brooklin, and the Jate Mr, Arthur Lightle. | --Mary's Studio | Waltham-Appleton Rites Solemnized At The marriage took place re-,and white and yellow shasta|Company; cently in Burns Presbyterian Church, Ashburn, Ontario, of| Dorothy Jane Appleton, to Ken- neth Gerald Waltham, Whitby. The bride is the daughter of} Mr. and Mrs. Charles William Appleton, RR 1, Brook'in, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs, Howard Thompson, Whit-/mums and. white and yellowjMiss by, and the late Gerald Walt- ham. The Reverend H. Buntain officiated and the soloist, Mrs Jack Randall, Uxbridge, san "The Lord Is My Shepherd' and "The Wedding Prayer', accompanied by Mrs, Edgar Heron, Ashburn. Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a fuil- length gown in French taffeta, with skirt cut with a Princess line effect in front and bouffant sides and back with a bow trim.} It had a semi-bateau neckline with lily-point sleeves. The gown was trimmed in a flower and leaf design of nylon cord and sequins around the neck- line and a spray of the same design cascaded down the centre of the front panel, Her headdress was a crown of pearls holding a shoulder-length -- veil, and she carried a prayer book with a corsage of red rosebuds and streamers with red ro- settes. The matron of honor was Mrs, Allan Sollows, Oshawa,| and the other attendants were) Mrs, Arthur Holliday and Miss Beverley Appleton, both of Brooklin. They were gowned alike in street-length dresses of turquoise peau de soie with _ Semi-bateau mecklines and side- panelled overskirts with three. quarter sleeves. They wore wedding band headdresses hold-| ing short veils to match their dresses and carried bouquets of turquoise chrysanthemums Now's the Time to - Becutity Your Home with CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & C, Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHOME 723.7827 FOCOR | } Ashburn daisies. The flower girl was Miss Dianne Lynn Appleton, Prince Albert, wearing a white nylon over satin dress with satin bow trim at the back Her headdress was a satin bow headband and she carried a basket of turquoise chrysanthe- shasta daisies. The best man was Mr, James Holley, Whitby, and the ushers were Mr. Donald Waltham, Whitby and Mr. William Apple- ton, Brooklin. For the reception at the. Can- adian Legion Hall, Whitby, the bride's mother received wear- ing a powder blue dress with three-quarter length coat to match with white and black accessories and a corsage of pink sweetheart roses. The bridegroom's mother assisted jents' Committee president, wel- very pleasant time of songs./for a Christmas dinner in early} comed the guests. Following the|/The evening closed with taps|December for the choir. blessing by the Reverend D, A. P, Allen, the toast to the|- Queen was proposed by Guide Catherine Twaites, Guide Captain Mrs, George Twaites introduced the head table as follows: Mrs. R. J. Manning, District Commission- er, Eastwood District; Mrs. T. J. Gaskill, District Commis- sioner, Kingsway District; The Reverend D. A. P. Allen and Mrs, Allen; Mrs, A, H. Read- ing, Brown Owl; Mrs. E. J. Brookham, Tawny Owl and daughter, Nancy; Mrs. Ronald Frauts, Guide Lieutenant and daughter, Lynn; Mrs. Vernon Johnston, Guide Lieutenant and daughter, Paula; Miss Bonnie Hart and Mrs. J. W. Hart; \Mrs. Donald MacDonald, Char- ter Guide Captain of the 22nd. ) Mrs. E. R. Cum- mings, president of the Par- jents' Committee and daughter, Nancy; Mrs, Elwood Bradley, jvice - president and daughter, te 0 Leavitt, ei \Karen; Mrs. G. A, treasurer, and daughter, Cor- rine; Mrs. . John Gulenchyn, and the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Orivile Eagle, secre-| secretary, and daughter, Karen; Catherine Twaites and Mrs. G.. §. Thomson, Mrs. R. J. Manning, Commis- sioner for the new Eastwood District, brought greetings from the local association. Mrs. J. T. Gaskill then wished the Brown- ies and Guides continued suc- cess in their new district, At this time Mrs. G, Thomson made the draw for he handmade quilt which was won by Mrs, Peter Ritzie, 454 Wilson road north, Mrs, A. H. Reading, Brown s| wearing a two-piece royal blue OW!, then enrolled 17 Tweenies sheath with a matching jacket into Brownies, The Guides black and white accessories and {ormed their horseshoe and| a similiar corsage. Mrs. R, J, Manning then pre- As the couple left on a honey-/Sented Warrent pins to Mrs.