Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Nov 1963, p. 4

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REDS SEE OAK RIDGES CYCLOTRON R, S. Livingston (right) Oak scientists the control board of by A. M. Petrosyants (third Ridge scientist, explained an atom-smashing cyclotron. from right), chairman of the Monday to a group of Russian 'The Sov:e; party was headed state committee of USSR for 14 Persons Receive -- Anti-Rabies Vaccine | COBOURG The following,tion. started, and the cleaniug)year, 10,162 animals have been report for the month of October} compounds will be put in a highjinspected and 10,005 approved was released today by the Med!-/cupboard she cannot craw! to,/This program of meat inspec- cal Officer of Health for North-;The public health nurse is train-|tion is carried on at only one umberland - Durham County, Drjed to be aware of the needs ofjof 1t slaughter houses in th Charlotte M. Horner families she visits and the os-|Health Unit area and is done sistance given cannot be 'isted/by a local Veterinarian at the COMMUNICABLE DISEASE sas statistics request of the slaughter house Of 130 cases reported during operator. " 54 were s. 30. NURSING CARE : core © gh onde eggzin Patients needing nursing care) GENERAL REMARKS : and 19 chickenpox. visits are most elderly. Some Mrs Jean Groome, Health Unit Eleven rabid animals were re-jlive alone or with an elderly Nurse, Port Hope,- attended a ported -- six bovine, two foxes, | Spouse, neighbors helping with)workshop on Interpersonal Re- one feline, one canine and one) housekeeping There were 131/lations October 28 to 31 arrang- skunk. Three of these were in visits to give nursing care and/ed by the Public Health Nursing| Northumberland County -- in| 22! health supervision visits to/Branch of the Ontario Depart- Brighton and Murray Town-|adults in October. Part time ment of Health and held in To- ships, and the others in Dur-|Tegistered nurses assist the ronto ; ham County -- in Hope, Clarke,|Public health nurses by giving At the nurses' staff meeting) Cavan and Manvers Townships |"Ursing care held in Cobourg office, Octo- Fourteen persons were to be) 4uDIOMETRY ber 17, the topic was health treated with anti-rabies vac- Audiometer testing was donc ceyeneiling.. in the secondary| cine, in all the secondary schools ini T no ; the United Counties, with the P ' mn , fev gripe +e ohent exception of Millbrook during Hospital, Cobourg, and Mr. clinics, 70 persons received a rcs AM nae 8 Vole! ot| Cobourg, participated free chest x-ray. One patient!or 319 students were tested Members of the Health Unit --- aoe cis ak demeenere™l of the teachers request- staff attended the annual con- ' in test wer P, during the month to this area a ee pl a done : There are 21 persons receiving, Most of the remaining | tost anti-tuberculosis drugs at home|!" Was done in Murray Town: j9¢9° and six of these received their|*™P. . regular quarterly examination Ah overall total of 774 tests by Dr, G. G. Brearley, of the, were completed for the month, Division of Tuberculosis Preven- Sever new defects were discov- tion, Ontario Department ofjered and 20 previous defects Health, at the Cobourg Chest!were still present on retest Clinic. ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION ed 50. At these 91 children re- tors, in planning for enclosed ceived primary smallpox vac-;quarters for winter work, usu cination and 232 infants were ally request that the private ® Edinburgh ight Papers ; inte newer A sewage disposal systems be in N h Pp seraesnaid, Thirty. sren com a re pt oeeae| Ao oe 'a. Lhis appears to be true for this vaccine, and 89 received a re--. rare io te Ue | M d inforcing dose; 366 children had'Fall, since 206 pt og . erge a booster dose of diptheria, tet. SYStems were made and 5 LONDON (CP) -- Publisher anus toxoid, and poliomyelitis building lots were approved for vaccine. house construction, where mu-/Roy Thomson announced Mon- that his organization has nicipal sewers were not avail- gay FAMILY HEALTH VISITING _ able. taen control of the Edinburgh During October, Health Unit Twenty four investigations in Evening News and will merge) nurses made 954 visits to homes respect to rabies were made, it with Thomson's Edinburgh in the United Counties, to help/and 11 pesitive cases were re. Evening Dispatch. and advise families in many! ported The merger leaves Glasgow health problems A court the only British city outside Lon-! In a typical. visit the nurse September, was completed and 40" with