27--Real Estate For Sale {27--Real Estate for Sele 27--Real Estate For Sale 28--Real Estate Wanted 29--Automobiles For Sale 29----Automobiles For Sale ,29---Automobiles For Sale 1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 22, 1963 7 7962 CORVAIR, two-door, standard trans-|1958 CHEVROLET, two-door standard, URGENTLY needed, we have @ eash PRIVATE SALE -- Beay Valley bunga- bedroom ONLY $500 down for this lovely bedroom brick dweiling with walkout buyer for @ bungalow or one and one |low, i Laneped Iving «Se basement to lovely garden. Partially fin- nt storey, house in perineer ares. Ales veey large Cire, iceehe Malia nad recreation room, very 'leon. vl "aggrd -- a siorer redid room modern|mortgage. Asking 12,500 For 'appoint- ar pe a as me, ee ghd gn held Ptah Elie large livingiment to see call Arthur Weinberger, jah: Beech room, four-piece bath, garage and breeze-|723-7244 Joseph Bosco. Realtor. | 728-7377.1%4 ferrari way, Asking price $10,800. Terms ar|privATE sale -- Northwest area, small HXECUTIVE type home, seven room,|ranged. Telephone Port Perry 985-7310. |frame bungalow, on. large lot, paved] Brick drive, close to schools, full price, o district, near Devi and Oshawa General)... Hospital, featuring large living room, dining room, kitchen room with two-piece powder room on fain floor, Three family size bedrooms And four-piece bath on second floor. Spa- cious lot with paved drive. Asking only baths, finished to pa walk-out basement rage. Private. Phone 725-7648. §FUDIO couch, two chairs, $35; polisher, $20; iron, ironing board etc. 14,900. with +r down apartment). 725-\cGill_ Real Estate Broker, Oshawa, 'or appointment to see, call Ossie Mar-|2997. _.. | 728-4285. fr, rear or 728-7377, Joseph B0SCo,|SiggcT FROM mole noe, Bipods $9900 full price, "hree:bedroom "bungalow i acpeomsessit absolutely 'on large lot. Carries for pei FURNISHED -- GE with boat, 73|area. Low Payment. wings 728. |Cal! Douglas J. M. Bullied, Realtor. 723-| $2500. full price. miles from Oshawa, Telephone 725-8747 occupancy. phone 725-2911, Smal down payment. . 7162. Trades accept : 900, SUBURBAN "Freom house, acres land, seven hundred. down. C PRIV ATE Joe | Crawford, 623-3672, . VLA--FOUR-BEDROOM clapboard dwell-/ corracEs -- ing, only six years old, Rossland ond Gorrord Area | panelied living room, dining room, Large six-room L shaped, home on large lot, four years IONE and half storey, brick, 4 bedrooms, recreation room, 7 Floor Cement "ggg tools, Apply 102 Rosehill ft, evenings 728- three-| APARTMENT bulldings, any size. Please location, price, terms, annual in- 1953 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, Shade tite glass all around. Idea' mission, radio, white wails, 102 engine,|$795. Good "ondition. Call 725-7570. I second -C8r.| excellent condition, $1595. After 5 p.m. 725-1566. 1957 OLDSMOBILE four-door 88, in good " John" with $700 down. Take over -|$60 month. Phone 725-664). 0 PORT PERRY -- Two-bedroom room frame bungalow, five years old, optional 2 acres BUILDING LOT, Brooklin, 300 ft. by 365 level land, bargain with $500 down. ar PERRY -- Two bedroom frame 5 bungalow, five years old, optional 2 acres all of land, automatic washer - dryer com Keith Peters, |bination, range, refrigerator and drapes) | include, $9,000. Telephone 985-2890. Ontario y overlook ~ Lake featuring |bresquile Point. Frame, furnished, $3,900. "Clarke Point, Lake Huron, 20'x30' frame, basement with forced air furnace, Taun-| seed lor 60' x 100', heavy wiring, $3,500. ton Road East, approximately two miles'eo- ¢yii details call 728-9571. east of Taunton Village. Asking $10,500.| peaitor, 46 King West. R. Vickery, old, ¢ letely finished, de- : Son id, completely Act fast for this one, For appointment) roger gerne < woods ond wie Roos, dren i, Sp eat (ath te ea? ah ht Substontial down payment FREE OIL CONTRACT |call R. Vickery; Realtor, 728-9571. | soipige WITH PURCHASE iinese 'frees sale, "Rent at. monty CALL 728-0686 | OF NEW BUNGALOW |fipsias"to" Seton "ein! seers } |RE- -MODELLED, six rooms, large fot, | Includes, built in ranges, in- | terior decorating, coloured Oshowo' | bathroom with 4' vanity, cus- a |. tom built kitchens with ex- haust fan and hood Down Payment $1300. Down Staff of Fourteen BOLAHOOD BROTHERS JOHN A. P. BOLAHOOD LLOYD A. P. BOLAHOOD F.R.I. LIST WITH US THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Immediate Possession PHONE 725- 1186 W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd 