J@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 25, 1963 js, pum." Mr. Dyment sald ANGOLA PIONEERS MP Revisits $200 Million Budget [i ..--.| White Settlers a od | TE EEE) Se i g Spo Engineer's Problem = =. f=-7 Scratch Living: ns oe reputation. Mr. Dyment discounts the ad-|small children, barefoot andithey eat beans and rice. Hon. J. Angus MacLean ,Pro gressive Conservative membcr Decid-,Super-Caravelle and Boeing 727jwhat we've done and ask him . i 'ane|Vantage of a flying prototype.|half - neked, romped in the how best io spen¢ $20.00, | re 'medium-range planes, [0 show us how well is pane|"*tWelre in" a pari of im|mucdy yar. Ira nearby lean (SYEAR PURCHASE lot the traveling Commons de m™ent's problem for the last twc]nd One-Eleven each have tw: provement, not radical change.|to that passed for a kitchen,| The land, the house, a tin-\fence committee and former pro! notors and carry 70 sen-|INITIAL COST HIGHER If something really new wereltheir mother, also barefoot, was roofed barn and a cowshed/fisheries minister. rie is chief engineer fo:|zers, the Super-Caravelle hac}, From these statistics TCA|being considered, we might hes-/paking bread. were provided by 'the govern-) He had just come from the ; 'igured out exactly how muchjitate to buy unless the thing) He husband and father, sid-|™eMt. Settlers make small re/posis nat of Mr. and Mrs. Rene Air Lines, whict].wo motors and an 80 - passen- és in the market for about 5'jzer capacity, and the Trident zach plane would cost to run.|was flying and tested. lonia dos. Anjos, worked in the ---- over a period of 25 Coache, who bid him in 199 Boein, The original cost of each new] "But when it's just a question], Ar 'ane post ioe oad ot te on Fa Mallee oar alane will be three or fourjof improving with known prin- His leyearold Protas Not Seed, fertilizer and livestock|4uring his running escape from Concentration camps, bine-propeller Viscounts an<| For two years, TCA engineers|-mes as much as the $1,000,-\ciples, we can tell from the de-liim. His eldest daughter was at|@% provided, and the govern-|the Germans through The Neth- Neither knew what had hap- Vv: rds short- ted a ant and operations men have badg- Vickers Viscount it re-|sign what's likely to be good."| 4.04) e ment pays the settlers' fareslerlands, Belgium, France and pened to the other," MacLean m " noe route reThe first|2red the makers of the five|2laces, but in the long run the He wryly admits to one bit . : from Portugal. They come|Spain to Gibraltar, MacLean said, "At the end of the war order it Be vs h: ' f inf ti bar.|cost per year will be lower. of back-tracking TCA will have], The family of Sidonia dos|. 5. at Luanda Angola's|bomber pilot, had ; Aithey made their way back to Shen ek ened. idieersd go po od Pact gyete sug-|And the. increased speed, com-|to do: ae dag Seal hohe 'he capital, carrying belongings in|down over Hettend. been shotlielr old fiat in Paris, neither a ot eilfort ahd glamor of the new| When it first bought Vis-|white settlers of the 1960s. Their), j . knowing whether He is also TCA's chief evalua- accents gy W ons rnd the| planes are counted on to gen- peso TCA turned down ithe were is bard and the living they et a iy as ae Pegg M " ge to " vould ret torn up. When se af erate more business. igin aravelle ai other) scratc! ¢ brick-red 80) ; I war ommended tothe line's boare|TCA faciities here to manutac+, The design study 'went intol'wo-engined types on groundsjof Angola is mengre cleared and sown and their|hadn't seen them since the day of directors which of five types|turers' representatives. the smallest details, including|that four engines were needed) Portugal is pumping settlers|farms stocked with cows, chick-|'? 