two evening newspa- helped the harassed mother of lost on a technicality. However, Pers. It was the third' amalga- six small children to plan for further action is being taken, mation of British evening news- the correction of a serious ¢ye so that the nuisance and haz- Papers in the last seven days defect in one child, through re-' ard will be corrected As part of the deal, Thomson measles G F. Denyes, chairman Mrs. G, Edward, member of the Board of Health were delegates © a meeting of the Ontario Health Units association on Oc- tober 3, 1963. action, initiated in Cormack, director|schools, A Christian Education of the Day Care Centre, Ontario director Howarth, personnel counsellor,|was received enthusiastically by! of Agriculture, Bowmanville. her congregation ference of the Ontario Public/an author of one of the books,|Bowmanville, re--further infor- Health 'Association in Toronto|expressed the desirability of les-| mation from September 30. to October 2,/ song being pertinent to our time.| Through the new curriculum he|Durham County, Soil and Crop) rmprovement aude, and/believes his. denomination _wil|| provement ber of 1964, sultants, who are willing to ex-| Homemaking club leaders train- plain the curriculum churches. Sample kits also wil|| announced.) 'be quest to the publisher. IDENTIFY TREASURE LONDON . (CP) -- A dust Durham County' Dunnies, Bears Tie 1-1 | Farm Calendar | Meet Here F riday Night BOWMANVILLE --The follow ing calendar of upcoming agri- cultural events in Durham VCoun- covered oil painting whicn has hung for many years in the ves- try of Malmesbury Abbey, Wiit- shire, has been identified as an art treasure--. By CLIFF GORDON plenty of hustle. They will belGirolamo Muziane. famevy 161i, CHIROPRAC: © Workmen's Compensation Injuries Spinel Di: 4 100 King St. £. 728-8156 ty was released today by the} In one of the finest games|well worth watching in the\century Italian religious Department of Agriculture at seen in. the Schomberg arena in same here on Friday night. patie Tuesday, Nov, 19 -- Annual|Bears and the Whitby Dunlops Banquet, Port Hope Agricultur:jlast night battled to a one-all|FIRST PERIOD al Society, Coldsprings. jtie in'a Metro Jr, B game. | 1, Whitby: Lavender, Wednesday, Nov, 20 ---- Dis-| The same two teams will re-| _ Peters 6.15 trict Agricultural Representa-sume hostilities here at the} Penalties -- Davis 2.36, Wray tive Meeting, Lindsay at 10.00/Whitby arena on Friday night/4.40, Hampson 7.01, Harrison a is th jin what should prove to be the 12.48, ; | Thursday, Nov. 21, 5.0 p.m.\top drawing card of the son --Ontario Institute Professional inns ae oe 7 we agg ey SECOND FERIOB , ' Scoring -- None. Agrologists, Ontario Govern-| a oat 4 , "4 ment Service Building, Brigh:|(2"* % this area will not want) Penalties -- Gay, Wray 5.36, on, to miss, Foran major, O'Shea major and Friday, Nov, 22 ueen's| The game last night was high-| misc. 10B, Cheeseman 10.18, B. Guinea Class, Royal Winter lighted by some terrific goal/Young 15.25, Fair. tending by youthful goalies, Bill) THIRD PERIOD Saturday, Nov, 23 -- 8.00/McNab for Schomberg and Jan) 8, Schomberg: Fereusol p.m., Township Hall, Orono,|Young in the Whitby goal| *" \yipmaer®: Serguson, a Durham County Junior Award|Both fellows turned aside more! Penalties Gin 40 P Night. All 4-H Members, par-|rubber than most goalies see Nl teres 19.05 ge 4.48, Pe. ents and friends welcome. two games, The shots on goal)" Monday, Nov. 25, 8.00 p.m.|in last night's encounter were {Meeting of County Directors of|44-31 for the Dunnie~ |FAME Department of Agricul-| tom Lavender, the young fel- |ture, Bowmanville, low from up Wellington way Pee vate nena (where he scored some 98 gozls [Club Annual Meeting, Depact- co a wine ment of Agriculture, Bowman- Dwayne Ferguson did the lamp: 'Bowmanville, some time, the Schombers| guymany | | sete neeneene Technicolof + Technirama 70mnt we WV EMBASSY PICTURES RELEABE: J apanees Show | 'Interest In ville. en "Con.|lighting for the home team Novestnat 36-0: ~~ Zane Con) "Tra. nanos, making their "Nivember 2439 -- zoe Can Tobacco Setup | ' jou) first initial start under new' TILLSONBURG (CP) = A mu Of ABriCUl coach Bob Wright drew first spokesman for the corporation| Saturday, Nov, 30 -- Burham|>!00d. They capitalized on ajwhich controls Japan's tobacco| 'County Fed. of Agric. Annual|penalty to Wray as Lavender|industry 'indicated' Monday his} Meeting and banquet, Black-|!00k a pass on the end of hisifirm has an immediate interest |¢ stock, Guest speaker, Dr. Helen/stick and beat McNab with ajin buying Canadian flue-cured| Abell, OAC. slow rising shot that appeared|tobacco, } Monday, Dec, 2 -- Bowman-,to drop just at the last second, «we ville Lions Club, Rural Urban) The Bears fought back game- igh: alto Ldboonrd Py Night. Guest speaker, E, M./ly but were met by a strong) or the Japanese Monopoly Cor:| Biggs, Deputy Minister Agric.,/defence and some fine goal.