87 7 King | Street Eost PICKERING LOT VLA. 150 x 250 V.LA. $2200. Call Mr. Jimmy Love. VILLAGE 728-5123 bedroom brick bungalow, stone fireplace, attached gor- All you need is a lawn mower | ond a shovel, every- age, paved drive, aluminum thing else is here in this im- | storms. ond screens. Fully maculote 51/2 room bungo- ie oped, low. 3 bedrooms, attached garage, fireplace. Lovely 4 ; piece' vanity bothe, If you've $14,500. Private been. looking ot bungalows, look at this. ore. Asking $3000 down. See Mr. Jimmy Love. Coll 728-5123. $12,800 3 BEDROOMS Brick bungalow, centre hol! 942-4163 GUIDE REALTY plon. Beautifully decorated 723-112) and lots of closet ond cup- boord space. Only $94 per L AVENUE -- month. Coll Mr, Bill, John- araggar bungolow in ston at 728-1066 or 728- this desirable area. Spacious 5123. living room, hollywood . kit- DO_AS OTHERS chen and 3 lorge bedrooms CALL THE BROTHERS Close to bus and school. Full BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. | Price $12,900 101 Simeoe Street North EXECUTIVE HOME -- Open Every Evening -- situated on a bedutiful lot eee ~ | everlooking . a creek and | wooded area, 4 years old | @nd custom built for own- METCALF Real Estate Limited ed. This split level hos seven rooms and attached gorage. 3 generous bedrooms, 4 pc. 40 King St. 78 tiled bath ond 2 pc. powder Dial 728-46 room. Living room has stone I fireploce. Just the home thot ONLY ge ee ee And reasonably ot ne oh $15,700.00 Pg a pte COMMERCIAL LOT on Sim- tench bungolow with coe St. Suitable for an aport- porch, Cali today to see this ment building, 146 ft. new home -- Move in 3 frontage. weeks with o reasonable down attached garage and covered poyment to N.H.A. mort- goge. DOWNSVIEW PARK Very fast development in this select subdivision. Now! Sev- eral mew homes under con- struction by quolity builders --get yours ordered today ond be sure of a choice lot in this desirable area. LET US. DISCUSS 'YOUR HCME NEEDS TODAY. ROSSLAND MANOR You'll want to live in Ross- GLIDDON AVENUE -- 4 bedroom home with privote drive and garage. 3 pc. both with extra stool in base- ment. Large modern kitchen. Full price $12,500 FULL PRICE $7,900. storey frome eon 2 acre of land with lots of room for a garden and set out with fruit trees ond ber ries. School across the rood Located on a paved road just 20 miles from Oshawa. DOWNTOWN -- 7 ments with 4 car garage on 1% opart- land once you've seen the plens ond pictured your ed ae ip 82 x geist Ay future abode on one.of these pri saben geR ng sihe aahadecd choice spacious lots. Prices | NM payment required. stort ot $18,600.00 for lorge | OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH -- bungalow -- split levels etc. | 2 good building lots just All with 1 or 2 cor gorages. | north of Hillcroft St. Asking Call right now for full infor- -- | $3,000. each mation : : : : FOR THE HANDYMAN -- DON'T DELAY This home just: needs the IT DOESN'T PAY neA puo sayono; Buiysiuly Act now! List your home will have a lovely 6 room with us for prompt efficient bungalow with a lovely view service and diligent effort of the whole countryside. 2 on your behalf to help you acres of land and a paved sell. Buyers ore waiting road with good bus service at the door. Full price $8,900 JUST LISTED--- 6 room bungalow on a large lot in south east section of the city. 3 bedrooms, large liv- ing room, full basement with right now to buy your home on cash or terms. -- CALL US TODAY. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 jimmediate possession, Brooklin. Must be 'sold. Make offer. Mr. Appleby, 723-3398.! Bolahood Bros. Ltd. MAPLE GROVE -- Very close to High- way 2, three-bedroom bungalow we breezeway and garage on big lot, whic can be extended for VLA. House must 2 seen to be appreciatd. Asking price $12,900 with $1500 down. Give us an offer 623-5300. THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, extra large living room, rec room, excellent condition. Located in Whitby close te 401 Asking $13,500 with low down payment McGill Real Estate, Broker 728-4285. FOUR-BEDROOM carport, buili-in stove and oven and many other extras. Full price $15,700 Only $1800 down. Call Glen McKinnon at S. D. Hyman Real Estate Ltd., 728- 6286. FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, newly deco- rated, four years old, NHA mortgage Full price $14,500. Telephone 728-6070 PRIVATE sale storey and a half, three- bedrooms. Asking $9,500, $1,500 down Dial evenings. 