Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Nov 1963, p. 15

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Death Of President Means Swift Change OTTAWA (CP) -- President) This is because the United|sponsible to the president who K dy's as inati ha s/States presidency is a many-|is held accountable for his ad- brought into sharp focus the es-|sided office--chief of state, po-|ministration at elections every sential differences between the|litical head of government, and/four years--and indirectly at THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, November 25, 1963 13 Comment Keyed To Civil Rights By THE. CANADIAN PRESS [black man. as a human be- From New Delhi to Accra,jing... ." leaders of the non-white world) In' Kenya, Constitutional Af- boya said American and Canadian . sig barged - in - chief of the tems of government. armed forces. The abrupt end of life for one| Under the parliamentary sys- of a constitutional mon- tions. Under the Canadian system, ministers are collectively te- text of his stand on civil rights. |mid - term congressional elec-/have viewed President Kenne-/fairs Minister Tom M dy's assassination in the con-/Kennedy was a champion of freedom for the black: man and Some, particularly President|the whole world will be asking tor civil liberty, more especi ally in regard to Negroes . f° "Quite possibly his death wag due to some person or persons who did not like his policy in regard to. Negroes," Gis In Karachi, Pakistan, Eng- lish-language newspapers sa'd Kennedy had been' a victim of his support for the Americas Negro. no power--by violence, 85 | archy such as prevails in Can- in the case of Mr. Kennedy, or ada, these functions are divided by natural causes--is likely tojbetween the Governor-General, mean a startling and almost|representing the Queen, and the revolutionary change in the face|prime minister, the Queen's first of many facets of government) minister. administration under the repub-| Under the U.S. cabinet sys- lican system, tem, secretaries are directly re- Leaders Gather To Pay Tribute WASHINGTON (CP)--Politi-| West Berlin: Mayor Willy cal leaders and members of Brandt; royal families from around the! Republic of Ireland: Presi- world headed for Washington|dent Eamon de Valera, Exter- during the weekend to attend nal Affairs Minister Frank Ai- today's state funeral for Presi-|ken; | eile 42 i ey i ss nate ges jdent John Kennedy. : Ki . in, . PROCESSION MOVES TO CAPITOL | eyiey inctoded Prince Pullileign Minister F's.a1 Hear Prime Minister Pearson,/Spaak; 3 bod $ the | u 0 j ai slowly on The ly was taken say othr \France's President de Gaulle, a oe Prince Har- West German President Hein-/214. remier Einar Gerhard- rich Luebke and Chancellor) . A procession, headed by a Kennedy, moves > horse-drawn caisson bearing Pennsylvania avenue Sunday White House to the the body of fallen President toward the Nation's Capitol. where it lay in state. sponsible with the prime minis- ter to the House of C Nnamdi -Azikiwe of Nigeria, re-/why they shot him." flected bitt Ina He added: They can be held able for their collective actions any }day that the Commons , meets, \through motions of non-confi- dence which are proposed. |AUTOMATIC TRANSFER | When a U.S. president dies, power is transferred almost au- tomatically to the vice-president or, failing him, to a stated list to President Joh , he said: | 'Kennedy has. been' killed in "Whether the headquarters of|the struggle for the freedom of the United Nations should re-|the black man and for human main in the United States|tights at a time when he and should be of greater concern to|(Premier) Khrushchev were ai- African states because slaugh-|most coming together in the ter of this typical American re-|cause of world peace. former shows clearly that| In New Delhi, India's Prime among some Americans there is| Minister Nehru said: a deep-seated hatred of the! 'In his own country. he stood of inheritors under. the constitu- tion. Ifa Cc di prime mi were to die suddenly, the Gov- ernor-General would seek his of- ficial advice from the senior member of the remaining cabi- net on an interim basis. This was done when Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada's first prime minister, died after a long |period of incapacity. Aedical. Aqirror tee iC | heard | NIGHT TONGUE-BITING | The Crown's representative then would continue to take the| jadvice of the senior minister or} \the collective advice of the old) jcabinet until a new leader - of| Q. What causes @ girl (age 22) to bite her tongue at night? A. Tongue-biting is a form. of habit activity. It often occurs at night and the person is not olways aware of its occurrence. Treatment is rather un- CALL YOUR jthe party in power has been| chosen. This choice can be made} jeither through formal party or-| |ganization, such as in a national * |\leadership convention, or infor- satisfactory. However, on attempt should be made to determine factors which may be respon- sible for increased tension. If the tongue is fre- quently injured by the teeth, a dentist can 'devise a protective mouth-piece. Ludwig Erhard, British Prime| Sweden: Prince Bertil, Pre- [Minister Sir Elec Douglas-|™ 8 oh |Home and Queen Frederica of| Denmark: Premier Jens Otto 'CANADIAN | ~ PACIFIC _imesr ourortromus | AGENT FOR ymeceramae: |ABENT FO s BUSINESS VIEW Vanier Speaks F c di eo yest d: Vice-President. § i irs .