Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Nov 1963, p. 5

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<q hy dates back as far as 1795 when tatio) was biased toward the] psycHOSOMATIC , Jenner attempted to eliminate Health League of Canada WHITBY And CISTRICT | Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gault DOCTOR VS. HOUSEWIFE Fluoride War Hotter As Protagonists Meet Tel. 668-3703 | of ee The grounds of battle on Whitby's fluoridation issue shift- ed to the Rotary Club dinner here Tuesday. Dr. Gordon Bates, MD, vice- president and general director of the Health League of Can- ada, championed the cause of the pro-fluoride group. } His opposition came from Mrs, Anne Burton, "a house- wife, mother, lecturer' and Saas Guan the Citizens not good for diabetice. Dr. Bates explained that he in. She then . referred to tr no way intended to pick holes in/Morden Royal Commission, set (Only the delegates in the the anti-fluoride platform. He in-|UP in Ontario to study the feas-| medical and dental associations sisted that he was more inter-|ibility of fluoridation. She said/voted,"' she contended. "There- (The controlled ae oer in Whitby is about one part per. million.) UNIVERSITY HEAD BIASED She admitted that, in 1945, the ADA endorsed fluoridation of water supplies. Starting every statement with "this is a fact!"'.she quoted an American doctor who, at the!tion, Delaney Hearings, stated under! (It was oath that fluoridated water was| Sweden is introduced in the water that Mrs. Burton pointed out that other countries, such as Nor-\* way, Sweden, Switzerland and Russia had forbidden fluorida- later learned that | rescinded the anti- fluoride law and is now able to the introduce it into the water.) 'Wher, I it," cipalities In the U.S, have tried) and adopted Bates. DAILY WORKER AT 'ANTI' MEETING said Dr.| __ WHITBY PERSONALS | | | Mrs, D. W. Batherson, 319 "These include all of the 12/Centre street north, has return- He told the Rotarians the Canadian rty) group. "The only plot involved is that |perpetrated by the people with no scientific knowledge of the fluoride ion when the compound = or no teeth." "It may not do you or I any |makes that water fluoridated. .| good at our age, but it will ott af Pah Pm : "The only difference in the|tect the teeth of our children,|; Mr, and Mrs. D. J. Sullivan two compounds is the rate of and. coupled with the otherland children Tin othy, David dissolving. Only the ions act.' 8teat advances of medical sci-|and Deborah were in Montreal, ence may well extend their life-/where they. attended the Stef- up to 100 years," Find Bab Soapy Water; Still Alive TORONTO (CP) -- The one- wee OF y In old daughter of Mrs.\with the faculty of music at the that one-of the claims of the anti- fluorides was that 'fluoridation was a Communist plot.' attended an anti- fluoridation meeting in Toronto! I observed copies of the Daily Worker (the official newspaper Communist distributed among the largest cities except New York|ed to her home after spending a and Los Angeles." week in Montreal. visiting reia- tives and friends. Mrs, Bather- son also attended a celebration held in honor of her parents Mr. and Mrs, Sam A. MacDon- nell on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary. The pros and cons of the unit system and the accelerated lchild will be discussed by a jpanel including a primary con- sultant, a psychologist, a teach- er and a parent at the King Street Home and School meeting |to be held this Thursday, Nov. anik-Lefebvre wedding held at Edmund of Canterbury Church in Beaconsfield. They were also guests at the recep- tion which followed at Point Claire. While in Montreal the present the first recital of Whit- by Concert Association this com- ing Friday evening at the On- taric Ladies College concert hall at 8.30 p.m, The program consists of se- Pianist Jacques Abram | for all music lovers. Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Churcher of Bancroft have been visiting of their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Churcher, 752 Dundas street west, Monday with their houseguests they visited the Toronto Winter Fair. CORRECTION It was erroneously reported in Monday's Times that Susan Lorrison had wor a $10 mer- chandise prize for Clothing and textile work from Miss Hilda Sleeman. She actually won'a $10 cash prize from Anne's Fabric and Wool Shop. Iris Griffin won the Sleeman prize of $10 in Sul'ivan family were guests of |Mrs. Sullivan's sister and bro- \ther-in-law Mr, and Mrs. Jean-| {Pau! Lefebvre. Mr. Abram was associated ested in 'doing something to the reason the Commission ex- fore it does not indicate the year I j reduce the last great plague on pressed pro-fluoridation results 'eeling of the other members,;Thomas Exell of Essa Town- University of Toronto and is humanity -- dental caries." | Was because the 'only scientist, There is no proof that they) ship, near Barrie, is recovering|now at the faculty of the Uni- "This opposition of un-/Dr. Hall (Dr. G. Edward Hall), were not opposed to fluorida-|in hospital here after being re- versity of Florida. informed persons to the ad-|president and vice-chancellor of tion, moved unconscious from a. tub| --_--____-____ of soapy water into which she vances of medicine 'and science|the University of Western On- ary eRGips-- "Those aelegates can be voted small pox with his vaccine, he 'There are thousands of peo-\out mighty fast,' mused the continued. ' ple in the medical and dentall/qoctor ~ "Pasteur was---dpposed by [Profession opposed," she said Mrs, Burton insisted that the' Academy" of Medicine in| But they are censured by their France 'in 1885 when he pro-| Various organizations." She list- posed that some diseases were|¢d a number of them "despite what the Health League of Canada will tell you, there are people who have suffered fell Tuesday. The baby regained} consciousness after being rushed here from her home five miles west of Barrie. Chrysler-UAW | In Negotiation Family Monunients Created To Individual Requirements an Gis | "The value of "Canadian min- leral | $2,476,240,506 in 1960. concerned. industry production reached a record high of One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper ond Murels e@ Custom Draperies @ Broadioom and Rugs e C.I.L. Paints ond Varnishes caused by. bacteria, and advo-| Dr. Bates informed the Sroup/ill effects from fluoridation, : STAFFORD BROS. © Hiegice Coloriow Paints cated what has become known|that every recognized medical/There are people who are al- WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Chrys- ER as the 'Pasteurization of inilk.'|2%d dental, scientific and pub- lergic to it." ler Canada Limited and t LTD. poodDd & SOUT "Times have not changed,"|li¢ health organization, includ- "When people are allergic to United Auto Workers Union MONUMENTS Phone 668-5862 he observed. 'There is still thar|ig the Canadian and American| water it is called hydrophobia,|(CLC) started negotiations 318 DUNDAS EAST Decor Centre fanatic fringe that wil lauzh oft|Medical Associations and Dent-|said Dr, Bates, 'They. can't|!uesday on a first collective 107 Byron St. S., Whitby any discoveries made by great/a! Associations were on record!stand to hear about or see/28reement. The local represents 668-3552 tees minds."' : as being pro-fluoride water, It is the same in this| 'he company's salaried workers! LS Mrs. Burton informed the He said . their proof came) case -- it is called 'fluorophbia' mm re Rotarians that she was not one|from 10-year tests carried out injand it is a psychosomatic sutf- of the "uninformed, un:nte)li-/Newburg, N.Y., Grand Rapids, |fering 115 BROCK ST. y a a gent fanatics" to which the|Michigan, and Brantford, On-| He gave examples of "fluoro- NORTH ERS doctor referred tario phobia": WHITBY 4 CORN She informed them 'further, "All of these tests showed a "It was announced in Brant- that small. pox vaccine was not| decline of 60 to 70 per cent in|ford that fluorine was to be compulsory in Canada, and)caries. In no case was there|introduced into the water. The that "people can live without|any indication of harm the'next day the public officials pasteurized. milk." rest of the body." were deluged with calis com- to Mrs, Burton stated that|plaining of rheumatism, sore LAST REAL PLAGUE "seven separate statisticians|knees and allergies acting up 'Lawyer Terry Moore saidjtook surveys of these areas| because of the fluorine later that he would agree that| and the reduction was no such people might live without pas-'tigure." came out that the fluoridation teurized milk, but pointed out "She did not state what the|had never taken place as some that according to law, no per-ifindings were -- if there were equipment had not arrived, The 'on can immigrate to or returniany reduction or whether the/Suffering of these people from to Canada without a sma'l pox!results were higher,' Dr. Bates|fluoridation, was a suffering vaccination, later commented from the thought of fluoridation. | Dr. Bates referred to the "It was all in their heads. cavities in the teeth of children; HIGH FLUOROSIS "In Moose Jaw the situation @s the "last real plague that/INCIDENCE DENIED |was similar. The fluoridation) must be stopped." She said that the incidence of|took place and the people were "Medicine has conquered|"f1uorosis," recognized byjinformed two months later.