728-0673. LOT, $3,300 per lot, only 5.per 'cent down. Balance roof draw ten NHA approved winter work lots in Whitby. We will guar- antee all houses sold-or you do not have to pick up lots. All services in and paid for, AM 7-9712, AM 1-2309. Manderhill Real Estate Ltd WHITBY -- Private sale. Two-bedroom bungalow with convertible dining room, 20' living room, with fireplace, on attrac- tive treed, corner lot. Close to shopping plaza and schools. Owner moving out of town, Reduced price for cash. Phone im- mediately. 668-3244 BUCKINGHAM. AVENUE -- Immaculate 3-bedroom brick, new oil furnace, $11,900. Call Rolande Tierney 725-5207. Kelth Peters, Realtor. MOVING -- Mus? sell. New four-bed- room bungalow on ravine lot overlooking city, fireplace, garage, electric heat, walk-out basement Full price $21,800. with $7,600. down. Telephone 723-2573. FOUR suite apartment in centre of Bow- manville on large 140-ff by 192-ft treed lot. Circular drive through beavuiful lawn and pine trees. Large apartments in good repair. Rent income $295 per month. For sale with $3000 down. Low monthly payments on balance. P.O. Box 220, Oshawa. SOLID BRICK older two-stor room home. Beautiful architectui planned garden. Four acres. sale. Pickering 942-2703. | WHITBY SALE OR RENT | $16,300 |-. $2500 down to 'one mort- gage well kept nicely land- | scaped six room bungalow. Large bath ard kitchen with dinette area. Fireplace, din- ing room, rec room. Well Private | NO AGENTS PLEASE | 668-4015 PETER KOWAL Jr. | REALTOR Bowmanville 623-2453 Pretige bungalow on Courtice | Road south. We are proud to offer this immaculate ranch bungalow with heated breeze- way and attached garage for your consideration. Featuring 3 spacious bedrooms, ultra modern kitchen, dining room and beautiful living room. 4- piece coloured bath and a 2- piece washroom in breezeway. Full basement, oi! heating. Many, Many, mony more features. Almost an acre of grounds. Make an: early ap- pointment to view this beauty. Priced fairly at $17,500 with terms 28--Real Estate Wanted LISTINGS URGENTLY Ken Hann Jock Osborne forced air oil heating, Bob sill uses Barriage gorden. Full price $9,000. REQUIRED oe Maga For full particulars col! 723-1121 CALL Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m: GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S WHITBY CLASSIFIED DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, -- alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting » speciaity. M Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, | prompt service on Calis. Walter Ward, 204 Chesnut Street Attractive West, Whitby. FOR RENT -- Four-room apariment, two bedrooms, bath. Pop eeded Dec. priv. 1s, $85. IS. Telephon 68-58: to take a low down poymen ROOM and board eae € tor one man.| Lunches packed. Quiet home. All con- veniences. Telephone 668-3419. DOMESTIC "heip, two days each week, 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Whitby home, no pt school _oge children. Whitby 668-4223, | APARTMENT to rent: Unturnished, heal- ed, central. Two rooms. Children wel-| come. 668-8414, FOR SALE: Coleman gas space heater, medium size, good condition, complete | with pipes and fittings. 942-4496, Pick-| ering. FOR RENT: Three. bedroom house, im-| mediate possession, $120 monthly. Modern two-bedroom apartment, $115 monthly. re tn Schatzmann Reali Estate, Whitby, FOR RENT: Dundas Easi, 4, | 218 DUNDAS ST. E. opment. Booked practica two room| apartment, furnished separately if Mal quested Private entrance. Teleph isi j yop ls siephone vision for expansion. WILL BABY SIT with children, or stay, with elderly folk, by retired nurse. Hourly! basis. Telephone 668-3869. CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Now is the time fo order your CCM bicycles and Skates, Sports accessories at Wilson's Cycle and Sales, 106 Colborne Street East, Whitby. Phone 668-3746. Use our convenient iay-eway plan MISSING --- Would the parents of the boy who took the reer wheel off a green racer bieycle at St. Mark's Church on Wednesday evening please have the de- cency to make their boy return Led For further particul DOUGLAS J. M. f "Your Guide To Better Living" WHITBY, COCHRANE St. English style bungalow with chipped brick fireplace in the living-room, broadioom in the halls dining-room, attached gorage, fenced yard, built in on exclusive area, Owner willing A good investment for an individual or partners, Pro- Wilson Realtor 262 King St. E. 725-6588 27--Real Estate