| Poland: Vice-President Stan-| mally--as ita; Tragedy Clouds For Ganadiams russe rt akiyal is jane Nica ut, Viste cw see Dye 1 l k Pang (yl Poets gig nid Moscow to represent Pre- rc ae a |Home succeeding Sir Harold {mier Khrushchev. Prine e|Macmillan, Before leaving the Russian/Bernhard, Crown Princess Bea-) The Canadian system splits of the "friendship, goodwill and|caPital, Mikoyan said the gov-|trix, -- Foreign Minister Joseph' the duties of chief-of-state and confidence' of the Canadianjernment and Khrushchev per- Luns; ' chief - of - government between) sage to President Johnson as- suring the new American leader > en i AR SIRT i MOAT EET By GREG MacDONALD ing the Federal Reserve Bank Canadian Press Staff Writer |of New York, that there would) The impact of President Ken-|be no basic change in United) nedy's death on the Canadian/States financial business scene and dramatic re-| policies. sponses on the stock market) Mr. Kennedy left the U.S. have clouded the immediate with a booming economy which| which have cast a shadow over|great loss." has been contagious in the rest|Canada as well as your own of the Western world, and there|country, I send you on behalf .ources said Indian Prime Min- business future, but the long- term outlook remains good. coun cat Pomy on | litt'e thought among business emoon, however, may "have experts of any lengthy downturn spared' Canada 'from highly|#5 4 result of his death. damaging economic repercus-| Canadian Chemical Company, gion. ja division of the newly-formed Stock prices, which began a Chemcell Ltd., plans an expan- steep dive when the news was sion of its Edmonton plant that first announced: were abruptly will increase production of first cut off as stock exchanges stage chemicals by some 12 per everywhere shut down -- some cent, more than three hours ahead! On the acquisition front, Crush of schedule. International Ltd., a wholly- It was reported that Canadian|owned Canadian soft drink firm, authorities quickly sought and|purchased Pure Spring (Can- receied absolute assurance|ada) Ltd. of Ottawa for an un- from the United States, includ-jdisciosed sum. New President's Views On Outstanding Issues WASHINGTON (AP) -- HerejAmericas shall be free of com- are views expressed by Pres-)munism, free of those who ident Lyndon B. Johnson during| serve Communist masters and-- the last year in key issues: through the joint efforts of the Peace --"Reciprocity is the|Alliance for Progress--free of key to peace. If the Soviets|the seeds from which commu- want America's co-operation,|nism grows."' (Speech to Amer- they can earn it. If the Soviets|ican Petroleum Institute in Chi- want America's hostility, they|cago, Nov. 14, 1962) certainly can provdke it. But) Cuba--"We shall not be con- we are ready to give the Soviets|tent until the last of the Soviet the opportunity to demonstrate forces are withdrawn from Cu- that they are ready to make/ban soil." (Speech. at Inter- limited agreements, on precise American Defence Traiaing Col- subjects and to abide by these|jege, Washington, March 20, decisions in the interests of hu-| 1963) manity." (Speech to Liberal! govietching relations-- heap y New York City,)phere is clear aad growing Ae shores : evidence that influences are U,S.-Soviet . relations--'From| now at work within the Com- time to time sensible arrange-|munist world which may well ments may be possible which'break the bonds with which the will reduce tensions in home|Communists have shackled both areas of confiict. But they are themselves and the people they arrangements which involve mu-| rule." (Speech to American As- tual advantage. For the time be-/ sociation of School Administra- ing, it is clear that the cold|tors, Atlantic City, N.J., Feb war .. . will continue." (Vet-/17.1963 ag ' erans Day speech at Welch, Space race--We | are com- W.Va., Nov. 11, 1963) |mitted to leadership in space, United Nations--"The UN isjnot as a contest of national very necessary. We would be at)yvanity, but for the practica! war without it." (Talk at Uni-/reason that we believe such versity of Wisconsin's Mil-|leadership can help assure waukee