i 127--Real Estate For Sale _{27--Real Estate For Sale {29---Automoblles For Sale| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, November 26, 1963 1s |32--Articles For Sale 32--Articles For Sale GENERAL Electric 21" tube. Set Hike new. "leone ranae ands supple All mach 1742. Sng epeg ye get LaSalle 725-206. 5 = 196 PONTIAC Strafo Chief, standard shift, blue, In good condition. Apply bes GUIDE REALTY |W. Schatzmann [eraziee Zen -- 723-1121 REALTOR eoeadety same omar, Sen "soenuenaes Sars backup lights, ete. excellent condition. 114 Ore Sasa Whitby |e atemene ictane, nam fires, Pomel dealer, Contact iss CHEVROLET, convertible, THESE MUST'BE SOLD [2 SSSNnOLeT. Gur, VF ue BEFORE DECEMBER [Alex daytime, 94216001 night 942-1204. OPEN TO OFFERS new, rw i, 1 Toleohone Tie", Apply 319 Mary Street efter 6 p.m. ult "agi! i : ; dition rn i "gel - Rellable aon ica rt tation, $150. cash. Telephone 728-2868. Real Estate Limited screens, and dryer, tiled bathroom with 40 King St. East Apply 4a Park vanity. IMMEDIATE POS- : Dial 728-4678 ge ie sias0s 10 ASKING «ONLY pes gy ed tw nbc od roger tem erp UIET f , TY. TERMS OPEN TO OF- ine saa cHavaSLaT FF Bk am Sa We cies CENTRAL LOCATION . bf a Oe ie bie i gla gg close 1100 sq, ft. clay brick bum i061 PONTIAC Laurentian, door 'herd dot Gk Vien, y. eg in ee ans Saneten Uns eautoges, POSIT room fi ig modem OSHAWA'S LARGEST FIRM | 'pom. Duanlon Wit eam eg tg ine CHEVROLET Tinie, odor ard T Iipsie, wooo ard STAFF OF FOURTEEN fers both features but still " i size bedrooms, CLO sutomatic, x. cylinder, black wit . 3 bedrooms and ing $14,- ced tried, care. wemegalie, We. OE t Me ' .e) ? ; : goed dene ere one. Toe. | 1800 AND "TERMS" TO |Sshowar Yr B 0 L A H 0 0 D cone privote drive, hot Close ve rb se SUIT PURCHASER, 1957 MONARCH, hardiop $1000 or beat' LE v eereee eee doo' | Spin plow. Pace a anta Claus Asking $13,900. 957 ik, excellent condi BROTHERS DOWNSVIEW PARK | COMMERCIAL LOT with 4 "sons 'ond sereons, e-- {ita Bxcolet commuters cx, whioy/ alg JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD Many new models ore being a Sen es IMMEDIATE POS- in) RUSTIN Ka_goad endo ey, LLOYD A. P, BOLAHOOD F.R.I. erected in this choice rg oe / ; w $15,900.00, cain 200.00 pated reibinl, 5208 ' sion, some homes ore 4 to now f - fe eh wild in akon, ; ot only $14,500, bl ™ |1%68 PONTIAC Vs, faarssat =f | t | w THEN CALL YOUR MOVER cle completion. Let us BEATRICE STREET -- Brond 668- 3338 0 or 05. 420 or |posttraction: safety "bells. 'radio, white ' En s omin ce] 0 n home needs to- ] 'walls, Full Ledge vena PO Box 477, Port # ue i $12,500 ea 5 bedroom bck. bur» Perry or pane evening S855. Le , . . pont with 4 pe. ti ° FULL PRICE All mahogany cupboards in ------ eg atc Talephone. 738 Adilicive 3 bungotow, | $18.600.00 wih $4,000.00 | {M4 mahogany cupboords miege, om je. 3 Fenced tot 80° x. 100', ae payor get yim a on wperieorian: Inspect to- 5 D. HYMAN Hi me ee chen. ie Y , His Sleigh Filled with door bar-b-que, landscaped doy ond move into a new ¥, good Mast be sold. I? age also bungalow with ot- P ; Telepnone 7 ---- c : -- REAL ESTATE is "CHEVROLET, | ay 'autometic transmmis- tached garages, choose your Roy yg ge 728.51 vi fot now. Plans ot our office NORTH WEST AREA -- 6 LIMITED eh La ee, good running condition, . 