for Sale t. This home must be seen to be appreciated. For inspection call our office OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE WHITBY 668- 5853) BOWLING ALLEY Close to Oshawa and in the heart of industrial devel- lly 100% by league bowlers. ars personally contact, BULLIED, REALTOR, 333 KING St. W., OSHAWA 723-439] Alax 942-3132, "Ywostorey home with) | | | 1963 Chevrolet IMPALA CONVERTIBLE old, Privately owned. Full Price $2795 VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. jugs SELL 1955 Cadillac, exceptionally fransmission and exhaust system etc, |------- |cadillac 1959, four-door hardtip, 62 <er-|1954 CH |les, guaranteed throughout, SONAL aig 725-5555. agesgisnse BT ic tr four: 'come, in|Price $175. Phone 728-1183. ' first Bioted om 310 ere Tene, |mechanical condition. Telephone TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupli- 1959 CHEVROLET Bel Air purenatic er DODGE, very clean car. Apply 129| Whitby 668-5833. Fringe _chaquetreitors, comensrhaners, Auto black, trim rings, one owner, in excel inerty Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. ey gE <p pg Be ree hundred new and. us ie buy, 29. mobiles fer Sele ctl é -- lone! 1958 + CHEVROLET 6B Biscayne two-door Tek CORVASE Dawn. ape =n patel leg cali Office Equip-/p 1952 CHEVROLET hail ton. $85 or near-|i934 FORD coupe, chopped channelled.|seqan, écylinder, automatic, radio. Make|In excellent condition, $1950, Call 723-2674) on ty NY: est. Apply 82 Cromwell Avenue or tele ine, three 4 arene ts latter. Telephon: 688. or Whitby 668-2798. [CONVERSION 'gas burner tor furnace, phone 726-2685. custom _ interior, Ben blue, metallic |hot water tank, glass lin st ree a eT eT TCI 1963 PONTIAC Parisiene hardtop, , bucket | 1959 . MONARCH, |, hardtop fop $1000 or r best) & 1955 FORD > Fairlane, good condition. witi|Paint. Telephone 7 ee etn gan nates DE esgic loses Telephone. Whitey es8 (Sieet 325, Used oll tank, $8. 119 Kent seat covers and battery, = tires. Best | 668-43: 38. '28- motor, | offer. A! condiiion throughout, Bel A No rust, hardtop, new|good rubber, Can be winterized.|6 and on weekends. 725-6055. |1959 AUSTIN A40, good condition, $395 bade 1956 OLDSMOBILE, Super 88, avo-|Trade accepted. Apply 509 Bloor Ea: etc. Telephone|After 5 p.m., phone 725-1405. ROLE nojtires, battery, private, offers refused. 32--Articles for Sale boys; two grey sport jackets size 10. All 1954 FORD "hardtop in ~ good Condition, | items like new. Apply 18 Grenfell street seen anytime after/or call 728-8237, BEAUTIFUL 'handmade | 32---Articles for Sale COCKTAIL dresses, size 14, with to match, size 7. All: in new Telephone 723-4929. DIAMOND, pair wedding and engege ment rings, $125;* Provincial type arm- chair, $25. Blonde cocktail fable, glass top. Whitby 668-8467. id! tion. SCRAP hardwood, 1 Tenath, 97.75 re pine cl cord. 723-2281, wn to 1 or after 4 1953. CHEVROLET aoeaan radio, excel-imaculate condition. Apply 736 Whitman! ise--oipsmor condi elephons| Crescen' we Oe £ |JUNIOR bed and i T lcre t, after 6 p.m. white with red trim, automatic SNOW! complete; high chair; wala . eee | 1956 PONTIAC, winterized, new paint,|tires. Excellent commuters car. Whitb¥/ size; two navy blue biasers; "olte 12-14 1961 on ee retrigerator, white, lovertop freezer, magnetic door, excellent lcondition. To view call after 6 p.m. 668-4043. GIRLS' pleated reversible. skirts, tailor urquoise and browne Size 725-1904, jiquor cabinet, ade. Now ih 10. Reasonsble, 'Teleohane new. elephone Bowmanville 623-3726. PLYWOOD boat 122 ft. 65" beam, Gom- hardtop, Pibel gray, custom, push-button radio, biog Pistol lec 'V8, four-door hardtop, | window washers, whitewall fires, 725-8136. " 1961 CHEVROLET hanson, WIII|Perry or phone evenings 985-2235. positraction, safety belts, radio, TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS trade. Telephone 723- 414. 1962 CH chevy Il, door sedan, : standard, |gallon, good tires, excellent | radi (All Makes and Models) Gall_660-805?. 1962, RAMBLER custom two-door, a CALL 725-6553 |1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne 2-door stand-|mileage, good condition. Telephone 728-| ACCORDIAN, 120 bass, | Hohner, good con-| 14 Albert St. jard, excellent condition. $1,095. Phone|7764 after 6 p.m. a -- |728-4731. 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian, VOLVO 1961 PONTIAC two-door hardtop, big V8|white walls, radio, 17,000 miles, After 5 phone after 5 p.m., 723-4114, |MAN'S work shoes 8%. Nurse's oxfords, power steering, power brakes,|7'2, worn once. Boys nylon jacket, [plore with wingenree, white-|14. Telephone 723-9565. T 8 cylinder, maroon. $1,550. After 7 Full _Price $695. Can be financed. 