1942 they passed him along}! MAPLE CLEANERS of jets it thinks TCA should the buying price, estimated life,|'or safety. into Angola to relieve povertylens and pigs. They get technical|"@ Underground route, $04 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA CHECK BY COMPUTER repair cost -and reliability of MUST UNSELL and unemployment at home, at), ayjog and, to tide them over "It's hard to believe even] Cesk buy. The final decision is to be ji announced shortly. It's consid-| The study project kept dozens|such items as valves, pumps). j qithe same time trying to create) now the risks these people ered unlikely thet the evalua-\0f men at work steadily, andjand electric switchers, 'ob eating rood a tad, a white bastion aghinst African|*he Pcie Jean years, a smallltook," MacLean said, "Not only tion team's recommendation|® times put hundreds of TCA] Where the parts were the|"Now we have to unsell it and|?tionalism. They are coming at (4 eo for fovd.lto get you out of Bareoe ta will be rejected. employees to work simultane-jsame or similar to those al-|show what we know--that tur-|? Angola at the rate of 7,000 rom then on they are on tneir| ven such things as a special bit Piling & dew. plane hen ously. Full - scale theoreticallready in use, the electronic\hine engines are so reliable two|" ¥¢3": ove, ; Nitrials were run with each type|computer was put to work Cela was unaffected by the operation that starts four to six|., te TCA pl : are enough for safety. We/HACKED FROM BUSH ional: i that years before the first of the/.", Svc™y Toute CA plans to/again comparing the manufac-|wouldn't send a two - engined i ; nationalist, uprising eet is delivered and often|t®®, (2° new Dlanes on, just asiturers' estimates with TCA's|plane over the Atlantic right|on's pldiess Uinced ky tevidey,|Clsimed 700 Portuguese lives in le wer is j " i - plane e in operation./actual experience. Where thelnow but we wouldn't hesitate pbs tpt the Pore. northern Angola 2% years ago. dias years before the plane even : ' TCA gave every manufac-jparts were new, TCA engineers), send it over water and moun- quese governinent har backed a SS ee ee Lees | is ing the exists, - __,|turer stacks of papers threejevaluated them to see if the|;sing » PD cong pores 10 Osage I and four feet high explaining|design was really any better or gt saa tial farming settlement out of the] AMBITIOUS ADULTS! si 4 from the local Chamber of Com- Baste and predictions (2 _ traffic density, elevation,|worse, and forecast potential he original insistence of four|bush. It is the prototype for] yo, con prepare for @ coreer In ae : merce 'members, including some pe ae S an es ctions, wind speeds and temperatures, trouble spots. ay was based on statistics colonatos throughout thisi] business by attending SVENING , ie enthusiastic but herd-to-believe oosing- a machine that,|navigation facilities, mainten-| "We have often forecast we'll|°.. He reliability of piston en-|West African territory. |] CLASSES ot the | i} cloims about their town. when it finally flies, will belance and service facilities, run-|have trouble with certain things|Sno" Turbines were new then.| Nog Anios, 59, came to Angola| OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE |) a 4 Finally, hes remorked thet all this safer, en Pinger and No/way patterns and alternateland sure as hell we do," Mr. fdas: have since. proved vit-ltwo years ago. In Portugal he| iS d city needed was @ seaport, which dearer than the existing ones. fag for i be i the|/Dyment said. "Sometimes we > Aine teen bie phy nd ne oe eee Free ge 00 - ad " Oct cov deck havo plane wou expected tolask h i rs i " " hursdo' enings, 7:0) ihe ' v4 4 " PICK, OF FIVE age, py-leere, The manutacurers werelery, 'bul if ie, mavatactersr Que as, pision engines before), "At home we had nothing} 's.00 pam" | P| a2" tech vine line homend ment's crew checked five|a8ked to figure out the bestican't make it--either because 1 orca ie aga have our 0 lot of land." Tuition $12.00 per month oT cg MOR 4 miles from here to the oceon, Then types: the American - designed|their plane could do on thesejhe doesn't believe us or be- _ Partly because of the long ie ahi ek gr Start ony week, Individual instrue- ' 4 such os herd es you can blow and Boeing 727 and Douglas DC-9 routes, When the answers|cause he's got to stop making life - expectancy of turbines,| This Portuguese peasant fam-i} tion--PRACTICAL TRAINING. : you'll hove @ seaport in no time." the French Sud-Aviation Super-|We?