865, $12,800. FULL PRICE SUSSEX STREET with spacicue living oom and | 323 King Street West |us80 soz, sa a Bom at a Gi fts Eves oe ee ae ining L. i i 728-6286 roy Byer ie $1 #00 : Hel , VOLKSWAGEN. good -- condition. refused. Call after 5 p.m. 385 Ritson ment nd one I beroomn Fenced ond ottrectively land- $6400 Road. North. apartment. This income pro- Buys this 42 room bungalow SHEE SORE TSE ment. Call Mv. oaity is a real good rentol scaped yard with hedged with only $1500 down, bocot- pa id Sct Biscayne | two-door ston ot 728- 5123 or 728- . patio. An attractive and i , : f ea ond priced KH for d the north-west section offer. Telephon Lotta 4 j @ "ee $15 Bob weir sh | 595 PONY OSS | Shae. Call Tom Toro Ip SLOmO, meal The Oshawa Times LA SALLE AVENUE 700.00 down. Coll us. today SPLIT-LEVEL brakes, 'sieringy tai. rain tires. -- ' , DOWN $2,500. DOWN | ® inspect. CE ee ae. | Seven: toot heel ah P 5 modern 2 OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Ssinions eliica tn is ; ottached garage and roughed a root "Telephone ' ch oot Wi Beach. in fireplace, Asking $4,000. Diol 728-4678 Pencls 128 eg of 660 ft. down wih one montgoge. Cail | 1987, OLOSMOBILE 4< toon ned Th good rf oe ' with room for expansion. Bob Stevenson Whitby 648-8833, s as Good fishing ond sofe swim- ITB 1983 FORD Galaxie V8 automatic, win- ming for children. Full price WH Y dow washers, whitewalls, low ge ot oy Five room frame bungsiow per cent off usr price. Telephone 728- 6569. A "HOME" $16,500. : Set ee ee ith gorage located on large [1953 PONTIAC sedan, winterized, snow IN A FINE FARM--141 4% ed landscaped Jot, finished |fires, radlo, In good condition. 3125, 'Dial neiGHBouRHOOD -- IJOHN F; DeWITH) fiers uinctoy "ighe cn | Dosement ond paticvore ony |asiie. cs Sas ; Hwy. 7. 1% ocres of bush some of the features, For |188 CHEVROLET, new fires and new REALTOR and the rest is all level work- | more detoils call Les Heil, i OHA ah a Re arene wees unm rear oa agua page en 'able land. Good sized bath 559 ae ee sic oaiee deok reco | Frees end Trim Gifts for Her imily Idren 14 Frank Street and 9 room brick home. with TRADE??? in excllet conition, 1980, Call raise ween OOP LEE: OCCT OPE Bowmanville, Bone at | Leal ee an een _ CHRISTMAS TREES | THRILL HER WITH A SURE TO PLEASE! SKATES Phone 623-3950 spect this good form ond | tion phone this office. VOLVO SCOTCH PINE bef go igge A Gift Certificate from NEW ond USED F others we hove in the creo BOWMANVILLE, 7 roomed 28--Real Estate Wanted | JAKE and BILL'S ab CG Also _ et from Growers 49 King W., Bowmenville attached garage, ail BROOKLIN AREA -- On 2 |TTETINIGS URGENTLY GARAGE Aoiteale ond Retail morse mien Ho ing 'sont BICYCLES ond TRICYCLES pie ith hor--5 bungalow "aan | ae ok ee oe oe REQUIRED AGENERAL REPAIR ord 1 FOWLER FORESTRIES Y4 SIMCOE, N. Shoes Fer The Fomily ORAYTON CYCLE trees. Lots of woter in well ; 449 Ritson Rd. S. 306 King W. Phone 725-1685 Use Our Convenient BOWMANVILLE, 11 roomed with pressure system. 