| moon to Winnipeg, the bride|@@orge Twaites, captain, and was wearing a gold wool walk-/(® Mrs. Ronald Frauts and ing suit, brown accessories and a corsage of orange sweetheart roses, On their return, they will] reside at 612 Green street, Whitby. | Out-of-town guests at the wed-} ding were from _ Toronto, Guelph, Malton, Weston, Font-| hill, Whitby, Oshawa, Kinsale, Prince Albert, Newmarket,| Hampton, and Brooklin. | IT'S A FACT! Yes, Nu-Way has over 50 rolls of car- pet on display. No matter what type of carpet you want, you will be able to see it ot... Nu-Way q " Rug Co. _) 729-4681 |. 7 | 4 q Mrs, Vernon Johnston, Lieuten- This pineapple design for a crochet doily would enhance the appearance of a dresser or a coffee table, If you would like the instructions, simply send a stamped, self-address- ed envelope plus ten cents for GOT A CHILLY ROOM? ADDING A ROOM? MAKE YOUR COMFORT COMPLETE WITH ELECTRIC HEAT 100 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa VISIT YOUR ELECTRIC HEATING INFORMATION CENTRE ONTARIO HYDRO Phone 723-4624 ic i nim it handling and a request for | Leaflet No. 8-238 to the Needlework Department, The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, On- tario, os F.P.S. FOR PRI The devotional period was |in charge of Mrs. Eber Snow- den, who chose as her theme, "The Comparison to Nature, with Our Own Lives." Mrs. Snowden concluded her topic with a poem entitled, "Garden Magic." Mrs, Harper. introduced Mrs. J. K. Moffat, who showed color- ed pictures of her trip with the Reverend J. K. Moffat and their son Peter, across the United States and Canada. The enjoy- ment of the picturesque scenery was heightened by Mrs. Mof- fat's entertaining commentary. Mrs. Thomas Adair thanked Mrs. Snowden and Mrs. Mof- fat for the evening's entertain- ment. Refreshments were served by Mrs. A. Duke and her group. WHO? ... ME!| Yy vO} Greland. "7300" awa, The wedding is to take place on Saturday, December 28, 1963, at 11 a.m. Roman Catholic Church of St. Gregory the Great, Oshawa, | The Perfect Gift for CHRISTMAS Truly' The Gift That Lasts Forever! MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT in the| rugs looking so room all that deep-down gr request promptly. "Free Pick-Up & Delivery" poe "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL". "Over 75 Years' Experience" co. gone! If you haven't yet tried BAKER'S . . . call ROSS MILLS (local agents), they'll handle your Your local Agent .s«, ROSS E. MILLS fmm=80 SIMCOE NORTH -brightening right, with it and grime absolutely BAKER CARPE J Cleaning Co. LTD. PHONE 728-621 Semum WHY, OF COURSE! All Your Wee Friends Will Be At WILSON'S BABY CONTEST WATCH WEDNESDAY'S PAPER FOR FULL DETAILS the money CE SAKE 'NO WHERE ELSE FOR PRICE SA FINE PROFESSI 2 >t >t >t >t >t >t OE WATCH THURSDAY'S PAPER FOR PRACTICAL SANTAS FAMOUS PRODUCTS SOLD FOR PARTICULAR SHOPPERS FUN--PREMIUMS--SAVINGS FOR POWERFUL SPECIALS FOR PERFECT SELECTIONS FANTASTIC PRICE SLASHING Carltons way today} Mon.-Fri. 9 A.M. to 10 P.M, KE ONAL SERVICE Soturday 9 AM. to 8 P.M, S\NIHLAYIAI NO SAVMTYV SLNNODS! Sundoy 1 P.M. to 7 P.M. enjoy a hair-do with Carltons dry cleaning You really save at Caritons Cleaning Carousel! because you do all your own dry cleaning yourself, It costs you only $2.00 for a big load of clothes (just a few cents per item), and you can dry clean all types of clothing together In one machine. The results are perfect. Your clothes or drapes come out clean, fresh and ready to use little or no pressing needed. Try the you save on or wear with money-saving CARLTONS CLEANING CAROUSEL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED manent teats eh 1 bake la Slacks, lia airtel roid = or lar clea 8s" ining price about Carltons price: 00 YOU SAVE $9.65 en ot 7 * -- Load: 1 lady's coat, | stretch 1 girl': quilted fousehone i nee * pa Carltons prices : YOU SAVE $7.40 J. 4 'a is Sample Load: 2 lady's sports Jackets, 2 eae pleated skirts, 3 lady's skirts, 1 child's woo! d 1 baby's coat, 1 pair girl's slacks, 1 lady's knitted suit. Regular cleaning price about $10.15, Carltons price: $2.00 YOU SAVE $8.15 ab +A

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