@ back, TCA ran them|plans and start making planes|the new jets won't replace Vis-jily has little in common with|} Cheiee of Subjects: Well, | don't want to make ony Caravelle, and the British de|{frough its electronic computer acing or later--we may even|Counts and Vanguards except|the ich white settlers who are i ee Sethers. Booms P ' fantastic claims you'll find hord Havilland Trident and British|t® check. take the design as is and mod-|°ver @ long period. There are|the targets of nationalists in|] payrolt-- Dictaphone, Comptometer s to swallow, but | honestly believe Aircraft Corp. One-Eleven. "We never take the manufac-lify it before it goes into ser-|Still some routes Viscounts canjother parts of. Africa. Eeleulater----other. Assesieted 56> f We do the finest dry cteening work All but the DC-9 have been|'urer's word for what his plane|Vice." handle at a lower cost. The) Dos Anjos farms 200 acres) you one. wer te we me Fe ' built and flown. The One-|can do," Mr. Dyment said} TCA even checked the finan- jets are not clearly superior injand does most of the work, He riser Pvp: lend tebe Danton elo 'eet gga. g hight kay td "We figure out exactly what|¢ial soundness and the reputa-|¢verything, as the Viscountslemploys African labor only tol} and regulor in attendance and pre- ; st ses' diel ddkad 28 KING STREET EAST Eleven prototype recently d ¢rashed for reasons not yet de-|Seating we would use in it, what|tion of sub-contractors, to make|Were over piston planes. help with the harvest. Bored to do. some homework @s- radio and navigation equipment|sure that good after-sale ser-| The oldest Viscount is only| The home is a four-room con-|} °°" Page LIT 723-4621 crete hut almost bare of furni-| ERATURE OPEN EVENINGS +4 termined. All the planes have rear-|we would put in it, what load|vice for parts would be avail-jnine years old, and the oldest; 10 $i Street N. mounted engines and all are in|and speed we would fly it at.|able. Vanguard two, and they have|ture. The six children share wwo} Die! 725.3375 - TILL 9 P.M the 550-m.p.h, speed range. The|Then we get him to agree with| "If you're having trouble withimany years of service left. 'beds. Running water comes! ZELLER'S 10-TRANSISTOR ZELLER LOW-LOW PRICED! : a 4-SPEED : aa Ay PORTABLE 4% an bars canpaee PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH | RADIO! Sh \ ff ceememminn Noon rarer .88 Buy Now & "Charge-It"t No Down GUARANTEED Zp 7 Payment QUALITY ANARRALITAAL AAS VERE EES TLE ANE AR NERSRIRL LY 2] 4 A : " i ] ; "YORK" BRAND -- ZELLER VALUE -- superb , NYE ZELLER'S OWN saciid! sheen ee this enjoyment with this 10-transistor AM/FM radio Ne " portable model features -earphones, batteries, phono-player jack and that's complete with earphones, batteries, outside telescopic antenna. & builtin ferrite antenna. Hi-sensivity tuning dial for full enjoyment. Tone and volume controls for perfect reception. Zeller Value! 48 '\ Buy Now & "Charge-it"'! OM ; ft "MINY" TAPE RECORDER x oo TINY-PRICED! yf Vc | , NO DOWN PAYMENT AS 5 ane earn =) MUSIC WHEREVER YOU . i], GO with this compact, "Pix- le' portoble Record Player. ' Handsome two-tone red, AY brown, blue or grey leather- s Y ette case. @ 4-speed monaural model @ 2 sapphire tip needles @ Powerful amplifier BUY NOW! PAY NEXT YEAR! Si Ze .88 ONLY 1.25 PER WEEK a Sage i Weekly ai sdcarga geal A | L=--- 7-TRANSISTOR LUGGAGE-TYPE RADIO that goes ee es. wherever you do! Complete with earphone, batteries, built-in ferrite 8-TRANSISTOR penn Se Hen, ' antenna plus outside telescopic antenna. Zeller-priced at POCKET : a -- RADIO! Nip 5-TRANSISTOR TAPE RECORDER, complete with | diode, batteries Bt i, twin motor, microphone and earphones. Double track; will record as for 30 minutes of play. Portable, of course, and low-priced at Zeller's! | FG . oi "Charge-lt") \ j N = --. nO ROW a 'SS 3 S| N ax PAYMENT 1 } ¢ ' +) ar OSHAWA : DOWNTOWN Ay | SHOPPING CENTRE - L OSHAWA sg yg egal ont agetl reano 88 He) 7 ® ONE 723-22 -- @ fine radio in leather . PHONE 723-2209 RH +2294 tarrying case, Complete with eare aX. KNOWN FOR VALUE ond botteries. Low-low priced!