branch, May 4, 1963) | peace--while lack of such lead- Latin America--"The purpose |crship for free men. might of the United States remains un-|plunge the world into a reign Changed toward this hemis-'of terror and tyranny from phere: We intend that thejouter space." sonally "have authorized me to Israel: President Zalman Sha- lconvey to the family of the late|24", India: Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi A. Some doctors believe thot the occurence of on unusual number of cases of breast cancer within 2 family and the presence of breast mosses in- |two men, | The Governor-General under- |takes the ceremonial and state of cystic mastitis, Am | in for trouble loter on? | or economic \they broke the law. "Mr. President, on your as-|president, the leaders of the) . ; i shn suming the high office ct the\U.S. government and the entirePandit, sister of Prime Minis-itunctions in which polities lpresident of the United States American people sincere condo- eo eee Lictpe at! she '0! should play no part. lin such tragic circumstances|lences on the occasion of this United Rideierv H | The prime minister then can -- remier Hayato Ik-| devote his full time to political is : jaffairs. He is head of the gov- : Yugoslavia: Premier Petar/ernment, the leader of the larg- |of the Canadian people a mes- ister Nehru abandoned plans to Stambolic, Foreign Secretary/est political party in Parlia- sage of friendship, goodwill and|attend the funeral after it was|oca Popovic; ment, and is clearly identified confidence together with fer-}jearned it would be impossible} South Korea: Acting Presi-as a politician. oh ---- for a fruitful|for him to reach Washington in)dent Gen. Chung Hee Park; erm of office. i ervices, ; :E i | ie Gol sak "VO time for the ser aie Emperor Haile Se-| strength to carry on the great\LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES |" sae ts | work of your predecessor in the} Other foreign representatives Egypt: Foreign Minister Mah- cause of peace." lattending the funeral include: ere Borel iu | eancineia , ae. e Minister! ustralia: President of the JAIL IN CURRICULUM Racy ARE be Min-|Senate Sir Alister McMullin; lay si han ae pri --lister Martin; | The Vatican: Monsignor me A New Zealand member of par-| giitain: Harold Wilson, leader|io Vagnozzi, apostolic delegate liament suggests that, as part ot the opposition Labor party; {im the U.S. of their education, childrer Ns ane ae | should be taken to local jails,| West Germany: Foreign Min-|, Pakistan: Foreign Minister locked up briefly and warnedlister Gerhard Schroeder, De-|Zulfikar Ali Bhutto; lthat that would be their fate if|fence Minister Kai-Uwe Von| Jamaica: Prime Minister Sir Hassel; Alexander Bustamante. New Debthi, informed) SPECIALISTS Bolahood Brothers Limited 101 Simeoe WN. 728-3123 | crease the risk of developing breast concer. You are obviously being attended by a physician for the cystic condition. Keep in touch wth the doctor ond go in for regular check-ups. Answers appearing in these columns ofe of neces- sity brief and general and do not necessorily re- flect the opinion of all physicions. Remember-- | the diagnosis and treatment of disease is the func- | tion of the patient's personal physican. You get ALL 3--professional skill and care... prompt service . . . end reason- able prices in our prescription service. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P.M. @ FREE DELIVERY © 723-4621 TRAVEL NEEDS ¢ Scenic-Dome rail travel » Lowcost railfares Great Lakes and Alaska cruises Hotels and resorts across Canada e Steamship bookings to Europe » Airlines across Canada and linking five continents Intormation and Reservations rom! G. H. 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THESE 2 SENSATIONAL OFFERS EFFECTIVE TUESDAY NOV. 26th, 1963 9 A.M, till 9 P.M, FIRST COME-- FIRST SERVED 1959 CHEVROLET Here's a beautiful 4-door sedan finished in lovely turquoise. Complete with custom radio. This offer good Tuesday only, November 26th. Pony 995-00 WITH NEW G.W. 1-YEAR USED CAR WARRANTY DOWN $100 Manager." take care of your money. Thi accountant. It helps you to o1 accurate record of your finan less and save more. PAYMENT AS LOW AS $11.50 ween Savings Account--Chequing Account--"'Money Put them all together in a handsome wallet and you've got Pocketbank --the newest thing available to help you always know how much to keep for bills, living expenses --fun-money too! 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The price is just 24¢ plus 1¢ sales tax, 140 BOND ST. WEST 725-6507 G. B. MILES, Manager King and-Simeoe Sts. 1. R. ERWIN, Manager South Oshawa 532 Simcoe South W. R. SINGLETON, Manager 566 King Street East H. J. HISCOX, Manager Whitby

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