623-3619. springfilled mattresses |Wilson Furniture, dition, $100. Telephone TH-4 four-door CRIB, n nearly + new, $20. ae "finish. Tele Wire or anything you have. all controls, .Cus- Johnson sea Port Perry, ,985- blue, jtom tarpaulin, 18 hp ve walls. Full price $3,200. PO Box 477, Port | BEDDING bargains! § Smooth fop 4 7155. ae | tresses, $27; smooth top continenal berg BOOMERANG coffee 1960 VAUXHALL Super, 35 miles to the|with headboards, $36; condition.|plete with springfilled mattresses, "table and match- bunk beds, Com-|ing end tables, excellent an miptresses: $27; |sell_ separately. Telephone 728-6002, 20 Church Street. GIRLS' white figure skates, size 2, prac- |tically new, $5. Also child's Elna sewing machine, $4 Telephone 723-3694. -- buy, sell and exchange used turni- cri PR ated batch ati |Trading Post Stores, a motor, standard transmission, positrac-\p.m. 668-2746, 156 KING ST. WEST | SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and, BILL'S tion, many other extras. $2,000 or best! \ os offer. Before 5.30 p.m., 728-4934. 1952 PONTIAC, 'coach. REFRIGERATOR 9 cubic ff. _ Fairbank | South and 31 Bond Good mechanical-|Morse also Chef Master rangette with | "BARBIE" di doll clot rubber, fair body, $125. or offer.'clock and timer. Both in 446 Simcoe Street 723-1671. excellent COn- phone 725-3025, PHONE 725-3557 | WAL POR es hac n as $550 1956 MERCURY..... $150 1956 PLYMOUTH..-+ $100 1956 BUICK... 66. $250 1955 FORD. vee $125 1955 PLYMOUTH.... $75 1953 PONTIAC . $50 COWANVILLE Phone G. Blyleven, lesan AUTO WRECKERS NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO PHONE 987-4636 | MAYFAIR DODGE ly, good |1956 METEOR V-8. No reasonable o offer Telephone 728-5776. |refused. Teelphone 723-7280. "TE Pays GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and \dition. Telephone 728-09 1958 FORD, one owner car. New battery,|VACUUM cleaner on ae ail makes. 33--Market Basket 11960 CORVAIR 4door automatic, fully good tires, extra snow tires, in good|Free estimates, parts, BITRCIITONIR 5 | ceastesecnpnttioncncrnieanecccnuahihie, o AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE equipped. For further particulars tele- condition throughout. Very reasonable.|brushes, hoses. Guaranteed rebuilt ma- McINTOSH apples, $2.50 per bushel de- |phone afier 6 p.m. 728-3906. 723-7244 chines. Renals. Wallace Vacuum Sor noe "Hampers reurned. J. H. Pascoe, 449 Ritson Rd. S. 728-0921 -- a -- = Oshawa 728 2 1960 CHEVROLET Bel Air, V-8, auto-/1951 CHEVROLET, automatic transmis- 1959 matic, radio and new tires. Private. Tele- sion, radio, good running condition, $ | Phone 725-8161; evenings 728-6359. Telephone 728-2339. 1955 PONTIAC, 4door, good condition. 1958 CHEVROLET BelAir, four - door \After 6 p.m. telephone 725-8526. hardtop V8 automatic, with radio. - Excel- jist CHEVROLET, fair shape, $35, Tele-/0r! Condition. Telephone. 726-4238. USED snow -tires from '$2.99 Dominion $675 FULL PRICE phone, (05778: rie Sie dk a Extras, including V-8 motor, 1957 FORD, four-door sedan, radio auto-\/"° '0re oe meats ie bi dri dio, matic, two-tone, real clean car: After 5.30/1959 FORD stationwagon, standard 6- pus utton drive, Fadio, |p 728-4945 ylinder, 34,000 original miles. Will ac- discs, new brakes, new muf- sot trade. apply 448 Park Road South.|? 1963 CHEVROLET '-ton truck, radio, telephone Whitby 668-5247, 1955 PONTIAC, $175 or make offer, new fler, original paint and mile- age. 1955 TEHEVROLET cylinder, ~ good Ol seae radio, good tires. After 5 p.m. CALL TO-DAY gine, $79; 1956 Pontiac, 8-cylinder, toor | 728-3 728 0549 hifi. $9°. Telephone 728-0558 Hig CHEVROLET. inipalay two-door hard} ta "Moe nae i op, automatic, six cylinder, black wi! CHEVROLET impala: two-deor Hie trim, radio whitewalls, etc. Will take) naratop, automatic transmission, radio, tage Gus Brown Mofors Lid. RR 3 belts and other extras Exceptionally Lopate 728-7375 4 |clean. Best -cash offer, Telephone. 728-0057, GRE ne 1960 CHEVROLET Bel Air, door, radio, 17° OLOSIORILE 89 series G0 ) eend| |whitewalls, two-tone cream and green, Brooklin 655-3104, undercoated, washers, etc. Perfect condi- |tion.. 728-4367 1954 CHEVROLET Belair, good motor, |1952 CHEVROLET sedan, radio, Good {U" pioot gt LIN oid 900d condition. Telephone Brooklin 655-3498 d 1957 CHEVROLET, 2-door, radio, good SHER iar tenis cream 30--Automobiles Wanted _ } LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars [iia VOL KsW Ani "deluxe, for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 220 | 2 ; Wentworth East. 725-1181. 