| i fs ed | | poration, during a press confer: |g School Course Province of Ontario, /tending, ence here, Outlined : Tuesday, Dec. 3 -- 8.00 p.m.,' In the second period the good- i . G | BOWMANVILLE -- A neéW Local 78 Ontario Farmers Union ly number of fans were treated ake ame oF the anes | Sunday School curriculum forjat home of Elmer Cox, Bow-|to some very. fine hockey. Bot wane unwilling | The United Church of Canada|manville, RR 4. clubs played it fast and: keen| commitment utilization of atomic energy. Others in group were uniden- tified --AP Wirephoto , New Sunday Added--"BORN RECKLESS" STARTS WEDNESDAY SHOCKING ! GUARANTEED HORRIFYING ! TO MAKE YOUR MACABRE! - HEART SCREAM "KISS OF WITH FRIGHT ! THE "BLOOD OF VAMPIRE" THE IN COLOR VAMPIRE" IN COLOR FIRST OSHAWA be BIG SCAREY CAST pear tient SHOWING Tithdeh gc | Adult Entertainment Adult Entertainment TODAY "UNTAMED YOUTH"--Adult was outlined, to ministers and), Wednesday, Dec. 4 -- Nestle-|realizing that the slightest mis- deaconesses of Cobourg and|!on WI, Subject, "The Farm|take could mean a goal, As a Oshawa presbyteries, at a meet-| Wile a8 a Bookkeeper," Mrs.|resuit of the close play, the) 'Their tour of the Tilisonburg |¢ SHOW STARTS 6:45 P.M, DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M, more information on Ontario} leaf. ~ Ag en Bowmanville, ot/Durham Shorthorn 'lub Atiualle'end of fo mites'. "auction exchange, operated 9 The chairman of the meeting, sa lg ay hanes, sacle -- a ae ' tsnce| rowers bmg eg tony: Me KINSMEN BRING THIS SPECIAL 2 PRICE PASS To the FRIDAY, NOV. 22nd mov. ©. C. Woman Of New.) rey, Deo. 6 Durham the Bears 18-7 but once again spection of the province's to- KINSMEN SUPER CAR. vastle introduced th spcak-| in C ca uc ree spcak-|Holstein Club Annual Banquet, were unable to dent the armor|spoct dik aga Bs -BINGO- ers, |Ebenezer United Church Hall, of goalie McNab . man group. AT THE PETERBOROUGH or from Peterborough,|Durham Farm Safety Council] JUST TALKING .., We were Mrs, Gilmour Smith told how it/directors' meeting, Department! pleased.to see the Dunnies come out with a tie. This Schomberg Wednesday, Jan. 8, 6.30 p.m.jteam are a' fine team' with ARDA meeting, Durham Don Welsh, RR Dr. C. H, Dickinson of The| Courtice, ; ; United Church Publishing Honse| Tuesday, Dec. 10, 9.00 a.m.| Ferguson finally managed to) Mr, Goto would not comment| spoke about the extensive study\-- Agricultural Representatives|dent the riggin of goalie Young!on the tobacco the group saw and work which has been in-|S0ils meeting, OAC, Guelph, [in the Whitby cage who hadisaying "We only saw a few volved. Books are attractive), December 9 - 12 -- Lansing, blanked the Bears for over 41/pijes. We would like to know and relevant to the needs of all/Michigan, Annual Meeting,|minutes. Ferguson's goal came|much more," | age-levels il Vegetable Growers of America.jon a pass from fleet-footed Bob! "He said the Ontario leaf| The eS Saturday, Jan: 4 -- Durham|Nelham and knotted the count\seemeq similar to Japanese The curriculum has been test |4.H Homemaking Club Achieve-|at one-all. The Dunnies fought/fiye.cured tobacco but was not ed in both large and smalllment Day. back gamely but were unable tolas cheap aoasaeel Tuesday, Jan, 7, 2.00 p.m, --/get the tie breaker testy ERECT DRESS Over $] 700 in Prizes including b 1964 Ford DeLuxe Sedan or $2,000 Cash. $1,000 Hi-Lo Game. $1,500 Big Snowball (53 nos.) $1,000 Small Snowball (50 nos.) Plus $600 reguler games, $450 special games, FREE DOOR PRIZES Don't forget to buy the economy pack for value and save money. KINSMEN Rev, J. M. Wilkie of Deer | -- Park United Church, Toronto, | County, February 19 -- Canadian Hol- Stein Breeders annual meeting, Royal York Hotel, Toronto, | February 20-21 -- Ontario Beef -- annual| meeting and general meetings,! be providin teri 4, | Qual meeting, Orono Oddfellows) s has A 5. een which | Hall, Speakers: Dr. Stan Young)| het ere ar ak cn will meet this need rid : OAC; y | a P Portions of the curriculum arelgeeviaiint Leeann Sol 18) p.m., OAC, Guelph, special] being used already. All books} Wednesday, Jan. 29 -- Unit/°"? and livestock days, Mon- for the full curriculum however,| meeting, Eastern Breeders Lim-| 904, 2. oree Crops, Tuesday, will be availab| fore S wla ' . r }25 Corn production an ar- e before Septem-'ited (Time and place to be vesting; Wednesday 26, Dairy| KINSMEN Thursday, Jan, 9, 10 a.m.