3 lorge CALL j Ost 4 728.0921 PHONE 728-2002 Layawey Plan 204 Bond &. €. ma | Sores 'Rog oom Fu Wilson Realtor peg Rly i y rin Tat. mnisstvam | 1963 CORVAIR |} pana acr Fin |Ce™ eRe OMY] TEE Aa (el ee Hee BOWMANVILLE, 5. roomed 29--Automobiles For Sale MONZA 'COUPE B Speciol 5 ft. to 6 ft... .97 machine | AT CHRISTMAS modem bungalow with Bvt CABIN COURT--ot Oshowa gee Asking. price: $10,700. on the @. Opportunity head BIG PARADE 1962 CHEVROLET Super Sport impala,| "our speed transmission, big Longer Sizes ...... $1.94 canine 7 be nad cn OF CHRISTMAS rl concem. double a ; laced ta +8 tah Pablo t [origina ate, bucket" eat fol al re aloro anearl _-- ' yet : your a matic sewing machine, from Lowrey Organs ey pa ps onde rik 0 le '¢ Sproy i 1998 OLDSMOBILE 68, two door herdtop, $90 MONTH in your chosen color 39 ri Bina dealer, | Free Three Day Home Trial will hold ony item till brak Demonstrations et the store. $1500 down. , , ; power steering and brakes, radio, New 3 ' 728-2391 Lessons ' . Tires, 725-633. E Whitby 668-804 OSHAWA Five Free EASY TERMS OSHAWA 6 roomed home, olf -------- ----__--________.| Evening ; by 042 EASY TERMS M, COLLIS conveniences, Asking For full porticulors cali 1964 IMPALA Soper sport va GARDEN SERVI i ' $8,900 with $1,900 down. 723-1121 atten: 8pm. 726-0008." #108 7 30---Automobiles Wanted 1259 SI NORTH CE THRILL HER WITH A L gi O 8 Pate haa OSHAWA, Lorindole Drive, 6 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. |1955 FORD Fairlane, good condition. Will|LAK@SHOR® Auto Wreckers want care MER NOR LOVELY FRAGRANCES Music: Suppli spel bungolow with Mary | Roy Fiintott Jean Peacock | omens Wentworth deat Sater et 723-3222 GIFT PACKAGED 453 SIMCOE sr, SOUTH corport. 1963 PONTIAC Parisiene herdtop, bu eat | Open Evenings Inside Showing : extras, Asking $15,900. Irene Brown Lloyd Corson seats, consol, five "thousand. miles. Im 'imr| OBRAWA Auto Parts and Aue Wreckers, Yardiey's | Cologne $1.25-$3 725-1501 Dust! der . > nage = a af 42 at ar i mh : Gifts for Holiday Fun Terms. Steve Zurbo Steve Englert = |maculate condition. Apply 736 Whitmanling, Telephone 725-2162 or 720-4248, A NEN 1 EC RR Dick Young Lucas Peacock |Crescent, atter 6 p. La' hie Wren wat Red ye : 4 h rhe K cara s, Lotus end Bond . bn saad 2 bedroom bun- Tony Siblock Leon Monitius --|$745, 1956 OLDSMOBILE, Super $8, avo-|for wrecking, Highest prices pald, 220 Gifts for Anyone Street Perfurnes from 3 VISIT US! | LITTLE golow with gorage on good atic. Wanemiatlon, teurdesr heretes,| Wentworf 'Bast, 725-110. Spray Mist + size tot, Only $2,000 down. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | two-tone gray, custom, pu ie SPORTS EQUIPMENT GURIANOR hanes sh-bu' Reoltors, 16 Simcoe St. S. window washers, 'whltewall fires. Tas 136, 100 CARS WANTED 1 hristi Parti 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne 2-door stand- Ssiria Nelle Cae? RELIGIOUS POWELL S bat Coen tiene " ond tones ard, excellent condition. $1,095. Phone 720-4731, "Ted' CHRISTMAS $mer 1956 BUICK, motor fully chromed and Talk ie to. the toe GIFTS Pri tig chao CAMERAS Rear reconditioned; also 22T bucket on 29A| Car Dealer and