| small pox and diphtheria,/speckling on the teeth and a/Even though they had been| Syphillis has almost disappear-|Tesult of excess fluorides in}drinking fluoridated water for ed and the incidence of tuber-|the body, had risen to one-in-)two months, they didn't start "Two months later the truth OPEN THURS. 'TIL 8 P.M. -- FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. FRESH CUT FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS SIRLOIN or WING STEAKS RUMP ROAST BEEF _--_--__ 89: ee ee 59: a SLICED COOKED HAM SLICED Breakfast BACON culosis is way down. jfive children in the Brantford! suffering until they discovered "An infected tooth is a dan-|%a. sa gerous thing," he warned, "It, Dr. Bates said that he had) drs, Burton disclosed that! can kill a man, or blind him or|Heard that figure "many. times) since fluoridation began in 1945) cripple him. And the preven- before' and had checked with|about 150 communities in the tion 'of tooth infection demands the Medical Officer of Health in| United States had tried and re- the attention of all of us. Brantford last year. |jected it om the grounds that it PRIME RIB ROAST He revealed that research, He, igo -- any WAS! was unsatisfactory, was done at 75 accredited et me eet te : "She neglected to mention : . Mrs, Burton called sodium... - North American universities invite: "the eommound com-|tnat in that period, 2501 muni- and the heads of all depart- : P eo 59: Ln almeameatee ed 69: FRESH BUTT FRESH SMOKED FRESH SHOULDER PORK CHops » 4Q BEEF BOLOGNA PICNIC HAMS PORK ROAST » 35° Ib. 69c BY THE PIECE no 25° wu 39 FRESH WIENERS HAMBURG STEAK 3 pound monly used for the fluoridation| ments agreed that fluoride in of the drug act an "accumula- the water supply was- perfectly tive toxic drug.' safe, immensely desireable and| "It is a byproduct of fertil- One of the great objectives of izers and is used as a rat poison. ag rig: : The fluorine in naturally fluori- dickt = the universities on the dated water supplies is calcium yr gh not one was °P-|fluoride, which is not officially listed as a drug. Mrs. Burton contended that in| Dr, Bates referred to Dr. Gor- 1943 the American Dental Asso-|don Nickiforuk, DDS, Chief of ciation announced that 1.3 parts|the Toronto Division for Dental to three parts of fluorine per] Research: million gallons of water might "It does not. matter what | SP 103 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY ORTSMAN CORNER 1. BLOCK W. OF 4 CORNERS TURN SOUTH cause osteosclerosis and other\compound the fluoride comes serious diseases, from, It is the giving-off of the) TOYS HUNTING SUPPLIES HOCKEY EQUIPMENT BROCK -- Whitby -- One Complete Show Starting at 7:30 Tonight is GIRL GUIDE BENEFIT NIGHT er. Reg. 22.50, SPECIAL ELECTRIC ROAD RACE SET -- Deluxe, complete with transform- 18.88 INSULATED RUBBER BOOTS -- All sizes. Reg, 12.95. NOW ONLY .... 9.97 ALL SEATS 60c @ SPECIAL ATTRACTION @ SNOW WHITE AND THE THREE STOOGES ALL COLOR PROGRAM educational fun. Reg. 4.95. NOW ... 8. ETCH-A-SKETCH -- for hours of 87 Greb - Insulated ALL - LEATHER WATER PROOF BOOTS -- Reg. Value NOW .. ALL LEATHER Hockey Gloves Full size, 4 roll knuckles, made in Canada, Reg. 15.95. NOW ONLY 9.97 19.97 Little Girls' SETS -- Just like Mothers. Reg. 1.49. ONLY WEEKEND BUYS For Your Freezer CORNING WARE 97° Men's Humphrey Cloth REVER- SIBLE COATS -- with red duck inside. Reg. 23.95. FOR ONLY Hockey Sweaters Boys' sizes. Values to 3.98. SPECIAL 1.97 sq. 19.97 RED BRAND HIND QUARTER SPRING ROCKING HORSES Unbreakable bodies. Reg. 13.95, CLEAROUT 11.97 Double Barrel, 12 GAUGE SHOT- GUNS -- Reg. 119.00. CLEARING 89.50 Plan To Visit Whitby's Busiest Skate Exchange <q. USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-A-WAY PLAN OF BEEF (Cut and Wrapped) 1, Shenk Beef- 5. Sirloin Steaks -- lean | 6. Flank Steak- 2. Round Steck | bok ---- or cube | 7. Flank-Mince 3. Rump Roost 8, ancien A eet | ae AEROWAX anaes Cleor, liquid. Q's. only MONTH AT Ib. € Reg. 97¢. Fi ie ag dha eet ie tame specifications. NOW es eee ate 66 BEEF Pop wo TENDERLOIN | FRESH EGGS LARGE SIZE 88° we -- || CHAMOIS TROUGHTON Meat Market jj ~~, 104 Lupin Drive -- Blair Park Plaza sg os ze : : ; 96° WHITBY -- PHONE 668-4633 TROPICAL FISH SPECIALS Blue Gourami @ Red Swords Tiger Barbs @ Fancy Guppies Aquarium Pump & Filter Sets Complete with motor, box filter, glass wool, plas- tic tubing and charcoal. Fully guaranteed, Reg. 7.00. FOR ONLY .. THIS WEEK ONLY EACH .. Push Brooms For the home or driveway. Reg, 1.49, NOW lections by Schumann and Cho- trate can sentence a man and pin. A great treat is in store|/he wished well by him for it. 