-- Association, an- SMART WOMEN ... hove their carpets and uphol- stery cleaned "The Safe Way' DURACLEAN NIWSNID announced.) Cattle; Thursday, 27, Swine} 728-8518 February 4.5 -- Durham 4-H| production; Friday, 28, Beef! Cattle. Each presbytery has con- local| ing schoo! (place and time to be to 1 NOW...2 NEW HITS! _ supplied next January on re-|segeseenseeeeecaescememetncnemennen , -------- | | | The Wildest Showdown | BROWN'S | he Mt. Sd LUMBER & SUPPLIES | LTD. "DO-IT-YOURSELF HEADQUARTERS" NEW HOMES & HOME IMPROVEMENTS FULL LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS 725-4704 436 RITSON N. (Where Pavement Ends) cause it is uneconomic to con- tinue with two evening newspa- pers in cities outside London Thomson is a native of Can- ada Loans 0S Main TECHNICOLOR® PANAVISION® tary UNITED ARTYSTS. Heve Your Suit Styled and Tailored by SAM ROTISH 7 KING ST. EAST From A Large Selection of Fine British Woollens for --ALSO-- ACTION AND ADVENTURE "EAST OF KILIMANJARO" businesse ferral to the Canadian Nat'ona has relinquished control of his Institute for the Blind. There MEAT INSPECTION two Sheffield newspapers to the| was discussion of foods and of Of 1107 animals inspected by, United Newspaper group, - for- the care of teeth as families onja veterinarian, 12 were' con--mer owners of the Edinburgh low income can afford only|demned -- seven swine, three Evening News emergency dental care and calves and two cattle. In addi: The announcement said the three are no dental ¢linics. The tion 32 portions were condemn: merger of the two Edinburgh baby will have 'her immutuza-.ed. In the 10° months -2f this|papers had been decided on be- For the Wages of Sin is Death, But the Gift of God is Eternal Life, Through Jesus Christ our Lord -- Remens 6:23. VOTE NO -- NOVEMBER 23rd Oshawa Christian Business Men's Committee COLOR with MARSHALL THOMPSON MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS | NOMINATION j MEETING anywhere ida BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 P.M. INCLUDING SUNDAYS in Can NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the Electors of the Township of East Whitby will be held at the : TOWNSHIP HALL COLUMBUS, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOV. 21st, 1963 From 7.30 in the afternoon to 8.30 in the afternoon for the purpose of receiving nominations for offices of Reeve, Beputy-Reeve and Three (3) Councillors for the year 1964 and Three (3) members of the East Whitby Public School Area Board for the years 1964 and 1965. If a Poll is necessary, Polls for taking the votes of the Electors Shall be held on Monday, December 2nd, 1963 beginning ot 10.00 o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until 7.00 o'clock in the afternoon dle was hired to mate them... But not to date them !// ees If lack of suitable financing is restricting | ADULT the growth of your business or if you are considering starting a new enterprise, IDB may be able to assist you. happens when a Bachelor plays Matchmaker... for three luscious sisters! For more information, call at the nearest IDB office or write for a descriptive booklet. YOU ARE INVITED TO VISIT THE IDB BOOTH AT THE MANUFACTURING OP- PORTUNITIES SHOW, QUEEN ELIZA- ) BETH BUILDING, EXHIBITION PARK, . TORONTO, NOVEMBER 26TH-28TH. , The attention of prospective Condidetes is drawn to the fol- lowing "When @ proposed Condidate is mot present at the meeting, there must. be satisfactory evidence given to the Returning Officer, at the nomination meeting, that the Candidate has con- sented to his nomination, and before 9:30 o'clock P.M. the same day « Candidote may resign is respect to one or more offices for which he is nominated by filirig his resignation in writing the Returning Officer, the Clerk, otherwise he shall be deemed to be nominated for the office for which he was eke INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK 28 BRANCH OFFICES ACROSS CANADA first nominated" LAST TIMES 2.8 PM, LAWRENCE OF ARABIA" Columbus, Ontario GEORGE FARNCOMB orente, niversi venw « 368.114 RETURNING OFFICER Toronto, 250 U ty A e Telephone 368.1145 TOWNSHIP of EAST WHITBY | | = terse

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