1963 CHEVROLET pick-up '2-1on, 4,000 ah el miles. Best offer. After 6 p.m., telephone OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck- radio. After loeea i ae Ho nea --\ing. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. 1 1CK, motor fully chromed and - Aico esd PTS also 22T bucket on 2A 100 CARS WANTED jframe. Best offer. 6 Ontario Street, Ajax.| | Buying a New Car? |i900 VOLKSWAGEN, perfect condition.) _ foe ANT GET BEHIND A NEW WHEEL? must sell. Asking $800. Telephone 725 Sell your used car to 'Ted W T0 Pa ie H 2018. Talk "Cash' to the New 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent condition Car Dealer and "SAVE". GET YOUR CAR NOW WITH A LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED radio, 35,000 miles. Must sell. Best offer jaccepted. 723-4313; after 5 p.m. 725- 4509 TED CAMPIN MOTORS XXX XXX AXXK AXKK K AAK ANKE ¥ XXXX X % i956 DODGE four-door automatic, wine 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 -- bee 5g PP Pd Ped x) Se coe we teen eS ALL CASH $ xxXX XXX XXxXK x x x x XxEX X X XK x LOAN ' THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Clearance of Dependable USED CARS 4 1963 DODGE Automatic, 383 engine, buck- et seats, power steering, power brakes, sure grip rear end, radio, padded dash, whitewalls, | discs, and many other options. | 6 cylinder, | 1962 COMET Reguler $4,780. for $3,600. a" 1963 DODGE "300 4-DOOR automatic power brakes, etc Regular $3, " for $2,800. 1963 VALIANT CONVERTIBLE Option, engine fully equipped. Regular $3,640. for $2,900. | 1963 FALCON 4-DOOR, big fully equipped 6, automatic 1400 miles / * | 1962 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR Bej Air, radio, low mileage. 6 cyinder $2,195. 2-DOOR. Real red interior, clean, white, $1,595: 1961 CHRYSLER 2-DOOR HARDTOP, power equiped, $1,995. 1960 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR, V-8, real sharp 095. 1959 DODGE eaped oie ROYAL 4-DOOR, ' low mileage, clean. $1095. 1960 AUSTIN | | SPRITE Check It Over 695. 1960 VALIANT STATION WAGON 4-DOOR outstanding 195. 1959 RENAULT 4-DOOR SEDAN Clean in and out. 395. 1960 FRONTENAC STATION WAGON Four door, one owner. Spotless $1095. 1959 OPEL Nice operating car 495. OPEN EVENINGS A Number of Other Good Cars Available EASY BANK RATE TERMS | Smiths i Spor tS MOTORS | Used Ronoes | 353 King West Phone: 728-7341 GENERAL REPAIRS | ALL MAKES OF CARS | | For clean cars or trucks we | PARTS AND SERVICE deal up or down, Liens paid off NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BRCCK ST. NORTH | Across from Royol Hotel Whitby 668-3331 31---Automobile Repair ~ HOUSTON'S GARAGE ~ and SERVICE STATION TEXACO PRODUCTS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 |32--Articles For Sale TWO 'SUITS Pelman's underwear worth $7.90. Worn few times. Genuine bargain. All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and King _723- 4733 and 723-7 LUNG KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 eu bought "pe =e Leins paid o Trade up or aie Always top quality. | ~~ BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.---OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 1960 CHRYSLER FOUR DOOR SEDAN All power, one owner $1695. | 1958 PONTIAC 2-door. 6 cylinder. Sharp. 95. | Whitby TYPEWRITERS, adj rentals and. supplies. st e, All machines guar- PaLAaA Wes, 1255874. (Eta te ge: eee 1958 FORD SPOT CASH ANTIQUE GUN FAIRLANE 4-DOOR, V-8 WANTED Telephone Oshawa 725-8183. '$650. PAID FOR 300d appliances. One location only. Pretty's| 1956 STUDEBAKER | oa glean oa Bg Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. | ( WALLPAPER af ¥ price, hundreds of| DODD MOTOR SALES patterns in resiypasted and regular.| 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 NORTHGATE MOTORS 512 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-4666 Buy one roll, get one roll free. Edgar's| \Paint and Wallpaper, 34 King West, Osh- lawa ACCORDION, FOUR DOOR =| 1958 MERCURY 2-DOOR, HARDTOP, spotless $795. | 1957 M.G.A. | HARDTOP. $595. 1957. PLYMOUTH Scandalli, almost _ new three* on bass, with case. Cal 725-8575 LOWREY organs, new and used. 3-day free trial. Alto Music Supplies, 453 Simcoe South, 725-1501 BABY carriage, high chair, baby lumper, automatic Speed Queen washer, reel type Power mower and extension ladder. Tel phon 725-9437. AQUARIUMS, four, complete with fish 4-DOOR, 28,000 miles. 