'Magistrate Harry Jermyn was no exception here yesterday, for the past week at the home|s sie' Phillips when a three-year stint in Kingston Penitentiary was allotted him by Magistrate Jermyn, charges of breaking and enter- ing with intent to commit theft in Magistrate's Court here last week. The charge arose from an incident on Nov. the Whitby Police Department discovered him with worth of cigarettes in the Whit- by Plaza Dominion Store, merchandise. Apologies to all|m not masonry, Resilacrete Concrete Hardener, |bination hardener and finish. Soaks in, then |face | JUSTING. It is not often that a Magis- "I hope you die of cancer!"/cu creamed Harold Gordon "Oat- Phillips pleaded guilty to sixth sed THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 20, 1963 § 'Die Of Cancer' Magistrate Told "You come here and try to make a show of yourself and this court," charged His Wor- ship. "Three years," Phillips, who last week aided the crown in keeping his tally of offences up to date was not so co-operative this time. He to this effect last week, and Philips pleaded guilty. The court was informed that last week's conviction was the similar one for the ac- had to be dragged bodily from the court. It "as then he offer- ed his wish that Magistrate Jer- myr. "die of cancer'. LEAVING HOMES SALISBURY, Southern Rho- desia (AP)--White settlers quit- ting their homes in the Rhode- sias for other countries at the rate of about 1,000 a month are leaving behind hundreds of their animals, HOLLY TEA and BAZAAR St. Andrews Presbyterion Church . 9, "hen Constable Fred Baker of $23.52 The Constable gave evidence SCUGOG CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery Doily PHONE 668-4341 SAT. DEC. 7th 3 TO 5 P.M. Sponsored by... Young Women's Group REC ROOM TIME PREFINISHED ULTRAWALL JAVA TEAK, CLUB WALNUT, SCANDIA A wood wall was never fire resistant, no warp, no and it's available like: this . . shrink, no splinter in three hondsome pre- finished woodgrains, Easy to apply. ae %" x Wat Panel 3.98 NOW ON DISPLAY AT BEAVER Single Panels 4' x 7' 3.84 Single Panels 4' x 8' 4.38 7 ft. length EACH ' x 2" AND 1" x 3" 23% a ft. Recommended for ceilings 2 x 4's x 8 ft. .48c Each STRAPPING 3he€ A LIN, FT. HARDBOARD PRESDTEX 4'x8' SHEET - . just brush it on and it will flake off, Becomes part of the Coverage approximately 750 ft. per 25 gallon pail, colour selection, Dust-Proof Your Basement Floor a com- solidifies for a rmanent -- sur- PERMANENTLY ENDS CONCRETE Coverage approxmately 300 ft. per gallon, SATINCOTE Ceiling Tile Fire retardant prefinished satin white tile with a special tongue and groove joint for fast accurate application. NEW LOW PRICE. a 0 PER SHEET 25 sheets o per sheet. deli or more nly $1.45 RESILACRETE | FIRST STEP TO A GOOD REC ROOM Resilacrete Masonry Wall Surface Filler PAIL 35-LB, 90 11 A GAL. SQ. FT. 97° 5.98 Lunch Kits with thermos. ---- 3.49. 1.87 CHILDREN'S MIRCO ACCOUSTICAL TILE Two coat white finish, perforation, tongue and groove joint, N PRICE, . ' DEPENDABLE sound absorbing micro EW LOW sq. ft. HOW TO DO IT REC ROOM KITS Step by step building instrue tions, fully illustrated Better Homes ond Garden Guide plus ideas, saving hints and product information, YOURS FOR THE ASKING Armstrong FLOOR TILE Famous VINYL EXCELON Desert Sand, Honey Beige, Kawartha Beige, Pacific Foam, Snow Gold, White Black on excellent colour ond pattern selection for oh ish in : 3 strong quolity, fat EACH! Corton Lot ........ $10.32 Coverage ........ 54 oq. ft. FREE ESTIMATES HARDBOARD TILE UNDERLAY 4' x 4' SHEED 25 sheets or more delivered, Smol- ler Quantities $1.15 éach. 'POPLAR PLYWOOD .30 25 sheets y x 4 SHEET (mixed) or. more delivered. Smaller quantities $1.45 each. CHARGE IT! Enjoy the convenience of a Beaver Lumber charge account -- itemized: statement monthly. WHITBY 419 Dundas St. E, -- 668-5818 BOWMANVILLE 96 King St. E, -- 623-3388

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