SAVE", Sets 25¢ to $20 oe eet ie nee son ca 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 St. Joreoh's Missal FIRESIDE CORNER | The Sofe Way To Celebrate i 'éuihacs frame. Best gffer, 6 Ontario Street, Ajax. TED CAMPIN MOTORS at iti a 725-4734 D ¥ E + A 4 Holiday Season modern conveniences, E! - cally heated, Asking $9,500. People tlon throughout, $750. or offer Terms. Wee VOLKESWAGEN dena, oot on| ALL CASH $ '50 | FOR A CHRISTMAS | 205 BOND ST. WEST - RIDE WITH PONTYPOOL, 8 roomed brick | Me Probe ten reget, tan. Taree HG) hs P Not SPIRIT | Use Our Convenient MERCURY TAXI F rect. 'or Cieor cars or trucks we home, furnoce, ; 2 Loy Away Plan senate | Srieaee | mm Seema) ees Ser it Ty WEAR A Gav consnce| ort banV eine _| 725-4771 $123 oF 725-9345. 4 joy 623-3950 | Times Clomities offer, Betore: 5.20 pum. Tite NICOLS MOTORS LTD. Variety Store | Hong @ wreath ort the door ; Oshowa's Most. Moder: Test iss METEOR V2, 3 R , } WHITBY eo tater aa aTI8 | aa Ra] emcee nom" IF Wott aan | etl ator wets | SHOES hand, $12,500. FULL PRICE Idso Wiersma Orono 1649 ine CORVAIR "door automate, tally Whitby 668-3331 Open' daily 'tl 10:30 nr j FOR THE Gitte for ties particulers tele 3906. phone after 6 p.m, 728-3906, " R, B. REED and SONS LOSE T : i CHEVROLET Bel Ain, Va, wae |? !----Automobile Repair } WHOLE FAMILY '. cl OSET (@) ST. HEDWIGS matic, radio ghee ae Private. Tele- HOUSTON'S GARAGE 10% King Street Weet DRESS SHOES ibe dos TABLES Here mmeic three bedroom bung: otrached | phone 728-6359, Complete top, base, Low down paymen eon 'Mr. Irwin Cruikshonks, ' } 728-5123 or 728-5205. eS OP ee ear ey wees theme Bcovelteey Ihe sora' sania Men, Sanrl..and SERVICE STATION ONLY iat ah, Tae SOCK TAL Bors balls. bat and net ° or \. SLIPPERS, ETC. $28.50 Complete DO AS OTHERS : , ina cnavacre? om Tadio, adio, Gov TEXACO CALL THE BROTHERS ELEVEN UNIT SITE a rook!tn aoe PRODUCTS 25 Shop for Christmas gifts of MILLWORK and BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED is @ new listing located on on Park Ra, north clone to Hoapitol, condition. 'Telephove Tasene Ot| 67 KING ST : { Comfort end Pleasure. BUILDING SUPPLY 101 Simcoe Street North , etc., A large juded suitoble. for linus CHEVROLET pickup Uatony 4000 723-763 WEST Gifts for the Family -- ' 1279 Simeoe N. -- 728-6291 Open Every Evening remert building. "Liet price $18,000.00---$4 000,00" down miles Best after. Atfer 6 pi. Telephone} 723-7622 SHOPPING "PN a A aI DAVIDSON S : After hours call 728-8423 32--~Articles For Sale : /ORDER EARLY | 31 SIMCOE NORTH FOR THE MOTORIST WHITBY WILSON REALTOR TILDEN 'em tener hm. Teen DAYS | CHRISTMAS TREE eae Onto iamie Une a CAR AND TRUCK WASTINON ose ref excellent | CLASSIFIED | 26% KING ST. E. 725-6588 RENTALS |seetrnstt reuters Stem UNTIL AND TRAIN PLATFORMS |Holidey Foed Ping be As "3 (All Makes ond Models) [SALE of | Daas, "mabe," National Go Ya" TRAIN BOARD TOPS|tenqneeerenqnnnmeneed) 5... 