1959 BUICK plants, pumps, filters, 59 gal., 31 gal., 15 CONVERTIBLE -- WHITE gal., gal. Telephone Ajax 942- 4705. RANGE, electric, Hotpoint, table top, suitable for cottage; treadie sewing ma- chine; child's bicycle with safety wheels, %S years. 90 Labrador Drive. |BUYING or selling furniture or appil- lances. Call Emer, Hampton 263-2294 or 263-2695. GIRLS' Clothing, size 14, sult, dresses, shoes, etc. Telephone 725-9846. MODEL airplanes, motors and a accessor: jles, any reasonable offer accepted. Tele-| phone 725-4318 [AFRICAN violets, p | Automatic, radio, Fully equip- 1957 DODGE 2-DOOR as is 1956 CHEVROLET BELAIR, 4 DOOR SEDAN Nice fomily cor. Very clean. $599. 25. 1956 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR, power equipped, perfect. a2, pink, white, blue and '\$1. Tax included. Boxed fr ines gifts. 463 Rifson South 725- VIKING VACUUM |recorder. |$35. We are moving. Half price. Apply Box 401, Oshawa Times, BUY and sell, good. used furniture and| men's, 120 bass, nine variations on treble, | evenings! ice, Call anytime 728-0591. NGLISH bone china cu cups S$ and saucers, . Beaitiful okie A OORT NEONATE SOE WINTER potatoes for sale, store im your own hed or at mine. Telephone Whitby PICK your own Spy apples, $1 te 31.0 bushel. Base line from Whitby sy Higeptial 2"2 miles west. Joe Makowchik on. mail bo: cleaner, one HP with attachments, Regular $89.95, will sell $40. After 5 p.m.,, 728-8642. Ox. - RUNABOUT, 15 ff. moulded piywood,|McINTOSH apples, $1 per bushel. Bring lfully equipped, with trailer. Phone containers. 55 Liberty Street North, Bow- 28-72 ' manville. '|SPANISH quiar, iniaid; RCA chord|MOBILE homes of all sizes, p organ, never been used; Seabreeze tape|designs are offered to you every "day Telephone 725-0191. SOFA, space saver, 3 months old, $35; electric stove, $35; table and four chairs, 17 Lloyd Street. ~refrigerator,| LOST: A life insurance policy in an @r ave Stove, two-bedroom suites, kitchen set,/lope, Whitby district. For reward find Telephone after 6 p.m. 723-9364. please call 668-8214. ONE gold bridesmaid's outfit, size 14. LOST: Cardboard carton of auto Barts Shoes size ™, Telephone Whitby 628- 2119, early Saturday morning, on east |i of 401 Highway between Oshawa and Bow- in the Classified section. Turn to @asel- fication 27 now. |34--Lost and Found ' HOUSEHOLD furnishings, AIR "compressor, new condition. Tele-|manville. Will finder please contact .Mr. phone 723-2527 Murdock 1123. Reward, s TELEVISION tower "special att. . SIUC BEAGLE, :tolor, Missing sing from ture, including all channel antenna, in- 1 a 2» stalled and guaranteed by experts with pant ee Se Fa ob to. find: 10 years experience, $50. Trio Television. ing of dog, Telephone Garden "Finn 16641 Telephone 728- 6781. after § p.m. MOVING, must sell. Moffat 30" gas\(osy -- Fema 7 range, automatic oven, $75. Inglis gas/ Lost with Female | Boxer (pregnant. dryer, $50. Apply 179 King Street East) appeared on Kingston Road near Law or 725-5235, jrence on Friday night. Reward. West Hill waar rd ~ LLOYD baby carriage, Tolly | jumper, high! | AT4-5462. geod condition. Telephone Al@x/pOG, Miniature Poodle, black, "Cleo". Alax-401 area, Reward. Call Ajax 947-6063 SLAZENGER pro-goll set irons 3, 5, 7, 9/anytime, Toronto HUdson 1-1661 evenings, putter, woods, 1, 3, bag and cart, used! 421-1500 local 55, days. hy vie ae ____:|LOST oF strayed: Holstein heifer, -one FRIGIDAIRE | heavy duty range, four-|year old. Vicinity west of Brooklin, Any- burner, 22" width, two years old, like|one knowing its whereabouts pai K, E. Holliday, Brooklin, 655-3247. GURNEY automatic range, like new, $ * Frigidaire refrigerator, $40. Electric oven "|36--Legol n $35. Fender Stratocaster Guitar with case!j Kenneth G. Edwards, of 900 Bayview $175. Telephone 728-3605. ne Avenue, Whitby, will not be resperaisle FURNACES gas, oil, space heaters,|for any debfs contracted in my name by three-piece baths, $45; basins, sinks, $4;|anyone on or after this date, November pressure systems, pumps, laundry tubs,|20, 1963, without my writen consenf. boats, motors, trailers. Christmas trees.