725-7422 a 25-6553 gg ge Peigy ay pyre pl Pet na fom os ore men. 14 Albert St. 2 10 am. fo 5 pam. 621 Shakespeare CHRISTMAS | PING PONG TABLES Order Your Christmas ecg rege at ' Sc h of} e | d "im ker | GENERAL REPAIRS |aax | FROM $7.95 UP) | 177 'PROCESSING FREE! TE help tee devs each week, | ALL MAKES OF CARS | wn PLANT ; PARTS AND SERVICE phone 728-3984. Now is the time to BROWN'S Special rotes for TOP COAT . pe wnt 4 Whitby home, pees ad school toe children, Whitby = patentee 723-2265 AT ree Me ee See Aieai|f select gifts to please | LUMBER ond SUPPLIES tang Nee Street, 728-1426, everyone on your Christ- 436 RITSON N. 725-4704 117 Bloor %&. E. 723-4722 BEAT THIS! 12 old brick bungalow with ot- B.-A, SERVICE FUR coat, auakrat, mires, full Beak, wii) Ritson Road and Ki fend 20. my recs toched garoge, Tiree bedrooms y tice living room | AS Tea T Tia let Sas a: Cae eae mas Gift List. The Gift |----_---- 6 AR COAT screens ~~ doors, Only $10,200. with small down ig KELLY: DISNEY TELEVISION ower special, ah airvc Selector makes your ns Wiese! 'i a antenna, In- | ith the purch: of sre USED CARS LTD. _|s'ytan"sgtrunc"tn"troestan |g Shopping o real plea- | A CHRISTMAS GIFT a . Phone 668-3746, Use rn our 6000 INVESTMENT -- 2% fio good house | 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST SONITTIATIGN por Sod aI Gear-Fi sure, It tells you what SUBSCRIPTION § U | T room a : lcaly furnished bed- T.V._@erlel, gorage. Now rent two apartments WHITBY -- 668-5891 ideire refrigerator, 9 ft.1 washer; ier f ; tik, stove. Parking. king. Prva or ot $70, month each. $12,900 with $2,000 down Cars bought and sold Nnghaute ino iitenen vite, wars | FO buy, for whom the PRICED FROM ; caw rae Wes SIX YEAR OLD BRICK BUNGALOW - Trode up or sewn ere oo $49.50 40m ACE Bu oa Tal Sar 4 ] wa' a : - whe b ol Srey am cole eh attached ex ieee ek, ie were. OSHAWA TIMES USE YOUR CREDIT » 2482 after five o'clock, or week-| . TED CAMPIN CHRISTMAS TREES WATCH THE TIMES Is a year-round gift and a daily reminder of good- OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT NO DOWN PAYMENT ROOM FOR R : j pg Hn GENERAL STORE IN 'BOWMANVILLE Protitcble | MOTORS | Trimmed cut and delivered. 8 GIFT SELECTOR DAILY | . Will for your friends and relatives who are away 'Apply Mes. Bates, 205. Trent business on. most attractive terms. No Down Pay- Orders taki A ment just buys $5,000 of existing stock ond con | 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA PHONE 725.3476 FOR ADDITIONAL pie ovis wit ol necencry, fivings $14,800. Repayole | _723.440u'Ren 795.5974 __ | What's My Line? : cits From Now | THE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT) DUNN'S pags Beg down just $90 month repayments. This is unique opportunity. | _ SPOT CASH ieee ae Xs aia. KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA elas: CHRISTMAS 'wo Locati OPEN 9 TO9 -- SAT. 9 TOS PAID FOR nite nd en lances. For Will be pleased to act upon your instructions, _ 36. KING E, (Downtown) 1 Tal 360 King St. W Free Parking wee cane | eh sme | tc) and : tanks cleaned, AK! Nj iT] a k F TELEPH NE 723-3474 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SEPTIC Tance cased orimgt warts) AEG AKI Paton 7 BILL MeFEETERS 725-1726 | DODD MOTOR SALES | '© ®Y \'ee urniture! fe Sea bk Seta Rn vanscan 7" M/A Sekt Rags | 224 PARK RD, SOUTH | amano tu we * ERE te