| ~--Kenneth G. Edwérds H. Chinn, Hillside and Park South. TO Whom it May May y Concern: Take notice CLEARANCE of 1963, model baby car-| that 1, Michael 'eawara Marlow of: 121 riages. Thistle, Lioyd, Gendron. All re-/Brock Street South, Whitby, will not be duced for quick sale from $24, Wilson|responsible for any accounts charged to Furniture, 20 Church Street. me unless such accounts are authorized by me in writing and certified by .my signature. -- Micheal Edward Marlow, PIANOS "sea TENDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION® OF STORM SEWERS IN. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO chair, -3574 New, $65. Telephone 725-9688. | SALE "PRICES ENNIS Weeping Tile on two streets in Brooklin, Ontario. el, 4 ag | SALE TENDER td wares Holgi aanaae be received by the undersign- -- ign -- wi ed until 4.00 p.m., E.S.T. > z MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, SALE PRICE $599 |. 1963, for'the cometumeiie of | 10° ond 12" Diameter Con- SCHUBERT crete Pipe Storm Sewers and | Modern console. design piano with brass accents on music | desk, only 36" high, ort watnut finish; full "QB note A complete set of contract LeynouNicowith: bench: | documents moy be obtained SALE PRICE $619 | at the-office of Walvin Limit- | ye 152 Harwood Avenue, | jox, on deposit of $5.00. SCHUBERT | This depoit will not be re- SAME AS ABOVE, in satin | fundable. mahogany finish--with bench. M Robi Clerk, rca nson, SALE PRICE $629 Towra of Whitby, | P.O. Box 160, | ENNIS Brooklin, Ontario. Console design piono only 36" high, traditional styling, | Walvin Limited,, Conulting Engineer, 152 Harwood Avenue, Ajax, Ontario. full 88 note keyboard, satin walnut finish--with bench. SALE PRICE $619 SCHUBERT Piano in traditional styling, round fluted legs, ort wal- nut finish, neot appearance, full keyboard--with bench. SALE PRICE $649 BELL Piono 'in light satin walnut finish, very modern styling, free standing legs with bross Try 1955 FORD |. 1954 BUICK PORE ake AST Wal ae Uae if able, fu regulation size, e comin T STATION WAGON | Hordtop, stick shift. New [new, slab slate and mahogany; also all| - Rene Tore with bench. 0 | motor, $3 5 yt ad $600 Evenings telephone SALE PRICE $679 a 4 4728-5947, See j 1956 BUICK | "| RRR Gai sieng, hater SCHUBERT SUPER 4-DOOR SEDAN | 1956 FORD adding machine. Price, very reasonable,| Piano available in either light | FAIRLANE terms, 723-4434 ey swedish walnut or regular : eee ; i v-8 HONEST Cai's Furniture and Appliances. | | satin walnut finish, only 40" rdtop, automatic, -8. Name brand: it bi td t | 1956 PLYMOUTH | Tri-color red, black ond white. |where. We carry Restonic and. Beverly | pees bo ag ton pee | ' mattress furniture lines. Your authorized| fo soit practice pedal GE dealer, Contact Honest Cal's on 424, ~--with bench, 4-DOOR, V-8, | $595. 95. | 37°. | 1955 CHEVROLET 4 door sedan, 6, automatic, radio, $385. 1955 PONTIAC 4 door sedon. In beautiful condition. Runs very well. $499. __ PHONE: 725-3476 | 1957 CHEVROLET | 6 cylinder, standard, runs like new. Siena gold and beige. $695. SPECIAL THIS WEEK 1952 METEOR New battery, good motor, Make | offer | $10 DOWN Terms to suit your budget. NORTHGATE ;King Street West, our new home formerly | Avaion Dance Hall, Telephone 728-9191. B. F. GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543, 5000 | SCOTCH PINES | CHRISTMAS TREES | | | | | Trimmed cut and delivered. | Orders taken now. 1955 CHRYSLER TWO DOOR HARDTOP 50. 1955 CADILLAC 2. DOOR HARDTOP power equipped, real sharp. | | 50. | 1955 AUSTIN | | | | What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture and appliances. For your needs phone, 4-DOOR SEDAN 1955 OLDSMOBIL 4-DOOR SEDAN Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16Y2 Bond W. | Join The Line-Up _ For The Best Used Appliances at WAYNE'S Used Televisions Used Washers N aor 1954 FORD 4-DOOR, V-8 sharp. 50. North | 512 Brock St | a SIMCOE ST, NORTH Whitby 668-4666 TELEPHONE 723-1411 BELL | EASTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST Wayne Appliances jg7 simcoe st. NORTH 725-4706 SALE PRICE $699 Oshawa Times Want Ad © Today Piano in light satin walnut finish, semi console size --- 39' high-smart modern styl- ing, round tapered legs with brass ferrules, full keyboord --with bench. SALE PRICE $699 OTHER MODELS AND STYLES INCLUDING MASON & RISCH, SHERLOCK-MANNING, HENRY HERBERT ON DISPLAY IN SECOND FLGOR SHOWROOM NOTE Any of the above pianos may be had-on our RENTAL- PURCHASE PLAN. or on easy cerdit terms. 10% down with payments as low as $18 per month, SPECIAL One only used small piono. Looks like new. WILSON & LEE LTD. MUSIC. CENTRE Opeth Friday Night Till 9 P.M, PRC